NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council

Page created by Judith Hayes
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
March 2022
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
leased in January. This strategy is one     At the same time, the Federal budget
                                           of many key projects identified by the      2022-23 has just been handed down
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Quick Reads
Message from the CEO                       Territory Economic Recovery                 which Seafood Industry Australia has                                                                                          New enity developed
                                           Commission to aid economic growth           summarised succinctly for the industry.                                                                                       This milestone implements a
                                           in the NT. We saw a tender go out for       Top of the list of key announcements is                                                                                       centrepiece of the 2020 Blue
                                           work to understand the current              the fuel excise relief for six months.                                                                                        Mud Bay Implementation Action
                                           economic contribution across three key      Amongst all the changes and                                                                                                   Plan. Read more on page 5
                                           sectors those being minerals,               uncertainty around us, it is welcome
                                           agribusiness (including seafood) and        news that a second Mental Health First
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Have your say
                                           maritime. In addition another tender        Aid Training workshop will be held in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The annual NTSC stakeholder
                                           for a consultancy to identify value add     Darwin for seafood industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     survey has opened for the
                                           opportunities across a range of             participants. The Stay Afloat program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     fourth year. Find the survey link

                                           industries including seafood. All of        being run by Seafood Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     on page 10.
                                           these initiatives will aid understanding    Australia is a welcome addition to
                                           and help the Territory reach its goal for   support people within the industry            Upgrade work to the Frances
                                           a $40billion NT economy by 2030.            through the pilot being run in Darwin,        Bay Mooring Basin                                                               Facebook
                                                                                       as well as initiatives such as training to                                                                                    Find you’re not keeping up with
                                          Earlier this month NTSC commenced a          collectively improve our understanding                                                                                        the Territory seafood industry
                                          6-month project alongside KPMG and           of mental health.                                                                                                             news and issues? Join us on
                                          funded by Fisheries Research and                                                                                                                                           Facebook www.facebook.
                                          Development Corporation (FRDC) to            During the past few years the Pande-                                                                                          com/NTSeafoodCouncil
                                          get to the bottom of what socio-econo-       mic has highlighted the importance of
 If you’re like most people, you are      mic data is worth collecting, and how        reaching out to support each other. The
                                          would it be best collected for each of       Mental Health First Aid Course is one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NT worker attraction
 probably wondering what might
 possibly be next in these uncontrollable our fisheries/sectors.                       path of action you might choose to take.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Local businesses are getting
 and uncertain times.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a leg up from the Territory
                                          Hearing directly from our members is a       I encourage you to participate in the
 Between the COVID peaks and              ‘data’ source we deeply value and we         NTSC Financial Fitness Program. At
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     page 12.
 extreme weather events across the        formally check-in each year seeking          the cost of your time only, there are still
 country, the Russian invasion of         member input into our annual survey.         a couple of places for people to
 Ukraine, the increasing fuel prices have This year it opened in February and is       develop an action plan for your                                                                                               Federal budget 2022-23
 tested our resilience throughout the     soon coming to a close. Looking at the       business to suit your needs with the                                                                                          There are a number of
 world. Through these challenges          preliminary data coming through it is        assistance of KPMG. But hurry, this                                                                                           measures in this budget which
 projects and initiatives continue to     clear workforce, fuel prices and             program will be completed by May                                                                                              will directly and indirectly

 progress and evolve.                     certainty of access are front and            2022.                                                                                                                         support Australia’s commercial
                                          centre for many. In addition, we have                                                                       Flooding in SA creates a logistical                            seafood producers. Read more
 For example, the tender for the $20      just opened our annual stakeholder           So amongst all the uncertainty and                                                                                            on page 14.
 million replacement of the Frances Bay survey to hear feedback and track our          challenges that 2022 has already                                    nightmare for the Territory
 Mooring Basin lock, which opened in      performance from a stakeholder               delivered, there remains positive                                                                                             Northern Territory
 late 2021 is almost finalised. The next  perspective. Both the member survey          movement and collaboration to see the                                                                                         Agribuiness Strategy
 important steps will be to ensure the    and stakeholder survey feature in our        NT seafood industry reach its full                                                                                            2022-30
 needs of a safe and practical working    Year in Review 2021 report, which            potential.                                                                                                                    The overarching TERC goal
 environment for the seafood industry for released this month.                                                                                                                                                       is to achieve a $40 billion NT
 the temporary support structures during                                                                                                                                                                             economy by 2030. Read more
                                                                                       Katherine Winchester,
 the lock work.                           In addition, there has been a number                                                                                                                                       on page 11.
                                                                                       NT Seafood Council
                                          of relevant announcements to address
                                                                                       Chief Executive Officer
 Further, a significant announcement      workforce challenges, including the NT                                                                                                                                     Using Productivity
 was made regarding the formation of      Government’s global workforce                                                                                                                                              Analysis in Fisheries
 the Aboriginal Sea Company by the        attraction campaign, and version two of                                                                                                                                    Management Webinar
 Northern Land Council. Formation of      the NT DAMA program (which includes                                                                                                                                        Are you interested in
 the company was a key deliverable        another seven key occupations,                                                                                                                                             understanding economic
 in the Blue Mud Bay Implementation       including seafood process workers).                                                                                                                                        performance of fisheries but not

