NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative

Page created by Ricardo Malone
NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative

                       FOR 2021
NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative

Calcium is a book                                 Worst Jobs in History
packager that creates                             Readers will love discovering the most horrible jobs

non-fiction books children                        in history in this fun and fact-filled series.

love to read. We work                             Titles in the series:
                                                  Horrible Jobs in Ancient Greece
in partnership with                                 and Rome
publishers worldwide                              Horrible Jobs in Ancient Egypt
                                                  Horrible Jobs in Medieval Times
to build brilliant books                          Horrible Jobs of the Renaissance

that inspire learning.                            Horrible Jobs in Colonial Times
                                                  Horrible Jobs of the Industrial
Our new list covers many different topics,
from history and science through to art           32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 9-11
and social studies. We hope you like it!

        History                               2
        Geography and Earth Science           5
        Science and Technology               11
        Biographies                          15
        Culture and Religion                 17
        Life Skills and Social Studies       20
        Art and Activities                   23

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
Pioneering People                                      The Civil Rights
Discover some of the most pioneering people of the
past and how they forged civilizations through their
intrepid explorations, discoveries, and inventions.    Discover the Civil Rights Movement in this
                                                       fascinating insight into one of the most future-
Titles in the series:                                  shaping eras of social change.
The Ancient Greeks
The Ancient Chinese                                    Titles in the series:
The Ancient Egyptians                                  The Freedom Riders
The Aztecs                                             Brown v. Board of Education
The Maya                                               The Little Rock Nine
The Romans                                             The March on Washington
The Vikings                                            The Montgomery Bus Boycott
                                                       The Woolworth’s Sit-In
32 pages 7” x 9” Age 10-12
                                                       32 pages 8” x 10” Age 10-12

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative

    History in Your Hands                                War Child
    This series examines key events of the past and      This powerful series explores what it means to be
    how people at the time reacted to them. It invites   a child caught up in war and tells the stories of
    readers to think about how they would respond if     children who have experienced recent conflict.
    faced with the same set of
    circumstances today.                                 Titles in the series:
                                                         Conflict in Yemen
    Titles in the series:                                Conflict in Colombia
    War and Conflict                                     Conflict in Syria
    The Slave Trade                                      Conflict in Iran
    The Civil Rights Movement                            Conflict in Myanmar
    The Industrial Revolution                            Conflict in the DRC
    The Advancement of Science                           48 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 10-13

    48 pages 7” x 9” Age 10-13

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
geography and earth science

The Science of Survival                            Billion-Dollar Biomes
Discover how life on Earth thrives through life    Billion-Dollar Biomes explores the Earth’s most
science. Beautiful photographs and a captivating   resource-abundant biomes. It looks at why these
design brings the science of survival to life.     areas are full of natural riches, and how humans
                                                   are profiting from them through big business.
Titles in the series:
Adaptation and Survival                            Titles in the series:
Animal Anatomy                                     Bounty of the Ocean
Habitats                                           Fortunes from the Rivers
Food Webs and Chains                               Prizes of the Mountains
Plant Anatomy                                      Riches of the Rain Forest
Life Cycles                                        Treasure in the Tundra
                                                   Wealth of the Wetland
32 pages 8” x 10” Age 7-9                          Abundance of the Grassland

                                                   32 pages 7” x 9” Age 10-12

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
geography and earth science

    Gangs with Fangs!                            It’s My Biome!
    Learn how the world’s most lethal animal     This colourful and informative series for young
    groups survive and thrive in this exciting   readers explores the world’s biomes and the
    guide to gangs with fangs!                   wonderful creatures that call them home.

    Titles in the series:                        Titles in the series:
    Chimpanzee Troops                            Deserts
    Dog Packs                                    Coral Reefs
    Wolf Packs                                   Rivers and Lakes
    Lion Prides                                  Mountains
    32 pages 71/8” x 81/2” Age 8-10              Wetlands

                                                 32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 8-10

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
A-List Animals!                                  Food Chain Kings
Discover the world’s most talented animals and   What are food chains and which animals rule
how these A-listers have adapted to thrive in    them? Find out in this fun guide to apex predators
their environments.                              and their food chains.

