New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

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New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012
December 2011/January 2012

        sp ort Secretary
New Tran
new thinking?

              Decision time
                  Justine Greening
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012
in this issue

Transport Salaried Staffs’
General Secretary: Manuel Cortes
Joining TSSA
T: 020 7529 8032
F: 020 7383 0656

Your membership details
T: 020 7529 8018

Helpdesk (workplace rights
advice for members)
T: 0800 3282673 (UK)
  1800 805 272 (Rep of Ireland)

Website (UK) (Ireland)                  Gerry Doherty gave his last major speech as TSSA General Secretary at the packed ‘Save Our Railways’
                                       rally. You can watch it at

TSSA Journal
Editor: Ben Soffa
T: 020 7529 8055                        4–5 Organising & news
M: 07809 583020                         u Bombardier campaign
General queries (London office)         u Pensions Day of Action
T: 020 7387 2101                        u TfL Taxi Licensing saved
F: 020 7383 0656
E:                u Legal victories

Irish office
from Northern Ireland                   9 General Secretary
T: +3531 8743467                        u The challenges we will face together
F: +3531 8745662

from the Republic
T: 01 8743467
                                        10–11 Our new General
F: 01 8745622                           Secretary
E:                    u Manuel Cortes interviewed
TSSA Journal is published
by TSSA, Walkden House
10 Melton Street                        12–13 Opposing fare rises
London NW1 2EJ                          u Campaigns nationally & in London
Design and production:                  u Ken’s Fare Deal
Wild Strawberry Communications
                                        14–15 Christian Wolmar                             12-13 Opposing the Great Fares Robbery

                                        u Justine Greening’s in-tray
Views published in the Journal are
not necessarily those of TSSA.
Acceptance of adverts for products      16–17 Paul Salveson                                20–21 Scottish Labour
or services does not imply TSSA
                                        u Labour’s railway roots                           u Leadership candidates’ views
TSSA Journal is printed by TU Ink on
Leipa Ultra Silk comprised of 100%
post-consumer waste. The polythene
                                        19 Freight on rail                                 22–23 Legal news
wrapper is oxo-degradable.              u A little investment goes a long way              u Latest victory and legality of strikes
Vol 108/issue 1220

2   December 2011
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

                                                                                          As we reach the end
                                                                                          of 2011 and look
                                                                                          towards the start of
                                                                                          a new year, there’s no
                                                                                          shortage of changes
                                                                                          that will have a huge
                                                                                          impact on our union
                                                                                          and our industries.
                                                                                             We have a new General Secretary in
                                                                                          Manuel Cortes – who lays out his priorities
                                                                                          on page 9 and is interviewed on pages 10-
                                                                                          11. ‘We’ also have a new Transport
                                                                                          Secretary. Justine Greening has a number of
                                                                                          momentous decisions to take in the
                                                                                          coming months – choices examined by
                                                                                          Christian Wolmar on pages 14-15.
                                                                                             The new year will also bring a less
                                                                                          welcome change for millions of passengers
                                                                                          – higher fares. Whilst the Chancellor
TSSA members, together with fellow rail unions, TUC leaders and passenger groups
                                                                                          backed away from the previously
joined a rally at Parliament on 25 October, warning the Government against cutting rail
jobs, increasing fares and closing ticket offices.                                        announced rise of 8 per cent, even the use
                                                                                          of the ‘inflation plus 1 per cent’ formula will
                                                                                          make transport significantly less affordable
                                                                                          for many. With average pay settlements
      25 Helpdesk                                                                         such a long way short of inflation, most
                                                                                          people are enduring significant real terms
      u This month’s queries
                                                                                          pay cuts. We look at the campaign against
                                                                                          the fare rises on 12 and 13 – do get
      26–27 Letters                                                                       involved, whether as an individual,
                                                                                          workplace or branch.
      28 Equalities                                                                          The financial difficulties faced by
                                                                                          Thomas Cook are a real cause for concern,
      u E-Mix school
                                                                                          with TSSA reps and officers meeting the
      u Sign language skills                                                              company to ensure staff are kept informed
                                                                                          and are in the strongest possible position
                                                                                          however the company and its creditors
                                                                                             On a more positive note, we’ve seen
                                                                                          several quick victories due to highly
                                                                                          energetic campaigns by reps over recent
                                                                                          weeks – most starkly at Transport for
                                                                                          London. Over 100 jobs were due to be
                                                                                          outsourced and, quite literally, sent to
                                                                                          Coventry, but with just 12 hours before the
                                                                                          plan was due to be agreed, TfL u-turned.
                                                                                          The strategy employed? Building an alliance
                                                                                          of service users (in this case, taxi drivers),
                                                                                          staff and other campaigners into an
                                                                                          unstoppable force. Let’s hope for many such
                                                                                          victories in 2012.
                                                                                             All that remains to be said is that I hope
                                                                                          you enjoy this edition of the Journal, and to
                                                                                          wish all readers and their families a happy
   Joint campaigning between four rail and transport unions plus the TUC                  and healthy New Year.
                                                                                                                        Ben Soffa, editor

                                                                                                                          TSSA Journal   3
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

New General Secretary elected
MANUEL CORTES HAS been              Gerry Doherty in mid               work that Gerry has put in            ‘We need to take the public
chosen as TSSA’s next General       November. Manuel was               over the last seven years.        with us as we make the
Secretary, taking over from         nominated by almost thirty            ‘We have a real fight on our   argument for a publicly funded
                                    branches and was the only          hands because the McNulty         and publicly owned railway
                                    candidate to meet the              Report will lead to the biggest   which we see operating so
                                    requirement to have gained at      attack on our members jobs,       successfully in every other
                                    least five nominations from        wages and conditions in a         country in Europe.’
                                    multiple Divisional Council        generation. Boris is also             Manuel is currently working
                                    areas.                             recklessly destroying jobs        as ‘General Secretary Elect’,
                                       After being elected Manuel      within our tube and TfL and       with his five year term of
                                    said, ‘I am so grateful to the     long as our high streets          office to begin formally at the
                                    many branches and activists        remain depressed, our             start of January. Full details of
                                    who backed me for this post. I     members within the travel         all valid nominations are
                                    hope to build on all the good      trade are feeling the pinch.      available on 7

