Page created by Clarence Walters

                                             CONNECTING ASIA-PAC PROPTECH
                                         INNOVATION TO A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITIES

                                        8 - 9 DECEMBER, SOFITEL DARLING HARBOUR,
                                                SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA + VIRTUAL

                                                                                   SUPPORTING PARTNERS



                                                                                       Copyright © FuturePlace 2021

                  POST COVID, PRE-ESG,
                  SMART: THE NEXT EVOLUTION                                                                “REAL ESTATE IS THE LARGEST ASSET
                  OF PROPTECH IS UPON US –                                                                 CLASS IN THE WORLD – WORTH
                  WELCOME TO PROPTECH NEXT!                                                                MORE THAN ALL STOCKS AND BONDS
                                                                                                           COMBINED – YET IT IS ONE OF THE LAST
                  The commercial real estate industry is in the midst of exciting change.                  TO ADOPT TECHNOLOGY. ALL OF THIS
                  Prior to 2020, it was already redefining systems and operations for a                    IS CHANGING AS $BILLIONS ARE BEING
                  new generation of technological advancement, and “disruption” became
                  the watchword.
                                                                                                           INVESTED INTO DEVELOPING PROPTECH”.
                  Then along came COVID-19 which forced the industry to focus on the
                  immediate issues of safety, sanitation and the management of building
                  assets at a time of dramatically reduced occupancies.

                  2021 represents a milestone shift. A once in a lifetime inflection point
                  where technology will come to the fore and redefine the fortunes of real
                  estate companies that are looking for ways to address a more flexible
                  work experience, improve efficiency, reduce their carbon footprint and
                  lower costs.

                  Ultimately, the winners will be those who can adapt the fastest, and fully
                  realise the benefits that the right technologies and partners can deliver.

                  The Proptech NEXT Summit will bring together senior real estate
                  leaders, VCs, investors and technology companies from Asia-Pacific
                  and the world to connect, learn, identify opportunities and find partners.

                  This is where the NEXT generation of Proptech happens.

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                           REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105

  Brendan Wallace     Helen Lam      Sharmila Tsourdalakis Alex Fuerschke                    Sheridan Ware         Anthony Liu           Divya Pall       Aaron Block       Lidia Ribarovska       Ed Parsons
    Co-Founder &   Head of Innovation Chief Innovation     Head of Building                Chief Information &       Head of          General Manager    Co-Founder &            Head of           Geospatial
  Managing Partner and Development        Marketing &        Technology                    Technology Officer     Technology &          - Innovation    Managing Partner       Technology          Technology
      Fifth Wall       Practices       Technology Officer   Infrastructure                    Charter Hall       Innovation Asia        Hines India            Multiplex           Evangelist
                      Lendlease            Stockland            Dexus                                            Goodman Asia                                                                       GOOGLE

      Kylie Davis                Vincent See       Bridget Wilkins         Duke Long          Dushyant           Alan Landau            Ben Wong          Amalia Paz       Othmane Zrikem            Magnus
       Founder &                Head of New        Head of Digital       Entrepreneur in     Shrivastava        CVC Principal &        Head of Open     Founding Partner   Chief Data Officer      Svantegård
        President                  Ventures     Citizen Engagement         Residence       Head of Digital & Director of Innovation     Innovation      Bricks Proptech     AO PropTech              Partner
       Proptech                Swire Properties - Ministry of Levelling Second Century      Data – Australia        Ananda             Eureka Nova         Innovation                           Stronghold Invest
      Association                                 Up, Housing and       Ventures/Reach           Hub             Development            New World
       Australia                                    Communities                            Laing O’Rourke      Public Company          Development
                                                  UK Government

     David Shein                Deb Noller           Cedric Fuchs      Kristian Butcher Archana Kshirsagar Andrew Morello                Ross O’Toole James Morris-Manuel Glenn Lampard         Matthew Barbuto
        Partner                Co-Founder &          Co-Founder &      Chief Executive    Business Strategy Winner of the First          Head of Real   EMEA Managing     Head of Research        Co-Founder
    Our Innovation             Chief Executive        Chairman               Officer           Director      Australian ‘The          Estate Technology     Director        Cushman &               Ynomia
         Fund                      Officer           eGuarantee             Build AI        Matterport         Apprentice’,           Optus Enterprise    Matterport         Wakefield
                                   Switch                                                                   Head of Business
                                Automation                                                                    Development
                                                                                                             The Entourage
Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                                   REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105            
Paul Saunders           Dirk Paelinck      Elinor Moshe      Patrick Harlalka     Lynne Thornton    Rachael Yuen      Prakash Senghani       Mete Varas       Sammy Pahal          Richard Ferris
 Chief Executive          Chairman          Podcast Host,        Investment         Co-Founder &       Manager             Founder              Founder       Managing Director    Chief Technology
     Officer               European       Constructing You        Manager,             Director      Asia PropTech      Navatech Group        Euro/Asia         UK Proptech             Officer
 Asia Principal            PropTech          & Founder,      Panthera Group &        Groundfloor                                               PropTech         Association             AsBuilt
    Capital              Association      The Construction    Co-founder, Mall                                                                 Initiative
                                                Coach          of The Future

