Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
       14th-26th May 2022
     Walks for all ages and abilities
 A wide variety of walks and outdoor activities
          Beautiful places to explore

The National Forest
2                    Walking Festival

                              WELCOME BACK
                              to the National Forest Walking Festival

    With huge thanks to our                We hope you were able to make use
    wonderful volunteers, who each         of the self-led walking guide we put
    year give up their time to lead and    together last year, and that you have
    guide walks for our Festival, we       been out and explored new walks
    are delighted to be able to put on     and woodlands in the National
    our annual programme of walking        Forest. We have included some
    and outdoor activities, after a two-   of this information in this year’s
    year break.                            brochure, for year-round inspiration.
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk          3

National Walking month falls during       Look out for the surprising range of
May, and we think this is one of the      wildlife in and around the Forest,
best times of the year to be outdoors.    and marvel at the geological stories
The drama of spring blossom, the          beneath your feet. We have included
heady scent of bluebells carpeting        many ‘wildlife’ themed walks in our
ancient woods, and the chance to          programme this year to celebrate
see wildlife in abundance are all         and learn about nature. We hope you
wonderful for the mind and soul.          enjoy them!

                       The National Forest is the boldest
                  environmentally led regeneration project in
                 the country. Three decades of forest creation
                   and 9 million trees in the ground – so far –
                 demonstrate to the whole country how trees
                  transform landscapes, communities and the
                    By creating a forest, the National Forest
                       Company and all its partners and
                 communities are growing the future together,
                  a positive response to the climate crisis and
                     showing real sustainability in action.
                    You can support the Forest through a
                 donation, or volunteer your time to help with
                  managing our woodlands and maintaining
                        our walking routes. Thank you!
                             For more information
                         visit www.nationalforest.org
The National Forest
4                 Walking Festival

Y/EAT/DRINK/STAY/EAT/D                  ?

    Don’t forget to
    refuel yourself
    after your walk

    From locally produced foods to traditionally brewed beers,
    the Forest is bursting with local flavours and quality produce

                           Discover delicious
                          food and some great
                            places to enjoy it
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                                                        5

                                                                     Hilton St George's Park

         Why not turn your Walking
         Festival adventure into a mini-
         break and get the most out of                               The Dandelion Hideaway

         your time in the National Forest
         or make a return trip - there is
         so much to see and do

         Whether you prefer breakfast in
         bed or dinner outdoors, when
         it comes to accommodation we                                Forest Lodges at Rosliston Forestry Centre

         have it covered. From cosy village
         guesthouses to log cabins in
         woodland glades, you’ll find
         the warmest welcome here in
         the National Forest

         For more information on the many things to see and do, visit:
         South Derbyshire Visitor Information Centre,
         1 High Street, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 8JG
         Our friendly visitor information staff will help you find and book
         the perfect accommodation for your visit and provide full details
         of attractions, events and eateries plus travel information
                                                                                                                  Visit South Derbyshire
         Tel: 01283 223333 Email: info@visitsouthderbyshire.co.uk or visit

 Knights Lodges of Bretby            Chestnut Lodge, Mercia Marina                                The Trees at Birkins Croft
The National Forest
6            Walking Festival

    For more information visit www.nationalforesttrek.co.uk
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk            7

National Forest Walks
The National Forest Company has created a range of promoted circular walks
across the Forest. Ranging in length from five to fifteen miles, they explore the
best of the heritage, wildlife, scenery and culture that the Forest has to offer.

Each walk has its own downloadable leaflet containing a map of the route,
detailed directions for how to follow it and information on places of interest
along the walk.

                                                                A new range of
                                                                leaflets has been
                                                                produced with
                                                                updated information,
                                                                and there are two new
                                                                walks to enjoy!

                     Find them on our website
The National Forest
8                   Walking Festival

    Teddy Walks
    These are ideal for families with
    young children. Download the
    maps from the South Derbyshire
    District Council website, then
    follow these 1 mile routes as you
    read the story of Bertie Bear’s
    adventure in each location.
    There are 9 to choose from!
    Also, look out for led walks of
    these throughout the year when
    the real Bertie Bear will lead a
    group around a chosen location.



                                                                              Burton Road
                                                                          1               P
                                                                              VISITOR CENTRE
                                                                              CAFE & TOILETS
                                                                              PLAY AREA


                                                                  7           8

www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                             9

Nature Walks
Immerse yourself
in nature by taking
a walk around your
local Wildlife Trust
Nature Reserve.
Here is a lovely
example at Branston
Leas Nature Reserve.

This 6km (4 miles) walk
takes you along the bank
of the River Trent and
round the developing
Branston Leas Nature
Reserve. You will walk
alongside new woodland
and areas of open
countryside and enjoy
some lovely views of both
the river and distant hills.

 1                                                      5
     From the back of the Riverside Hotel enter             Continue ahead, keeping the hedge on
     the Nature Reserve by walking over the small           your right. The path follows the line of the
     bridge to the right of a large willow tree. Turn       hedge as it turns left then right and then
     right and follow the footpath until it veers           straight on to the River Trent. (At this point
     left at the top corner of the Reserve.                 the National Forest Way follows the path to
                                                            the right and provides an interesting detour

     Continue along the edge of the Reserve,                towards Walton alongside Tucklesholme
     parallel to the railway line, passing several          Nature Reserve).
     fruit trees along the way.
                                                            At the river turn left to walk along the river
     Eventually you will reach a bridge over                bank for approximately 1.5 km until the path
     the railway which provides access to the               veers slightly left, crosses a small stream, and
     Branston Leas Housing Estate. At this point            then veers right to take you back onto the
     your route starts to follow the National               river bank .
     Forest Way. Follow the path for another

     500m to the end of the field.                          Continue ahead, following the river and
                                                            passing the small stone path to the Peace
     Turn left before the gate in the corner of             Wood on your left, until you reach the small
 4   the field and follow the hedge around the              bridge at the Riverside Hotel.
     edge of the field as it bears right. In the next
     corner of the field, head straight on over the
                                                        For more information about Wildlife
     wooden bridge, climbing the stiles either
     side of it.
                                                        Trusts throughout the National Forest
                                                        and beyond, go to www.wildlifetrusts.org
The National Forest
10                       Walking Festival

                         Bluebell Walks
                        Join us to enjoy the beauty of nature by
                         coming to see the bluebells in bloom.

            Booking essential.                             Sunday 8th May 2022
                                                           A Bluebell Nordic Walk at Lady
            Please call 07502 576764                       Hay Wood, LE6 0GQ
                 Sunday 1st May 2022                       Starting at 10am
                 A Bluebell Nordic Walk at
                 Burroughs Wood, LE6 OLF                   Monday 9th May 2022
                 Starting at 1pm                           A Bluebell Nordic Walk at Lady
                                                           Hay Wood, LE6 0GQ
                 Monday 2nd May 2022                       Starting at 1pm
                 A Bluebell Nordic Walk at
                 Burroughs Wood, LE6 OLF
                                                    Please call 01332 863822 or email
                 Starting at 1pm
                 Wednesday 4th May 2022
                 A Bluebell Nordic Walk at
                                                           Wednesday 25th May 2022
                                                           Blooming Bluebells at Calke
                 Swithland, LE12 8TN
                                                           Abbey, DE73 7JF
                 Starting at 1.30pm
                                                           Starting at 2pm
                 Friday 6th May 2022
                                               Please note that given the change in climate and the
                 A Bluebell Nordic Walk at      unpredictability of bluebells we cannot guarantee
                 Burroughs Wood, LE6 OLF         that the bluebells will be in full bloom. The dates
                 Starting at 5pm               have been agreed in consultation with experts to try
                                                      and provide the best experience for all.

