New Eyes on the Sun - Solar Science with ALMA - European ...

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New Eyes on the Sun - Solar Science with ALMA - European ...
Astronomical Science

New Eyes on the Sun — Solar Science with ALMA

Sven Wedemeyer 1

    University of Oslo, Norway

                                                                                                                     Corona (AIA94+335+193)

                                                                                                                                                         Height in the solar atmosphere
In Cycle 4, which starts in October
2016, the Atacama Large Millimeter/
submillimeter Array (ALMA) will be
open for regular observations of the                                                                                 Corona (AIA171)

Sun for the first time. ALMA’s impres-
sive capabilities have the potential
to revolutionise our understanding of
                                                                                                                     Chromosphere (AIA304)
our host star, with far-reaching impli­
cations for our knowledge about stars
in general. The radiation emitted at
ALMA wavelengths originates mostly                                                                                   Photosphere (HMI)
from the chromosphere — a complex
and dynamic layer between the photo-                                                                                                     Wedemeyer, SDO/NASA
sphere and the corona that is prominent
during solar eclipses. Despite decades           Figure 1. The Sun as seen with NASA’s space-borne         able. Amongst the most important, cur­
                                                 Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) on 20 December
of intensive research, the chromo-                                                                         rently used, diagnostics are the spectral
                                                 2014, exhibiting a prominence on the top right limb
sphere is still elusive due to its complex       of the solar disc. The images on the right side show      lines of singly ionised calcium (Ca II) and
nature and the resulting challenges              close-ups of an active region observed in different       magnesium (Mg II), and Hα. Examples
to its observation. ALMA will change             filters, which essentially map plasma within different    of observations of the chromosphere in
                                                 temperature ranges and thus at different height
the scene substantially by opening up a                                                                    the Ca II spectral line at 854 nm are
                                                 ranges in the solar atmosphere. The lowest panel
new window on the Sun, promising                 shows the photosphere, whereas the top two                shown in Figure 2 for different types of
answers to long-standing questions.              images map the corona at temperatures of more             region on the Sun, all of them exhibiting
                                                 than 6 × 105 K and at millions of Kelvin, respectively.   a complicated structure shaped by the
                                                 ALMA will observe mostly the intermediate layer, the
                                                                                                           interaction of magnetic fields and dynamic
                                                 chromosphere, which is displayed in red.
The Sun — A dynamic multi-scale object                                                                     processes.

The impressive progress in ground-               and produce flares, i.e., violent eruptions               The real problem, however, lies in the
based and space-borne solar observa­             during which high-energy particles and                    interpretation of these observations
tions, together with numerical modelling,        intense radiation at all wavelengths are                  because these spectral lines have com­
has led to a dramatic change in our              emitted. It is fascinating to realise that the            plicated formation mechanisms, which
­picture of the Sun. We know now that the        Sun, a reliable source of energy sustain­                 include non-equilibrium effects that are
 solar atmosphere, i.e., the layers above        ing life on Earth, is at the same time the                a direct result of the intricate nature of
 the visible surface, cannot be described        source of the most violent and hazardous                  the chromosphere. This layer marks the
 as a static stack of isolated layers. Rather,   phenomena in the Solar System.                            transition between very different domains
 it has to be understood as a compound                                                                     in the atmosphere of the Sun. Many sim­
 of intermittent, highly dynamic domains,                                                                  plifying assumptions that can be made
 which are intricately coupled to one            Observing the elusive solar chromo­                       for the photosphere no longer hold for
 another. These domains are structured           sphere                                                    the rarer chromosphere. There, the mat­
 on a large range of spatial scales and                                                                    ter is optically thick for some wavelength
 exhibit a multitude of physical processes,      The different radiation continua and                      ranges, but mostly transparent for others.
 making the Sun a highly exciting plasma         spectral lines across the whole spectrum                  The ionisation degree of hydrogen, the
 physics laboratory.                             originate from different domains or layers                major ingredient of the Sun’s plasma, is
                                                 within the solar atmosphere and probe                     clearly out of equilibrium due to hot, prop­
High-resolution images and movies                different, complementary plasma prop­                     agating shock waves ionising the gas,
from modern solar observatories impres­          erties. Consequently, simultaneous multi-                 but recombination does not occur instan­
sively demonstrate the Sun’s complexity,         wavelength observations, as obtained                      taneously. Consequently, the observed
which is aesthetic and challenging at            during coordinated campaigns with space-                  intensities of chromospheric diagnostics
the same time (see Figure 1). While most         borne and ground-based instruments,                       usually depend on a large number of
of the Sun is covered by quiet (or quies­        are a standard in modern solar physics.                   ­factors, which are non-local and involve
cent) regions, a few active regions are                                                                     the previous evolution of the plasma.
prominently apparent. They are charac­           Unfortunately, only a few suitable diag­                   Deriving the true plasma properties from
terised by strong magnetic field concen­         nostic techniques for probing plasma                       an observable is therefore a complicated
trations, visible in the form of sunspots,       conditions in the chromosphere are avail­                  task with limited accuracy.