Minister refuses to ‘face the music’
over Bombardier decision
cold on 3 November to protest outside a
conference of the Derby Railway Forum.
    The protest, called by the Bombardier
Community Support Group, set out to
demonstrate the continuing local
opposition to government plans to award
the Thameslink contract to German firm
Siemens – a decision which will cost
thousands of jobs at Bombardier and
throughout its supply chain.
    Speakers at the event included Sir Roy
McNulty, whose report on the future of
the rail industry has been met with
dismay by TSSA, other rail unions and
campaigners for sustainable transport.
    Teresa Villiers, the Minister of State for
Rail, had been scheduled to attend the
conference but pulled out the day before,
citing ‘constituency business’. Then-TSSA
General Secretary Gerry Doherty slammed
the u-turn, saying that Villiers was backing     the government that they can’t wash
out of facing up to the music. Since the         their hands of this disastrous decision. If
protest, further pressure has mounted on         the government were serious about
the beleaguered rail minister and new            supporting industry and defending jobs,
Transport Secretary Justine Greening,            they would do the decent thing and award
calling on them to reverse the decision.         the contract to Bombardier, which they
    Protesters waved placards with slogans       have the legal powers to do.’
including ‘A future for British rail                 Alison added: ‘The people of Derby are
manufacturing’, ‘Save jobs at Bombardier’        fully behind the Bombardier workers and I
and ‘Stand Up for Derby’.                        encourage everyone who agrees with us
    Alison Martin, one of the campaigners        to get involved and show their support for
at the protest, said, ‘We are here to show       the campaign.’7

4   December 2011
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

Members of the Belfast branch with EC member Gerry Kennedy, Manuel Cortes and Senior Regional Organiser Patrick McCusker

TSSA members join Pensions Day of Action
TSSA MEMBERS ACROSS                Workers at Translink – which         ignores the impacts of housing
Northern Ireland came out on       is publicly owned – are              costs and council tax – core
strike on November 30 as part      members of the same public           costs for many people, and
of the day of action on public     sector pension schemes to            ones that often go up faster
sector pensions. The level of      which changes are being              than other prices. Payment
support for the strike was         proposed by the UK                   contributions would also jump
huge, with an estimated 80         government.                          by 3.2 per cent of pay by 2015
per cent of members in                 The Tory government’s raid       – in effect a 3 per cent wage
Northern Ireland joining a         on pensions would leave              cut and the pensionable age
picket line, rally or              workers paying more, working         would increase to 67 for those
demonstration. Events were         longer and receiving a smaller       retiring in more than 17 years
held in multiple locations in      pension upon retirement. They        time. Negotiations continue –
Belfast and in                     would see the uplift in annual       for more information see
Derry/Londonderry, Newry,          payments linked to the lower         www.pensionsjustice.
Coleraine and Ballymena.           CPI inflation measure, which 7

   Tube Lines bail out on negotiations: legal papers being prepared
   TSSA AND RMT met briefly with Tube Lines on 18 November              Wednesday, 23 November Tube Lines wrote to its managers
   to discuss recognition to negotiate on pay for staff on              to tell them that it was not prepared to negotiate further.
   Performance Related Pay (PRP) contracts. Unlike all other staff         Tube Lines intransigence, and complete disregard for
   at Tube Lines and staff on equivalent grades in TfL – the            the expressed wishes of more than two-thirds of the PRP
   organisation that wholly owns Tube Lines – they do not have          workforce, leaves TSSA with no choice but to use the law
   the right to collectively bargain their pay. As a result, staff on   to gain a formal recognition agreement with Tube Lines.
   PRP have not received a pay rise in two of the last three            We have prepared a robust application to the Central
   years, and their pay rates are increasingly falling behind           Arbitration Committee who can impose such an
   those in TfL and London Underground.                                 agreement, and will be meeting with local reps and
      Tube Lines had agreed to talk with the unions only after          activists this week to plan our campaign. Staff on PRP at
   more than 600 Tube Lines staff had shown their support for           Tube Lines are determined to win justice and recognition
   recognition by joining the union or signing a pledge card and        for pay bargaining – whether their employer wants it or
   petition. However, the talks were short-lived and on                 not! 7

                                                                                                                          TSSA Journal   5
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

    Gerry Doherty’s retirement marked
                                                                         The retirement of outgoing General
                                                                         Secretary Gerry Doherty was
                                                                         marked by a reception at the St
                                                                         Pancras Renaissance Hotel – a
                                                                         building in which, in its former life
                                                                         as a BR office, Gerry had worked.
                                                                         The reception, provided by Morrish
                                                                         solicitors, included representatives
                                                                         from across the labour movement
                                                                         and Labour Party. Ken Livingstone,
                                                                         the TUC’s Frances O’Grady and Bob
                                                                         Crow were amongst those who paid
     ASLEF’s Simon Weller, TUC Deputy General Secretary                  tribute to the work of Gerry and
     Frances O’Grady and Gerry                                           the TSSA.

London taxi jobs saved with hours to go
JUST BEFORE 9 O’CLOCK at                                                                                         outsourcing we became aware
night on 22 November, over                                                                                       that, following a ‘re-
100 staff working in the                                                                                         organisation’ of the LTPH
London Taxi & Private Hire                                                                                       office during the last year,
Office (LTPH) received an email                                                                                  there are only 24 day-time and
containing the news that their                                                                                   6 night-time compliance
jobs had been saved. This u-                                                                                     officers employed by TfL to
turn followed a surprise                                                                                         regulate over 70,000 licensed
announcement by TfL just                                                                                         vehicles (and who knows how
three weeks earlier that the                                                                                     many unlicensed cabs).
licensing and compliance                                                                                         Together for Transport will be
functions of LTPH were to be          groups, including RMT, Unite         since their Safer Travel at           seeking to highlight this
outsourced to a commercial            and the United Cabbies Group         Night (STaN) scheme began in          shortfall and will campaign for
company. This would have              (UCG), who all carried the story     2003, and that there were 143         a better resourced service.
meant a cut in jobs and               in their newspapers and blogs        cab-related sexual offences               Keeping the LTPH office and
relocation of staff to either         and joined TSSA members in           reported in 2009/10. It               jobs in London is a real
Coventry or Northampton.              protesting outside TfL’s head        therefore beggars belief that         achievement, both for TSSA
    The dramatic u-turn was           office.                              they should seek to save              and the cab drivers.
announced just hours before               The Taxi and Private Hire        money on such a key service,          Nevertheless, we cannot afford
the TfL Finance Board was due         Office is responsible for            and is a shocking and cynical         to be complacent because TfL
to discuss the proposal at a          licensing approximately 22,000       pursuit of political ideology by      is currently involved in a major
9.30am meeting the following          black cabs and 50,000 private        the Mayor of London to                cost-cutting exercise –
morning. TfL and Boris                hire vehicles in London. This        privatise and save money with         badged ‘Project Horizon’ – and
Johnson’s last-minute change          involves checking the safety         no regard for the consequences.       has already stated their
of heart was down to a lively         and security of both drivers            With our concern for public        intention to outsource their
campaign organised by TSSA            and their vehicles. The office       safety as well as preserving          Travel Information lines
members and reps working in           also deals with on-street            London jobs, TSSA is now              following the Olympics. We
conjunction with London cab           compliance, including policing       working with the London cab           know that this would mean job
drivers, who gave their full          of unlicensed taxis (or ‘touts’      drivers and campaigning               cuts and a drop in services but,
backing to the staff of the LTPH.     as they’re known by cabbies),        organisations, such as the            following our victory at LTPH,
    ‘We’re behind you 100 per         and following up on any              Suzy Lamplugh Trust, to               we know that we can fight
cent’ said Grant Davies of the        complaints about drivers or          launch a community-wide               them and win. 7
London Cab Drivers’ Club              cab operators from members           campaign in support of                     Mel Taylor, TSSA Organiser
(LCDC), ‘If it affects you, then it   of the public.                       comprehensive licensing and
affects us’. Overwhelming                 TfL’s own website claims         regulation of taxis and private       i    For more information on
support was also received from        that 6,000 unlicensed cab            hire vehicles in London. During       TSSA’s work on Project Horizon
other cab drivers’ unions and         drivers have been arrested           our campaign against the              see