     Nordic Walking
     Ministry of Nordic Walks Community Group is offering the Nordic Walking
     UK "Power of Poles" 90 minute course for the price of £15 in the run up
     to the festival. The course teaches the basics of Nordic walking and once
     completed allows walkers to book online for all Nordic walks throughout
     the UK offered by Nordic Walking UK as well as the all year round Nordic
     walks provided by Ministry of Nordic Walks throughout Leicester and
     Please contact them through their email ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com
     to be sent a link to all available dates and locations of these courses.
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk   11

Walking Festivals

Staffordshire Moorlands Walking Festival
22nd April – 2nd May 2022
tourism@staffsmoorlands.gov.uk 01538 395530

Chesterfield Area Walking Festival
14th – 22nd May 2022
Booking via Chesterfield Visitor Information Centre 01246 345777
or online www.chesterfieldwalkingfestival.co.uk

Celebrate the Launch of the Trent Valley Way footpath
24th & 25th September 2022
The Trent Rivers Trust is promoting a 51km
long section of the footpath with a
weekend of guided walks along sections
of the Trent Valley Way (TVW)

1st October
Walk the whole 51km stretch of
the TVW from Rugeley to Shardlow
For more information or to register
interest contact: alison@trentriverstrust.org
The National Forest
12                          Walking Festival

      A guide to the walks
     Most walks are free and do not need to       Walks are graded for difficulty:
     be booked. Where there is a charge or
     booking is required, details are listed       EASY Routes suitable for most levels of fitness.
                                                   May be suitable for conventional wheelchairs and
     under each walk.
                                                   pushchairs (please see individual walk key for more
     You may find the following information        information).
     useful before attending a walk:
     • Please wear suitable footwear and
                                                   LEISURELY Routes for reasonably fit
                                                   people. May include some unsurfaced rural paths.
       clothing (a water proof jacket)
     • Remember to bring any medication you        MODERATE Walks for people with a good
       may need                                    level of fitness. May include some steep paths
     • It is advisable to always carry a drink     and open country and may be at a brisk pace.

     • You may need to bring a packed lunch
       (see individual walk key for more info)     STRENUOUS Walks for experienced
                                                   country walkers with an above average level of
     • Walkers aged 16 and under must be           fitness. May include hills, rough country and be at
       accompanied by an adult                     a brisk pace.
     • If dogs are allowed on a walk (see
       individual walk key for more info), they   KEY                                    Dogs allowed
       must be kept on a lead at all times                                          		   on a lead
                                                  K  £   Car park fee
                                                                                    A    Dogs not allowed
     • All those taking part in a walk do so at    £ Entrance fee
                                                                                         Bring water
       their own risk                                Toilets available
                                                  		 en route                          Bring packed
     • Most walk leaders are volunteers                                             		 lunch
                                                  d Wheelchair access
     • Walks will start promptly                                                         Walking boots
                                                  s Pushchair access
                                                                                         Running shoes
     Please be advised walkers may be taking      y Children     welcome
                                                  		 when accompanied by an adult
     photographs on any of the festival walks,                                           Wildlife Walk
     which may be used in future publicity.

     For more information please visit: www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk
     or call Swadlincote Tourist Information Centre on 01283 222848
Walks and Activities in the National Forest Walking Festival

                  34 81

                                   26 74

                                    14 59                                        30 36 63 80
                                              51 54                    52
                               15 20 24 47 50     71
                                           67 68
                                 60 64 65
                          1                                 73
 27 75                                                      21
          13 58

                                   7 28 35                                       39                      11 38        76
                                                                                                 9 56            79
                                   55 69
                                                                                                                      62             53
                                                                                 23 48 57 70            29
         22                                                                                                            25                      19
                                                                                        3   44                         72                      66

                                                                                                                               46 59       49

                                                                                                             40 43. 82                    61

                                                                                                                                   8 12 16 17 32

                                                                                                             42 45

                                                                                                                               37 83

                                                                                                             The National Forest Way
The National Forest
14                             Walking Festival

     Saturday 14th May                                      4 Bretby Mineral Line
                                                            Start time 11am		                         Leisurely
     1 Branston Leas Nature Reserve
                                                            3.5 miles, 1.5 hours, 1 stiles
     Start time 10am		                       Leisurely      STARTING POINT Old Post Centre - rear
     4 miles, 2.5 hours, 1 stile                            car park DE11 0JY. Parking at Newhall Park
     STARTING POINT The Pickle Pot Café,                    car park, Orchard St, DE11 0JS
     Branston Square, DE14 3FU Car parking is               A leisurely walk past The Klondyke onto the
     available on Branston Square.                          route of the old Bretby Mineral Line, exiting
     A leisurely, guided stroll providing an opportunity    by Swadlincote Rifle Club. Mix of woodland,
     to explore the maturing Branston Leas Nature           pavements and meadows. Includes 22 steps
     Reserve and learn about some of the wildlife           down to the mineral line and 1 easy stile.
     now found on the Reserve. The route follows the              y
     perimeter of the Reserve alongside the woodland
     areas and includes a stretch along the River Trent.
                                                            5 Markfield’s Marvels Nordic Walk
                                                            Start time 2pm		                          Leisurely
     2 Rangemore Village to Yoxall Park                     3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
       Circular Walk                                        STARTING POINT Markfield Community
     Start time 10am		                      Moderate        Centre LE67 9ST Car park on site.
     5 miles, 4 hours, 22 stiles                            Perfect walk for those new to Nordic walking.
     STARTING POINT Rangemore Village Car                   Led by a qualified Nordic walking instructor.
                                                            Booking essential. Poles will be provided.
     Park opposite the church, DE13 9RW Grid
                                                            Experience the winding walk up to one of the
     Ref SK182 230
                                                            highest points in Leicestershire through this
     The walk will take us through a variety of habitats    beautiful old quarrying village. Wonderful
     and will provide views across Staffordshire. We        panoramic views to be seen on a clear day.
     will walk though part of the ancient Forest of         Booking required. Please call 07502 576764 or
     Needwood following the National Forest Way in          email ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com
     some parts. There will be plenty of time allowed for               £3 for walk + £1 payable
     birdwatching and to enjoy other flora and fauna.
                                                            []      £   on the day if hiring poles

     Tea and biscuits available at the end of the walk at
     the playing fields community garden pavilion.          6 Billa Barra Hill Nature Nordic Walk
     []       Ay                                            Start time 3.30pm		                       Leisurely
                                                            3 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
       Exploring the old and new in the                     STARTING POINT Billa Barra Hill Car Park
     3 Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee                      LE67 9TA
       Wood                                                 A great walk for those new to Nordic walking
     Start time 10.30am		                    Leisurely      where the poles will help climbing the hill
     4 miles, 2.5 hours, 3 stiles                           for the spectacular views. Led by a qualified
                                                            Nordic walking instructor there is plenty to see
     STARTING POINT Woodland Trust Car Park                 and discover in this little known ecologically
     on Heather Lane, ½ mile South East of                  significant site. Booking essential. Poles will be
     LE67 2TJ Woodland Trust car park opposite              provided. Please call 07502 576764 or email
     Cattow’s wind turbine                                  ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com
     A tour of the main features of the Queen Elizabeth                £ on the day if hiring poles
                                                                          £3 for walk + £1 payable

     Diamond Jubilee Wood. Includes lake, bird hide,
     art features and ancient woodland. Mainly on
     gravel and grass paths over rolling countryside.
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                        15

