NEW NON-FICTION OCTOBER 2020 - Kewanee Public Library

                                  OCTOBER 2020

Call Number                                                                            Author
070.4 HOL       The presidents vs. the press                                   Holzer, Harold,
070.43 ROK      You look so much better in person                              Roker, Al,
070.43 STE      Hoax                                                           Stelter, Brian,
070.49 LIF      Life magazine and the power of photography
152.46 HAN      The anxiety first aid kit                                      Hanson, Rick
154.6083 AXE    How babies sleep                                               Axelrod, Sofia,
155.93 EGE      The gift : 12 lessons to save your life                        Eger, Edith Eva,
158.1 BUR       Let go of the guilt                                            Burton, Valorie,
158.24 HOL      Didn't see that coming                                         Hollis, Rachel
170.44 KOT      This just speaks to me                                         Kotb, Hoda,
220.6 LEV       The Bible with and without Jesus                               Levine, Amy-Jill,
241.4 CUR       Love is the way                                                Curry, Michael B.,
248.4 LUC       You are never alone                                            Lucado, Max,
289.3 HAR       The king of confidence                                         Harvey, Miles,
294.3092 SHE    The Buddhist on death row                                      Sheff, David,
304.873 SZE     Ellis Island : a people's history                              Szejnert, Małgorzata,
305.244 HEA     Your second act : inspiring stories of reinvention             Heaton, Patricia,
305.409 DAV     Tomboy                                                         Davis, Lisa,
305.42 CRE      Creating equality at home
305.5122 WIL    Caste : the origins of our discontents                         Wilkerson, Isabel,
305.8 SAI       Superior : the return of race science                          Saini, Angela,
305.8009 BAL    Life of a Klansman : a family history in white supremacy       Ball, Edward,
305.896 BRO     I'm still here : Black dignity in a world made for whiteness   Brown, Austin Channing,

306.0973 QUI    Overstated : a coast-to-coast roast of the 50 states           Quinn, Colin,
306.76 GEL      The queer advantage                                            Gelwicks, Andrew,
306.76 GEV      The pink line : journeys across the world's queer frontiers    Gevisser, Mark,
306.766 CER     The deviant's war                                              Cervini, Eric,
306.85 PER      Breathe : a letter to my sons                                  Perry, Imani,
306.874 BER     I'll be seeing you : a memoir                                  Berg, Elizabeth,
306.8743 MAS    Ask me what's for dinner one more time                         Masony, Meredith,
306.8745 HAG    Everything beautiful in its time : seasons of love and loss    Hager, Jenna Bush,
320.513 BUT     Trust : America's best chance                                  Buttigieg, Pete,
320.52083 SEI   We should have seen it coming                                  Seib, Gerald F.,
320.54 WOO      Union : the struggle to forge the story of United States       Woodard, Colin,
320.973 HAN     Live free or die : America (and the world) on the brink        Hannity, Sean,
320.973 SHA     How to destroy America in three easy steps                     Shapiro, Ben,
323.43 POW      Inside the NRA                                                 Powell, Joshua L.,
324.2736 BEG    You're fired : the perfect guide to beating Donald Trump       Begala, Paul,
324.6 ABR       Our time is now : power, purpose, and the fight for a fair     Abrams, Stacey,
324.60973 SHI   Rigged                                                         Shimer, David,
324.65 WEH      What you need to know about voting and why                     Wehle, Kim,
324.973 BAI     Dewey defeats Truman : the 1948 election and the battle for    Baime, A. J. (Albert J.),
                America's soul
Call Number                                                                                       Author
325.73 GOO          The deportation machine : America's long history of expelling     Goodman, Adam,
327.1247 MAC        Agent Sonya : Moscow's most daring wartime spy                    Macintyre, Ben,
328.73 CUM          We're better than this : my fight for the future of our democracy Cummings, Elijah,

328.73 TES          Grounded : a senator's lessons on winning back rural America          Tester, Jon,

330.973 AND         Evil geniuses : the unmaking of America : a recent history            Andersen, Kurt,
338.1 CAB           The new chardonnay : the unlikely story of how marijuana went         Cabot, Heather,
338.763 FRE         The growing season : how I built a new life and saved an              Frey, Sarah,
                    American farm
352.23 DIC          The hardest job in the world : the American presidency                Dickerson, John,
355.0089 HAR        Why we serve : Native Americans in the United States Armed            Harris, Alexandra N.,
355.031 CAP         Bound by war                                                          Capozzola, Christopher,