6   December 2011
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

Huge payout after ‘no notice’ redundancies
WITH THE TSSA’S help 20                                                                                  perseverance and hard work
London-based employees of                                                                                finally paid off with a very
Cyprus Turkish Airlines have                                                                             satisfactory deal, but only after
won a £240,000 settlement                                                                                more than a year of struggle
after they were laid off with                                                                            and heartbreak. The final
no notice when the airline                                                                               resolution has been very
went bust last year.                                                                                     pleasing to us all – we owe it
    The workers are Cypriot                                                                              all to our union and those at
nationals but had been long-                                                 Andrew W Sieber CC BY-NC2   Morrish.’
standing members of the TSSA.      what was going on. The only       members and they will divide            Tony Wheeler of the TSSA
    Anna Power at Morrish          information they could get        the total amount between            said ‘I want to congratulate
Solicitors, acting for the         was through the press. TSSA       them.’                              our solicitors for winning a pay
TSSA’s members, today said         took their employer to the            Kemal Kenan, who was one        off for our members who were
‘When Cyprus Turkish Airlines’     Employment Tribunal on the        of the workers, told the Journal    left totally high and dry with
parent company went into           grounds of unfair dismissal,      ‘On behalf of the 20 of us, I can   the closure of Cyprus Turkish
substantial financial difficulty   unpaid wages, notice pay,         safely say that if it weren’t for   Airlines. It is never easy dealing
in August 2010, these UK-          outstanding holiday pay and a     TSSA and Morrish Solicitors we      with overseas companies but
based employees could not          Protective Award. The cheque      could never have hoped to           in this case our members have
get any information about          has been received by the TSSA     make this claim. Their              rightly been compensated.’7

   Information management
                                                                                                                NO SEPARATION
   failure to consult case                                                                                    NO FRAGMENTATION
   ALL TOO OFTEN employers neglect their           Office and Morrish Solicitors.
                                                                                                           FOR INTEGRATED RAIL COMPANIES
   legal responsibilities to consult over             The evidence showed that Network Rail:
   redundancies. These requirements are            l Failed to engage reps before the final
   there to ensure that employees and their        decision to cut jobs, making it impossible to
   union reps can engage with re-                  have meaningful consultation
   organisation proposals and do their best        l Failed to provide information required for
   to avoid job losses. Network Rail are one       consultation, including the numbers and
   of the worst offenders when it comes to         method of selection.
   flouting the law.                               l Failed to continue to consult with reps,                NO LIBERALISATION
                                                                                                             of domestic rail passenger tran
      In 2009 a group of members had had           instead believing that holding a fixed                                                      sport
                                                                                                         FOR QUALITY PUBLIC RAIL SERVICE
   enough. Network Rail forced through a re-       number of meetings was enough, regardless                                            S
   organisation leading to the loss of over 40     of whether they took any notice of                    EUROPEAN RAILWAY WORKERS’ ACTION DAY
                                                                                                                  ON 8 NOVEMBER 2011
   jobs within the Information Management          submissions by the reps in those meetings!
   department. During the process they failed         For some months Network Rail refused to
   to identify the numbers of staff that needed    acknowledge the strength of the case, but
   to be made redundant and constantly             as the tribunal day grew closer they began
   changed the selection process for those         to negotiate. The outcome was a total
   who might have to leave. They failed to         settlement of nearly £350,000 between 42                 The European Transport
   properly engage with TSSA reps and the          staff, close to half the maximum that a                  Workers Federation held
   detailed alternative proposals they put         Tribunal could have awarded.                             an action day across 13
                                                                                                            European countries in
   forward on behalf of the staff. Because of         Of course, not all redundancy
                                                                                                            protest against an EU
   this, many more staff lost their jobs than      consultations have such massive failing and
                                                                                                            package that seeks to
   was necessary.                                  are so well documented by reps. But it
                                                                                                            enforce a compulsory
      Disillusioned with Network Rail’s approach   shows that in the right circumstances and
                                                                                                            separation of the
   and determined to stop similar breaches in      the support and activity of our members we
                                                                                                            ownership railways and
   the future, TSSA reps compiled a strong case    can show employers that they must listen
                                                                                                            the services that run on
   which was submitted to an Employment            to our voice in consultation.7
   Tribunal with the support of TSSA Head                    Elly Baker, Senior Regional Organiser

                                                                                                                              TSSA Journal        7
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012

                                                     Threat of ‘mega trucks’
                                                     coming to UK roads
                                                     MEGA TRUCKS – 25
                                                     metres long (82ft) and up
                                                     to 60 tonnes – will come
                                                     to UK roads by default if

