NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE

Page created by Ricardo Chang
NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
      Volume 3 Issue 5
      From the people who
      brought you OZZ

      More on security

      IEEE — 488
      A journey on the bus

      Part two of our special

      FREE E N TR Y
& commodore
 COMPUTER        1
NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
T heP E T
    Lack of information. It's a problem for every computer owner. No manual can tell you all the
    things you really need to know. Like how to program. Which peripherals you need. Or the best
    software for your application.
         But if you own, or are thinking about a PET, CBM or V IC computer, help is at hand. We are
    P R IN T O U T , the independent magazine specialising in the Commodore system. Each issue is
    packed with news, articles about programming in PET Basic, test reports on the latest peripherals
    and really thorough software reviews. Plus regular columns by leading experts, readers letters,
     solutions to programming problems, even a gossip column! Whether your interest is Business,
     Education, or just plain fun, P R IN T O U T can save you time, trouble and money.
         The current issue has a comprehensive guide to business software for the PET, advice on
     buying a computer, a List program for non-PET printers, our 12,000 mile road test of the 8032
    Super PET, help with cassette files, a guided tour of the new V IC , plus all you need to know
    about multi-PET systems. And much more. Send for a copy now, or better still, subscribe!

        Credit card orders accepted b y telephone on 0635-201131

To: PRINTO U T, P.O. Box 48, Newbury RG16 OBD, Berkshire, U.K.


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                     1981 Subscription Complete 1980 Set Sample Issue                Binder
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Eire                      £13 punts        £13 punts
Europe                    £14.50           £14.50
USA A irm ail             545.00           S45.00
USA Surface               536.00           S 36.00
Overseas Airm ail         £25.00           £25.00
Overseas Surface          £18.00           £18.00
NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
Editorial—Hello, good evening and welcome......... ................................................................................................................ 2
Audiogenic—new products.........................................................................................................................................................3
Pets in Space—Astrological and astronomical programs........................................................................................................ 3
M annesman—Inexpensive printers...........................................................................................................................................4
Education—A plea for help.........................................................................................................................................................4
Intex Datalog—A compiler.........................................................................................................................................................4
Tecpacs—New Approved Product............................................................................................................................................. 4
Accident Unit Record System—Interesting use of a PET....................................................................................................5
Silicon Office—New program for the PET.............................................................................................................................. 6
Pet Paradox—A woman’s view of a PET..................................................................................................................................6
Business User’s Colum n—Barry Miles summing up security..............................................................................................7
Review Section—Claremont Controls, MTC Pilot, Landsoft’shotel package, plus more besides.............................. 9/12
Basic Program m ing—8032 screen window, use of arrays, redimensioning arrays, automatic data
entry, problems with input.....................................................................................................................................................13/16
M achine Code Program m ing—Sequential files in machine code.....................................................................................17
Mike Gross-Niklaus—Sorts out sorts................................................................................................................................18/19
Disk Guide—Part two of David Pococks series on the use of disk drives............................................................................20
IEEE-488—David Muir explores the bus.................................................................................................................................22
Education—The missing link, low priced software, Manchester Education User Group, high resolution graphics....29

Floor Plan................................................................................................................................................................Inside Cover
Editorial—The PET Show-What it is........................................................................................................................................1
Where it is, how to get there—where to wine and dine and recover afterwards................................................................2
Seminars—times and subjects....................................................................................................................................................4
Exhibitors—Who’s there and where they are............................................................................................................................5

 Commodore Club News is Published by Commodore Business Machines (U.K.) Ltd., 818, Leigh Road, Slough, Berks and printed by Uniprint, 91-95, Euston
 Road, London NW1. Whilst the publishers take every care to ensure the accuracy of information contained in "Club News", no liability is accepted for errors or
 any consequences of such errors that might arise.

 Free Entry To PET SHOW
 Please Note:- Only by filling in and presenting this form will User Club
 Members be entitled to free entry for two people to the Second International
 Pet Show.

  Pet User YES / NO
  My System is used for................................................................................................

NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
                                          part of the Commodore world, and           availability of second hand Pet equip­
 Introduction                             ought to be given as wide a coverage
                                          as possible. After all, the Approved
                                                                                     ment. If you know of any source of
                                                                                     this, if you’ve got any Pet equipment
      Welcome to Volume 3 issue 5 of      Products catalogue contains some of        that you want to sell (e.g. you’ve just
the magazine. You’ll have noticed if      the finest hardware and software           upgraded to a disc based system from
you saw the last newsletter a signifi­    available for the Pet.                     cassettes, and now have a cassette unit
cant change in appearance, hopefully            The next issue will be again         to sell, or you’ve upgraded from Basic
for the better. I think this has been a   featuring the special educational sec­     2 to Basic 4 and find yourself with a
step in the right direction, and that     tion, as it will be doing every other      spare set of Basic 2 roms), or there is
we’ve continued the trend with this       month, but that doesn’t mean that          an item of hardware that you’re after,
issue. If you disagree you are free, as   you’ll be seeing issues totally devoid     write to me, with all the details (i.e.
ever, to contact me and air your          of information on the Pet in educa­        item, price and address), at the ad­
views. The Pet Show will be a fine        tion. This month there are a number        dress at the end of the editorial.
opportunity to do this, and I look for­   of articles of this nature, and we hope    We have available, at a price of £1.00
ward to seeing many of you there. I’ll    that not only schools and colleges will    each, around 700 empty high quality
be on a stand in the front foyer, so      find these interesting, but the rest of    plastic diskette cases. You can buy
you’ve no excuses! (Neither have          you will as well. There are a vast         any number from 1 to 700, but as you
I......)•                                 number of Pets in the educational          can appreciate this is strictly on a
                                          field - they represent something like      first-come-first-served basis. If you’re
 Continuity                               20% to 25% of the Pet population in        interested in obtaining any of these,
       With the introduction of a mon­    the U.K. - so we can’t afford to ignore    write with your cheque made out to
 thly newsletter, one of the things       you! The list of educational               C.B.M. (U.K.) Ltd. to Margaret
 we’ll be doing is to introduce an        workshops in the last issue has            Gulliford at the address below.
 amount of continuity amongst the ar­     already proved to be of use, and next
 ticles. So, each month you will know     time we’ll be publishing the ones that     Continuing Debate
 that certain features will be appear­    we missed first time round. This list           Finally the continuing debate on
 ing. For instance, David Pocock’s        will be continually updated as the         what goes into the newsletter. There
 series on the use of Disk Drives is a    newsletters go by.                         are a number of requests from people
 regular contribution, and even if              This time the special middle sec­    who own 80 column Pets who want to
 you’ve thought so far that you’ve         tion is devoted to the Pet Show, and is   do more than just run their applica­
 known it all, I can guarantee you that    really ‘everything you’ve always          tions software on them. The newslet­
 David has a number of tricks up his       wanted to know about the Show but         ter has helped in the past, by
 sleeve that you certainly won’t have      were afraid to ask’. Do you approve of    publishing the various Basic 1, 2 and
 known. We’ll be regularly reviewing        this pull-out section policy ? Let me    4 memory maps, but not everybody is
 a number of products, and each             know.                                    competent enough to convert, alter,
 month will also see a review of a                                                   play with, whatever programs they’ve
 Commodore Approved Product. This          Second-hand Pet Equipment                 got. I’ve tried to make amends for this
 is because we feel that the Approved           I’ve had a number of requests        lack of information a little by in­
 Product range is a very important         from club members about the               cluding in this newsletter an article
                                                                                     describing some useful peeks, pokes
    Editor Pete Gerrard                                                              and chr$ values, but this is really only
                                                                                     a begining. So, a plea on behalf of
                                                                                      myself, and everybody else who’s got
                                                                                      an 8032 and wants to know more
                                                                                      about it. If you’re an 8032 ‘whizz-
                                                                                      kid’, and would like to share your
                                                                                      learnings with other Pet users, send
                                                                                      any contributions to the Editor, at the
                                                                                      address below-:
                                                                                     Commodore Business Machines
                                                                                     818 Leigh Road
                                                                                     Trading Estate

