Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition

Page created by Lillian Le
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition

Special edition:
Nordic Days in Croatia
2008 – Energy Efficiency
& Environment
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition

                                                 Special edition

Letter by the president .......... 2             Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 has been the biggest event of the Nordic Chamber this
                                                 year. We thought it would be interesting to present it in this special issue of the Nordic
                                                 News – for those that were there during those two days in November, it is a nice
Nordic days concept...                           reminder. For those that missed the opportunity to visit the event, it will hopefully be
through time ........................ 3          an inspirational read and an incentive not to miss Nordic Days 2009!
Nordic Days in Croatia concept was
intitated in 2004 by the Embassies               This fifth event was particularly important, as it focused on energy and environment
of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and                   – two sectors which are of utmost importance to the world today. In this way, the
Finland in Zagreb. The idea was to               Nordic Days came just in time to be a great forum for exchange of knowledge, ideas
create a platform on which the                   and contacts between the Nordic countries, Croatia and the entire South Eastern
companies from both regions could                Europe.
exchange views, contacts and
know-how in a specific sector.                   Our co-organizers, the Danish and Norwegian Embassy, the Trade Council of Iceland
(more on page 3)                                 and Svea Kanal have engaged great efforts in bringing 60 companies to the event
                                                 – and despite the recent economic turnmoil, they have succeeded. This proves that
                                                 the interest – and, moreover, the need – to cooperate is still very much here. The
Program .................................... 4   great numbers of Croatian/SEE companies and institutions that participated at the
                                                 Nordic Days show that the same is true on the other side. We hope that the intial
                                                 contacts that were created during these two days will soon bring concrete results.
Seminars ................................ 6
                                                 Enjoy the special edition of the Nordic News – Nordic Days 2008!

Nordic Participants ................... 7
                                                 Jorgen Jorgensen
Partners ............................... 14      Nordic Chamber of Commerce

Nordic days in the media ....... 15
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
Nordic days concept...
through time
Nordic Days in Croatia concept was           companies established on the market,          contains a sophisticated algorithym
intitated in 2004 by the Embassies of        that recognized the potential for business    program that enables users to book
Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland          in Croatia and the Western Balkan region.     meetings online. Each participant
in Zagreb. The idea was to create a          This encouraged the organizers to try to      receives his/her unique user ID and
platform on which the companies from         gather a respectable number of Nordic         password, logs on to their company
both regions could exchange views,           companies to visit Croatia and engage         profile and selects meetings with the
contacts and know-how in a specific          in two days of business meetings and          companies they are interested in. This
sector. At that time, the economic           seminars with the local companies.            unique system was built custom-made
cooperation between the Nordic               The concept, which remains more or less       for the Nordic Days project, and it has
countries and Croatia was increasing and     the same today, was based on the              b e e n d eve l o p e d a n d i mp rove d
there was a growing number of Nordic         internet page, which      throughout the last five years.

 > 2004                                                                > 2005

Food & Food Processing                                              Energy & Environment
Venue: Sheraton Hotel                                               Venue: Zagreb Fair
Participants: 23 Nordic, 210 Croatian                               Participants: 75 Nordic, 450 Croatian
Topics: food, agriculture, food safety, farming technology          Topics: fossil fuels, energy production, waste management

 > 2006                                                                > 2007

Construction & Infrastructure                                       Innovation & Design
Venue: Zagreb Fair                                                  Venue: Hypo Expo XXI
Participants: 65 Nordic, 430 Croatian                               Participants: 60 Nordic, 470 Croatian/SEE
Topics: engineering, construction, energy efficiency                Topics: fashion, design, furniture, architecture
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
> Opening Ceremony

                                                                     The opening ceremony took place on
                                                                     Monday, 24.11. at the Emerald Ballroom
                                                                     of the Regent Esplanade Hotel. The
                                                                     guests were welcomed by H.E. Mr. Olafur
                                                                     Davidsson, Ambassador of Iceland, Mr.
                                                                     Anders Ahnlid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
                                                                     Sweden, Mrs. Ljiljana Kuhta Jeličić,
                                                                     Zagreb City Deputy Mayor and Mr Nikola
                                                                     Ružinski, Ministry of Environment Croatia,
                                                                     who opened the event. The ceremony
                                                                     gathered over 400 representatives of
                                                                     companies, institutions, diplomatic corps

                                                                     and over 20 media representatives. The
                                                                     host of the opening was Ms. Mila Horvat.
24 November 2008
10:00 - 10:45  Official opening ceremony
11:00 - 12:00  Speed-meetings
12:00 - 17:00  Pre-arranged B2B meetings
12:00 - 17:00  Seminars
19:00 - 20:30  Cocktail reception
20:30 - 22:30  Dinner

25 November 2008
09:00 - 09:45  How to do business in Croatia? (business breakfast)
10:00 - 11:00  Speed-meetigs                                         > Venue
11:00 - 15:00  Pre-arranged B2B meetings                             The venue of this year's Nordic Days in
11:00 - 15:00  Seminars                                              Croatia was the Regent Esplanade Hotel.
                                                                     The place was chosen due to its
                                                                     functionality – the company stands were
Wednesday                                                            fitted under a heated tent on the
                                                                     Oleander Palace, seminars took place in
26 November 2008                                                     the Emerald Ballroom and the nearby
08:30 - 15:30  Field trip to Varaždin                                suites. Ad hoc meetings could also take
                                                                     place in the comfortable hotel lobby and
                                                                     cafe. All participants stayed at the
                                                                     Regent, and the official cocktail and
                                                                     dinner also took place at the same venue.

