New Horizons UK venture capital and private equity: creating public value

Page created by Ruben Floyd
New Horizons UK venture capital and private equity: creating public value
////  February 2021

UK venture capital and private equity:
creating public value
New Horizons UK venture capital and private equity: creating public value
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About this report
This report has been produced by the British Private
Equity and Venture Capital Association to highlight the
ways in which the industry contributes public value
to the United Kingdom and how in 2021 it can help
address a range of policy challenges and opportunities.

The industry has a significant presence in the UK developed over the
past 30 years. Private equity and venture capital provide UK companies
with the finance and know-how to deliver sustainable business
growth. Active ownership over the medium to long term delivers
economic and social value to those involved in the businesses (from
employees, management and owners on the one hand to customers
and suppliers on the other) and a wide group of stakeholders (the
local communities in which they are based and policymakers).

Both parts of the industry are focused on delivering sustainable
growth for the companies in which they invest: venture capital
firms typically support early stage and younger companies, holding
minority stakes in the businesses, while private equity firms typically
acquire controlling stakes in more established businesses.

Part one of the report highlights the key policy themes and
how the industry is aligned to support policymakers’ objectives;
part two provides further background and detail on how the
industry operates; and part three offers further insights into the
contributions made by private equity and venture capital.

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Private equity and venture capital at a glance
Employment                                              Footprint                                          Focus                                  Sector expertise

972,000                                                 4,290                                              90%                                              +

people are employed in the UK                           companies are currently backed                     of industry backing was directed       Technology and healthcare
by companies backed by private                          by private equity and venture                      at small and medium sized              have been among the leading
equity and venture capital                              capital in all nations and regions                 businesses in 2019                     sectors for recent investment
                                                        of the UK                                                                                 by the industry

Investment scale                                        Global funding                                     Global hub                             Returns

£43 billion                                             £48 billion                                                                               14.2%
has been invested in 3,230                              total funds raised in 2019. The                    Outside the USA, the UK hosts          returns have been generated for
companies in the past 5 years                           number of funds raising new                        the world’s most significant private   pension funds and other investors
                                                        capital was 118                                    equity and venture capital hub,        by the UK industry over the past
                                                                                                           reinforcing the UK’s financial         10 years, out-performing other
                                                                                                           services leadership                    asset classes

These statistics are taken from BVCA RIA data from 2015-2019 – this reflects the totals of BVCA members.

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Creating public value
////  5

Part one
Contributing to UK public policy priorities
////  6-12

Part two
A guide to the private equity and
venture capital industry
////  13-15

Part three
Case studies: creating public value
////  16-58

////  59

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Creating public value
                                                    1. COVID – delivering economic            people employed in businesses in the           competitiveness of the UK’s investment
                                                       recovery as the health                 UK backed by our members, who in               climate which will in turn ensure the
                                                       emergency recedes                      recent years have invested in small and        ability of private equity and venture
                                                                                              medium sized businesses in all parts           capital in the UK to support the
                                                    2. Cohesion – addressing                  of the UK and have continued to do so          public policy objectives which are
                                                       disparities in economic and            throughout the current COVID crisis.           the priorities for 2021 and beyond.
                                                       social opportunities in the
                                                                                              Looking ahead the industry is well
                                                       nations and regions of the UK          positioned to support the UK in a
                                                    3. Competitiveness – developing           growth-led recovery. Substantial
                                                       the UK economy’s position in           funding is available to support the
The past year has been unlike
                                                       the world after Brexit                 economic recovery through immediate
anything we have experienced
                                                                                              investment and ongoing active portfolio
before. In a rapidly changing world,                4. Climate and sustainability –           management of those businesses.
the COVID pandemic has joined                          setting course for Net Zero            Opportunities are being explored               Michael Moore
climate change, technological                          in the context of wider                throughout the country, developing new         Director General, BVCA
disruption and social change in                        environmental, social and              tech sectors and growing established
fundamentally challenging and                          governance objectives                  parts of the economy alike. The industry       February 2021
altering the way we live. The                                                                 has embraced the need to invest
resulting health emergency has                      This agenda is ambitious, but has         and act responsibly, recognising the
cost over two million lives and                     support across the political spectrum     pressing timescales to adapt the
caused unprecedented economic                       and elsewhere. Everyone has a part        economy and society to changing
damage in all parts of the world.                   to play, not least in the business        environmental and other realities.
                                                    community. Responsible businesses         To deliver this public value, private equity
For policymakers in the United Kingdom,             recognise that in addition to             and venture capital attract significant
as elsewhere, the demands have been                 generating economic value for the         flows of international capital into the
acute and the responses on a scale rarely           country they must also produce social     UK, along with talented individuals from
seen in peacetime. This reality will continue       value, bringing the two elements          across the globe. This underpins the UK’s
for some time. But alongside the ongoing            together to create public value.          position as the world’s largest hub of
management of the COVID crisis, attention in                                                  capital and expertise for venture capital
                                                    The private equity and venture capital
2021 is also focused on other critical policy                                                 and private equity outside the USA.
                                                    industry certainly understands these
priorities. In four areas of policy in particular                                             We therefore welcome commitments
                                                    imperatives. There are nearly a million
there is clear intent to make progress:                                                       to maintain the attractiveness and

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   Part one
     UK public policy
   Challenges and opportunities:
   how venture capital and private
   equity can and will contribute to
   UK public policy priorities
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Four public policy priorities
                 1                         2

                 COVID                     Competitiveness
                 Supporting the economic   Driving technology, innovation,
                 recovery                  growth and productivity

                 3                         4

                 Cohesion                  Climate
                 Providing opportunities   Delivering ESG objectives and
                 across the UK             working towards Net Zero