 Action Plan 2020. The NT Government The workforce attraction campaign                                                                                                                                               sure how it can be measured
 has committed $10 million to aid         provides opportunity for seafood                                                                     Update on Atlantis 2022                                               and monitored? Click here to
 progress of this company.                businesses to tap into the toolkits to                                                                                                                                     learn more and to register.
                                          promote their business and career                                                                    Seafood Industry Awards
 Also progressing this year has been the pathways. We are working with the NT
 NT Agribusiness and Aquaculture          Government to explore how to increase
 Strategy 2030, for which a               visibility of the seafood industry as part
 consultation discussion paper was re-    of this campaign.                                                                          Newsletter of the Northern Territory Seafood Council
                                                                                                                                     Located on Fisherman’s Wharf, Frances Bay, Darwin
                                                                                                                                     GPO Box 618 Darwin NT 0801 | Telephone 08 8981 5194 | Email
                                                      NTSC NEWS 2                                                                    ABN 85 918 271 276                                         NTSC NEWS 3
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
Frances Bay Mooring Basin lock upgrade                                                                                    New entity developed to aid Indigenous entry to
                                                                                                                                                            seafood industry
Current timeline                          scheduling access restrictions during       •   Low Usage (Saturday / Sunday)
                                          periods which will cause least              •   Medium Usage (Tuesday)
• The tender to design and construct disruption. Notice of any access restric-        •   High Usage (Monday / Wednesday
    the Frances Bay Mooring Basin lock tions will be provided well in advance.            / Thursday / Friday)
    upgrade closes on 5 April 2022;
• It is anticipated a tender will be      DIPL currently anticipates that the main    The construction contract will stipulate
    awarded in mid 2022;                  access restrictions will occur in 2023,     mandatory periods where lock entry
• Further design work and off-site        and possibly into 2024, with the excep-     and exit must be maintained.
    fabrication will take place towards   tion of the annual lock maintenance
    the end of 2022, with construction    shutdown in August most years. The          These periods have been informed by
    on site to begin in the first half of construction shut downs are likely to       industry consultation and include;
    2023; and                             include;
• On-site construction is anticipated                                                 •   January – last week and first week
    to be complete by the end of 2024. • Up to four major lock entry/exit                 February
                                              closures of up to approximately         •   March - last week
Planning for construction                     three weeks maximum duration            •   June – last week
                                              from 2023; and                          •   August – first week
Department of Infrastructure, Planning    • Daily lock closures during a restric-     •   November – last week
and Logistics (DIPL) is continuing to         ted low tide level from 2023. DIPL
work with industry and vessel operators       is currently planning for these daily   DIPL would like to gauge feedback from     In late February 2022, the Northern       Bush-Blanasi said.                           ‘This is only the beginning of the story,’
to both gain and present further              closures to occur at tides less than    vessel operators about the potential       Land Council (NLC) announced in a                                                      Northern Land Council CEO Mr Joe
information to help inform planning for       3.5m LAT (Lowest Astronomical           impact of allowing the construction        media release the incorporation of the    ‘Traditional Owners have been very           Martin-Jard said.
the construction program.                     Tide), when the lock is not able to     contractor to work on the lock and         Aboriginal Sea Company (ASC),             generous giving permit free access for
                                              be used due to water levels, as it      restrict access to users at tides of 4m    marking a major milestone in the histo-   over a decade since 2008. In 2019 we         ‘We are already working on
In order to deliver the necessary             is currently. However, allowing the     and 4.5m (LAT).                            ric Blue Mud Bay settlement.              signed an agreement with the NT              amendments to overhaul the NT
upgrades to the lock and maintain the         contractor access to work at up to                                                                                           Seafood Council, the Amateur                 Fisheries Act as part of the Action Plan.
safety of workers and vessel                  4.5m LAT could enable construction      DIPL encourages operators, when able,      With over 85 per cent of the Northern     Fishermen’s Association of the NT, the       Not only will the ASC provide the
operators, intermittent access restric-       to be completed faster. DIPL would      to provide feedback on likely access       Territory coastline already subject to    NT Guided Fishing Industry Association       opportunity for more jobs, but it will
tions will apply during construction,         like feedback from vessel operators     requirements in 2023 and 2024 during       Aboriginal ownership, and another 10      and the NT Government. Everyone has          enable Aboriginal people to
however are limited to business as            on how this could impact them, and      construction.                              per cent subject to claim, the            been waiting for this for a long time,       implement profitable and sustainable
usual lock operations. No closures are        if it is a viable option.                                                          establishment of the ASC heralds a        especially Traditional Owners,’ Mr           fishing policies and care for their most
currently planned, without stakeholder                                                To provide your comments or to receive     new era of economic empowerment for       Bush-Blanasi said.                           precious resource in a way only they
consultation when the tide is above       DIPL has analysed vessel data on entry      project updates direct, contact the        Indigenous Territorians.                                                               know how,’ Mr Martin-Jard said.
3.5m.                                     and exit from the lock in 2020 and 2021     project stakeholder engagement                                                       The NTG has supported the
                                          and determined the busiest and least        manager via or         The Blue Mud Bay High Court               development of the ASC. The new              The ASC will be governed by a board
DIPL will continue to seek and listen to busiest periods, which will be taken into    call (08) 8936 5668.                       judgement in 2008 found that              entity will facilitate the participation     comprising equal representation from
industry feedback to help shape the       account in the construction program                                                    Traditional Owners have the right to      of Traditional Owners in commercial          the three land councils with traditional
delivery of the project, including        planning.                                                                              control access to intertidal waters       fishing, aquaculture and other               ownership of sea country – Northern,
                                                                                                                                 overlying ‘Aboriginal land’.              opportunities associated with fishing        Tiwi and Anindilyakwa land councils; as
                                                                                                                                                                           activities in the NT.                        well as independent industry experts
                                                                                                                                 This milestone implements a                                                            agreed upon by the land council
                                                                                                                                 centrepiece of the 2020 Blue Mud Bay      ‘The formation of the Aboriginal Sea         representatives.
                                                                                                                                 Implementation Action Plan. The plan      Company which sees Land Councils
                                                                                                                                 was signed by the NLC, under the          working together to deliver an entity        ‘Aboriginal people have fought hard for
                                                                                                                                 leadership of Chairman Samuel             with the ability to enter into commercial    rights to land and sea country and the
                                                                                                                                 Bush-Blanasi and then CEO Marion          enterprises and engage in commercial         Northern Land Council has taken up
                                                                                                                                 Scrymgour, and Northern Territory         activity is a welcomed development,’         the fight for almost 50 years. We have
                                                                                                                                 Government in July 2020. This followed    said Northern Territory Seafood              had many critics of land rights over the
                                                                                                                                 an agreement struck a year earlier with   Council, CEO, Ms Katherine                   years, but the sky hasn’t fallen in. It’s