The history of this great luxury hotel is
very interesting: Dating back to 1925,
The Regent Esplanade Zagreb is one of
the most famous and gracious buildings
in Zagreb. The Hotel has been at the
heart of Zagreb's social life since the day
it opened and can count presidents,
politicians, film and music stars among
its many distinguished guests. It brings
together Art Nouveau architecture, 21st-
century comforts and flawless highly
personalized service.
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
                                               > Career Forum
                                               In cooperation with our partner, we intiated a brand new concept called
                                               Career forum, as part of the Nordic Days 2008. The idea is to have an online database
                                               of professionals from the energy & environment sector in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia,
                                               BiH and Albania, interested in establishing a cooperation with potential Nordic partners
                                               and employers. The career forum database is still active and it remains to serve the
                                               members of the Nordic Chamber and participants of the Nordic Days as a good tool
                                               for networking.

                                               > Coctail and Dinner
                                               The cocktail and dinner were organized
                                               in the Emerald Ballroom and the Istanbul,
                                               Paris and Venice suites on the first
                                               evening of the event (24.11.). The guests
                                               celebrated the first day's achievements
                                               in the elegant atmosphere, with good
                                               food and wine, accompanied by piano
                                               music and a singer.

> Business Meetings
Pre-arranged business meetings are the
basis of the Nordic Days. Each
participans makes their own schedule
through the interactive web page. The
online booking system makes it possible
for each participant to have twelve
meetings during the Nordic Days. In case
a scheduled meeting did not show up,
the company was free to have an ad hoc
meeting with a visitor on their stand.
Business meetings take place at the
stands of the Nordic participants. Each
meeting can last up to 40 minutes with                                                       > Field trip to Varaždin
a five minute buffer in between. At the
start of each day, participants could have                                                   On the third day of the event,
a speed meeting session for one hour –                                                       representatives of Babcock & Wilcox
you could have a brief introduction to the                                                   Volund A/S, Cilaj Energi A/S, Eldan
participants that are not 'in your schedule'                                                 Recycling A/S, RO-CLEAN DESMI from
in order not to miss any good contacts.                                                      Denmark, FCG International Ltd and
                                                                                             Nirafon Oy from Finland and the Swedish
                                                                                             Energy Agency, joined the field trip to
                                                                                             Varaždin, organized in cooperation with
                                                                                             AZRA. The visit started with a welcome
                                                                                             by the county mayor Zvonimir Sabati and
                                                                                             a presentation of the Varaždin county
                                                                                             and its business opportunities by the
                                                                                             representatives of AZRA. After lunch and
                                                                                             a short tour of the beautiful baroque
                                                                                             town, the group headed towards Podrute,
                                                                                             a neighbouring municipality, to visit the
                                                                                             BBS company – a recycling plant for PET
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition

Monday 24 November 2008
12:00 – 12:20   Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Sweden), Mr. Anders Ahnlid, ''Symbio City – Sustainability by Sweden“
12:20 – 12:40   ZGOS (Croatia), Mr. Zlatko Milanović, ''Waste management in Zagreb''
12:40 – 13:00   Ministry of Environmental Protection (Serbia), Ms Radmila Šerović , ''Waste Management in Serbia''
13:00 – 13:20   Usitall (Sweden), Mr. Carl Lilliehöök, ''Waste to Energy - the Swedish way''
13:20 – 13:40   WTE (Denmark), Mr. Ante Pavić, ''New Waste Water Treatment Plant in Zagreb''
13:40 – 14:00   Dantech, (Denmark), Mr. Jógvan Joensen, ''Pollution must be Treated where it Originates''

14:30 – 15:30   FOSSIL FUELS
14:30 – 14:50   INA (Croatia), Ms Željka Sladović, ''INA presentation of future plans within the sector of fossil fuels''
14:50 – 15:30   Statoil Hydro (Norway), Mr. Per Gunnar Stavland ''CO2 Capture & Storage - the StatoilHydro experience''

16:00 – 17:00   FINANCING
16:00 – 16:10   Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich, Nordic Rep. Office (Sweden), Mr. Lars Bergström, ''Financing and
                leasing of renewable energy investments''
16:00 – 16:20   Raiffeisen Bank Austria d.d. (Croatia), Mr. Igor Fistrić, ''Documentary business in Raiffeisen Bank Austria''
16:20 – 16:40   EBRD, Ms Charlotte Ruhe, ''Financing''

