News Queen's Park Area Residents' Association

News Queen's Park Area Residents' Association
Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association                                                                                                           May 2022

LOVE         QUEEN’S PARK                              QUEEN’S PARK 2022
Flavia Rittner, Chair,                                 SUMMER EVENTS ARE BACK!
Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association                                                                       Over the past few weeks neighbours have
                                                                                                               come together to try to “beat the Covid
                                                       FUN FAIR IN QUEEN’S PARK OVER                           blues, get fitter, meet new people” by joining
                          When asked if I              THE PLATINUM JUBILEE WEEKEND
                          would consider                                                                       in local 5km runs, swimming lessons and
                                                       28 May – 7 June                                         cycles. It’s been as much about participation
                          standing for the
                          position of Chair of                                                                 and fun as the event they are “training” for
                                                       SHAKESPEARE’S “THE TEMPEST”
                          QPARA following                                                                      – the Blenheim Palace Triathlon on Saturday
                                                       Saturday 18 June
                          Virginia Brand’s                                                                     28 May. The 200-strong Kensal Tri team is
excellent 5 years at the helm, I didn’t                2 Performances:                                         made up of all abilities and ages, from four
think twice. QPARA is a vibrant residents’             Matinee & Evening in the Quiet Garden in                to seventy-four year olds, and is already
association run by volunteers with an                  Queen’s Park. Susan Fletcher                            the biggest team at this prestigious national
impressive range of expertise that drives our          Tickets are now on sale at                              event. We invite you to join us - either by
action groups. They have achieved a lot                             taking part in the fun or by sponsoring the
over 50 years, supporting the Park, which                                                                      team on the links you can see at
is the beating heart of the neighbourhood,             OPEN GARDENS AND STUDIOS                      
helping to protect the conservation area and           Sunday19 June
                                                                                                               Last year the team raised over £134,000
reaching out to our communities. I always              A special day for all those interested in               for local charities. For more information
look forward to the QPARA-run Queen’s                  gardens and the work of talented local artists          contact Giles Deards at
Park Day and Open Gardens and everyone                 and craft makers. We will have several new    
benefits from QPARA’s green initiatives                Gardens and Artists this year. Look out for the
which enhance the streetscape with trees               banners and posters around the park and do
and planters. We’re all trying to reduce               tell your friends to book and come along.               LOCAL HERO
our carbon footprint, and with that in mind,                                                                   Flavia Rittner, QPARA Chair
our Environment Group has commissioned                 Tickets on sale from Saturday 04 June from
a report on greener ways of insulating and             Worldly Wicked & Wise, Salusbury Rd and
heating our homes - we’ll be sharing the               from Scarlet & Violet on Chamberlayne Rd.
results as soon as they’re ready.                      Robert Budwig, Open Gardens & Studios
                                                       Organising Team
As we go to press, a new group is exploring
what support QPARA members can offer to                QUEEN’S PARK DAY
Ukrainian refugees arriving in Queen’s Park.           Sunday 11 September 12-5.30pm
If you have experience in this field or want to
be involved, do contact us.                            Our free, annual extravaganza for all the
                                                       family returns on Sunday 11 September.
Although QPARA is non-political, our action            Organised and staffed by volunteers, this
groups have a positive working relationship            year we need old friends and new to help
with the Council, holding Brent to account on          make the day as spectacular as ever. To
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), tower               offer help setting up gazebos, enclosures and
blocks, planning, transport, streetscape and           more, get in touch:
street trees. They meet regularly with the
Police and the Park Team.                              QUEEN’S PARK BOOK FESTIVAL
QPARA opposition to the Council’s policy               Saturday 17 September &                                 Helen Durnford has been a super-energetic
of replacing paving stones with asphalt                Sunday 18 September                                     member of QPARA for 40 years. As well as
has expanded our connections with other                                                                        being Manager of Queen’s Park Farmers’
                                                       The programme already includes some of
residents’ associations across the borough.                                                                    Market for 15 years, she has kept Brent
                                                       the most celebrated names in literature,
And we support local charities too.                                                                            Council on its toes in relation to parking,
                                                       alongside exciting new talent and of course
                                                                                                               cycling, bins, nurseries, asphalt, phone
It’s this community spirit that drives our             many fantastic local authors in our Queen’s
                                                                                                               boxes and station lifts as well as playing a
volunteers and we are keen to welcome all              Park Community Tent. It was wonderful to be
                                                                                                               key role in setting up the glorious planters
newcomers and young families, with their               able to relaunch in 2021, We look forward
                                                                                                               on Salusbury Road. Helen has been the
fresh ideas and skills. QPARA street reps              to welcoming you all again this year.
                                                                                                               driving force behind the phenomenally
cover every road and we are here for YOU!                                                                      successful Queen’s Park Day for the past 10
                                                       We will have events for children, great value
As we approach our 50th anniversary in                                                                         years but sadly this year’s event will be her
                                                       weekend passes, and lots of food trucks!
2023 come and join us.                                                                                         last as she will soon be moving to Wiltshire.
                                                       Thank you everyone for your invaluable
QPARA’s monthly meetings are on the second             support, without which the festival would               Now it’s time to say a heartfelt thank you for
Thursday of every month, on zoom or in                 not be possible and please do continue to               everything you have done for us for so many
person at St Anne’s Church.                            spread the word. Thomas du Plessis                      years: your creativity, commitment and hard                                                     work. How we’ll miss you. Lucky Wiltshire!

