Netherbrook Primary School - Whole School Curriculum Overview 2022

Page created by Ellen Moody
Netherbrook Primary School - Whole School Curriculum Overview 2022
Netherbrook Primary School

      Whole School
   Curriculum Overview
Netherbrook Primary School - Whole School Curriculum Overview 2022
Houses and Homes                                          Castles                                     Seaside
  Year 1                              History Focus                                       History Focus                              Geography Focus

 Recommended           •   Let's Build A House                             •   The Paper Bag Princess                   •   The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
     Books                 Mick Manning and Brita Granström                •   Small Knight and George and the Royal    •   At the Beach by Roland Harvey
                       •   In Every House on Every Street                      Chocolate Cake                           •   A First Book of the Sea
  The following            Jess Hitchman and Lili La Beleine (PHSE)        •   King Arthur and the Knights of the       •   Secrets of the Seashore: A Shine-a-
    books are          •   The House That Jack Built                           Round Table                                  Light Book
examples of texts          Diana Mayo                                      •   Castles by Colin Thompson                •   Storm Whale
                       •   Step Inside Homes Through History                                                            •   Sally and the Limpet
 appropriate for
                           Goldie Hawk & Sarah Gibb
 the topics being
                       •   The House that Once Was
 covered and are           Julie Fogliano & Lane Smith
      all age          •   Home
   appropriate.            Carson Ellis
                       •   All Kinds of Homes: a Lift-the-Flap Book
                           Thando Maclaren and Emma Damon
     English           •   The majority of our English work is linked to topics.
                       •   Teachers will choose appropriate writing genres which link to their topics.

     Maths             •   Draw houses using shapes e.g.                   •   Take measurements when making a          •   Make a tower using different shapes
                           rectangles and squares.                             drawbridge and testing out suitable          (recognise and discuss the shapes
                       •   Recognise and name common 2-D,                      materials.                                   used)
                           including rectangles (including squares),       •   Measure and begin to record the          •   Recognise and name common 3-D
                           circles and triangles];                             following:                                   shapes, including cuboids (including
                       •   Build houses using building blocks and          •   lengths and heights;                         cubes), pyramids and spheres].
                           discuss.                                        •   Measure the height of different plants   •   Capacity – links to the sea
                       •   Recognise and name common 3-D                   •   Measure and begin to record the          •   Measure and begin to record the
                           shapes, including cuboids (including                following:                                   following:
                           cubes), pyramids and spheres].                  •   lengths and heights                      •   lengths and heights;
                                                                                                                        •   mass/weight;
                                                                                                                        •   capacity and volume;
                                                                                                                        •   time (hours, minutes, seconds).
                                                                                                                        •   Discuss the seasons using the correct
Netherbrook Primary School - Whole School Curriculum Overview 2022
•   Recognise and use language relating
                                                                                                                           to dates, including days of the week,
                                                                                                                           weeks, months and years.
 Science     These science topics will be covered during the academic year:
                • Animals, including humans
                • Plants
                • Seasonal Changes
   Art          • William Morris - Printing                        • Paul Klee – Castle in the Sun                     •   Andy Goldsworthy – Natural Art
                                                                   • Anthony Wood (Edgbaston) – Heraldry
  Music         • Music Express                                    • Music Express                                     •   Music Express
                • Units 1-4                                        • Units 5-8                                         •   Units 9-12
Design and      •   Design, make and evaluate a meal                  •   Design, make and evaluate a                  •    Design, make and evaluate a model
Technology      •   Technical skill – Understand where food               drawbridge                                        tower (Maxwell and Tuke – Blackpool
                    comes from                                        •   Technical skill – Explore and use                 Tower)
                                                                          mechanisms                                   • Technical skill – Build a structure and
                                                                                                                            explore how the structure can be
                                                                                                                            made more stable
Geography    Pupils will:                                         Pupils will:                                       Driver: Littering– Climate/Human Impact on
                • Explore their own community. They will          1 Explore why some castles were built on hills.                     Environment
                     look at maps, conduct land use studies       2 Discover the physical features that make        Pupils will:
                     and use simple compass points and            castles easier to defend.                            • Examine the effects of humans on the
                     directions.                                  3 Become familiar with castles in the UK’s                world. They will be able to label the
                                                                  capital cities                                            key locations within a contrasting
                •   They will examine the human and               Identify a castle for each country                        location in the UK.