                                                                                                                                          Allianx Pro Schiene
                                                     European Commission
                                                     proposals, currently out
                                                     for consultation, go
    ‘Union Learning                                  ahead. The plan would
    Works’ booklet                                   allow the cross border
                                                     flow of mega trucks from
    launched                                         countries where they are    weight and dimensions        weight, ie partially
    ‘UNION LEARNING WORKS’ is a case study           licensed. Mega trucks,      of HGVs, would let           loaded. With this in
    booklet that seeks to highlight the              which would be 50 per       consenting member            mind, the justification
    significant involvement of unions in             cent longer and a third     states to allow cross-       for ever-larger lorries
    developing workers’ learning opportunities       heavier than existing       border mega trucks           seems especially weak.
    in Northern Ireland. Produced by the             HGVs will result in more    traffic. The road haulage    Freight on Rail – the
    Northern Ireland Union Learning Fund, the        road fatalities, greater    industry has argued that     partnership between rail
    booklet describes how TSSA has been able to      road damage, a build up     they would be put at a       unions and the rail
    offer Translink staff (and their friends and     of congestion and higher    trading disadvantage if      freight operators – is
    family) the opportunity to develop new skills    levels of pollution. The    mega trucks are not          calling on people to
    which can boost their self confidence, self-     European Commission’s       allowed on UK roads.         lobby your MP and MEP
    belief and can lead to a higher level of         own research states that        Currently, one in four   to oppose this
    motivation.                                      mega trucks are             HGVs are driving around      amendment, using the
       TSSA has two people representing its          individually more           empty, with Department       model text on their
    case studies; Jennifer Kissick and Naomi Orr.    dangerous than standard     for Transport research       website. 7
    Jennifer readily took the opportunity to         HGVs.                       showing that almost
    learn Sign Language and having seen the              A revision to the       50 per cent of lorries are   i    For more details see
    benefits of union learning went on to            directive 96/53, which      not filled to either their   www.freightonrail.
    became a Union Learning Rep (ULR) in order       controls the maximum        maximum volume or  
    to help others to gain the chance of learning
    new skills. Jennifer has helped to recruit and
    support Translink staff to learn not only Sign    Railway Employees Privilege                  Order your ‘Staff Our
    Language but also to develop essential IT         Ticket Association                           Stations’ campaign pack
    skills. Naomi wanted to learn Spanish not         2011 REPTA membership is available           TOGETHER FOR TRANSPORT, the
    simply because she wanted to learn a              now for all transport industry staff and     TSSA-backed campaign to
    foreign language, but also to help her on her     families, active and retired. Many free,     mobilise communities in defence
    regular trips to Translink train manufacturer,    discounted and special rates are             of public transport, has launched a
    based in Spain. Gaining new skills can deliver    available to members as described in         ‘Staff Our Stations’ campaign
    real economic benefits to individuals as well     our information packed Yearbook.             pack. It’s designed to help
    as their employer quite apart from the social     £3.75 per year including p&p. Additional     budding campaigners launch local
    side of learning new skills. 7                    cards for family members £2.50. Send         coalitions to head off government
                                                      cheques/postal orders payable to ‘REPTA’     plans to axe ticket office staff,
     i    To find out more about learning             to: Colin Rolle, 4 Brackmills Close,         and contains tips, resources and
    opportunities in Northern Ireland, contact        Forest Town, Mansfield, NG19 0PB or          data to get you started. To order
    Mark Wilkinson on                                 join on line. See:                           your pack, email george@                                    

     Tell your colleagues:
     You can now join TSSA online

8   December 2011
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012
general secretary

The challenges we will face together

I am deeply honoured and feel                 ‘A new union          continue to feel the pinch.
immensely proud to have been elected                                    Jobs losses are significantly denting
your new General Secretary. I pledge          cannot be either a    our membership income. This means
that during my term of office our union                             that our finances – like those of many
                                              ‘TSSA Mark 2’ or a
will:                                                               other unions – have been very stretched
l Listen to you and act on your priorities    ‘RMT Mark 2’. It      since the 2008 recession. In addition, a
l Give you a strong voice in your                                   depressed rental market means that we
workplace, the media and politically          will need to          no longer get as much as we once did
l Fight the McNulty proposals and             provide a fresh       from leasing parts of Walkden House.
attacks on your jobs and conditions                                 Our investment income – and capital
l Work tirelessly to ensure you enjoy         start and a strong    wealth – has severely suffered as stock
dignity in retirement                                               markets across the globe have collapsed.
                                              voice for you or it
l Prioritise efforts to bring the British                           We are fortunate that we still have a
railways back into public ownership           will not happen.’     relatively strong financial base even
l Deliver a distinctive voice for our                               though cash flow remains a concern.
members working in the travel trade and                             However, it has become clear that in the
in Ireland                                                          medium-term, we can no longer remain
l Fully embrace the diversity of our                                as we are. It is vital that we take early
union and your workplaces                                           action, well before, our assets have been
l Invest in training for our excellent Reps                         exhausted.
l Continue to grow into the                                             Our vision is to help create a new
campaigning organisation that you need;                             strong specialised transport and travel
l Further develop our community                                     union to replace those that already exist
organising work, building the alliances                             within these industries. Our talks with
we need to defend members                                           RMT are the potential first step towards
l Stabilise the union’s finances                                    achieving this. There is strong industrial
l Campaign with you to secure the                                   and financial logic behind this move.
return in Britain of a Labour                                       However, if it is going to work, we need
Government.                                                         to create a brand new union that builds
   Over the next few years, we face huge                            on the best of both traditions. It cannot
challenges. In the UK, a faltering                                  be either a ‘TSSA Mark 2’ or a ‘RMT Mark
economy and a Government committed                                  2’. It will need to provide a fresh start and
to massive cuts will put many of your                               a strong voice for you or it will not
livelihoods at risk. In the Republic of                             happen.
Ireland, the economy remains in the                                     Finally, can I end my first piece as
doldrums. If you work in the UK rail                                your General Secretary by thanking you
industry, the proposals contained in the                            for the support that you have given me
McNulty report will lead to thousands of                            over the past seven years. I know that I
job losses and will attack hard fought                              can count on it going forward for the
and won terms and conditions. Public                                next five. I very much look forward to
expenditure cuts are also having a very                             working with you over this period. May
adverse effect on many of our members.                              I also take this opportunity to wish you
Those of you who work within TfL, LUL,                              and your loved ones all the best for
BTP or Ireland will easily testify to this.                         2012.7
The reality is that as long as our High
Streets remain depressed, those of you
within the travel industry will also

                                                                                                                    TSSA Journal   9
New Transport Secretary new thinking? - Decision time for Justine Greening - December 2011/January 2012
Manuel Cortes

                                                                     Just a couple of days after becoming the
                                                                     TSSA’s 21st General Secretary, the Journal
                                                                     met up with a still beaming Manuel Cortes in
                                                                     his new office opposite Euston Station. It
                                                                     hadn’t been a massive change of view for its
                                                                     new occupant – Manuel having spent the
                                                                     previous seven years as Assistant General
                                                                     Secretary in the office next door, but he was
                                                                     clearly relishing the opportunity to help lead
                                                                     the organisation which he’s been intimately
                                                                     involved in for 13 years.

                                                                     As well as hearing more about his plans for
                                                                     TSSA, his answers hopefully provide a
                                                                     broader picture of our union’s new top official
                                                                     – where he comes from and how he
                                                                     approaches his work, life more generally and
                                                                     the struggle for justice for working people.

