HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph

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HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
ELT Instrumentation                                                                                                 DOI: 10.18727/0722-6691/5215

HARMONI: the ELT’s First-Light Near-infrared and Visible
Integral Field Spectrograph

Niranjan Thatte 1                                    performance and good sky coverage,              widths), chemical abundances and
Matthias Tecza 1                                     respectively (AO) capability has recently       composition (via emission and absorption
Hermine Schnetler 2                                  been added for exoplanet characterisa-          line ratios) and the physical conditions
Benoit Neichel 3                                     tion. A large detector complement               (temperature, density, presence of shocks)
Dave Melotte 2                                       of eight HAWAII-4RG arrays, four                of the emitting region (via line diagnostics).
Thierry Fusco 3, 4                                   choices of spaxel scale, and 11 grating         In addition, specialist capabilities such
Vanessa Ferraro-Wood 1                               choices with resolving powers ranging           as molecular mapping for high contrast
Fraser Clarke 1                                      from R ~ 3000 to R ~ 17 000 make                observations, or the use of deconvolution
Ian Bryson 2                                         HARMONI a very versatile instrument             with knowledge of the point spread func-
Kieran O’Brien 5                                     that can cater to a wide range of               tion (PSF) from AO telemetry extend the
Mario Mateo 6                                        observing programmes.                           areas where HARMONI will make a huge
Begoña Garcia Lorenzo 7                                                                              impact. Some examples are showcased
Chris Evans 2                                                                                        in the last section of this article.
Nicolas Bouché 8                                     About HARMONI
Santiago Arribas 9
and the HARMONI Consortium a                         HARMONI will provide the ELT’s work-            Spatial and spectral grasp
                                                     horse spectroscopic capability at first
                                                     light. A visible and near-infrared integral     Figure 1a shows the spatial layout of the
   epartment of Physics, University
  D                                                  field spectrograph (IFS), it provides a         HARMONI field of view (FoV) at its four
  of Oxford, UK                                      “point-and-shoot” capability to simultane-      different spaxel scales, one of which
  United Kingdom Astronomy Technology               ously obtain a spectrum of every spaxelb        may be selected on the fly. At any spaxel
   Centre (UKATC), Edinburgh, UK                     over a modest field of view. Several differ-    scale, HARMONI simultaneously observes
   L aboratoire d’Astrophysique                     ent flavours of adaptive optics ensure          spectra of ~ 31 000 spaxels in a con­
    de Marseille (LAM), France                       (near) diffraction-limited spatial resolution   tiguous rectangular field. The common
    Département d’Optique et Techniques             of ~ 10 milliarcseconds over most of the        wavelength range in each data cube is
     Avancées (DOTA), Office National                sky. ELT+HARMONI will transform the             ~ 3700 pixels long, after accounting for
     d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatial           landscape of observational astronomy            the stagger between adjacent slitlets and
     (ONERA), Paris, France                          by providing a big leap in sensitivity and      slit curvature. The spaxel scales range
     Physics Department, Durham                     resolution — a combination of the ELT’s         from 0.06 × 0.03 arcseconds per spaxel,
      University, UK                                 huge collecting area, the exquisite spatial     limited by the focal ratios achievable in
      Department of Astronomy, University           resolution provided by the AO, and large        the spectrograph cameras, to 4 × 4 milli-
       of Michigan, USA                              instantaneous wavelength coverage cou-          arcseconds per spaxel, set to Nyquist
       Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)   pled with a range of spectral resolving         sample the ELT’s diffraction limit in the
        and Departamento de Astrofísica,             powers (R ~ 3000 to 17 000).                    NIR H band. Two other intermediate
        Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife,                                                          scales of 10 × 10 milliarcseconds per
        Spain                                        Over the last couple of years, HARMONI          spaxel and 20 × 20 milliarcseconds per
        Centre de Recherche Astrophysique           has added substantially to the core             spaxel allow the user to optimise for sensi-
         de Lyon (CRAL), France                      instrument. The LTAO capability is part         tivity, spatial resolution or FoV, as required.
         Centro de Astrobiología – Instituto        of the baseline, as is a high-contrast AO       A larger FoV is particularly desirable when
          Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial,          (HCAO) mode that aims to enable direct          using the “nod-on-IFU” technique to
          Consejo Superior de Investigaciones        spectroscopy of extra-solar planetary           achieve accurate sky background sub-
          Científicas (CAB-INTA/CSIC), Madrid,       companions. The University of Michigan          traction, as it involves positioning the
          Spain                                      has joined as a new partner, providing          object alternately in each half of the FoV.
                                                     a much needed cash injection, while the
                                                     Institut de Planétologie et d’Astrophysique     The versatility in choice of plate scale
The High Angular Resolution Monolithic               de Grenoble (IPAG) is funding the hard-         is complemented by a large choice of
Optical and Near-infrared Integral field             ware for HCAO.                                  wavelength ranges and spectral resolving
spectrograph (HARMONI) is the visible                                                                powers, as shown in Figure 1b. HARMONI
and near-infrared (NIR), adaptive-­optics-           HARMONI is equally suited to spatially          uses Volume Phase Holographic (VPH)
assisted, integral field spectrograph for            resolved spectroscopy of extended tar-          gratings for high efficiency. Each grating
ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT).               gets and of point sources, particularly if      has a fixed wavelength range, so needs
It will have both a single-­conjugate                their positions are not precisely known         to be physically exchanged to change
adaptive optics (SCAO) mode (using                   (for example, transients), or if they are       observing band. One of eleven different
a single bright natural guide star) and              located in crowded fields. The data cube        gratings can be chosen, which between
a laser tomographic adaptive optics                  obtained from a single integral field expo-     them provide three different resolving
(LTAO) mode (using multiple laser guide              sure can yield information about the            powers (R ~ 3000, 7000 and 17 000)
stars), providing near diffraction-­limited          source morphology (via broad- or narrow-­       spanning the various atmospheric win-
hyper-spectral imaging. A unique high-­              band images), spatially resolved kinemat-       dows in the NIR (atmospheric transmis-
contrast adaptive optics with high                   ics and dynamics (via Doppler shifts and        sion is shown in grey in Figure 1b).

