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NEW ACQUISITIONS - JUNE 2021 BOOKS GENERAL FICTION Call No. Author Title F ABRAMS, S Abrams, Stacey While justice sleeps : a novel F ANDERSON, R Anderson, Rebecca, 1973- Isabelle and Alexander F ANDREWS, M Andrews, Mary Kay, 1954- The newcomer F AXELROD, X Axelrod, Xio The girl with stars in her eyes F BARCLAY, L Barclay, Linwood Find you first : a novel F BAZELON, L Bazelon, Lara, 1974- A good mother : a novel F BERRY, F Berry, Flynn, 1986- Northern spy F BLAU, J Blau, Jessica Anya Mary Jane : a novel F BOHJALIAN, C Bohjalian, Chris, 1962- Hour of the witch : a novel F BOSTWICK, M Bostwick, Marie The restoration of Celia Fairchild : a novel F BROMLEY, K Bromley, Kate Talk bookish to me F BROWN, D Brown, Dale, 1956- Arctic storm rising : a novel F BRUNDAGE, E Brundage, Elizabeth The vanishing point : a novel F BUNN, D Bunn, T. Davis, 1952- The cottage on Lighthouse Lane F CAMERON, W Cameron, W. Bruce A dog's courage : a dog's way home novel F CARITJ, A Caritj, Anna Leda and the swan F CARTER, M Carter, Mary Dixie The photographer F CLARK, G Clark, Georgia It had to be you : a novel F CLARKE, A Clarke, Amy Suiter Girl, 11 F CLEETON, C Cleeton, Chanel The most beautiful girl in Cuba F COBB, M Cobb, May K., 1973- The hunting wives F COLLINS, B Collins, Bridget The betrayals F CUSK, R Cusk, Rachel, 1967- Second place F CUSSLER, C Cussler, Clive The saboteurs F DAVE, L Dave, Laura The last thing he told me : a novel F DENT, L Dent, Lizzy The summer job F DESIREE, A Desiree, Amanda Smithy F DONGALA, E Dongala, Emmanuel Boundzéki, The Bridgetower sonata : sonata mulattica 1941- F DORN, L Dorn, L. R. The anatomy of desire : a novel F ENJETI, A Enjeti, Anjali The parted earth F FENG, L Feng, Linda Rui, 1975- Swimming back to Trout River : a novel F FRASER, J Fraser, Jackie, 1972- The bookshop of second chances : a novel F FREDERICK, J Frederick, Jen Heart and Seoul F FRIEDLAND, E Friedland, Elyssa Last summer at the Golden Hotel F FULLER, C Fuller, Claire Unsettled ground F GANNON, G Gannon, Genevieve The mothers : a novel
F GINZBURG, N Ginzburg, Natalia Voices in the evening F GNUSE, A Gnuse, A. J., 1990- Girl in the walls : a novel F GOLDMAN, F Goldman, Francisco Monkey boy : a novel F HALL, A Hall, Alexis J. Rosaline Palmer takes the cake F HANKIN, L Hankin, Laura A special place for women F HENDRICKS, J Hendricks, Jaime Lynn Finding Tessa F HENRY, E Henry, Emily People we meet on vacation F HOURICAN, E Hourican, Emily The glorious Guinness girls F HUNTER, S Hunter, Stephen, 1946- Basil's war : a novel F HUR, A Hur, Angela Mi Young. Folklorn F HYDE, C Hyde, Catherine Ryan Seven perfect things : a novel F JACKSON- BROWN, A Jackson-Brown, Angela, 1968- When stars rain down : a novel F JALALUDDIN, U Jalaluddin, Uzma Hana Khan carries on F JENOFF, P Jenoff, Pam The woman with the blue star F KANTRA, V Kantra, Virginia Beth & Amy : a contemporary retelling of Little Women F KORELITZ, J Korelitz, Jean Hanff, 1961- The plot F KRIEN, D Krien, Daniela, 1975- Love in case of emergency : a novel F KUBICA, M Kubica, Mary Local woman missing F LAM, T Lam, Thien-Kim Happy endings : a novel F LAUREN, C Lauren, Christina The soulmate equation F LLORET, B Lloret, Bruno Nancy F LOVELY, L Lovely, Lutishia Blind ambition F MALERMAN, J Malerman, Josh Goblin : a novel in six novellas F MCCALL SMITH, A McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948- Tiny tales : stories of romance, ambition, kindness, and happiness F MCDOWELL, C McDowell, Christina The cave dwellers : a