Nitrogen balance and use efficiency on twenty-one intensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland
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Journal of Agricultural Science (2014), 152, 843–859. doi:10.1017/S0021859614000045 © Cambridge University Press 2014. The online version of this article is published within an Open Access environment subject to the conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution licence ANIMAL RESEARCH PAPER Nitrogen balance and use efficiency on twenty-one intensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland E. MIHAILESCU 1,2 *, P. N. C. MURPHY 3 , W. RYAN 1 , I. A. CASEY 2 AND J. HUMPHREYS 1 1 Animal and Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland 2 Department of Chemical and Life Sciences, Waterford Institute of Technology, Cork road, Waterford, Co. Waterford, Ireland 3 School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland (Received 16 July 2013; revised 3 October 2013; accepted 10 January 2014; first published online 13 March 2014) S U M M A RY There is increasing concern about balancing agronomic and environmental gains from nitrogen (N) usage on dairy farms. Data from a 3-year (2009–2011) survey were used to assess farm-gate N balances and N use efficiency (NUE) on 21 intensive grass-based dairy farms operating under the good agricultural practice (GAP) regulations in Ireland. Mean stocking rate (SR) was 2·06 livestock units (LU)/ha, mean N surplus was 175 kg/ha, or 0·28 kg N/kg milk solids (MS), and mean NUE was 0·23. Nitrogen inputs were dominated by inorganic fertilizer (186 kg N/ha) and concentrates (26·6 kg N/ha), whereas outputs were dominated by milk (40·2 kg N/ha) and livestock (12·8 kg N/ha). Comparison with similar studies carried out before the introduction of the GAP regulations in 2006 would suggest that N surplus, both per ha and per kg MS, have significantly decreased (by 40 and 32%, respectively) and NUE increased (by 27%), mostly due to decreased inorganic fertilizer N input and improvements in N management, with a notable shift towards spring application of organic manures, indicating improved awareness of the fertilizer value of organic manures and good compliance with the GAP regulations regarding fertilizer application timing. These results would suggest a positive impact of the GAP regulations on dairy farm N surplus and NUE, indicating an improvement in both environmental and economic sustainability of dairy production through improved resource-use efficiencies. Such improvements will be necessary to achieve national targets of improved water quality and increased efficiency/sustainability of the dairy industry. The weak impact of SR on N surplus found in the present study would suggest that, with good management, increased SR and milk output per ha may be achievable, while decreasing N surplus per ha. Mean N surplus was lower than the overall mean surplus (224 kg N/ha) from six studies of northern and continental European dairy farms, while mean NUE was similar, largely due to the low input/output system that is more typical in Ireland, with seasonal milk production (compact spring calving), low use of concentrates, imported feed and forages, high use of grazed grass and lower milk yields per ha. I N T RO D U C T I O N proportion of grazed grass reduces milk production costs and can increase the profitability of grass-based Irish dairy production systems tend to be relatively milk production systems in Ireland and other tem- intensively managed compared with other Irish grass- perate climates (Dillon et al. 2005; Dillon 2011). land agricultural production systems, and are pasture- Nitrogen (N) inputs, in the form of fertilizer and con- based, with the objective of producing milk in a centrate feeds, are key drivers of increased herbage low-cost system through maximizing the proportion yields and milk saleable output on most dairy farms of grazed grass in the cows’ diet. Increasing the (Treacy et al. 2008; Ryan et al. 2011; Gourley et al. * To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Email: 2012). However, N inputs typically exceed N outputs in milk and livestock exported off the farms Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
844 E. Mihailescu et al. (Jarvis 1993; Van Keulen et al. 2000; Aarts 2003; chemical fertilizer and manure into biomass in her- Goodlass et al. 2003; Humphreys et al. 2008). This bage, utilization by animals of grass herbage grown imbalance results in surplus N that is either accumu- and the biological potential of cows to convert N from lated on, or lost from, the dairy farm (Gourley et al. concentrate feeds and herbage into milk (Powell et al. 2010; Cherry et al. 2012). 2010). More effective use of N imports in fertilizer N As N surplus is commonly associated with excess- and concentrate feeds can potentially contribute to ive, inefficient N use on farms, as well as harmful en- decreased imports and increased rates of NUE (Groot vironmental impacts (Leach & Roberts 2002; Eckard et al. 2006). Irish dairy production systems benefit from et al. 2004; Powell et al. 2010), it is considered as an mild winters (5·1 °C in January) and annual rainfall indicator of potential N losses and environmental between 800 and 1200 mm, allowing grass growth all performance (Schröder et al. 2003; Carpani et al. year around and an extended grazing season that can 2008). Nitrogen surplus potentially accumulates in soil be as long as February to November (Humphreys et al. organic matter (SOM) (Jarvis 1993) or is lost through 2009a), varying with location and soil type. Irish dairy denitrification, nitrate (NO3) leaching, ammonia (NH3) farms are unique in Europe in that the majority operate volatilization (Jarvis & Aarts 2000; Pain 2000; Del a seasonal milk production system with compact Prado et al. 2006) or through runoff to surface waters spring calving (from January to April), so that milk (De Vries et al. 2001). Denitrification is naturally production matches grass growth. The proportion of facilitated in Ireland, due to common anaerobic soil grazed grass in the diet of dairy stock is hence conditions and the generally high content of organic maximized (Humphreys et al. 2009a), allowing for carbon (C) in soils (between 2 and 7%; Dillon & the maximum amount of milk to be produced from Delaby 2009) enabling development of denitrifying grazed grass and reducing requirements for feeding bacteria. These N losses can have negative en- concentrate feeds post-calving (Dillon et al. 1995). For vironmental impacts such as eutrophication of surface these reasons, the potential for more effective use of N waters, pollution of groundwater aquifers, ozone on-farm and management strategies to achieve im- depletion and anthropogenic climate change (in the proved NUE may be expected to differ from those of case of N2O emissions) (Leach & Roberts 2002; Eckard the year-round feed-based dairy production systems et al. 2004; O’Connell et al. 2004). It has been more typical of continental Europe and Britain. emphasized that dairy production should ideally In this context, farm-gate N balances, as the differ- be achieved in a sustainable manner, without im- ence between total N input and total N output passing pairing natural capital (soils, water and biodiversity) the farm-gate (Aarts 2003), are a useful tool for farmers, (Goodland 1997). Improved nutrient use efficiency has scientists and policy-makers to: (i) understand N flows a significant role to play in the development of more and identify potential N losses (Watson & Atkinson sustainable dairy production systems (Goulding et al. 1999); (ii) understand factors affecting, and develop 2008). Among the nutrient imports in dairy production strategies to control, potential N losses (Gourley et al. systems, N is particularly important as it is used in 2007; Beukes et al. 2012); and (iii) increase farmers’ large quantities, between 172 and 301 kg N/ha (Groot awareness of environmental regulations on farms and et al. 2006; Nevens et al. 2006; Roberts et al. 2007; implementation of these regulations to control N losses Ryan et al. 2011; Cherry et al. 2012) but with generally to the environment (Oenema et al. 2003; Carpani et al. low efficiency (Goulding et al. 2008). In Europe, N 2008). use efficiency (NUE; proportion of N imports recov- In the European Union (EU), the Nitrates Directive ered in agricultural products; Ryan et al. 2012) values (91/676/EEC) (European Council 1991) has established between 0·17 and 0·38 have been recorded (Mounsey guidelines in relation to farming practices to reduce et al. 1998; Groot et al. 2006; Nevens et al. 2006; NO3 leaching that are implemented in each member Raison et al. 2006; Roberts et al. 2007; Treacy et al. state through a National Action Programme (NAP). In 2008; Cherry et al. 2012; Oenema et al. 2012). Ireland, these are legislated as the good agricultural In grass-based dairy production systems, there are a practice (GAP) Regulations (European Communities number of factors limiting NUE, such as N losses from 2010), first passed in 2006. Under the Regulations, manure and slurry, chemical fertilizer management farms are limited to a stocking rate (SR) of 170 kg and application to land (Webb et al. 2005), losses from organic N/ha, equivalent to 2 livestock units (LU)/ha or dung and urine deposited by grazing animals, the 2 dairy cows/ha. The Regulations also establish the ability of grass plants to convert N from applied quantity of available N that can be applied to grass and Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Nitrogen use efficiency on Irish dairy farms 845 other crops (depending on factors such as SR or crop INTERREG-funded DAIRYMAN project (www. type), the volume of slurry and slurry storage required focusing on improving resource (depending on factors such as rainfall and stock type use efficiency on dairy farms in Northwest Europe. and number) and closed periods in winter months Farm selection was based on the likely accuracy of during which spreading of organic and inorganic data recording, eight of the farms in the present study fertilizers is restricted (depending on location in the having been involved in a previous similar study country), as well as other measures on farm yard and (GREENDAIRY; Treacy et al. 2008), and all the farmers field management aimed at minimizing N losses to being willing to provide data. The selected farms were water. Farmers can apply for a derogation to stock at up known as being progressive in their approach to farm to 250 kg organic N/ha [2·9 livestock units (LU)/ha], management and, therefore, may not be fully rep- subject to more stringent requirements, and this dero- resentative for the Irish dairy industry as a whole. gation is principally taken up by the more intensive However, comparing farm area, SR and milk yield per dairy farms. cow showed that the farms were close to, but slightly Although explicitly aimed at decreasing N losses to above, the national average for dairy farms. Grass- water, these Regulations might be expected to have based milk production from spring calving cows was improved NUE on farms, as most of the measures aim the main enterprise on all the selected farms. to decrease losses by increasing retention of N within Key farm characteristics are given in Table 1. Mean the production systems. However, most of the existing total utilized agricultural area (TUAA) was 71 ha data on dairy farm N balances in Ireland date from the (SD = 24·8), mean SR was 2·06 LU/ha (SD = 0·32), and period before the implementation of the Regulations in mean milk yield was 5308 litres (l)/cow (SD = 464) be- 2006 (Mounsey et al. 1998; Treacy et al. 2008). Ryan tween 2009 and 2011, whereas national mean values et al. (2011, 2012) examined N balances and use for dairy farms were 52 ha for TUAA, 1·90 LU/ha for SR efficiencies in Irish dairy production systems but these and 4956 litres/cow for milk yield in 2009–2011 were based on modelling and experimental studies. In (Connolly et al. 2010; Hennessy et al. 2010, 2011). the European context also, there are very few farm-gate Seventeen of the farms in the present study participated N balances on grassland-based dairy farms post the in the Rural Environment Protection Scheme (REPS). implementation of the Nitrates Directive (e.g. Groot This is a programme co-funded by the EU and the Irish et al. 2006; Nevens et al. 2006; Raison et al. 2006; government whereby farmers are rewarded financially Roberts et al. 2007; Cherry et al. 2012; Oenema et al. for operating to a set of guidelines consistent with an 2012). agri-environmental plan drawn up by an approved Therefore, the objectives of the present study were: planning agency. Important conditions for receiving (i) to assess farm-gate N balances and use efficiencies REPS financial support were to limit SR to 2 LU/ha and on 21 commercial intensive dairy farms operating to apply N fertilizers to the farming area according to under the Nitrate Regulations in Ireland and compare fertilizer plans drawn for their farms (DAFM 2013a). these with pre-Regulations studies to investigate the Eight of the 21 farms had an SR higher than 170 kg impact of the Regulations; (ii) to identify the factors organic N/ha or 2 LU/ha. According to GAP regula- influencing NUE on these farms; and (iii) to explore tions and REPS conditions (for the participating farms), potential approaches to increase NUE and decrease these farms had to apply for a derogation allowing a N surpluses on these farms. For this purpose, data on maximum SR of 250 kg organic N/ha or 2·9 LU/ha. N imports and exports were recorded on 21 dairy farms Data were collected on a monthly basis between participating in the INTERREG-funded DAIRYMAN 2010 and 2011 on the selected farms. The information project over 3 years, from 2009 to 2011. collected included grassland area, area under crops, type of crops and percentage of crops fed to livestock, livestock numbers and type of livestock, and number M AT E R I A L S AN D M E T H O D S of days spent grazing; imports of manure, concentrate feeds, bedding material, silage, chemical N fertilizers Farm selection and data collection and other agro-chemicals; and exports of milk, crops, Twenty-one commercial intensive dairy farms were manure and silage. For chemical N fertilizers, amounts selected, located in the South of Ireland, in counties imported onto farms as well as amounts applied to Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Tipperary, Kilkenny and land were recorded on a monthly basis. For 2009, Wicklow. These farms were pilot farms involved in the similar data were obtained from farm records and farm Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