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Astronomical Science                          Wedemeyer S. et al., New Eyes on the Sun — Solar Science with ALMA

                                                                      Figure 2. Chromo­               the chromosphere changes on short
                                                                      spheric images taken in
                                                                                                      dynamic timescales, long integration
                                                                      the core of the Ca II
                                                                      ­infrared triplet line at a     times result in smearing out the pattern,
                                                                       wavelength of 854.2 nm,        most notably on the smallest scales,
                                                                       one of the currently most      which tend to evolve fastest. The first
                                                                       used chromospheric
                                                                                                      ALMA observations in Cycle 4 will already
                                                                       ­diagnostics. The obser­
                         ALMA                                                                         be able to allow for a time resolution of
                                                                        vations were carried
                         primary                                        out with the Swedish          only 2 seconds, which enables the study
                         beam                                           1-metre Solar Telescope.      of the complex interaction of magnetic
                         1 mm                                           The field of view is about
                                                                                                      fields and shock waves and yet-to-be-
                                                                        1 × 1 arcminute (~1/30
                                                                        of the solar diameter).       discovered dynamical processes —
 a                                 b                                    (a) An active region with     ­features that otherwise would not be
                                                                        an ongoing medium-             ob­servable. At the same time, the neces­
                                                                        class flare (inside the
                                                                                                       sary high time resolution makes observ­
                                                                        ­circle). (b) The chromo­
                                                                         sphere above a sunspot        ing the Sun different from many other
                                                                         close to the limb. (c) A      astronomical objects. Exploiting the
                                                                         quiet region inside a         Earth’s rotation for improving the Fourier
                                                                         ­coronal hole close to the
                                                                                                       u–v plane coverage is not an option
                                                                          disc centre. (d) A decay­
                                                                          ing active region with a     and thus other solutions are required for
                                                                          pronounced magnetic          adequate imaging of solar features.
                                                                          network cell close to the
                                                                          disc centre. Courtesy of
                                                                                                      The continuum radiation received at a
                                                                          L. Rouppe van der Voort
                                                                          (see also Wedemeyer et      given wavelength originates from a
 c                                 d                                      al., 2015).                 ­narrow layer in the solar atmosphere with
                                                                                                       the height depending on the selected
                                                                                                       wavelength (see Figure 3). At the shortest
The combination of the complicated,           chromo­sphere. In other words, the radia­                wavelengths accessible with ALMA, i.e.
dynamic and intermittent nature of the        tion at millimetre wavelengths gives direct              0.3 millimetres, the radiation stems from
chromosphere, with its non-linear rela­       access to fundamental properties such                    the upper photosphere and lower
tions between observables and plasma          as the gas temperature, which are other­                 chromo­sphere, whereas the uppermost
properties and the small number of useful     wise not easy to obtain. This unique                     chromosphere is mapped at ALMA’s
diagnostics, have hampered progress in        capability comes, unfortunately, at a                    longest wavelength (just short of 1 centi­
our understanding of this enigmatic layer.    price, namely the comparatively long                     metre). Rapid scanning through wave­
On the other hand, this challenge has         wavelength and the resulting low reso­                   length, which might be achieved via rapid
driven the development of instrumenta­        lution for a given telescope size com­                   receiver band switching in the future,
tion and theory. Currently, ground-based      pared to optical telescopes. Resolving                   thus implies scanning through height in
observations with the Swedish 1-metre         the relevant spatial scales on the Sun                   the solar atmosphere. Such observation
Solar Telescope (SST), aided by adaptive      would require enormous single telescope                  sequences could be developed into
optics and advanced image reconstruc­         apertures. The technical answer to this                  tomographic techniques for measuring
tion methods, achieve a spatial resolution    problem lies in the construction of large                the three-dimensional thermal structure
of ~ 0.1 arcseconds, which corresponds        interferometric arrays composed of many                  of the solar chromosphere — a true
to about 70 kilometres on the Sun. The        telescopes, mimicking a large aperture                   ­novelty with a significant scientific impact.
next generation of solar telescopes with      and facilitating reliable imaging of an                   The polari­sation, which ALMA can
mirror diameters of the order of 1.5 metres   extended source like the Sun. Despite                     ­measure, provides a measure of the lon­
currently, and 4 metres in the near future,   many noteworthy efforts in the past, only                  gitudinal component of the magnetic
will continue pushing towards smaller         ALMA can now achieve imaging with an                       field vector at the same time and in the
scales, which seems inevitably required       effective spatial resolution, which is, at                 same layer as the continuum radiation. In
in order to explain many observed solar       the shortest wavelengths, close to what                    the same way, a scan through wavelength
phenomenon not yet understood.                is currently achieved at visible wave­                     can be used to reconstruct the three-
                                              lengths and thus is sufficient for investi­                dimensional magnetic field structure in
                                              gating the small-scale structure of the                    the solar chromosphere. Measuring the
ALMA and a new view of the Sun                solar chromosphere.                                        magnetic field in this layer is in itself a hot
                                                                                                         topic and has been tried many times.
The solar radiation continuum at milli­       High-resolution imaging is only one of
metre wavelengths, as will be observed        several key capabilities that make ALMA                 Furthermore, the many spectral channels
with ALMA, may provide answers to             so interesting for solar observing. In                  and the flexible set-up of the ALMA
many open questions because it serves         ­addition, the high achievable temporal                 receiver bands opens up a number of new
as a nearly linear thermometer for             and spectral resolution and the ability to             possibilities. Radio recombination and
the plasma in a narrow layer of the solar      measure polarisation are crucial. Since                molecular lines at ­millimetre wavelengths