                                                                                                               The Messenger 182 | 2021           7
HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
ELT Instrumentation                                                                             Thatte N. et al., HARMONI

a)                               Spaxel                                                                                                                               c)                                                                     50
                                              30 mas                            20 mas                              10 mas                              4 mas
                                60 mas

                                                   6.12 arcsec

                                                                                                                                                                                                      0.3                                    40
                                                                                  4.08 arcsec

                                                                                                                                                        0.82 arcsec
                                                                                                                      2.04 arcsec
                                9.12 arcsec                             3.04 arcsec                          1.52 arcsec                          0.61 arcsec

                                                                                                                                                                       Declination + 2.17 (degrees)
                   For non-AO and visible                        For optimal sensitivity             Best combination for                     Highest spatial
                        observations                                  (faint targets)                   sensitivity and                           resolution

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Strehl ratio (%)
                                                                                                       spatial resolution                   (diffraction limited)
      1 milliarcsecond (mas) = 0.001 arcsec                                                                                                                                                           0.2
                                                                          Grating resolutions
b)                     32 000

                       16 000                                                                                                                      VIS                                                                                       20
     Resolving power

                                                                                                                                                   HK                                                 0.1
                        8000                                                                                                                       Iz
                        4000                                                                                                                                                                                                                 10
                        2000                                                                                                                       K-high2                                            0.0
                            0.4         0.6      0.8             1      1.2   1.4     1.6              1.8        2                 2.2   2.4                                                              0.0                0.1
                                                                          Wavelength (μm)                                                                                                               Right ascension + 150.05 (degrees)