novel F MCELROY, A McElroy, Alex The atmospherians : a novel F MCFARLANE, A McFarlane, Ailsa, 1997- Highway blue : a novel F MCFARLANE, M McFarlane, Mhairi Just last night : a novel F MCNAMER, D McNamer, Deirdre Aviary F MONROE, M Monroe, Mary Alice The summer of lost and found F MONTGOMERY, E Montgomery, Erika A summer to remember F MORGAN, S Morgan, Sarah, 1948- The summer seekers F MOZLEY, F Mozley, Fiona Hot stew : a novel F NGUYEN, E Nguyen, Eric, 1988- Things we lost to the water : a novel F NOTHOMB, A Nothomb, Amélie. Thirst F OAKLEY, C Oakley, Colleen The invisible husband of Frick Island F PALMER, D Palmer, Daniel, 1962- The perfect daughter F PENGUIN The Penguin book of the modern American short story F PEYNADO, B Peynado, Brenda, 1985- The rock eaters : stories F PHILLIPS, G Phillips, Gin Family law F POSEY, R Posey, Rafe The stars we share F POWER, C Power, Chris, 1974- A lonely man F QUICK, A Quick, Amanda The lady has a past F QUINN, K Quinn, Kate The Rose Code : a novel
F REILLY, M Reilly, Matthew The two lost mountains F ROBERTS, N Roberts, Nora Legacy F ROUDA, K Rouda, Kaira Sturdivant, 1963- The next wife F RUDNICK, P Rudnick, Paul Playing the palace F RUTHERFORD, E Rutherford, Ethan Farthest south and other stories F RUTHERFORD, E Rutherfurd, Edward China F SAINT, J Saint, Jennifer Ariadne F SAMSON, P Samson, Polly A theater for dreamers : a novel F SARDAR, G Sardar, Gian Take what you can carry : a novel F SCOTT, J Scott, Joanna, 1960- Excuse me while I disappear : stories F SENDKER, J Sendker, Jan-Philipp The heart remembers F SHARRATT, M Sharratt, Mary, 1964- Revelations F SHEPARD, J Shepard, Jim Phase six F SHIPMAN, V Shipman, Viola The Clover Girls F SHIPSTEAD, M Shipstead, Maggie Great circle F SILBER, J Silber, Joan Secrets of happiness : a novel F SMITH, W Smith, Wilbur A. Legacy of war F SPUFFORD, F Spufford, Francis, 1964- Light perpetual : a novel F SULLIVAN, M Sullivan, Mark T. The last green valley : a novel F SWANN, S Swann, Stacey Olympus, Texas F TALLEY, L Talley, Liz Adulting : a novel F TAPPER, J Tapper, Jake The devil may dance : a novel F THAYER, N Thayer, Nancy, 1943- Family reunion : a novel F TUCKER, N Tucker, Nancy, 1993- The first day of spring F WEINER, J Weiner, Jennifer That summer : a novel F WEIR, A Weir, Alison, 1951- Katharine Parr, the sixth wife : a novel F WEISBERGER, L Weisberger, Lauren, 1977- Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty : a novel F WHITFIELD, C Whitfield, C. (Clare) People of abandoned character F WILLIAMS, E Williams, Eley Attrib. and other stories F WILSON, C Wilson, Carter The dead husband F WYNNE, P Wynne, Phoebe Madam F YOUNG, S Young, Samantha Much ado about you MYSTERIES Call No. Author Title M F BAILEY, M Bailey, Martine. The prophet M F BANNALEC, J Bannalec, Jean-Luc, 1966- The Granite Coast murders M F BLAKE, R Blake, Robin, 1948- Secret mischief M F CALDER, E Calder, Eve A tale of two cookies M F CALDER, E Calder, Eve And then there were crumbs M F CROSS, A Cross, A. J. Devil in the detail M F DAVIS, K Davis, Krista The diva serves forbidden fruit M F DEAVER, J Deaver, Jeffery The final twist M F GARCIA SAENEZ, E García Sáenz, Eva, 1972- The water rituals