Sunday 15th May                                     9 Jessop’s Tramway & Coleorton
                                                      Horse Drawn Railway
7 Spires and Stiles                                 Start time 2pm		                     Leisurely
Start time 10am		                    Moderate       3.75 miles, 2 hours, 23 stiles
9 miles, 6 hours, 10+ stiles                        STARTING POINT Hough Mill, St George’s
STARTING POINT Rosliston Forestry                   Hill, Swannington LE67 8QW Car park on site
Centre, outside the Hub Café DE12 8JX Car           From Hough Mill we follow parts of Jessop’s
park on site, £4 all day                            Tramway towards Thringstone. Then cross coun-
A circular walk with a rural feel, taking in        try to Coleorton and back to the Mill tracing Sir
a number of developing National Forest              George Beaumont’s 1833 horse drawn railway.
woodlands. The numerous local churches each         Please note: some fields and unmade tracks
have very distinctive spires, providing excellent   might be muddy after rain. Donations to the Trust
landmarks. We will start and finish at Rosliston    are appreciated. Booking Essential. Please call
Forestry Centre, with education and leisure         07474610112 or email Swanningtonwalks@
facilities plus diverse habitats including ponds    gmail.com
and meadows. Possible pub stop en route.            []        y
[]        y           K£
                                                    10 Geological Treasures of Shepshed
8 Martinshaw Woods to Groby Pool                    Start time 2pm		                     Leisurely
  Nordic Walk                                       4 miles, 3 hours, 2 stiles
                                                    STARTING POINT Morley Quarry Car Park
Start time 10am		                     Leisurely
                                                    LE12 9EU
5.5 miles, 3 hours, 0 stiles
                                                    Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark team for a
STARTING POINT Martinshaw Woods LE6                 guided hike through the amazing 600 million
0LS Car park on site or on Markfield Road           year old history of the Shepshed area. Discover
Perfect walk for those new to Nordic walking.       some of the oldest rocks in England, and travel
Led by a qualified Nordic walking instructor.       back in time to when Leicestershire lay at the
Booking essential. Poles will be provided.          centre of a giant sandy desert!
Experience the ancient woodlands of Charnwood
Forest before heading over towards Groby
Pool on this circular walk that has plenty to see
along the way. Pub lunches available if pre-        11 History Walk to Grace Dieu Priory
booked. Please call 07502 576764 or email
                                                    Start time 3pm		                     Leisurely
                                                    2 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
      £ on the day if hiring poles
         £4 for walk + £1 payable
                                                    STARTING POINT Bull's Head, Thringstone
                                                    car park LE67 8LT Car par on site
                                                    Walk through part of Grace Dieu Wood, under
                                                    the Charnwood Forest Railway, along part of
                                                    The Forest Line Canal and into the picturesque
                                                    ruins of Grace Dieu Priory, a 13th century
                                                    nunnery. Learn about the area's history along
                                                    the way.
                                                          y s£ £3 per person
The National Forest
16                                        Walking Festival

     Monday 16th May                                               14 Horninglow & Eton
     12 Martinshaw Woods Shinrin Yoku                              Start time 10.30am		                  Leisurely
        Nordic Walk                                                2.5-3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
                                                                   STARTING POINT Horninglow Road Basin,
     Start time 10am		                                 Leisurely
                                                                   Horninglow Road DE14 2PT On-street
     2 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
                                                                   parking available
     STARTING POINT Martinshaw Woods LE6
                                                                   Come and enjoy our social wellbeing walk that
     0LS Car park on site or on Markfield Road                     runs through Shobnall, Horninglow and Eton
     A great walk for those new to Nordic walking                  districts of Burton upon Trent. Part of the walk
     as well as the practice of Shinrin-Yoku (also                 includes the Kingfisher Trail that runs alongside
     known as Forest Bathing but do not worry NO                   the Trent & Mersey Canal. It is a perfect setting
     water is involved!). Led by a qualified Nordic                to see narrow boats going through the locks,
     walking instructor we will explore these ancient              the various wildlife in their own habitat and
     woodlands as well as find the restorative power               the attractive views of the hills. The walk is
     of the forest. Booking essential. Poles will be               led by our trained volunteer walk leaders.
     provided. Please call 07502 576764 or email                   Refreshments may be available depending on
     ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com                               the route.
              £3 for walk + £1 payable
           £ on the day if hiring poles                            []    Ay
     13 Barton under Needwood x 2 Walks
     Start time 10.15am		          Easy/Leisurely
     2.5-3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
     STARTING POINT St James Church Hall Car
     Park DE13 8HY
     Barton under Needwood is a large village in
     Staffordshire, a mile from the A38 between Burton
     upon Trent and Lichfield. Barton offers a wide
     variety of wellbeing walks that take in the sights
     of the village, local countryside and the large
     marina complex on the Trent & Mersey Canal,
     home to many narrow boats, various shops and
     other facilities. We offer two walks to the group
     so they can choose an easy or leisurely one. All              15 Meadowside Leisure Centre
     of our walks are led by volunteer leaders and
                                                                   Start time 11.30am		                  Leisurely
     afterwards the group enjoy refreshments at the
     Marina Café.
                                                                   2.5-3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
                                                                   STARTING POINT Meadowside Leisure
     []    Ay                                                      Centre, Off High St DE14 1TL Pay and
                                                                   Display Car Park, voucher part of ticket can
                                                                   be reimbursed at Reception
                                                                   The Trent Washlands, as the name suggests, lies
                                                                   on the floodplain of the River Trent. The route
                                                                   may vary due to the weather but still offers
                                                                   plenty to look at from the sculpture trail, Cherry
                                                                   Orchards, Centenary Woodland and plenty
                                                                   more. After the enjoyable walk the group meet
                                                                   for lunch at Burton Library (optional).
                                                                   []    Ay
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk   17

16 Martinshaw Woods Nordic Nature
Start time 12pm		                          Leisurely
1.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
STARTING POINT Martinshaw Woods LE6
0LS Car park on site or on Markfield Road
A great walk for those new to Nordic walking. Led
by a qualified Nordic walking instructor we will
explore these ancient woodlands looking at the
different trees, flora and fauna. Booking essential.
Poles will be provided. Please call 07502
576764 or email ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.
               £3 for walk + £1 payable
            £ on the day if hiring poles

17 Martinshaw Woods Shinrin Yoku
   Nordic Walk
Start time 1pm		                           Leisurely
2 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
STARTING POINT Martinshaw Woods LE6
0LS Car park on site or on Markfield Road
A great walk for those new to Nordic walking
as well as the practice of Shinrin-Yoku (also
known as Forest Bathing but do not worry NO
water is involved!). Led by a qualified Nordic
walking instructor we will explore these ancient
woodlands as well as find the restorative power
of the forest. Booking essential. Poles will be
provided. Please call 07502 576764 or email
          £3 for walk + £1 payable
      £   on the day if hiring poles
The National Forest
18                                   Walking Festival