 Tal Friedman        Stephen Macdonald     Nami Hayata        Tony Massaro         Sylvia Pavlova    Menno Lammers        Nadim Stub          Alexander       Elizabbeth Siew      Isaac J Coonan
      CEO                  Founder          Global Team      Partner & Head of        Founder          Founder &       Managing Director   Ubach–Utermöhl         President            Founder
  Foldstruct            The Proptech           Leader           Real Estate      PropTech Bulgaria    Quartermaster    Proptech Denmark       Chairman            PropTech            PropTech
                         Connection       PropTech JAPAN           PwC                                PropTech for                         German PropTech     Association of         Brisbane
                                                                                                         Good                                  Initiative         Malaysia

  Simon Hayes            Iain Stewart        Trent Knox        Mark Blum           Leon Wurfel         Toby Littin       Shaun Sergay      Jean-Simon Venne    Jordan King         James Bingham
    Secretary           Co-Founder &       Chief Executive    Chief Executive     CEO & Founder      Chief Executive     Founder & CEO      Co-Founder and     Global Sales       Managing Director
    PropTech            Chief Executive        Officer            Officer         Bueno Systems         Parkable          eGuarantee              CTO            Director              APAC
   Association              Officer         EP&T Global         Cognian                                                                       Brainbox AI     Honeywell Sine          Alidade
    Australia             Exergenics

  David Garcia          Justin Liang        Chris Mason        Richard Fifita     Karamjit Singh
Technical Director    Founder and CEO      Chief Executive     CEO and Co-        Chief Executive
   Watercore              Inspace              Officer            Founder             Officer
    Australia                               MobileDOCK             Veyor            Showsuite

                   Built World Leaders: Get unprecedented access to leading                  IF YOU ARE AN EXECUTIVE OPERATING IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING
          domestic and international Proptechs through our series of Proptech
          Innovation Showcases focused on Construction, Commercial,
                                                                                             INDUSTRIES, THEN YOU NEED TO ATTEND THE PROPTECH NEXT SUMMIT:
          Residential/BTR and the APAC region. Hear first-hand how leading
          buyers are identifying Proptechs, what the decision-making process is                                                                        JOB TITLE:
          and how they integrate new technologies to deliver on their objectives.            INDUSTRY:                                                 •   CEO’s, COO’s and CFO’s
                                                                                             •   Landlords/Real Estate Owners
                   Proptech Investors: With the Top 4 largest global VC investors                                                                      •   CIO & CTO’s
                                                                                             •   REITs
          in Proptech speaking, we provide you with the latest insights into                                                                           •   Founders/Co-Founders
                                                                                             •   Property Developers
          where the smart money is going, and how you can achieve superior                                                                             •   Heads of Technology
          returns for your LPs and portfolio companies.                                      •   Construction Companies & Contractors
                                                                                                                                                       •   Heads of Innovation
                                                                                             •   Agencies/Brokers
                                                                                                                                                       •   Heads of Sustainability
                   Proptechs: Hear from successful Proptechs founders from                   •   Property Managers
                                                                                                                                                       •   Heads of Real Estate/Property
          Aconex, Ynomia and Switch Automation; learn the secret sauce to                    •   Venture Capital/Investors/Fund Managers
          their success and the lessons gained along the way. Plus get involved                                                                        •   Heads of Investment
                                                                                             •   Technology Companies
          in a series of panels designed to help you scale your Proptech and                                                                           •   Tech Portfolio Managers
                                                                                             •   Service Providers
          showcase yourself to investors and buyers.                                                                                                   •   Partners/Managing Partners


             High quality curated        Live and on-demand                 Time efficient        Business matchmaking live        Accessible from all your       Engage, interact and influence
                    content             Wherever you are at the        If for whatever reason       Take part in intelligently               devices                    Make the most of your
              With expert sessions    time of the event, you’ll be   you can’t make it to the        curated meetings with        Get insights and network at        experience by being a truly
              and industry leading     in control. You’ll have the   event in-person, you can       like-minded individuals       your fingertips – all content     active participant. Whether at
              speakers, delve into     ability to consume all the     save on travel time and      that share similar interests     sessions and networking        the event or attending virtually,
                expertly curated        content being delivered        accommodation costs          and challenges from all       activities will be accessible      you’ll have the ability to ask
             content that you won’t      at your leisure through        while still networking     over the world through our     from your laptop, tablets or      questions, participate in polls,
              find anywhere else.      either a live stream of the       with global industry      AI powered matchmaking               mobile devices.           and share your experience with
                                         physical event or on-               professionals.         delivered via our virtual                                       other attendees via break-out
                                                 demand.                                                    platform.                                                          sessions.

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                           REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105             
World leading speakers:
                                                                            With over 60 leading industry experts including the largest Proptech VCs from
                   BE PART OF THE NEXT                                      Europe and the USA, leading Proptech buyers from Asia-Pacific as well as proven
                                                                            and emerging Proptechs all represented, the Summit offers unparalleled access
                                                                            to the best the industry has to offer.