Tuesday 25 November 2008
11:00 – 13:30   ENERGY EFFICIENCY
11:00 – 11:20   HEP ESCO (Croatia), Ms Jasmina Fanjek, ''Five years company experience in energy efficiency''
11:20 – 11:40   Fund for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (Croatia), Ms Marija Ščulac Domac, ''Effects of energy
                efficiency projects and RES projects on economic development''
11:40 – 12:00   Paroc (Finland), Mr. Lasse Satka, ''Insulation - innovative energy efficient technology''
12:00 – 12:20   Brunata (Denmark), Ms. Karolina Osipowska, ''Individual heat cost allocation influences energy efficiency –
                how does it effect you?''
12:20 – 12:40   Ericsson Network Technologies (Sweden), Mr. Simon Ahlin, ''Experiences from restoring of the Nordic distribution net
12:40 – 13:00   REGEA (Croatia), Mr. Julije Domac, ''Northwestern Croatia as example of energy efficiency region''
13:00 – 13:20   Grundfos (Denmark), Mr. Ivica Štohera, ''Life cycle costs - pumps and pumps systems''

13:30 – 13:50   HEP Renewable Energy Sources (Croatia), Ms Dijana Ognjan, ''RES Projects''
13:50 – 14:10   Svebio (Sweden), Mr. Kjell Andersson,'' Strong incentives needed for quick development''
14:10 – 14:30   Verkis (Island), Mr. Gunnar Ingi Gunnarsson, ''Geothermal and Hydro Power from Iceland''
14:30 – 14:50   Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva (Croatia), Mr. Igor Raguzin, '' Status and development of
                renewable enrgy sources and energy efficiency policy in the Republic of Croatia''
14:50 – 15:10   Efla (Island), Mr. Hafsteinn Helgason, ''Geothermal and Windpower possibilities in the Balkans''

16:00 – 16:20   Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction (Croatia), Mr. Siniša Ozimec, ''Overview
                of environmental protection activities in Croatia by Ministry of Environmental Protection''
16:20 – 16:40   Saab (Sweden), Mr. Kenth Algotsson, ''Environmental work and goals within the Saab group''
16:40 – 17:00   IKEA (Sweden), Mr. Stefano Brown, ''IKEA- people and environment''
17:00 – 17:20   MMD (Croatia), Mr. James Gunn Atanasov, ''CSR within environmental protection''
17:20 – 17:40   Finnish Consultancy Group (Finland), Mr. Per Kock, ''Lessons learned from hazardous waste and hot spot
                remediation projects in Albania''
17:40 – 18:00   RO-CLEAN Desmi (Denmark), Mr. Frands Pilegaard Jensen, ''Proven oil spill response equipment''
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
Nordic Participants
                                             Babcock & Wilcox V?lund, Denmark               C.C.JENSEN A/S, Denmark
                                             Phone: +45 76143400                            Phone: +45 6321 2014
                                             Fax: +45 76143600                              Fax: +45 6222 4615
                                             E-mail:                          E-mail:
                                             Web site:                        Web site:
                                             Babcock & Wilcox V?lund is one of the          C.C.JENSEN A/S is a well-known brand
                                             world's leading suppliers of equipment         in producing highest quality oil
                                             and technologies designed to convert           maintenance equipment for power,