Figure 1. a) Spatial layout of the HARMONI science                                              Adaptive optics flavours                                                 information from the six lines of sight to
field, showing the spaxel sizes and fields of view
                                                                                                                                                                         reconstruct the wavefront aberration for
at the four different spaxel scales. b) Spectral cover-
age and resolving power ranges for each of the                                                  The ELT is an adaptive telescope, with                                   the on-axis path, and commands M4 and
11 HARMONI grating choices. The atmospheric                                                     M4 (a deformable mirror with over 5000                                   M5 to the appropriate shapes to eliminate
transmission is shown in grey. c) Expected AO per-                                              actuators) and M5 (a fast tip-tilt mirror)                               the effect of the turbulence, providing a
formance (Strehl ratio) for the COSMOS deep field,
                                                                                                providing active correction of atmos-                                    near diffraction-limited corrected wave-
observed with HARMONI LTAO in good seeing con-
ditions (0.43 arcseconds), illustrating the sky cover-                                          pheric turbulence. The sensing of the                                    front to the IFS.
age achieved for a typical patch of sky.                                                        wavefront aberrations is done by the sci-
                                                                                                ence instruments — better rejection of                                   It is not possible to measure the image
                                                                                                common-mode disturbances such as flex-                                   motion with LGS, so a separate natural
A fixed-length spectrum implies a natural                                                       ure and vibrations is achieved by splitting                              guide star (NGS) is needed to sense tip-
compromise between instantaneous                                                                the wavefront sensing light as close to the                              tilt and focus. A single off-axis NGS is
wavelength coverage and resolving power.                                                        science focal plane as possible. The                                     sensed by HARMONI’s NGS System
One grating provides coverage at visible                                                        scheme used for wavefront sensing leads                                  (NGSS), with a probe arm that patrols a
wavelengths (V and R bands), requiring a                                                        to HARMONI’s four distinct operating                                     1-arcminute-radius field centred on the
different set of detectors (CCDs instead                                                        modes: LTAO, SCAO, HCAO, and noAO —                                      IFS FoV. The NGS position and focus are
of the HgCdTe arrays used in the NIR).                                                          the last providing no adaptive optics cor-                               sensed at several hundred Hz in the H
However, as AO correction works well                                                            rection of atmospheric turbulence.                                       and K bands, while a slow “Truth Sensor”
only at longer NIR wavelengths, the spatial                                                                                                                              uses the J-band light from the same star
resolution achieved at visible wavelengths                                                      In LTAO operation, six laser guide star                                  to eliminate any low-order wavefront
is close to seeing-limited, making the                                                          (LGS) sensors, each with 78 × 78 sub-­                                   errors introduced by the LGS. The NGSS
large spaxel count somewhat superflu-                                                           apertures, measure the wavefront aberra-                                 is able to operate with stars as faint as
ous. Consequently, only half the FoV is                                                         tions at 500 Hz from six sodium laser                                    HAB = 19, so that HARMONI’s LTAO sys-
offered at visible wavelengths, at all                                                          stars. The laser stars are located in an                                 tem can provide excellent sky coverage
spaxel scales.                                                                                  asterism with a diameter of ~ 1 arcminute,                               — 75% of the sky at the south Galactic
                                                                                                which provides the best compromise                                       pole (SGP) with Strehl exceeding 30% in
                                                                                                between peak performance and robust-                                     the K band under median conditions of
                                                                                                ness to changing atmospheric parame-                                     atmospheric turbulence (see Figure 1c for
                                                                                                ters. HARMONI’s AO Control System                                        an example of LTAO sky coverage).
                                                                                                (AOCS) stitches together the wavefront