                Propech NEXT is where we commit to the 		                   Superior insights:
                transformation of real estate                               We’ve spent months researching with the industry to develop a program that looks
                                                                            at all issues related to developing, scaling, buying and implementing Proptech. In
                                                                            fact, we’ve got all corners of the globe covered to ensure you are informed about
                Proptech NEXT is a community of                             key regional trends, and how these might play out in your part of the world. Of
                forward-thinking executives representing                    course we’re a little biased with Australasia getting special attention.
                real estate, VCs, investors and technology                  Format is king:
                innovators committed to driving meaningful                  With speed-networking, round-tables, match-making sessions, innovation
                change                                                      showcases and exhibition all part of the Summit, we can promise that you won’t
                                                                            get bored, and you’ll have ample opportunity to meet fellow attendees and develop
                                                                            great contacts. Our keynotes, fireside chats, panels and case studies will keep you
                Proptech NEXT is joined-up thinking that                    engaged, and provide the opportunity for you to ask your burning questions.
                facilitates new and novel ideas and
                                                                            Office, industrial, construction, residential… be part of the one Proptech event to rule
                                                                            them all
                                                                            All Summit attendees will have the opportunity to hear from the most sought-after
                Proptech NEXT is a regional and global                      thought leaders from across Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the USA. The program
                event dedicated to TECHNOLOGY, BUILT                        will examine the latest advances in technology and how the industry has evolved to
                                                                            meet the needs of an increasingly digital post Covid world.
                PROGRESS                                                    1. Understand and realise the opportunities and challenges for Proptech in
                                                                               real estate
                                                                            2. Explore the Proptech trends emerging across commercial, BTR, retail, industrial,
                                                                               planning, construction and more
                                                                            3. Hear real world examples of Proptech across all types of assets and functions
                                                                            4. Learn which business models are destined to succeed and why
                                                                            5. Hear how Proptechs are reshaping the future of real estate investment globally
                                                                            6. Participate in match-making sessions and connect with partners
                                                                            7. Get the latest intelligence and insights from over 60 leading international and
                                                                               local speakers
                                                                            8. Save time and money by attending the one event that delivers all the Proptech
                                                                               knowledge and connections you need

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                 REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105   
“As the world pulls out of Covid, the digital transformation of the Built World will
                                                                                               continue its road towards greater innovation – especially within Commercial Towers.
                   OUR ADVISORY COUNCIL                                                        I am keen to share my views with the audience of the APAC Summit and to hear
                                                                                               what the other experts see as the pertinent issues driving our industry forward

                                                                                               Duke Long, Entrepreneur in Residence, NAR/Second Century Ventures (USA)

             FUTUREPLACE WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING TEN                                 “I am looking forward to speaking at PropTech NEXT, as it gives speakers from
             INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR VALUABLE CONTRIBUTION IN HELPING                            all over the world the opportunity to share experiences and insights on what is
                                                                                               happening and ‘what is next’ in their field. This provides inspiration and triggers
             TO SHAPE AND DEVELOP THIS YEAR’S EXCITING AGENDA:                                 actions to contribute to social issues in a positive way.”

                                                                                               Menno Lammers, Founder & Quartermaster, PropTech for Good (Netherlands)
             1. Sheridan Ware, Chief Information and Technology Officer,
                Charter Hall
                                                                                               “I am looking forward to speaking at the PropTech NEXT Summit as it brings
             2. Luke Dixon, Head of Real Estate Research, AMP Capital                          together global industry experts along with leading Australian PropTechs, buyers
                                                                                               and VC’s to look at the pertinent issues facing the industry today”.
             3. Matthew Barbuto, Co-Founder, Ynomia
                                                                                               Aaron Block, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, (USA)
             4. Duke Long, Entrepreneur in Residence, NAR/Second Century
                Ventures (USA)
                                                                                               “For those who work, invest or build technologies for the Real Estate sector, the
             5. Aaron Block, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, (USA)                  PropTech Next Summit is a must attend event, offering a unique opportunity to gain
                                                                                               insights from an esteemed range of global PropTech figures. Its particular focus on
             6. Magnus Svantegård, Partner, Stronghold Invest, (Sweden)                        the APAC markets and how issues in the sector are being approached in the region,
                                                                                               will be invaluable for all attendees.”
             7. Bridget Wilkins, Director – Community Engagement, Built-ID (UK)
                                                                                               Stephen Macdonald, Founder, The Proptech Connection
             8. Menno Lammers, Founder & Quartermaster, PropTech for Good
                                                                                               “In my role at Stronghold Invest I lead the digital transformation of our existing
             9. Tal Friedman, Special Advisor – Construction Technologies,                     real estate portfolio companies while also scouting and managing the investment
                Ministry of Economy & Industry, (Israel)                                       opportunities of our global PropTech start-up’s. So I am particularly keen to
                                                                                               participate in the four PropTech Showcases and to learn what opportunities exist in
             10. Othmane Zrikem, Chief Data Officer, A/O                                       Australia and APAC for Stronghold to invest.”
                 PropTech (Morocco)
                                                                                               Magnus Svantegård, Partner, Stronghold Invest, (Sweden)

                                                                                               “I am looking forward to speaking at the PropTech NEXT Summit as it brings
                                                                                               together global industry experts along with leading APAC RE Tech stakeholders to
                                                                                               look at the pertinent challenges posed by the transformation of the largest asset
                                                                                               class in the world”.