Manuel Cortes:
our new General Secretary
So, Manuel, you’ve not exactly come from      entire community against this whilst I       And how did you come to be involved in
a traditional background for a trade union    was growing up. We had huge strikes –        the movement yourself?
leader. Thinking back to your childhood in    with the electricity being cut off every     I left school at 15 with no qualifications. I
Gibraltar, would anyone have thought you      other day, demonstrations and people         got a job as an apprentice and the first
might ever be elected to a role like this?    being jailed for joining the protest. The    thing I did was join the union. Soon
 Well trade unions had always been a big      unions at the time had something that’s      afterwards I became a shop steward for
part of the community where I grew up. In     all too rare now: a base in every            my fellow apprentices and ever since then
Gibraltar of the 70s and 80s it was almost    community. Everyone knew a shop              I’ve been an active member of a trade
as though there was just one employer –       steward, a union rep. I was brought up in    union - either as an activist, a lay official,
the MoD – but because of that, the focus      that moment of struggle, where it was        or in a paid role.
of the unions was very clear. That doesn’t    clearly possible to change things. And I         I started off as an engineer. I gained
mean there weren’t big problem though:        think it’s important if you’re going to be   various technical qualifications which led
when I was growing up, there was a real       part of something, you want to be part of    me to study at university in the UK. And
struggle going on for wage parity. If you     the winning side! And we won that            that was really eye opening to me – how
were British from Britain, you got paid one   campaign – everyone got paid the fair,       a lot of people there – through no fault of
rate, if you were Gibraltarian-British you    equal rate for the job. What we need to      their own – had such a narrow view of
got paid less and if you were a so-called     recreate is that kind of trade unionism,     society and no idea of the poverty that
‘alien’ you received even less again. I       where unions are an integral part of the     existed just a few minutes away from
remember how the unions united the            communities in which we live.                where they were living. I decided to do

10   December 2011
general secretary

something about that – one of the things      done away with during privatisation. I        You’ve been elected to serve until 2017.
I was most proud of from my time as a         became TSSA’s Negotiations Officer and        How do you see things changing in TSSA
full-time elected student representative      from there I was appointed the Assistant      over that time?
was to organise an ‘alternative tour’ of      General Secretary in December 2004.           We have some huge challenges coming
Edinburgh, that took students to some of                                                    up. We are organising in industries that
the local housing estates.                    Workers are under attack from both            are contracting, however on the periphery
                                              companies intent on maximising profits        of these – where railways stations are
So after studying, where did you go next?     despite the recession and from a              becoming shopping malls - there’s a huge
My first job after leaving university was     government ideologically opposed to           number of workers that no one is
as a recruitment officer for BIFU – a bank    workers organising themselves. This is a      organising. Someone should be getting
workers union. That really cemented my        very difficult time for the union             out there, trying to bring this
belief that the trade union movement          movement, isn’t it?                           predominantly young workforce – mainly
was where I wanted to devote my               You’re right. And unions will not survive     women - into the trade union fold. So
energies. I did a year there and then         if all we do is to continue to talk to an     there are opportunities out there, but
returned to university for a business         ever decreasing audience. We aren’t           members have to be at the forefront of
economics degree as I felt I needed to        going to turn round total union               that. We can provide resources, we can
have a better understanding of how            membership by going back and just             hopefully try and inspire people to do
people theorised that the world works, to     doing what we’ve always done. In my           things, but at the end of the day it has to
put me in a better position to challenge      view there is a once in a lifetime chance     be members in their workplace who are
some of the things around me that it          that trade unions could recapture their       the shop window for trade unions, and
should have been obvious to anyone that       relevance to a much larger number of          who have to help us to build the kind of
they weren’t working for ordinary people      people: because the government’s cuts         organisation that will allow us to survive
in the slightest.                             agenda is going to hit every person in        in the future.
   After that I went back to engineering      society. We need to be at the forefront          Let’s be honest, TSSA has been around
– I began work for Motorola – an              of the struggles against the cuts, we         for well over 100 years. We have a very
American company that didn’t have a           need to team up with the communities          proud history, but history is history. We
union. Naively, I tried to organise one but   that our members serve to ensure that         need to look forward to the future. The
I must have overstepped the mark – all        the next time the word ‘union’ is             simple truth is there are too many
that won me was the sack! I won a case        mentioned, its not something that’s alien     transport unions - all of them very small –
against them, but they never gave me          to most people, but that everyone knows       and several smaller than ourselves. It’s not
my job back. That really taught me a lot      we are bodies that have been standing         the best use of members resources to
of lessons – so I have the utmost respect     shoulder to shoulder with them – either       have triplication in many areas. We should
for people who are fighting against the       in defence of their local library or          be looking at ways of maximising what
odds in workplaces. And ever since, the       hospital, or closer to our own hearts – in    we do to ensure we can liberate resources
one thing I always remember is how bad I      defence of their local booking office or      to put on the front line. We’ve got a vision
felt when I got the bullet – and I would      train service. And I think if we achieve      that says we want to see the creation of
never want to put anyone in that              that, we’ve got a chance to start             one specialised transport union and,
position ever again.                          reversing decades of decline.                 whatever shape that might end up taking,
                                                                                            I will work tirelessly to try and achieve
And how did you end up joining the TSSA?      So you see the potential for a new wave       that during my term of office. 7
After getting sacked from Motorola it         of trade unionists being brought in
seems I was quite possibly blacklisted –      through this?
I couldn’t get back into the electronics      Yes. If we don’t make a much greater
industry. Having worked for Amnesty           effort to connect with young people
International for a year as a fundraiser,     there will be a serious question as to
I knew I had skills I could offer and TSSA    whether unions will be around in 50 years
were advertising for a recruiter – this was   time. Trade unions lost my generation
in March 1998. When I first came into         almost entirely, we’ve lost the one after
TSSA I knew nothing of the railway or the     that – we cannot afford to lose the next
other industries we organise in – that        one. I’m an optimist – I’m confident that
definitely changed quite quickly!             we’ve got a message that’s increasingly
    Soon after I became an Organiser, then    getting through to people that without
a Senior Organiser, leading our team          trade unions, you’ve got no rights,
working on ‘greefield sites’, both building   without trade unions, the employers can
the union where we had no presence and        do as they wish, and that actually trade
in restoring recognition for management       unions are a key vehicle to build a better
grades – something that had often been        society.

                                                                                                                       TSSA Journal   11
Fares rises

                                                               Together for Transport community
                                                               organiser Sam Tarry reports on the big
                                                               new campaign uniting rail workers and
                                                               passengers against the rise in rail fares.