8                               The Messenger 182 | 2021
HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
Even better performance may be                         combination of a pupil-plane apodiser           at half maximum (FWHM) of the seeing.
obtained by using HARMONI’s SCAO                       and a focal-plane mask. Because of              2 × 1 and 4 × 1 binning along the spatial
system, provided a single, bright, natural             uncorrected atmospheric differential            axis can be used to reduce readout times
guide star is present within 15 arcseconds             refraction (chromatic beam shift), it is not    for the CCD detectors, creating effective
of the science target of interest. SCAO                possible to use classical coronagraphs to       spaxels of 0.06 × 0.06 arcseconds and
can also deal with extended objects                    improve contrast. The novel design by           0.06 × 0.12 arcseconds, respectively, that
as AO reference “stars”, with slightly                 Carlotti et al. (2018) achieves good rejec-     are a better match to the seeing FWHM.
degraded performance, as long as the                   tion of starlight — the goal being (post-­
reference is less than 2.5 arcseconds                  processed) contrasts of > 10 6 at separa-
in diameter. Unlike the LTAO system                    tions < 0.2 arcseconds — whilst enabling        Instrument description
(which uses an off-axis NGS), SCAO                     inner working angles (IWA) of less than
uses a dichroic that sends light in the                100 milliarcseconds for IFS spectroscopy.       Figure 2b shows an overview CAD model
700–1000 nm range to a pyramid wave-                   HCAO works only with an on-axis NGS.            of the HARMONI instrument. The instru-
front sensor operating at 500 Hz, with                 It uses the pyramid wavefront sensor of         ment is ~ 8 m tall, and has a footprint of
longer wavelengths (1000–2450 nm)                      the SCAO system for sensing wavefront           5 × 6 m and a total weight of approxi-
available for spectroscopy with the IFS.               aberrations, with a second ZELDA wave-          mately 36 tonnes. The opto-mechanics
Both on-axis and off-axis NGS may be                   front sensor (N’Diaye et al., 2016) for         of the IFS consists of the pre-optics scale
used. Optimal performance is achieved                  improved sensitivity in the high-Strehl         changer, the integral field unit (IFU) and
for stars down to V = 12, with a limiting              regime. Angular Differential Imaging (ADI)      four spectrograph units. The IFU re-
magnitude of V ~ 17. A second SCAO                     will also be employed to reduce the             arranges the light from the field into four
dichroic is available, albeit with a reduced           impact of quasi-static speckles. Conse-         500-mm pseudo long slits, which form
patrol field of 4 arcseconds in diameter,              quently, the HCAO mode drives the IFS           the input to the four spectrograph units.
with a cut-in wavelength of 800 nm for                 rotator to track the pupil, rather than field   The IFS opto-mechanics resides in a
spectroscopy, allowing observations that               tracking as employed in all other modes.        large cryostat, about 3.26 m in diameter
use z-band stellar absorption features as                                                              and 4 m tall (a cutaway view is shown in
diagnostics.                                           At wavelengths where AO correction is           Figure 2a), at a constant operating tem-
                                                       expected to be poor, or when AO cannot          perature of 130 K to minimise thermal
The HCAO mode adds a high-contrast                     be used owing to weather or technical           background. The NIR detectors (eight
capability to HARMONI, using a                         constraints, HARMONI’s noAO mode can            4096 × 4096-pixel HAWAII 4RG arrays)
                                                       provide “seeing-limited” performance.           are operated at the lower temperature of
Figure 2. a) Cutaway CAD model of the HARMONI          The noAO mode utilises a faint (I < 23)         40 K. The instrument rotator and cable
cryostat (ICR), situated on the instrument rotator
and cable wrap (IRW). The view shows the main
                                                       natural star for slow (~ 0.1 Hz) secondary      wrap (IRW) allow the entire cryostat to
opto-mechanical components of the integral field       guiding, eliminating slow drifts of the         rotate about a vertical axis to follow field
spectrograph (IFS), namely the IFS pre-optics (IPO),   instrument focal plane and ensuring             rotation at the ELT’s Nasmyth focus. The
the integral field unit (IFU), and the spectrographs   accurate pointing. This mode is typically       vertical rotation axis guarantees an invari-
(ISP). b) overall CAD assembly of HARMONI, with the
various systems comprising the instrument coloured
                                                       expected to be used with the visible grat-      ant gravity vector, improving the instru-
differently. The LSS is the LGSS Support Structure.    ing and the coarsest spaxel scale, as all       ment’s stability by minimising flexure.
Other acronyms are explained in the text.              scales heavily oversample the full width

a)                                                                             b)                                         LGSS