                                                                                               Othmane Zrikem, Chief Data Officer, AO PropTech (Morocco)

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                      REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105   
        Chairman’s opening remarks                                                                           Proptech Buyers Roundtable:

                                                                                                             Examining the uptake, development and use of Proptech across APAC

        Leon Kantor, COO, FuturePlace
                                                                                                             In this session, we examine the variety of user perspectives of Proptech in Australia
        THE BIG PROPERTY RESET:                                                                              from leading developers, building owners and construction companies. We ask how
        COVID-19, DISRUPTION, TECHNOLOGY & OPPORTUNITY                                                       they evaluate Proptech, the decision making process and how they incorporate new
                                                                                                             technologies into their organisation.
        Examining the Global Proptech landscape and where Australia is
                                                                                                             •   Identifying the right Proptech to buy from and invest in – what to look for?

        positioned for growth
                                                                                                             •   How to get relevant stakeholder buy in – driving outcomes while avoiding inertia
         In this session, we get an update on the development of the industry globally, where is             •   Things all Proptechs should know to enhance their chances of getting a deal done
         Australia placed and what mega trends are driving change and innovation in the industry.            •   From pilot to full scale roll-out – obstacles to be aware of in advance
                                                                                                             Panellists include:
         • Looking at the global investment overview and examining the key themes and
                                                                                                             Lidia Ribarovska, Head of Technology, Multiplex
         sectors being invested in today. How has it changed and how may it change over the
         Next decade?                                                                                        Dushyant Shrivastava, Head of Digital & Data – Australia Hub, Laing O’Rourke
         • Where is Australia relative to the global landscape?                                              Patrick Harlalka, Co-Founder, Mall of the Future & Investment Manager, Panthera Group
         • Where we are in innovation cycle and what is the future?                                          Ben Wong, Head of Open Innovation, Eureka Nova New World Development (Hong Kong)
                                                                                                             Rachael Yuen, Manager, Asia PropTech (Hong Kong)
         Stephen Macdonald, Founder, The Proptech Connection
                                                                                                             Facilitated by:
                                                                                                             Tony Massaro, Partner & Head of Real Estate, PwC
        Tech Transformation Panel: Australia Under the Spotlight
        How are Australian building owners, operators and developers finding,

        adopting and investing in Proptech?

                                                                                                             Morning coffee & networking break
         In this session, we look at how Proptech and Contech use has grown exponentially in
         Australia and why CIOs now need Proptech more than ever. This session will examine:                 FOCUS ON COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL
         • The state of collaboration and innovation in the Australian Proptech sector
         • Australian market dynamics in focus: growth, capital investment and innovation in                 International Fireside Chat I:
         real estate and the drive to enhance sustainability                                                 How is Proptech enabling CRE players to emerge bigger and better post

         • What technologies are on the rise across the different asset sectors in Australia and             Covid-19?
         across the broader APAC region?
         • What is needed to drive adoption of Proptech within the built world to the next level?            In this session, we get an update on the impact Proptech is having on the commercial real
                                                                                                             estate sector, and the role it will play in determining success in a post Covid world.
         Panellists include:
         Sharmila Tsourdalakis, Chief Innovation Marketing and Technology Officer, Stockland
                                                                                                             Duke Long, Entrepreneur in Residence, Second Century Ventures/Reach (USA)
         Sheridan Ware, Chief Information and Technology Officer, Charter Hall
                                                                                                             Archana Kshirsagar, Business Strategy Director, Matterport (USA)
         Richard Ferris, Chief Technology Officer, AsBuilt
                                                                                                             Glenn Lampard, Head of Research VIC, Cushman & Wakefield
         Alex Fuerschke, Head of Building Technology Infrastructure, Dexus
                                                                                                             Interviewed by:
         Facilitated by:
                                                                                                             John Pozoglou, Founder & CEO, FuturePlace
         Luke Dixon, Head of Research, AMP Capital

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                              REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105        
        SUMMIT DAY 1
        WEDNESDAY - 8TH OF DECEMBER                                                         International Keynote - Fireside Chat II: Proptech Innovation - Uncovering the secrets to

                                                                                            seeding greatness in Proptechs globally
                                                                                            Divya Pall is Head of Innovation for Hines India and part of the global Innovation Team. Divya is tasked
        Case study I: Adopting software for evolving global trends in