846 E. Mihailescu et al. Table 1. Mean values (and standard deviation) for total utilized agricultural area (and crop area), annual temperature, annual rainfall, stocking rate, milk yields, milk solids exports, concentrate feeds, and estimated harvested grass through grazing and silage; soil type for 21 Irish dairy farms between 2009 and 2011 TUAA Temp. Rainfall Soil SR Milk yield MS exports Conc. Grass Farm (crops) (ha) (°C) (mm/year) type (LU/ha) (l/cow) (kg/ha) (kg DM/LU) (kg DM/LU) 1 85 9·6 1077 CL 2·15 5319 618 268 4139 2 67 9·8 1124 C 2·41 6010 782 499 4169 3 73 9·8 1124 C 2·07 5688 664 221 4304 4 50 10·1 1373 L 2·68 5309 709 571 3691 5 74 (1·20) 10·1 1373 L 1·82 5149 510 611 3891 6 63 (3·94) 10·1 1373 L 1·92 5672 612 568 3632 7 47 9·6 1077 L 2·41 5080 781 471 3922 8 58 10·1 1373 C 2·50 5671 749 580 4033 9 51 9·6 1077 C 2·01 5431 620 466 4089 10 130 (5·50) 10·1 1373 L 1·97 5207 544 394 3898 11 40 10·1 1373 L 2·39 4229 563 615 3508 12 52 10·1 1373 L 1·77 5613 527 604 3886 13 81 9·6 1077 C 1·84 5290 531 710 3730 14 96 (6·76) 9·8 1124 SL 1·80 4415 437 302 3472 15 128 9·8 1124 L 1·88 4671 446 484 3858 16 78 (13·40) 10·2 1453 C 1·58 6038 474 801 3746 17 72 9·6 1077 C 2·47 4928 707 463 4002 18 48 9·8 1124 CL 1·92 5549 532 732 3567 19 71 (2·30) 9·8 1124 C 2·22 5500 362 251 2919 20 76 (6·20) 10·1 1373 SL 1·97 5174 584 265 4011 21 48 (1·60) 10·1 1373 L 1·40 5522 443 386 4108 Mean 71 (5·67) 9·9 1235 – 2·06 5308 581 488 3837 SD 24·8 (3·91) 0·22 145 – 0·32 464 119 166 309 TUAA, total utilized agricultural area; temp., temperature; CL, clay-loam; L, loam; C, clay; SL, sandy-loam; SR, stocking rate; LU, livestock units; l, litres; MS, milk solids; conc., concentrate feeds; DM, dry matter; S.D., standard deviation. advisors. Data collected for the 3 years were cross- the Grass Calculator (Teagasc 2011) based on the checked with secondary data sources such as Single difference between the net energy (NE) provided by Farm Payment forms and Nitrates’ Declaration forms imported feeds (concentrates and forages) and the NE (data forms required from farmers for participation in requirements of animals for maintenance, milk pro- state schemes) (DAFF 2013; DAFM 2013b). Data on duction and body weight change (Jarrige 1989). It was livestock imports and exports were extracted from the assumed that 1 kg dry matter (DM) of grass equals 1 Dairy Management Information System (DAIRYMIS) feed unit for lactation (UFL). (Crosse 1991). Values for amounts of milk sold off Stocking rate was expressed as LU/ha for TUAA. the farms were extracted from the reports on milk One dairy cow was considered equivalent to 1 LU and deliveries coming from the cooperatives supplied by 1 bovine less than 1 year old equivalent to 0·3 LU the farmers. Data on soil types were extracted from (Connolly et al. 2010). REPS forms for the participating farms and from the National Soil Survey (Finch & Gardiner 1993) for the Farm-gate nitrogen imports, exports, balances and remainder. Data on mean annual rainfall and tem- use efficiencies perature were extracted from an Irish Meteorological Service database for different weather stations located Nitrogen inputs and outputs were calculated both on a in, or close to, the area of study, at Cork airport, monthly and an annual basis. Nitrogen in fertilizer N Roche’s point, Gurteen, Johnstown Castle and Oak was calculated by taking into account the N content of Park (Irish Meteorological Service 2013). fertilizers applied to land. Monthly imported amounts The annual amount of pasture harvested through of concentrate feeds and forages were assumed to be grazing and silage on each farm was modelled using exhausted by the end of each month. Nitrogen imports Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Nitrogen use efficiency on Irish dairy farms 847 Table 2. Investigated and significant multiple stepwise linear regression models Investigated Significant LgFN = μ + βLgTUAA + βSR + βMSE + βGD + σest LgFN = μ + SR + σest LgCN = μ + βSR + βMSE + βGD + σest NS MN = μ + βSR + βMSE + βGD + βLgFN + βLgCN + σest MN = μ + SR + σest LN = μ + βSR + βGD + βLgFN + βLgCN + σest NS NSR = μ + βLgTUAA + βSR + βMSE + βGD + βLgFN + βLgCN + σest NSR = μ + βSR + βLgFN + βLgCN + σest LgNUE = μ + βSR + βMSE + βGD + βLgFN + βLgCN + σest LgNUE = μ − LgFN + σest NMS = μ + βLgMS + βGD + βLgFNMS + βLgCNMS + σest NMS = μ + βLgFNMS + βLgCNMS − βLgMS σest LgFN, mean log-transformed fertilizer N input; LgCN, log-transformed concentrate N input; MN, milk N output; LN, livestock N output; NSR, N surplus per ha; LgNUE, log-transformed N use efficiency; NMS, surplus N per kg milk solids; LgTUAA, mean log-transformed total utilized agricultural area; SR, stocking rate; MSE, milk solids exports per ha; GD, number of days spent grazing; LgMS, log-transformed milk solids exports per cow; LgFNMS, log-transformed fertilizer N input per kg milk solids; LgCNMS, log-transformed concentrate N input per kg milk solids; β, standardized coefficient of regression; σest, standard error of the estimate; NS, not significant. in concentrate feeds, forages and bedding material livestock, NUE, N inputs per kg MS from fertilizer N onto farms were calculated by multiplying the total and concentrate feeds, MS exports per cow, compara- quantity by its crude protein (CP) concentration divi- tive N inputs from concentrate, N exports in sold milk ded by 6·25 (McDonald et al. 1995). Nitrogen fixed by and NUE between the present study and two previous clover was not included as an input due to the low similar studies were transformed using a log10 base prevalence of clover on the farms and resultant small ( y = log10(x)). contribution to the N budget (Gourley et al. 2007). Differences in mean TUAA, SR, milk yields, milk Nitrogen in livestock imported onto, or leaving, the protein and fat concentration, concentrate feed farms was calculated by using standard values for live imports, N inputs, N outputs, N surplus, NUE and weight (M. Treacy, personal communication) and surplus N per kg MS between years and farms were multiplying it by 0·029 for calves and by 0·024 for analysed using one-way analysis of variance older animals (ARC 1994). Nitrogen in exported milk (ANOVA). The statistical models included farm and was calculated by dividing the milk protein concen- year effects on each of the tested variables. The 21 tration by 6·38 (ARC 1994). farms were considered as replicates. The models used The farm-gate N balance was calculated as the dif- were: ference between total N input and total N output and 1. Yi = μ + ai + ei, where Yi = tested variable, ai = the was expressed both on the basis of area (kg N/ha) effect of ith farm (i = 1,. . .,21) and ei = the residual and unit product (kg N/kg milk solids (MS)) (Ryan et al. error term; 2012). Nitrogen use efficiency was calculated as the 2. Yi = μ + bj + ei, where Yi = tested variable, bj = the ratio between total N output and total N input, ex- effect of jth year ( j = 2009, 2010, 2011) and ei = the pressed as a proportion (Swensson 2003). residual error term. Multiple stepwise linear regression was undertaken Statistical analysis to investigate relationships between key dependent Descriptive statistics were applied using SPSS Inc. 17.0 and independent variables presented in Table 2. The to calculate means and standard errors (George & choice of the statistical models was dependent on the Mallery 2008). Normal distribution of residuals was potential significance of independent variables and tested using Shapiro-Wilk, with values lower than their potential impact on the dependent variables. 0·05 indicating abnormal distribution. The log trans- Non-significant independent variables were automati- formation was required to ensure homogeneity cally removed from the models (Table 2). The prob- of variance (Tunney et al. 2010) for some of the ability for acceptance of new terms (F) was 0·10 (Groot variables. Therefore, TUAA, milk fat and protein et al. 2006) and the confidence interval was 0·95. All concentration, N inputs per ha from fertilizer N, relationships between variables were assessed for concentrate feeds, forages, bedding material and outliers, normality and colinearity. Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