     Tuesday 17th May                                         20 Stapenhill x3 Walks
     18 Forest Bathing                                        Start time 10.30am           Easy/Leisurely
     Start time 10am		                            Leisurely   1 & 2.5-3.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
     1-2 miles, 2.5 hours, 0 stiles                           STARTING POINT The Band Stand, Stapenhill
     STARTING POINT Calke Explore Car Park,                   Gardens DE15 9AP Small car park and on-
     Ticknall, Derby DE73 7JF                                 street parking available
     Join me on a mindful walk to immerse                     Stapenhill offers three graded walks every
     yourself and your senses in beautiful natural            week, including a bench to bench well-being
     surroundings and experience feelings of                  walk, a leisurely one and a moderate one for
     peace and connection which can enhance your              the more energetic walkers. There are many
     wellbeing. When we give our head permission              different routes to explore taking in Stapenhill
     to slow down our body and mind shift into                Gardens and Hollows, the Trent Washlands,
     restoration and repair mode. Forest Bathing              Centenary Woodlands and Leicester Line
     is a simple tool to help you reduce stress and           Bridge. The moderate walkers also include the
     anxiety with a powerful effect. There are many           woodland at the top of Elms Road and many
     other health benefits that are backed up by              other different routes. All of the walks are led
     scientific research. Admission charges apply             by volunteer walk leaders. After the walks
     to the park and garden (free for National Trust          finish the groups meet up at the Stapenhill
     members). Please visit the Calke Abbey website           Institute for a well-deserved brew.
     for full prices. Booking required. Please call
                                                              []    Ay
     07949 830571 or email aaandrene@gmail.com
     []   A        £                                          21 Eureka Heritage Walk
                                                              Start time 10.30am		                        Easy
     19 Feel Good in the Forest                               less than 1 mile, 1 hour, 0 stiles
     Start time 10am		                                 Easy   STARTING POINT Eureka Park Memorial
     1.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles                              Gates on Midland Road, Swadlincote
                                                              DE11 0AN Parking at Bus Station Car Park,
     STARTING POINT Beacon Hill Lower Car                     Civic Way, Swadlincote DE11 0AH 3 hours
     Park LE12 8TA Car park on site                           Free Car Parking
     Everyone deserves the chance to enjoy nature.
                                                              Leisurely led walk through Eureka Park. Learn
     In this walk, the Charnwood Forest Geopark
                                                              the history of Eureka Park and reflect on how
     team will be partnering with Charnwood Arts
                                                              the park has evolved through the years.
     and the Safe, Well, Happy Group to explore
     together how we can make the beautiful                   []    y ds
     Charnwood Forest landscape more accessible
     for those with learning difficulties. Places
     limited and booking is essential.
                                                              22 The Trent Valley Way
     Email nicola.middler@charnwoodarts.com                   Start time 2pm		                      Leisurely
     []   AK  £   £3 for 1-2 hours                            6 miles, 2 hours, 3 stiles
                                                              STARTING POINT Alrewas village
                                                              DE13 7EW Village on-street parking
                                                              A circular walk introducing the Trent Valley Way
                                                              footpath and some of its wildlife. It will include
                                                              walking along the river in the grounds of the
                                                              National Memorial Arboretum, the canal towpath
                                                              and the village of Alrewas.
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                       19

                                                 Wednesday 18th May
23 Achille Wood and Farm Walk
                                                 25 Charnwood Nature Reserve
Start time 2pm		                     Leisurely
2 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles                       Start time 9.30am		                  Moderate
STARTING POINT Hill Farm, Spring Lane,           7 miles, 3.5 hours, 7 stiles
Packington LE65 1WU Car park on-site             STARTING POINT Mount St Bernard’s
Take a leisurely stroll around the farm and      Abbey LE67 5UL Car park on-site
woodland, taking in Canadian Bison, red Deer,    Making use of public and permissive paths, this
Alpacas and many more. Finish with a visit to    walk covers Charnwood Nature Reserve, and
Antlers and Alpaca coffee and gift shop for      encompasses Charley Wood, Burrow Wood and
brunch or refreshments.                          Cat Hill wood. Hopefully plenty of Bluebells
                                                 on display. Booking required. Please text your
[]       y
                                                 name to the walk leader on 07870 123830.
                                                 []                y

24 Stapenhill Hollows Evening Walk               26 Rolleston on Dove x 2 Walks
Start time 6.45pm		                  Leisurely
                                                 Start time 10.30am		          Easy/Leisurely
2-2.5 miles, 1 hour, 3 stiles
                                                 2.5-3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
STARTING POINT The Stapenhill Hollows
                                                 STARTING POINT Spread Eagle Car Park,
Car Park DE15 On street parking available
                                                 Rolleston Road DE13 9BE On-street
Stapenhill Hollows evening walk is a great       parking available
way to relax after a busy, stressful day. We
have a wide range of walks available (weather    Walk through the picturesque village of
permitting) which include Stapenhill Gardens,    Rolleston on Dove and take in the various sights
the Ferry Bridge, Trent Washlands, Centenary     from the Alder Brook stream to the surrounding
Woodland, Leicester Line Bridge and many more.   countryside. It’s also the home of the Jinnie
One of the routes includes walking next to the   Trail, a former railway line in a man-made valley
River Trent into Stapenhill Gardens where you    which closed in 1968. Since then it has been
can take in the sights of the beautiful floral   created into a rural walk, where you can still
planted displays, the local wildlife and also    see parts of the old station. The two walks, one
the swan statue which was built in 1953 and      shorter than the other, are led by our volunteer
is known as an iconic landmark for residents     walk leaders and take approximately 45-60
and visitors to the town. All walks are led by   minutes to complete. After the walk the group
volunteer leaders.                               enjoy refreshments at the Rolleston Club.

[]    A y 12 years and over                      []   A     y
The National Forest
20                          Walking Festival

     27 Yoxall                                           28 Lunchbreak: Forest Bathing Taster
     Start time 10.45am		                  Leisurely     Start time 12.30pm		                          Easy
     2-2.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles                       1 mile, 1 hour, 0 stiles
     STARTING POINT Savey Lane, outside                  STARTING POINT Rosliston Forestry
     Health Centre DE13 8PD On-street parking            Centre, next to the outdoor classroom
     available                                           DE12 8JX Car park on site, £4 all day
     Yoxall is a picturesque village south west of       A short, relaxing walk inviting you to connect with
     Burton upon Trent, where Yoxall Bridge crosses      nature. Led by a Nádúr certified Forest Bathing
     the River Trent. With Yoxall being in the heart     Guide, this 1-hour lunchbreak taster will give you a
     of the countryside, you will find the walks very    flavour of Shinrin Yoku, an evidence-based, nature
     peaceful and there is always plenty to see. One     inspired wellness practise. Immerse yourself in the
     of the routes takes you up and along the windy      forest atmosphere, reduce stress, anger and anxiety
     lanes and right out into the countryside where      and improve concentration, sleep, and creativity.
     the views are stunning on a clear sunny day. All    Bring warm clothes and something to sit/lie on.
     walks are led by volunteer leaders and take place   £5 per person. Booking required.
     rain or shine.                                      Please call 01283 535039 or email
     []    Ay
                                                         [] A£ y 12 years and over   K£
                                                         29 A Walk Around Whitwick
                                                         Start time 1.30pm		                     Leisurely
                                                         2 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
                                                         STARTING POINT The Old Station, North St,
                                                         Whitwick LE67 5HA On-street parking in
                                                         Church Lane, Whitwick
                                                         A guided village walk which links significant
                                                         historical sites in Whitwick and reveals
                                                         fascinating stories. The route, some of which
                                                         is hilly, follows footpaths around the village
                                                         centre. The walk ends back at the Old Station
                                                         with light refreshments and an opportunity to
                                                         see inside a unique building
                                                         (donations welcomed).
                                                         [] A
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                     21