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Supporting the COVID recovery                                                                                         Creating public value
                                                                                                                                                                                 $14.8bn $15.0bn
COVID-19 continues to have an                    Conditions may remain challenging in the                             Venture capital investment
unparalleled impact on people’s lives            immediate future, but the industry is                                in the UK
and jobs. The responses from government          continuing to invest, which will deliver                                                                               $9.8bn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ecosystem update – end of year 2020
have been on a scale never seen before           economic growth and job creation to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Technation / Dealroom – UK tech
and have been essential to support the           underpin the recovery. After a pause
economy through the crisis. For its part,        in the spring of 2020, investment activity                                              $5.4bn
the private equity and venture capital           has increased again, providing immediate
industry is invested in all significant          benefits to the economy – Q3 and Q4
sectors of the economy and in all parts          both registered 200+ deals and around
of the UK. Throughout this period,               £37.4bn of aggregate deal value1.
BVCA members have worked closely                                                                                                         2015      2016         2017    2018      2019     2020
                                                 Given the right economic conditions,
with the businesses in which they have
                                                 and with an attractive investment climate
invested, providing additional finance,
                                                 maintained, the industry will be able to                             Total UK private equity quarterly
strategic guidance and operational
                                                 support significant further investment into                          deal volume and value (£bn)
expertise. This intense engagement is
                                                 new opportunities, utilising the record                                                                        334
a key part of the business model of                                                                                                                                      309
                                                 amounts of capital raised in 2019. As it
the industry.
                                                 has done before it will invest across all                                                             298
                                                                                                                                 284      283                                                        236
                                                 stages of a company’s development – from

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Private Equity Review: FY 2020 (page10)
                                                 start-ups in deeptech, fintech, medtech
Stabilisation to recovery                        and life sciences supported by venture
While great uncertainty remains, the             capital, to growth capital and the buyout

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   KPMG UK Mid-market
optimism generated by the rollout of the         of more mature businesses, which is the
COVID vaccines means that during 2021            focus of private equity.
the country can look forward to a shift                                                                                          £19.8   £22.2     £27.6       £38.2    £34.5     £15.3    £17.9     19.5
in the economy, from stabilisation to
recovery. Private equity and venture capital                                                                                      Q1      Q2           Q3       Q4       Q1        Q2          Q3    Q4
will support both of these phases. While                                                                                                        2019                                    2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tech Nation – 2020 in review
the industry’s initial focus during the crisis
has been to support its existing portfolio
of investments, capital has continued to
be raised by BVCA members to invest in
the development of new opportunities.            1
                                                     uk-mid-market-pe-review.pdf (page 10 - overall UK PE activity)
                                                                                                                                +50%                         Job vacancies in tech have
                                                                                                                                                             climbed 50% since July 2020

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Developing UK competitiveness                                                                                        Creating public value

Technology and innovation,                    Sustained productivity increases involve the                           Productivity change under                                         4.1%
growth and productivity                       adoption of new technology and EY’s report                             private equity ownership

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EY Annual report on the performance
                                              shows a 3.3% annual increase, over 12                                                                                                              2.9%

Academic research has demonstrated            years, in the level of capital expenditure on                                           2.2%                               2.1%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of portfolio companies XIII
numerous times that private equity backed     tangible assets by these businesses. Private
companies are more productive than other      equity is actively looking for investments
businesses in their economies. They are       in technology-enabled companies across
also, on average, more innovative, filing     all sectors and this will continue to drive
more patents2.                                productivity in the future.                                                                     2017                   2018                    2019

This is reinforced by BVCA-commissioned       Many new venture-backed technology                                                            Portfolio companies              ONS benchmark - UK private sector
research. EY have analysed the performance    companies are creating innovative software,
of 53 companies representing many of the      among other products, which will increase

                                                                                                                              £36.5bn                                              £19.7bn
largest buyouts in the UK. This report3       the productivity of whole sectors of the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Innovation Nation 2020
shows that labour and capital productivity    UK economy, like banking, insurance and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             BVCA Fuel for the
increase under private equity ownership,      healthcare. Specific case studies can be
                                                                                                                              Combined turnover generated by                       Collectively contributed to UK
by 1.5%–3.3% and 12.2% per annum              found in part three of this report.                                             venture capital and angel investment                 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
respectively, while Gross Value Added                                                                                         backed businesses in 2018
                                              The UK has created, over several
per employee across most of the last          decades, the largest hub of private equity
12 years has increased by more than           and venture capital expertise in Europe.
the UK private sector.                        The country is therefore well placed to                                London is the only European top ten destination
                                              benefit from the attractive private equity and                         for VC investment (2016-2020)
                                              venture capital ecosystem it has created.
                                                                                                                                  Beijing                                                                      $131.0bn
                                              However, in order to benefit long-term, the
“Productivity isn’t everything,               UK has to remain an attractive destination                                    San Francisco                                                           $108.0bn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             London – europe’s global tech city (dealroom)
but in the long run, it’s                     for international capital flows, and a magnet                                     New York                                               $76.5bn

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Note: VC funds data for 2020 until 14/12
almost everything.”                           for global talent, to build on the country’s                                      Shanghai                                     $59.8bn

                                              highly regarded legal and financial systems                                        London                            $36.7bn
Paul Krugman, Nobel prize-winning economist                                                                                    Bengaluru                  $23.5bn
                                              and dynamic and skilled workforce.
                                                                                                                                  Boston                 $19.8bn
                                                                                                                               Singapore                 $19.7bn
                                                  The Impact of Private Equity Buyouts on Productivity and Jobs by         Cambridge, US               $18.0bn
                                                  John Gulliver, Wei Jiang :: SSRN
                                                                                                                             Los Angeles             $15.6bn
                                                  EY Annual report on the performance of portfolio companies XIII

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Supporting UK cohesion                                                                                               Creating public value

The COVID crisis has brought additional      north of England5. Some of the most
attention to the long-standing gaps in       exciting new developments in particular
economic performance between the             sectors, such as pharmaceuticals,

different nations of the United Kingdom      medtech and AI6, each supported
                                                                                                                                                       The UK is home to 35%
and the regions within them. The             by venture capital, are having a
cohesion challenges facing the UK,           positive impact across the UK - and
                                                                                                                                                       of Europe’s unicorns
as characterised by the ‘north-south
divide’ or the need for ‘levelling up’,
are a priority for government.
                                             this is expected to continue: Bristol7,
                                             Manchester8 and Edinburgh9 received
                                             substantial venture capital investment
                                             to fund university spinouts in 2020.
Private equity and venture capital firms
have created an investment footprint
in all parts of the UK, supporting                                                                                   Six of the UK’s 14 unicorns
                                             Holistic view
a wide range of communities and                                                                                      are in the North West
business sectors and are well placed         The case studies in this report further
to help address this challenge.              illustrate our member’s investment                                      UKTech.News
                                             activities and show that the UK


