Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!

Page created by Margaret Carter
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!

                              Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin
                                   is ready to sail in 2022!
                                          Choose from 36 departures available in 2022!
                                                 Tahiti - Moorea - Bora Bora - The Tuamotus
                                                The Marquesas - The Cook Islands - Tonga - Fiji

                                Book early and SAVE up to 30%^
                    New to Paul Gauguin? Receive $800 off your first voyage #

                                                                      VIEW ALL DEPARTURES

                     Contact our consultants on: Australia: 1800 878 671 | New Zealand: 0800 854 777
 ^ Paul Gauguin Cruises is part of the PONANT family. The PONANT Bonus is eligible on Paul Gauguin voyages, 30% discount is based on the Ponant Bonus offer. Ponant Bonus is yield managed and may
   change at any time without notice. #Welcome Offer: AUD$800 discount is per stateroom based on double occupancy and only valid for guests travelling on their first Paul Gauguin cruise. This offer is
based on availability, cannot be combined with other special offers unless specified and may be withdrawn at any time, without prior notice. Terms and Conditions apply, refer to for more
                                             information. Photographs: © PONANT Studio Jean-Philippe NUEL / Paul Gauguin Cruises. ABN: 35 166 676 517.
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!
Monday 29th March 2021
Here we go again...                 Industry slammed by NT ban                                                 Today’s issue of TD
  QUEENSLAND Premier                                                                                             Travel Daily today has five
                                      MILLIONS of dollars in travel      whom have long term supplier
Annastacia Palaszczuk today                                                                                    pages of news including our
                                    and cruise bookings - not to         agreements with a number of
announced a snap three-day                                                                                     PUZZLE page plus a cover page
                                    mention massive flow-on effects      us, and of course our valued
lockdown for the greater Brisbane                                                                              from Paul Gauguin Cruises.
                                    to Northern Territory businesses     distribution system – the travel
area, after the city reported 10
                                    including suppliers, hoteliers,      agents,” Bratton said.
new COVID-19 cases overnight.
  Four were locally acquired,
                                    airlines and port operators - have     “Just across APT and Ponant’s      Tahiti looks nice!
                                    been jeopardised by a Northern       bookings alone, some $6 million        PAUL Gauguin Cruises has
while the remainder were in hotel
                                    Territory Government decision on     of agents commissions are being      finalised renovations to its
                                    passenger cruise ships.              jeopardised,” she warned.            332-passenger Le Paul Gauguin,
  The lockdown will become
                                      Ponant Asia-Pacific Chairman         Silversea Cruises Senior Vice      with 39 South Pacific departures
effective at 5pm tonight for
                                    Sarina Bratton told TD this          President & Managing Director        in 2022 now open for sale.
Brisbane, Logan, Moreton Bay,
                                    morning the new limits imposed       Asia Pacific Adam Radwanski            The upgraded vessel will sail
Ipswich and Redlands, with a
                                    by NT Chief Health Officer Hugh      concurred, expressing his concern    Tahiti, the Society Islands, the
review on Wed ahead of the
                                    Heggie “effectively kill Kimberley   to TD for the local suppliers the    Tuamotus, the Cook Islands, the
Easter holiday break.
                                    operations using Darwin as the       cruise line was planning to use      Marquesas, Tonga and Fiji with a
                                    homeport of the NT.”                 during its Kimberley season.         full refurbishment of staterooms,
VA Byron flights                      The new order bans vessels with      In addition, the regulation bans   suites and public spaces.
  VIRGIN Australia’s inaugural      more than 100 people on board,       subsequent cruise ship arrivals        Guests can enjoy a wide range
Melbourne-Ballina Byron service     including crew members.              if there are already two or more     of complimentary outdoor
departed the Vic capital today,       “This present position causes      passenger vessels in NT waters -     activities including snorkelling,
with six weekly flights scheduled   us all great concern for the many    a move which has already seen        kayaking and paddle boarding,
to operate through to 25 Apr.       thousands of Australians who         Coral Expeditions scrap plans        with SCUBA diving also on offer.
  VA said it was “buoyed by the     have confirmed bookings for          for Darwin-based itineraries,          The departures also offer an
demand” for the flights, and is     the 2021 Kimberley season; the       with its Coral Adventurer, Coral     open bar & unlimited wi-fi, and
actively reviewing the potential    many Darwin-based suppliers,         Discoverer and Coral Geographer,     there’s a “tribute art gallery” of
to extend them into other holiday   hotels, ground operators, food       all scheduled to cruise from the     over 150 Paul Gauguin photos -
periods throughout the year.        and beverage suppliers, all of       NT capital from Apr to Sep.          more details on the cover page.