16         The Messenger 163 – March 2016
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                                                                                                                              Hot plasma
                                                            Torsional motion

                                    Transition region


                                                                                                                                                                                                      ule I


                                                                                           Canopy domain                                                                       Canopy domain

0.3 mm Wavelength 8.6 mm


                                                                                                    ril                                         Fib
                                        sphere                                                Fib                                                     ril
Continuum formation height

                             ~1.5 Mm                                                                           Sub-canopy domain

                                           c s = cA                                                                 Chromo-

                                                                                                                     swirl                                                     Sub-canopy

                              ~1 Mm                                                                                                                                              domain
                                                                                                                                                 Shock waves
                                                                                       Current sheets                                      Weak fields
                             ~0.5 Mm  Classical
                                   temperature min.                                 Small-scale canopies/HIFs
                                                                                       Reversed granulation
                              0 Mm τ
                                       500 = 1                                                                           p-modes /
                                                                                                      Granulation                                Vortex flows
                                       Convection                                                                        g-waves
                                                       Network                                                   Internetwork                                   Network                        Network


 Figure 3. Schematic structure of the atmospheric                                                         Atmospheric heating                                        Next to magnetic reconnection pro­
 layers in Quiet Sun regions, i.e. outside the strongest
                                                                                                          Since the late 1930s, it has been known                    cesses and Ohmic heating, wave heating
 magnetic field concentrations, exhibiting a multitude
 of different phenomena. The black solid and dotted                                                       that the gas temperature in the outer                      processes emerge as the most likely
 lines represent magnetic field lines. The arrow to the                                                   ­layers of the Sun rises, counter-intuitively,             heating candidates outside flaring regions
 left and coloured bars illustrate the height range                                                        from a temperature minimum of around                      (see, e.g., De Pontieu et al., 2007). The
 mapped by ALMA. Aspect ratio is not to scale. From
                                                                                                           4000 K at only a few hundred kilometres                   waves can be primarily distinguished
 Wedemeyer et al. (2015).
                                                                                                           above the visible surface to values in                    between acoustic and magnetohydrody­
                                                                                                           excess of a million degrees Kelvin in the                 namic (MHD) waves, where the latter are
 are expected to have a large diagnostic                                                                   corona (Edlén, 1943; see Figure 5). The                   subdivided into different wave modes,
 potential, providing complementary                                                                        obvious conclusion is that the outer layers               including for example Alfvén waves. MHD
 ­information about the thermal, kinetic                                                                   of the Sun are heated, but more than                      waves can in general contribute directly
  and magnetic state of the chromospheric                                                                  70 years later it is still not clear exactly              or indirectly to heating the atmospheric
  plasma and possibly adjacent layers.                                                                     how. The same applies to the outer layers                 plasma, i.e., through perturbation of the
  These unprecedented capabilities prom­                                                                   of other stars, too, making coronal and                   magnetic field resulting in damping of the