                                                                                                                                                                                       BVCA Report on Investment Activity 2019
                                             is a prime destination for investment.
Geographic spread                            Covering the length and breadth of the
                                             country, these businesses clearly
The geographic spread of the industry’s
                                             demonstrate the willingness of our
investment has been notable since
                                             member firms to invest wherever they
its inception: 56% of the industry’s
                                             find diverse talent pools, strong
investment in the past 5 years lies
                                             management teams and innovative ideas.                                  All private equity and venture
beyond London and the south east of
England. To give a further illustration of                                                                           capital – Investments by region
this, the north west of England saw close                                                                            over the past 5 years (%)
to 10% of all private equity and venture         %20Activity/BVCA-RIA-2019.pdf                                       2015-2019
capital investment in the UK in 20194.           BVCA RIA data – 2015-2019

Of the £43bn invested by BVCA members
                                                 on-Spinouts-RAEng.pdf (page 5)
into 3,230 UK businesses from 2015-              11/Octopus-Ventures-Entrepreneurial-Impact-Ranking-2020-1.pdf
                                                 (page 11)
2019, £2.3bn of this was in Scotland,        8
Northern Ireland and Wales, £4.5bn               half-a-million-pound-first-investments/
into the Midlands and £6.6bn in the              on-Spinouts-RAEng.pdf

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Tackling climate and ESG                                                                                            Creating public value

Investing in Net Zero                        was launched in June 2020, bringing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Financier Worldwide
                                             together investors and fund managers
The UK was the first major economy to
                                             totalling over £180 billion in funds under                                                                               of PE firms now take ESG principles
commit to Net Zero by 2050 and will host
                                             management. The network focusses on                                                                                      into account when making investments
the UN COP26 climate conference in
                                             reducing carbon emissions of private
November. The UK’s green technology
                                             equity-backed companies and securing
and green finance ambitions will require
                                             sustainable investment performance. By
investment in early stage technology and                                                                            Four of the 10 largest deals raised by European
                                             pooling knowledge, opportunities and
entrepreneurs. Case studies in this report                                                                          purpose driven tech in 2020 were in the UK
                                             best practice, the network can help drive
show companies rethinking how we
                                             investment in companies which will in
shop, to reduce packaging; to companies                                                                                        Company                          Description                City     Country     Round size    Deal date
                                             turn drive the green recovery.
pioneering low carbon electricity and                                                                                 1     Northvolt            Lithium-ion batteries              Stockholm     Sweden       $600m
services; to companies revolutionising
textiles manufacturing to reduce our                                                                                  2                          B2C sustainable energy supplier    London        UK           $396m         April 2020
                                             Sharing values
reliance on high carbon materials.                                                                                    3     Lilium
                                                                                                                                                 Fully electric vertical take-off
                                                                                                                                                                                    Weißling      Germany      $240m         March 2020
                                                                                                                                                 and landing (VTOL) jet
                                             Private equity and venture capital
Private equity and venture capital
                                             backed companies are shining a light on                                  4     EcoVadis             Sustainability ratings software    Paris         France       $200m         January 2020
investments build the foundations of
                                             environmental, social and governance
a greener future. The UK Government                                                                                   5     Kry                  Telemedicine platform              Stockholm     Sweden       $154m         January 2020
                                             (ESG) by increasing the quantity and
aims to mobilise £12 billion in government                                                                                                       Refurbished electronics
                                             quality of reporting, which helps                                        6     Back Market
                                                                                                                                                                                    Paris         France       $121m         May 2020
investments and up to £36 billion from
                                             drive behavioural changes. UK private
the private sector to deliver a ‘Green                                                                                7     Arrival              Electric buses and vans            London        UK           $113m         January 2020
                                             equity signatories to the UN Principles
Industrial Revolution’10. In 2019, venture                                                                                                                                                                                   September
                                             for Responsible Investment increased                                     8     Connexin             Smart city infrastructure          Hull          UK           $106m
capital invested £336 million in Net Zero                                                                                                                                                                                    2020
                                             by 127% between 2015 and 2020. This                                            Tokamak              Fusion power research
companies in the UK, 55% more than                                                                                    9                                                             Abingdon      UK           $87m          January 2020
                                             transparency helps investors to select                                         Energy               company
France and 18% more than Germany11.                                                                                                                                                                                          February
                                             private equity and venture capital firms                                 10    Volocopter           Fully electric helicopter          Bruchsal      Germany      $87m
                                             which share their values.
                                                                                                                    The State of European Tech 2020 – Atomico
Joining the dots for a
green recovery

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Financier Worldwide
In an industry built on connections and
sharing good ideas, the UK branch of
the Initiative Climat International (iCI)
                                                The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution (publishing.
                                     , 2020
                                                  Technation – net zero report, 2020                                                    48%                           of UK private equity firms now report to
                                                                                                                                                                      investors, in detail, on ESG impact

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Keeping the UK competitive: the investment environment

Public value is at the heart of             This has in no small part been achieved       Private equity and venture capital firms     impact of the pandemic on the health and
what private equity and venture             by the UK’s longstanding approach to          in London, Edinburgh, Manchester and         economy of the UK means that everyone
can deliver for the UK.                     enterprise, summarised over 20 years ago      other cities across the country are an       will need to take a role in the recovery. The
                                            by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown:        important part of a broader financial        industry acknowledges that this will include
Consequently, senior political figures in                                                 services ecosystem which makes Britain       fair contributions to tackle the fiscal gap,
the UK have for many years recognised                                                     a globally significant financial services    as well as its role in funding entrepreneurs
the importance of ensuring that the                                                       centre. This status is founded on the        and innovators to assist the recovery.
attractiveness of Britain’s investment      “[the] capital taxation                       ease of doing business in the UK and         In addressing any wider tax issues, the
environment and its international           system should better…                         the country’s regulatory, legal and tax      international context will remain important.
                                            reward risk taking and                        frameworks which set and maintain            The current approach in the UK echoes
competitiveness are maintained.
                                            promote enterprise.”                          world-class standards.                       international practice, by recognising
As the Prime Minister Boris Johnson                                                                                                    gains made by private equity and venture
                                            Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown            However, the competitiveness of the
has stated:                                                                                                                            capital, in the main, as capital - this
                                                                                          UK’s investment environment is not
                                                                                                                                       successfully incentivises entrepreneurial
                                                                                          unchallenged and other jurisdictions
                                                                                                                                       investment, risk-taking and value creation
                                                                                          in Europe and elsewhere have been
                                                                                                                                       over an extended period.
                                            This international competitiveness has        making inroads in recent years, eroding
“We are number one in Europe
                                            underpinned the growth of the UK’s            the country’s competitive standing. It is    Alongside the wider business environment
for the emerging technologies                                                             important that no further ground should      in the UK, an appropriate tax, legal and
                                            private equity and venture capital industry
that will transform the lives of                                                          be lost, so the ambition expressed by        regulatory environment will support the
                                            in recent years. Funds managed by the
every single human being. Tech                                                            senior policymakers to see UK financial      continued attractiveness of the UK as an
                                            UK-based industry attracted nearly
companies are increasingly                  £50bn of investment capital in 2019,          services grow, based on continued            investment and employment location for
striving not solely to maximise             approximately 90% of which was                international openness, technological        private equity and venture capital. This will
profits but to achieve a wider              raised from international investors. This     innovation and by embracing green            enable the industry to continue to create
purpose, deploying the arsenal              significant pool of capital is managed by a   finance, is welcome.                         the public value highlighted in this report.
of technology against the                   specialist investment community based in      As we transition to new arrangements,
giant evils of hunger,                      the UK, but drawn from across the world,      the debate over the future of taxation of
poverty and disease.”                       meaning that the UK hosts the largest         businesses and individuals is of great
                                            hub of private equity and venture capital     importance. The private equity and venture
Prime Minister Boris Johnson
                                            expertise in Europe – as highlighted          capital industry understands that the
                                            elsewhere, it is the most significant
                                            anywhere outside the USA.