                                             household waste and bio-fuels into             industry, marine and offshore sector.
                                             thermal energy. Company’s solutions            Company’s filters and filter inserts are
                                             provide a unique combination of high-          available through a global network of 12
                                             quality products, broad multi-disciplinary     subsidiaries, 1 affiliate company, 1 joint
                                             experience, empirical designs and strong       venture partner and more than 40
Acta Recycling A/S, Denmark                  project management skills.                     distributors.
Phone: +45 63176115
Fax: +45 66153557
E-mail:                          Brodersen Controls A/S & TH Group,
Web site:               Denmark
ACTA Recycling A/S manufactures              Phone: +45 4674 0000
machinery for the recycling industry; bale   Fax: +45 4675 7336
opener, debaler for PET-bottles bales,       E-mail:
paper, plastic, waste and more. Crushers     Web site:
for many different applications such as      Brodersen supplies industrial process
wood waste, industrial waste, household      components, including outstations, data
waste and hard plastic items.                loggers, and communication modules
                                             for the process and automation industry.
                                             Brodersen is an ISO 9001 certified
                                                                                            Cilaj Energi A/S, Denmark
                                             Brunata A/S, Denmark                           Phone: +45 9690 8888
                                             Phone: +45 7777 7000                           Fax: +45 9690 8889
                                             Fax: +45 7777 7001                             E-mail:
                                             E-mail:                    Cilaj Energy is a company for recycling
                                             Web site:                      and processing biological oils and fats
                                             Brunata is an independent Danish               including residues to a valuable fuel for
                                             exporter of solutions for individual billing   usage in production of heat and electricity
                                             of costs for heating and water. Brunata        for industrial and local purposes. Other
                                             offers optimum solutions for energy            activities include: production of hot water
                                             saving by means of a versatile,                for local distribution to the community
                                             unmatched programme of metering                in supplying heat to local households
                                             equipment. Its international activity relies   and institutions, composting plants for
                                             on a network of regional, independent          biogas, recycling of residues and waste
                                             partners to provide substantial national       from biomass, and more.
Aresa A/S, Denmark
Phone: +45 7022-7747                                                                        Danish Technology Center ApS
Fax: +45 7022-7757                                                                          (Dantech), Denmark
E-mail:                                                                       Phone: +45 45 76 36 36
Web site:                                                                      Fax: +45 45 76 17 05
Aresa is a development company within                                                       E-mail:
plant biotechnology. RedDetect,                                                             Web site:
RedDetect UXO and RedScreen products                                                        Since 1983 Danish Technology Center
within the Company’s BioSensor                                                              ApS has been delivering technology
technology were in 2004 selected by the                                                     solutions for the fishing and food industry
New York Times to be among the most                                                         and in 1988 Dantech included the
innovative ideas in the world. The                                                          solutions for clean technology and waste
technology enables localisation of                                                          water treatment systems. The services
landmines and unexploded ordnance                                                           include: design, construction and delivery
devices (UXO) through a controlled colour                                                   of processing systems, by-product
change in plants.                                                                           systems, clean technology, wastewater
                                                                                            treatment, consulting and engineering.
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
Nordic Participants
                                                                                           Hendricks Industries, Denmark
                                                                                           Phone: +45 72 11 81 00
                                                                                           Fax: +45 9627 1601
                                                                                           Web site:
                                                                                           Hendricks Industries concentrates on
                                                                                           the wind as one of the most important
                                                                                           renewable energy source. The company
Eldan Recycling A/S, Denmark                                                               has many years of experience in design
Phone: +45 6361 2545                                                                       of steel structures and its production
Fax: +45 6361 2540                                                                         equipment is specially designed for
E-mail:                                                              production of storage tanks and other
Web site:                                                                 tubular steel structures - e.g. towers for
ELDAN RECYCLING A/S is a leader in the        Grundfos A/S, Denmark                        windturbines.
ongoing technical development of              Phone: +45 87501400
machinery and methods of making the           Fax: +45 87501402
processing of non-ferrous scrap, tyres        E-mail:                  nkt cables group, Denmark
and other materials an efficient and          Web site:                   Phone: +45 59 66 10 26
profitable business. In addition to having    Grundfos is among the world’s leading        Fax: +45 59 65 10 31
its own production facilities the Company     and most successful water pump               E-mail:
also delivers equipment to the recycling      manufacturers. The Group is dedicated        Web site:
industry offering a complete package of       to ongoing research in new materials and     nkt cables is a highly technological cables
services: from design and fabrication to      processes with an aim to constantly          manufacturer with global ambition. The
delivery, installation and after-sales-       introduce outstanding new pumps and          company develops, manufactures and
service.                                      pumping systems that satisfy the             markets low, medium and high voltage
                                              markets’ needs for effective, reliable,      cables and accessories, overhead lines
                                              and energy-efficient solutions.              with integrated optical fibres, PVC- and
Envikraft A/S, Denmark                                                                     halogen-free cables as well as flexible
Phone: +45 45826161                                                                        cords, communication cables and
Fax: +45 45826191                             HB Cotes A/S, Denmark                        accessories, as well as contact wire for
E-mail:                       Phone: +45 5819 6322                         catenary systems.
Web site:                    Fax: +45 5819 5844
Ennvikraft A/S is a Danish engineering        E-mail:
company with almost 40 years of               Web site:
experience in design, manufacture and         HBC is a fast growing Danish company
installation of incineration systems. The     specialized in manufacturing high quality
Envikraft product line covers a wide range    standard adsorption dehumidifiers for
of incinerator systems ranging from           numerous industrial applications.
cremators to automatic incinerators for       HBC, Simply Better! - Our desiccant
infectious medical and pathological waste     dehumidifiers represent high capacity
from hospitals and clinics, low level         and high efficiency units, due to
radioactive waste from nuclear                continuous development. Furthermore
installations, as well as industrial and      our dehumidifiers represent very high
municipal waste.                              quality and reliability, safe and low cost
                                              operation, easy maintenance and Danish
Global Wind Power, Denmark                                                                 Phone: +45 62 66 19 31
Phone: +45 9619 2100                                                                       Fax: -
Fax: +45 9619 2109                                                                         E-mail:
E-mail:                                                           Web site:
Web site:                                                          NLM Vantinge ApS has two main
Global Wind Power is one of the leading                                                    business activities: utilization of by- and
suppliers of wind turbine projects in                                                      waste products and production of
Europe. Its sole focus is investing in wind                                                feedstuffs under the brand Lipitec. The
power. This puts their experience and                                                      utilization of by- and waste products
know-how about wind power in a class                                                       requires knowledge in production,
of its own: from planning to financing                                                     chemistry, environmental protection,
and operations and it guarantees                                                           taxes, cross-border transports and
optimised projects for international                                                       legislation while the feedstuff production
collaboration partners.                                                                    requires knowledge in the composition
                                                                                           of the feed and in nutrional effects.
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
Nordic Participants
                                               Steelcon A/S, Denmark                         Heatmasters Oy, Finland
                                               Phone: +45 7514 2022                          Phone: +358 20-718 1310
                                               Fax: +45 75140122                             Fax: -
                                               E-mail:                 E-mail:
                                               Web site:                    Web site:
                                               Steelcon is the leading manufacturer of       Heatmasters Oy is a Finnish company
                                               factory-made steel chimneys. Steelcon         that understands the demands made on
                                               not only delivers a product but also offers   high performance heat treatment
                                               a total solution consisting of advice,        equipment. We design, manufacture, sell
                                               calculations, construction, project           and service heat treatment equipment
                                               progress, production, delivery and            and accessories.