  ise important new findings for a large                                                                   chromospheric heating a central and long-                 waves and the associated release of
  range of topics and progress in funda­                                                                   standing problem in modern astrophysics.                  magnetic and kinetic energy. The conse­
  mental questions in contemporary solar                                                                                                                             quences of this heating are, for instance,
  physics, although the details need to be                                                                After many decades of research, a large                    observed in the form of the ubiquitous
  investigated first.                                                                                     number of processes are known, which                       spicules at the solar limb.
                                                                                                          could potentially provide the amount
                                                                                                          of energy required to explain the high                     A large number of observations and theo­
 Central questions in solar physics                                                                       temperatures deduced from observa­                         retical models suggest further potential
                                                                                                          tions. The question has therefore shifted                  candidates for relevant heating mecha­
 The chromosphere plays an important                                                                      to which processes exactly are the most                    nisms, for example magneto-acoustic
 role in the transport of energy and matter                                                               ­relevant. It seems plausible to assume                    shocks, gravity waves, (magneto-acoustic)
 throughout the solar atmosphere and                                                                       that a mix of different processes is                      high frequency waves, transverse kink
 influences a number of currently poorly                                                                   responsible and that their heating contri­                waves, multi-fluid effects and plasma
 understood phenomena. Given ALMA’s                                                                        butions vary for the different types of                   instabilities, to name just a few. The large
 unique capabilities, there is little doubt                                                                region on the Sun, each of which have                     number of possible heating mechanisms
 that ALMA will advance our knowledge                                                                      different magnetic field environments and                 has made it difficult to determine which
 of the chromosphere in all its different                                                                  thus different activity levels. Some pro­                 of them actually dominate and how their
 ­flavours ranging from quiet solar regions                                                                cesses provide continuous heating, pro­                   heating contributions depend on the type
  to flares. In particular, substantial pro­                                                               ducing a basal contribution, while others                 of region on the Sun. Knowledge of their
  gress can be expected regarding central                                                                  (e.g., flares, see below) have by nature                  characteristic properties, e.g., their spec­
  questions in contemporary solar physics,                                                                 a more transient effect and cause more                    tral signatures, would in principle allow
  which we describe below.                                                                                 variable and intermittent heating.                        the different mechanisms to be identified,

                                                                                                                                                                          The Messenger 163 – March 2016              17
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Astronomical Science                                               Wedemeyer S. et al., New Eyes on the Sun — Solar Science with ALMA

                 2.0                                                                                 slice
Height z (Mm)

                                      ro m osphk waves
                                    Ch th shoc                                                  km
                                     wi                                            000
                –2.4                                  ere n
                                            ho t ospahnulatio
                                           P th gr
                           M                                         zo n e
                                   (11                    v e c tion                                               Gas temperature                                                                 Brightness temperature
                                      )              Con          (11 )                                          at a height of 1000 km                                                          at a wavelength of 1 mm
                                                         8 Mm