M F GERARD, A Gerard, Anna Peaches and schemes M F GIORDANO, M Giordano, Mario, 1963- Auntie Poldi and the lost Madonna M F GLENCONNER, A Glenconner, Anne, 1932- Murder on Mustique M F GRAHAM, H Graham, Heather The unforgiven M F HAINES, C Haines, Carolyn Independent bones M F HANDLER, D Handler, David, 1952- The man who wasn't all there M F HOUSEWRIGHT, D Housewright, David, 1955- What doesn't kill us M F JONASSON, R Ragnar Jónasson, 1976- The girl who died M F JONES, S Jones, Stephen Mack Dead of winter M F KLINGBORG, B Klingborg, Brian, 1967- Thief of souls M F LEITCH, W Leitch, Will How lucky : a novel M F LOGAN, K Logan, Kylie A trail of lies : a mystery M F LUPICA, M Lupica, Mike Robert B. Parker's payback M F MANANSALA, M Manansala, Mia P. Arsenic and adobo M F MCKINLAY, J McKinlay, Jenn For batter or worse M F MEADE, A Meade, Amy Patricia, 1972- The curse of the cherry pie M F PATTERSON, J Patterson, James, 1947- 21st birthday M F SPENCER, S Spencer, Sally. The company M F SWINSON, D Swinson, David City on the edge M F TALTON, J Talton, Jon City of dark corners M F THOMPSON, V Thompson, Victoria (Victoria E.) Murder on Wall Street SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY Call No. Author Title S F BUEHLMAN, C Buehlman, Christopher The blacktongue thief S F CANTRELL, C Cantrell, Christian Scorpion : a novel S F CARGILL, C Cargill, C. Robert, 1975- Day zero : a novel S F CHO, Z Cho, Zen Black water sister S F CLARK, P Clark, P. Djèlai A master of djinn S F KORNHER- STACE, N Kornher-Stace, Nicole Firebreak S F LYONS, J Lyons, Jenn, 1970- The house of always S F MAIKRANZ, D Maikranz, D. Eric (David Eric), The reincarnationist papers 1967- S F OKUNGBOWA, S Okungbowa, Suyi Davies Son of the storm S F PINSKER, S Pinsker, Sarah We are satellites S F PULLEY, N Pulley, Natasha The kingdoms S F SOLOMON, R Solomon, Rivers Sorrowland S F VILLOSO, K Villoso, K. S., 1986- The dragon of Jin-Sayeng S F WEIR, A Weir, Andy Project Hail Mary : a novel YOUNG ADULT FICTION Call No. Author Title YA F ALEMAN, D Aleman, Daniel Indivisible
YA F ALI, S.K. Ali, S. K. Misfit in love YA F AVEYARD, V Aveyard, Victoria Realm breaker YA F BROMFIELD Bromfield, Asha Hurricane summer YA F CORDOVA, Z Caordova, Zoraida Illusionary YA F GOFFNEY, J Goffney, Joya Excuse me while I ugly cry YA F HEILIG, H Heilig, Heidi On this unworthy scaffold YA F HELNWEIN Helnwein, Mercedes, 1979- Slingshot YA F KING, A.S. King, A. S. (Amy Sarig), 1970- Switch YA F KUHN, S Kuhn, Sarah From Little Tokyo, with love YA F LANDIS, M Landis, Matthew It's the end of the world as I know it YA F LEE, S Lee, Stacey (Stacey Heather) Luck of the Titanic YA F LEVENSELLER Levenseller, Tricia Blade of secrets YA F OLIVER, B Oliver, Ben The block YA F STIEFVATER Stiefvater, Maggie, 1981- Mister Impossible YA F STORK, F Stork, Francisco X. On the hook YA F THERIAULT Theriault, Emma Rebel rose YOUNG ADULT GRAPHIC NOVELS Call No. Author Title YA F BOGART Bogart, Matthew, 1978- Incredible doom. vol 1 YA F KOBAYASHI Kobayashi, Daiki Ragna Crimson Volume 2 YA F MORISHITA Morishita, Makoto Im. Great Prince Imhotep. 6 YA F MORISHITA Morishita, Makoto Im. Great Prince Imhotep. 7 YA F OONO Oono, Kousuke The way of the house husband. 5 YA F OSEMAN Oseman, Alice Heartstopper. Volume 3 YA F ROY Roy By the grace of the Gods. 2 YA F SHINKAI Shinkai, Makoto Weathering with you. Volume 3 YA F SHIRAI Shirai, Kaiu The promised Neverland. 19, Perfect Scores YA F STANLEY Stanley, Stan. The hazards of love. Book 1, Bright world YA F TABATA Tabata, Yūki Black clover. 25, Humans and evil YA F TOMA Toma, Rei The king's beast. 2 YA F TYNION Tynion, James, IV Wynd. Book one, The flight of the prince YA F YAMAGUCHI Yamaguchi, Tsubasa Blue period. Volume 3 COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION, & GENERAL WORKS Call No. Author Title 070.4499 CASEY Casey, Steven The war beat, Pacific : the American media at war against Japan 070.92 NAPOLI Napoli, Lisa, 1963- Susan, Linda, Nina & Cokie : the extraordinary story of the founding mothers of NPR
PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY Call No. Author Title 152.145 ROGERS Rogers, Adam, 1970- Full spectrum : how the science of color made us modern 153 JENKINS Jenkins, Jedidiah Like streams to the ocean : notes on ego, love, and the things that make us who we are 155.937 ADICHIE Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, Notes on grief 158 DAVIS 1977- Pete, 1989- Davis, Dedicated : the case for commitment in an age of infinite browsing 179.5 MCWHORTER McWhorter, John H. Nine nasty words : English in the gutter : then, now, and forever RELIGION Call No. Author Title 220.8305 BREAM Bream, Shannon The women of the Bible speak : the wisdom of 16 women and their lessons for today SOCIAL SCIENCE Call No. Author Title 303.484 GRINSPAN Grinspan, Jon The age of acrimony : how American's fought to fix their democracy, 1865-1915 305.48 HONG Hong, Cathy Park Minor feelings : an Asian American reckoning 305.8 LIVINGSTON Livingston, Robert W. The conversation : how seeking and speaking the truth about racism can radically transform individuals and organizations : a science-based approach 305.8009 ELLSWORTH Ellsworth, Scott The ground breaking : an American city and its search for justice 305.8009 HINTON Hinton, Elizabeth Kai, 1983- America on fire : the untold history of police violence and Black rebellion since the 1960s 305.896 MALLORY Mallory, Tamika D. State of emergency : how we win in the country we built 305.896 PHILIPPE Philippe, Ben Sure, I'll be your Black friend : notes from the other side of the fist bump 306 GREEN Green, John, 1977- The anthropocene reviewed : essays on a human-centered planet 306.0973 MENAND Menand, Louis The free world : art and thought in the Cold War 306.7662 BROOME Broome, Brian Punch me up to the gods 306.8743 LEWIS Lewis, Nicole Lynn, 1980- Pregnant girl : a story of teen motherhood, college, and creating a better future for young families 306.8743 TUCKER Tucker, Abigail Mom genes : inside the new science of our ancient maternal instinct 323 LAING Laing, Olivia Everybody : a book about freedom 323.445 ELLINGWOOD Ellingwood, Ken First to fall : Elijah Lovejoy and the fight for a free press in the age of slavery
324.973 ALLEN Allen, Jonathan (Jonathan J. M.) Lucky : how Joe Biden barely won the presidency 328.7309 WARREN Warren, Elizabeth Persist 332.1109 KYNASTON Kynaston, David Till time's last sand : a history of the Bank of England 1694- 2013 332.401 HOUSEL Housel, Morgan The psychology of money : timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness 333.75 SIMARD Simard, S. (Suzanne) Finding the mother tree : discovering the wisdom of the forest 338.4779 SCHREIER Schreier, Jason Press reset : ruin and recovery in the video game industry 362.1 JOHNSON Johnson, Steven, 1968- Extra life : a short history of living longer 362.1962 FERGUSON Ferguson, Niall Doom : the politics of catastrophe 362.1969 SCHULMAN Schulman, Sarah, 1958- Let the record show : a political history of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993 363.283 LEONNIG Leonnig, Carol Zero fail : the rise and fall of the Secret Service 364.106 O'REILLY O'Reilly, Bill Killing the mob : the fight against organized crime in America 364.1523 GRANATA Granata, Vince Everything is fine : a memoir 365.6092 SALAAM Salaam, Yusef, 1974- Better, not bitter : living on purpose in the pursuit of racial justice 371.8269 NAPOLITANO Napolitano, Jo, 1976- The school