                    physical features of their local area. This       • England – Windsor Castle (Tamworth             • Pupils will identify physical and human
                    will include looking at maps,                          Castle – to study and visit)                     features in the environment.
                    photographs and other sources of                  • Scotland – Edinburgh Castle                    • Pupils will study seasonal changes to
                    information.                                      • Wales – Caernarfon Castle                           the weather and climate, using atlases
                                                                      • Ireland – Blarney Castle                            and maps to identify weather patterns
                                                                      • Explore and make maps including                     and locations around the world, suing
                                                                           castles                                          maps, photographs and plans.
 History        •   Changes within living memory. Where               • Significant historical events, people          • Changes within living memory. Where
                    appropriate, these should be used to                   and places in their own locality.                appropriate, these should be used to
                    reveal aspects of change in national life         • To include: Dudley Castle and The                   reveal aspects of change in national
                                                                           Priory                                           life
•   How do people live? How has this                                               •   How do people live? How has this
                       changed?                                                                           changed?
                   •   Homes and towns, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s,                                          •   Linked to holidays past and present.
                       1970s – 2010

     RE                                Why do Christians give                      What do Sikhs                             Why is the Torah
                Our Wonderful World                               Special Books                      Who was Buddah?
                                         gifts at Christmas?                          believe?                                   special?
  PHSE/RSE      Being Me In My World   Celebrating Difference   Dreams and Goals    Healthy Me        Relationships           Changing Me
     PE              Multi Skills               Dance              Gymnastics        Ball Skills      Throwing and           Active Athletics
Sport/Fitness                                                                                           Catching
 Computing        iCompute Unit 1         iCompute Unit 2       iCompute Unit 3    iCompute Unit 4   iCompute Unit 5         iCompute Unit 6
Fire and Plague                                    Fantastic Females                           Into the Blue
  Year 2                               History Focus                                        History Focus                           Geography Focus

 Recommended           •    Toby and The Great Fire of London                •    Izzy Gizmo                             •   The Coral Kingdom
     Books             •    The Great Fire of London by Liz Gogerly          •    Pip Jones & Sara Ogilvie               •   Dougal's Deep-Sea Diary
                       •    Charlie and the Great Fire of London             •    Fantastically Great Women Who Made     •   The Storm Whale
  The following        •    Mr Fawkes, the King and the Gunpowder                 History by Kate Pankhurst              •   The Big Book of the Blue
    books are               Plot                                              • Fantastically Great Women Who            •   Dear Greenpeace
examples of texts       •   The Gunpowder Plot by Gillian Clements                Changed The World by Kate Pankhurst
 appropriate for                                                              • Fantastically Great Women Who Saved
                                                                                  the Planet by Kate Pankhurst
 the topics being
                                                                              • Bake me a Story – Nadya Hussain
 covered and are
      all age                                                                                    les
      English          •    The majority of our English work is linked to topics.
                       •    Teachers will choose appropriate writing genres which link to their topics.

     Maths             •    Recognise and discuss the shapes used to         • Weigh the ingredients for the healthy     •   Capacity - Compare and order
                            create a fire engine.                              meal                                          lengths, mass, volume/capacity and
                       •    Identify and describe the properties of 3-D    • Choose and use appropriate standard             record the results using >, < and =.
                            shapes, including the number of edges,             units to estimate and measure to the
                            vertices and faces.                                nearest appropriate unit, using rulers,
                       •    Identify 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D          metre sticks, measuring tapes, scales,
                            shapes [for example, a circle on a cylinder        thermometers and measuring vessels:
                            and a triangle on a pyramid].                  • length/height in any direction (m/cm);
                       •    Identify, compare and sort common 2-D          • mass (kg/g)
                            and 3-D shapes and everyday objects.           • temperature (°C)
                                                                           • capacity (litres/ml)
    Science         These science topics will be covered during the academic year:
                       • Uses of Everyday Materials
                       • Plants
                       • Animals including humans
                       • Living things and their habitats
      Art              • David Best – Art inspired by The Great Fire       • Georgia O’Keeffe – Modernism - Plant        •   Hokusai – The Great Wave + Ocean
                            of London (Mixed media)                            art using colour and texture (Paint)                                                                              •   Pollution (Collage)

  Music          •   Music Express                                      •   Music Express                                    •   Music Express
                 •   Units 5-8                                          •   Units 1-4                                        •   Units 9-12
Design and       •   Design, make and evaluate – Fire engine            •   Design, Make and Evaluate – Healthy              •   Design, make and evaluate – Trash
Technology       •   Technical skill – Explore and use                      Meal (Nadya Hussain)                                 to toy…making a boat
                     mechanisms for examples wheels and                 •   Technical skill – Use the basic principles       • Technical skill – Use a range of tools
                     axles                                                  of a healthy and varied diet to prepare              and equipment to perform practical
                 •                   dishes                                               tasks such as cutting, shaping,
                     fire-engines                                                                                                joining, finishing.