                                                                                         If there’s ever anything you want
                                                                                     to discuss, I’m available on Slough
NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
New Products
     Audiogenic, who supply and
make all of Commodore’s cassette
based software, have just announced a
new catalogue of products for the Pet.
These are a range of analog and
digital interfaces from the company
"Connecticut Microcomputer Inc.",
and Audiogenic are now the U.K.
     The catalogue should really be
called a manual, as it contains much
valuable information as well as the
product descriptions. In the catalogue
you will find such things as a 16 chan­
nel analog to digital converter, which
converts each of the 16 inputs in turn
to an 8 bit digital signal. There is an
extremely interesting product known
as SADI, which is an interface that
allows communication between three
devices - an IEEE 488 controller
(such as the Pet), a serial RS 232 in­
put/output device, and a parallel out­                                                                   nth cohorts.
put device. This means that, amongst
other things, you can have Pets talk­     until now I’ve been at a loss for an   Real Time Orbit
ing to each other. As well as this the    answer, but not any longer! An enter­       One program that has been
catalogue features serial and parallel    prising company in Michigan, called    generated in the U.K. is one called
printer adaptors, and overall is a very   Matrix, have boldly gone where no      Real Time Orbit, by G.E. Perry.
useful addition to the Pet world. To      company has boldly gone before, and    This program, in Basic, and written
obtain a copy of the catalogue,           really put the Pet into orbit by pro­  for 16k+ 40 column Pets, shows the
telephone Reading (STD code 0734)         ducing a lot of astrological programs, ground-track and current location of a
595647. It costs £2.50, offset against    amongst other things.                  satellite in real-time.
your first order, and is really well                                                  The internal clock of the Pet is
worth it because it does much more             Some of the programs they’ve got  set to Greenwich Mean Time before
than simply telling you what is           cover such things as the positions (to inputting satellite identity, rev.
available. Described by genial            seconds of arc accuracy) of the Sun,   number, nodal period (in minutes),
Audiogenic director Martin Maynard        Moon and outer planets, transits and   inclination (in degrees), mean motion
as “Cheap at twice the price”, I’m in­    secondary progressions, 10 house       (in revs/day from NASA two-line or­
clined to agree with him.                 systems with planets, and so on. They  bital elements), and epoch and
     As a footnote, Audiogenic also       also publish a comprehensive           longitude of an ascending node for
supply a vast range of books and          magazine on all aspects of micros and  any orbit on the day concerned (in the
hardware add-ons for the Pet, and are     programming in this particular field.  format of the NASA prediction
a good, quick source for such             For further information, including a   bulletin).
material. A copy of their latest com­     catalogue, write to:-                       After computing the current loca­
 plete catalogue is well worth a browse                                          tion the program generates a map and
 through, and can be obtained from                                               plots the ground-track of the current
 the same number as above.                Matrix Magazine                        orbit with a cross if the satellite has
                                          1014 North Main Street,                already passed that point and a dot for
                                          Ann Arbor,                             future positions (reverse field is used
                                          Michigan 48104                         over land masses). Locations coin­
 Pets in Space                            Ohio
                                                                                 ciding with coastlines are not plotted
                                                                                 thereby preserving outline. The cur­
                                                                                 rent location is indicated by a flashing
     People have asked me in the past                                            asterisk. As the satellite moves for­
if I knew of any astrological programs        Now, I believe that somewhere in ward its previous location is replaced
for the Pet, or any that calculated       England this company has a U.K. by a cross or the appropriate coastline
planetary orbits for instance. Well, up   outlet. Can anyone tell me who it is ? graphic character.
NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
lines a minute. Increase in speed can
                                                                                    be very good - some programs runn­
                                                                                    ing more than ten times faster. Sale
                                                                                    price is £300 plus V.A.T.
                                                                                         For further information, contact
                                                                                    Intex Datalog on Eaglescliffe (STD
                                                                                    0642) 781193.