                                                                                                                                 key stakeholders.                         Winchester.                                  good for the economy and it’s good for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Traditional Owners. Everyone benefits,’
                                                                                                                                 ‘We have been waiting for this moment     ‘This is a significant milestone that will   said Mr Bush-Blanasi.
                                                                                                                                 ever since we signed the Nitmiluk         aid further collaboration between
                                                                                                                                 Heads of Agreement in 2019,’ Northern     Traditional Owners, Land Councils and        Further information click here to visit
                                                                                                                                 Land Council Chairman Samuel              the seafood industry.                        Northern Land Council website
                                                     NTSC NEWS         4                                                                                                             NTSC NEWS 5
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
Update on
       Flooding in SA creates a logistical                                               Atlantis 2022                                                                 What data do we need?
          nightmare for the Territory                                                  Seafood Industry
                                                                                            Awards                             Data is everywhere. Data is defined         best help us understand the contribu-    A bit like the well-worn phrase, ‘Water,
With the Northern Territory feeling the pressure of COVID-19 workforce                                                         as “information, especially facts or        tion of our industry at an overarching   water, every where, / Nor any drop to
                                                                                     As a direct result of COVID-19, in both
shortages, nobody anticipated wild weather and torrential rain that hit South                                                  numbers, collected to be examined,          and sector level, and understand the     drink’ we can have ‘Data, data, every
                                                                                     August 2021 and January 2022 NT
Australia in late January resulting in bare Territory supermarket shelves.                                                     considered and used to help decision-       methods available to capture data.       where, not any drop of use’, unless
                                                                                     Seafood Council (NTSC) regrettably
                                                                                                                               -making”. We’re unconsciously using                                                  it’s in a form and format that helps us
                                                                                     announced the postponement of the
As a result around a kilometre of the national highway network (the Stuart                                                     data all the time - you’re consuming this   The three outcomes we are working        attract investment, develop better policy
                                                                                     Atlantis 2022 NT Seafood Industry
Highway) that connects the Northern Territory with South Australia was                                                         piece of data right now!                    towards and hope for are;                and we are culturally accepting of it.
submerged, and over 300km of rail track was washed away. Freight
companies servicing the NT were forced to take a costly 3,000-kilometre detour                                                 In fact, NT Seafood industry is data      1. Improvement in our understanding        This project proposes to firm-up the
                                                                                     Protecting the safety and wellbeing of
through New South Wales and Queensland along the Barkly Highway in a                                                           rich in some areas, and potentially data     of our sectors’ data and the            foundation for future data collection
                                                                                     the community from the spread of
desperate bid to maintain supply chains.                                                                                       poor in others, and we know data is          methods available to undertake          and subsequent analysis that will then
                                                                                     COVID-19, has always been our top
                                                                                                                               only valuable when it’s in a form that’s     comprehensive studies specific to       enable us to clearly identify the
                                                                                     priority and the decision by the NTSC
The detour added an extra two days (one way) driving for truckies, who were                                                    relevant and easy to use, and aids in        NT fisheries and aquaculture,           challenges and importance of our
                                                                                     Board in February 2022 was made to
already feeling the pressure of driver shortage across the country. The extra                                                  our decision making.                         including agreement on a                sector past, present and future.
                                                                                     cancel a face-to-face celebration, a
kilometres driven to deliver goods brought with it, a significant increase to        decision not taken lightly.
                                                                                                                                                                            comprehensive set of indicators;
transport costs. Diesel exhaust fluid surged from $0.73 cent per litre in                                                      This month we have commenced a            2. Improvement in our capacity to          2021-034 Identifying mechanisms and
December 2021 to around $2.50 to $3.00/ litre in the start of 2022, as well as the   We have explored an alternative
                                                                                                                               6-month project alongside KPMG and           undertake more comprehensive and        data collection options to aid
increasing cost at the petrol bowser, which saw diesel increase by $0.30 cents/      approach to suitably celebrate the
                                                                                                                               funded by Fisheries Research and             accurate contributions estimates in     socio-economic analysis of the NT
litre at the end of 2021.                                                                                                      Development Corporation (FRDC) to            future years, including a more          seafood industry is supported by
                                                                                     achievements of the nominees, and
                                                                                                                               get to the bottom of what data is worth      precise assessment of the               funding from the FRDC on behalf of the
                                                                                     winners, and acknowledgement of
To better understand the gravity of the impact it had on the NT, NT Road                                                       collecting, and how best it would be         contribution made by downstream         Australian Government.
                                                                                     Sponsors. The approach will see all
Transport Association, CEO, Louise Bilato said ‘one transport company, Gilberts                                                collected. The project is called             activities; and
                                                                                     Award nominees released via a social
runs about 210 fridge vans of food stocks into the Territory every week, which is                                              ‘Identifying mechanisms and data          3. A more consistent and replicable
                                                                                     media campaign, with the winners
around 70 plus road trains, as well as distributing 240 containers of dry goods                                                collection options to aid socio-economic     approach agreed to by key
                                                                                     further celebrated using a combination
arriving via rail’.                                                                                                            analysis of the NT seafood industry’.        stakeholders for the reproduction of
                                                                                     of social media and TV campaigns, as
                                                                                                                               The intent of this project is to identify    data collection and estimation
                                                                                     well as print material.
Having both road and rail shut resulted in a large backlog of general freight and                                              what the economic and social indicators      analyses in future years.
dry goods left in warehouses in SA. The focus for transport companies was to         Award winners will than have the
deliver core items that consumers wanted and needed, such as meat, poultry,          opportunity to represent the NT at the
fruit, vegetables, dairy and chiller products. Meanwhile, without knowing when       National Seafood Industry Awards,
the road would reopen, Territory seafood producers had no other option but to        being held in Brisbane on
add the extra 3,000km to get produce to their markets.                               15 September 2022.
The weather event that resulted in both the road and rail links between              For further information please contact
Adelaide and Darwin being cut has again highlighted the vulnerability of the         Donna English, on 08 8981 5194 or
Northern Territory and the need to better floodproof critical infrastructure.        via email