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   Part two
     Venture capital and
     private equity in the UK
   How the industry makes and delivers
   its contributions to public value
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Understanding private equity and venture capital

Funding the future                              the interests of the private equity firms
                                                and their investee companies are
Private equity and venture capital are
                                                closely aligned.
types of investment for companies with
high-growth potential. Private equity
and venture capital funding is part of
                                                Venture capital funds work with founders
                                                of high-risk, early-stage companies with       Differences between venture capital
the growth journey for many small and
medium sized companies. Venture capital
                                                significant potential for growth. In turn
                                                for injecting capital, venture capital funds
                                                                                               and private equity
backs founders while private equity often       receive an ownership stake, giving funds
allows entrepreneurs and parent companies       a direct interest in the success of the
to pass ownership onto their management         company. Venture capital has an outsized
teams. In addition private equity and venture   influence on the economy and society; a
                                                                                               Venture capital                       Private equity
capital funding allows the company to           relatively small venture investment early
                                                                                               Invests in emerging/high growth       Invest in more mature/established
expand its reach, take risks, scale, and/       in a company’s life can help to create a       industries                            businesses
or weather the bumps on the road to             transformational, global company.
becoming a mature, larger business.                                                                                                  Management team takes over
                                                                                                                                     the business and founders/investors
                                                                                               Founders stay in the business – the
                                                                                                                                     sell shares. In a secondary buyout
                                                And onto the next stage…                       VC fund invests cash for new shares
                                                                                                                                     investors usually back the same
A long term view                                In venture capital this will be the next                                             management team
The duration of the investment varies           funding round; and in private equity
                                                                                                                                     Mainly private but can be
but generally it is between three and           the next private equity investor in a          Always private companies
                                                                                                                                     public/quoted companies
seven years.                                    secondary buyout, until the business
                                                is listed on the stock market or sold to                                             Majority/controlling stake in
                                                                                               Minority stake in more companies
                                                large corporate investors.                                                           fewer companies per portfolio

Actively growing the Investment                                                                VC invests in early stage
                                                                                                                                     PE can invest in public companies
                                                                                               companies alongside other
Private equity firms will work alongside                                                                                             and takes them private
                                                                                               investors (e.g. angel investors)
management teams to support the
growth and development of their portfolio                                                                                            Mixed funding structure –
                                                                                               Equity only
companies. To generate investment                                                                                                    equity and debt
returns they must sell at a higher price
which means the company needs to
increase revenues and profits; therefore,

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Company life cycle and investment requirements

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Global Private Equity
                                                                                                                                                                          Mid Market
                                                                                                                                                                         Private Equity
            Growth/financing requirements

                                                                                                                              Growth Capital/
                                                                                                                               Private Equity

                                                                                                 Venture Capital

                                                                                 Startup Funds

                                                    Business Angels

                                             Family Capital

                                            Pre-startup              Startup                        Growth                          Development                                            Maturity & sale

                                                    This chart is illustrative only – firms in different parts of the industry may operate in more than one part of this investment spectrum, depending on their fund strategies.

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   Part three
     Venture capital and
     private equity in action
   Case studies and further information
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Case studies

In this part of the report we highlight case studies which highlight the way the industry operates and how individual businesses create public value.
These growth case studies offer insights on how the industry can deliver for each of the public policy priorities.

COVID recovery                             Competitiveness                             Cohesion                                    Climate
•   CMR Surgical                           •   ATG                                     •   Bollington Wilson Group (Cheshire)      •   ELeather
    Supported by CIC                           Supported by ECI Partners                   Supported by Inflexion                      Supported by ETF Partners

•   Curve OS Limited                       •   Concirrus                               •   British Engineering Services            •   Smarter Grid Solutions
    Supported by Outward VC                    Supported by IQ Capital                     (Manchester)                                Supported by Scottish Equity Partners
                                                                                           Supported by Inflexion
•   Fishawack Health                       •   Dr. Martens                                                                         •   The Modern Milkman
    Supported by Bridgepoint                   Supported by Permira                    •   Glide (Clevedon)                            Supported by ETF Partners
                                                                                           Supported by Inflexion
•   Gammadelta Therapeutics                •   HEG (Host Europe Group)                                                             •   UK Power Reserve
    Supported by Abingworth                    Supported by Cinven                     •   Merlin Entertainments (Poole)               Supported by Inflexion and Equistone
                                                                                           Supported by Blackstone
•   Huboo                                  •   Purplebricks                                                                        •   Vital Energi
    Supported by Episode 1                     Supported by DN Capital                 •   Moneypenny (Wrexham)                        Supported by Scottish Equity Partners
                                                                                           Supported by ECI Partners
•   Lovecrafts Group                       •   Revolut                                                                             •   Willerby
    Supported by Highland Europe               Supported by Seedcamp                   •   Neurovalens (Belfast)                       Supported by Equistone
                                                                                           Supported by IQ Capital
•   Modulr                                 •   Riverlane
    Supported by Frog Capital                  Supported by CIC                        •   Radius Payment Solutions (Crewe)
                                                                                           Supported by Inflexion
•   Onfido                                 •   Shazam
    Supported by TempoCap                      Supported by DN Capital                 •   SHE Software (East Kilbride)
                                                                                           Supported by Frog
•   Phlexglobal                            •   Thought Machine
    Supported by Bridgepoint                   Supported by IQ Capital                 •   Skyscanner (Edinburgh)
                                                                                           Supported by Scottish Equity Partners
•   PragmatIC                              •   TransferWise
    Supported by CIC                           Supported by Seedcamp                   •   WEALTH at work (Liverpool)
                                                                                           Supported by Equistone
•   Random42                               •   Winterbotham Darby
    Supported by Vespa Capital                 Supported by Equistone                  •   WHP Engineering (Gateshead)
                                                                                           Supported by Endless
•   Verona Pharma                          •   Wireless Logic
    Supported by Abingworth                    Supported by ECI Partners