355.033 MCM         Battlegrounds : the fight to defend the free world                    McMaster, H. R.,
355.17093 WHI       The spymasters : how the CIA directors shape history and the          Whipple, Chris,
363.3492 DOL        A furious sky : the five-hundred-year history of America's            Dolin, Eric Jay,
363.73874 SHU       How to talk to your kids about climate change : turning angst         Shugarman, Harriet,
                    into action
363.73874 VAN       As the world burns                                                    Van der Voo, Lee,
363.7394 BRO        Superman's not coming                                                 Brockovich, Erin,
364 SCH             Ripped from the headlines!                                            Schechter, Harold,
364.1323 WOO        I got a monster : the rise and fall of America's most corrupt         Woods, Baynard,
                    police squad
364.1523 ANA        Doctor dealer                                                         Anastasia, George,
364.1523 PEA        The Lindbergh kidnapping suspect no. 1 : the man who got              Pearlman, Lise A.,
364.15232 COL       Eliot Ness and the mad butcher                                        Collins, Max Allan,
364.154 MOO         Star crossed : the story of astronaut Lisa Nowak                      Moore, Kimberly C.,
364.1552 KIN        Six days in August : the story of Stockholm syndrome                  King, David,
364.66 RYA          Until I could be sure : how I stopped the death penalty in Illinois   Ryan, George H.,

371.042 KAU (2ND Homeschooling                                                            Kaufeld, Jenny,
378.1 FUR        The college conversation                                                 Furda, Eric,
378.3 PET (2021) Peterson's scholarships, grants & prizes.

378.34 TAN        Get free cash for college : secrets to winning scholarships             Tanabe, Gen S.,
378.73 PET (2021) Peterson's four-year colleges 2021.

378.77137 BAC       Kent State : four dead in Ohio                                        Derf,
391.009 WHA         What people wore when
394.2 CEL (2020)    Celebrate the season.

425 KER             The infographic guide to grammar                                      Kern, Jara,
508 ATT             A life on our planet                                                  Attenborough, David,
510.1 SU            Mathematics for human flourishing                                     Su, Francis Edward.
Call Number                                                                               Author
523.1 DUN        Our universe : an astronomer's guide                             Dunkley, Jo,
551.6 OTT        Angry weather                                                    Otto, Friederike,
578.012 HEA      Charles Darwin's barnacle and David Bowie's spider               Heard, Stephen B.,
587.3 WEI        The complete book of ferns                                       Weinstein, Mobee,
598 SIB          What it's like to be a bird                                      Sibley, David,
598.47 BER       Every penguin in the world : a quest to see them all             Bergman, Charles,
599.786 RAF      Ice walker : a polar bear's journey through the fragile Arctic   Raffan, James,
613.192 KER      Take a deep breath                                               Kerr, Meera Patricia,
613.2 GUN        The longevity paradox : how to die young at a ripe old age       Gundry, Steven R.,
614.47 LAR       Stuck : how vaccine rumors start - and why they don't go away    Larson, Heidi,

614.5 CUO        American crisis                                                  Cuomo, Andrew M.,
616.025 HUY      White hot light : twenty-five years in emergency medicine        Huyler, Frank,
616.831 BRA      High-octane brain                                                Braun, Michelle,
616.833 OKU      Living with Parkinson's disease                                  Okun, Michael S.,
616.84912 SOM    So much more than a headache
616.858842 EGA   More alike than different : my life with down syndrome           Egan, David,

616.994 MCG      Outpedaling "the Big C" : my healing cycle across America        McGowan, Elizabeth,

617.1027 FOR     Love, Zac : small-town football and the life and death of an     Forgrave, Reid,
                 American boy
617.412 JON      The organ thieves                                                Jones, Chip,
617.482 LEH      Golem girl : a memoir                                            Lehrer, Riva,
618.142 PAR      Vagina problems : endometriosis, painful sex, and other taboo    Parker, Lara
618.76 CHO       Inferno : a memoir of motherhood and madness                     Cho, Catherine
620.11 RAM       The alchemy of us : how humans and matter transformed one        Ramirez, Ainissa,
621.319 NFP      NFPA 70 : National Electrical Code 2020
629.45 VIR       How to astronaut : an insider's guide to leaving planet earth    Virts, Terry,

635.9373 STE     The plant lover's guide to ferns                                 Steffen, Richie.
636.8 DEC        Decoding your cat
641.5 TAS        Taste of Home 201 recipes you'll make forever
641.512 DOO      The happy in a hurry cookbook                                    Doocy, Steve,
641.555 CUR      The full plate                                                   Curry, Ayesha,
641.555 RAM      Gordon Ramsay quick and delicious                                Ramsay, Gordon,
641.5636 THO     Living lively                                                    Thomas, Haile,
641.568 TAS      Holiday & celebrations 2020.
641.5686 BET     Christmas cooking from the heart : festive season.
641.5973 GOL     The Goldbergs cookbook                                           Goldberg, Beverly
641.6 BAL        How to dress an egg : surprising and simple ways to cook         Baldwin, Ned,
641.821 TAS      Taste of home casseroles : 377 dishes for families, potlucks &
641.86 SAF       Dessert person : recipes and guidance for baking with            Saffitz, Claire,
641.8652 MCD     Pie camp : the skills you need to make any pie you want          McDermott, Kate,
641.8653 STE     Martha Stewart's cake perfection
Call Number                                                                                  Author
646.7 STO           Storey's curious compendium of practical and obscure skills