                                                                                     Mannesman Tally
                                                                                          Mannesman Tally, the company
                                                                                     who produced Commodore’s 8024
                                                                                     printer, are now offering a substantial
                                                                                     number of 80 column matrix printers,
                                                                                     all of which are now classified as ex­
                                                                                     demonstration printers, and these are
                                                                                     available at substantially reduced
                                                                                     prices. These units have been used
                                                                                     and maintained by the company
                                                                                     itself, and are offered with a return to
                                                                                     factory warranty of 30 days. The
                                                                                     prices range from as little as £300 up
                                                                                     to £500 for almost new printers. Cash
     For most of the time a world map      you get in touch with the School at with your order qualifies you for an
is displayed with a ten degree resolu­     the address below:-                       additional 3% discount, and if you
tion in latitude and longitude. The                                                  collect youself delivery charges are
example above shows the re-entry of        Dr. Tony Bastick,                         also deducted. All enquiries about
Skylab over the south-western corner       School of Management Studies              this should be addressed to
of Australia on rev 35981 on the 11th      and Languages,
of July 1979.                              Bucks College of H igher                  Bernard Lavelle,
     When the satellite reaches            Education,                                Mannesman      Tally Ltd.,
Europe, the world map is replaced by       Newland Park,                             (Ex-demo    stock)
a two degree resolution map as             Gorland Lane,                             7 Cremyll Road,
displayed above. On leaving this area      Chalfont St. Giles,                       Reading RG1 8NQ
the world map is regenerated. At the       Bucks.
completion of one orbit the world          Or telephone Tony on Chalfont
map is regenerated together with the        St. Giles 4441. Thanks.                       Alternatively you can ‘phone Ber­
new ground-track. The program                                                        nard on Reading (STD 0734) 580141
works continuously through mid­                                                      extention 33, quoting “ex-demo
 night. There is another version of the                                              stock”. This is what I did, and found
 program in which the past ground-         Intex Datalog                             Bernard a helpful and obliging per­
 track is not indicated at all.
     Further details are available         Compiler                                  son. In these inflationary times it
                                                                                     might be worth a try.
 from:-                                          Intex Datalog have just announc­
 G.E. Perry                                 ed the release of their PC-Basic Com­
  101 Northampton Road,
                                            piler for Commodore’s range of
                                            micros. This is written entirely in
 Northants NN15 7JY                         machine code, and is fully compatible          I recently attended a press con­
                                            with Commodore Micorsoft inter­ ference, where BHRA Fluid
                                            preted Basic. It supports all Basic 2.0. Engineering (developed from the
                                            commands, and all Commodore British Hydromechanical Research
Educational Plea                            peripherals. A Basic 4.0 version will Association) announced the release of
                                            be available by the end of September. a large number of programs for the
A request and a plea for help. The          The compiler takes a program which Pet. These go under the generic name
School of Management Studies and            has been normally saved on disk, and of Tecpacs, and each program covers
Languages, in Buckinghamshire, is           compiles it back on to disk as a direct­ a specific topic in a technical area
looking for tutorial programs in            ly loadable program file. It can be us­ such as C ivil E ngineering
foreign languages (French, Spanish          ed with any of the various disk drives, Hydraulics. There are at present 16
etc.). Hopefully not just straightfor­      and is used in conjunction with a run­ programs in the series, all of them be­
ward phrase for phrase translation,         time package in Eprom. The speed of ing concerned with engineering ap­
but if that’s what you do have, all well    compilation obviously depends on the plications such as Mechanical
and good. If you use such programs,         complexity of the program being Engineering, Structural Analysis, and
or know of anywhere that does, could        compiled, but it is of the order of 50 Statistical Data Analysis. All of the
NEWS Volume 3 Issue 5 - SILICON OFFICE
formed the abstract of a proposed talk
                                                                                 by the presenting author Mr. R.H.
                                                                                 Gray. We haven’t got the full details
                                                                                 of the talk, but this does show you
                                                                                 what an enterprising lot they are in
                                                                                       A microcomputer system for
                                                                                 casualty patient records has been
                                                                                 developed in the Gwynedd Accident
                                                                                 Unit. The hardware consists of stan­
                                                                                 dard, readily available business equip­
                                                                                 ment at modest cost. The computer
                                                                                 system which has evolved is organis­
                                                                                 ed as follows. On admission, direct in­
                                                                                 put of patient information and known
                                                                                 details of circumstances concerning
                                                                                 the accident and injury is performed
                                                                                 by clerical staff. This information is
                                                                                 stored on floppy disk and a casualty
                                                                                 card printed.
                                                                                       Encoding of medical information
                                                                                  is performed by the attending Casulty
Tecpac System Set-up                                                              Officer and at this stage more detailed
                                                                                  data on specific “special interest”
                                                                                  projects (e.g. Road Traffic Accidents)
                                                                                  is put onto the casualty card. This
                                                                                  new information is fed into the com­
                                                                                  puter system by the clerical staff and
                                                                                  stored. An upgraded hardcopy file is
                                                                                  printed on discharge/disposal of the
                                                                                  patient. Each patient receives a uni­
                                                                                  que casualty number and retrieval of
                                                                                  an individual’s file is based on either
                                                                                  number or name. The accumulated
                                                                                  file is used for routine tasks such as
                                                                                  the printing of a daily log book and
                                                                                  enquiry into referral of a particular
                                                                                        Also, clinics (Fracture, Hand etc.)
                                                                                   can have a print out in individual card