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Growth case study

CMR Surgical
CMR Surgical is on a mission to                What lasting value did                              Future growth plans
transform surgery for patients around the      PE/VC investment bring?                             CMR’s ambition is to make the benefits         Sector
world, with innovative technology and
                                               CIC invested in CMR in their Series A and           of keyhole surgery available to everyone       Healthcare and Life Sciences
data that can improve surgical care. In                                                            who needs it by building the world’s
                                               supported the company through investments                                                          Supported by
only six years, CMR has gone from initial                                                          best medical robotic system and making
                                               in the Series A+, Series B and Series C at                                                         Cambridge Innovation Capital
concept to Versius, its next-generation        which point it achieved unicorn status. It has      it available at an affordable price.
surgical robotic system which has been                                                                                                            Location
                                               achieved regulatory approval in multiple                                                           Cambridge
used to perform over 1,000 procedures          territories and has commercial operations in 6
globally, including in the NHS; the globally   countries with over 1,000 clinical procedures                                                      Initial investment date
                                                                                                                                                  July 2016
accepted benchmark for value-based             conducted with its Versius robotic system to
healthcare. Versius brings all the benefits    date. The excellence of its system through its
                                               versatility and cost-effectiveness, is delivering                                                  Impact of PE/VC investment
of keyhole surgery to the patient while
providing surgeons with greater dexterity,     on the company’s ambition to bring the                                                             Number of employees
                                               benefits of keyhole surgery to a much wider                                                        Pre-investment: 49
precision, and better visualisation than                                                                                                          Latest: 594
                                               patient population.
manual keyhole surgery, allowing them
to perform more complex procedures.            The credit for the progress they have made
                                               falls entirely with the founders, management,
                                               and dedicated staff. What CIC sought to
What did the business need?                    do alongside its co-investors was bring
                                               in a corporate structure that allowed the
CIC invested in CMR at the first Series A                                                                                                     “Our success is in no small
                                               company to thrive and grow. CIC wanted to
which was the first institutional round. The                                                                                                  part thanks to CIC, who has
                                               create an environment where strategy could
company had a great management team,           be constructively discussed, consensus
                                                                                                                                              always had the long-term
an incredibly strong technology base and       reached, and decisions implemented without                                                     vision to support CMR.
huge ambition. The entrepreneurial spirit      impeding the entrepreneurial spirit that was                                                   Since its initial investment,
of the founders had created a dynamic,         fundamental to the success of the company.                                                     CIC has continued to support
fast-growing company with a strong internal    CIC brought on a former surgeon with                                                           our growth and has shared
culture. The company needed additional         experience in laparoscopic surgery, who was                                                    in our mission to transform
capital to expand the capabilities in-house    able to provide informed challenges to the                                                     surgery, for good.”
and to develop their system prototype.         team as they developed their clinical strategy.
                                                                                                                                              Per Vegard Nerseth, CEO

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Growth case study

Curve OS Limited
Curve consolidates all your banking          Future growth plans
and loyalty cards into one through
                                             Going into 2021, Curve’s main areas       Sector
its mobile application, providing
                                             of focus with regards to growth are       Consumer Retail
automated rewards, credit, no FX fees        to increase the number of product
and seamless expense management.                                                       Supported by
                                             features within its app and to roll out   Outward VC
                                             its offering into the United States.
What did the business need?
                                                                                       Initial investment date
Curve needed capital to scale growth in                                                June 2017
new markets, including North America, and    “Using [Outward VC’s] deep
                                                                                       Amount invested
to accelerate the development and roll out   knowledge of how to support               £1.2m
of new product capabilities (i.e. Curve
                                             early-stage founders, they took
Credit), while increasing conversion
from its current customer base.
                                             a chance on us when others                Impact of PE/VC investment
                                             were more sceptical, giving us            Turnover
                                             full and warm access to their             Pre-investment: £0-1m
                                                                                       Latest: £5-10m (2020)
What lasting value did                       network and material advice at
PE/VC investment bring?                      cross sections of our journey.            Number of employees
                                                                                       Pre-investment: 35
Over the three years since Outward VC’s
                                             It was a potent combination,              Latest: 285 (2020)
initial investment into Curve, the fund      which helped us shape our
introduced the management team to new        vision into reality.”
partners (such as Alipay and Facebook)
                                             Shachar Bialick, CEO
and new investors (such as Vulcan
and Tazlina Global). Additionally, Outward
VC promptly reacted to Curve’s migration
from Wirecard, providing safeguarding
and settlement accounts, alongside other
payment solutions, through Investec Bank.

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Growth case study

Fishawack Health
Fishawack helps pharmaceutical                Bridgepoint also kicked off a project
groups bring new products to market           to improve Management Information
                                              through the rollout of IT systems, which          Sector
through the provision of specialised
                                              will provide more readily available               Healthcare and Life Sciences
and value-added services. The business
                                              utilisation data to control costs.                Supported by
serves more than 100 clients globally
and helps to commercialise more               Bridgepoint is enhancing Fishawack’s M&A
than 300 drug compounds.                      strategy to become more proactive. Under          Location
                                              Bridgepoint’s ownership, the company              Knutsford
Founded in 2001, the business has             has completed two add-on acquisitions:            Initial investment date
been built up organically and through         StoneArch, a Minneapolis-based creative           March 2020
small add-on acquisitions to become           agency with a strong reputation in the
a global player. Today it operates            medical device and health technology              Impact of PE/VC investment
from 14 offices in the US, Europe             sector, and The Hive Health Group, a              Number of employees
and India. Fishawack has three                strategically led healthcare marketing            Pre-investment: 840
principal service lines: Medical Affairs,     and scientific communications business            Latest: 850 (Jan 2021)
Commercial Services, and Consulting.          based in London and New York.