Travel Daily     e                t 1300 799 220              w                         page 1
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!
                                      Monday 29th March 2021

Chimu South Pole flights                                                      QF to Mt Gambier
                                                                                QANTAS has added Mount                              Window
  CHIMU Adventures this               16 years flying over and cruising       Gambier to its regional network,
morning released a new Great          to Antarctica.                          with direct flights from Adelaide                     Seat
Southern Flights program, using         “After researching Qantas’            and Melbourne to the SA city         ICELAND is truly a land of fire
chartered Qantas 787-9 aircraft       direct Perth to London route,           kicking off yesterday.               and ice, with hundreds of active
to fly travellers “over and beyond    it looked like the 787-9 aircraft         Both routes will be operated       volcanoes including one which
the Southern Ocean” out of the        could fly to the South Pole and         five times a week using 50-seat      is currently erupting nearby to
various Australian capital cities.    back in a day...I reached out to        Q300 QantasLink turboprops.          the capital, Reykjavik.
  The initiative is the brainchild    Qantas and shared my thoughts             QantasLink also debuted flights      And while Australians can’t
of Chimu co-founder Chad Carey,       for an Australian first scenic flight   from Melbourne to Albury and         currently get there, a number
who said he had spent the past        to the South Pole,” he said.            Wagga Wagga yesterday, with the      of scientists are excitedly
                                        The first departure is scheduled      carrier’s CEO John Gissing saying
                                      for 27 Nov this year, giving                                                 hanging out on the slopes of the
JAL, Uber partner                                                             the additions reinforced Qantas’
                                      travellers a bird’s eye view of the                                          Galdingadalir volcano - and of
                                                                              commitment to regional Australia.
  JAPAN Airlines has announced        coast and mountain ranges of                                                 course, even geeks gotta eat.
                                                                                “As the national carrier we
a new agreement with Uber             East Antarctica.                                                               Last week they created a
                                                                              have an important role to play in
to offer select services via the        Prices will lead in at $1,195                                              sensation when they published
                                                                              driving tourism and supporting
airline’s smartphone app.             per person, with all flights to                                              a video showing how they
                                                                              the industry in its recovery from
  Effective 01 Apr the Uber icon      be carbon offset as well as                                                  cooked sausages on the hot lava
                                                                              COVID-19,” he said.
will be displayed on the JAL app,     contributing to Chimu’s not-for-                                             - taking the meat straight from
                                                                                Gissing said the airline was
allowing pax to request Uber          profit arm, the MAD project.                                                 the molten rocks onto buns,
                                                                              working with tourism industry
rides from their arrival airport or     The new South Pole Expedition                                              complete with lots of sauce.
                                                                              partners around Mount Gambier
request food delivery services at     Flight offering will complement                                                WIth a few sausage recipes of
                                                                              “to promote the unique
their destination.                    the second season of last year’s                                             our own, the TD team has to say
                                                                              geographic landscape and world
  Initially the platform is valid     Chimu Southern Lights by Flight                                              we just lava this idea!
                                                                              class wine of the Limestone Coast
for Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka and          program (TD 21 Oct 2020).                                                      Check out the culinary arts at
                                                                              to millions of our frequent flyers
Fukuoka, with plans to expand           For more information see                                         
                                                                              around the country”.
into North America and Hawaii.