                                                                                                                             • Build structures and explore how to
                                                                                                                                 make them more stable.
Geography    Pupils will:                                           Pupils will:                                            Driver: Plastic pollution/Over fishing–
                • Identify key vocabulary and human                    • Identify the continent and country of             Climate/Human Impact on Environment
                     features of the UK, including: city, town,             each Fantastic Female                        Pupils will:
                     house and shop                                    • Look at maps of the world to track                  • Name and locate the world’s seven
                • They will name, locate and identify                       Amelia Earhart’s journeys, e.g. across               continents and five oceans
                     characteristics of the capital cities of the           the Atlantic or across the United States         • Understand geographical
                     United Kingdom                                         of America, identifying key places that              similarities and differences through
                • Pupils will use aerial photographs and                    she passed.                                          studying the human and physical
                     plan perspectives to recognise landmarks          • Track Amelia Earhart's route around the                 geography of a small area of the
                     and basic human and physical features;                 world, pointing out that she attempted               United Kingdom, and of a small
                     devise a simple map; and use and                       to follow the equator. What are the                  area in a contrasting non-European
                     construct basic symbols in a key                       weather patterns of the countries she                country
                                                                            visited? How does this link to their             • Know the key vocabulary and
                                                                            location in relation to the equator.                 physical features of the different
                                                                                                                                 locations around the world,
                                                                                                                                 including: beach, cliff, coast, forest,
                                                                                                                                 hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river,
soil, valley, vegetation, season and
                                                                                                                      • Learn the location of hot and cold
                                                                                                                           areas of the world in relation to the
                                                                                                                           Equator and the North and South
                                                                                                                      • Use world maps, atlases and globes
                                                                                                                           to identify the United Kingdom and
                                                                                                                           its countries, as well as the
                                                                                                                           countries, continents and oceans.
   History      Pupils will:                                    Pupils will study:                                 Pupils will study:
                   • Know events beyond living memory that         • Events beyond living memory that are             • Events beyond living memory that
                        are significant nationally or globally          significant nationally or globally.                are significant nationally or globally.
                   • Focus on the Great Fire of London, The        • Significant historical events, people and        • Significant historical events, people
                        Gunpowder Plot and The Great Plague.            places in their own locality.                      and places in their own locality.
                                                                   • The lives of significant individuals in the
                                                                        past who have contributed to national      Focus on:
                                                                        and international achievements.               • The Titanic
                                                                   • The focus will be on women in history            • Local link – Anchor
                                                                        from different periods: To include:           • Great ships
                                                                        Queen Victoria, Amelia Earhart and
                                                                        Nadia Hussain, Rosa Parks and Florence
     RE             Christian Rites of                                                     What did Jesus teach     What do Hindu’s          What do Muslims
                                         Christmas Celebrations Leaders and Teachers
                        Passage                                                                      us?               celebrate?              celebrate?
  PHSE/RSE         Dreams and Goals            Healthy Me       Being Me In My World Celebrating Difference          Relationships            Changing Me
     PE               Gymnastics                Ball Skills           Multi Skills                  Dance            Throwing and            Active Athletics
Sport/Fitness                                                                                                           Catching
 Computing          iCompute Unit 3          iCompute Unit 4        iCompute Unit 1          iCompute Unit 2         iCompute Unit 5         iCompute Unit 6
Dinosaurs                                 Ancient Egyptians                               Frozen Planet
 Year 3                        History Focus                                 History Focus                                Geography Focus
Recommended           •   Dinosaur A to Z: An Amazing          •   Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx   •   The Rainbow Bear
    Books                 Alphabetical Dinosaur Parade         •   Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and     •   Race to the Frozen North: The Matthew Henson
                      •   Dinosaurium                              Pharaohs                                 Story
 The following        •   Prehistoric Actual Size              •   The Story of Tutankhamun             •   Ice Trap! Shackleton's Incredible Expedition
   books are          •   Atlas of Dinosaur                    •   A Mummy Ate My Homework              •   The Penguin Who Wanted to Find Out
  examples of             Adventures                           •   Egypt Magnified                      •   The Great Explorer
appropriate for
the topics being
covered and are
     all age
    English           •   The majority of our English work is linked to topics.