What did the business need?                   Future growth plans

Fishawack would benefit from further          Bridgepoint’s business plan envisages
professionalisation and has significant       continuing to drive organic growth,
operational improvement potential.            margin enhancement, and M&A
                                              to add complementary services,
                                              broaden Fishawack’s customer base,

What lasting value did
                                              and consolidate the sector.                   “In partnering with
PE/VC investment bring?                       Fishawack is a robust platform that will      Bridgepoint, we have
Bridgepoint has held the asset for less
                                              be used as the base for a buy and build       made a step-change
                                              strategy in the attractive but fragmented
than 12 months. During this short period,     pharmaceutical commercialisation              in our ambition.”
Bridgepoint has already created a clean       services sector. Bridgepoint has identified   Oliver Dennis, CEO
and simplified organisational structure and   more than 75 potential targets, from
successfully recruited a new Chairman.        smaller in-fill acquisitions to potentially
                                              transformational opportunities, which
                                              will help to rapidly build scale.

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Growth case study

Gammadelta Therapeutics
Gammadelta Therapeutics is developing        three major institutions, put the board      treatment of cancers and as the data
the potential of gamma delta T cells         in place, including representation on the    is generated, the company will look to
                                             board by Abingworth, and helped recruit      its future either as a stand-alone public        Sector
to create improved immunotherapy
                                             the management team including Paolo          company or as a UK based entity for              Healthcare and Life Sciences
of cancer and other serious diseases.
                                             Paoletti, the former head of Oncology at     a large pharmaceutical company.                  Supported by
Based on the pioneering research of
                                             GSK. Abingworth was also instrumental                                                         Abingworth
Professor Adrian Hayday at King’s College
                                             in bringing Takeda into the collaboration.                                                    Location
London and the Francis Crick Institute,
the company plans to exploit unique
properties of tissue resident gamma                                                                                                        Initial investment date
                                                                                                                                           August 2016
delta T cells for effective immunotherapy.
                                             “The significant advances we
Takeda Pharmaceuticals has formed a
strategic collaboration with GammaDelta
                                             have made would not have
and, together with Abingworth, has           been possible without access to                                                          “Abingworth’s decision to provide
committed up to $100 million in funding      the company-building expertise                                                           the seed finance and operational
and has an exclusive option to acquire       and continued financial support                                                          support needed to create
the company for an undisclosed sum.          of Abingworth. We look                                                                   GammaDelta highlights the key
                                             forward to continuing this highly                                                        role VCs can play in bringing
                                             productive relationship as we                                                            cutting-edge technology from the
What did the business need?                  work to realise the transformative                                                       laboratory into mainstream drug
Abingworth helped create the company,        potential of the world-leading                                                           development. We are making
working with leading academic and world      science of Professor Adrian                                                              significant progress in our
expert, Professor Adrian Hayday, at                                                                                                   mission to deliver highly effective
                                             Hayday and Dr Oliver
Kings College. This included negotiating                                                                                              allogeneic immunotherapies
                                             Nussbaumer that underpins
licenses with three institutions and                                                                                                  based on the unique properties
then bringing in Takeda as a key funder      GammaDelta.”                                                                             of Vδ1+ T cells, which could
and supporter of the company.                Paolo Paoletti, CEO                                                                      provide important patient survival
                                                                                                                                      benefits in the treatment
                                                                                                                                      of cancers.”
What lasting value did
                                                                                                                                      Paolo Paoletti, CEO
PE/VC investment bring?                      Future growth plans
Abingworth provided the initial seed         The company has the potential to
capital, negotiated the licences from        have an enormous impact on the

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Growth case study

Huboo are a tech-driven multichannel          model. The Product Development team has
ecommerce fulfilment company. Huboo           increased significantly in size, as have the
                                              front-line Sales & Marketing teams so that           Sector
integrates with online marketplaces such
                                              the company can continue to scale at pace.           Technology
as Ebay, Amazon and many more for
                                              Funding from investors has played a central          Supported by
free, and securely store, reliably pick and
                                              role in their journey so far and our expansion       Episode 1
package, and smoothly deliver orders.
                                              into new territories is testament to that.           Location
Their unique software driven approach
to fulfillment means that they can serve
clients of all shapes and sizes, from the                                                          Initial investment date
                                              What lasting value did                               April 2019
smallest eBay seller to multi-million-pound
                                              PE/VC investment bring?                              Amount invested
brands, and their service is far cheaper
                                              The continued support from investors                 £18.5m
than any known like-for-like competitor.
                                              has supercharged the company scaling,
Huboo offers two months free storage          creating a huge volume of new jobs                   Impact of PE/VC investment
for each new shipment and has grown           in what has been a challenging and                   Annual turnover
substantially since inception. Their          unprecedented employment environment.                Pre-investment: £0.24m
expansion roadmap outlines plans to           This positive impact for the local job               Latest: £12m

take the company in to mainland Europe        market will be replicated as the company             Number of employees
and North America by the end of 2021.         grows across the UK, and throughout                  Pre-investment: 2
                                              Europe and North America.                            Latest: 250

                                              The company has delivered cutting edge,
What did the business need?                   innovative award-winning technology which        “This investment played a crucial
Investor funding was needed for the
                                              has fuelled our consistent and significant       role in propelling our growth. It has
company to accelerate expansive growth
                                              growth. Due to their success, Huboo have         enabled us to build and continue
plans, starting nationally in the UK and
                                              made their first acquisition – an online         to build teams of exceptional talent,
expanding into mainland Europe and North
                                              marketplace – as they focus on diversifying      and curate award-winning technology
America later in 2021, creating hundreds of
                                              their product and service range.                 to disrupt the fulfilment market,
jobs in the process.                                                                           resulting in rapid and continued
The company has been investing in
                                                                                               Martin Bysh, CEO
software and people to provide the best
customer experience in the industry and
challenging the perceptions of fulfillment
with their unique human-centric Hub