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Travel Daily       e                   t 1300 799 220              w                                           page 2
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!
Monday 29th March 2021
                                                                            Discover            Oita, Japan                       Learn more

                                                                            WIN a $200 voucher to your favourite, local Japanese Restaurant

   A day at the footy with QR                                             Vic voucher release                   NY theatre jabs
                                                                            THE Victorian Government will         NEW York City Mayor Bill de
                                                                          tomorrow release 50,000 more of       Blasio has launched a vaccination
                                                                          its $200 Regional Travel Vouchers     drive to fast track COVID-19 jabs
                                                                          which will be redeemable for          for actors and theatre workers.
                                                                          trips between 06 Apr and 31 May.        Pop-up inoculation centres will
                                                                            The new allocation goes online      be established to help Broadway
                                                                          at 10am on 30 Mar, bringing           shows welcome tourists by the
                                                                          the total number of vouchers          third quarter of 2021.
                                                                          released in the state’s regional
                                                                          and metropolitan travel stimulus
                                                                          schemes to 200,000.
                                                                            The second round of the
                                                                          scheme involved 40,000 vouchers
                                                                          which were exhausted in 15 min -
                                                                          but only 14,000 (35%) have been
                                                                          claimed so far and the remainder
                                                                          will expire on 01 Apr.
  QATAR Airways added to the         provider OAG that its more than        The scheme applies to Vic
sea of red and white at the          1,000 weekly flights to over 130     residents over 18 who spend
Sydney Cricket Ground on Sat         destinations in Mar 2021 made it     at least $400 on paid tours,
as it hosted some key industry       the world’s largest airline.         accommodation, experiences or
partners for the weekend’s AFL         In fact despite the pandemic,      attractions in regional Vic.
game between the Sydney Swans        in the last 12 months Qatar
and the Adelaide Crows.              Airways has added seven new
  QR has sponsored the Swans         destinations including San
                                                                          Phuket opens up
since 2016 when the carrier          Francisco and Seattle in the USA,      AUTHORITIES in Thailand have
became the club’s Official           Abuja, Accra and Luanda in Africa,   confirmed that Phuket will be the
International Airline Partner,       Cebu in the Philippines as well      first destination in the country to
coinciding with the debut of the     as its new Brisbane operations       welcome vaccinated travellers.
carrier’s direct flights from Doha   which have seen the airline            No quarantine will be required
to the NSW capital which has just    granted special permission to fly    for visitors who arrive by air at
marked a five year milestone.        to the Qld capital.                  Phuket International Airport after
  The airline is one of the few        However Australian operations      01 Jul, having previously been
which have maintained extensive      remain heavily hampered by the       inoculated against COVID-19.
Australian connectivity, with the    current quarantine caps.               Phuket residents are also being
early stages of the pandemic           Pictured enjoying QR’s             prioritised in the Thai vaccine
seeing QR become the country’s       corporate hospitality are, from      rollout, with the aim of having
largest international operator       left: Tracey Edwards, Event Travel   70% of the island’s population
with a 44.5% market share in Apr.    Management; Cassandra Kerr,          jabbed before arrivals resume.
  QR’s network is continuing         Qatar Airways Regional Manager         The staged reopening will then             JOURNEY
to expand as travel around the       Australasia; John Baty, Flight       see Krabi, Phangnga, Koh Samui,          THROUGH TIME
world resumes, with the recent       Centre Corporate; Lida Alevizos,     Chonburi and Chiang Mai all
restart of flights to Mykonos and    Qatar Airways; and Glenn Wilcox,     accessible quarantine-free for    
confirmation from travel data        Corporate Travel Management.         vaccinated travellers from Oct.

Travel Daily      e                t 1300 799 220               w                         page 3
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!
Sudoku                                                 BEGINNER
                                                                            THE aim of Sudoku is to complete the entire grid using the numbers
                                                                           1-9. Each number can only be used once in each row, once in each
                                                                           column, and once in each of the 3×3 boxes.