                      •   Teachers will choose appropriate writing genres which link to their topics.

    Maths             •    Create 3D shapes to use              • Measure the materials when making a   •   Weigh the ingredients when creating
                           when jewellery making                    Shaduf.                                 Shackleton’s Bannock recipe.
                      • Make 3-D shapes using                   • Measure, compare, add and subtract:   •   Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths
                           modelling materials.                     lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g);         (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml).
                      • Recognise 3-D shapes in                     volume/capacity (l/ml).
                           different orientations and
                           describe them.
   Science         These science topics will be covered during the academic year:
                           • Rocks
                           • Light
                           • Forces and Magnets
                           • Plants
                           • Animals including humans
      Art             • National Geographic Art                 • Canopic Jars (clay)                   •   Daniel Mackie
                      • Ernst Haeckel - Polystyrene                                                     •   2D drawing and paintings inspired by animals
                           prints of fossils                                                                living in frozen locations
Music         •   Music Express                       •   Music Express                                •   Music Express
                •   Units 1-4                           •   Units 5-8                                    •   Units 9-12
Design and      •    Design make and evaluate -        • Design, Make and Evaluate a Shaduf                • Design, Make and Evaluate – Shackleton’s Bannock
Technology           Jewellery                         • Technical Skill – Understand and use                  Recipe
                • Technical skill – Select from             mechanical systems in their products –         •
                     and use a wide range of                Pulleys and levers                                 recipes.php
                     materials and components                                                              • Technical Skill – prepare and cook a variety of
                • Design make and evaluate – a                                                                 predominantly savoury dishes using a range of
                     moving dinosaur                                                                           cooking techniques.
                • Technical skill – understand
                     and use mechanical systems
                     in their products [for
                     example, gears, pulleys,
                     cams, levers and linkages]
Geography    Pupils will:                           Pupils will:                                       Driver: Melting ice caps – Climate/Human Impact on the
                • Name and locate areas of the         • Find Egypt on a map and identify the          Environment
                     United Kingdom where fossils           continent Egypt is part of, as well as the Pupils will:
                     have been found, identifying           seas which are next to it.                     • Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus
                     geographical regions and their    • Discover the geographical features of                 on Europe (Scandinavia, Iceland, North Pole)
                     identifying human and                  Egypt including its climate and                • Pupils will concentrate on their environmental
                     physical characteristics, key          population.                                        regions, key physical and human characteristics,
                     features (including hills,        • Investigate what Egypt would be like as               countries, and major cities
                     mountains, coasts and rivers).         a holiday destination.                         • Identify the position and significance of latitude,
                • Local link Wrens Nest area -         • Investigate geographical features of the              longitude, Equator, Northern Hemisphere,
                     fossils. The Dudley Bug.               River Nile including statistics and uses           Southern Hemisphere, the Tropics of Cancer and
                • Pupils will also understand               of the river.                                      Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic Circle and time
                     how some of these aspects of                                                              zones
                     Earth have changed over time.                                                         • Physical geography, including: climate zones,
                                                                                                               biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains,
                                                                                                               and the water cycle.
 History     Pupils will:                           Pupils will study:                                 Pupils will study:
                • Develop chronological                • The achievements of the earliest                  • Shackleton’s expedition which is a study of an
                     understanding across                   civilizations – creating an overview of            aspect or theme in British history that extends
                     historical periods                     where and when the first civilizations             pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.
                • Understand what life on Earth             appeared and will conduct an in-depth
                     was like before humans.                study of Ancient Egypt.
                • Identify continuity and change
                     within and beyond this period.
•   develop a chronologically
                       secure knowledge and
                       understanding of world
                       history, establishing clear
                       narratives within and across
                       the periods they study.