 Figure 4. Illustration of a 3D numerical model of a                Sun may serve as a Rosetta Stone for                                                                 radiation covers the whole electro­
 small region in the solar atmosphere (left). The gas
                                                                    deciphering the various contributions from                                                           magnetic spectrum from gamma-rays
 temperature in a horizontal cross-section in the
 chromosphere at a height of 1000 km (centre) corre­                the different phenomena to stellar activity,                                                         and X-rays to radio waves. The strongest
 sponds closely to the brightness temperature at a                  and ALMA would be the tool of choice.                                                                solar flares observed occur in active
 wavelength of 1 mm (right) as derived from a detailed                                                                                                                   regions with strong magnetic fields and
 radiative transfer calculation involving the whole
                                                                    Solar flares                                                                                         release energy on the order of a few
 model atmosphere. The close match between pat­
 terns demonstrates that ALMA can serve as a linear                 ALMA will also be able to make substan­                                                              1032 ergs, equivalent to a few billion
 thermometer for the chromospheric plasma.                          tial contributions to answering many open                                                            ­megatons of TNT (Emslie et al., 2005).
                                                                    questions concerning solar flares, which
                                                                    can be considered as one of the major                                                                Not all flares are equally strong, but they
 the disentangling of their contributions                           problems in contemporary solar physics                                                               span a large range of strengths. The
 and could reveal the sources and sinks of                          and thus a very active field of research.                                                            much weaker micro- and nano-flares
 heating in the chromosphere through                                While many details are as yet unknown, it                                                            occur on small spatial scales and may
 which all energy has to pass on its way                            is clear that solar flares are produced                                                              contribute to the heating of the corona in
 into the corona. This crucial task, how­                           by the violent reconfiguration and recon­                                                            a more subtle and continuous way. In
 ever, ultimately requires quantitative and                         nection of the magnetic field in the solar                                                           contrast, the strongest flares are some­
 precise measurements, which can pro­                               atmosphere. As a result, large amounts                                                               times accompanied by coronal mass
 duce datasets that completely and unam­                            of energy, which were stored in the mag­                                                             ejections (CME) and can lead to the ejec­
 biguously describe the thermal, magnetic                           netic field prior to an event, are released                                                          tion of solar plasma into interplanetary
 and kinetic state of the chromospheric                             explosively in the form of radiation and                                                             space. Such space weather events can
 plasma in a way that is time-dependent                             high-energy particles, which are accel­                                                              have notable effects on Earth, ranging
 and in three spatial dimensions. ALMA                              erated to very high speeds. The emitted                                                              from beautiful aurorae to disruptions of
 has the potential to deliver just such
 impressive datasets, making it a potential
                                                                                                                        Optical “surface” (τ500 nm = 1)

 game-changer that would take an essen­                                                  10 6
 tial step towards answering the chromo­
 spheric/coronal heating problem.

 The answer to the heating problem would
                                                                                                                                                                               Transition region
                                                                   Gas temperature (K)

 have direct implications for the nature of                                              10 5
 stellar atmospheres and their activity in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Figure 5. Schematic
 general. Observations of the activity as a                                                                                                                                                                     average gas tem­p ­
 function of stellar type, e.g., by using the                                                                                                                                                                   erature of the Sun as
 observed flux density in the Ca II H + K                                                                                                                                                                       function of height.

 spectral lines as a chromospheric activity                                              10 4                                                                                                                   The lower curve illus­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                trates how the temp­
 indicator, reveal a lower limit, known as                                                                                                                                                                      erature in the upper
 basal flux (Schrijver, 1987). The exact                                                                                                                                                                        layers would decline
 source of this basal flux, however, is still                                                     Solar interior                                             Chromosphere                           Corona      without heating,
 debated. It is most likely the combined                                                          (not to scale)                                                                                                whereas the upper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                curve is the actual
 product of heating due to acoustic waves                                                                                                                                                                       average profile
 and processes connected to the atmos­                                                                                          0                              1000       2000         3000                     implied by observa­
 pheric magnetic field. In this respect, the                                                                                                                  Height above solar surface (km)                   tions.