                                    Monday 29th March 2021

      Where in the world?

                                                                                                                                           – visit them and get a new Sudoku every day!
  THIS is one of the most popular
Hindu shrines outside of India,
                                    high ceiling.
                                      In order to reach the caves,
                                                                              Whose mascot is this?
and is visited by around 1.5        visitors have to climb just over
million people each year.           270 stairs.
 This image only shows part of        As well as religious significance,
this site, with the main section    the caves are a centre of rock
comprised of a series of caves      climbing, with around 160 routes
which are used as temples.          developed in the past 10 years.
 There are three main caves,          Do you know where in the
with the largest having a 100m      world you could visit this place?

   Pick the nation
    COUNTRIES have unique geography, ethnicities and cultures
   which come together to often form very distinctive symbols.
    Based off the four different symbols and famous faces, see if
   you can figure out which country they represent.
                                                                            WHILE usually it is the athletes       both his team and state, he has
    1                                2                                     who are injured, this bear has          had a day named after him in his
                                                                           copped his fair share of knocks         constituency – an honour very
                                                                           over his nearly 30-year career,         few, if any, of the players have
                                                                           with his maladies including a torn      received.
                                                                           bicep and ruptured calf tendon.           Do you know whose mascot
                                                                            So important is this mascot to         this is?

                                                                             ANSWERS 26 MAR
                                                                             Test your airline knowledge: Airport codes - 1 Incheon
    3                                 4                                      International, Seoul, South Korea, 2 Abu Dhabi, 3 Townsville,
                                                                             Australia, 4 Warsaw, Poland, Airline liveries - 1 Allegiant Air, 2 Japan
                                                                             Airlines, 3 EasyJet
                                                                             Pub quiz: 1 Sands Hotel & Casino, 2 Flushing Meadows-Corona
                                                                             Park, 3 Tower Bridge, 4 b) Tasmania, 5 Norway, 6 1.3 kilometres, 7
                                                                             Venice, 8 India, 9 c) 14th century, 10 Cairo
                                                                             Icon under a microscope: Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro,

Travel Daily     e                  t 1300 799 220               w                             page 4
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!
                                                                                                                                          TRAVEL DAILY TRAINING
                                                         Monday 29th March 2021

IndiGo payouts                                           Finnair electric LOI                                                                                Viva La Difference!
  INDIAN low-cost carrier IndiGo                           FINNAIR is exploring the use
has processed 99.95% of the total                        of electrically-powered aircraft,
amount owing to customers in                             having signed a Letter of Interest
terms of refunds from when it                            (LOI) with sustainable aviation
paused operations in the early                           developer Heart Aerospace.
phases of the pandemic.                                    Heart is developing the ES-19
  The resumption of operations                           electric aircraft, and is targeting
and a steady increase in demand                          a commercial launch by 2026 for
has enabled it to prioritise                             the 19-seater planes.
refunds in an expedited manner.                            Finnair has suggested it could
  The outstanding payments are                           acquire up to 20 of the planes for
mostly cash transactions where                           use on short-haul routes, with AY
IndiGo is awaiting bank details.                         VP of Sustainability Anne Larilahti
  IndiGo is represented locally by                       saying “electric aviation will be
Airline Rep Services.                                    one of the tools for the future”.