848 E. Mihailescu et al. Table 3. Mean values (and standard errors), grand means between years and ranges between farms for N inputs in chemical fertilizers, concentrate feeds, forages, bedding material and livestock, N outputs in sold milk and livestock, farm-gate N balances, N use efficiencies and surplus N per kg milk solids for 21 Irish dairy farms between 2009 and 2011; standard error of the means for transformed data in brackets; P values from ANOVA are included Year P value Grand Range 2009 2010 2011 mean S.E.M.. farms Y F N inputs (kg N/ha) Chemical fertilizers 160 209 191 186 7·5 (0·01) 101–261 < 0·05 < 0·001 Concentrate feeds 25 34 20 27 1·7 (0·03) 7·7–40·3 < 0·05 < 0·001 Forage 0·0 14 11 12 2·9 (0·06) 0·6–41·9 < 0·05 NS Bedding material 0·0 4·7 3·4 4·0 0·63 (0·04) 0·9–12·8 < 0·001 NS Livestock 5 2 4 4 1·4 (0·04) 0·1– 11·1 NS NS Total 191 265 229 228 8·4 118–301 < 0·01 < 0·001 N outputs (kg N/ha) Milk 37 43 40 40 1·1 26·8–55·3 NS < 0·001 Livestock 11·3 13·9 13·4 12·8 0·68 6·7–23·3 NS < 0·01 Total 49 57 53 53 1·6 37·1–75·3 < 0·05 < 0·001 N balance (kg N/ha) 142 207 176 175 7·4 69–239 < 0·01 < 0·001 N use efficiency 0·25 0·21 0·23 0·23 0·009 (0·013) 0·18–0·42 NS < 0·01 Surplus N kg/kg MS ha 0·25 0·32 0·28 0·28 0·001 0·16–0·44 NS < 0·05 N, nitrogen; MS, milk solids; S.E.M., standard error of the means; Y, year; F, farm; NS, not significant. Uncertainty analysis was carried out by calculating from 101 to 261 kg N/ha over the 3 years (Table 3). the coefficient of variation as the ratio between The coefficient of variation for mean fertilizer N input standard deviation and mean value (Gourley et al. between farms was 0·27 over the 3 years. There 2010) for each N input, N output, N balance and NUE were also significant differences (P < 0·05) in mean on the 21 farms between 2009 and 2011, expressed as fertilizer N input between years, ranging from 160 to a proportion. 209 kg N/ha (Table 3). On a monthly basis, mean fertilizer N input was highest between March and June, R E S U LT S at 40 kg N/ha (S.D. = 4·84) (Fig. 1). Mean concentrate N input was 26·6 kg N/ha (Table 3). There were sig- Nitrogen inputs nificant differences (P < 0·001) in mean concentrate N There was a high degree of variation in mean N inputs, input between farms, ranging from 7·7 to 40·3 kg N/ha between years and farms (Table 3). Mean total N over the 3 years (Table 3). The coefficient of variation input was 228 kg N/ha (Table 3). There were signific- for mean concentrate N input between farms was 0·39 ant differences (P < 0·001) in mean total N input over the 3 years. There were also significant differ- between farms, ranging from 118 to 301 kg N/ha ences (P < 0·05) in mean concentrate N input between over the 3 years (Table 3). The coefficient of variation years, varying between 25·3 and 34·4 kg N/ha (mean value divided by standard deviation) for mean (Table 3). total N input between farms was 0·25 over the 3 years. There was a significant positive relationship There were also significant differences (P < 0·01) in (R2 = 0·49; P < 0·001) between mean log-transformed mean total N input between years, ranging from 191 to fertilizer N input and mean SR. An increase of 265 kg N/ha (Table 3). The main sources of N input 0·07 LU/ha in mean SR was associated with an in- onto farms were chemical N fertilizers and concentrate crease of 0·01 (9, not transformed) kg N/ha in mean feeds, accounting for 0·81 and 0·11, respectively, of log-transformed fertilizer N input. There was no sig- total N input. Mean fertilizer N input was 186 kg N/ha nificant relationship between mean log-transformed (Table 3). There were significant differences (P < 0·001) concentrate N input and mean SR, MS export and in mean fertilizer N input between farms, ranging number of days spent grazing (Table 2). Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Nitrogen use efficiency on Irish dairy farms 849 50 40 30 kg N/ha 20 10 0 April May June Aug Nov July Mar Dec Feb Sep Oct Jan Fig. 1. Monthly application rates of chemical (__●__) and organic (- -■- -) N fertilizers (kg N/ha) on 21 Irish dairy farms between 2009 and 2011. Nitrogen outputs (Table 3). There were significant differences (P < 0·001) in mean N surplus between farms, ranging from 69 Mean total N output was 54·3 kg N/ha (Table 3). to 239 kg N/ha over the 3 years (Table 3). The There were significant differences (P < 0·001) in mean coefficient of variation for mean N surplus between total N output between farms, ranging from 37·1 to farms was 0·29 over the 3 years. There were also 75·3 kg N/ha over the 3 years (Table 3). The coefficient significant differences (P < 0·01) in mean N surplus of variation for mean total N output between farms was between years, ranging from 142 to 207 kg N/ha 0·19 over the 3 years. There were also significant (Table 3). Mean NUE (N outputs divided by N inputs) differences (P < 0·05) in mean N output between years, was 0·23, varying from 0·21 to 0·25 (Table 3). There ranging from 48·7 to 57·2 kg N/ha (Table 3). The main were significant differences (P < 0·01) in mean NUE sources of N output were sold milk and livestock, between farms, ranging from 0·18 to 0·42 over the accounting for 0·76 and 0·24, respectively, of total N 3 years (Table 3). The coefficient of variation for output. Mean milk N output was 40·2 kg N/ha, ranging mean NUE between farms was 0·20 over the 3 years. from 37·4 to 43·3 kg N/ha (Table 3). There were sig- Mean surplus N per kg MS was 0·28 kg N/kg nificant differences (P < 0·001) in mean milk N output MS, ranging from 0·25 to 0·32 kg N/kg MS (Table 3). between farms, ranging from 26·8 to 55·3 kg N/ha over There were significant differences (P < 0·05) in mean the 3 years (Table 3). The coefficient of variation for annual surplus N per kg MS between farms, ranging mean milk N output between farms was 0·19 over the from 0·16 to 0·44 kg N/kg MS over the 3 years 3 years. Mean livestock N output was 12·8 kg N/ha, (Table 3). The coefficient of variation for mean ranging from 11·3 to 13·9 kg N/ha (Table 3). There surplus N/kg MS between farms was 0·24 over the were significant differences (P < 0·01) in mean live- 3 years. stock N output between farms, ranging from 6·7 to There was a significant positive relationship 23·3 kg N/ha over the 3 years (Table 3). The coefficient (R2 = 