OKR Cleaning, Denmark                                                                        Nirafon Oy, Finland
Phone: +45 8692 4422                           WTE Denmark, Denmark                          Phone: +358 207 780 840
Fax: +45 8692 2919                             Phone: +45 4344 3322                          Fax: +358 207 780 841
E-mail:                   Fax: +45 4344 3321                            E-mail:
Web site:                   E-mail: -                                     Web site:
OKR Cleaning has been engaged in boiler        Web site:                          Nirafon acoustic cleaning system keeps
cleaning performances within the energy        WTE Denmark is your partner in                boilers, channels, heat exchangers, silos,
sector since 1981. The Company has             environmental protection and water            cyclones, filters, and blowers clean and
specialized in soot blowing, tube cleaning     treatment. The Company has specialised        enables the process to continue
and blast cleaning. In addition to actual      in water treatment and supplies services      smoother without interruptions.
cleaning, the Company is supplying and         to public as well as to private customers.    Hundreds of plants already benefit from
exporting tools for boiler cleaning.           The main activity of the company is           the Nirafon acoustic cleaning systems.
                                               design of plants based on its own,            The cost savings are a result of improved
                                               patented techniques.                          operating efficiency, increased
Rockwool Adriatic d.o.o., Denmark                                                            production, reduced shut-downs and
Phone: +385 1 6052 140                                                                       lower operation and maintenance costs.
Fax: +385 1 6052 151
Web site:                                                                    Paroc Oy Ab, Finland
The Rockwool Group is the world's leading                                                    Phone: +358 46 876 8000
producer of stone wool - a material that                                                     Fax: +358 46 876 8002
improves the quality of life for millions                                                    E-mail:
of people and helps to alleviate                                                             Web site:
environmental problems, such as the                                                          Paroc is one of the leading mineral wool
greenhouse effect, smog and acid rain.                                                       insulation manufacturers in Europe. It
Rockwool insulation creates pleasant                                                         has over 70 years of experience in
indoor environments by keeping out the                                                       developing, manufacturing and

freezing cold. In hot climates, stone wool                                                   distributing stone wool products for use
helps to keep indoor temperatures                                                            by building industry and other industrial
comfortably cool.                                                                            applications. Paroc contributes to
                                                                                             sustainable development by developing
                                                                                             energy efficient stone wool insulation
RO-CLEAN DESMI A/S, Denmark                                                                  solutions enabling people to live in a safe
                                               FCG International Oy, Finland
Phone: +45 65 91 02 01                                                                       and comfortable environment.
                                               Phone: +358 10 409 5268
Fax: +45 65 90 88 77
                                               Fax: +358 10 409 4453
Web site:
                                               Web site:
RO-CLEAN DESMI is the original supplier
                                               FCG Group is a unique know-how centre.
of Oil Spill Response Equipment. It has
                                               Group operations are divided into three
been in this specialized market for some
                                               business areas complementing each
30 years and it has the knowledge on
                                               other. The FCG Infra and Environment
the needs as well as the requirement for
                                               business unit provides consultancy
durability and versatility. As a supplier of
                                               services for community planning. FCG
Proven Oil Spill Technology we always
                                               International focuses on international
ensure that the equipment is state-of-
                                               consulting and FCG Management and
the-art with regard to design and
                                               Training specialises in multi-industry
                                               training and consulting, especially
                                               targeting public administration.
Nordic Days in Croatia 2008 Energy Efficiency & Environment - Special edition
Nordic Participants

                                              Iceland                                     Norway
Patria Oyj, Finland
Phone: +358 20 4691                                                                       ABB AS
Fax: +358 20 469 2022                                                                     Phone: +47 22 87 2000
E-mail:                                                                    Fax: +47 66843549
Website:                                                                    Web site:
Patria is a defence and aerospace Group                                                   ABB is a global leader in power and
whose products and services combine                                                       automation technologies that enable
the best knowledge and expertise of the                                                   utility and industry customers to improve
Group and its partners. Patria delivers                                                   their performance while lowering
its solutions to its strategic partner, the                                               environmental impact. The ABB Group
Finnish Defence Forces, and to the                                                        of companies operates in around 100
international market.                                                                     countries and employs about 109,000
                                              Efla, Iceland
                                              Phone: +354 412 6000
                                              Fax: +354 412 6001
                                              Web site:
                                              The Company has extensive professional
                                              knowledge with consulting engineers
                                              offering service in a wide range of
                                              different fields. It was established in
                                              1979 to plan and design high-voltage
                                              transmission lines which continues to be
                                              a cornerstone of the company's service.
                                              In addition, the Company has participated
                                              in other areas of energy sector,
                                              particularly in design and maintenance
Sesca Energy Oy, Finland                      of hydropower plants.
Phone: +358290039110
Fax: -
E-mail:                        Verkis, Iceland                             Aqualyng, Norway
Web site:                       Phone: +354 569 5000 / 52                   Phone: +4774855500
Sesca Group is an international growth        Fax: +354 569 5000 / 52                     Fax: +4774855509
company which delivers instrumentation        E-mail: -                                   E-mail:
and control systems as well as ICT            Web site:            Web site:
systems for companies within energy           Verkis is a leading general engineering     Aqualyng is the leading global player in
production, process and ICT industries.       consulting firm, which provides             international desalination, providing both
Its efficiency and competitive advantage      customers with highest quality service      technical and financial solutions to solve
are built on enterprise, accurate product     in all fields of consulting engineering.    the global water crisis. Aqualyng has
development as well as competent and                                                      developed a new technology for
highly motivated employees.                                                               desalinating water using minimum
                                                                                          energy. The technology is fully effective
                                                                                          in various sized desalination plants.
Nordic Participants
                                             Statkraft, Norway
                                             Phone: +4725067000
                                             Fax: +4724067001
                                             Web site:

                                             The Statkraft Group is a leading player
                                             in Europe within renewable energy. The
                                             Group generates hydropower, wind power
                                             and district heating and constructs gas
                                             power plants in Norway and Germany.
                                             Statkraft is a major player on the
                                             European energy exchanges.                   ACQWOOL Development AB, Sweden
                                                                                          Phone: +46 321 700 00
                                                                                          Fax: +46 321 700 45
                                             StatoilHydro, Norway                         E-mail:
Det Norske Veritas, Norway                   Phone: +47 51990000
Phone: +4767579900                                                                        Web site:
                                             Fax: +47 51990050                            Acqwool is a technical textile
Fax: +4767579911                             E-mail:
E-mail:                                                             development company, which was
                                             Web site:             established in 2002. Acqwool
Web site:                        StatoilHydro is an integrated technology-
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is an                                                            Development AB has a solid background
                                             based international energy company           in the knitwear industry, and company’s
independent foundation with the              primarily focused on upstream oil and
objective of safeguarding life, property,                                                 expertise in knitting technology and its
                                             gas operations, with approximately           commitment help it in its constant drive
and the environment. Its history goes        30.000 employees. Headquartered in
back to 1864, when the foundation was                                                     to find new areas of application for knitted
                                             Norway, StatoilHydro has more than 30        materials.
established in Norway to inspect and         years of experience from the Norwegian
evaluate the technical condition of          continental shelf, pioneering complex
Norwegian merchant vessels.                  offshore projects under the toughest         Biopress AB
                                             conditions.                                  Phone: +46768099900
NORPLAN AS, Norway                                                                        Fax: -
Phone: +47 21 58 50 00                                                                    E-mail:
                                             Technor Energy, Norway                       Web site:
Fax: +47 21 58 50 01                         Phone: +47 77 60 88 10
E-mail:                                                               Biopress AB is a small company who
                                             Fax: +47 77 60 88 11                         manufactures pellet presses. The interest
Web site:             E-mail:
NORPLAN is a privately owned company                                                      for bio energy is strongly increasing for
                                             Web site:              private- and official investors as well as
offering a broad range of international      Technor Energy was founded in 2001,
consulting services in planning,                                                          authorities. The climate debate speeds
                                             and has worked since then with the           up an increased use of renewable energy.
economics, engineering, architecture and     Balkan countries on their deregulation
project management. Through its two                                                       The high prices for oil and electricity
                                             process. Its strategy is to acquire and      make the alternatives more interesting
partners it has access to over 1350 highly   develop renewable energy production,
skilled staff with a range of capabilities                                                than ever and fuel pellets is a functional,
                                             be a player in the energy market and         environmental friendly alternative.
from ecology and finance to social           contribute to the process of establishing
sciences and engineering.                    a physical market in the Balkans.
                                             + FOTKA TECHNOR                              Ecoex, Sweden
                                                                                          Phone: +46 521 22 15 25
                                                                                          Fax: -
                                             Verdispar, Norway                            E-mail:
                                             Phone: +47 23 102 110                        Web site:
                                             Fax: +47 23 102 111                          Ecoex - West Swedish Environmental
                                             E-mail:                 Export offer access to the exceptional
                                             Web site:                   West Swedish concentration of expertise
                                             Verdispar is a Norwegian property            in environmental technology that includes
                                             investment and development group. The        businesses and industries as well as
                                             Company has more than150 employees           public organisations and research
                                             in its offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Bergen,   institutions. These are all successfully
                                             Sandvika, Zagreb, Bratislava and Vilnius.    working together to develop new
                                             The two major business streams in            environmental technology and system
                                             Croatia are property investment and          solutions. Ecoex will be happy to assist
                                             property development.                        you in taking part of this wealth of
                                                                                          experience and knowledge.
Nordic Participants
                                                                                           ITT Water & Wastewater AB, Sweden
                                                                                           Phone: +46 8 4756000
                                                                                           Fax: +46 8 4756900
                                                                                           Web site:
                                                                                           ITT is a global water leader. Its products
                                            Flygfältsbyran, Sweden                         touch every part of the water cycle—
                                            Phone: +46 10 850 10 00                        delivering fresh water to communities
                                            Fax: +46 10 850 10 10                          and commercial businesses, treating and
                                            E-mail:                            disinfecting it, transporting the
                                            Web site:                           wastewater and returning it to streams
                                            Flygfältsbyran – FB Engineering is             and rivers cleaner than it came in. ITT is
                                            working closely with its clients to identify   also a leader in supplying pumps and
                                            and implement overall solutions exactly        related technologies for handling harsh
                                            meeting particular needs and                   chemicals, mining slurry and industrial
                                            requirements by clients. The development       process fluids.
                                            of the company is based on a single-
                                            minded strategic approach, that of
                                            creating the wide range of top-flight
                                            consulting engineering services.
                                            Professional management, high
                                            standards of technical competence, the
                                            ability to take the overall view, a well-
                                            developed sense of cost-effectiveness,
                                            due consideration for environmental
                                            aspects and thorough documentation
                                            are the qualities offered by the company.