    Photo credit : NT Road Transport Association      NTSC NEWS 6                                                                                                                   NTSC NEWS        7
    Image of Glendambo Stuart Highway February 22
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
Tips on COVID-19                                                                            Additional                               New Aquaculture                                     Native Title and the Aboriginal
                                           The COVID-19 Safety plan
                                           encompasses the requirement for

  safety measures                                                                              COVID-19                                pre-employment                                         Land Rights Act (ALRA)
                                           appointment of a COVID-19 safety
                                           supervisor, the collection of contact
                                           information if the business would like to
                                           maintain the QR Code and a                         vaccination                                  program
                                           vaccination register for staff, amongst
                                           other things (signage, sanitiser etc).          requirements for
                                           Environmental Health Officers and
                                           Public Health Officers are authorised
                                                                                            certain workers                          Northern Territory Government is
                                                                                                                                     partnering with Industry Skills Advisory
                                                                                                                                                                                 There are fundamental differences
                                                                                                                                                                                 between land rights and native title.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and are possessed under currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            acknowledged and observed traditional
                                           officers under the Public and                                                             Council, Charles Darwin University,                                                    laws and customs. Claimants must also
                                           Environmental Health Act 2011 and are         Chief Health Officer (CHO) Direction 52     Humpty Doo Barramundi, Paspaely           Aboriginal land rights are rights created prove they have a connection with the
                                           the primary compliance team. They             has provided directions for additional      Pearling Company and Northern             by the Australian, State or Territory        area in question through those laws
                                           are assisted by the Police and Work           vaccination requirements for certain        Territory Seafood Council in providing    governments that are usually comprised and customs.
The Northern Territory public health       Health Officers have been appointed as        workers to attend the workplace. The        training and traineeship opportunities to of a grant of freehold or perpetual lease
team has provided the following tips on    authorised officers under the PEHA for        direction comes into effect on 22 April     job seekers in the Aquaculture industry.  title to Indigenous Australians.             Some of these rights may include: the
how businesses might adjust their work     the purposes of checking the vaccine          2022.                                                                                                                              right to access the area freely; hunt
practices to be COVID safe:                register.                                                                                 The Aquaculture pre-employment            The Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern         and fish native animals; collect natural
• If possible split staff into shift                                                     The direction applies to workers who:       training initiative named Watch it Grow Territory) Act 1976 (Cth) (ALRA)               resources like bush tucker, wood and
    groups. This is to prevent one shift   Any visits by NT Work Safe are shared         • During the course of work, is likely      has been designed to help give people provided a pathway for Aboriginal                ochre; look after sacred sites; hold
    from coming into contact with          with NT Health.                                  to come into contact with a              a clear path into a career working in the people in the Northern Territory to make ceremony in the area; have a say in
    another, therefore limiting the                                                         vulnerable person; or                    Northern Territory Aquaculture sector.    claims, and be granted rights, over their developments and how the land is
    number of staff who may be                                                           • Workplace poses a high risk of            The goal of the program is to transition traditional lands if they could prove         managed; share in money from develo-
    exposed to another staff member
    with COVID-19.
                                              Did you know                                  infection with COVID-19; or
                                                                                         • Performs work that is necessary
                                                                                                                                     successful applicants into local
                                                                                                                                     traineeships with industry partners.
                                                                                                                                                                               historical and cultural ownership.           pments; and bring people with them to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the area to help with cultural activities
• Assign staff to specific areas of
    operations, reducing cross over of
                                           that your employer                               for the operation or maintenance of
                                                                                            essential infrastructure or essential    The program is designed to equip
                                                                                                                                                                               Native title arose as a result of the
                                                                                                                                                                               recognition under Australian common
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and research.