I deserve : six young refugees and their fight for equality 394.263 GORDON- REED Gordon-Reed, Annette On Juneteenth SCIENCE Call No. Author Title 500.82 MOINARD Moinard, Marie Women discoverers : top women in science 516 ELLENBERG Ellenberg, Jordan, 1971- Shape : the hidden geometry of information, biology, strategy, democracy, and everything else 523.8875 FALCKE Falcke, Heino, 1966- Light in the darkness : black holes, the universe, and us 525 KNOLL Knoll, Andrew H. A brief history of Earth : four billion years in eight chapters 591.59 HUNGER Hunger, Christina How Stella learned to talk : the groundbreaking story of the world's first talking dog 598.764 MONTGOMERY Montgomery, Sy The hummingbirds' gift : wonder, beauty, and renewal on wings TECHNOLOGY Call No. Author Title 614.5 LEWIS Lewis, Michael (Michael M.) The premonition : a pandemic story 614.5924 BURLEIGH Burleigh, Nina Virus : vaccinations, the CDC, and the hijacking of America's response to the pandemic 616.8521 PERRY Perry, Bruce Duncan, 1955- What happened to you? : conversations on trauma, resilience, 616.8527 RILEY Riley, Alex and A healing cure for darkness : the story of depression and how we treat it
640.92 DREILINGER Dreilinger, Danielle The secret history of home economics : how trailblazing women harnessed the power of home and changed the way we live 641.5 GOURDET Gourdet, Gregory Everyone's table : global recipes for modern health 641.5 SENYEI Senyei, Kelly The secret ingredient cookbook : 125 family-friendly recipes with surprisingly tasty twists 641.5 SIFTON Sifton, Sam The New York Times Cooking : no-recipe recipes 641.5956 ATASSI Atassi, Anas Sumac : recipes and stories from Syria 641.5956 KHAN Khan, Yasmin Ripe figs : recipes and stories from Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus 641.6473 GRAUBART Graubart, Cynthia Stevens Blueberry love : 46 sweet and savory recipes for pies, jams, smoothies, sauces, and more 641.6475 GRAUBART Graubart, Cynthia Stevens Strawberry love : 45 sweet and savory recipes for shortcakes, hand pies, salads, salsas, and more 641.65 RAICHLEN Raichlen, Steven How to grill vegetables : the new bible for barbecuing vegetables over live fire 641.7 MILLER Miller, Adrian Black smoke : African Americans and the United States of barbecue 649.48 LAHEY Lahey, Jessica, The addiction inoculation : raising healthy kids in a culture of dependence ARTS & RECREATION Call No. Author Title 712 BURNS Burns, John, 1968- The kinfolk garden : how to live with nature 741.4302 MCCARTHY McCarthy, Andrew, 1962- Brat : an '80s story 741.5973 COOKE Cooke, Jon B. The book of Weirdo : a retrospective of R. Crumb's legendary humor comics anthology 741.5973 CRUMB Crumb, R. Crumb's world 781.6409 CALT Calt, Stephen. R. Crumb's heroes of blues, jazz, & country 792.8 ANGYAL Angyal, Chloe Turning pointe : how a new generation of dancers is saving ballet from itself 796.1409 BARBARISI Barbarisi, Daniel Chasing the thrill : obsession, death, and glory in America's most extraordinary treasure hunt 796.522 SYNNOTT Synnott, Mark The third pole : mystery, obsession, and death on Mount Everest LITERATURE Call No. Author Title 808.3872 HOW How to write a mystery : a handbook from Mystery Writers of America 811.008 LIVING Living nations, living words : an anthology of first peoples poetry 811.6 GORMAN Gorman, Amanda The hill we climb : an inaugural poem for the country 814.6 HOUGH Hough, Lauren, 1977- Leaving isn't the hardest thing : essays