                                BROCHURES                                                                                            THE team from Brisbane-based                                            from The Africa Safari Co and
  WELCOME to Brochures of the Week, Travel Daily’s Monday feature.                                                                 travel agency Viva Travel (not to                                         Matthias Dybing from Nuvho
  If your firm is releasing a new brochure you’d like to make the industry                                                         be confused with Helloworld’s                                             Hotels (pictured), all of whom
  aware of, send a brief description summarising its features and                                                                  Viva Holidays) - Mandi Forrester-                                         offered some great deals for
  itineraries, including a PDF of the front cover, and contact details to                                                          Jones, Andrew Hager, Yann                                                 customers who book in the next                                                                                                    Charavel and Riva Forrester-Jones                                         few weeks.
                                                                                                                                   - held a supplier information                                               Viva Travel is a member of
                     Canberra 2021 Meeting Planners Guide
                                                                                                                                   evening last week at Brookwater                                           Travellers Choice, and is donating
                     The 2021 Canberra Meeting Planners Guide is the
                                                                                                                                   Golf Club.                                                                $100 from each booking to the
                     ultimate guide to the nation’s capital for meeting
                     planners wanting to hold an event. As one of the
                                                                                                                                     Guests were treated to a                                                Queensland Cancer Foundation,
                     safest cities in Australia, and the least impacted by                                                         drink and snacks prior to short                                           while one lucky customer also
                     COVID-19, Canberra is ready to meet again. And                                                                presentations from AAT Kings’                                             won a two-night package at the
                     offering direct flights to 12 domestic destinations                                                           Nikki Steadman, Darren Partridge                                          Emporium Hotel in Brisbane.
                     it is easier than ever to host your next event in the
                     city. The Meeting Planners Guide is available in a
 comprehensive 114-page printed version or also in an enhanced digital
 format - for more details see
                                                                                                                                                            Picture yourself here...
                                     Regent Seven Seas - Space at Sea
                 UNRI VALLED
                 SPACE AT SEA

                                    This special mini-brochure from Regent
                                    Seven Seas Cruises showcases the
                                    “lavish, personal space” offered by its
                                    fleet of luxury vessels. With capacity for
                                                                                                                                                                                           Earn                Win a place on a

                                                                                                                                                                                                               ‘Discover the NT’ famil,
                                    490 to 750 guests and expansive social
                                    areas, the ships also feature multiple,                                                                                                                $                   and earn $50* with
                                                                                                                                                                                                               every sale in the NT
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Summer Sale.
                                    free specialty dining venues so there
 is never a queue or a crowd. A large pool deck area and spacious fitness
 centres are also part of the offering, along with some of the largest
 suites and balconies at sea complemented by small groups and private                                                                                    For more information, visit
 shoreside opportunities - for more info call 1300 455 200.                                                                                               * Famil includes an amazing experience on The Ghan. Terms and conditions apply.

 Got a confidential tip? Contact Travel Daily via our secure WhatsApp service on +61 2 8007 6760 or click HERE

                                        EDITORIAL                                                            ADVERTISING AND MARKETING                                  Suite 1, Level 2, 64 Talavera Rd
                                        Editor in Chief and Publisher – Bruce Piper                          Sean Harrigan and Hoda Alzubaidi                           Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
                                        Associate Editors– Adam Bishop,                                                         PO Box 1010 Epping NSW 1710 Australia                 Myles Stedman                                                                                                                   Tel: 1300 799 220 (+61 2 8213 6350)
 Travel Daily is part of the Business   Contributors – Nicholas O’Donoghue,                                  BUSINESS MANAGER
 Publishing Group family of             Jenny Piper                                                          Jenny Piper                                                Travel Daily operates by paid subscription                             business events news
 publications.                                                                                    to people within the travel industry - sign
 Produced each weekday since
                                                                                                                                                                        up at
 1994, Travel Daily is Australia’s
                                        Travel Daily is a publication of TDaily Pty Ltd ABN 34 108 508 765. All content fully protected by copyright. Please obtain written permission to reproduce any material. While every care has been taken in the preparation of Travel
 leading travel industry publication.   Daily no liability can be accepted for errors or omissions. Information is published in good faith to stimulate independent investigation of the matters canvassed. Responsibility for editorial comment is taken by Bruce Piper.

Travel Daily              e                                                  t 1300 799 220                                           w                                                                         page 5
Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022! Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022! Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022! Newly renovated Le Paul Gauguin is ready to sail in 2022!
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