    staff throughout shifts.                may need to know                                logistics in the Territory.              students to be job ready and covers       law, of pre-existing Indigenous rights       Native title rights can be claimed over
• Talk to staff daily to ensure they
                                            your vaccination
                                                                                                                                     initial employability skills, such as     and interests according to traditional       land such as vacant Crown land; public
    are not a close contact and are not                                                  A person is considered to be vulnerable     gaining an understanding of disease       laws and customs.                            reserves and beaches; and non-private

    symptomatic.                                                                         to infection with COVID-19 if:              control and biosecurity, responsibilities                                              waters including oceans, seas, reefs,
• Ensure staff are using masks                                                           • The person is under 5 years of age;       in Work Health and Safety, chemical       Native title is legislated under the         lakes, rivers and creeks.
    appropriately and practising good                                                         or                                     handling, and food safety in seafood      Native Title Act (1993), and is not
    hygiene.                               An employer or workplace operator to          • The person has a certificate issued       handling.                                 specific to the Northern Territory.          In some cases the Native Title
• Reduce customer contact where            collect information about employee’s               by the Commonwealth that certifies                                                                                            claimants may be granted exclusive
    possible via:                          vaccination status, and keep a register            that the person has a permanent        ‘There is a current skills shortage to    Native title differs from ALRA in that it is rights, giving them the ability to disallow
   • changes to site set up                of this. It is also required to record that        or temporary contraindication to all   fill jobs in the industry and employers   a recognition of the ‘rights and             access.
   • use of technology to order            they have sighted evidence of your                 approved COVID-19 vaccines; or         are keen to find enthusiastic locals to   interests of Indigenous people in land
        electronically                     vaccination. These vaccination status         • The person is at risk of severe           fill those roles, this pre-employment     and waters, according to their traditional Subscribe to Native Title News
   • use of buffers and barriers           records can be request from an                     illness from COVID-19 for medical      program will assist with just that,’ said laws and customs,’ rather than a grant
   • contactless payment                   employer by an authorised officer.                 reasons, such as being on immune       Charles Darwin University, Aquaculture of land or sea.                                 To register your interest either:
   • contactless delivery of stock                                                            suppressive therapy after an organ     Lecturer, Mr Morris Pizzutto.                                                          • nominate the Native Title subscrip-
                                           If a worker has not complied with the              transplant or having comorbidities                                               The rights offered to native title               tion on your member profile, or
A reminder – don’t forget to               requirement to get vaccinated against              such as chronic kidney, heart, liver   Minister for Agribusiness and             claimants differ from claim to claim.        • click on Subscribe to Native Title
resubmit your COVID Safety Plans           COVID-19, they must not attend their               or lung disease.                       Aquaculture, Nicole Manison said          They depend on the ability of those              News on the NTSC Native Title
every six months if it has changes         normal workplace. The employer must                                                       the Northern Territory Government is      claiming to prove that the rights and            page at
after each review.                         take reasonable steps to make sure            You can download CHO Direction 52           focused on growing the sector into the    interests they are seeking are               • email Shelley at
                                           this happens.                                 here.                                       future.                                   recognised by Australian common law    
COVID-19 safety plans are required by
CHO Direction 35 Safety Measures for NT Health mobile vaccination teams                  For additional information visit corona-    To learn more on the program visit
Places, Businesses, Activities, Services are available to provide information            Industry Skills Advisory Council NT
and Premises.                            sessions on the COVID-19 vaccine for            mandatory-vaccinations                      or contact Chahli McGuffie on
                                         businesses and staff. They can also                                                         (08) 7913 7510 or
This Direction requires that the plan    establish a pop-up vaccination clinic                                                       email
is reviewed every six months and is      in the workplace to vaccinate eligible
resubmitted if it has changed after the  staff. For more information, please
review.                                  email the NT Health vaccination team