                                                                                   form of referred casulty patients.
                                                                                   This information can be manipulated
                                                                                   to include only the pertinent details
                                                                                   relevant to each specialist clinic. This
                                                                                   allows the Accident Unit to maintain
                                                                                   a master manual hardcopy file of
                                                                                   C asualty p atien t records,
                                                                                   simultaneously allowing the main
                                                                                   Hospital Records to have a program­
Typical screen print                                                               mable subset of information for each
                                                                                   particular clinic.
programs are now part of the Com­                                                       The use of Basic programming
modore Approved range. Time and
space forbid too much coverage this        A Microcomputer                         language and involvement of medical
                                                                                   personnel directly in program
time around, but there’ll be more in
the next issue. Ar the present, for fur­
                                           based Record                            development, combined with hard­
                                                                                   ware that is dedicated solely to use in
ther details contact:-                     System in an                            the Accident Unit, allows marked
Technical Software Centre,
                                           Accident Unit                           flexibility. Rapid progress has been
                                                                                   achieved with minimal resources.
BHRA Fluid Engineering,                                                            The use of a decentralised system
Cranfield,                                 The following article really proves      such as this, modified for individual
Bedford MK43 OAJ                           that Pets get everywhere. It comes      Accident Units, would allow ready
Tel. 0234 750102                           from the Accident Unit of the Caer­      compilation of National Statistics.
                                           narfonshire and Anglesey General             So, the initiative has been taken
                                           Hospital, in Bangor, Gwynedd, and        -who will follow ?
lady whose mate flits away the hours                I have a fervent paranoic desire to
 Silicon Office                               programming his new toy. It really
                                              makes you see green!
                                                                                             personally hang, draw and quarter the
                                                                                             man (and it could only be a man), who
       Silicon Office is the latest arrival         Life is bad enough when you are          developed the Space Invaders pro­
from the Bristol Software Factory,            confronted with the latest issue of            gram as Pet food. I spend hours wat­
already well known for their earlier          Penthouse, only to be compared with            ching the love of my life torn in agony
programs such as Trader, Item,                the luscious Pet of the month.                 as he tries to combat his wits against
Monitor, and of course the enormous­          However, your feminine instincts               those infernal descending little blobs.
ly succesful OZZ, a package which             know the tactics necessary to divert           His face alters rapidly while his body
sold over 2,500 copies in the first six       his attention from this source. Yet,           becomes rivetted to the machine. It
months of release. OZZ was the first          this totally logical device is a real Fast     reminds me of a Jekyll and Hyde film
 microcomputer program to begin to            Sort.                                          I once saw. Every muscle tenses as he
 exploit the true potential of a small              Your conversation becomes                attempts to bash hell out of the ‘A’
 single user system by enabling the            limited to his ravings in Syntax Er­          button whilst co-ordinating his
 user to keep track of information in          rors. Occasionally your intercourse is        movements on the ‘4’ and ‘6’ keys.
 his own individual way. Silicon Of­           interjected by Dumps and Traces.              He becomes impervious to all around
 fice takes the next step, by covering         Now and again, he wafts into graphic          him (especially me).
 many office procedures but still keep­        detail on Machine Language - does             Bad Enough
 ing the individuality of OZZ. The             this mean it talks to him ? But when               You think this is bad enough - not
 program will only work on the newly           he wakes up in the middle of the              so. Somewhere along the line, some
 announced 8096 Com m odore                    night, proclaiming he must Poke and           bright enterprising little spark has
 microcomputer, and will be released            Peek, you distinctly feel he is being         manufactured a speaker unit for our
 concurrently with it at the Pet Show           obscene.                                      dear little Pet. Now not only can you
 on June 18th.                                  Disrupted                                     see the Invaders advancing but their
 Silicon Office is constructed from five             My life was disrupted thus about         speedy promenade is accompanied by
 main building blocks, namely :-                12 months ago. Before then I was              weird sounds reminiscent of a Ben­
     1) An advanced file system for             blissfully ignorant of mainframes,            jamin Britten opera. Like chalk
 maintaining files of information.              minis and micros. I vaguely thought           screeching on a blackboard the ex­
     2) A word processor for typing let­        of them to be some new dress fashion.         cruciating ‘Bleep-Bleeps’ echo
 ters, reports etc.                             Now my Lord and Master has urged              through your brain. This repetitious
     3) A point-to-point communica­             me to abandon all former ways. I have         drumming is occasionally interspers­
  tion facility for information transfer.       been instructed to discover the               ed with a high pitched police siren
     4) A fourteen digit calculator for         menacing Word Processor; fathom               type of noise announcing the arrival
  mathematical manipulation.                    the meaning of Interfacing and Bus            of a trolley bus. The bonus points for
      5) Programmibility, to control the        -which seems a rather ridiculous no­          this hit are too much for your man to
  system as a whole.                            tion to me. No longer can I visualise         resist. He tracks it along, only to mis­
        Now you can see why it requires         Rams gaily prancing around fields on          fire and be bombed by an un-looked
  96k of memory! Not having access to           a bright Spring day. I hold chips I           for Invader. Too much! Too much!
  an 8096 I can’t give you a detailed           cannot devour (with or without                I am an optimistic person and believe
  review of the product yet - suffice it to     vinegar) and foresee that ships are not       that there is light at the end of every
  say that what I’ve seen so far is stag­       the only entrants to ports. All these          tunnel. There is an old saying - “if
  gering, and in summary Silicon Of­            new innovations have been mind-                you can’t beat them, join them”. So
   fice is quite simply a revolution in         boggling for a simple soul like myself,        the answer to this conundrum - we
   programming. Details are available           but the worst is yet to come.                  have two Pets, his and hers.
   from the Bristol Software Factory,           Close encounters of the fourth kind
   and their address is
        Bristol Software Factory                          SCORE 0 1 9 6 1               HI
Business User’s Column                                                                                      Barry Miles
     This column will examine further       sucessfully. If the program is in          colours, and to ensure that all disk
the question of program and data            machine code, this will be unlikely,       supplies are re-labeled as soon as they
security. You will recall that last time    and even simple alterations to so­         arrive. A record of receipts and issues
we began to examine the possible haz-       meone else’s program are not too easy      of disks should be kept, with dates
zards and their prevention and              to make, because there is always the       and recipients recorded, by some
minimisation. Perhaps now would be          possibility of the changes1having sub­     member of staff who has no other
a good time to emphasise that I do not      tle unforseen effects on other parts of    dealings with the computer installa­
have a negative attitude towards            the program.                               tion. It should be clearly understood
microcomputing, and indeed think it                                                    that alien disks will not be tolerated in
to have an extremely important part         "Need to Know" Principle                   the machine, and you should keep a
to play in increasing business efficien­          Another way of protecting your       wary eye open for infringment of this