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Growth case study

Lovecrafts Group
Lovecrafts Group is a leading online             the largest online player in the USA,
crafts community, which lets creative            increasing the business scale by over
                                                 50%. Secondly, the investment allowed                Sector
minds find inspiration from leading
                                                 the business operationally to grow: moving           Consumer Retail
experts and designers, learn new
                                                 into larger warehouse facilities, developing         Supported by
techniques, connect with like-minded
                                                 more robust operational warehouse                    Highland Europe
people all over the world, and shop craft
                                                 management, and continuing to develop                Location
supplies. Essentially, it is a mix of content,
                                                 the online presence of the business.                 London
community, and commerce, and is a                Thirdly, they were able to recruit a world
complete ecosystem for makers.                                                                        Initial investment date
                                                 class independent Chairperson, Peter
                                                                                                      July 2015
                                                 Bazalgette and a seasoned CFO who
                                                 has IPO experience, Marcus Jennings.
                                                                                                      Impact of PE/VC investment
What did the business need?
                                                                                                      Number of employees
Highland Europe have invested in five                                                                 Pre-investment: 50
rounds at LoveCrafts, from Series B round        Future growth plans                                  Latest: 160
to Series C rounds, and co-led three internal    LoveCrafts are looking to list on the London
rounds alongside Scottish Equity Partners        AIM market during 2021 and plan to use the
and Balderton Capital. The investment was        proceeds of the IPO to continue to make
essential to complete several acquisitions,      strategic acquisitions and fuel their growth.
improve operations, recruit new team             As investors, Highland Europe are not
members, and fuel growth.                        expecting to exit at IPO but see it as
                                                 another funding round.
                                                                                                 “The investment in
                                                                                                 Lovecrafts by our
What lasting value did                                                                           syndicate has been
PE/VC investment bring?
                                                                                                 essential to grow the
The investment was key to bring about
                                                                                                 business, internationalise
several significant changes to the business.
Firstly, it has enabled the acquisitions                                                         and recruit great
of Debbie Bliss, Sew & Sew and most                                                              people.”
recently Webbs Inc. by December
                                                                                                 Edward Griffith, CEO
2020. Excluding the Webbs deal, these
acquisitions represent over 20% of total
sales. The Webbs transaction is more
transformational and makes LoveCrafts

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Growth case study

Modulr are an API driven B2B Payments-        business across the UK and Europe. Frog
as-a-Service platform and Electronic          provided support across sales & marketing
                                              and talent & organisation functions to           Sector
Money Institution (EMI) delivering a
                                              drive product development and achieve            Technology
new type of payment account. Modulr
                                              strong operational growth across the UK.         Supported by
enables businesses to segregate
                                                                                               Frog Capital
client funds, automate and receive            Frog Capital helped Modulr complete
payment flows more efficiently and            successful investment from key corporate         Location
                                              partners and deliver a healthy growth plan       London
cheaply than traditional banking.
                                              across 2020 and into 2021, while winning         Initial investment date
One of Europe’s fastest growing payment       £10m grant through the ‘RBS Alternative          February 2019
platforms, Modulr are working with 100+       Remedies Package’ and securing cash
clients across multiple channels enabling     headroom through debt facilities, and            Impact of PE/VC investment
the growth of some of Europe’s most           receiving investment from Highland               Number of employees
successful businesses including Revolut,      Europe, PayPal and FIS World-pay.                Pre-investment: 109 (Mar 2019)
Liberis, Paxport and Wagestream.                                                               Latest: 201 (Dec 2020)
                                              Modulr has continued to expand and grow
                                              their business across the UK and Europe,
                                              they have grown >85% and enjoyed 120%
What did the business need?                   revenue growth (2018-20).
                                                                                           “The Frog Capital
Modulr needed a Scale-Up partner with
both fintech experience and operational
                                                                                           team have had a very
expertise to help scale the business          Future growth plans                          constructive impact. Their
across the UK and Europe. The business        Modulr continue to expand its products       team of operating experts
would benefit from investors who could
provide operational expertise across sales
                                              and services to existing clients, as well    have been particularly
                                              as secure new clients and expand across
& marketing, leadership & talent, and the     Europe. Recent investment from PayPal
                                                                                           useful in the areas of sales
finance function, particularly regarding      and FIS Wolrdpay, two of the largest         & marketing and helping
corporate partnership and investment.         global payment companies, is a strong        us attract further top
                                              endorsement of Modulr’s continued
                                              success and will further support their       tier investors.”
What lasting value did                        growth ambitions across product              Myles Stephenson, CEO
PE/VC investment bring?                       development, business development
                                              and expansion across Europe.
Since Frog Capital’s investment in February
2019, Modulr has expanded and grown its

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Growth case study

Onfido are setting the new standard for     growth strategy and valuable customer
digital access. The company digitally       introductions, both in the U.K. and
                                            North America.                                      Sector
proves a user’s identity using artificial
intelligence, and facial biometrics.        TempoCap’s investment allowed the
Onfido gives companies the assurance                                                            Supported by
                                            company to expand its operations across
needed to onboard customers remotely        Europe, through key hires and more
and securely.                               established presence in France, as well             Location
                                            as build a foothold in Asian markets such           London
Recognised as a global leader in AI for     as Singapore.                                       Initial investment date
identity verification and authentication,                                                       2017
Onfido have approximately 400 team
members across seven countries, and is      Future growth plans                                 Impact of PE/VC investment
enabling digital access for some of the                                                         Turnover
                                            Onfido maintain a growth strategy focused
largest companies around the world.                                                             Pre-investment: £3.6m (2016)
                                            on accelerating their international presence,       Latest: £27.6m (2019)
                                            expecting their future revenue growth to be
                                                                                                Number of employees
                                            driven by the US and EU. The company
What did the business need?                 plans to expand the current product, which
                                                                                                Pre-investment: 150 (2017)
                                                                                                Latest: 400 (2021)
In their series C round, Onfido needed      is aimed at onboarding new customers for
additional support to implement a growth    fintechs and banks, to include services
strategy and accelerate its international   focused on ‘identity’ across the client life
presence, with a particular focus on US     cycle. The goal is to manage end-to-end         “TempoCap’s investment and
customer growth. The company also           digital identity through services centred on    support has been critical to funding
needed funding to facilitate product        onboarding, reauthentication, password          our business plan, including our
development, to aid the expansion of the    recovery, and fraud mitigation.                 accelerated expansion in the US.
company’s machine learning technology,                                                      Additionally, the team has provided
while maintaining its market-leading                                                        substantial value-add in the form of
position in speed and accuracy.                                                             large customer introductions and
                                                                                            strategic advice to support plans
                                                                                            for continued growth.”
What lasting value did
                                                                                            David Clarke, CFO
PE/VC investment bring?
TempoCap have provided Onfido with
strategic advice regarding the company’s