 This newsletter is produced and delivered to all households and places of business in the area, free of charge, by the Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association.
 QPARA is a non-sectarian, non-political, non-profit making community organisation established to promote a better quality of life in the Queen’s Park area.                                                        queensparkresidents                                                     @Qparkres
News Queen's Park Area Residents' Association
                                                                                                    IN OUR AREA
 CARBON EMISSIONS? Celia Franks, Environment Action Group                                           QPARA Street Tree Team

 How do you insulate solid-walled Victorian        QPARA wanted reliable advice and has
 houses in a Conservation Area? Can                recently succeeded in getting a Brent Council
 heat pumps replace gas boilers? An                Together Towards Zero Grant to pay for an
 expert report commissioned by QPARA,              energy efficiency report on older buildings
 with a grant from Brent Council, aims to          in our area. An independent expert with
 answer these questions. 43% of all carbon         experience of retrofitting energy efficiency
 emissions in Brent come from energy used          measures and low-carbon heating in older
 to power and heat Brent homes. Reducing           properties will survey sample homes. The
 these emissions is an essential part of the       resulting report will set out options for
 national and Brent climate strategy to            Queen’s Park residents: how to heat older
 achieve zero net carbon.                          properties more sustainably and make
 Replacing gas boilers with heat pumps             them more energy efficient. The report will
 requires very high standards of energy            be presented at a public meeting – to be
 insulation and other changes - it’s not like-     advertised on the QPARA website - and
 for-like. Studies show the cost of retrofitting   shared with other residents’ associations in
 the necessary measures in Victorian and           Brent. A leaflet with the key messages will be
 Edwardian terraced houses and flats is so         sent to every local household, business and
 high as to require financial incentives.          school in the QPARA area.