cy. However, such enthusiasm should         programs from this type of tamper­         rule. If your staff become so keen on
not be allowed to blind one to the          ing, is to ensure that they will run im­   games that serious work is en­
danger inherent in handing over im­         mediately on loading. This ensures         dangered, this will go some way
portant activities to an alien machine,     that they cannot be listed in order to     towards reducing the difficulty.
which may not be fully understood by        be changed. Not many commerical                  It will be readily appreciated that
the people operating it. It is a tool, to   programs have this facility, but there     many businesses will not be large
be used for easing your work. But,          are a few programming experts who          enough to enable the various security
like all good tools, it needs care in its   could add it for you. Alternatively, it     methods suggested in this series to be
use. A sharp chisel, in the hands of a       is now possible to buy a program           carried out in full, but this will be
sensible user is a safe tool, because       which will change your programs in          largely compensated for by the fact
the pressure needed to operate it is far     this fashion. Whilst you are at it, you    that the owner of the smaller business
less than that needed to operate a           may wish to commission work to be          can keep a closer eye on all the events
blunt one. However, such a chisel, us­       done to make access to your data-file      in his business, than can the manage­
ed by someone who does not know              impossible without use of a password,      ment of a larger organisation, which
how to protect himself from harm, is         and to restrict knowledge of the           must rely on formal procedures to
dangerous indeed.                            password to those few people who           provide the necessary degree of pro­
                                             must have the information in order to      tection.
Major Dangers                                carry out their work: back to the
     The major dangers of employee           “Need to know” principle!                        You should not be reluctant to
dishonesty seem to fall naturally into                                                  discuss the question of program and
two categories: Fraud, and data theft.       Data Security                              data security with your dealer, when
Fraud takes two main forms in data                Data security is another matter.      considering buying a program; taking
processing: one consists of changing         The extreme portability of your data       an interest in whether any precau­
the program so that it operates in a         disks is a matter for careful thought.     tions have been built into the pro­
way which distorts the data produced,        The dangers include theft of informa­      gram, and whether they can be
so as to fraudulently change accoun­         tion about your customers to enable a      custom -designed to your re­
ting information. For example, one           competitor to steal your business,         quirements. A useful enhancement
could arrange for the payroll program        theft of customer information for pur­     would be to have the program stop
 to give more pay to a selected group        poses of blackmail of customer or, if      operation at intervals, insisting that
 of employees, and collect a share of        you are foolish enough to understate       backup disks are recorded before con­
 the spoils from each of them. This          your income to the Inland Revenue,          tinuing operation.
 might be done by changing the gross         of yourself!                                Consultation
 pay and distorting the control totals.           It is not only the theft of your            A useful way of getting things
 How might we deal with this danger?         own disks which must be prevented,          organised in the most satisfactory
 Well, the simplest way is to arrange        but the information upon them must          manner is to arrange a consultation
 for the original program or security        be safeguarded. This means that             between your auditor and a skillful
 copy, kept out of the hands of the          unauthorised copying of disks must          programmer, discussing all aspects of
 usual operator, to be run at irregular       be prevented. Duplicating a disk           program and data security, and
 intervals by another operator, and the      takes very few minutes, and the disks       resulting in the programs being
 results checked against those produc­        themselves can easily be carried into      adapted in the most effective way,
 ed in the ordinary way. You may              and out of your premises in any con­       before being put into use. This will
 choose to let it be known that such          venient briefcase or bag. So what can      ensure that time is not wasted in set­
 checks will be part of the normal            we do?                                     ting up procedures which the auditor
 work processes, “As the auditors in­             The main thing seems to be to          thinks are insecure, or in considering
 sist”, so that the deterrant effect may      avoid disks coming into the premises       in detail suggestions from the auditor
 be achieved.                                 which are not the property of your         which the programmer can tell you
      This type of fraud requires that        business, AND IDENTIFIABLE                 immediately are not suitable for im­
  the operator shall have sufficient          AS SUCH. A cheap way of doing              plementation, because of system
  knowledge of computer programming           this is to have special disk labels        limitations, of which neither you, nor
  to be able to alter the program             printed, numbered, and in distinctive      the auditor are aware.
printer you can impress your clients
                                                                                      or customers with the skill of your
                                                                                      typists, who appear to reject anything
                                                                                      less than perfect output. Some people
                                                                                      feel insulted by receiving a letter
                                                                                      printed by computer, so a daisy-wheel
                                                                                      printer will save their feelings, and
                                                                                      maintain good customer relations.
                                                                                            I suggest you read the reviews of
                                                                                      these programs in earlier editions of
                                                                                      the Commodore Newsletter, and
                                                                                      make up your mind from them. If
                                                                                      your requirements are not so
                                                                                      sophisticated, you may find Paper-
                                                                                      mate an attractive, and cheaper alter­
                                                                                            Another program, this time of
                                                                                      astonishing versatility is Viscalc.
                                                                                      Some people have the mistaken idea
                                                                                      that this is a financial modelling
                                                                                      package, and as such, only suitable
                                                                                      for use by accountants. This is not
                                                                                      true. It is really a way of carrying out
                                                                                      tabulations of any figures, and anyone
                                                                                      who is called upon to set figures out
                                                                                      in rows and columns for any purpose,
                                                                                      and who needs to be able to carry out
                                                                                      calculations for the purpose, or
                                                                                      change any figures, should buy this
Barry Miles meaning business                                                          program without delay. In my opi­
                                                                                      nion, used properly, it is capable of
     Such a consultation will be even      Word Processing                             being the most exciting innovation
more important if you are going to                                                     for microcomputers since the word-
the trouble and expense of having               An obvious choice is word pro­         processing programs were developed.
programs specially written for you.        cessing. In case any reader is not fully   Unfortunately it suffers from some
Program Selection                          aware of what this means, I will just      defects which limit its usefulness, in­
     Let us now examine the                say that it is a form of highly in­        deed, I have been forced to write
availability of programs which are so      telligent typewriting, enabling an         some programs myself to eliminate