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Growth case study

Phlexglobal are a specialist provider         What lasting value did                      What did the investment achieve?
of Trial Master File (“TMF”) software         PE/VC investment bring?                     Bridgepoint bought Phlexglobal for £42m          Sector
and services to global pharmaceutical
                                              Under Bridgepoint ownership, Phlexglobal    at an EV/EBITDA multiple of 9.1x in 2014,        Healthcare and Life Sciences
companies and clinical research                                                           and 2.5 years later, sold the business
                                              implemented greater strategic focus on                                                       Supported by
organisations. A TMF is a collection of                                                   for £116m at 13.5x EV/EBITDA. The
                                              the development and implementation of                                                        Bridgepoint
essential documents created during            technology, and significantly enhanced      significant valuation multiple re-rating
a clinical trial for regulatory purposes.                                                                                                  Location
                                              its software development capability with    is evidence of the transformation of the
Phlexglobal offer an end to end solution      a 45% increase in R&D investment and        company from a project-led TMF services
to cater for all potential TMF needs of its   the launch of an upgraded eTMF product,     provider to a fully outsourced provider          Initial investment date
                                                                                          of electronic TMF (eTMF) solutions.              July 2014
clients, from fully outsourced electronic     which led to client wins in the clinical
eTMF software provision with associated       research outsourcing sector. Phlexglobal                                                     Amount invested
                                              transitioned from being a services led                                                       €28.2m
document processing services, as well
as a range of project related services.       TMF business to having a more balanced
                                              software and services offering.                                                              Impact of PE/VC investment
                                              Phlexglobal strengthened its business
                                                                                                                                           Pre-investment: £15.4m
What did the business need?                   development function and significantly                                                       Post-investment: £23.9m (Dec 2016)
                                              expanded its international presence.
Phlexglobal needed support in the evolving
                                              As a result, the US accounted for
repositioning of the business from a
                                              59% of revenue at exit vs. 34% at
service led hybrid offering to a technology
                                              entry. Bridgepoint helped Phlexglobal
led hybrid offering. It also needed to
                                              to enter the Japanese market (3rd
preserve the continued growth in overseas                                                                                             “We have enjoyed significant
                                              largest globally at the time).
territories with a focus on the USA, the                                                                                              growth under Bridgepoint
world’s largest pharmaceuticals market.       Bridgepoint also achieved significant                                                   Development Capital’s
It was recognised that the business
                                              operational improvements: EBITDA                                                        ownership, extended our
                                              margins increased by 660bps through the                                                 customer and operational
would benefit from expanding
                                              roll-out of a new document processing
existing relationships with Japanese                                                                                                  base and relaunched
                                              technology and the creation of a low-
pharmaceutical customers. Investment in                                                                                               PhlexEview, our eTMF
                                              cost centre in Poland (with Bridgepoint’s
the company’s software platform would
                                              Warsaw office playing an important role
enable Phlexglobal to take advantage of
                                              in choosing an appropriate location).                                                   Rick Riegel, former CEO
the opportunity to replicate its service
eminence in the eTMF software market.

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Growth case study

PragmatIC is a world leader in ultra-         based radio frequency identification        makes innovative electronic solutions
low-cost flexible electronics. Their          (RFID). This would extend the Internet of   readily accessible to businesses of
                                              Things to the Internet of Everything.       all sizes across a diverse range of              Sector
flexible integrated circuits (FlexICs)
                                                                                          industries. The company plans to expand          Technology
are thinner than a human hair and
                                                                                          and deploy a global network of 100               Supported by
can be invisibly embedded in objects,
                                              What lasting value did                      FlexLogIC lines, geographically placed           Cambridge Innovation Capital
enabling innovators to create novel
                                                                                          for efficient manufacturing and delivery.
solutions to everyday problems that           PE/VC investment bring?                                                                      Location
                                                                                          FlexIC-based RFID is already being               Cambridge
are not practical with conventional           Cambridge Innovation Capital’s
electronics. FlexICs are manufactured on                                                  adopted in multiple market segments              Initial investment date
                                              understanding, strategic input, and
                                                                                          addressing worldwide challenges, including       December 2014
a revolutionary FlexLogIC® production         continued investment support throughout
                                                                                          healthcare (NHS), pharma (Schreiner
system, a scalable manufacturing              the evolution of the business has made
                                              them a reliable partner for PragmatIC for
                                                                                          MediPharm), waste management (UK                 Impact of PE/VC investment
model for cost-effective high-volume
                                                                                          Government) and sustainability.
production. FlexIC Foundry™ service           more than six years. Under the guidance                                                      Number of employees
                                              of CIC, the potential for PragmatIC’s                                                        Pre-investment: 12
is a service, is a less time intensive,                                                                                                    Latest: 85
                                              technology in RFID, attracted investment
and cheaper service for developing
                                              from Avery Dennison, the world’s
application-specific flexible devices.
                                              largest RFID inlay manufacturer, which
                                              led to the complete installation and
                                              commissioning of the first FlexLogIC
What did the business need?                   production system in 2018.                                                               “CIC has been a vital partner
PragmatIC needed funding to support its                                                                                                for our business during the
                                              In 2019, PragmatIC formally launched its
transition from Research & Development to                                                                                              development, installation and
                                              ConnectIC® RFID product line, securing
pilot production. The company had already                                                                                              commissioning of our first
                                              orders for over 20M units from global
demonstrated a viable fabrication process     companies eager to add connectivity
                                                                                                                                       FlexLogIC system and launch of
for their FlexICs, but the business needed    and intelligence to their everyday                                                       our first commercial products.
investment to support their development       items. Later that year the company                                                       Their understanding of deep tech
of FlexLogIC®, a scalable, self-contained     announced their FlexIC Foundry™.                                                         companies has allowed them to
and fully automated production system.                                                                                                 support us effectively on
PragmatIC also needed support to                                                                                                       this journey.”
expand their product development              Future growth plans                                                                      Scott White, CEO
and commercial activities, to prove the
                                              PragmatIC’s vision is to embed their
technical achievability and strong demand
                                              technology in a trillion smart objects
for the ability to give everyday items a
                                              over the coming decade. FlexLogIC,
unique electronic identity, through FlexIC-

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