                                                                                            with identifying, developing and scaling Proptechs for Hines and their portfolio of property assets valued
        commercial real estate                                                              in excess of US$160 Billion across 240 cities in 27 countries globally. In the past year Divya has evaluated
                                                                                            over 100 Proptechs, piloted 18 and rolled out 6 into their portfolio. In this session we examine what they
                                                                                            look for in a Proptech, how they identify, scale and incorporate them across their mega portfolio of real
                                                                                            estate assets globally.
        Jordan King, Global Sales Director, Honeywell Sine
                                                                                            •    How Hines identifies and develops the highest potential, biggest impact start-ups
                                                                                            •    What are the most promising tech plays and sectors today?
                                                                                            •    Where are Hines looking for start-ups globally?
                                                                                            •    How will tech transform all real estate sectors?
        Case study II: eGuarantee - an evolution in commercial

                                                                                            •    What’s NEXT for the property industry and Proptechs globally?
                                                                                            Divya Pall, General Manager – Innovation, Hines India        Interviewed by:
        eGuarantee provides Proptech that has genuine application and benefits
                                                                                                                                                         John Pozoglou, Founder & CEO, FuturePlace
        for the entire ecosystem within leasing agreement; landlord, tenant,
        agent, rep, broker. eGuarntee is more than just an alternative, it is an
        evolution, and one which is set to become the new standard in Australian
        lease security.                                                                     Fireside Chat III: How do we foster a meaningful and collaborative industry within

        Cedric Fuchs, Co-Founder & Chairman, eGuarantee
                                                                                             Facilitated by:
                                                                                             Kylie Davis, Founder & President, Proptech Association Australia
                                                                                             Isaac J Coonan, Founder, PropTech Brisbane
        Proptech Innovation Spotlight I:

        Integrating new technologies into commercial buildings
        In this session, we hear from leading international Proptech start-ups and          FOCUS ON CONSTRUCTION
        scale-ups who are delivering solutions to meet the current challenges
        facing commercial real estate. The founders will share their insights
                                                                                     3.15   Developing the building blocks for a comprehensive digital engineering &
        into why they have developed these solutions and how their tech will                construction strategy
        transform key aspects of the sector.
                                                                                            In this session, we look at how construction companies can best adopt, use and integrate Contech and
                                                                                            digital engineering technologies into their design and construction process.
        Proptech 1 - Trent Knox, Chief Executive Officer, EP&T Global
        Proptech 2 - Iain Stewart, Co-Founder & CEO, Exergenics                             • BIM and Contech: how much of the build phase is being digitalised in Australia today?

        Proptech 3 - Mark Blum, Chief Executive Officer, Cognian                            • Examining the key tech behind the use and popularity of DFMA

        Proptech 4 - Shaun Sergay, Co-Founder & CEO, eGuarantee                             • Leveraging blockchain, AI, and IoT technologies across the entire construction value chain
                                                                                            • Establishing partnerships with leading local and global technology partners
        Proptech 5 - Jordan King, Global Sales Director, Honeywell Sine
                                                                                            Tal Friedman, CEO, Foldstruct (Germany)
        Facilitated by:
        Simon Hayes, Secretary, PropTech Association Australia

                                                                                            Afternoon coffee & networking break

        Networking lunch

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                         REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105           
SUMMIT DAY 1                                                                                              Locknote Fireside Chat IV: Europe
        WEDNESDAY - 8TH OF DECEMBER                                                                               Looking at how developments in Europe may shape industry
                                                                                                                  trends in Australia

                                                                                                                  Magnus has been named as a top 10 Global Influencer in Proptech
         VC PANEL                                                                                                 (twice) and is a dedicated Senior Advisor and Chief Product Officer with a
         What are Proptech VCs doing to deliver maximum value to their investors,                                 25+ year track record in developing world-class digital solutions. He spent

         partners, and portfolio companies?                                                                       19 years as Chief Product Officer at the Proptech start up Datscha (Swe)
                                                                                                                  which in 2019 was sold to Real Capital Analytics (US). His role as a Partner
         In this session, we hear from the VC’s themselves and how they are working with                          at Stronghold Invest includes the digital transformation of existing real
         Proptech’s as well as their Investors and the buyers themselves to provide value to all                  estate portfolio companies (Newsec & NIAM), scouting and managing
         parties and the industry overall.                                                                        investment opportunities in global Proptech start-up space. In this session,
                                                                                                                  we hear what drives him; what are the secrets to his success; in addition to
         • What are VC’s looking for in a PropTech?                                                               what’s it like to lecture at Cambridge; complete 2 ironman and of course
         • Focusing on the right technologies and making the right bets                                           what trends is he seeing that will impact Australia?
         • Helping portfolio companies respond and benefit from accelerated change
         • Identifying opportunities for more mature start-ups to exit and return capital and profits to          Magnus Svantegård, Partner, Stronghold Invest (Sweden)
                                                                                                                  Interviewed by: Dirk Paelinck, Chairman, European PropTech
         David Shein, Partner, Our Innovation Fund (Australia)                                                    Association

         Paul Saunders, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Principal Capital (Australia)
         Othmane Zrikem, Co-Founder & Chief Data Officer, AO PropTech (France)                                    5 investor lessons

         Facilitated by:                                                                                          David Shein, Partner, Our Innovation Fund (Australia)
         Stephen Macdonald, Founder, The Proptech Connection (Australia)

                                                                                                                  End of day 1 and networking drinks

        SUMMIT DAY 2
         Chair’s opening remarks

         Leon Kantor, COO, FuturePlace

         Opening Address:
         How to build and scale a leading start-up – the secrets of success

           In this session, we hear from Andrew Morello, the Winner of the first Australian ‘The
           Apprentice’ on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Andrew is an experienced
           venture capitalist and avid property investor and in his role with ‘The Entourage’ he works
           with start-ups to help them scale. A day ahead of his masterclass on the same topic,
           Andrew will lift the lid on the secrets to success, the most common mistakes start-ups
           make and lessons for to those looking to be the next Australian Unicorn.