widely useful that any business would      amazing range of editing, alteration,      two of its most serious defects: firstly
be justified in buying them, without       storage, and printing facilities to be      to enable printing to be carried out on
bothering to go into them in the           used.                                       a non-Commodore printer, and
fashion which I have suggested in               We are fortunate that very fine        secondly, to enable the formulae
previous articles in CPUCN.                machine-code word processing pro­           which you are commanding Visicalc
      What we are looking for is           grams exist for the Commodore               to implement, to be printed. Without
 routine operations of such universal      machines, and they offer facilities         this facility you are in the position of
 applicability that it is almost in­       matching those on dedicated word            a programmer who is not able to
 conceivable that they would not be of     processing machines costing many            check the logical flow of the program
 use in almost every business which is     times more than the equipment we            which he has written, because he can­
 likely to acquire a Commodore             are using.                                  not list it!
 system.                                        The selection between the two                However, even with these reser­
      Firstly we should consider what      programs which lead the field is a          vations, I cannot recommend the pro­
 we are aiming to do. It is usually the    matter of personal choice, some             gram too strongly. The latest versions
 case that the machine’s purchase will      prefer Wordpro, and some Wordcraft.        print on any printer, having been
 have been for a particular purpose,        If you are using the 40 column             modified by Harry Broomhall for the
 and the purchase will have been            machine, then using Wordcraft is the       purpose.
 justified on the basis of time saved or    only way to see on the screen how                If you are interested in carrying
 increases in efficiency or speed. We       your formatted output will look. If        out some Basic programming
 are now interested in obtaining good       you are using an 8032 then you have        yourself, or expect one of your staff to
 value for money by using spare             the choice between Wordpro 4 and           do some programming, then Basic
 machine-time in a cost-effective           Wordcraft 80. Either of these pro­         Aid is an amazingly cheap program
 fashion. This implies being able to        grams will suit you very well, and          from Commodore, which will be
 use programs intermittantly, fitting       many an installation is used just for       enormously helpful. The more am­
 the operations around the existing        word processing and is fully justified      bitious will go for some of the attrac­
 machine-load schedule.                     by so doing. With a daisy-wheel             tive add-ons.
                                    his customers — when he had used it
Cathedral saved from                for a couple of weeks he ’phoned to         Great Traditions
collapse by                         say that he used it all the time and
                                    wouldn’t be without it.                     taken into the
Constructional                      Workmanlike Programs                        Micro-Age
Software                                  I hope by now that you can begin
                                    to see a picture of a series of                   The Commodore PET with a
Well that’s not quite the case but the
                                    workmanlike programs solving                Landsoft program has chalked up two
editor suggested this might be an eye­
                                    established problems. No bells and          firsts in the world of fine food and
catching little article about some  whistles but reliable tools. Just as the    wine in the midst of the yachting
unusual application.                engineer might have kept a slide rule       mecca of Lymington. The Stanwell
                                    in his pocket because it seemed to
     Constructional Software programs                                           House Hotel and Railings Restaurant
are generally for use, as the name im­
                                    answer so many questions then a             has been able to take the traditions of
plies, in the construction industry.PET on your desk could feel the             comfort, service, food and great wines
They are not usually spectacular in same.                                       into the microcomputer age; and was
effect — not for us the claims of         On the other hand, integration is     the first establishment to take the
revolution in small businesses. At  a common topic when computers and           Landsoft G.B. 2 System on a Com­
least, it depends what you mean by  their programs are being discussed.         modore PET.
revolution. Ours is a quieter revolu­
                                    Again, it depends what you mean by                This both bills and analyses all
tion.                               integration. If you mean a series of        charges automatically, enters stan­
     Take an example: frame analysis is
                                    programs which will all talk to each        ding charges for the small items that
a job regularly done by structural  other and are linked into an all­           make a major contribution to the well
engineers. Before the computer it was
                                    singing all-dancing megalith, then          being of guests. Early morning teas,
done the long way using a slide ruleforget it — that sort of common             and fresh juices, late night sand­
and log tables. A bit later bureau ser­
                                    language is about as useful as              wiches or newspapers are all
vice was available using computer   Esperanto (with respect). Everything        automatically entered. But this Land-
techniques, then a terminal might beto everyone and nothing to anyone.          soft PET system is not only used to
seen in the design office using a   See yourself as integrator: a central        incorporate numerical amounts.
telephone link to a large computer. control with access to the appropriate          The Stanwell House Hotel was the
While this was happening the power­ tools. Our Specwriter package is a           first to use the system for bedrooms
ful programmable calculator ap­     good example. Take a regular (and            that are named, not numbered. All
peared and calculations were lovingly
                                    astonishingly good) word processor           the bedrooms are called after famous
entered for immediate results. This package in Wordcraft 80 and couple it       wines and the system copes with the
adds up to an established backgroundwith our massive National Building           names — and more. For, guests order­
                                    Specification text database and, bet­
of computer use. Constructional Soft­                                            ing their wine after which their
ware offers, in its Keypac and new  ween the two, you have something             bedroom is named are offered a dis­
Strider suite, programs which enable which will not only write a specifica­      count. And the system takes care of
the CBM microcomputer to combine     tion but also send out your Christmas       that as well.
the roles of powerful calculator and cards, write your letters, type your             Says Jeremy Willcock, Resident
terminal link. Delays and frustrations
                                     Section 27 notices and prepare ar­          Director, “The system is ideal for in­
experienced with either postal       ticles like this. A good example of two     dividual high class hotels. I cannot
bureaux or time sharing terminals areuseful tools combined to satisfy both       understand why the majority —
 gone.                               general and specific applications.          which after all are owner-run like
   Set this sort of function beside a      Don’t be put off by trying to find    ourselves — have not installed a
 general accounting package, a Word­ something that does everything and          micro-aid which is alpha numeric.”
 craft 80 and Ozz and then, perhaps, getting hopelessly confused in the             The PET system in the Stanwell
 we have a real revolution.          process. Let the PET micro do               House Hotel handles guest billing
   These comments apply to most of   something, anything, which takes ad­        and payroll using Landsoft programs,
 our products: after all, no one is going
                                     vantage of its power and accessibility      and wordprocessing using Profes­
 to get excited about Keypac 20 for  and you will find that the computer is       sional Software’s Wordpro 3 through
 drainage design. Critical path analysis
                                     friendly and useful and gives you           which it can take care of menus and
 is seen by many as a tedious and    more time to worry, or not as the case       wine lists, etc.
 unending calculation because         may be, about the things worth wor­             This facility is particularly im­
 everything keeps changing. Use       rying about.                                portant to the restaurant as the de­
 Prenet for your small networks or the                                            mand for fine wines is growing all the
 new Project program (shortly to be       Roy Stephenson — Claremont              time and different wines and vintages
 released) for large networks and up­ Controls Ltd. A Commodore Approved          are being introduced constantly.
 dating becomes a real pleasure. We Product Supplier.                             These can be added very simply with
 have one customer who freely admits                                              the Wordpro 3, providing the
 that he only wanted Prenet to impress                                            restaurant with a list which is always
up to date and clean with nothing              Being menu-driven the program            necessary. Then, preserving all lines