                                                               The great
                                                               train fares
The Together for Transport community       passengers can also be targeted to           annual season tickets, with estimates for
organising team has kicked off a major     support our campaigns to save staff posts    the 2015 sums to increase the shock
campaign to highlight the daylight         at stations up and down the country as       factor as passengers realise just how
robbery that is taking place on fare       well as any number of issues where TSSA      much of their salary they pay just to get
increases. The government had planned      members, and the public they serve, have     to work.
for massive fare rises of RPI plus 3 per   more to gain by working together.
cent, meaning fares up by an average 8        Working closely with the TSSA             ‘Paying for through the nose’
per cent, but have since been pushed       Organising Team the campaign kicked off      Over 20,000 postcards were distributed
back to increases of ‘only’ 6 per cent.    on 22 November with reps and                 on the 22 November by TSSA members,
These increases come at a time of great    community activists across the country       reps, community activists, and Climate
hardship for many passengers,              delivering a hard hitting ‘Wanted poster’    Rush – one of the campaign partners we
effectively imposing a pay cut on them     style postcard at key stations across the    are working with on a number of
before they even get to work. But the      country. Aiming to tap into target           activities. The response was highly
decision also gives a massive              audiences who were already motivated         positive from passengers, with many
opportunity to unite railway staff with    and angry, we especially targeted TOCs       asking for more postcards to take into
the passengers they serve, plus            where a high degree of passenger concern     their workplaces.
environmental and passenger groups in      over costs already exists, including South      In the first 48 hours following the
a coalition that can mount effective       Eastern, Southern and First Capital          campaign action over 200 campaign
pressure on the Government; to reverse     Connect.                                     postcards were sent back via the freepost
these increases and make affordable           The powerful ‘Wanted’ image
fares a priority in helping boost the      highlighted the idea of a Government
struggling economy.                        backed robbery – and was picked up by
   The task of community-facing            local and national media across the
campaigning is to build coalitions of      country, generating positive and hard
interest –and angry commuter-belt          hitting local and regional press stories,
passengers could prove a key ally in the   from the Evening Standard to the Daily
battle against the Government’s drive to   Express. The postcard has information for
force all workers to pay above inflation   passengers highlighting some of the
costs just to get to work. These same      more outrageous fares increases on

12   December 2011
Fares rises

                    Ken’s Fare Deal
  KEN LIVINGSTONE, THE TSSA-backed             inflation was just 8 per cent over that
  Labour Mayoral hopeful in London, is         period. Boris Johnson’s fare increases
  making his opposition to the massive         have meant the cost of a single bus fare
  fares increases a core issue in next         using Oyster has risen by a staggering 56
  year’s Mayoral elections.                    per cent since 2008, costing Londoners
     TSSA activists have been out              £260 a year more. A zones 1-6 Travelcard
  campaigning with Ken on his ‘Fare            is up 22 per cent costing £509 a year
  Deal’ campaign. Demonstrating he is          more than when he came to power.
  more in touch with the electorate than           The zone 2-6 Travelcard had cost
  Boris Johnson (who referred to his           £8.60 a day, but following its abolition     TSSA’s Sam Tarry, Ralph Mirams and
  £250,000 salary for his ‘second job’         in January 2011, passengers in outer         Ricky Jones with Ken Livingstone
  with the Daily Telegraph as ‘chicken         London who wanted to use a Travelcard
  feed’), Ken has made some radical            were forced to buy a Zone 1-6 card
  promises on London fares:                    instead costing £15. The difference             Get involved in Ken’s
  l An overall cut in fares for Londoners of   between these being £6.40 a day, £32 a          campaign
  5 per cent in the autumn of 2012             week, £128 a month giving a shocking            Ken’s campaign are already running
  l No further fare rises at all in 2013.      £1408 a year.                                   campaigning events several times a
  l From January 2014 and in subsequent            The TSSA will be campaigning hard for       week. To find out how you can get
  years no fare rises above RPI inflation.     Ken – not only is having him elected            involved call 020 7783 1054, visit
  l Bring back the Zones 2-6 Travelcard.       Mayor a ‘Fare Deal’ for Londoners but will or email
     Boris Johnson has raised fares by 21.1    also ensure a fairer deal for our members
  per cent between 2009 and 2011, yet RPI      across TfL. 7

return address. As many supporters across       Stopping Boris and his Great Fares Robbery
the country also got in touch to order
batches of the campaign cards to                THE FARES RISES being implemented by Train Operating Companies at the behest
distribute in their own time, with more         of the Government becomes a double whammy rise for Londoners and those who
likely to keep flowing in over the next few     travel into the capital to work. So a separate prong of the campaign will be
weeks.                                          launched in the Transport for London area where Tory Mayor Boris Johnson is
    A number of localised campaign              hiking fares by 6 per cent. For commuters coming into London on National Rail this
actions will be taking place over the next      means they will be hit with a double whammy fares rise if they also have to travel
few weeks in key target areas up and            on the TfL system.
down target TOCs. Expect a flurry of               Under the Tory Mayor’s tenure bus fares have now risen 56% since 2008, and in
activity as campaigns materials                 January the annual cost of a Zones 1-4 travel-card will have increased by £400! The
highlighting the ‘Unfair–Fares’ are handed      average fare rises of RPI plus 2 per cent have themselves been dwarfed by the scale
out in the first week of January as             of increase to some specific products, with the cost
passengers go back to work –                    of a weekly bus and tram pass up a whopping 47 per
culminating in a campaign day on                cent since 2008. The Together for Transport campaign
Thursday 5 January. 7                           in London will seek to exploit the anger over these
                                                rises to build a coalition of activists across the capital
  Get involved: take action                     to mount maximum pressure on the Mayor to reverse
  Any member wishing to get involved            this decision and make life easier for ordinary hard
  in any of the upcoming activities             pressed Londoners.
  across the country, or wanting some              Together for Transport Campaign activities are
  campaign postcards to be sent out to          planned at over 100 tube and train stations across the
  deliver yourself, please contact Sam          capital as part of our campaign activities. The TSSA will
  at or call                 be mobilising its members alongside the public to
  07850793971.                                  highlight the injustice of the fares increases, and
     For those members on Twitter,              indeed the disproportionate impact the increases have
  report and follow the actions in              on low paid workers who rely on buses more than tubes
  January via the hash-tag #FareFail.           and trains. 7

                                                                                                                     TSSA Journal   13
Christian Wolmar

                                                                              With a new Transport Secretary in post, Christian
                                                                              Wolmar looks ahead to the many decisions that Justine
                                                                              Greening will be faced with in the coming months.
Department for Transport