                                                       NTSC NEWS 8                                                                                                                        NTSC NEWS         9
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
iPad trial comes to an end                                                                         Northern Territory
                                           A key focus of the trial was to better      The field trials commenced in June                    Agribusiness Strategy 2022-30
                                           understand if the iPads were a              2021 and came to an end late February
                                           practical tool on the water, as well as     2022, with the NT Seafood Council           The Territory Economic Reconstruction Commission (TERC) identified the develo-
                                           how available cellular connectivity         (NTSC) undertaking health checks on         pment of a new Agribusiness Strategy as an important catalyst to drive economic
                                           works as professional crabbers go           each of the iPads to better understand      growth in the agribusiness sector.
                                           about their operations in remote            their condition post use.
                                            locations.                                                                             The overarching TERC goal is to achieve a $40 billion economy by 2030 for the
                                                                                       The Deckhand Pro App that has been          NT. The agribusiness and aquaculture sectors will need to grow their economic
                                           Industry volunteers were sought from        modified for the NT Mud Crab fishery        contribution from $1.3 billion to $2 billion (Gross Value of Production) to keep
                                           a range of crab fishing areas, including    will continue to be available along with    pace with the overall growth target of TERC by 2030.
                                           the Gulf of Carpentaria, Maningrida,        the devices used by the volunteers
                                           Adelaide River and Bynoe Harbour.           through to December 2022. This will         The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade held workshops with industry and
                                           Each volunteer was provided with an         allow industry to continue to gauge the     land councils in 2021 from which they identified four draft strategic priorities:
                                           iPad with cellular connectivity, in a       usefulness and better understand ways       • Grow
                                           weatherproof case which had the             to aid their business operations.           • Protect
                                           Deckhand Pro – Mud Crab Workflows                                                       • Adapt and innovate
                                           App installed. For ease, video              This project is supported through           • Engage
                                           instructions of how to use the iPad         funding from the Australian
                                           were installed, and initial demonstration   Government’s National Landcare              In its feedback to the Department, the Seafood Council has flagged that both the
                                           on how to use the iPad was given to         Program.                                    Department and industry must be on the same page for what growth for the NT
                                           each volunteer if collecting in person.                                                 seafood industry looks like, and how it will be achieved, and each doing their bit to
                                                                                                                                   achieve the agreed targets. In addition adequate support and resources to

     Have your say                            VMS temporary                            It is important that
                                                                                                                                   implement the strategy in order to achieve the (to be developed) Key
                                                                                                                                   Performance Indicators (KPIs).

                                                switch off                                 we hear from                            A balanced approach to support sustainable growth in both aquaculture and wild
The annual NTSC stakeholder survey
has opened for the fourth year to hear     Many Northern Territory fisheries now
                                                                                              Members                              harvest is required. For some sectors, growth in tonnage may not be possible due
                                                                                                                                   to access to fishing grounds and resource sharing
directly from stakeholders on key is-      require professional fishing vessels                                                    between sectors. Inclusion of post-harvest strategies to aid growth for these
sues and risks for the seafood industry                                                Each year we undertake an annual            sectors is therefore important.
                                           operating to be fitted with an approved
and to get feedback on our                                                             membership survey to understand the
                                           vessel monitoring system (VMS) unit.
performance.                                                                           current and trending business               Looking ahead the outcomes of a successful Agribusiness and Aquaculture
                                                                                       challenges being faced by the Northern      Strategy 2030 might include:
                                           Those operators in charge of vessels
For the last three years the NTSC has                                                  Territory Seafood Council (NTSC)            • Improved dialogue and relationships and continuity of tenure for commercial
                                           that require VMS must ensure the VMS
been seeking to understand its                                                         members, monitor member                         access and activities on Indigenous land;
                                           unit is operating at all times. In
performance against 12 key indicators,     circumstances where your VMS unit
                                                                                       satisfaction, identify areas for            • Inclusion and increased participation of Indigenous people and/or
including areas such as NTSC’s                                                         improvement and inform the NTSC                 corporations in the seafood industry;
                                           needs to be switched off, for any period
engagement, value, strategic priorities                                                Strategic Plan 2018-2023. Direct            • An industry regarded for its sustainability and forward thinking approaches;