30 Walk After Work                                     Thursday 19th May
Start time 5pm		                           Leisurely
2-3 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles                         33 bRUNch Club Trail Therapy Run
STARTING POINT Calke Explore Welcome                   Start time 9.45am		                  Moderate
Point DE73 7JF Calke Explore Car Park                  5 miles, 1.25 hours, 5-6 stiles
Join a park guide for a leisurely walk taking in
                                                       STARTING POINT The Pavilion, Church
the parkland after hours, with dogs welcome.
                                                       Street, Donisthorpe DE12 7PX Car park on
Admission charges apply to the park and garden         site
(free for National Trust members). Please visit
the Calke Abbey website for full prices.               'Trail Therapy' runs are runs at a chatty pace,
                                                       suitable for runners of all abilities. They are
[]       y      £ K£                                   a great way to improve your fitness, de-stress
                                                       and have fun in wonderful surroundings. The
                                                       runs take around an hour going at a pace that
31 Newton to Winshill circular walk                    is comfortable for everyone in the group. There
Start time 6pm		                           Moderate    are likely to be some moderate hills on most
3.5 miles, 1.5 hours, 8 stiles                         runs and you may encounter some muddy
                                                       sections. To book places visit
STARTING POINT Brickmakers Arms, 9-11                  www.peakrunning.co.uk/guided-runs
Main St DE15 0SJ Rear of pub or on street
                                                       []       £ £4 per person
A circular walk, uphill out and downhill back,
on well-maintained paths, taking in ancient
hedgerows and expensive follies, giving
                                                       34 Tutbury x 2 Walks
stunning views over the National Forest and            Start time 10am		                    Leisurely
out to the Peak District. Booking required.            2-2.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
Please call 07432 608931 or email
                                                       STARTING POINT Monk Street next to car
                                                       park DE13 9NA Car park on-site
[]       y                                             Tutbury is a village 5 miles north of Burton upon
                                                       Trent surrounded by agricultural countryside
32 Martinshaw, Pear Tree &                             and full of local history. It hosts some fine
   Burroughs Woods Nordic Walk                         Georgian and Regency buildings, one being
Start time 6.30pm		                        Leisurely   the half-timbered Dog & Partridge Hotel. Also
                                                       Tutbury Castle can be seen in the distance
3 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
                                                       sitting on wooded slopes overlooking the
STARTING POINT Martinshaw Woods LE6                    winding River Dove. Due to Tutbury’s location
0LS Car park on site or on Markfield Road              there may be some slight inclines on the route.
A great walk for those new to Nordic walking.          The two walks, one slightly shorter than the
Led by a qualified Nordic walking instructor we        other, are led by our volunteer leaders. At the
will explore these ancient as well as modern           end of the walk the groups meet up at the local
woodlands looking at the different trees, flora        café in the High Street for a well-deserved brew.
and fauna. Booking essential. Poles will be            []   A     y
provided. Please call 07502 576764 or email
              £4 for walk + £1 payable
          £   on the day if hiring poles
The National Forest
22                                    Walking Festival

     35 Nordic Walking taster session                          38 History Walk to Grace Dieu Priory
     Start time 10am		                            Moderate     Start time 10am		                   Leisurely
     2.5 miles, 1 hour, o stiles                               2 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
     STARTING POINT Meet on picnic area at                     STARTING POINT Bull's Head, Thringstone
     Rosliston Forestry Centre DE12 8JX Main                   car park LE67 8LT Car par on site
     car park on site, £1.50 per hour, £4 all day              Walk through part of Grace Dieu Wood, under
     Nordic walking is walking with the use of                 the Charnwood Forest Railway, along part of
     specialised poles. It burns up to 46%more                 The Forest Line Canal and into the picturesque
     calories than normal walking by getting the               ruins of Grace Dieu Priory, a 13th century
     upper body involved, and also reduces stress              nunnery. Learn about the area's history along
     on the lower limbs. It is a great way to get              the way.
     active and have fun. Booking required. Please                   y s£ £3 per person
     call 07977439309 or email Active.SD@
     []   A y ds £ K£
                                                               39 Ashby to Melbourne
                                                               Start time 10.45am		             Strenuous
     36 Calke Estate Walk                                      7.5 miles, 4.25 hours, 5+ stiles
     Start time 10am		                            Moderate     STARTING POINT Ashby Public Library
     6-6.5 miles, 4 hours, >5 stiles                           LE65 1HU Car park North Street, Ashby
                                                               (Extension) £2.50 4hrs +
     STARTING POINT Calke Explore Welcome
     Point DE73 7JF Calke Explore Car Park                     A walk mainly along the National Forest Way
                                                               to Calke and then with good reservoir views to
     A led walk starting at Calke Explore and                  the market town of Melbourne. The leader and
     heading out into the wider estate, passing                other walkers will be leaving Melbourne on
     through wood pasture, woodland, and farmland,             the 10:12am number 9 bus to Ashby. Walkers
     with an abundance of wildflowers and wildlife             can return to Ashby by bus. Please check the
     to spot along the way. Admission charges apply            Melbourne Footpaths Group website for the
     to the park and garden (free for National Trust           latest details because bus timetables may
     members). Please visit the Calke Abbey                    change.
     website for full prices. Booking required.
     Please call 01332 863822 or email                         []         £   £2 per person

     []   Ay          £

     37 Burrough Woods Nordic Nature
     Start time 10am		                             Leisurely
     2 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
     STARTING POINT Burroughs Woods Car
     Park LE6 0LF
     A great walk for those new to Nordic walking.
     Led by a qualified Nordic walking instructor
     we will explore these ancient woodlands
     looking at the different trees, flora and
     fauna. Booking essential. Poles will be
     provided. Please call 07502 576764 or email
               £   £3 for walk + £1 payable
                   on the day if hiring poles
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                   23

40 Thornton Reservoir Nordic Nature
                                                             Friday 20th May
   Walk                                                      43 Cancer Support Thornton
Start time 11.30am		                                 Easy       Reservoir Nordic Walk
2.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles                                  Start time 10am		                         Easy
STARTING POINT Thornton Reservoir Car                        2.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
Park, Reservoir Road LE67 1AR                                STARTING POINT Thornton Reservoir Car
Perfect walk for the beginner Nordic walker.                 Park, Reservoir Road LE67 1AR
Led by a qualified Nordic walking instructor.
                                                             Come along and find out about some of
Booking essential. Poles will be provided.
                                                             the benefits of Nordic walking for those
Experience a lovely circular walk around this
                                                             living with cancer. Led by a qualified Nordic
reservoir with plenty of birdlife to see on the
                                                             walking instructor you will receive beginners’
water. Refreshments available afterwards
                                                             instruction as well as being able to talk with
nearby. Please call 07502 576764 or email
                                                             others who have found Nordic walking has
                                                             helped them. Booking essential as limited
                    £3 for walk + £1 payable
[]                  on the day if hiring poles               spaces. Poles provided. Refreshments available
                                                             nearby. Please call 07502 576764 or email
41 Willington Walk                                           ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com

Start time 1.30pm		                              Moderate    []
2.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles                                  44 Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee
STARTING POINT Meet at the canal/picnic                         Wood, Sence Valley and Heather
area car park, Willington DE65 6BP                              circuit
Come and enjoy a led walk along the scenic
                                                             Start time 10.30am		                Moderate
canal at Willington and stop for a hot drink in
                                                             10 miles, 5 hours, 12 stiles
the local pub afterwards. This is a steady paced
walk along decent footpaths. Although there                  STARTING POINT Woodland Trust Car Park
are no stiles, there are a few steps on the route.           on Heather Lane ½ mile SE of LE67 2TJ
This almost traffic-free walk allows you to walk             Exploring wooded paths and tracks of NW
and chat whilst looking out for wildlife along               Leicestershire. From the young Queen Elizabeth
the canal.                                                   Diamond Jubilee Wood along the National Forest
[]   A                                                       Way to nearby Sence Valley to compare a similar
                                                             project that is 15 years older stopping for a
42 Bagworth Heath & Royal Tigers                             picnic lunch before returning via paths through
   Woods Nordic Walk                                         mixed aged woods south of Heather.