      ICR                                              ICR cold structure                                                                    CM

                                                                                           ISS top frame
rotating                                                         ISP
electronics                                                                                                                                  ISS
cabinets                                                                                                                                     main

                                                                                                                  The Messenger 182 | 2021            9
HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
ELT Instrumentation                                                                                         Thatte N. et al., HARMONI

                                                                     1 × 10 7                                                                                                                        Figure 3. a) Reconstructed images of Io, observed
                                                                                                                                                                                                     with HARMONI at a scale of 4 × 4 milliarcseconds,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     without deconvolution. The bottom image shows
                                                                                                                                                                                                     two volcanic hot spots that dominate the NIR emis-
                                                                     8 × 10 8                                                                                                                        sion, while the top image is in a quiescent state.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Simulated spectra of four hot-spots at different tem-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     peratures ranging from 600 K to 1200 K are also
                                                  Flux (electrons)

                                                                     6 × 10 8                                                                                                                        shown. b) Reconstructed image and spectrum
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of a simulated Type-Ia supernova in a z ~ 3 galaxy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     located 0.2 arcseconds from the galaxy nucleus.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     c) z ~ 6 galaxy from the NEW HORIZON cosmologi-
                                                                     4 × 10 8                                                                                                                        cal simulation, and its mock observation with ELT+
                                                                                                                                                                                                     HARMONI. The spectrum shows a clear detection of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the He II line from Pop III stars, in a 10-hr exposure.

                                                                     2 × 10 8

b)                                                                         0
                                                                                                     1.6               1.8           2.0                                     2.2           2.4
                                                                                                                             Wavelength (μm)

  b)                     log(Flux) in electrons
                10 2    101     10 0 10 –1 10 –2 10 –3 10 –4                                                         Rest wavelength (Å) at z = 3.0000
                                                                                                                  4000     4500      5000        5500                                 6000

          10                                                                                       0.10

                                                                                Fื (normalised)




                                                                                                  –0.05          sn_observed
          60                                                                                                     SN 1981B max

                0 10      20       30     40                50           60                                    1.6 × 104 1.8 × 104 2.0 × 104 2.2 × 104 2.4 × 104
                                    Pixels                                                                               Observed wavelength (Å)

                                Σgas (M๬ pc –2)                                                            N He II 1640 (electrons)
                          101        10 2             10 3                                            10 2                    10 3
          1.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1.0
                                                                                                                                                                          25 000
                                                                                                                                                                                   G5, z = 6
                       G5, z = 6                                                                    Post – HSIM
                                                                                                                                                                                   FWHM = 80.7 ± 0.4 km s –1                                           0.8
                                                                                                                                             N (× 10 –5 electrons s –1)

          0.5                                                                                                                                                             20 000   Npeak /Ncont. = 15.49 ± .07

                                                                                                                                                                                   Spaxel scale: 10 × 10
                                                                                                                                                                          15 000                                                                       0.6
y (kpc)

                                                                                                                                                                          10 000                                                                       0.4

                                                                                                                                                                           5000                                                                        0.2
                                                                                                   50 mas

      –1.0                                                                                                                                                                    0                                                                        0.0
         –1.0            –0.5        0.0              0.5                 1.0 –1.0                    –0.5          0.0        0.5     1.0                                         1.149         1.150   1.151      1.152   1.153     1.154    1.155
                                                                          x (kpc)                                                                                                                                λ (μm)