                                           of time, you must lodge an application
and credibility. Importantly this aids                                                 feedback from NTSC members                      and
                                           with the Australian Fisheries
our understanding of our performance       Management Authority (AFMA) for
                                                                                       improves transparency, relevance and        • An industry that provides stability and confidence to the people employed and
from a stakeholder perspective to aid                                                  value for the NT professional fishing           invested in it.
delivery of improvements of NTSC in                                                    industry.
line with the NTSC Strategic Plan 2018     Vessels that have an AMFA approved                                                      To achieve the growth that is possible within the NT seafood industry, significant
-2023.                                                                                 Last year’s Membership Survey report        investment and commitment is required to build capacity and aid adaptation and
                                           Temporary Switch Off (TSO) notice
                                                                                       highlighted ‘workforce’ as the top third    adoption of new approaches, technologies, relationships and participation
                                           must not go fishing unless their TSO
An online survey will be open for the                                                  business challenge faced by Members,        approaches. Importantly new capacity and development is needed across both
                                           has been cancelled by AFMA or has
next six weeks, closing on 13 May                                                      with the issues relating to workforce       industry and the NT Fisheries Division.
                                           lapsed, and the VMS unit is operational
2022. Take 10 minutes today to                                                         that included ‘lack of crew’, ‘recruiting
                                           and polling.
provide your feedback by clicking the                                                  into the industry’ and ‘lack of             Further consultation is required with the NT seafood industry to understand the
link below.                                                                            experienced crew’.                          actions and key priorities that will sit under each of the strategic priority areas
                                           Click here for a copy of the TSO
                                           application form.                                                                       (growth; protect; adapt and innovate; and engage). It is also noted that the                                                       NTSC members have been emailed an           Department is progressing other key projects focussed on identifying growth
der22                                                                                  invitation to complete this year’s Annual   opportunities within the seafood industry. It is an exciting time to develop a shared
                                                                                       Membership Survey. The survey will          pathway forward for the industry.
To read last year’s survey report, visit                                               be closing on 8 April 2022, please take                                                                            five minutes today to have your say.
                                                      NTSC NEWS 10                     Visit NTSC website to view the five                                                             NTSC NEWS 11
                                                                                       previous Membership survey reports.
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
                            NT worker                                                    The second version of the Northern
                       attraction campaign                                               Territory (NT) Designated Migration
                                                                                         Area Agreement (DAMA) was released
                                                                                         in March 2022 announcing seven
Local businesses are getting a leg up               platforms such as Seek, CareerOne new additional occupations to aid NT
from the Territory Government to fill               or Indeed                            employers to fill positions across 124
critical worker shortages with the lau-         • Downloading the industry toolkit       occupations.
nch of a new Global Worker Attraction               and raising awareness about oppor-
Campaign and round two of the Work                  tunities for moving to the Territory NT DAMA is an employer-sponsored
Stay Play incentive.                                for work                             visa program, in which NT employers
                                                • Sharing your job on social media       can use the program to sponsor
The Territory Government announced                  using #movetotheTerritory            overseas workers for positions they are
its $12.8 million workforce package in                                                   unable to fill with local workers.
February, to help fill critical skill shorta-   Access the downloadable files at:
ges in sectors such as automotive,     The updates to the NT DAMA increase
hospitality, education, aged care and           -toolkit                                 the number of eligible occupations
disability services, health, construction,                                               and provide additional concessions to
manufacturing as well as veterinary             View the Northern Territory Global       standard visa eligibility.
services.                                       Worker Attraction Campaign at:
                                                            New occupations of interest to the
The campaign kicked off on 24 March                                                      seafood industry include aquaculture
2022 and calls on skilled and semi-             A second round of the Work Stay Play     supervisor, aquaculture worker and
-skilled workers, who are looking for a         incentive will commence on 2 May,        seafood processor workers. Which
change to #movetotheTerritory.                  where businesses can apply for a         builds on the occupations already within
                                                one-off payment of $1,000 for each       the first NT DAMA agreement such as
Territory businesses can get involved           employee, for a maximum of 20 new        deck hand, diver, fishing hand, ship’s
by:                                             workers. For further information visit   master, master fisher, forklift drivers
                                                   and more.
•   Loading your jobs onto recruitment
                                                                                         For further information contact
                                                                                         Migration NT via phone 08 8999 5264
                                                                                         or email or visit