                           in tray
                           Justine Greening has kept a very low         especially among the affluent commuters          continuing flak from the Thameslink train
                           profile since being thrust unexpectedly      in the south east who represent a                order, Network Rail’s next five year plan
                           into the Transport Secretary’s job in        disproportionately high percentage of key        and fares.
                           October. That’s hardly surprising given      decision makers. It’s also because                  Already, deferred decisions seem to
                           the complexity of the role and the           Transport Secretaries these days have a          have become the norm in the Department
                           breadth of the agenda left by her            much more direct role to play in the             for Transport. The promised ‘command
                           predecessor, Philip Hammond, who,            railways than ever before in their history,      paper’ – which will be something between
                           despite his reputation as a ‘safe pair of    despite the fact the industry is                 a white paper and a consultation paper –
                           hands’, ducked making many key               supposedly privatised.                           on the structure of the industry promised
                           decisions and made others for which              Therefore, it is hardly surprising that it   for this autumn has been delayed until
                           she will not thank him.                      is in rail that Mr Hammond has left her          early next year, with no clear explanation.
                              Rail tends to occupy much of the time     with a very full inbox. In no particular         One presumes that digesting the
                           of Transport Secretaries even if, in terms   order, there is HS2, IEP (Intercity Express      implications of the McNulty report is
                           of share of journeys, it ranks lower than    Programme), franchising reform, the fall-        proving a tough task for the civil servants
                           other modes. That’s because it features      out from the McNulty report, franchise           in the Department for Transport.
                           high in the public consciousness,            letting, a paper on the industry structure,         The very full franchise programme is

                           14   December 2011
Christian Wolmar
                                                                                                                      HM Treasury CC BY-NC-ND2
slipping too. All three major Intercity       There are plenty of elephant
franchises – East and West Coasts, and
Great Western – are due for renewal over      traps for an unwary Transport
the next 18 months but now Virgin has         Secretary to fall into and her
been given an extension on its franchise
because Hammond did not like the              predecessor has done her no
original specification drawn up by his
department. Their original franchise was
                                              favours by leaving her with
only 15 years long, so clearly there was no   so many key decisions to
time to sort out the new one! Rather than
rush through a deal, Virgin has now been      make in the New Year.
given a 9 month extension under a deal
which involves payment of a premium of
£103m. While that may sound a good deal
for the government, it is very difficult to   Derby factory remains in business once its        Ms Greening will not be able to remain
assess whether it is value for money          current order for London Underground           in the shadows for much longer. First, she
because of the rapid growth on the line       trains runs out in 2014.                       will have to fend off growing opposition
due to the £9bn upgrade. It is based on an       The Intercity Express Project, the          to HS2 when the results of the
11 per cent level of growth, but Virgin is    replacement for HST, is showing all the        consultation process are published – due
protected by the usual cap and collar         signs of being a procurement nightmare         before Christmas – and then, the
arrangements if there is more than a 20       that will grace the pages of Private Eye for   nightmare for all Transport Secretaries,
per cent shortfall on expected income.        many years to come. Both Thameslink and        deal with the outrage over the above
    The only recent solid decision to         IEP are private finance initiative schemes     inflation fares rises introduced by Mr
emerge has been the granting of the           which therefore must be put into doubt         Hammond when they come into force in
short East Anglia franchise to Abellio, the   by George Osborne’s recent                     the first week of January.
subsidiary of the Dutch state owned           announcement that the government is               Network Rail’s plans, and how to
railway company, but that was a decision      reviewing funding arrangements for such        squeeze money out of the Treasury to pay
which could not wait since National           projects. IEP in particular is a crazy idea    for them is a medium term issue but again
Express, the incumbent, had been ruled        which bundles up finance and                   poses difficult issues for an inexperienced
out of the final stage of bidding and         manufacturing, with payments to the            minister. This huge agenda facing the new
therefore an extension would have been        consortium based on the provision of           Transport Secretary highlights the
too embarrassing.                             sufficient trains to run the service. This     dysfunctional way that the railways are
    Train procurement was another fine        supposedly puts the risk on the private        run. In the old days, most of these
mess left by her predecessor. The decision    sector but in truth makes the whole            decisions would be made not by a novice
to source the Thameslink trains from          project fiendishly complicated and very        Transport Secretary with the ‘help’ of civil
Siemens rather than the Derby-based           unlikely to represent a good deal for          servants with their own agenda, but by an
Bombardier was controversial but              taxpayers. Will Ms Greening, as a              experienced group of managers at British
probably cannot be revisited.                 financially-savvy former accountant, be        Rail. Now, since the abolition of the
Nevertheless, it risks leaving the UK         clever enough to simply ditch the whole        Strategic Rail Authority, the Department
without a home-based train                    thing and buy off the peg trains that          has effectively become the Ministry of
manufacturer, and there will be pressure      would be far cheaper and pose much less        Railways under the control of a politician.
on Ms Greening to cobble together some        risk, as suggested in the Foster review of        If Ms Greening’s decision to stay out of
kind of deal to ensure that Bombardier’s      the plan?                                      the limelight is the result of her efforts to
                                                                                             avoid making any gaffes by reading
                                                                                             herself thoroughly into the subject, it will
                                                                                             have been time well spent. Leaving
The Intercity Express Project,                                                               decisions to civil servants, as witnessed by
                                                                                             the IEP saga, is never a good idea, but it is
the replacement for HST, is
                                                                                             only by understanding the issues that she
showing all the signs of                                                                     will be able to make decisions that are not
                                                                                             just simply rubberstamping their
being a procurement                                                                          recommendations. There are plenty of
nightmare that will grace                                                                    elephant traps for an unwary Transport
                                                                                             Secretary to fall into and her predecessor
the pages of Private Eye for                                                                 has done her no favours by leaving her
                                                                                             with so many key decisions to make in the
many years to come.
                                                                                             New Year. 7

                                                                                                                        TSSA Journal   15
TSSA’s history

Paul Salveson examines how the rail unions were instrumental in establishing the
Labour Party and looks with renewed hope at what might come of the relationship in
the near future.