Titles in the series:                            Titles in the series:
Superstar Mammals                                Sharks and Their Food Chains
Superstar Reptiles                               Wolves and Their Food Chains
Superstar Birds                                  Bears and Their Food Chains
Superstar Insects                                Lions and Their Food Chains
Superstar Fish                                   Snakes and Their Food Chains
                                                 Alligators and Their Food Chains
32 pages 9” x 9” Age 8-10
                                                 32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 8-10

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
geography and earth science

    Mission Survival                                  Welcome to My World
    This topical series looks at the world’s most     Welcome to My World introduces readers to the
    endangered species and the people who have        world’s most exciting biomes, the awe-inspiring
    made it their mission to ensure their survival.   predators within them, and the intrepid people
                                                      who study them.
    Titles in the series:
    Saving the Tiger                                  Titles in the series:
    Saving the Gorilla                                Desert
    Saving the Cheetah                                Grassland
    Saving the Humpback Whale                         Mountain
    Saving the Giant Panda                            Ocean
    Saving the Chimpanzee                             Rain Forest
    32 pages 71/8” x 81/2” Age 8-10
                                                      32 pages 7” x 9” Age 9-11

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
Biome Survivor                                      Rock Cycle Road Trip
This series takes a look at incredible stories      The series explains the cycle of rock formation
of people who managed to survive in the most        and takes the reader on an epic road trip journey
deadly of biomes. Each book explores the hazards,   of discovery to find out more about our amazing
geography, and amazing animal and plant life        planet and its rocks.
of each environment.
                                                    Titles in the series:
Titles in the series:                               Crystals
Surviving the Ocean                                 Fossils
Surviving the Mountain                              Igneous Rocks
Surviving the Rain Forest                           Metamorphic Rocks
Surviving the Desert                                Minerals
Surviving the River                                 Sedimentary Rocks
Surviving the Ice
                                                    32 pages 7” x 9” Age 9-11
32 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 9-11

NEW FOR 2021 - Children's Books - Calcium Creative
geography and earth science

 Really Wild Science                                   Inside the Ecosystem
 Science in the world’s most dangerous biomes can      Take a look inside ecosystems! Find out about the
 get really wild! Discover the cutting-edge work of    world’s key biomes and the fascinating plants and
 scientists in the field in this fascinating series.   animals that live in these amazing places.

 Titles in the series:                                 Titles in the series:
 Under the Ocean                                       Deserts
 In the Rainforest                                     Grasslands
 At the Poles                                          Mountains
 In the Desert                                         Oceans
 In Space                                              Rainforests
 Under the Ground                                      Wetlands

     48 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 10-12                  32 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 9-12

Science and Technology

Eco Action                                               Ask a Scientist
It’s time to take action—Eco Action! This series         If you asked a scientist “What is physical
shows children how positive steps are being taken        science?” what would they tell you? Find out in
to tackle global eco issues that affect their futures.   this fact-filled exploration of physical science
                                                         and the role it plays in our everyday lives.
Titles in the series:
Cars Clean Up!                                           Titles in the series:
Saved by Solar Power!                                    What Is Light?
Recycling to the Rescue!                                 What Is Energy?
Never-Ending Energy!                                     What Is Electricity?
No Carbon Footprint!                                     What Is Magnetism?
Super-Green Gardening!                                   What Is Sound?
                                                         What Are Forces and Motion?
32 pages 8” x 10” Age 9-11
                                                         32 pages 8” x 10” Age 9-11

Science and Technology

 STEM to the Rescue                                  How to Build a...
 STEM to the Rescue examines how science,            This series explores the STEM skills required to
 technology, engineering, and math have helped       create space buildings and machines, and invites
 save lives and made intrepid exploration possible   readers to think about how they might use their
 in the most challenging of Earth’s environments.    own STEM skills to create
                                                     space inventions of the future.
 Titles in the series:
 Desert Rescue                                       Titles in the series:
 Jungle Rescue                                       Colony on Mars
 Mountain Rescue                                     Space Ship
 Sea Rescue                                          Space Center
 Snow and Ice Rescue                                 Space Probe
 Space Rescue                                        Space Station

     32 pages 7” x 9” Age 8-10                       32 pages 7” x 9” Age 9-11

Science on Standby                                 Frontline Science
Science on Standby takes a look at the “around-    Discover how scientists and crime agencies
the-corner” revolutionary science and technology   work side-by-side to track down criminals in
breakthroughs that will change the way we live.    this high-interest crime detective series.