Start time 2pm		                                 Leisurely   []
3 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
STARTING POINT Bagworth Heath Car Park
LE67 1DL
A great walk for those new to Nordic walking.
Led by a qualified Nordic walking instructor
there is plenty to see and discover in both of
these wonderful woods. Booking essential. Poles
will be provided. Please call 07502 576764 or
email ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com
         £   £3 for walk + £1 payable
             on the day if hiring poles
The National Forest
24                                          Walking Festival

     45 Bagworth Heath and Tigers                                    47 Burton's historical links to the
        Woods Shinrin Yoku Nordic Walk                                  Trent
     Start time 2pm		                                    Leisurely   Start time 6pm		                         Easy
     2 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles                                    2 miles, 2.25 hours, 0 stiles
     STARTING POINT Bagworth Heath Car Park                          STARTING POINT Meadowside Leisure
     LE67 1DL                                                        Centre DE14 1TL
     A great walk for those new to Nordic walking as                 A guided, flat, circular walk around the
     well as the practice of Shinrin Yoku (also known                Burton Trent Washlands, walking through the
     as Forest Bathing but do not worry NO water                     Washlands, to the Ferry Bridge Viaduct and St
     is involved!). Led by a qualified Nordic walking                Peters Bridge. Crossing the Trent to Stapenhill
     instructor we will explore these wonderful                      Gardens, back along the Eastern bank to the old
     woodlands as well as find the restorative power                 Burton Bridge, then return to the Meadowside.
     of the forest. Booking essential. Poles                         Lots of clues on the way showing the effect of
     will be provided. Please call 07502 576764 or                   the river on Burton’s history and development.
     email ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com                           Booking required. Please call 07432 608931 or
               £3 for walk + £1 payable                              email bcvflowerman@gmail.com
           £   on the day if hiring poles
                                                                     []   Ay       ds K£
     46 Unexpected Ulverscroft                                       48 Achille Wood and Farm night
     Start time 2pm		                                   Moderate        walk with BBQ
     4 miles, 2 hours, 2 stiles                                      Start time 7pm		                    Leisurely
     STARTING POINT Leicester Road, Markfield                        2 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
     LE67 9US On street parking only                                 STARTING POINT Hill Farm, Spring Lane,
     A delightful walk through the lanes around                      Packington LE65 1WU Car park on-site
     Ulverscroft, taking in some of Charnwood                        Take a leisurely stroll around the farm and
     Forest’s architectural treasures, including arts                woodland, taking in Canadian Bison, red Deer,
     and crafts cottages designed by Ernest Gimson                   Alpacas and many more. See if you can spot one
     and the 12th century Ulverscroft Priory. This is a              of the many owls on the farm alongside other
     moderately challenging walk with hills and road                 night creatures. Finish with a visit to Antlers
     walking. Booking required. Please call 07976                    and Alpaca coffee and gift shop for a BBQ with
     865450 or email jattard@nationalforest.org                      bison or venison burgers.
                                                                     []        y
www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                             25

                                                    51 What lives in Scalpcliffe Woods
Saturday 21st May                                      Local Nature Reserve?
                                                    Start time 10.30pm		                        Moderate
49 A Trek through Time: Geology of                  1.5 miles, 1-1.5 hours, 0 stiles
   the Charnwood Peaks                              STARTING POINT The entrance is next to
Start time 9am		                     Strenuous      Rider House, Stapenhill Road, Burton on
15 miles, 7 hours, 8 stiles                         Trent Nearest postcode is DE15 9AG Car
STARTING POINT Bradgate Park LE6 0HB                parking available for the duration of the
Bradgate Park Main Car Park, Newtown                walk & is at the end of the gated entrance
Linford                                             which has a key code lock to be opened
Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark & National        by the walk leader. The gate will be locked
Forest teams for a trek through geological          during the walk.
time! This hike will take you through more than     A walk through the only bit of ancient
half a billion years of earth history, using the    woodland in Burton. Up a steep hill which can
outstanding geological heritage of Charnwood        be slippery if wet. On the other side of the hill
Forest to tell stories of ancient fossils,          is scrubland / pasture & excellent views of the
continental collisions, and icy glaciers. Booking   area. We might spot birds, butterflies & other
required. Please call 07976 865451 or email         insects, frogs, muntjac, fox. The walk is free but
zsewter@nationalforest.org                          please feel free to make a donation
                                                    to The Friends of Scalpcliffe Woods.
                                                    Booking required. Please email
50 Washlands to Walton
Start time 10am		                    Moderate
12 miles, 6.5 hours, 1 stile                        52 Discovering Nether Hall Woods
STARTING POINT Trent Washlands car park,
                                                    Start time 1.30pm		                         Leisurely
end of Watson Street, Burton-on-Trent.
                                                    2-3 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles
Grid ref. SK 250 220 DE14 3AH
                                                    STARTING POINT Nether Hall Wood,
A flat walk alongside the River Trent to Walton,
stopping for lunch at Barton Marina, then
                                                    Repton Road, Hartshorne. Car parking
returning along the Trent & Mersey canal. Lots      available at Hartshorne Church Hall
of Burton Conservation Volunteers projects          car park, with a 10 minute walk to the
to view along the way, plus two Staffordshire       woodland.
Wildlife Trust nature reserves, part of the         Heartwood Community Woodfuel Group
Transforming the Trent Valley (TTTV) Living         have taken over management of this lovely
Landscapes project. Option to return by bus         woodland on behalf of the Woodland Trust.
after the first half of the walk.                   Our group is made up of volunteers who are
                                                    using the first year of managing the woodland
[]        y
                                                    to understand all aspects of the site including
                                                    its history, its fauna and flora, the woodland
                                                    management plan and how the community
                                                    use the site. We will be sharing our vision for
                                                    the site and looking to our visitors to give us
                                                    their feedback and views on how the woodland
                                                    should be developed. This is an informative
                                                    and interactive walk. Booking required. Please
                                                    call 07852631419 or email chairman@
                                                                        £2 per person towards
                                                             y          group funds
The National Forest
26                            Walking Festival

     Sunday 22nd May                                     55 Forest Bathing Walk at Rosliston
                                                            Forestry Centre
     53 Art Walk with Buzzing Roots                      Start time 10.30pm		                      Easy
                                                         1.5 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
     Start time 10am		                     Moderate
     1.5 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles                      STARTING POINT Rosliston Forestry
                                                         Centre, next to the outdoor classroom
     STARTING POINT The Outwoods – Main                  DE12 8JX Car park on site, £4 all day.
     Car Park LE11 3YG £1 car park charge
                                                         Led by a Nádúr certified Forest Bathing Guide.
     Join Buzzing Roots and Charnwood Arts for           During this short, gentle walk you will be
     a loop walk around The Outwoods. During             invited to immerse yourself in the forest
     the walk we will be foraging for natural            atmosphere, use your senses to connect with
     resources which will be used to create your         nature and yourself. Leave distractions behind,
     own cyanotype print to take home with you.          follow your instincts, pause, and notice. This
     The walk will be gently paced, with time to         evidence- based wellness practise reduces
     talk about nature and the artwork you will be       stress and helps improve concentration,
     creating but there are some rocky parts and         sleep, and creativity. Bring warm clothes and
     steep inclines to be aware of. Art materials will   something to sit/ lie on. Booking required.
     be provided. Booking required. Please email         Please call 01283 535039 or email
     Nicola.middler@charnwoodarts.com                    rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk
     []           y5+      K£                            £10 per person, special offer.
                                                         []   A K£ £ y 12 years and over
     54 What lives in Scalpcliffe Woods
        Local Nature Reserve?                            56 From A Windmill To Stephenson’s
     Start time 10.30am		                  Moderate         Coalmine
                                                                  12 years and over