0·91; P < 0·001) between mean N surplus and of variation for mean livestock N output between farms mean log-transformed fertilizer N input (β = 0·91), was 0·31 over the 3 years. mean log-transformed concentrate N input (β = 0·14), There was a significant positive relationship and mean SR (β = 0·02). An increase of 0·01 (9, not (R2 = 0·49; P < 0·001) between mean milk N output transformed) kg N/ha in mean log-transformed fertili- and mean SR. An increase of 0·07 LU/ha in mean SR zer N input, 0·02 (1·63, not transformed) kg N/ha in was associated with an increase of 1·43 kg N/ha in mean log-transformed concentrate N input and mean milk N output. There was no significant relation- 0·07 LU/ha in mean SR was associated with an ship between mean livestock N output and mean SR, increase of 8 kg N/ha in N surplus. number of days spent grazing, log-transformed fertili- There was a significant negative relationship zer N input and log-transformed concentrate N input 2 (R = 0·42; P < 0·001) between mean log-transformed (Table 2). NUE and mean log-transformed fertilizer N input (β = − 0·42). An increase of 0·01 (9, not transformed) kg Nitrogen balance and nitrogen use efficiency N/ha in mean log-transformed fertilizer N input was The N balance on all farms was in surplus. Mean associated with a decrease of 0·019 (0·012, not N surplus (N inputs less N outputs) was 175 kg N/ha transformed) in NUE. Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
850 E. Mihailescu et al. There was a significant relationship (R2 = 0·88; potentially exceed pasture N requirement and factors P < 0·001) between mean surplus N per kg MS and such as application rates, forms and timings can lead to mean log-transformed fertilizer N input per kg MS inefficient use of N. Stocking rate explained only 0·49 (β = 0·90), mean log-transformed concentrate N input of the variation in mean fertilizer N input. The re- per kg MS (β = 0·17) and mean log-transformed MS maining variation may be explained by factors such as export per cow (β = − 0·15). An increase of 0·018 advisory impact and understanding and planning on (0·012, not transformed) kg N/kg MS in mean log- the part of the farmer, economic considerations and transformed fertilizer N input and 0·02 (0·003, not weather and grass growth conditions, for example. transformed) kg N/kg MS in mean log-transformed Concentrate N input was closely associated with concentrate N input was associated with an increase of imported concentrate feeds, ranging from 221 to 0·01 in surplus N per kg MS. An increase of 0·01 (13, 801 kg DM/LU between farms. Feed imports were not transformed) kg MS/cow in log-transformed MS probably determined by harvested grass, ranging exports per cow was associated with a decrease of between an estimated 2919 and 4304 kg DM/LU and 0·01 in surplus N per kg MS. targeted milk yields per cow, ranging from 4229 to 6038 litres/cow. Targeted milk yields per cow were included in development plans introduced in 2009 for DISCUSSION each farm by farm advisors. One of the goals in the Nitrogen inputs, outputs, balances and use development plans was increased milk yield per cow efficiencies by amounts ranging from 100 to 400 litres/cow between 2009 and 2011. Total N input, output and surplus in the present study Differences in milk N output were associated with were close to, but slightly above, the national average differences in SR between farms. The significant for dairy systems and NUE was close to the national positive relationship between milk N output and SR average found by Buckley et al. (2013) (mean total implies that increasing SR is an effective strategy to N input of 178 kg N/ha, mean total N output of increase milk N output. Furthermore, this could posi- 41 kg N/ha, mean N surplus of 139 kg N/ha and mean tively affect N surplus and NUE, because N in sold NUE of 0·24) for a nationally representative sample milk was the main form of exporting N inputs off the of 195 specialist dairy farms for 2009–2010. This farms. However, from 228 kg N/ha of mean total N would suggest that results from the present study can input, only 40·2 kg N/ha or 0·17, on average, was be taken as indicative of the national situation. exported in sold milk, meaning that the impact of milk The overall coefficient of variation for N inputs, N output on N surplus and NUE was rather low. The N outputs, balances and NUE, of 0·27, was above the content of sold milk is very unlikely to increase and, generally accepted limit of 0·10 (Mulier et al. 2003) but therefore, there is a need to optimize the use of N within the limit of 0·30 reported in other studies on inputs relative to N outputs in milk, especially fertilizer farm-gate nutrient balances (Swensson 2003; Nevens N, to decrease N surplus and increase NUE. et al. 2006; Fangueiro et al. 2008). The fact that N surplus increased principally with fertilizer N input, but also with concentrate N input and, to a much lesser extent, with SR, suggests that Factors affecting N balance and use efficiencies decreasing fertilizer N and concentrate N inputs may across farms be the most effective strategy to decrease N surplus. Differences in fertilizer N input between farms were The weak impact of SR on N surplus would suggest that principally associated with differences in SR, with a SR can be increased without considerably affecting N significant positive relationship between fertilizer N surplus. This has important implications in the context and SR. In a grazed-grass-based dairy production of achieving increased dairy production as is en- system, increased SR requires increased grass DM visaged in the Food Harvest 2020 targets for Ireland intake by the herd (Stakelum & Dillon 2007; Coleman (DAFF 2010), in that it suggests that, with good et al. 2010) and therefore, assuming maximum grass management, the SR increases that may be necessary utilization by the herd and all other factors being on some farms to achieve these targets, may be equal, increased DM yields of grass and, in turn, achieved without increasing N surplus. While NUE increased requirement for fertilizer N input (Hennessy decreased with increasing fertilizer N input, fertilizer et al. 2008). However, overall available N input can N input explained only 0·42 of variation in NUE. Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Nitrogen use efficiency on Irish dairy farms 851 The remainder could be attributed to farm-specific aggregate over a number of years, as results from a efficiency of N recycling and N losses between soil, single year can reflect variability in weather and other pasture, animals, and milk and livestock for export factors. (Nielsen & Kristensen 2005). Therefore, a decrease in The higher SR in 2010 was also associated with fertilizer N input combined with improved on-farm N higher feed imports, both in kg per ha and in kg per LU, recycling can increase NUE. Improved nutrient re- and with higher milk yields per cow, of 5411 litres/cow cycling on farms is one of the targets in the Food in 2010 compared with 5120 litres/cow in 2009 and Harvest 2020 national strategy for sustainable growth 5291 litres/cow in 2011. This equates to a response of of the agricultural sector (DAFF 2010). 