                                                                                                     New tree on Donaldson Road
BRIGHT FUTURE FOR                                  PARK CONSERVATION ISSUES
BRONDESBURY VILLAS                                 Park Liaison Group                               QPARA Street Tree Team has been busy -
                                                                                                    working with Brent to get stumps removed
POCKET PARK                                        The Pitch and Putt is an area of high            and more street trees planted in our area.
Rebecca Ralphs                                     conservation value for butterflies and ground    Local residents were offered the chance to
                                                   feeding birds and not an area for dogs           sponsor a tree in their street and the response
                                                   to be walked off lead. Hampstead Heath           was overwhelmingly positive. We are nearly
            Love Brondesbury Villas is a                                                            there with planting all the sponsored trees.
            charity set up by local residents      Constables will be patrolling to reinforce the
            to regenerate the neglected            dogs on leads bylaw throughout the Park.         Thirty new trees have been planted within
            Brondesbury Villas pocket park.                                                         the QPARA area so far. Street trees improve
Vanessa Cordero, a local resident and                                                               air quality, the visual landscape and provide
founder of Claroscuro Studio, volunteered her                                                       pollen for our bee corridors so we are
time as landscape architect to develop and                                                          always looking to plant more. The next tree
submit the new design. Love Brondesbury                                                             planting season is in autumn and we will be
Villas has secured funding to regenerate the                                                        publicising possible locations for new trees.
pocket park, turning it into a vibrant and lush                                                     If you’ve noticed a new tree in your street,
garden for everyone to enjoy.                                                                       please contact your QPARA street rep and join
                                                                                                    the watering rota – they will need frequent
The tarmac footpath will be replaced with a                                                         watering this summer but not too much!
permeable surface; there will be new seating
and a rich palette of trees and plants will be
added to improve air quality and provide a                                                          QUEEN’S PARK IS
habitat for birds and insects.
                                                    Wild garlic in flower                           FUNDRAISING
Energy Garden, an organisation that
                                                                                                    John Blandy
supports community engagement with
gardens across London, will run a
workshop programme to enable inner-city            THE WOODLAND WALK                                Summer 2022 and it’s wonderful to have all
schoolchildren to learn about gardening            Robin Sharp                                      our Park events happening again! The Park,
and the importance of protecting the natural                                                        though, is recovering from a wet winter and
environment.                                       From early 2021 the QPARA Woodland               increased popularity during the pandemic..
                                                   Walk Working Group and the Park Manager          Funding for the Park is a pressing issue. The
If you wish to find out more about this project                                                     playground equipment is in dire need of an
and other projects the charity is planning,        have been devising ambitious plans to
                                                   restore the much degraded habitat of the         upgrade. The sandpit needs relining and the
please follow us on Instagram                                                                       toilets need improvement. £35,000 more is
@LoveBrondVillas.                                  woodland walk area, to increase its size and
                                                   allow nature to flourish. There will still be    needed to cover work on the sandpit area
                                                   public access but on a less intensive basis.     alone.. Local fundraising by the Park has so
                                                   Current priorities are to find a partner body,   far raised £11,500.
                                                   such as Groundwork, to supply expertise
                                                   and to identify funding for the elements that
                                                   volunteers can’t provide.

 New design for Brondesbury Villas Pocket Park

                                                    Woodland Walk in need of an upgrade
News Queen's Park Area Residents' Association
STATION AT LAST?                                     LOCAL HISTORY: WAR MEMORIALS                         Steve Crabb

Robin Sharp
                                                                                                    4. A war memorial in the School Hall at
                                                                                                       Ark Franklin Academy can only be seen
Hard to believe that QPARA has been                                                                    by appointment.
campaigning since 2012 for much needed
passenger lifts at Queen’s Park Station.Our                                                         5. Kilburn Police station has a war
case was based on official statistics showing                                                          memorial that can also only be seen by
that over 5 million people use the station                                                             appointment.
annually. When Brent Council and TfL failed                                                         6. Former pupils of Salusbury School
to respond, QPARA began campaigning,                                                                   died in both wars. A bit of a mystery
collecting 1,000 signatures in support.                                                                surrounds their war memorials as they
We were told the lifts would be installed as                                                           disappeared when extensive changes
                                                     There are a number of Queen’s Park war            were made to the School in the 1970s.
part of the Access for All programme, but            memorials that encourage the community
delayed until after 2019. QPARA’s Jamie                                                                If any residents have any information,
                                                     to honour the men and women who died              we’d love to hear from you!
Newall with support from Cllr Neil Nerva             serving their country in two world wars.
and Tulip Siddiq MP, finally secured a site                                                         7. A stained glass window from St
meeting at the station on March 4th 2022.            1. A memorial in St Anne’s Church,                Laurence’s, a Church which once stood
We learned that Network Rail has sole                   Salusbury Road, on the first floor. (It        on Chevening Road, is now in the
responsibility for the lifts project. Sangeeta          was once in the old St Anne’s Church,          Victoria and Albert Museum.
Ahir, from Network Rail, will lead on the               demolished in 1996.)
design and implementation of the scheme              2. Easy to find is the memorial in the quiet   8. Paddington Old Cemetery, Willesden
and is determined to see it through after               area in Kilburn Library, Salusbury Road,       Lane has a small War Graves plot
the long delay. The cost has now leapt to               commemorating 50 former Kilburn                with a traditional memorial cross
some £16mn and rising! Completion is                    Grammar School boys who lost their lives       as well as a Wall of Remembrance.
planned within the current Control Period               in the First World War. Kilburn Grammar        Every year there is an Armistice Day
ending in 2024. Although there is only one              closed in 1967.                                Commemoration that is well worth
design option, this must now be assessed for                                                           attending.
                                                     3. A bookcase donated by the Kilburn
“buildability” by an independent contractor.            Grammar Old Boys’ Association can also
Sangeeta will hold regular meetings in the              be seen at the Library. It commemorates
coming months to monitor progress and to                68 former pupils who died in the Second     Steve’s book, Queen’s Park: A History, will
report back to the community in Brent and               World War.                                  be published in September