649.33 MAL          Simple & safe baby-led weaning                                    Malkani, Malina Linkas,
649.33 RAP          Baby-led weaning                                                  Rapley, Gill,
649.6 BRY           The bottom line for baby                                          Bryson, Tina Payne,
650.1 HIL           Andrew Carnegie's mental dynamite                                 Hill, Napoleon,
658.11 RAZ          How I built this                                                  Raz, Guy,
658.4056 SEG        Crisis ready                                                      Segal, Edward,
658.4092 RUB        How to lead                                                       Rubenstein, David M.,
671.52 GUP          Fitter & welder handbook                                          Gupta, Sanjay Kumar.
741.24 OGU          The complete guide to drawing for beginners : 21 step-by step     Ogura, Yoshiko,
746.432 NIH         Japanese wonder knitting                                          Nihon Vōgusha,
758.5 BOT           Botanical art techniques
782.4216 AKI        Live in love : growing together through life's changes            Akins, Lauren,
782.4216 ALL        Finding your harmony                                              Ally Brooke,
782.4216 BAD        Do what you want : the story of Bad Religion                      Bad Religion
782.4216 BRO        150 glimpses of the Beatles                                       Brown, Craig,
782.4216 EVA        Born to fly : a memoir                                            Evans, Sara,
782.4216 FRA        Do you feel like I do? : a memoir                                 Frampton, Peter,
782.4216 SMA        She come by it natural                                            Smarsh, Sarah,
790.0973 FLE        Exploring the history of childhood and play through 50 historic   Fletcher, Susan A.,
791.4302 MCC        Greenlights                                                       McConaughey, Matthew,

791.4375 MCA        Ghostbusters : the inside story                                   McAllister, Matt,
791.4502 HOS        I am these truths                                                 Hostin, Sunny,
791.45028 SCO       Always young and restless                                         Scott, Melody Thomas,
796.332 JAC         You ought to do a story about me                                  Jackson, Ted,
796.342 ABR         Little wonder                                                     Abramsky, Sasha,
796.962 WHA         Kooks and degenerates on ice                                      Whalen, Thomas J.,
811.3 WHI           Leaves of grass, 1860                                             Whitman, Walt,
811.54 TRE          Memorial Drive : a daughter's memoir                              Trethewey, Natasha D.,
817 SMY             You can keep that to yourself                                     Smyer, Adam,
940.53 EAR          At Grandma's house                                                Earhart, H. Byron,
940.53145 NAS       The last million                                                  Nasaw, David,
940.5318 MAT        Talking until nightfall                                           Matarasso, Isaac,
940.54 BLU          Fallout                                                           Blume, Lesley M. M.,
940.54 MRA          The indomitable Florence Finch                                    Mrazek, Robert J.,
940.54 SIS          I marched with Patton                                             Sisson, Frank,
940.5425 PAR        Last mission to Tokyo                                             Paradis, Michel
940.54516 PAR       A game of birds and wolves                                        Parkin, Simon,
941.085 LAC         Battle of brothers                                                Lacey, Robert,
941.085 SCO         Finding freedom                                                   Scobie, Omid,
944 FOD (2021)      Fodor's 25 best Paris                                             Dunlop, Fiona,
959.7043 SHA        Operation Babylift                                                Shaw, Ian W.,
970.00497 ORE       Killing Crazy Horse                                               O'Reilly, Bill,
972.96 FOD (2020)   Fodor's ... Bahamas.

973.099 CHE         The Virginia dynasty                                              Cheney, Lynne V.,
973.921 EIS         How Ike led                                                       Eisenhower, Susan,
973.926 PER         Reaganland                                                        Perlstein, Rick,
Call Number                                                                 Author
973.929 DAN        The hunting of Hillary                           D'Antonio, Michael,
973.933 SCH        Donald Trump v. the United States                Schmidt, Michael S.
973.933 SMI        Stakes is high                                   Smith, Mychal Denzel,
973.933 TOO        True crimes and misdemeanors                     Toobin, Jeffrey,
973.933 WEI        Where law ends                                   Weissmann, Andrew,
977 BLA            Black in the middle
977.3 LOE          Walking Chicago                                  Loerzel, Robert,
977.3 SMI          Chicago's great fire                             Smith, Carl S.,
977.595 BRE        Walking milwaukee                                Brevväxling, Royal,
978.02 CLA         Tombstone                                        Clavin, Thomas,
979.4 BRA          A people's guide to the San Francisco Bay Area   Brahinsky, Rachel,
979.5 FOD (2021)   Fodor's Pacific Northwest.

979.8 ALA (2020)   Alaska                                           Kirkland, Erin,
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