2·40 litres milk/kg DM of additional concentrate feed Results suggest that a combination of decreased compared with 2009 and 0·69 litres milk/kg DM com- fertilizer N and concentrate N inputs and increased MS pared with 2011. A similar response in milk pro- exports per cow can contribute to reduced surplus N duction, of 1·06 kg/cow per additional kg of imported per kg MS. However, this situation is difficult to ac- concentrate feeds, was reported by Shalloo et al. hieve in a grazed grass-based production system (2004). because, all other factors being equal, increased feed Despite increased output in milk and livestock in intake is required to increase MS production per cow 2010, the increase in fertilizer N and concentrate (Horan 2009) and this is typically achieved through N inputs resulted in an increase in N surplus increased fertilizer N (to increase grass yields) and (207 kg N/ha) of 32% compared with 2009, and 15% concentrate N inputs (Coleman et al. 2010). However, compared with 2011, a decrease in NUE, and also an increased MS production per cow may be achievable increase in surplus N per kg MS. Others have found while minimizing fertilizer and concentrate N use similar results (Humphreys et al. 2008; Treacy et al. by optimizing other management aspects such as 2008). The principal reason would appear to be grazing management, grass utilization (O’Donovan reductions in the efficiency of N use associated with et al. 2002; Kennedy et al. 2005), management of the increase in fertilizer N input. all on-farm nutrient sources (Peyraud & Delaby 2006) and management of herd genetic potential (Berry et al. Nitrogen balance and use efficiency before and after 2007). However, an increase in MS production per the good agricultural practice regulations cow can lead to increased N surplus per ha and potentially higher N losses. The results of the present study were compared with similar studies, completed between 2003 and 2006 (Treacy et al. 2008) and in 1997 (Mounsey et al. 1998) Factors affecting nitrogen balance and use (Table 4), before the introduction of the GAP regu- efficiencies across years lations, to investigate possible impacts of these Nitrogen inputs and N surplus were greater and NUE Regulations on N balances and NUE on Irish dairy was lower in 2010 compared with 2009 and 2011. The farms. The study of Treacy et al. (2008) was carried out increased inputs were probably to support a SR that on 21 intensive dairy farms, of which eight were also was 0·18 LU/ha greater than 2009 and 0·19 LU/ha involved in the present study, whereas the study of greater than 2011 and were mainly in fertilizer N Mounsey et al. (1998) was on 12 intensive dairy farms. (mean of 0·81 of N input), being 49 kg N/ha greater These intensive farms had SRs of 2·37 LU/ha (Treacy than 2009 and 18 kg N/ha greater than 2011. The et al. 2008) and 2·58 LU/ha (Mounsey et al. 1998), higher fertilizer N input in 2010 might also be partially respectively, compared with the national average SR of due to lower mean temperatures between March and 1·85 LU/ha in 2005–2006 (Connolly et al. 2006, 2007) May in 2010 (8·5 °C) compared with 2009 (9·1 °C) and and 1·47 LU/ha in 1997 (Fingleton 1997). Mean N 2011 (9·6 °C) (Irish Meteorological Service 2013), surplus was significantly lower (P < 0·001) in the associated with poorer grass growth rates between present study, at 175 kg N/ha, than Treacy et al. March and May in 2010 (52·1 kg DM/ha/day) com- (2008) (227 kg N/ha) and Mounsey et al. (1998) pared with 2009 (57·5 kg DM/ha/day) and 2011 (289 kg N/ha), whereas NUE was significantly higher (63·3 kg DM/ha/day) (Teagasc 2013), so that ad- (P < 0·001), at 0·23, compared with Treacy et al. (2008) ditional N fertilizer may have been applied later in (0·19) and Mounsey et al. (1998) (0·17) (Table 4). the year to compensate. These results highlight the Similarly, mean surplus N per kg MS was significantly necessity of assessing balances and use efficiencies in lower (P < 0·001), at 0·28 kg N/kg MS, compared with Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
852 E. Mihailescu et al. Table 4. Comparative mean values (and standard errors) for total utilized agricultural area (TUAA), stocking rate (SR), national average stocking rate, milk yield, milk protein and fat concentration, concentrate feed, imports of N in chemical fertilizers, concentrate feeds, forages, bedding material, and livestock, exports of N in milk and livestock, farm-gate N balances, N use efficiencies, and surplus N per kg milk solids on dairy farms before and after the implementation of good agricultural practice regulations in Ireland; standard error of the means for transformed data in brackets; P values from ANOVA are included Present Treacy et al. Mounsey study (2008) et al. (1998) S.E.M. P value TUAA (ha) 71 59 65 3·3 (0·02) NS SR (LU/ha) 2·06 2·37 2·58 0·049 < 0·001 National SR (LU/ha) 1·90 1·85 1·47 – – Milk yield (l/cow) 5308 5167 5588 65·4 NS Milk protein (%) 3·4 3·4 3·3 0·01 (0·001) < 0·001 Milk fat (%) 4·0 3·8 3·7 0·02 (0·002) < 0·001 Concentrate fed (kg DM/LU) 488 549 480 29·4 < 0·05 N inputs (kg N/ha) Chemical fertilizer 186 239 317 9·5 < 0·001 Concentrate feed 27 44 33 2·3 (0·02) < 0·01 Forage 12·4 0·0 0·0 – – Bedding material 4·0 0·0 0·0 – – Livestock 3·8 0·0 0·0 – – Total 228 283 350 10·8 < 0·001 N outputs Milk 40 44 52 1·6 (0·01) < 0·05 Livestock 12·8 12·3 8·3 0·54 < 0·01 Total 53 56 61 1·6 NS N balance (kg N/ha) 175 227 289 10·1 < 0·001 N use efficiency 0·23 0·19 0·17 0·007 (0·014) < 0·001 Surplus N kg/kg MS ha 0·28 0·37 0·41 0·001 < 0·001 LU, livestock units; l, litres; DM, dry matter; N, nitrogen; MS, milk solids; S.E.M., standard error of the means; NS, not significant. Treacy et al. (2008) (0·37 kg N/kg MS) and Mounsey study had further impacts on fertilizer N, concentrate et al. (1998) (0·41 kg N/kg MS) (Table 4). Results N inputs and milk N output. suggest a trend for decreased N surplus per ha and per The second factor was a significantly lower kg MS and improved NUE on Irish dairy farms over the (P < 0·001) mean fertilizer N input, of 186 kg N/ha, in period covered by these studies (1997–2011) and the present study, compared with 239 kg N/ha in following the introduction of the GAP regulations in Treacy et al. (2008) and 317 kg N/ha in Mounsey et al. 2006. This trend would have both agronomic and (1998) (Table 4). While some of this decrease in environmental benefits, indicating a move towards fertilizer N input was undoubtedly associated with improved sustainability of dairy production, at least lower SRs, SR was 21% lower in this study than in with regard to N. This demonstrates that it is possible to Mounsey et al. (1998), while fertilizer N input was improve both environmental and economic sustain- 42% lower, indicating that the decrease in fertilizer N ability of dairy production through improved resource input was not only associated with changes in SR. use efficiencies. It would also seem likely that fertilizer N input There are a number of factors determining these decreased due to improved N management such differences between the three studies. The first factor as more appropriate rates and timing of application was a significantly lower (P < 0·001) mean SR in the and better use of on-farm organic N fertilizers. present study, of 2·06 LU/ha, in comparison with The third factor differing between the studies sug- 2·37 LU/ha in Treacy et al. (2008) and 2·58 LU/ha in