     1.5 miles, 1-1.5 hours, 0 stiles
                                                         Start time 2pm		                     Leisurely
     STARTING POINT The entrance is next to              3.5 miles, 2 hours, 4 stiles
     Rider House, Stapenhill Road, Burton on
                                                         STARTING POINT Hough Mill, St George’s
     Trent Nearest postcode is DE15 9AG Car
                                                         Hill, Swannington LE67 8QW
     parking available for the duration of the
     walk & is at the end of the gated entrance          See many of the thousands of trees planted
                                                         around Swannington with the coming of the
     which has a key code lock to be opened
                                                         National Forest, former mining sites that have
     by the walk leader. The gate will be locked
                                                         been transformed into nature conservation
     during the walk.                                    areas and the famous 1 in 17 Swannington
     A walk through the only bit of ancient              Inclined Plane which formed the western
     woodland in Burton. Up a steep hill which can       end of Robert Stephenson’s Leicester and
     be slippery if wet. On the other side of the hill   Swannington Railway. Please note: the
     is scrubland / pasture & excellent views of the     walk includes some unmade paths that are
     area. We might spot birds, butterflies & other      muddy after rain. Donations to the Trust are
     insects, frogs, muntjac, fox. The walk is           appreciated. Booking essential. Please call
     free but please feel free to make a                 07474 610112 or email
     donation to The Friends of Scalpcliffe              Swanningtonwalks@gmail.com
     Woods. Booking required. Please email
                                                         []         y

www.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk                       27

                                                 Monday 23rd May
                                                 58 Barton under Needwood x 2 Walks
                                                 Start time 10.15am		          Easy/Leisurely
                                                 2.5-3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
                                                 STARTING POINT St James Church Hall Car
                                                 Park DE13 8HY
                                                 Barton under Needwood is a large village in
                                                 Staffordshire, a mile from the A38 between
                                                 Burton upon Trent and Lichfield. Barton’s
                                                 wellbeing walks offer a variety of different
                                                 routes, one being the Barton Marina Complex
                                                 on the Trent & Mersey Canal. This is an
                                                 enjoyable walk around the marina that takes
                                                 in the sights of the many narrowboats, various
                                                 wildlife and the local countryside which is right
                                                 on our doorstep. We offer two walks to the
                                                 group, so they can choose an easy or leisurely
                                                 one. All of our walks are led by volunteer
57 Achille Wood and Farm Walk                    leaders and afterwards the groups meet up and
                                                 enjoy refreshments at the Marina Café.
Start time 2pm		                     Leisurely
2 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles                       []   Ay
STARTING POINT Hill Farm, Spring Lane,
Packington LE65 1WU Car park on-site             59 Horninglow & Eton
Take a leisurely stroll around the farm and      Start time 10.30am		                  Leisurely
woodland, taking in Canadian Bison, red Deer,    2 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
Alpacas and many more. Finish with a visit to
Antlers and Alpaca coffee and gift shop for      STARTING POINT Horninglow Road Basin,
brunch or refreshments.                          Horninglow Road DE14 2PT On-streeet
                                                 parking available
[]       y
                                                 Come along and enjoy our social wellbeing
                                                 walk that runs through Shobnall, Horninglow
                                                 and Eton districts of Burton upon Trent.
                                                 Part of the route includes walking alongside the
                                                 Trent & Mersey canal then around the vast open
                                                 green space at Shobnall Leisure Complex and
                                                 Outwoods Park. The walk is led by volunteer
                                                 walk leaders and refreshments may be
                                                 available depending on the route.
                                                 []   Ay
The National Forest
28                                  Walking Festival

     60 Meadowside Leisure Centre                             63 Deer in the park
     Start time 11.30am		                         Leisurely   Start time 2pm		 Leisurely/Moderate
     2.5-3 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles                            3-3.5 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
     STARTING POINT Meadowside Leisure                        STARTING POINT Calke Explore Welcome
     Centre, Off High Street DE14 1TL Pay and                 Point DE73 7JF
     Display Car Park, voucher part of ticket can             Starting at Calke Explore, this route will take
     be reimbursed at Reception                               you into the National Nature Reserve, passing
     The Meadowside wellbeing walk offers a variety           Calke’s most ancient oak on your way to the
     of different routes that take in the sights of the       deer park. Join the park guide to enter the
     Washlands and Stapenhill Gardens. The route              deer park for a closer look at the herd, before
     may vary due to the weather, but there is always         heading off around the enclosure and down to
     plenty to see whichever path you take. The               the reservoir. Don’t miss St Giles Church and
     walk is led by the volunteer leaders and after           the historic deer shelter as you return to Calke
     it finishes the group meet for lunch at Burton           Explore. Admission charges apply to the park
     Library (optional).                                      and garden (free for National Trust members).
                                                              Please visit the Calke Abbey website for full
     []   Ay                                                  prices. Booking required.
                                                              Please call 01332 863822 or email
     61 Groby Pool Sheet Hedges Wood                          calkeabbey@nationaltrust.org.uk
        Nature Nordic Walk
                                                              []   Ay       £
     Start time 1pm		                             Leisurely
     3 miles, 1.5 hours, 0 stiles                             64 Town centre cattle
     STARTING POINT Groby Pond Car Park
                                                              Start time 6pm		                      Leisurely
     LE6 0FR
                                                              1.5 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
     A great walk for those new to Nordic
     walking. Led by a qualified Nordic walking
                                                              STARTING POINT Watson St car park, rear
     instructor there is plenty to see and discover           Tesco, Burton upon Trent DE14 3AH
     in this circular nature walk taking in both              Join us to look at a hidden gem of ‘countryside’
     woodland and the largest natural water site              less than 10 minutes’ walk from Burton's High
     in Leicestershire. Booking essential. Nordic             Street, with cattle as sustainable land managers,
     walking poles can be provided.                           fruit trees and hedgerows, pools for wading
                   £3 for walk + £1 payable                   birds, a new wet woodland, plus a history trail
               £   on the day if hiring poles
                                                              and so much more. Flat unsurfaced paths,
                                                              alongside the river and through the old farm.
     62 Forest Placenames, Forest People                      Booking required. Please call 07432 608931 or
     Start time 2pm		                            Moderate     email bcvflowerman@gmail.com
     5 miles, 3 hours, 2 stiles                               [] y          ds
     STARTING POINT High Cademan LE67 5US
     Parking at Cademan Woods Car Park
     Join the Charnwood Forest Geopark team for a
     fascinating heritage walk around Thringstone,
     Whitwick and Swannymote. Using only the
     evidence from local placenames, we’ll take you
     back in time more than a thousand years to
     explore the Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman
     communities of Charnwood Forest. Places are
     limited and booking is essential. Please email
44 A Journey Down thewww.thenationalforestwalkingfestival.org.uk
                              Old                                  Thursday 23 May29
           Carriageway to Calke Abbey
Tuesday          24 May
       Start time 11am  th
  1.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
                                   Leisurely67 Stapenhill
                                                47 bRUNch x 3Club
                                                      Start Start  time 9.45am
                                                            time 10.30am		                          Moderate
65 Woodlands       Under the clock at the
              and Washlands                                 4 miles,
                                                      1 & 2.5-3.5      1.251hours,
                                                                    miles,           7 stiles
                                                                               or 2 hours,  0 stiles
      front of the stableyard, Calke Abbey DE73
Start 7LE.
                sat nav use DE73 7JF. Moderate              STARTING
                                                      STARTING    POINTPOINT      BlueStand,
                                                                           The Band    Bell Inn, Melbourne
3 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles                                  DE73Gardens
                                                      Stapenhill    8EN (Church
                                                                              DE15Square     or parking
                                                                                     9AP Small    car area
      Take a step back in time as you embark on a
STARTING    POINT    Watson  St car park,  rear
      gentle stroll from the stables into the parklandpark  in
                                                           and Castle   Street)
                                                                 on-street    parking  available
       Burton   upon
          discover     Trent
                     how onceDE14
                               upon 3AH                     Thisoffers
                                    a time the family Stapenhill is a run at agraded
                                                                        three  gentlewalks
                                                                                      pace, every
                                                                                            suitable for
      and the
Exploring  visitors of Calke
               hidden        Abbey arrived
                       ‘countryside’         at this
                                      close to           Tuesdayrunners
                                                                   (rain orofshine).
                                                                               all abilities. It isour
                                                                                       Including    a circular route
                                                                                                       gentle paced
      mysterious    mansion.  To book, please
the centre of Burton, threading your way      contact NT bench  taking
                                                                to  benchin  the  tranquil
                                                                             wellbeing      Melbourne
                                                                                          walk, which      Pool,
                                                                                                        takes in a
through  01332
            urban695310   or email
                    area, with new and ancient                  peaceful
                                                         the sights  of thevalley     and great
                                                                              floral planted  areasviews  of Breedon on
                                                                                                      in Stapenhill
woodlands   and wonderful riverside walks.Entrance fee Gardens  theand
                                                                           and beyond.
                                                                                    next to the River Trent. The
Some £4.20   per adult,on
      steep sections     £2.10
                           goodper  child
                                 paths. Booking                 £3one
                                          (family £10.50)leisurely  per offers
                                                                          person an(off  road running
                                                                                      enjoyable           shoes required)
                                                                                                  walk through   the
      to Calke  park. NT  members   and  children  under Centenary    Woodland      (weather   permitting)   and
required Please call 07432 608931 or email                      [] £
      5 free.
bcvflowerman@gmail.com                                   then along the peaceful stretch of the river to the
                                                         Leicester Line Bridge. The moderate walk really
[]    [] y y Ads £                                              48theNordic
                                                         picks up       pace andWalking         Tasterdifferent
                                                                                     includes various     Session
                                                         terrains during
                                                                Start   timetheir  routes to keep it varied. Moderate
                                                                                10am                           All
66 A45 DayAatWalk     Around
                Bradgate        Whitwick
                             Park  Nordic Walk           of the 2.5
                                                                walks   are led1by
                                                                      miles,          our Volunteer
                                                                                   hour,   0 stiles Leaders
                                                         and after they finish the group meets up at the
Start Start  time 1.30pm
      time 10am		                              Leisurely
                                        Leisurely               STARTING
                                                         Stapenhill  InstitutePOINT       Meet in the main foyer at
                                                                                 for refreshments.
     2 miles,
5 miles,        1.52hours,
         5 hours,    stiles0 stiles                        Rosliston Forestry Centre DE12 8JX (Main
                                                      [] A y
                    Swithland       Station,
                                Woods     NorthNorth St,   car park on site £1 per hour, £3 all day)
Car Park LE12 8TNLE67  5HA
                     Car     (On-street
                          park  on site parking in         Nordic walking is basically walking with the
      a day at Lane, Whitwick)
               Bradgate  Park. There will be time          use of specialised poles. It burns up to 46%
for a mid-morning
       A guided villagebreak   in awhich
                            walk     Newton   Linford
                                           links  significant      more calories than normal walking by getting
Cafe and   lunch atsites
       historical     DeerinBarn   Tearoom
                              Whitwick   andinreveals
                                                 the park.         the upper body involved, and also reduces
Led byfascinating
        a qualified stories.
                      Nordic walking     instructor.
                                 The route   follows footpaths     stress on the lower limbs. It is a great way to get
Booking   essential.
       around          Poles will
                the village         be provided.
                                centre. Please note: some          active and have fun. To book, please contact Get
Bookingof required.
          the route Please
                       is hilly.call
                                 The07502     576764
                                      walk ends    backorat the    Active in The Forest on 07977 439309 or email
email ministryofnordicwalks@gmail.com
       Old Station with light refreshments (donations              tor.adams@southderbyshire.gov.uk
       welcomed).                                                  £1.60 if using own poles. £3.25 if hiring poles.
[]     £ £5 per person K£ £2
       [] A                                                        [] y ds A        £ K£