           Andrew Morello, Winner of the first Australian ‘The Apprentice’, Venture-Capitalist,
           Property Guru & Head of Business Development, The Entourage

                                       THURSDAY - 9TH OF DECEMBER                                                                Case Study: Brainbox AI

                                                                                                                                 Jean-Simon Venne, Co-Founder and CTO, Brainbox AI
                                       International Fireside Chat V:
                                       How to catch a Unicorn - Accelerating Proptechs and the story

                                       behind the success of Fifth Wall                                                          Morning coffee & networking break
                                       In this session, we hear from Brendan Wallace, the Co-Founder of the
                                       largest VC fund devoted to real estate, with over $1 billion of assets under
                                       management. We hear about the evolution of Fifth Wall and how they see the
                                                                                                                                 Founders Panel: Making NEXT happen - Reviewing the technologies,

                                       future of the CRETech sector taking shape, where the next unicorn is likely to            people and companies taking the real estate industry into the “digital” era
                                       come from and the ultimate impact that tech will have upon the Built World.
                                       We take a moment to hear about the man himself and what are the secrets                   In this session, we look at some of Australia’s most successful Proptech start-ups and examine how
                                       to his success and what drives him to be so successful.                                   they have so successfully scaled up and in some cases, sold for in excess of US$1billion. We ask
                                       • Why Proptech is the solution to real estate’s Covid-19 slump                            their Founders what drives them, how they fostered their entrepreneurial spirit, the roadblocks they
                                       • Global Proptech markets and Australia: The state of collaboration and                   encountered and how they overcame them. We also look forward and ask where is the industry
                                       innovation                                                                                headed and how can new Proptechs rise to meet the challenges facing construction in the future?
                                       • Realising the ROI of Proptech and how start-ups can avoid the scaling                   • What are the factors that make a successful Proptech?
                                       struggles                                                                                 • Looking at the Founders: what traits do they feel they have in common and are crucial to
                                       • What are the lessons learnt along the way and what is next for Fifth Wall?              success?
                                       Brendan Wallace, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Fifth Wall (USA)                          • Scale: how do you achieve this, and convince investors and buyers to come along for the ride?
                                                                                                                                 • NEXT: what technologies have the potential to truly disrupt, transform and have an impact on
                                       Interviewed by: Elinor Moshe, Podcast Host, Constructing You & Founder,
                                                                                                                                 carbon reduction, health and wellbeing, design and build, asset management and productivity?
                                       The Construction Coach
                                                                                                                                 Panellists include:
                                                                                                                                 Deb Noller, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Switch Automation (Singapore)

                                       Examining how 5G will be a game changer for Commercial                                    Kristian Butcher, Chief Executive Officer, Build AI

                                       Real Estate & Beyond                                                                      Lynne Thornton, Co-Founder & Director, Groundfloor
                                       In this session we hear from Ross O’Toole, Head of Business Technology on                 Leon Wurfel, CEO & Founder, Bueno Systems
                                       how Optus is providing carriage to disrupt and digitalise commercial real
                                                                                                                                 Facilitated by:
                                       estate. How by connecting people, devices and building IOT will transform
                                                                                                                                 Matthew Barbuto, Co-Founder, Ynomia
                                       the built world and PropTechs across APAC.
                                       • Examining the real 5G opportunity for landlords, agencies and tenants; how
                                       to realise them and what challenges need to be overcome over the coming

                                       years?                                                                                    Turning buildings into data and digital assets
                                       • Understanding how IOT will allow you to run your building more efficiently
                                                                                                                                 The events of the past year have redefined how CRE business is conducted. Demand for office and
                                       and enhance sustainability while improving your tenant’s user experience
                                                                                                                                 retail space has been impacted by social distancing, shutdowns and remote work policies. Even
                                       • What is actually being disrupted and what are the benefits these changes
                                                                                                                                 as stores reopen and employees gradually return to the workplace, the way we interact with one
                                       will provide in terms of data and analytics and the insights gleaned into
                                                                                                                                 another and the spaces we inhabit has fundamentally changed. Join James, EMEA Managing Director,
                                       tenant experience and usage?
                                                                                                                                 Matterport, in this session. He will share how CRE professionals and property owners can succeed in
                                       • How will this information impact Recoverable Outgoings across digitalised
                                                                                                                                 an evolving CRE space by prioritizing innovation and investing in a transformative digital strategy to
Copyright © FuturePlace 2021