                                                                                                    UPLIFT FOR
 THE WAR IN UKRAINE                    Vivien Barr
                                                                                                    CHAMBERLAYNE ROAD
 LOCAL COLLECTION DEPOT                                                                             QPARA Transport and Streetscape Group
                                                      UKRAINIAN REFUGEES COMING TO THE UK
                                                      The list of eligible family members has       Work is underway on Chamberlayne Road to
                                                      recently been expanded to include siblings,   deliver Brent’s long planned Kensal Corridor
                                                      grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts.      scheme. A short section by Harrow Road
                                                      So many UK families have offered spare        was upgraded first, but the main push is now
                                                      rooms and empty properties, but the           around Station Terrace, Kensal Rise Station
                                                      process of matching them with refugees        and nearby sections of Chamberlayne.
                                                      is taking too long. QPARA members who
                                                      want to support Ukrainian refugees have       Designed by BDP Landscape Consultants,
                                                      recently formed a new group. Please let       there will be new paving and layouts, with
                                                      QPARA know if you wish to be involved.        extra trees and other greening to complete
                                                                                                    the phase by the summer. Further stages,
                                                      DEC UKRAINE HUMANITARIAN APPEAL               pending funding by TfL and Brent, will see
                                                      The Disasters Emergency Committee is          more sections of Chamberlayne upgraded,
                                                      made up of fifteen member charities, all      adding trees and moving parking / loading
                                                      experts in humanitarian aid that specialise   onto designated bays.
                                                      in different areas of disaster response.      Details can be found on Brent’s website, by
                                                             looking for Kensal Corridor.
 233 Willesden Lane has become the
 North London Collection Depot for medical
 and humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Anton
 Vyborni, the owner of this long established
 construction site, funds lorries delivering
 aid to Ukraine. The site is staffed by an
 employee who receives the donations, while
 the boxes are packed by volunteers. The
 lorries are driven to Poland on Mondays and
 Saturdays and then the UK cargo is loaded
 onto another lorry which takes supplies to
 Lviv and from there to different cities within
 233 Willesden Lane is open Monday to
 Saturday 9am to 7pm. They are asking for
 donations of cardboard boxes, needed to
 pack the goods. They need non-perishable
 food, medical equipment and blankets,
 but no clothes. A full list is on the QPARA
News Queen's Park Area Residents' Association
POLICING QUEEN’S                                 NEW RESTAURANT FOR
PARK WARD                                        LONSDALE ROAD
Janis Denselow, Police Group                     Richard Johnson, QPARA Planning Group
                                                                                                                             DARK HABIT
The police station in Salusbury Road is no       There are plans for a new Italian restaurant,
longer open to the public but just functions
as an office base for a number of different
                                                 Lino, to open on the north side of Lonsdale
                                                 Road, which backs onto the cemetery. The
                                                                                                                   Coffee & Wine
operational and admin teams. Our current         licence application for Lino was discussed at                       Open 8am - 3pm
Queen’s Park Safer Neighbourhood Team            the March QPARA meeting, and since then
(SNT) comprises a shared sergeant, Sergeant      concerns about noise have been raised by
                                                                                                                     72A Salusbury Rd
Dave Close, PC Dale Channer and Ali              those living nearby. Residents in Tennyson
Dogan, PCSO (Police Community Support            Road and Hartland Road have been affected
Officer). PC Nathan Bates, a probationer,        by noise from nearby businesses in the                                          ST ANNE’S
will be joining the team from May for six        past. Brent has since approved the licensing                                    BRONDESBURY
months.                                          application, but it will require a two-stage                Confidently sharing the love of Christ
                                                 delivery programme to reduce disturbance.
Phone 101 to contact the Queen’s Park                                                                    St Anne’s, your local Church of England Church
                                                                                                                       Sundays at 9.30am
Safer Neighbourhood Team or email                The QPARA Planning Group passed on the
                                                                                                                  Tea and Chat –Fridays 2-4pm or             noise issue to Brunswick Property Partners /            My Move Playgroup –Friday 9.30am in term time It is very        Akoya, the company that owns most of the                          125 Salusbury Road NW6 6RG
important to report all crimes. If you witness   properties on Lonsdale Road. Jon Cochrane,            
a crime being committed, even a car break        from Brunswick, came to the April QPARA               
in, do phone 999 so that police can respond      meeting and gave assurances that they will
immediately. Always phone 999 in an              take steps to manage and control excessive
emergency. If not an emergency phone 101.        noise from the businesses in Lonsdale Road.