The NGSS is located on top of the IFS                                                                       top of the cryostat and the NGSS. Both                                                   just past the instrument slow shutter,
cryostat and co-rotates with it. It houses                                                                  the FPRS and NGSS are maintained in a                                                    close to where telescope light enters the
the natural guide star sensors for all four                                                                 dry gas environment at a constant tem-                                                   instrument, at a beam height of 6 m
operating modes. As the telescope’s                                                                         perature of –15 degrees C, reducing                                                      above the Nasmyth platform. The first
back focal distance is insufficient to                                                                      thermal background for improved K-band                                                   element in the instrument light path is
relay the telescope light directly into the                                                                 sensitivity and minimising thermal drifts.                                               the LGS dichroic, which sends light at
upward-­looking cryostat, a focal-plane                                                                                                                                                              589 nm from the ELT’s six LGS to the
relay system (FPRS) re-images 2 arcmin-                                                                     The LGS System (LGSS) and the                                                            LGSS. As the LGS asterism is projected
utes of the telescope focal plane to the                                                                    Calibration Module (CM) are located                                                      from the periphery of the ELT primary

10                       The Messenger 182 | 2021
HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
mirror (M1), it co-rotates with the tele-      non-destructive readout saved in the             required exposure time or even the feasi-
scope pupil, and the LGSS needs its own        archive. AO telemetry data, useful for           bility of the planned observation. It also
de-rotator to compensate. The CM can           reconstructing the PSF during the expo-          allows the user to develop and test the
insert light from calibration lamps via fold   sure, will also be archived.                     analysis tools required. The HSIM code is
mirrors into the beam path, mimicking                                                           publicly available2.
the telescope f-ratio and pupil location. It   Science calibrations needed by the data
provides line and continuum sources for        reduction pipeline, such as arc lamp             HSIM predicts point source sensitivities
all science and technical calibrations. The    exposures for wavelength calibration,            (5σ, 5 hr, 2 × 2-spaxel extraction aper-
Instrument Static Structure (ISS) provides     detector bias and dark frames, flat fields       ture) of JAB = 25.6, HAB = 26.8, KAB = 25.9
a robust mechanical structure and              and vertical line and pinhole masks, will        in LTAO mode, with SCAO performance
access to all instrument systems.              be carried out the morning after the             of JAB = 26.2, HAB = 27.0, KAB = 26.0 at
                                               observations, as is typical for VLT instru-      R ~ 3000. The point source sensitivities
                                               ments. ELT instruments are required to           do not convey the full picture, so we have
Operation and calibration                      be light-tight, so calibrations can happen       used HSIM to carry out detailed simula-
                                               in parallel for all instruments. With four       tions showcasing a few planned observa-
HARMONI is conceptually simple to oper-        observing modes, 4 choices of spaxel             tions with HARMONI. These range from
ate, as it provides a “point-and-shoot”        scale, and 11 grating settings, the number       objects in our own Solar System to the
capability. The user selects one of four       of distinct configurations needing calibra-      most distant galaxies at z ~ 6–10.
operating modes: noAO, SCAO, HCAO              tion exceeds 100. Consequently, only the
or LTAO. In addition, the user must            configurations used during the night will        Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically
choose a setting that specifies a choice       be calibrated the following morning. Sci-        active body in the Solar System. Groussin