                                                                                                                                 capture new competitive advantages in today’s challenging market
                                       • Examining broader examples from retail to Optus Stadium and to what is
                                       actually happening abroad and what can Australian landlords and building
                                                                                                                                 James Morris-Manuel, EMEA Managing Director, Matterport
                                       operators can learn from their experience?
                                       Ross O’Toole, Head of Business Technology, Optus

                                                                                                                                 Networking lunch
                                                                                                                                  Innovation Round Tables

                               THURSDAY - 9TH OF DECEMBER
                               CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON - FOCUS ON ASIA                                                     In this session, we bring together delegates in a series of 5 x 30 minute facilitated round table
                                                                                                                                  discussions, with leading industry experts. Join a table that most interests you and discuss the
                                Panel Discussion: Meet the people driving Proptech development
                                                                                                                                  latest technology and industry trends with likeminded individuals. Coffee and networking will

                                and real estate innovation across Asia
                                                                                                                                  also start for those who do not wish to participate in both discussion groups.
                                In this session, we hear from leading pioneers from the Asian Proptech scene and
                                                                                                                                  Round Table 1:    Led by: Ross O’Toole, Head of Real Estate Technology, Optus Enterprise
                                real estate industry. Asia is the largest continent in the world and its economic rise
                                                                                                                                  Round Table 2:    Led by: Chris Mason, Chief Operating Officer, MobileDOCK
                                over the last 3 decades has been enormous. This in turn has led to monumental
                                                                                                                                  Round Table 3:    Led by: Trent Knox, Chief Operating Officer, EP&T Global
                                construction and development across all sectors of real estate. In this session, we
                                                                                                                                  Round Table 4:    Workplace/Tenant Experience
                                hear from the people enabling innovation in the hottest real estate market on earth.
                                                                                                                                  Round Table 5:    VC & Investor Insights - Led by: Stephen Macdonald, Founder, The Proptech
                                • Examining the state of play in the Asian Proptech landscape
                                • What are the main differences with regards to buyer needs and Proptech
                                     adoption between the more traditional markets of Japan, Hong Kong and
                                     Singapore and the newer markets of Thailand and Malaysia?                                   Afternoon coffee & networking break

                                • What developments are occurring in Asia that may impact the industry in
                                • What are the hottest companies and technologies that we should expect to see                   BUILDINGS, PEOPLE, CLIMATE & TECH – PREDICTIONS FOR A BRAVE NEW
                                     come out of Asia in the near future?                                                        BUILT WORLD
                                Panellists include:                                                                               SUSTAINABILITY, NET ZERO & TECHNOLOGY – INVESTMENT FOR GOOD

                                Vincent See, Head of New Ventures, Swire Properties (HK)                                          Examining what is NEXT for sustainability and climatech
                                Helen Lam, Head of Innovation and Development Practices, Lendlease (Singapore)                    In this session, we hear from leading European Proptech network leaders what is next in
                                Alan Landau, CVC Principal & Director of Innovation, Ananda Development Public                    Sustainability in Europe. What lessons have been learnt, what are they working on now, and
                                Company (Thailand)                                                                                what challenges and opportunities do they see emerging in Europe in terms of ecosystem,
                                Elizabbeth Siew, President, MALAYSIA PropTech Association                                         market, and funding.
                                Nami Hayata, Global Team Leader, PropTech JAPAN                                                   Panelists Include:
                                                                                                                                  Alexander Ubach–Utermöhl, Founder, German PropTech Initiative
                                Facilitated by:
                                Anthony Liu, Head of Technology & Innovation Asia, Goodman Asia (Hong Kong)                       Nadim Stub, Managing Director, Proptech Denmark
                                                                                                                                  Bridget Wilkins, Head of Digital Citizen Engagement - Ministry of Levelling Up, Housing and
                                                                                                                                  Communities, UK Government

                                Proptech Spotlight II: Commercial Real Estate Innovation                                          Facilitated by:
                                                                                                                                  Menno Lammers, Founder & Quartermaster, PropTech for Good (Netherlands)
                                In this session, we hear from companies who are each delivering solutions to meet
                                the current challenges in Real Estate. The speakers will share their insights into
                                why they have developed these solutions and how their tech will drive innovative                  CLOSING KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Technology, data, privacy and the road ahead
                                outcomes for the entire real estate community including construction, commercial                  – predictions for business and humanity

                                building owners and operators, and residential.
                                                                                                                                  In this final session we hear from Ed Parsons who is the Head of Geospatial Technologies for
                                PropTech 1 - Toby Littin, Chief Executive, Parkable                                               Google. He will look at how the world has changed and explain why nothing will ever be the
                                PropTech 2 - James Bingham, Managing Director APAC, Alidade                                       same again. Ed and his team are pioneering geospatial technologies that will allow people
Copyright © FuturePlace 2021