     RE          What do we
                  know about              Diwali                        Signs and Symbols     What is the Bible?    Islamic Rites of Passage
 PHSE/RSE       Being Me In My         Celebrating     Dreams and         Healthy Me            Relationships            Changing Me
                    World               Difference        Goals
     PE           Multi Skills            Dance        Gymnastics          Ball Skills      Throwing and Catching      Active Athletics
 Computing      iCompute Unit 1    iCompute Unit 2    iCompute Unit 3   iCompute Unit 4        iCompute Unit 5         iCompute Unit 6
Ancient Greece                                      The Roman Empire                                       Africa
  Year 4                                History Focus                                         History Focus                                 Geography Focus
 Recommended              •   The Ancient Greek Mysteries                   •   Escape from Pompeii                               •   The Akimbo Adventures
     Books                •   Greek Myths                                   •   The Thieves of Ostia                              •   African Tales: A Barefoot
                          •   Beasts of Olympus: Beast Keeper               •   Empire's End - A Roman Story                          Collection
   The following          •   So You Think You’ve Got it Bad? A             •   So You Think You've Got It Bad: A Kid's Life in   •   The Butterfly Lion
     books are                Kid's Life in Ancient Greece                      Ancient Rome                                      •   Long Walk to Freedom: Illustrated
 examples of texts                                                                                                                    Children's Edition
  appropriate for
  the topics being
covered and are all
 age appropriate.
     English              •   The majority of our English work is linked to topics.
                          •   Teachers will choose appropriate writing genres which link to their topics.
      Maths               •   Order and compare numbers beyond              •  Order and compare numbers beyond 1000              •   Identify lines of symmetry in 2-D
                              1000 (timeline of dates)                         (timeline of dates)                                    shapes presented in different
                         •    Convert between different units of           •   Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and                orientations. Complete a simple
                              measure Weighing the ingredients in              know that over time, the numeral system                symmetric figure with respect to
                              the DT unit and converting                       changed to include the concept of zero and             a specific line of symmetry.
                              measurements.                                    place value.                                           (create African patterns with
                                                                           • Compare and classify geometric shapes,                   symmetry)
                                                                               including quadrilaterals and triangles, based
                                                                               on their properties and sizes. (create mosaic
                                                                               designs using geometric shapes)
     Science          These science topics will be covered during the academic year:
                         • State of Matter
                         • Sound
                         • Electricity
                         • Animals including humans
       Art               • Clay pottery (Sculpture)                        • Roman Mosaics (collage)                              •   WYCLIFFE NDWIGA – African Art
                                                                           • Coins - Mixed Media Roman coins low relief               (paint and observational
                                                                               sculptures                                             drawings)
Music           •    Music Express                                 •    Music Express                                                          •    Music Express
                   •    Units 1-4                                     •    Units 5-8                                                              •    Units 9-12
 Design and        •    Design, Make and Evaluate - Make              •    Design, Make and Evaluate – An Onager                                  •    Design, Make and Evaluate –
 Technology             kebab skewers (Greek dip)                     •    Technical Skill – Understand and use                                        African Textiles
                   • Technical Skill – prepare and cook a                  mechanical systems in their products – Cams                            •    Technical skill – Select from and
                        variety of predominantly savoury                   and Gears                                                                   use a wide range of materials and
                        dishes using a range of cooking                                                                                                components including textiles
 Geography      Pupils will:                                     Pupils will:                                                                               Pupils will study:
                   • Locate the world’s countries, using                 • Identify Italy and its major cities on a map and Driver: Climate change/drought–
                        maps to focus on Europe (Greece),                      explore its geographical features.                                           Climate/Human Impact on Environment
                        concentrating on their environmental             • Identify similarities and differences between
                        regions, key physical and human                        Italy and Britain.                                                               • Settlement, trade and resources
                        characteristics, countries, and major            • Explore the tourist attractions of Rome and                                          • Human geography, including:
                        cities                                                 analyse the city as a holiday resort, including                                      types of settlement and land use,
                   • Understand geographical similarities                      Mount Vesuvius                                                                       economic activity including trade
                        and differences through the study of             • Describe and understand Volcanoes                                                        links, and the distribution of
                        human and physical geography of a
                                                                                                                                                                    natural resources including
                        region of the United Kingdom and a                                                                                                          energy, food, minerals and water
                        region in a European country (Greece).