gests that this was indeed the case, as 0·57 of annual Mounsey et al. (1998). The lower SR in the present chemical N fertilizer was applied from February to Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Nitrogen use efficiency on Irish dairy farms 853 May in the present study, compared with 0·59 in Nitrogen balance and use efficiency of Irish dairy Treacy et al. (2008) and 0·45 applied mid-January in farms in an international context Mounsey et al. (1998). There was no application of chemical N fertilizer after September in the present The results of the present study were compared with study and in Treacy et al. (2008) while in Mounsey similar international studies, as outlined in Table 5. In et al. (1998) chemical N fertilizers were applied up this comparison, the term ‘continental European farms’ until the end of October. Also, 0·58 of annual organic refers to the Dutch farms in Groot et al. (2006) and fertilizer N (farm yard manure and slurry) was applied Oenema et al. (2012), the Flemish farms in Nevens between mid-January and April in the present study, et al. (2006), and the French farms in Raison et al. compared with 0·55 in Treacy et al. (2008) and 0·14 in (2006), while ‘northern European farms’ refers to the Mounsey et al. (1998). There was no application of English and Irish farms in Raison et al. (2006), the organic fertilizers after October in the present study Scottish farms in Roberts et al. (2007) and the English and in Treacy et al. (2008), whereas in Mounsey et al. farms in Cherry et al. (2012). (1998), 0·31 was applied between November and Fertilizer N input in the present study (186 kg N/ha) January. This significant shift in the timing of organic was similar to the Dutch farms in Groot et al. (2006) N fertilizer application is consistent with advice on (186 kg N/ha), lower than the English and Irish farms in best practice indicating better fertilizer replacement Raison et al. (2006) (205 kg N/ha), the Flemish farms in value for spring application (Alexander et al. 2008) and Nevens et al. (2006) (257 kg N/ha) and the Scottish with the GAP regulations (European Communities farms in Roberts et al. (2007) (301 kg N/ha), but 2010), introduced in 2006, that prohibit application of higher than the French farms in Raison et al. (2006) organic fertilizers during the ‘closed period’, from mid- (90 kg N/ha), the Dutch farms in Oenema et al. October to mid/end January. The concurrent decrease (2012) (142 kg N/ha), the English farms in Cherry in chemical fertilizer N use and shift towards later et al. (2012) (172 kg N/ha) and the New Zealand farms application of this chemical fertilizer N both indicate in Beukes et al. (2012) (121 kg N/ha). an improved awareness of the fertilizer value of Concentrate N input in the present study (26·6 kg N/ organic manures and accounting for them in nutrient ha) was much lower compared with Nevens et al. management planning. (2006) (90 kg N/ha), Groot et al. (2006) (100 kg N/ha) The fourth factor was the significantly lower and Raison et al. (2006) for French farms (59 kg N/ha). (P < 0·01) concentrate N input per ha in the present The main reason for higher concentrate N inputs in study (26·6 kg N/ha) compared with Treacy et al. these studies was the high input/output system of dairy (2008) (43·6 kg N/ha) and Mounsey et al. (1998) production that is more typical of dairy production in (32·8 kg N/ha) (Table 4). While some of this decrease continental Europe, characterized by year-round milk in concentrate N input was undoubtedly associated production, high use of concentrates, imported feeds with lower SRs, SR was only 14% lower in the present and forages, lower use of grazed grass and high milk study than in Treacy et al. (2008), while concentrate yields per ha. In contrast, a low input/output system is N input was 39% lower. It would seem likely that more typical in Ireland, with seasonal milk production concentrate N input also decreased due to improved (compact spring calving), low use of concentrates, feed management with increased grass and decreased imported feeds and forages, high use of grazed concentrate feed per LU. Best practice in the seasonal grass and lower milk yields per ha. The continental grazed-grass-based production model, as would be European studies had much higher milk yields per ha advised by Teagasc (Irish state Agriculture and Food (11 321 litres/ha, Groot et al. 2006; 9906 litres/ha, Development Authority), would be to minimize such Nevens et al. 2006), compared with the current Irish feed inputs and maximize the proportion of grass in the study (7569 litres/ha). The French farms in Raison et al. diet (Dillon et al. 1995; Horan 2009). (2006) had lower mean milk yields per ha (5401 litres/ Despite the decreases in fertilizer N and concentrate ha) due to mixed agricultural production (milk, maize N inputs per ha, milk N output in the present study for export) on some of the farms. The higher milk yields was only 3·4 kg N/ha lower than in Treacy et al. (2008) per ha were also associated with higher mean milk N and 12 kg N/ha lower than in Mounsey et al. (1998). outputs per ha (73·6 kg N/ha, Groot et al. 2006; The 21% lower SR compared with Mounsey et al. 48·0 kg N/ha, Nevens et al. 2006) compared with the (1998) was matched by a 23% lower milk N output present study (40 kg N/ha). On the French farms in per ha. Raison et al. (2006), the mean milk N output, of Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
. Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 854 E. Mihailescu et al. Table 5. Comparative number of farms, type of system, grassland area, crop area and type of crop, stocking rate (SR), milk yield, N input from chemical fertilizers, N balances and N use efficiency (NUE) in different regions Grassland Crop Milk Fertilizer No. of Type of (proportion (proportion SR yield N input N balance Reference Region farms system of TUAA) of TUAA) (LU/ha) (l/ha) (kg N/ha) (kg N/ha) NUE Present study South of Ireland 21 G/C 0·93 0·07 (MS/W/T/K) 2·06 7569 186 175 0·23 Groot et al. (2006) The Netherlands 45 G/C 0·95 0·05(MS) 1·91 11 321 186 218 0·25 Nevens et al. (2006) Flanders 120 G/C 0·64 0·36 (W/B/O) 3·00 9906 257 295 0·19 Raison et al. (2006) Scotland 10 G/C 0·94 0·06(MS) 1·60 7155 114 134 0·26 South of Ireland 24 G/C 1·00 0·00 2·10 7757 269 240 0·20 SW England 13 G/C 0·84 0·16(MS) 2·20 9847 234 266 0·19 Brittany 15 G/MS 0·70 0·30(MS) 1·40 5315 57 117 0·39 Pays de la Loire 13 G/MS 0·65 0·35(MS) 1·30 4837 66 93 0·40 Aquitaine 9 C/MS 0·39 0·61(MS/MG) 1·20 6053 147 155 0·35 Basque country 16 0G 0·88 0·12(MS) 2·70 15 304 28 257 0·27 Galicia 18 0G 0·58 0·42(MS) 3·00 19 723 136 349 0·24 North Portugal 21 0G 0·00 1·00(MS) 6·10 34 760 212 502 0·33 Roberts et al. (2007) Scotland 9 G/C 0·88 0·12(MS) 2·09 14 147 301 357 0·18 Cherry et al. (2012) SW England 5 G/C 0·90 0·10(MS) N/A N/A 172 255 0·18 Oenema et al. (2012) The Netherlands 16 G/C 0·76 0·24(MS) 1·89 15 860 142 191 0·34 Beukes et al. (2012) New Zealand 247 G/C 0·94 0·06(MS/B/O) 2·80 11 904 121 155 N/A No., number; G/C, grazing-cutting; G/MS, grazing-maize for silage; C/MS, cutting-maize for silage; 0G, zero grazing; TUAA, total utilized agricultural area; MS, maize silage; W, wheat; B, barley; O, oat; K, kale; T, typhoon; MG, maize for grain; LU, livestock units; l, litres; N, nitrogen.