814.6 THERE'S There's a revolution outside, my love : letters from a crisis 814.6 WILSON Wilson, Casey, 1980- The wreckage of my presence : essays 824.914 DISKI Diski, Jenny Why didn't you just do what you were told? : essays HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY Call No. Author Title 909 SMIL Smil, Vaclav Numbers don't lie : 71 stories to help us understand the modern world 910.2 KEYES Keyes, Scott Take more vacations : how to search better, book cheaper, and travel the world 919.8904 SANCTON Sancton, Julian Madhouse at the end of the Earth : the Belgica's journey into the dark Antarctic night 940.5317 STRAUSS Strauss, Gwen The nine : the true story of a band of women who survived the worst of Nazi Germany 940.5318 PERRE Perre, Selma van de, 1922- My name is Selma : the remarkable memoir of a Jewish resistance fighter and Ravensbrück survivor 940.5412 BLOGER Bolger, Daniel P., 1957- The Panzer killers : the untold story of a fighting general and his Spearhead Tank Division's charge into the Third Reich 940.5412 BROWN Brown, Daniel James, 1951- Facing the mountain : a true story of Japanese American heroes in World War II 973.3 FERLING Ferling, John E. Winning independence : the decisive years of the Revolutionary War, 1778-1781 973.318 TAYLOR Taylor, Alan, 1955- American republics : a continental history of the United States, 1783-1850 973.924 DOBBS Dobbs, Michael, 1950- King Richard : Nixon and Watergate : an American tragedy 977.8 ERWIN Erwin, James W. Notorious Missouri : 200 years of historic crimes 977.866 HOOVER Hoover, Dea STL scavenger : the ultimate search for St. Louis's hidden treasures 979.503 HARDEN Harden, Blaine Murder at the mission : a frontier killing, its legacy of lies, and the taking of the American West OVERSIZE NONFICTION Call No. Author Title OV 709.2 MERCURIO Mercurio, Gianni A visual protest : the art of Banksy BIOGRAPHIES Call No. Author Title B CRUMB, R Calonne Calonne, David Stephen, 1953- R. Crumb : literature, autobiography, and the quest for self B DITLEVSEN, T Ditlevsen, Tove Irma Margit, The Copenhagen trilogy : Childhood; Youth; Dependency B DYLAN, B Heylin 1917-1976 Heylin, Clinton The double life of Bob Dylan : a restless, hungry feeling, 1941- 1966 B GODEL, K Budiansky Budiansky, Stephen Journey to the edge of reason : the life of Kurt Gödel
B JOHNSON, W Johnson, William M. Snowblind : recovering after the random shooting B JORDAN, L Jordan, Leslie, 1955- How y'all doing? : misadventures and mischief from a life well lived B LINCOLN, A Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 Lincoln in private : what his most personal reflections tell us about our greatest president B MARGULIES, J Margulies, Julianna, 1966- Sunshine girl : an unexpected life B PELOSI, N Page Page, Susan, 1951- Madam Speaker : Nancy Pelosi and the lessons of power B RAWLINGS, M McCutchan McCutchan, Ann The life she wished to live : a biography of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, of The yearling B ROGAN, S Rogen, Seth, 1982- Yearbook B STILL, W Kashatus Kashatus, William C., 1959- William Still : the Underground Railroad and the angel at Philadelphia B WINN, R Winn, Raynor The salt path LARGE PRINT NONFICTION Call No. Author Title LP 305.896 LEMON Lemon, Don, 1966- This is the fire : what I say to my friends about racism LARGE PRINT FICTION Call No. Author Title LP F AKHTAR, A Akhtar, Ayad Homeland elegies : a novel LP F ANDREWS, D Andrews, Donna. The gift of the magpie LP F ASHLEY, J Ashley, Jennifer Murder in the East End LP F BEATON, M Beaton, M. C. Hot to trot LP F BERRY, S Berry, Steve, 1955- The Kaiser's web LP F CARLISLE, K Carlisle, Kate. The