                                PropTech 3 - Chris Mason, Chief Operating Officer, MobileDOCK                                     to access IOT from any and everywhere. Alexa and Siri will be all over the built world and
                                PropTech 4 - Justin Liang, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Inspace                           people will be able to access information where and whenever directly into their ears or onto
                                PropTech 5 - Karamjit Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Showsuite                                   their eye-screens. What will this mean for humanity, privacy and what will we do with the
                                PropTech 6 - Richard Fifita, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Veyor                        abundance of data are just some of the areas Ed will explore as he asks you to buckle in for a
                                                                                                                                  glimpse of the future and just how amazing the world will be in just a few short years to come.
                                Facilitated by:
                                Simon Hayes, Secretary, PropTech Association Australia                                            Ed Parsons, Geospatial Technology Evangelist, GOOGLE (UK)

                                                                                                                                 Close of Conference

    International Fireside Chat:                                        Europe and the Middle East: Assessing the                International keynote:
    Startup innovation: Uncovering the secrets to seeding               Proptech drivers and landscape across                    Assessing new trends in the Investment -
    greatness in Proptechs globally                                     different real estate markets                            what’s NEXT?
                                                                                                                                 In this session we examine current investment trends
    “In June 2021, MetaProp’s closed their $100M Fund III, which        Europe and the Middle East couldn’t be more
                                                                                                                                 as well as the social and economic factors driving
    is the largest global PropTech seed fund”. Aaron is Co-Founder      different in terms of culture and real estate. Europe
                                                                                                                                 change that will impact the industry in the years
    and Managing Partner of MetaProp, a New York-based venture          has 98% old buildings while the much of the
                                                                                                                                 ahead. We will canvas all sectors such as commercial,
    capital firm focused on the PropTech industry. Founded in 2015,     Middle East has been developed over the last 1-2
                                                                                                                                 retail, residential and industrial to see what trends are
    MetaProp’s investment team has invested in 100+ technology          decades. However, EMEA offers big opportunities
                                                                                                                                 emerging and how these will shape the investment
    companies across the real estate value chain. The firm manages      for investment and collaboration and a burgeoning
                                                                                                                                 and development of the Proptech industry for years to
    multiple investment funds for both financial and strategic real     opportunity for astute Proptechs.
    estate investors representing a pilot and test-ready sandbox of
    15+ billion square feet across every real estate asset type and     Panellists Include:                                      • Insights on the current real estate investment

    global market. In this session, we question him on:                 Amalia Paz, Founding Partner, Bricks Proptech              environment and alignment of value in an
                                                                        Innovation (Israel)                                        increasingly global market
    • What is the secret sauce and how do MetaProp identify                                                                      • Assessing the past year: how have certain
      and develop the start-ups that they see as having the             Prakash Senghani, Founder, Navatech Group
                                                                                                                                   ventures progressed?
      most potential and making the biggest impact?                     (UAE)
                                                                                                                                 • Establishing a VC: real-time challenges, key
    • Which are the most promising types of tech and sectors            Sammy Pahal, Managing Director, UK Proptech                considerations and use cases from working with
      today and where are MetaProp looking for start-ups globally?      Association                                                start-ups
    • How will tech and digitalisation re-shape the industry                                                                     • Where do we go from here and what’s next for
      across all real estate sectors?                                   Sylvia Pavlova, Founder, PropTech Bulgaria
                                                                                                                                   the real estate industry and Proptech in 2022
    • What are the lessons learnt along the way and what is                                                                        and beyond? Where will we see the strongest
      next for MetaProp?                                                Facilitated by:
                                                                        Mete Varas, Founder, Euro/Asia PropTech Initiative         investments moving forward?
    • Building the future and what’s NEXT for the property
      industry and for PropTechs globally                               (Turkey)
                                                                                                                                                 Gregory Dewerpe
                                                                                                                                                 Founder, AO PropTech, Chairman,
                        Aaron Block, Co-Founder and Managing Partner,                                                                            AMD Capital (UK)
                        MetaProp (USA)
                        Interviewed by:
                        John Pozoglou, Founder & CEO, FuturePlace

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021                                                     REGISTER TODAY: + 61 2 7 200 2105    

Copyright © FuturePlace 2021   FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Lachlan Macdonald + 61 (0) 402 749 775
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                     2 Day Summit^            $595 + GST                                                                                                               2 Day Summit           $995 + GST

                                                                                                2 Day Summit              $995 + GST
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                                                                                                                                                               If you book a virtual ticket you have the option to upgrade
                                                                                                                                                               to a physical ticket at a later date, and receive the discount
                                                                                                                                                               that applied when the virtual ticket was booked.

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       Attendance will only be permitted upon receipt of full payment. Only 1 discount scheme applies. Bookings with a discount must be paid by the cut-
       off date for the discount to be applied. Please note that the program and speakers are subject to change without notice. If the venue changes, you
       will be notified.

       i. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charge. FuturePlace regrets that no
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       ii. If the event does not proceed for any other reason apart from Force Majeure (Act of God such as an epidemic, pandemic, earthquake, fire, flood
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       iii. In the case of Force Majeure rendering the running of the event impracticable, the Organiser (FuturePlace) will commit to running the event at a
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                                                                                                                                                                     Venue: Sofitel Darling Harbour
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