Labour’s railway roots
Time to refresh them!
The origins of today’s Labour Party lie in    Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants,         coupled with hard-headed policies on
the mills, mines and railway depots of        which became today’s RMT. The Railway            railway nationalisation an attractive mix.
industrial Britain. Many members of           Clerks Association had only been formed          It was a Doncaster signalman, Thomas
TSSA’s predecessor, the Railway Clerks        three years earlier and was still ‘finding its   Steels who moved the key motion from
Association, were active in the Labour        feet’. Political affiliation came several        his branch to the Amalgamated Society of
Party from its earliest days. As Labour re-   years later, after considerable debate.          Railway Servants (ASRS) Executive calling
assesses its policies on rail privatisation      Socialist organisations had existed well      for the formation of an ‘independent
it’s worth looking back on why rail union     before the LRC was formed and railway            party of Labour’. This was accepted by the
activists saw ‘politics’ as being of          workers were particularly active in the          ASRS executive and James Holmes, a full-
fundamental importance in achieving           Independent Labour Party (ILP) which was         time organiser for the ASRS, moved the
their aim of a better life for railway        founded in Bradford in 1893. Its leader was      decisive motion at the 1899 TUC
workers and their families. The need for      the famous Scots miner, Keir Hardie. The         Congress which led to the formation of
political involvement is probably greater     ILP put down deep roots in the industrial        the Labour Representation Committee.
now than it has ever been and I hope          areas of Lancashire and Yorkshire, central       Steels was a member of the ILP and a
more TSSA members will be tempted to          Scotland and South Wales. Unlike the             leading activist in the Yorkshire ASRS.
‘get involved’ in their local Labour Party.   Social Democratic Federation (SDF),              When I’m attending my Divisional Council
    The Labour Party as we know it today      formed a few years earlier, it was not a         meetings, held in Doncaster Trades Club, I
was formed in 1900, initially called ‘The     Marxist organisation and promoted a              always salute the plaque to Steels’
Labour Representation Committee’. At          strongly ‘ethical’ approach to socialism,        memory on Doncaster station!
first it didn’t have individual membership,   influenced by Christianity.                          Socialists who were members of our
and the bulk of its members were the             Railway workers found the                     forerunner union – the RCA – had to
trades unions – including the                 combination of an ‘ethical’ socialism            tread a very careful path. Any kind of

16   December 2011
TSSA ’s history

union involvement, let alone socialist        voted – nearly 66 per cent of the total –
activity, amongst clerical or supervisory     and of those 91.3 per cent were in
grades would be treated with suspicion        favour of keeping a political fund to
and could easily lead to victimisation. In    support local and national contests.
1892, Stationmaster Hood of Ellesmere,            After the war ended in 1918 the RCA
Shropshire, was sacked for the temerity of    had well and truly put its political
speaking to a select committee of MPs on      hesitations aside and agreed a
railway safety issues. Railway workers had    parliamentary panel of 17, including
plenty to feel aggrieved about. Hours of      Walkden. The General Election was held in
work were long and the railway                November and despite fielding the largest
companies’ safety records were appalling.     number of candidates in its history,
Whilst the companies refused to invest in     Labour didn’t do well, with only 57 MPs
safer equipment, they gave their              returned. None of the RCA sponsored
shareholders lavish dividends. They           candidates were elected, though Walkden
refused, point blank, to recognise trades     gained a respectable 10,158 votes against
unions. It was clear that the way forward     his Conservative opponent’s 13,329.
for railway workers was to bring their            Labour’s breakthrough came in
industry into public ownership and the        December 1923 when the party formed a
                                                                                            Alexander G Walkden JP MP,
way to achieve that was by political          short-lived minority government. Hebert       General Secretary, RCA, 1906-1936
action. Yet the two main parties,             Romeril, sponsored by the RCA, won a
Conservative and Liberal, were largely        narrow victory in the ‘railway’ seat of St
unsympathetic; many MPs of both parties       Pancras. A few years later, in 1929, Labour      With a new progressive leadership
were railway shareholders and very often      won a much bigger victory and a total of      under Ed Miliband and a serious review
had directorships on the railway company      seven RCA-sponsored MPs were elected.         underway of Labour’s transport policies
boards. An independent party                  However, the party did not win an overall     and priorities, the opportunities for TSSA
representing working class interests was      majority and the economic slump               members to engage with the Labour Party
the only way to ensure success.               following the Wall Street Crash of 1929       has never been greater. We need more
    Many socialist activists within the RCA   left it seriously weakened. The Chancellor    union members to become councillors, as
wanted to follow the ASRS’s lead and          of the Exchequer, Philip Snowden, pursued     well as take part in branch and
affiliate to the Labour Representation        a policy of financial stringency which        constituency activities. There’s
Committee after its formation in 1900.        would have made even George Osborne           considerable scope for TSSA nationally to
However, it wasn’t until 1910 that the        blush. The Government fell in 1931, with      encourage more political engagement
decision was formally taken to affiliate to   Snowden and Prime Minister Ramsay             through its educational activities; I
what was by then ‘The Labour Party’. In       Macdonald leaving the party to join a         suspect many members are put off from
the same year, the RCA committed itself       ‘National Government’ with Tories and         getting involved because it all seems too
to the nationalisation of the railway         Liberals. The hopes of Labour taking the      complicated. It isn’t! And maybe we
industry.                                     railways into public ownership vanished.      should develop a network of TSSA Labour
    Once the key decision had been                The dreams of the early RCA pioneers      councillors and candidates to share ideas
taken to affiliate to the Labour Party,       were finally realised in 1945 when a          and experience. It would be great to get
the RCA’s involvement grew                    Labour Government was elected with a          the views of colleagues on this, and just
substantially. Union members became           huge majority. Fifteen RCA-supported          ‘do it’ if there’s enough interest. I often
officers of party organisations and           Labour MPs took their seats in the new        hear railway workers complain that the
stood as local councillors. The General       parliament, forming part of a Government      Labour Party has become ‘middle class’. I
Secretary – Alexander (A G) Walkden,          committed to a unified, publicly-owned,       don’t think that’s the case, but if we don’t
immortalised in our ‘Walkden House’ –         transport system. ‘British Railways’          make the effort to participate, the voice
was selected to fight Wolverhampton           became a reality on 1 January 1948,           of Britain’s railway workers won’t be heard
West constituency for Labour in 1912.         together with the coal mines.                 – and we’ve plenty to say! 7
He spoke passionately about the need              The RCA became ‘Transport Salaried
for railway nationalisation, but also in      Staffs Association’ in 1951 reflecting the    i    Malcolm Wallace’s ‘Single or return?
support of votes for women and ‘home          breadth of its membership not only in rail    The History of the TSSA’, was an invaluable
rule’ for Ireland. However, the               but also other transport sectors. The         source in writing this article
anticipated General Election didn’t           union continued to punch above its
happen and the country was plunged            weight within the Labour Party, providing     Paul is a member of TSSA’s Yorkshire Ridings
into war. The RCA’s political capacity        successive generations of men and             Branch, vice-chair (campaigns) of Colne
had been bolstered by a ballot of             women to play distinguished roles in          Valley Constituency Labour Party and
members in 1913 to establish a political      parliament and the council chamber, as        prospective local election candidate for
fund. A sizeable number of members            well as in Party branches.                    Golcar ward in Kirklees.

                                                                                                                       TSSA Journal   17
You can also read