  History          • Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life           •    The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain                       Driver: Black Country Flag and Chains –
                        and achievements and their influence          •    The Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power                          Slavery
                        on the western world                               of its army and the successful invasion by                           • A study over time tracing how
                   • Gods, democracy, Olympics, The                        Claudius and conquest, including Hadrian’s                                several aspects of national history
                        Trojan Horse, Culture, philosophy                  Wall.                                                                     are reflected in the locality
                                                                      •    Food, roads, army, ruler, religion, towns,
                                                                           homes, slavery
     RE                                                                                                                                     Hindu Homes and
                 Sikh Rites of Passage    Christmas Journeys         Buddhist Festivals               Why is Easter Important?                              Identity and Belonging
 PHSE/RSE       Being Me In My World          Celebrating            Dreams and Goals                          Healthy Me                     Relationships     Changing Me
     PE                Multi Skills             Dance                     Gymnastics                            Ball Skills                    Throwing and                 Active Athletics
Sport/Fitness                                                                                                                                    Catching
 Computing         iCompute Unit 1          iCompute Unit 2           iCompute Unit 3                       iCompute Unit 4                  iCompute Unit 5                iCompute Unit 6
Rainforests and The Mayans                                 Invaders and Settlers                    The Civil Rights Movement
 Year 5                          Geography Focus                                          History Focus                             History Focus
Recommended        •   The Great Kapok Tree                              •   Beowulf
    Books          •   The Explorer                                      •   Anglo-Saxon Boy
                   •   The Shaman's Apprentice                           •   The Buried Crown
 The following     •   Journey to the River Sea                          •   Men, Women and Children in Anglo-Saxon
   books are       •   The Vanishing Rainforest                              Times
  examples of      •   Middleworld (Jaguar Stones)                       •   Freedom From Bron
      texts        •   Rain Player
appropriate for    •   The Chocolate Tree: A Mayan Folktale
the topics being   •   Popol Vuh
covered and are
                   •   The Hero Twins: Against The Lords Of
     all age

    English        •   The majority of our English work is linked to topics.
                   •   Teachers will choose appropriate writing genres which link to their topics.
    Maths          •   Analyse and present data e.g. average             •   Read, write, order and compare numbers     •   Measurement
                       rainfall and climate                                  (put dates in chronological order)         •   Area and perimeter
                   •   Convert between different units of metric         •   Read Roman numerals to 1000 (M) and        •   Multiplication and division
                       measure and time (for example, kilometre              recognize years written in Roman           •   Area and perimeter
                       and metre; centimetre and metre;                      numerals. (write key dates in Roman        •   Problems and investigations
                       centimetre and millimetre; gram and                   numerals to keep recapping the knowledge   •   Geometry
                       kilogram; litre and millilitre)                       gained in Year 4)                          •   Roman numerals
                   •   Collate and interpret the mode, median
                       and range
                   •   Solve comparison, sum and difference
                       problems using information presented in a
                       line graph.
                   •   Weighing the ingredients for the DT unit
                   •   Convert between different units of metric
                       measure and time (for example, kilometre
                       and metre; centimetre and metre;
                       centimetre and millimetre; gram and
                       kilogram; litre and millilitre)
Science     These science topics will be covered during the academic year:
                • Animals including humans
                • Forces
                • Properties and Changing of materials
                • Earth and Space
   Art          • Henri Rousseau                                      • Printing                                              •   Drawing and printing.
                     Impressionist art                                    Repeated patterns using polystyrene                 •   Portraits and protest posters -
                • Masks                                                   printing blocks                                     •   Resistance Art
                     Design and make masks using papier
                     mache and paint.
  Music         • Music Express                                       • Music Express                                         •   Music Express
                • Units 1-2                                           • Units 3-4                                             •   Units 5-6
Design and       •   Design, Make and Evaluate –a Rainforest          •   Design, Make and Evaluate – An Anglo-            Design, Make and Evaluate – A moving toy
Technology           dish such as Patarashca                              Saxon Village                                    with a message - Mechanisms – CAMS
                 •   Technical skill: Understand seasonality –        •   Technical Skill – Apply their understanding
                     understanding where and how ingredients              of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce         •   Technical skill – Use a range of tools
                     are grown – to prepare and cook a variety            a structure.                                            and equipment to perform practical
                     of dishes using a range of cooking               •                 tasks such as cutting, shaping,
                     techniques                                           3/07/anglo-saxons-village-dt-project/                   joining, finishing.