                                                                                          Approved operator
                                                                                         In the Northern Territory, it is a require-
                                                                                         ment under the Fisheries Act 1988 that
                                                                                         to operate a commercial fishing vessel
                                                                                         a licensee is required to appoint an
                                                                                         Approved Operator (AO). It is
                                                                                         recommended licensees appoint an
                                                                                         AO for a full licensing year (1 July to 30
                                                                                         June). Those appointing AOs need to
                                                                                         ensure the AOs card is valid and
                                                                                         includes the specific fishery (to which
                                                                                         they are to be appointed) on the card.

                                                                                         Those renewing their AO status in 2022
                                                                                         are encouraged to do so with plenty of
                                                                                         time, as Police checks are now taking
                                                          NTSC NEWS 12                   up to 4 – 6 weeks to complete.                NTSC NEWS 13
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
Federal budget 2022-23                                                                                                    Financial Fitness workshops
           Seafood Industry Australia (SIA), the national peak-body representing the Australian seafood
                                                                                                                                                            assisting industry open new doors
           industry, has welcomed the 2022-23 Federal Budget.
                                                                                                                                 KPMG delivered two workshops for         and implementation of their growth           surround accessing money and any
           “There are a number of measures in this budget which will directly and indirectly support Austra-                     NTSC members during February and         strategy.                                    impacts that this can have for their
           lia’s commercial seafood producers,” SIA CEO Veronica Papacosta said.                                                 March this year to aid seafood                                                        business in the future.
                                                                                                                                 businesses in their understanding of     Leon provided his perspective on the
           “SIA is supportive of measures announced to support small businesses, biosecurity, modernise                          key elements affecting their cash flow   journey from commencement as a               Participants heard from Katrina
           manufacturing, safeguard the Great Barrier Reef, and to support mental health early intervention                      and strategy.                            sheep and wheat farmer in 1977, prior        Hancock and Derek Campbell who are
           and services. We hope the significant commitment made to mental health funding includes the                                                                    to constructing his own oyster farm          both in the KPMG Darwin team, about
           continuation and expansion of the seafood industry’s successful mental health pilot program,                          The first workshop focused on growth     business in 1988. Spending over 22           company structures, tax and minimising
           which is soon concluding in our three industry-identified focus communities.                                          and strategy for success within the      years as an Oyster Farm owner and            your risks.
                                                                                                                                 seafood industry. Participants heard     manager Leon’s major advancement
           The Morrison Government has committed to continue working closely with Seafood Industry                               from two speakers Richard Cooper,        was overhauling the oyster racks to a        With the one on one program finishing
           Australia to ensure the Australian seafood industry remains prosperous, and is ready to face the                      KPMG and Leon Stott, from Oyster         system which he co-designed, along           soon this will be the last chance to
           opportunities and any challenges that await us in the future.                                                         Consulting Services.                     with lessons he has learnt along the         register your business, click here to
                                                                                                                                                                          way and the formulation of the strategy      register.
                                                                                                                                 Richard, a family business specialist    for success.
Employers and employees                   Fuel excise                               Regional Australia development               with industry experience provided                                                     This project is supported by the
looking to upskill                                                                  plan                                         insight and experiences on how he has    The second workshop covered the              Department of Industry, Tourism and
                                        • In an effort to bring down petrol                                                      helped small businesses in the seafood   ways businesses owners can get mo-           Trade through funding from the Jobs
• Small businesses will have access         prices, the government is cutting       •   Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce           industry to succeed in the development   ney out of their entity and the traps that   First Plan.
  to a bonus 20 per cent deduction for      the fuel excise — the flat tax levied       has announced $7.1 billion over 11
  the cost of external training             on each litre of fuel — in half.            years for a new ‘Energy Security
  courses delivered to their            • The cut will last for the next six            and Regional Development Plan’.
  employees by providers registered         months and will save motorists 22       •   There’s also $2 billion for a new
  in Australia. The Skills and Training     cents a litre when they fill up.            “Regional Accelerator Program”,
  Boost is estimated to provide $550                                                    which brings together existing
  million in tax relief for small       Environment                                     schemes designed to improve skills,
  businesses.                                                                           education, exports and supply
•                                       • $100 million over three years for a           chains in the regions.
Ag 2030                                     fund to support community-driven        •   There’s also an $1.3 billion injection
                                            action to help restore the                  to improve mobile phone coverage
• The Budget allocates an additional        environment.                                and internet in regional/rural areas.
  $135.6m over 5 years to support       • The government will give $26.8
  the $100 billion target by 2030. Key      million over five years, so just over   Small businesses
  measures include:                         $5 million a year, for the
    • $61.6m for biosecurity                management and protection of            •   Small businesses, with aggrega-
       infrastructure                       Commonwealth National parks.                ted annual turnover less than $50
    • $20.1m for on-farm biosecurity                                                    million, will be able to deduct a
    • $20m for pest and weed            Carbon credits                                  bonus 20 per cent of the cost of
       reduction                                                                        business expenses and depre-
    • $15.4m for agricultural shows     There’s a tax break on the way for              ciating assets that support digital
       and field days                   those in agriculture who make money             uptake.
    • $12m for trade events             by selling carbon credits. The change       •   Small businesses who invest $100
    • $6.6m for the AgMove program means carbon farming income can be                   in skills and technology training
    • 114.6m over 5 years for forestry treated like other primary production            for employees will be eligible for a
       and fishing sustainability.      income for tax purposes.                        $120 tax deduction.

                                                    NTSC NEWS 14                                                                                                                   NTSC NEWS 15
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
Locals supporting locals
 In the lead up to Easter, one of the busiest times of year for the seafood industry, fishers and retailers
  will work even harder to meet the increased demand from locals who want high quality and delicious
                                             Territory seafood.

       We encourage Territorians to actively ask for local and chose to buy NT labelled seafood.

         Show your support for the NT seafood industry and keep local people in employment!

        At Support NT Caught venues you will see NT seafood labelled on menu’s and be able to
                        buy a range of Northern Territory harvested seafood.

                         For more venues and retail outlets visit Where to buy?

                                            Austop Fisheries
                                      Frying Nemo Fish & Chippery
                                       Benchmark Seafood Pty Ltd
                                                Cool Spot
                                           Darwin Fish Market
                                                 Mr Barra
                                               Phat Mango
                                           Saffrron Restaurant
                                     Snapper Rocks Bar & Kitchen
                                        The Fannie Bay Cool Spot
                                    The Foreshore Restaurant & Café
                                             Taroona Pty Ltd

            EVENT                          DATE                TIME                  VENUE

Demersal Fishermans Association          5 April 2022          0900            Video Conferencing,
   Annual General Meeting and                                                 NTSC Conference Room
       General Meeting
  Trader /Processing Licensee            7 April 2022          1400            Video Conferencing,
            Committee                                                         NTSC Conference Room
     Annual General Meeting
Aquaculture Licensee Committee           8 April 2022          0900            Video Conferencing,
    Annual General Meeting                                                    NTSC Conference Room

    Timor Reef Committee                 8 April 2022          1400            Video Conferencing,
  Annual General Meeting and                                                  NTSC Conference Room
       General Meeting
   Spanish Mackerel Fishery             21 April 2022          0900            Video Conferencing
   Management Advisory Group
   AICD NTSC Board Training             17 May 2022            0900       Darwin Innovation Hub, Smith
   Strategy/Risk and Finances                                                   Street Mall, Darwin

      NTSC Board Meeting                18 May 2022            0900                  Darwin

                                            NTSC NEWS 16
NEWS March 2022 - Northern Territory Seafood Council
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