Energimyndigheten, Sweden
Phone: +46 16 544 20 00
Fax: +46 16 544 20 90                                                                      Janfire SBS AB, Sweden
E-mail:                                                   Phone: +46 53216417
Web site:                                                         Fax: +46 532 716 59
The Swedish Energy Agency was formed                                                       E-mail:
in 1998. The Agency works towards                                                          Web site:
transforming the Swedish energy system                                                     Janfire offer burners, boilers, storage and
into an ecological and economically                                                        experience. Janfire boiler and burner give
sustainable system. It supervises net                                                      an economical, future focused, and
companies and their accordance with                                                        environmentally friendly heating system.
electricity regulations as well as the                                                     As a heat source a boiler gives a healthy
natural gas market.                                                                        indoor climate with good ventilation and
                                            Globe Forum, Sweden                            pleasant warmth.
                                            Phone: +46 704911499
Ericsson Network Technologies,              Fax: -
Sweden                                      E-mail:            Järnforsen Energi System AB, Sweden
Phone: +46 23 68400                         Web site:                         Phone: +46 495-24 94 40
Fax: +46 23 68596                           Globe Forum - The marketplace for              Fax: +46 495-24 94 59
E-mail:     innovators, entrepreneurs and investors        E-mail:
Web site:                  from corporations, public sector,              Web site:
Ericsson is a world-leading provider of     countries and regions who we                   Järnforsen Energi System AB is one of
telecommunications equipment and            matchmake. The focus is on                     Europe's leading companies within the
related services to mobile and fixed        sustainability, fast growing markets and       field of biofuel heating technology, having
network operators globally. Ericsson        business innovation. We create a               supplied in excess of 500 plants, of which
Network Technologies has utilized its       productive environment for projects and        a third have been exports. Company’s
vast experience in technology, product      ideas within the sustainability area. We       main customers are sawmills and other
development and production of cables        offer a permanent platform for interaction     wood processing industries, paper and
and passive network materials to develop    through our online community and               cellulose industry, municipalities and
a broad offering of cables & interconnect   arrange physical meetings at prestigious       energy production plants.
products.                                   conference events.
Nordic Participants
                                                                                           Svensk Rökgasenergi AB, Sweden
                                                                                           Phone: +46 8 580 873 00
                                                                                           Fax: +46 8 32 29 74
                                                                                           Web site:
                                                                                           Svensk Rökgasenergi is one of the
                                                                                           leading Nordic players in deliveries of
                                                                                           complete systems for flue gas
                                                                                           condensing and dust separation. Its
                                                                                           business strategy is to enhance efficiency
                                            Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG,          and thereby improve the finances of
                                            Nordic Representative Office, Sweden           district heating plants, sawmills/pellet
                                            Phone: +46 8 440 50 86                         manufacturers and industry, and to
                                            Fax: +46 8 440 50 89                           minimize the impact of their dust
                                            E-mail:;                 emissions on the environment, by
                                                         applying its technology for flue gas
Morphic Technologies AB, Sweden             Web site:                           condensing, dust separation and drying
Phone: +46 586 673 60                       The Nordic Representative Office of the        processes.
Fax: +46 586 673 69                         RZB Group in Stockholm supports
E-mail:                     companies with banking and leasing
Web site:                    services in Central & Eastern Europe           Svenska Bioenergiföreningen,
Morphic Technologies is a group of          (CEE), Russia and other countries in the       SVEBIO, Sweden
companies leading the world in offering     Commonwealth of Independent States             Phone: +46 8 441 70 80
conversion and utilization of renewable     (CIS). It has been active in this region for   Fax: +46 08 441 70 89
energy. The Company combines unique         almost 25 years and today is present in        E-mail:
expertise in systems development, fuel      15 countries as a universal bank, with         Web site:
cells and other technologies for            more than 3,000 business outlets and           The Swedish Bioenergy Association
renewable energy, with leading              60,000 employees.                              (Svebio) was founded in 1980 and it has
production technology.                                                                     played a central role in the development
                                                                                           of bioenergy in Sweden. Svebio was at
                                                                                           first providing a necessary network
Opsis AB, Sweden                                                                           enabling commercial use of wood chips
Phone: +46 46 72 25 00                                                                     in district heating systems and today it
Fax: +46 46 72 25 01                                                                       is a trustworthy part among decision-
E-mail:                                                                      makers concerning bioenergy and
Web site:                                                                     bioenergy related matters in Sweden.
Opsis AB is a Swedish company which
develops, manufactures and markets
monitoring systems for ambient quality                                                     Swedish Biogas, Sweden
and continuous emissions monitoring                                                        Phone: +46 13 465 08 85
and process control. Also, Opsis has                                                       Fax: +46 13 10 65 65
developed software products. The                                                           E-mail:
systems are internationally approved,       SAAB, Sweden                                   Web site:
among others by the U.S EPA, the            Phone: +385 1 54 93 711                        Swedish Biogas International strives for
German TÜV and the British MCERTS.          Fax: +385 1 54 93 719                          sustainable development by designing,
                                            Web site: //                 operating and owning biogas and bio-
                                                                   methane production plants on the global
                                            Saab serves the global market with world-      market. With over 15 years of experience
                                            leading products, services and solutions       in the complete supply chain, and with
                                            ranging from military defence to civil         a strong focus on co-digestion, the
                                            security. Saab has operations and              Company secures the investement in
                                            employees on all continents and                new and improved biogas plants.
                                            constantly develops, adopts and
                                            improves new technology to meet
                                            customers’ changing needs. Its well            Usitall, Sweden
                                            known product is Gripen airplane.              Phone: +46 13 20 82 76
                                                                                           Fax: + 46 13 20 80 02
                                                                                           Web site:
Powerpipe Systems AB, Sweden                                                               Usitall AB was founded in 2007. Its
Phone: +46 31 57 78 00                                                                     business activities include: waste
Fax: +46 31 57 78 99                                                                       management, energy production and
E-mail:                                                         distribution. By using the know-how and
Web site:                                                                 experience it helps its customers turn
Powerpipe is one of the leading suppliers                                                  their waste problem into a resource. The
of preinsulated piping systems. The                                                        core competence is development and
company develops, manufactures and                                                         operation of waste-to-energy (W2E)
markets preinsulated pipes for district                                                    systems for the production and
heating and cooling systems, and for                                                       distribution of clean energy through
industrial applications.                                                                   thermal treatment of solid waste.
> The following companies recognized the value of the Nordic
Days in Croatia 2008 and joined the project as partners:

> Main partner              > Energy partner:            > Bank partners:

Project partner:

Investment partners:        Logistics partner:
                                                           > The event was also endorsed by
                                                           numerous institutions involved in
                                                           energy efficiency and

                                                           Ministry of Economy, Labour and
Official airlines:          Communications partner:        Entrepreneurship
                                                           Ministry of Environmental
                                                           Protection, Physical Planning and
                                                           Delegation of the European
                                                           Commission in Croatia
Official hotel:                                            Croatian Chamber of Economy
                                                           Agency for Development of Varaždin
                            Media partners:                Agency for Promotion of
                                                           Investments and Trade
                                                           Regea - Energy Agency of North
                                                           Western Croatia
                                                           Fund for Energy Efficiency
Official car provider:                                     Globe Forum
                                                           Croatian Bank for Reconstruction
                                                           and Development
Nordic days in the media
> Upcoming events:
04.12.2008 General Assembly
04.12.2008 Nordic Christmas

> The Nordic Chamber of Commerce
The Nordic Chamber of Commerce is a           between Nordic companies and the              companies in Croatia through events,
non-profit organization established in        Republic of Croatia and to contribute to      supporting and promoting activities which
November 2005. It is the only Chamber         the development of business relations         benefit the interest of the members of
in the region gathering established Nordic    and activities between Nordic countries       the Nordic Chamber of Commerce in
companies. The Nordic Chamber of              and the Republic of Croatia.                  Croatia, promoting economic, cultural
Commerce in Croatia has been founded                                                        and social relations between the Nordic
with the purpose of establishing a            The activities in fulfilling the purpose of   countries and the Republic of Croatia,
platform for the exchange of ideas and        the Nordic Chamber of Commerce in             Striving for constructive solutions for
experiences within the Nordic business        Croatia are various : Supporting a            trade between Nordic countries and the
community in Croatia, to promote and          constant improvement of the investment        Republic of Croatia and organizing regular
strengthen the network cooperation            environment in Croatia, promoting Nordic      member meetings.

> Benefits of                           Network
                                        * Taking part in the experience groups
  becoming a                            * Contact to Nordic and Croatian companies on management level
                                        * Joining sector groups
  member:                               * Attending/ socializing at dinners, breakfast meetings, presentations and social events
                                        * Cooperation with Nordic embassies in Croatia

                                        Business services
                                        * Access to the contacts of members and associates
                                        * Special offer to/from members and associates via Chamber publications
                                        * Using Chamber services for conferences, round tables and m2m meetings
                                        * Partner searches, opening new possiblities in Croatia and the Nordic markets

                                        * Sponsorship of business and social/networking events
                                        * Advertisements to other members and associates
                                        * Direct mailing by the Chamber to members and associates
                                        * Promotion in our publications and on the web page

> Membership
                                        Nordic member (patron, corporate, business, individual),
  categories:                           Associated member (institutional, business)

                                              Nordic News – publication by the Nordic       Tel: +385 1 5393 751
                                              Chamber of Commerce in Croatia                     + 385 1 5393 752
                                              Zagrebtower, Radnička 80                      Fax: +385 1 5393 754
                                              HR-10000 Zagreb                               E-mail:
                                              Croatia                                       Web:

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