INSTITUTE OF                                                                                            GARMENT MENDING, MAKING
                                                                                                            AND ALTERATIONS
Janis Denselow                                                                                                 @karolina.priscila

                                                  Lonsdale Road

                                                 AL KHOEI SCHOOL NEWS

ICMP is offering an opportunity to local
providers for a ‘Pop Up’ takeover of their
newly developed refectory / cafeteria space
from the start of the new academic year. The                                                                     Life is too short to
                                                                                                                wear average glasses
space has display, refrigeration, counter-       The pupils at Al Sadiq School and Al Zahara                        Sid Fiz Optique in London’s Queens Park is a boutique Optical Store
                                                                                                                               CALL 020 7625 6694
top service space and some reheating             School have embarked on raising funds
                                                                                                                     in NW6 providing the highest level of optical care together with an
                                                                                                                    eclectic mix of spectacles, sunglasses, contact lenses and Children’s
                                                                                                             or email                to book an eye test.
                                                                                                                             glasses to cater for all your needs.

such as microwave, toastie and griddle           for orphans in Iraq through the Al Kawthar                      46 Salusbury Road, Queen’s Park, NW6 6NN
                                                                                                                                  CALL 020 7625 6694
but no cooking facilities. This is a flexible    charity, involving a sponsored walk and a                                 or email to book an eye test.
                                                                                                                               46 Salusbury Road, Queen’s Park, NW6 6NN

opportunity to provide food and drink for        cultural day. They have also been working                                           WWW.SIDFIZOPTIQUE.COM

ICMP students for a day, a week or longer.       on a project with the charity London Citizens         QPARA MEMBERSHIP
If interested please contact                     alongside churches, synagogues and other
                                                 schools, to explore the development at Old            For information about joining, please                                                                             go to or
                                                 Oak Common.
                                                                                                       email our Membership Secretary at
 Photo Of Icmp Sign As In Previous Isssue                                                              Annual £10 (£5 concessions)
                                                                                                       Annual standing order £8 (£4 concs)
                                                                                                       Life membership £100 (£50 concs)
                                                  Innovative Architectural
                                                  Practice based in                                    Standing Orders Contact Membership
                                                  Queen’s Park                                         Secretary for details.

                                                   020 3290 1003                                          Comments and contributions to:
                                                                                                       Advertising to:
                                                 Newsletter artwork by RCR Graphics - Tel: 07870 322713. Printing by QP Printing - Tel: 07593 025013
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