Titles in the series:                              Titles in the series:
The Future of Science in Energy                    Terror Alert
The Future of Science in Industry                  Cold Case Closed
The Future of Science in Medicine                  Spy Stalkers
The Future of Science in Space                     Hunting a Hacker
The Future of Science in the Home                  Tracking a Killer
The Future of Science in                           Profiling a Criminal
                                                   48 pages 8” x 10” Age 10-12
32 pages 7” x 9” Age 9-12

Science and Technology

 Weird Ways to Save                                  How Do They Make It?
 the Planet                                          So, how do they make it? Find out how seemingly
                                                     ordinary goods go through a fascinating construction
 Discover some of most extraordinary ways in which   process in this in-depth look at product design
 brilliant brains are using whacky science to save   and manufacturing.
 the planet in this fun exploration of ingenuity.
                                                     Titles in the series:
 Titles in the series:                               Making a Baseball Cap
 Pollution Solutions                                 Making a Book
 Heroic Home Improvements                            Making a Box of Cereal
 Transforming Transportation                         Making a Can of Soup
 Agricultural Advances                               Making a Car
 Bright Ideas for Lights                             Making a Smartphone
 Super Solar Energy
 Brand New Burials                                   32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 9-11
 Water Wonders

     32 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 9-11


How Does                                        Crazy Young Scientists
High-Tech Work?                                 What were the world’s greatest scientists crazy
                                                about when they were young? Find out in this
Our high-tech gadgets and gizmos make our       fascinating series that will inspire young people
modern lives super-efficient, but how do they   today to be crazy about science, too.
work? Find out in How High-Tech Works.
                                                Titles in the series:
Titles in the series:                           Young Darwin
Touch Screens                                   Young Edison
Global Positioning System                       Young Tesla
Voice Recognition                               Young Einstein
Cloud Computing                                 Young Hawking
WiFi                                            Young Newton
Networks                                        Young Curie
                                                Young Carson
48 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 10-12
                                                32 pages 8” x 10” Age 9-12


 Supergirls of Science                               GeniUS!
 This series explores some of the world’s greatest   Discover the scientific pairings that put the US
 female scientists and the trail they blazed for     into geniUS! Each book looks at two brilliant
 future women scientists around the world.           scientists and how they formed one of the most
                                                     productive partnerships the world has ever seen.
 Titles in the series:
 Jane Goodall                                        Titles in the series:
 Marie Curie                                         Einstein and Eddington
 Rachel Carson                                       Darwin and Wallace
 Mary Seacole                                        Watson and Crick
 Elizabeth Blackwell                                 Goodall and Leaky
 Rosalind Franklin                                   Tesla and Edison
                                                     Pierre and Marie Curie
     32 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 9-12
                                                     48 pages 8” x 10” Age 9-12

culture and religion

Explorers Who                                       Cultures in Your World
Changed the World                                   This lovely series shows young readers how the
                                                    cultures they see in their world began in their
Explorers Who Changed the World looks at some       countries of origin and then adapted as they
of the world’s greatest adventurers and how their   migrated with people to
explorations and discoveries changed society.       new places worldwide.

Titles in the series:                               Titles in the series:
Christopher Columbus                                China’s Culture
David Livingstone                                   Cuba’s Culture
Henry Hudson                                        India’s Culture
James Cook                                          Mexico’s Culture
Lewis and Clark                                     The Philippine’s Culture
Marco Polo                                          Vietnam’s Culture

64 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 10-13                    32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 9-11

culture and religion

 Cook the World!                                   Makerspace Journeys
 Budding cooks everywhere will love learning to    Take a Makerspace journey across the world’s
 create dishes from around the world in this fun   continents and discover their geographies, cultures,
 series that explores cultures and their foods.    and people through fun Makerspace activities.

 Titles in the series:                             Titles in the series:
 Cook Mexican Food                                 Across Asia
 Cook Chinese Food                                 Across Africa
 Cook Italian Food                                 Across North America
 Cook Indian Food                                  Across South America
 Cook French Food                                  Across Europe
 Cook Mediterranean Food                           Across Australia

     32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 9-11                 32 pages 81/2” x 10” Age 9-12

Tastebud Tourist                                      Religion Revealed
Tastebud Tourist introduces readers to the            Religion Revealed takes an in-depth and
wonderful world of cooking. Each book travels         exploratory look at the world’s chief religions,
across one continent, taking the reader on a          examining their origins, their core beliefs, and
journey that explores its people and their cooking.   how people today follow their ideologies.