                                                                                                                              •   Build structures and explore how
                                                                                                                                  to make them more stable.

                 •    Design, Make and Evaluate – A Mayan
                 • Technical skill – Select from and use a wide
                      range of materials and components
                      including textiles
Geography    Driver: Deforestation - Climate/Human Impact on          •   Locate the world’s countries, using maps to         •   Locational & Place Knowledge -
             the environment                                              focus on Europe (Scandanavia),                          USA
             Pupils will:                                                 concentrating on their environmental                •   Locate the world’s countries, using
                 • Locate the world’s countries, using maps to            regions, key physical and human                         maps to focus on North and South
                      focus on North and South America,                   characteristics, countries, and major cities –          America, concentrating on their
                      concentrating on their environmental                where did the Vikings and Anglo Saxons                  environmental regions, key
                      regions, key physical and human                     come from?                                              physical and human characteristics,
                      characteristics, countries, and major cities.   •   Name and locate counties and cities of the              countries, and major cities.
                                                                          United Kingdom, geographical regions and
•    Identify the position and significance of            their identifying human and physical           • Know key facts about human
                        latitude, longitude, Equator, Northern               characteristics, key topographical features         geography, including: types of
                        Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, the                 (including hills, mountains, coasts and             settlement and land use, economic
                        Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and          rivers), and land-use patterns; and                 activity including trade links, and
                        Antarctic Circle, and time zones                     understand how some of these aspects                the distribution of natural
                   • Study the physical geography of                         have changed over time – linked to the              resources including energy, food,
                        central/southern America including:                  settlements   created and settled by the            minerals and water
                        climate zones, biomes and vegetation                 invaders.
                        belts, rivers and mountains.
                   • Know key facts about human geography,
                        including: types of settlement and land use,
                        economic activity including trade links, and
                        the distribution of natural resources
                        including energy, food, minerals and water
   History      Pupils will study:                                   Pupils will study:                                  Pupils will study:
                   • A non-European society that provides               • The Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the       • The American and British Civil
                        contrasts with British history.                      Kingdom of England to the time of Edward            Rights movement – between 1960-
                   • Focus on the Mayan civilization c. AD 900.              the Confessor                                       2020.
                                                                        • Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons
                                                                             Vikings and Scots

     RE                                        Where does the
                   Why is Muhammad                                        Beliefs in our        Buddhist worship and      Jewish worship and
                                             Christian Bible come                                                                              Stories of Christianity
                 important to Muslims?                                     community                   beliefs                community
  PHSE/RSE        Being Me In My World      Celebrating Difference     Dreams and Goals              Healthy Me             Relationships          Changing Me
     PE                Multi Skills                 Dance                 Gymnastics                  Ball Skills           Throwing and          Active Athletics
Sport/Fitness                                                                                                                 Catching
 Computing          iCompute Unit 1            iCompute Unit 2          iCompute Unit 3           iCompute Unit 4          iCompute Unit 5        iCompute Unit 6
The Industrial Revolution                                    World War                                         The Journey
  Year 6              The Black Country as the birthplace of modern world                     History Focus                             (Refugees and Immigration)
                                         History Focus                                                                                         Geography Focus
  Recommended             •   Street Child                                    •   Letters from the Lighthouse                       •   Welcome to Nowhere
      Books               •   Gaslight                                        •   Carrie's War                                      •   The Arrival
                          •   Oliver Twist                                    •   Our Castle by the Sea                             •   My Name is Not Refugee
   The following          •   The Vanishing Trick                             •   Goodnight Mister Tom                              •   The Day War Came
     books are            •   Rose Champion and The Stolen Street             •   The Emergency Zoo                                 •   Teacup
 examples of texts                                                            •   The Buried Crown                                  •   A Story Like The Wind
appropriate for the
    topics being
covered and are all
 age appropriate.
     English              •   The majority of our English work is linked to topics. Teachers will choose appropriate writing genres which link to their topics.