grim reader LP F CHILDS, L Childs, Laura Egg shooters LP F CLARKE, S Clarke, Susanna Piranesi LP F DAILEY, J Dailey, Janet Calder brand LP F DAVIS, K Davis, Krista. The diva spices it up LP F DELL'ANTONIA, K Dell'Antonia, K. J. The chicken sisters LP F DEVERAUX, J Deveraux, Jude Meant to be LP F DRAY, S Dray, Stephanie The women of Chateau Lafayette LP F DUGONI, R Dugoni, Robert The last agent LP F ELLISON, J Ellison, J. T. Her dark lies LP F EVANOVICH, J Evanovich, Janet The bounty LP F FELLOWES, J Fellowes, Jessica The Mitford trial LP F GAILEY, S Gailey, Sarah The echo wife LP F GARCIA, G Garcia, Gabriela, 1984- Of women and salt LP F GRAVES, S Graves, Sarah, 1951- Death by chocolate snickerdoodle LP F GRAY, S Gray, Shelley Shepard Save the last dance LP F GREENIDGE, K Greenidge, Kaitlyn. Libertie LP F GRISHAM, J Grisham, John Sooley
LP F HAINES, C Haines, Carolyn The devil's bones LP F HANNON, I Hannon, Irene Point of danger LP F HARPER, K Harper, Karen (Karen S.) Deep in the Alaskan woods LP F HARPER, K Harper, Karen (Karen S.) Under the Alaskan ice LP F HARRIS, C Harris, Charlaine The Russian cage LP F HENRY, J Henry, Julia, 1962- Digging up the remains LP F JAMES, M James, Miranda Cat me if you can LP F JEWELL, L Jewell, Lisa The family upstairs LP F JOHNSON, C Johnson, Craig, 1961- Next to last stand LP F JOHNSON, N Johnson, Nancy (Novelist) The kindest lie : a novel LP F KELLY, M Kelly, Martha Hall Sunflower sisters : a novel LP F KOONTZ, D Koontz, Dean R. (Dean Ray), The other Emily LP F KRENTZ, J 1945- Jayne Ann Krentz, All the colors of night LP F LAHIRI, J Lahiri, Jhumpa,, translator. Whereabouts LP F LECOAT, J Lecoat, Jenny The girl from the Channel Islands LP F LEON, D Leon, Donna Transient desires LP F LEWIS, B Lewis, Beverly, 1949- The stone wall LP F MCKENNA, C McKenna, Clara Murder at Blackwater Bend LP F MCKENNA, C McKenna, Clara Murder at Morrington Hall LP F MCKINLAY, J McKinlay, Jenn One for the books LP F MCLAIN, P McLain, Paula When the stars go dark : a novel LP F MEISSNER, S Meissner, Susan, 1961- The nature of fragile things LP F QUINN, K Quinn, Kate The Rose Code : a novel LP F REDFEARN, S Redfearn, Suzanne In an instant LP F RICE, L Rice, Luanne Last day LP F RILEY, V Riley, Vanessa A duke, the lady, and a baby LP F ROANHORSE, R Roanhorse, Rebecca Black sun LP F ROBINSON, P Robinson, Peter, 1950- Not dark yet LP F ROSS, A Ross, Ann B. Miss Julia happily ever after LP F ST. AMANT, B St. Amant, Betsy The key to love LP F STEEL, D Steel, Danielle Finding Ashley : a novel LP F SWEENEY, C Sweeney, Cynthia D'Aprix Good company : a novel LP F THOMPSON, V Thompson, Victoria (Victoria E.) City of schemes LP F TURNBULL, B Turnbull, Bryn The woman before Wallis : a novel of Windsors, Vanderbilts, and royal scandal LP F VON ZIEGESAR, C Von Ziegesar, Cecily Cobble hill : a novel LP F WEIR, A Weir, Andy Project Hail Mary : a novel
AUDIOVISUAL DVD MOVIES Call No. Title DVD 741.5 CARTOONIST The cartoonist : Jeff Smith, Bone, and the changing face of comics DVD ANONYMOUS The anonymous people DVD B CRUMB Crumb DVD BANKSY Banksy and the rise of outlaw art DVD COME Come to daddy DVD FATHER The father DVD GOOD The good lord bird DVD JUDAS Judas and the Black messiah DVD MARKSMAN The marksman DVD MARY Mary Higgins Clark 14 film collection based on the bestselling mystery novels. DVD MAURITANIAN The Mauritanian DVD MICKEY Mickey and the bear DVD MINARI Minari DVD SUPERNOVA Supernova DVD WASTE Waste land DVD WOMAN Woman at war DVD TELEVISION Call No. Title DVD AGATHA Agatha Raisin. Series one DVD AGATHA Agatha Raisin. Series three DVD AGATHA Agatha Raisin. Series two DVD ATLANTIC Atlantic crossing DVD BROKEN The Brokenwood mysteries. Series 1 DVD BROKEN The Brokenwood mysteries. Series 2 DVD BROKENWOOD The brokenwood mysteries [DVD]. Series 6. DVD BROKENWOOD The Brokenwood mysteries. Series 4 DVD BROKENWOOD The Brokenwood mysteries. Series 5 DVD MISS Miss Fisher & the crypt of tears DVD MISS Miss Scarlet & the Duke DVD MY My life is murder. [Series 1] DVD QUEENS Queens of mystery. Series 1