 18                    The Messenger 163 – March 2016
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spectral, spatial and temporal resolution    are thus one of the primary sources of
                  Space-borne                       for observations in the sub-THz range,       space weather. It is not clear what exactly
                solar observations                  together with the ability to probe the       triggers such eruptions. Among the pro­
                                                    ­thermal structure and magnetic fields in    cesses, which may contribute and could
                                                     flaring regions, promise ground-breaking    be studied with ALMA, are (giant) solar
                                        Ground-      discoveries in this respect. Already the    tornadoes, which form at some of the
                                          based      thermal free-free radiation, which is       legs of prominences. The rotation of the
 Solar              Hi-res.                high-     mostly due to electron-ion free-free        magnetic prominence legs builds up twist
 radio             solar mm                          absorption and H− free-free absorption,     in the magnetic field of the overlying
                  astronomy               UV/IR      provides much needed information. In        prominence, which may eventually cause
                                           solar     addition, however, ALMA can also detect     a destabilisation of the whole structure.
                                    observations     the non-thermal radiation component
                                                     produced by gyro-synchrotron and gyro-      Other important questions, which could
                                                     resonance processes, which become           be addressed with ALMA, concern: the
                                                     important in the vicinity of strong mag­    thermal structure of prominence bodies
                    simulations                      netic fields and can thus provide impor­    with their spatial fine-structure, which is
                                                     tant clues about the acceleration of        composed of fine sub-arcsecond threads;
                                                     charged particles during flares. Another    and the transition to the ambient coronal
Figure 6. Shaping a new research field: high-­       intrinsic feature of flares, which can be   medium, with resulting implications for
resolution solar millimetre astronomy.
                                                     exploited by ALMA, are quasi-periodic       the energy balance of prominences.
                                                     pulsations, which constrain the physical    Equally, it is not yet settled what the ele­
power grids (like the Quebec blackout in             mechanisms behind the accumulation          mentary magnetic field structures are or
1989) and the satellite infrastructure on            and release of magnetic energy and the      how they connect to the field at the solar
which our modern society so sensitively              acceleration of particles.                  surface. In this respect, ALMA observa­
depends.                                                                                         tions at high spatial and temporal resolu­
                                                    Solar prominences                            tions will help to track the changes of
The strong flares observed so far may               ALMA is an ideal tool for probing the        the prominence plasma and the magnetic
not mark the upper end of the scale. The            cool plasma in the solar atmosphere          field, giving clues on how solar promi­
possible occurrence of super-flares is              and will therefore be able to contribute     nences form, how they evolve and even­
discussed (Maehara et al., 2012), which             to answering many still-open questions       tually diminish or erupt.
may release more energy than the infa­              about solar prominences. Solar promi­
mous Carrington event of 1859. This                 nences are extended structures in the        The advantage of using ALMA lies again
powerful geomagnetic storm was the                  solar atmosphere that reach up from the      in the easier interpretation of the obser­
result of a CME hitting the Earth’s magne­­         visible surface into the corona (Vial &      vations. The spectral lines in the optical
tosphere associated with a strong solar             Engvold, 2015). Prominences appear           and ultraviolet currently used for promi­
flare, resulting in aurorae unusually far           bright when seen above the solar limb        nence observations are optically thick, so
from the poles, visible in Hawaii, Cuba,            (Figure 1, top right) and as (dark) fila­    that detailed radiative transfer calcula­
Liberia and Queensland, but also respon­            ments when seen against the bright solar     tions are necessary for their analysis. In
sible for the failure of telegraph systems.         disc. The gas contained in a prominence      contrast, the prominence plasma is opti­
A CME of similar strength occurred in               is much cooler (some 104 K) and denser       cally thin at ALMA wavelengths, which
2012 but luckily missed the Earth. Such             than the surrounding 10 6 K coronal          makes the interpretation much simpler
super-energetic events are certainly rare,          plasma and is supported by magnetic          and straightforward. In addition, observa­
but they would have truly devastating               fields against gravity.                      tions of waves and oscillations in promi­
consequences for modern society and                                                              nences provide essential information and
must therefore be studied. Super-flares             Quiescent prominences exhibit large-         constraints on the magnetic field struc­
have been observed on other stars and               scale structures that can measure a few      ture. Prominences have already been
red dwarf stars even exhibit mega-flares,           100 000 kilometres, thus stretching over     seen with ALMA during test observations
which can be more than a thousand times             a sig­nificant portion of the Sun. These     and will certainly be an exciting target
stronger than their strongest (known)               prominences can remain stable for many       both for high-resolution studies of their
solar analogues and thus exceed the                 days or weeks, making them one of the        dynamic fine-structure and for mosaics
bolometric luminosity of the whole star in          longest-lived solar phenomena. Their fine    capturing their large-scale structure.
minutes (Hawley & Pettersen, 1991).                 structures, on the other hand, change
                                                    on timescales of a few minutes. In con­
Open questions about solar and stellar              trast, active prominences live for a much    Preparing the future
flares on all scales concern, for example,          shorter time, exhibit large-scale motions
the particle acceleration mechanisms                and can erupt within hours. Erupting         As in many other fields of astrophysics,
and the source of the still-enigmatic               prominences can propel substantial           numerical simulations have become an
emission component, which is observed               amounts of magnetised plasma at high         essential tool in solar physics. They help
at sub-THz frequencies. ALMA’s high                 speeds into interplanetary space and         to simulate what ALMA might observe