scratched out or listed but out of        is pleasant to operate, and you can           which are targets of GOSUB or
stock.                                    list any selected disk’s directory, find      GOTO, or RUN, it links lines
    “We ran the system as a back-up       any program, (using just the first let­       together, to form lines of up to 250
for a month while we trained              ter if you wish), delete an entry, find       bytes long!
ourselves in”, says Jeremy Willcock.      the number of blocks free on each                   People who are going for max­
“It became our primary system on          disk, or sort through the disk to             imum space-saving and speed, will
January 1st 1981. Since then we’ve        find one with enough space on it              find that examination of the “com­
had no problems — except for the          for that long file you wish to                pacted” program will show ways of
time when a new receptionist put her       create. This last feature is very            changing the code, reducing the
fingers on a disk!”                       useful to help you get the maximum            number of target lines, so that com­
    Landsoft is a Commodore Ap­           usage out of disk space. The program          pacting the program again is very fast
proved Product Supplier, and their         will also handle the master disk itself,     to use, and is available for both New
telephone number for further infor­        and add it to the catalogue!                  ROMs and BASIC 4 machines. It
mation is: 01-339 2476.                         Criticisms? Well, I would like to        represents the next best thing to a
                                           see an 8050 version as soon as posi-          compiler, and its speed is such that it
Master                                     ble! Also, it would be better if the files    is perfectly feasible to use it at run­
Directory/Index                            were listed in columns, with the full
                                           screen used.
                                                                                         time only, so that you do not have to
                                                                                         store two versions of the program if
Supersoft                                  “ Master Index”
                                                T he com panion program
                                                                                         you don’t want to. The instructions
                                                                                         show you how to protect the routine,
    This program is a “must” for           “Master Index”, will enable you to            very simply, so that you can run a
anyone who has a large number of           print out an alphabetical list of every       series of programs, compacting each
disks, and uses a 4040 or 3040 Disk        program in the catalogue, at as high a        one as you use it. At £15, this
unit.                                      speed as your printer is capable. You         represents very good value for
    Written partly in machine code         may feel that this is a bit expensive at      money.
for speed, it takes the directory from     £12j but that will depend on the                    There are a large number of
each disk, sorts it into ASCII order,      number of diskettes you have, and              programming-aids available now, and
and stores it on the directory disk.       whether time is money to you!                  it is difficult for the user to decide
This process is so quick that you can           Supersoft also offer a machine            between them. They vary from out-
feed the disks into the unit as fast as    code “Compactor”. There was a                  and-out aids to the actual process of
possible; by the time you have hit the     Compactor program in BASIC,                    programming, e.g. Toolkit, Program­
necessary keys, the drive light has        published by “Compute” magazine,               mer’s Friend, through those which
gone out, and you can remove that          but, although it is reliable, it is rather     are both aids to programming and
disk while the sort takes place. Fur­      slow, and this program represents a            routines for incorporation in pro­
thermore, you can update the details       quantum speed improvement.                     grams, e.g. Commando and Disk-o-
of any changes as a result of adding or         What it does is to remove all the         Pro, to those which are intended for
scratching files, simply by re-entering    REMs in a program, all the spaces,             incorporation within programs only,
the disk into the catalogue.               and semi-colons which are un­                  e.g. Multisort.
number of extra features have been
 PET Enhancement For Computer                                                                        added, including extended PET
                                                                                                     graphics, sound generation, full
 Package                       Aided                                                                 BASIC string handling and string ar­
                               Instruction:—                                                         rays, plus PEEK, POKE and USR
  This package, available from
Supersoft again, is mainly a set of
routines for incorporation into your
                                             MTC PILOT                                               facilities. Using MTC PILOT, pro­
                                                                                                     grams can be entered, edited, saved,
                                                                                                     verified, loaded and run just like
programs, although it does have                   An interpreter for an extended                     BASIC programs. The full PET
features for use in direct mode also.        version of common PILOT, im­                            screen editor can be used with
     The program is not on a chip,           plemented as a machine-code pro­                        PILOT programs plus extra facilities
and if you want mobility between             gram for any model of 16K or 32K                        like automatic line numbering,
machines, this is important. With            PET computer, using cassette or flop­                   renumbering, block deletion, listing
true portability in mind, the author,        py disk drive.                                          to printer, and repeat on all keys.
Mike Todd, has arranged that it is                Common PILOT is a powerful,                           By making full use of routines
possible to save the P.E.P. tacked on­       dedicated language for writing in­                      already available in PET ROMs, all
to your program, by using a normal-          teractive instructional programs,                       this has been achieved in approx­
looking BASIC SAVE command, and              developed at Western Washington                         imately 5K of machine code. This
a LOAD will bring the enhanced pro­          University. Using this language, it is                  code relocates the top of RAM when
gram into your machine.                      possible for novices to start writing                   PILOT is loaded, leaving the rest of
     It offers a computed GOTO and           useful instructional programs within                    memory free for PILOT programs.
GOSUB; a POS function, which tells           four hours of first sitting down at a                      Although MTC PILOT will func­
you where a substring occurs within a        computer keyboard. Thus common                          tion using cassettes only, users of
string; a user definable print routine,      PILOT is ideal for many applications                    Commodore disk drives and Mu-
the ability to turn the package on and       in schools, colleges and universities.                  PET will find a number of special
off, from software (this is important,       Further applications for easily-                        features in disk versions of the pro­
because the use of the interrupt             written interactive programs arise in                   gram. An enhanced DOS SUPPORT
routines implies a speed penalty, and        business and industrial training.                       is incorporated, which checks the er­
there is no point in suffering this if            The language will also be found                    ror channel after every disk access, so
speed is paramount, and the section          useful in Computer Science teaching.                    that any errors are trapped
of code being processed does not call        The simplicity of its structure and its                 automatically. In addition to this, the
on any P.E.P. routines.)                     ease of use make it a very suitable first               random block access file facilities
     Also available is a repeat key, (I      language for a beginner. Advanced                       allow student records to be kept so
 should add that the program is for          programmers will find that common                       that progress can be monitored, and
 New Roms only, a BASIC 4 version            PILOT has some very powerful                            also allow a single PILOT program to
 not yet being available); the stop key      features, including easy program self­                  access well over 100 kilobytes of text.
 can be disabled and enabled at will;         modification using the ‘execute in­                     MTC PILOT - A Sample Routine
 the upper and lower limit of RAM             direct’ command.                                             From a program designed to in-
 can be set; double density plotting is       MTC PILOT is an adaptation and                          troduce Cartesian coordinates:—
 available (“Little squares”!); variables
 can be zeroed en bloc, degrees can be                      506
                                                                   r- s t a r t o-f P l o t t i n g r o u t i n e
                                                                   t : E n t e r some c o o r d i n a t e s / and w atch w here