BLU-RAY MOVIES Call No. Title BD 111.85 TWENTY-FOUR 24 frames BD GIVE Give me liberty BD JUDAS Judas and the Black messiah BD MARKSMAN The Marksman BD MAURITANIAN The Mauritanian BD MINARI Minari AUDIOBOOKS FICTION Call No. Author Title CD F HEPWORTH Hepworth, Sally. The good sister CD F McLAIN McLain, Paula. When the stars go dark CD F QUINN Quinn, Kate The Rose Code : a novel CD F ROBERTS Roberts, Nora Legacy CD F SANDFORD Sandford, John, 1944 February Ocean prey CD F SWEENEY 23- Sweeney, Cynthia D'Aprix Good Company CD F WHITAKER Whitaker, Chris We begin at the end VIDEO GAMES Call No. Title VG SWITCH POKÉMON New Pokémon snap JUVENILE BOOKS JUVENILE FICTION Call No. Author Title JF CYPESS Cypess, Leah Thornwood JF DENSON Denson, Abby Kitty Sweet Tooth JF DISNEY Finding Nemo and Finding Dory : the story of the movies in comics! JF DOWNING Downing, Erin Soderberg When life gives you lemons, make peach pie JF GONZALEZ Gonzalez, Mandy Fearless JF GRABENSTEIN Grabenstein, J. J. Shine! JF GRIFFITHS Griffiths, Andy, 1961- The 130-story treehouse JF KELK Kelk, Lindsey Magic at midnight JF MINECRAFT Gudsnuk, Kristen Minecraft : wither without you JF MLYNOWSKI Mlynowski, Sarah Good as gold JF SHEPHERD Shepherd, Andy The boy who lived with dragons JF SIMPSON Simpson, Dana, 1977- Phoebe and her unicorn. 13, Unicorn famous : another Phoebe and her unicorn adventure JF WARGA Warga, Jasmine The shape of thunder
JF WATSON Watson, Renée Ways to grow love PICTURE BOOKS Call No. Author Title E ADELMAN Adelman, Hallee Way past jealous E BETZ Betz, Aubrey Alex and the butterflies E BRADFORD Bradford, Wade Mr. Complain takes the train E BRAUN Braun, Sebastien Raj and the best vacation ever! E CHAN Chan, Ruth, 1980- The Alpactory : ready, pack, go! E DOYON Doyon, Samara Cole. Magnificent homespun brown : a celebration E FLIESS Fliess, Sue Goldilocks and the three engineers E GRANT Grant, Jacob, 1984- No pants! E HOU Reuse this book! E KING King, Stephen Michael. Three E LaROCCA LaRocca, Rajani Bracelets for Bina's brothers E MATEJEK Matejek-Morris, Jimmy, 1985- Don't say poop! : silly tongue twisters to say when you get the urge E ZUILL Zuill, Andrea Regina is not a little dinosaur JUVENILE NONFICTION Call No. Author Title J304.8 PETERS Peters, Lisa Westberg We are a garden : a story of how diversity took root in America J363.1 RUBIN Rubin, Sean, 1986- This very tree : a story of 9/11, resilience, and regrowth J910.91634 MESSNER Messner, Kate The Titanic JUVENILE BIOGRAPHY Call No. Author Title JB BETSCH KIN King, Heidi Tyline, 1966- Saving American Beach : the biography of African American environmentalist MaVynee Betsch JB BURNELL PAR Parachini, Jodie Listening to the stars : Jocelyn Bell Burnell discovers pulsars JB MARTINEZ FRE Freeman, Anna Harber Shaped by her hands : potter Maria Martinez JUVENILE AUDIOVISUAL JUVENILE DVDS Call No. Title J DVD POKEMON Pokémon the series sun & moon ultra legends. Season 22, set 2, Alola league begins! J DVD TOM Tom & Jerry : the movie
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