of spaxel scale, grating and, optionally,      ence calibrations and additional monitor-        et al. (in preparation) have simulated ELT
other user-selectable items (for example,      ing calibrations will be used for “health-       observations of Io’s hotspots. They show
SCAO dichroic, or apodiser) and the            checks” (to monitor trends in instrument         that it is possible to distinguish between
instrument is configured accordingly.          performance). Efforts will be made to mini-      sulphurous and ultra-mafic composition
Accurate pointing is assured by specify-       mise night-time calibrations (telluric or        of the ejecta by measuring the ejecta’s
ing offsets of the science field centre        flux standards) wherever possible. Meth-         temperature (see Figure 3a) from their
from the natural guide star. As a conse-       ods that use model-based calibrations            NIR spectra, using HARMONI’s SCAO
quence, the default acquisition sequence       instead are being actively investigated          mode providing near diffraction-limited
does not require an acquisition exposure       by a number of ESO working groups.               spatial resolution.
with the IFS — once the guide star is
acquired and all control loops are closed,                                                      Bounissou et al. (2018) have shown that
the first science exposure can commence        Performance                                      HARMONI LTAO can provide direct spec-
straight away. Thanks to the unprece-                                                           troscopic classification of a supernova
dented spatial resolution of the ELT, the      We have developed a python simulator,            in a galaxy at z ~ 3 in a 3-hr observation,
accuracy of information needed for guide       HSIM1, to provide prospective users with         up to 2 months past maximum light (see
stars (proper motion, colour, etc.) is much    the ability to quantitatively assess the effi-   Figure 3b), using the Si II feature (at
higher than for the Very Large Telescope       cacy of their proposed observing pro-            400 nm in the rest frame). Confirming
(VLT). With the faint guide stars which        gramme. HSIM (Zieleniewski et al., 2015)         type Ia supernovae spectroscopically for
can be used by HARMONI, catalogues             is a “cube-in, cube-out” simulator that          a small sub-sample will allow studies of
may not suffice and pre-imaging of the         mimics the effects of atmosphere, tele-          cosmic expansion rates to be pushed to
field might be needed in some cases.           scope, instrument and detector, including        substantially higher redshifts.
                                               the strongly wavelength-dependent, non-­
Observing templates will have a similar        axisymmetric AO PSF. The user can ana-           We have used the adaptive mesh refine-
look and feel to those of other VLT NIR        lyse the output cube as if it were the out-      ment cosmological simulations from the
IFS, and will include a variety of sky-­       put of the instrument pipeline for a real        NEW HORIZON suite (Dubois et al., 2020)
subtraction strategies such as “offset         observation, as it incorporates noise from       to simulate studies of high-z galaxies with
to blank sky”, “nod-on-IFU” or “stare”,        all sources, including shot noise from           HARMONI in a spatially resolved manner.
together with small jitters to work around     thermal background and night-sky emis-           Using cosmological simulations that cre-
bad or hot pixels. Mosaicking will also be     sion, detector readout noise and dark            ate galaxies at high spatial resolution
supported in the usual way, as will non-­      current. Detector systematics and the            commensurate with HARMONI’s observa-
sidereal tracking in LTAO and noAO             impact of sky subtraction can also be            tional capabilities (~ 100 pc at z ~ 2–10) is
modes (in SCAO and HCAO mode, the              included if desired. Through detailed            preferred because the objects have mor-
only non-sidereal observation possible         analysis of the output cube, the astrono-        phologies and kinematic and dynamical
is when the AO reference “star” is itself      mer can derive uncertainties and confi-          properties consistent with the ob­served
non-sidereal). NIR long exposures (typical     dence levels for the derived physical            ensemble population at high redshifts,
for spectroscopy of faint targets) will use    parameters from the observation, rather          and have well understood input physics
Sample-Up-The-Ramp (SUTR) readout              than just the signal-to-noise ratio per          consistent with known laws and cosmo-
to minimise readout noise, with every          spaxel (or pixel), thus quantifying the          logical evolution (Richardson et al., 2020).