Nitrogen use efficiency on Irish dairy farms 855 29·0 kg N/ha, was lower than in the present study, and on-farm organic N sources, will play an even more likely due to their lower milk yields, SR and fertilizer N important role in improving N balances and NUE. input. It can be concluded that Irish dairy farms tend to In the study of Beukes et al. (2012), in New Zealand, operate with lower concentrate N inputs, relatively low the farms were considered to rely on home-grown fertilizer N inputs and lower N surpluses per ha than low-protein supplements (maize, barley and oat), with most other European dairy farms at lower output low imports of concentrate feeds. These farms had a (litres milk/ha) and that this is largely due to the low mean concentrate feed import of 474 kg DM/cow and input/output system that is more typical in Ireland with higher milk yields, of 11 904 litres/ha. These values seasonal milk production (compact spring calving) were considered representative for the Waikato region (Buckley et al. 2000), low use of concentrates, im- in New Zealand. This indicates that dairy farmers in ported feeds and forages (Dillon et al. 1995), high use New Zealand operate milk production systems similar of grazed grass (Horan 2009), and relatively low milk to the Irish, albeit with higher output per ha due to yields per cow (Humphreys et al. 2009a). All other much higher SRs. factors being equal, one might expect less N losses Despite the relatively low milk N output per ha, to the environment under conditions of lower N mean N surplus (175 kg N/ha) in the present study was surplus. lower than the mean N surplus reported by Groot et al. The dairy farms in New Zealand, which operate (2006) (218 kg N/ha), Raison et al. (2006) for English a grazed grass-based production system similar to and Irish farms (213 kg N/ha), Nevens et al. (2006) Ireland, tend to operate with lower fertilizer N and (295 kg N/ha), Roberts et al. (2007) (357 kg N/ha), concentrate N inputs and lower N surpluses than con- Cherry et al. (2012) (255 kg N/ha) and Oenema et al. tinental and northern European and Irish farms. On (2012) (191 kg N/ha). This reflects the low input/ commercial dairy farms from eight different locations output model of dairy production in Ireland. Mean N in New Zealand, the mean N fertilization rate was surplus in the present study was higher than Raison 137 kg N/ha, at a much higher mean SR (2·71 cows per et al. (2006) for French farms (122 kg N/ha) and ha) (Dalley & Gardner 2012; Dalley & Geddes 2012) the New Zealand farms in Beukes et al. (2012) than the continental and northern European studies, (155 kg N/ha). Mean NUE in the present study (0·23) and the Irish farms in the present study. This may was higher than that reported by Nevens et al. (2006) be due to the typically high white clover content in (0·19), Raison et al. (2006) for English and Irish farms New Zealand pastures. Fixation by white clover is the (0·21), Roberts et al. (2007) (0·18), and Cherry et al. main source of N input on New Zealand dairy farms (2012) (0·18), but lower than the mean NUE showed (Ledgard et al. 2001), fixing up to 300 kg N/ha by Groot et al. (2006) (0·25), Raison et al. (2006) for (Ledgard et al. 2009) and resulting in relatively low French farms (0·38) and Oenema et al. (2012) (0·34). recommended N fertilization rates of between 50 and However, the overall mean NUE (0·24) for the con- 150 kg N/ha (Roberts & Morton 2009). For compari- tinental and northern European farms was similar to son, the recommended N fertilization rates for grazed mean NUE in the current Irish study (0·23). pasture in Ireland range from 75 to 306 kg N/ha, with The above values for N surplus and NUE in the increasing SR from 1 to 2·4 LU/ha (Alexander et al. continental and northern European studies represent 2008). the means for the period of study. However, deliberate However, under experimental conditions, N fertili- efforts were made in the above studies to improve N zation rates as low as 90 kg N/ha have been main- surplus and NUE and, as a result, N surplus decreased tained with grass/clover grazed pastures stocked at and NUE increased over time. It is notable that the Irish 2 LU/ha (Humphreys et al. 2008, 2009b; Keogh et al. dairy farms in the present study had an average fer- 2010). This compares very favourably with the tilizer N input, N surplus and NUE, without intensive 252 kg N/ha on fertilized grazed pastures stocked at additional advisory and practice change efforts (be- 2·13 LU/ha in the same studies and indicates the yond the usual advisory services and GAP regulations), potential for Irish dairy farms to reduce fertilizer N use that was within the range of the improved figures from and improve NUE through incorporation of clover in the European studies following such advisory inter- swards, while also increasing farm profitability through vention. It is also worth noting that the dominance reduced fertilizer costs (Humphreys et al. 2012). of fertilizer N on the input side of the Irish low input/ Moreover, the high protein content of grass–clover output system means that efficient use of fertilizer N, pastures can allow the greater use of low-protein Downloaded from IP address:, on 26 Aug 2021 at 20:47:27, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
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