 converted to radians, and vice-versa;                      520
                                                                       p o in t s a p p e a r on t h e s c r e e n .
                                                                   * p lo t t h : x - c o o r d i n a t e ( 0 - 7 9 >?
 the case of alpha characters can be in­                    540    a : #x

 verted in a string, this will help you
                                                            550    t e In p u t a number u s in s t h e k eys on t h e -fa r r i s h t .
                                                            560    Je :6a

 convert programs written on the                            570
                                                                   t h ; y - c o o r d i n a t e C0 - 4 9 >?
                                                                   a : #y

 BASIC ROMS to run with ease on                             590
                                                                   t e In p u t a number u s in ? t h e k e v s on t h e -far r i » h t .
                                                                   Je : (sa

 the New Roms.                                              610    s ;c
                                                                   t : x *# x      y = #y
      A very powerful command is the
                                                            €3 0   S I ' S X /V

  “DO” Command. This is in the form
                                                            640    t r e : S o r r v / p o i n t o u t o-f r a n * e .
                                                            650     c :c o u n te r*c o u h te r+ 1

 of “DO A$”, where A$ contains a                            660
                                                                    j C* 'o u n t e r < 5 ) : p lo t
                                                                    c c o u n te r * ©

  Basic statement. This will have many                      680
                                                                   PT $1
                                                                   t W ould vou l i k e t o P l o t some more p o in t s ?
 uses for the lively-minded program­                        700    a:

  mer, offering as it does the possibility
                                                            710     m: y e s ! a I r i s h t ! o k a y !s u r e
                                                            720     j y :P lo t

  of the equivalent of self modifying
                                                             730    r n e x t b lo c k o-f pro g ra m s t a r t s h e re

  programs.                                   extension of common PILOT, im­                          The action of this program is as
      Also included is a carefully            plemented as a new interpreter for the                  follows:—
  thought-out set of input routines, to       PET. All the features of common
  help you prevent the user who hits          PILOT are supported, including                          500 remark — ignored on execution
  return with no data from dropping           automatic editing of user input,                        510 -520 type instructions
  out of the program. This uses a             sophisticated ‘window strings’                          530 starts with a label which can
  special variable to tell you what has       response matching, ‘execute indirect’                        be used as the destination of
  happened, so that the program can           command, random block access, flop­                          branch instructions. Followed
  branch as you wish.                         py disk file handling, and ‘escape’ and                      by a type instruction with a
      All in all a very interesting           ‘goto’ options allowing run-time                             ‘hang’ modifier, which inhibits
  package, and cheap at £25.                  modification of program execution. A                         carriage return/line feed.
540 -560 accepts an input from the         automatic editing.                         Also possible to goto a specified
     user, and stores the first         • Problem command allows various              label.
     number input in variable x. If        automatic editing options to be        •   ? can be used to check values of
     no number is input an error           set, including removing spaces or          variables during debugging.
     message is printed, followed by       forcing upper or lower case.           •   Single command gives listing on
     a jump back to the accept com­     • Versatile match instruction can             Commodore printer in either up­
     mand.                                 search for a number of alternative         per or lower case modes.
570 -600 accepts the value of              responses anywhere in the answer       •   Automatic line numbering in
     variable y in the same way.           buffer. Special characters match           steps of any size.
610 -640 clears the screen, types the      with any string or with any single     •   3-parameter line renumbering
     chosen coordinates, and plots         character, allowing compensation           facility.
     the point by setting point (x,y)      for simple spelling errors.            •   Block deletion facility.
     in a double-density graphics       • Jumps can be made to labels of up       •   Direct mode commands BASIC
     display. If an error in en­           to six characters anywhere in the          and PILOT allow transfer bet­
     countered due to the point be­        program, or to the last label, last        ween languages.
     ing out of range, an ap­              accept, next match, or next pro­       •   Repeat function can be enabled
     propriate message is displayed        blem command. Jump modifier                on all keys (also functions in
     in reverse field.                     on match gives automatic jump to           BASIC)
650 -660 increments a counter in a         next match if current match fails.     •   Upper and lower case commands
     compute statement, then if the     • Subroutines nestable up to 24               give easy transfer between alter­
     counter is less than five per­        deep. Subroutine end instruction           native character sets (also func­
     forms a conditional jump back         can be used with a label.                  tion in BASIC).
     to label *plot.                    • Computer command gives all              •   Disk version incorporates
670 -680 resets the counter, then in       BASIC functions including                  enhanced DOS SUPPORT, with
     a problem command sets                PEEK and USR. Special string               full error trapping on all disk ac­
     automatic editing options to          editing commands can force up­             cess, including program load.
     remove all spaces from user in­       per case, force lower case,
     put, and force it into lower          capitalise, remove or replace          The Registered Users Scheme
     case.                                 specified characters.                  All purchasers of MTC PILOT are
690 -700 types a question, then ac­      • Numeric or string arrays with          autom atically entered in the
     cepts an input from the user,         any number of dimensions as in         registered users scheme, entitling
     which is automatically edited          BASIC.                                them to the following:—
     and stored in a special ‘answer     • Execute indirect command allows
     buffer’.                               strings to be concatenated, and       • MITAC Publishing will supply
710 searches the answer buffer,             the result to be executed as a line      extra copies of the program and
     looking for a match for any of         of PILOT. Allows easy program            manual to registered users, for
     the strings specified anywhere         self-modification.                       only 20% of the original cost.
     in the buffer.                                                               • Later updates of MTC PILOT
720 -730 if the match was suc­          • Random block access file com­              will be made available to
     cessful, branches back to the         mands usable with Commodore               registered users at substantially
     label *plot. Otherwise execu­         disk drives. Particularly useful          reduced prices.
     tion continues from line 730.         for keeping student records,            • MITAC will circulate informa­
                                           and/or for storing extended               tion about programs written in
                                           passages of text.                         MTC PILOT as they become
 MTC PILOT — Programming                • Sound effects command gives                available. This includes programs
 Features                                  music or noise generation on a            published by MITAC and ap­
 • Allows simple linearly-structured       simple external sound box.                proved programs released by
    programs, with remark state­        • Escape and goto options allow              other companies.
    ments for self-documentation.          user to jump to a label or call a       • Modern Tutorial College will
 • Type statement with hang and            subroutine in the middle of nor­          endeavour to provide support to
    reverse-field modifiers prints text,   mal program execution. Can be             help with any difficulties en­
    variable values, and full PET          used to provide a calculator facili­      countered in the use of MTC
    graphics.                              ty in scientific exercises.                PILOT.
 • Special screen command gives          • Six types of conditional execu­
    programmed cursor control and          tion, including on match flag, er­     MTC PILOT is available in a
    screen poking, plus computed            ror flag or relational expression.    package consisting of the interpreter,
    cursor positioning and double­                                                a manual, and sample programs on
    density graph plotting set reset                                              tape or on disk, for £65 plus VAT.
    and test commands.                   MTC Pilot - Editing Features             Enquiries to MITAC Publishing
  • Crash-proof accept command                                                    Ltd., Modern Tutorial College,
    allows input into answer buffer, • Full PET dynamic screen edit.              Kilburn Lane, London W10 4AA.
     or into numeric or string            NEW, LOAD, SAVE, VERIFY                 Tel: 01-960 5899.
     variables. Single modifier can be    and LIST function as in BASIC.
    used to get single character, and • Programs can be run from first            All material strictly copyright.
     exact modifier to suppress           line or from a specified label.         © Modern Tutorial College
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