                                                                                                         The Messenger 182 | 2021         11
HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
ELT Instrumentation                              Thatte N. et al., HARMONI

                              Grisdale et al. (2020) have used NEW             from a substantial fraction of the mock               Olivier Groussin (Io simulations) and Kearn Grisdale
                                                                                                                                     (Pop III simulations). We are also grateful to James
                              HORIZON simulations, post-processed              galaxies in a 10-hr exposure (Figure 3c).
                                                                                                                                     Carruthers, Neil Campbell, and David Montgomery
                              using the CLOUDY radiative transfer              However, to be certain that the line                  for CAD views. Miguel Pereira-Santaella is the
                              code (Ferland et al., 2017) to show              indicates the presence of Pop III stars               author of HSIM and we thank him for the sen­s i­-
                              that HARMONI LTAO could detect the               would require ancillary observations of               tivity computations.
                              presence of the first stars (Pop III stars) in   the H-­alpha line from these objects to
                              galaxies at very high redshifts (z = 3–10).      measure the He II to H-alpha ratio, prob-             References
                              The existence of Pop III stars has not           ably using the James Webb Space
                              been observationally confirmed up to             Telescope, given the high redshifts                   Bounissou, S. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 478, 3189
                                                                                                                                     Carlotti, A. et al. 2018, Proc. SPIE, 10702, 107029N
                              now, although several attempts have              involved.
                                                                                                                                     Dubois, Y. et al. 2020, arXiv:2009.10578
                              been made and some excellent candi-                                                                    Ferland, G. J. et al. 2017, Revista Mexicana
                              dates have been identified. Given their                                                                   de Astronomía y Astrofísica, 53, 385
                              primordial composition with no heavy             Acknowledgements                                      Grisdale, K. et al. 2021, MNRAS, 501, 5517
                                                                                                                                     N’Diaye, M. et al. 2016, Proc. SPIE, 9909, 99096S
                              elements, Pop III stars are expected to          HARMONI work in the UK is supported by the            Richardson, M. et al. 2020, MNRAS, 498, 1891
                              be substantially more massive than their         Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)      Zieleniewski, S. et al. 2015, MNRAS, 453, 3754
                              metal-rich cousins. Consequently, they           at the UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UKATC),
                              should burn much hotter, and have a              Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), University of
                                                                               Oxford (grants ST/N002717/1 and ST/S001409/1)         Links
                              much higher ultraviolet flux, capable of         and Durham University (grant ST/S001360/1), as part
                              ionising not only hydrogen but also helium       of the UK ELT Programme. In France, the HARMONI       1
                                                                                                                                      HSIM simulator: https://harmoni-elt.physics.ox.ac.
                              in the surrounding gas (H II region). The        Project is supported by the CSAA-CNRS/INSU,            uk/Hsim.html
                              strength of the He II 164 nm line is thus        ONERA, A*MIDEX, LABEX LIO, and Université             2
                                                                                                                                      HSIM code: https://github.com/HARMONI-ELT/HSIM
                                                                               Grenoble Alpes. The IAC and CAB (CSIC-INTA)
                              a good observational diagnostic for the          acknowledge support from the Spanish MCIU/AEI/
                              presence of Pop III stars. Despite the           FEDER UE (grants AYA2105-68217-P, SEV-2015-           Notes
                              large luminosity distance of these very          0548, AYA2017-85170-R, PID2019-107010GB-100,
                              high-redshift star forming regions, the          CSIC-PIE201750E006, and PID2019-105423GA-I00)         a
                                                                                                                                      The full list of HARMONI Consortium members can
                                                                               and from the Comunidad de Madrid (grant 2018-T1/       be found at https://harmoni-elt.physics.ox.ac.uk/
                              ELT’s huge collecting area, coupled with         TIC-11035).                                            consortium.html
                              the exquisite spatial resolution provided                                                              b
                                                                                                                                      Spaxel stands for SPAtial piXEL, to distinguish it
                              by HARMONI LTAO, would detect the                The authors would like to acknowledge contributions    from a pixel of the spectrograph detector.
                              He II feature with good signal-to-noise          from Sophie Bounissou (supernova simulations),

                                                                                                                                                                 If you had a brand new
                                                                                                                                                                 state-of-the-art tele-
                                                                                                                                                                 scope facility, what
                                                                                                                                                                 would you look at first?
                                                                                                                                                                 Researchers at the
                                                                                                                                                                 SPECULOOS Southern
                                                                                                                                                                 Observatory — which
                                                                                                                                                                 comprises four small tel-
                                                                                                                                                                 escopes, each with a
                                                                                                                                                                 1-metre primary mirror
                                                                                                                                                                 — chose to view the
                                                                                                                                                                 Lagoon Nebula. This
                                                                                                                                                                 magnificent picture is
                                                                                                                                                                 the result, and is one of
                                                                                                                                                                 the SPECULOOS’ first
                                                                                                                                                                 ever observations.

                              12          The Messenger 182 | 2021
HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph HARMONI: the ELT's First-Light Near-infrared and Visible Integral Field Spectrograph
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