       46 General Town History Walk
       Start time 7pm                                    Easy       COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                   Active South Derbyshire offer
       1 miles, 1.25 hours, 0 stiles                                 aYou can of
                                                                        range  tryphysical
                                                                                   a range ofactivity
                                                                                              outdoor activities
       STARTING POINT Ashby de la Zouch                           opportunities across the South
                                                                    throughout    half term in        Derbyshire,
       Museum LE65 1HU (Parking in North                               including Orienteering, and activities
                                                                       for all ages and abilities.
       Street car park, free after 5pm)                            delivered by our Play, Sports and Adventure
       Centres on the fascinating history of Market                 Mobiles. Young explorers can also try out
       Street, North Street, South Street, Mill Lane               For further information go to
                                                                       navigational challenges in our parks.
       Mews and Bath Street. Booking essential. Please            www.southderbyshire.gov.uk or
       contact Ashby de la Zouch Museum (Pat Dixon)                 For  more
                                                                     follow usinformation
                                                                               on Facebookgo to
       on 01530 560090 or email                                    www.southderbyshire.gov.uk
       ashbymuseum@outlook.com £4 per person.
                                                                         Active South Derbyshire
       [] y     ds £

 NatForWalkFest 2019.indd 19                                                                                     06/02/2019
The National Forest
30                               Walking Festival

                                                              70 Achille Wood and Farm Walk
                                                              Start time 1pm		                     Leisurely
     68 Family Walk, Picnic & Play at                         2 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles
        Stapenhill Hollows
                                                              STARTING POINT Hill Farm, Spring Lane,
     Start time 12pm		                                 Easy   Packington LE65 1WU Car park on-site
     1-1.5 miles, 2 hours, 0 stiles                           Take a leisurely stroll around the farm and
     STARTING POINT Stapenhill Hollows –                      woodland, taking in Canadian Bison, red Deer,
     benches next to car park DE13 8HY Small                  Alpacas and many more. Finish with a visit to
     car park on site and on-street parking                   Antlers and Alpaca coffee and gift shop for
                                                              brunch or refreshments.
     Brizlincote Parish Council are delighted to
     introduce their new picnic area and rubbing              []        yB
     posts at Stapenhill Hollows. To celebrate this
     special occasion we are organising a “family
     walk, picnic and play” event. Starting off with
                                                              71 Stapenhill Hollows Evening Walk
     a gentle walk around the Hollows, then onto              Start time 6.45pm		                  Leisurely
     a family picnic and finishing off with some              2-2.5 miles, 1 hour, 0 stiles
     organised fun and enjoyable activities for the
                                                              STARTING POINT The Stapenhill Hollows
     kids. Everyone is welcome and we look forward
     to seeing you on this special day. Please bring
                                                              Car Park DE15 Small car park and on-
     your own picnic.                                         street parking available
                                                              Stapenhill Hollows offers a wide range of walks
     [] y                                                     (weather permitting) which include Stapenhill
                                                              Gardens, the Ferry Bridge, Trent Washlands,
     69 Lunchbreak: Forest Bathing Taster                     Centenary Woodland and lots more. Many of
                                                              our routes include walking on a little bit of
     Start time 12.30pm		                              Easy
                                                              Burton’s town history, the Ferry Bridge, which
     1 mile, 1 hour, 0 stiles                                 was officially opened on 3rd April 1889 and is
     STARTING POINT Rosliston Forestry                        Grade II listed. The walks are led by volunteer
     Centre, next to the outdoor classroom                    walk leaders (rain or shine), take approximately
     DE12 8JX Car park on site, £4 all day.                   an hour to complete and are a great way to
     A short, relaxing walk inviting you to connect with      relax after a busy and stressful day.
     nature. Led by a Nádúr certified Forest Bathing          []   Ay
     Guide, this 1-hour lunchbreak taster will give
     you a flavour of Shinrin Yoku, an evidence-based,
     nature inspired wellness practise. Immerse
     yourself in the forest atmosphere, reduce stress,
     anger and anxiety and improve concentration,                  For up to date Public Transport
     sleep, and creativity. Bring warm clothes and
     something to sit/ lie on. £5 special offer. Booking            information, please contact
     required. Please call 01283 535039                                       Traveline
     or email rosliston@southderbyshire.gov.uk
     []   A K£ £ y 12 years and over
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