                                                                                                    The Messenger 163 – March 2016        19
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Astronomical Science                          Wedemeyer S. et al., New Eyes on the Sun — Solar Science with ALMA

               (Figure 4). Such artificial observations of   In essence, these developments illustrate                out by the solar development teams of the North
                                                                                                                      American, European and East Asian ALMA Regional
               the Sun allow for the development and         that a new research field is emerging,
                                                                                                                      Centres (ARCs) and the Joint Astronomical Obser­
               optimisation of observing strategies,         which could be named high-resolution                     vatory (JAO), and as part of recent SSALMON publi­
               which are quite different for the dynamic     solar millimetre astronomy (schematically                cations. Special thanks in connection with this article
               Sun than for most other ALMA targets.         shown in Figure 6). This new field brings                go to H. Hudson and N. Labrosse.
               For this purpose, and in connection with      together solar radio astronomy, which
               solar ALMA development studies, an            was previously limited to lower spatial                  References
               international network was initiated in        resolution, and ground-based and space-
               2014, which aims at defining and pre­         borne high-resolution observations at                    De Pontieu, B. et al. 2007, Science, 318, 1574
                                                                                                                      Edlén, B. 1943, Zeitschrift für Astrophysik, 22, 30
               paring key solar science with ALMA            other wavelength ranges, combined with
                                                                                                                      Emslie, A. G. et al. 2005, Journal of Geophysical
               through simulation studies: SSALMON1          state-of-the-art numerical modelling.                    	Research (Space Physics), 110, A9, 11103
               (Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large      This is a truly golden era for studies of the            Hawley, S. L. & Pettersen, B. R. 1991, ApJ, 378, 725
               Millimeter Observatory Network). The          solar chromosphere with many exciting                    Maehara, H. et al. 2012, Nature, 485, 478
                                                                                                                      Schrijver, C. J. 1987, A&A, 172, 111
               network has currently (as of early 2016)      scientific results expected for the coming
                                                                                                                      Vial, J.-C. & Engvold, O. 2015, A&SS Library,
               77 members from 18 countries around           years.                                                   	Vol. 415, (Switzerland: Springer International
               the world. Furthermore, the SolarALMA                                                                     Publishing)
               project, funded by the European Research                                                               Wedemeyer, S. et al. 2015, SSRv, Online First
               Council from 2016 to 2021 and hosted          Acknowledgements
               at the University of Oslo, aims at address­   Future solar observing with ALMA is made possible        Links
               ing the heating problem through a syn­        due to the dedicated work of many colleagues as
               thesis of ALMA observations and numeri­       part of Commissioning and Science Verification/­
               cal simulations.                              Extension of Capabilities (CSV/EOC) activities carried
ESO/C. Malin

                                                                                                                      A meteor burning up in the Earth’s atmosphere was
                                                                                                                      captured on camera during a time-lapse exposure of
                                                                                                                      the Atacama Large Millimeter/submilimeter Array
                                                                                                                      (ALMA) at Chajnantor.

               20         The Messenger 163 – March 2016
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