      Maths               •   Compare the time it took to travel by         • Analyse and present key data linked to                •   Weigh the ingredient during DT and
                              foot, boat and railway. Compare the               the war                                                 convert measurements
                              distances covered and convert between         • Interpret and construct pie charts and line           •   Use, read, write and convert
                              measurements.                                     graphs and use these to solve problems.                 between standard units, converting
                         • Problem solving based on the increased           • Calculate and interpret the mean as an                    measurements of length, mass,
                              percentages of what the new inventions            average.                                                volume and time from a smaller unit
                              could make.                                                                                               of measure to a larger unit, and vice
                         • Convert between miles and kilometres                                                                         versa, using decimal notation to up
                         • Use, read, write and convert between                                                                         to three decimal places.
                              standard units, converting
                              measurements of length, mass, volume
                              and time from a smaller unit of
                              measure to a larger unit, and vice versa,
                              using decimal notation to up to three
                              decimal places.
     Science          These science topics will be covered during the academic year:
                         • Light
                         • Electricity
                         • Evolution and inheritance
                         • Living things and their habitat
                         • Animals including humans
Art           •   Lowry                                           •   How was art affected by WWII?                    •   Jacob Lawrence
                     Perspective and landscapes                          Art movements inspired by WWII                   •   Telling a story through art
                                                                                                                              (immigration). Develop ideas to
                                                                                                                              produce both painting and
  Music          •   Music Express                                   •   Music Express                                    •   Music Express
                 •   Units 1-2                                       •   Units 3-4                                        •   Units 5-6
Design and       •   Design, Make and Evaluate – Weaving             •   Design, make and evaluate – Anderson             •   Design, make and evaluate – Grow
Technology       •   Technical skill – Select from and use a             Shelter                                              your own vegetables
                     wide range of materials and                    •    Technical skill – Understand and use            • Technical skill – To know where and
                     components including textiles                       electrical systems in their products                 how a variety of ingredients are
                                                                                                                              grown, reared, caught and
Geography    Pupils will:                                        Pupils will:                                         Pupils will:
                • Use fieldwork to observe, measure,                • Locate the world’s countries, using maps           • Name and locate counties and cities
                     record and present the human and                    to focus on Europe (including the location           of the United Kingdom, focus on
                     physical features in the local area using           of Russia) and North America,                        how places in the UK have changed
                     a range of methods, including sketch                concentrating on their environmental                 over time as a result of immigration.
                     maps, plans and graphs, and digital                 regions, key physical and human                 • Locate the world’s countries, using
                     technologies.                                       characteristics, countries, and major cities         maps, concentrating on human
                                                                                                                              characteristics related to migration
                                                                    • Name and locate counties and cities of                  and areas where refugees have come
                                                                         the United Kingdom, affected by the                  from over time.
                                                                         world wars.                                     • Human geography, including: types
                                                                                                                              of settlement and land use, economic
                                                                    • Include studies into the geographical                   activity including trade links, and the
                                                                         regions and their identify human and                 distribution of natural resources
                                                                         physical characteristics, key topographical          including energy, food, minerals and
                                                                         features (including hills, mountains, coasts         water
                                                                         and rivers), and land-use patterns; and         • Use the eight points of a compass,
                                                                         understand how some of these aspects                 four and six-figure grid references,
                                                                         have changed over time and as a result of            symbols and key (including the use of
                                                                         war.                                                 Ordnance Survey maps) to build their
                                                                                                                              knowledge of the United Kingdom
                                                                                                                              and the wider world (Orienteering –
 History     Pupils will complete:                               Pupils will complete:                                Pupils will study:
                • A local history study                             • A local history study                              • The history of immigration
•   A study of an aspect or theme in British    •   A study of an aspect or theme in British      •   The history of the conflict between
                       history that extends pupils’                    history that extends pupils’ chronological        key countries.
                       chronological knowledge.                        knowledge.
     RE           Sikh worship and                                 Expressing faith      What happens when we
                                          Stories of Hinduism                                                       What is a church?    What is the Quran?
                     community                                     through the arts                die?
  PHSE/RSE      Being Me In My World Celebrating Difference       Dreams and Goals            Healthy Me             Relationships         Changing Me
     PE              Multi Skills                Dance               Gymnastics                Ball Skills           Throwing and         Active Athletics
Sport/Fitness                                                                                                          Catching
 Computing        iCompute Unit 1           iCompute Unit 2        iCompute Unit 3          iCompute Unit 4         iCompute Unit 5       iCompute Unit 6
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