Titles in the series:                                 Titles in the series:
Cook Your Way Across Africa                           Exploring Buddhism
Cook Your Way Across Asia                             Exploring Christianity
Cook Your Way Across Australia                        Exploring Hinduism
Cook Your Way Across Europe                           Exploring Islam
Cook Your Way Across North America                    Exploring Judaism
Cook Your Way Across South America                    Exploring Sikhism

32 pages 7” x 9” Age 10-12                            48 pages 7” x 9” Age 10-13

Life Skills and Social studies

 Really Wild Adventures                             STEAM into Industry
 Children will love this fun activity series that   Take a look inside industry and find out how
 shows them how to have really wild adventures      STEAM skills can make for a glittering career
 in the great outdoors.                             in a variety of important industries.

 Titles in the series:                              Titles in the series:
 Camping                                            STEAM Careers in Comic Books
 Fishing                                            STEAM Careers in Culinary Arts
 Hunting                                            STEAM Careers in Fashion
 Kayaking and Canoeing                              STEAM Careers in Music Production
                                                    STEAM Careers in Social Media
 32 pages 71/8” x 81/2” Age 9-11                    STEAM Careers in Video Games

                                                    32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 10-13

Mindful Mind Maps                                  Cool Career Choices
This series takes young readers by the hand and    Making cool career choices is made easy with this
uses mind map strategies to help them navigate     innovative careers series that uses flowcharts to
the brain-boggling world of adolescent problems!   help readers find their perfect STEM career.

Titles in the series:                              Titles in the series:
Train Your Brain to Beat the Bullies               How to Choose Your Perfect...
Train Your Brain to Deal with                        Engineering Career
  Drinking and Drugs                                 IT Career
Train Your Brain to Figure Out                       Science Career
  Your Family                                        Business Career
Train Your Brain to Deal with Hormones               Math Career
Train Your Brain to Mind Your Money                  Technology Career
Train Your Brain to Cinch Your Career
                                                   48 pages 71/4” x 91/4” Age 10-13
32 pages 7 /4” x 9 /4” Age 10-13
            1     1

Life Skills and Social studies

 Big Business                                              A Beginner’s Guide
 This series examines some of the world’s most
 profitable business sectors. It explores the origins of
                                                           to Politics
 each area, how it came to be big business, and what       A Beginner’s Guide to Politics introduces young
 the likely future is for these global super industries.   people to political systems and develops their
                                                           ability to examine and dissect political information.
 Titles in the series:
 The Banking Industry                                      Titles in the series:
 The Energy Industry                                       What Is a Dictatorship?
 The Pharmaceutical Industry                               What Is Democracy?
 The Entertainment Industry                                What Is Communism?
 The Beauty Industry                                       What Is a Monarchy?
 The Social Networking Industry                            What Is Socialism?
                                                           What Is a Government?
 48 pages 8” x 10” Age 10-13
                                                           48 pages 8” x 10” Age 10-13

art and activities

Machines Made Simple                             Fantastic Stories and
This series introduces readers to the world of
simple machines and how we can see science
                                                 How to Draw Them!
at work when we experiment with them.            Children will love this series, which is full of
                                                 wonderful stories and step-by-step guides that
Titles in the series:                            show how to draw the fantastic characters
Experiments with Levers                          and creatures in each tale.
Experiments with Pulleys
Experiments with Screws                          Titles in the series:
Experiments with Wedges                          Fairies, Mermaids, and Unicorns
Experiments with Inclined Planes                 Pirates and Pirate Ships
Experiments with Wheels                          Dragons
  and Axles                                      Knights and Castles

32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 9-11                    32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 9-11

art and activities

 Super STEM Projects                                    Eco Crafty
 This series allows young readers to explore STEM       Get eco crafty by turning garbage into amazing
 through exciting projects that expand their science,   art and discover how recycling our unwanted
 technology, engineering, and math skills.              items and waste helps
                                                        protect our planet.
 Titles in the series:
 Build a Robot                                          Titles in the series:
 Build a Rocket                                         Clothes
 Make a Camera                                          Paper
 Build a Drone                                          Plastic
 Make a Board Game                                      Toys
 Make a Plant Lab
                                                        32 pages 81/2” x 11” Age 8-10
     32 pages 8 /2” x 10” Age 8-10

Please contact us for
further details and
to enquire about
rights purchase:
Sarah Eason                   Children’s Books
t: +44 (0) 1746 218085
m: +44 (0) 7906 373741
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