Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council First Aid Guide - Release 1.2 October 2014

Page created by Steve Padilla
Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council First Aid Guide - Release 1.2 October 2014
Community Services & Health

      Industry Skills Council

             First Aid Guide
             Release 1.2 October 2014

First Aid Guide Modification History ............................................................................................. 2

Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 3

   Background to Companion Volumes .................................................................................................. 3

   Endorsed and Non-Endorsed Components ........................................................................................ 3

   Feedback and Contributions ............................................................................................................... 5

Overview of Changes ................................................................................................................... 5

   Why has CS&HISC changed the competencies? ................................................................................. 5

   New Competencies ............................................................................................................................. 6

   Superseded Competencies ................................................................................................................. 7

   Transition ............................................................................................................................................ 8

   Specific advice for First Aid RTOs ........................................................................................................ 9

Assessment................................................................................................................................ 10

   Reasonable Adjustment .................................................................................................................... 11

Frequently Asked Questions ....................................................................................................... 12

   CPR and First Aid ............................................................................................................................... 12

   Assessor Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 16

   Mapping, Transition and Teach Out ................................................................................................. 17

Mapping Resources .................................................................................................................... 18

   Summary Mapping Guide ................................................................................................................. 18

   Summary Mapping Guide of HLTFA units to the HLTAID units ......................................................... 21
First Aid Guide Modification History
number Release date    Comments                    Section

1.2     October 2014   Updated mapping for the     CPR and First Aid
                       new release version of      Assessor requirements
                       the HLTAID units            Resources
1.1     April 2014     Clarified definition of     CPR and First Aid
                       “health professional”

                       Clarification of            Assessor Requirements
                       terminology of “basic
                       wound care”
1.0     November       This release meets the
        2013           National Skills Standards
                       Council’s Standards for
                       Training Packages,
                       released in November

Background to Companion Volumes
In 2010, the National Quality Council accepted recommendations in the VET Training
Products for the 21st Century report. Two of those recommendations were specifically to do
with the design of training packages:

    1. Simplify and streamline the content of Training Packages by separating the
         performance standards in units of competence from guidance and supporting
         information for RTOs and

    2. Restructure and streamline training package content by:

    •    Simplifying the endorsed components
    •    Expanding the non-endorsed components
    •    Eliminating unnecessary information and consolidating repetitive material.

In November 2012, the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) published new Standards
for Training Packages which set out new requirements in full. You can view a copy of the
new Standards for Training Packages on the NSSC

Endorsed and Non-Endorsed Components
There are four endorsed components of Training Packages, all of which can be found on the
national register

In addition, the non-endorsed components have been expanded to include Companion
Volumes, including the following:

    •    The Companion Volume Implementation Guide is a mandatory requirement and is
         available at It contains overview information about the entire
         Training Package, including a list of all units, skills sets and qualifications in the
         training package. It also contains key implementation information for use by RTOs.
    •    Optional guides and resources to assist implementation in specific industry sectors.
         For the new HLT First Aid units, this includes a First Aid Companion Volume
         containing advice regarding the intent and implementation of these new units

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Quality Assured components of
                                                              Training Packages:
             Endorsed components of
                                                          HLT Companion Volumes
              Training Packages: HLT
                                                        Available on CS&HISC website
             Availble on

                                                               HLT Implementation
                     Units of competency

                                                               Aboriginal and Torres
                            Assessment                         Strait Islander Health
                           requirements                         Worker - Learning
                                                                 Strategies Guide

                                                               Aboriginal and Torres
                                                               Strait Islander Health
                                                               Worker - Assessment
                                                                 Strategies Guide

                                                               Aboriginal and Torres
                                                               Strait Islander Health
                     Credit arrangements
                                                               Worker - Knowledge

                                                              Foundation Skills Guide

                                                                  First Aid Guide

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Feedback and Contributions
In time, these Companion Volumes will provide an opportunity to showcase best practice
from RTOs and provide a forum for sharing information and resources. If you have any
resources, case studies or feedback to contribute to the Companion Volumes, please
provide your feedback via the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council
(CS&HISC) Continuous Improvement Feedback Register.

Overview of Changes
The new HLTAID First Aid competency standards were developed to provide a set of robust,
industry supported standards for people employed as first aiders and those with a duty of
care to provide first aid to others. This includes workers with duty of care for vulnerable
clients, child care educators, teachers, emergency services personnel, workers in hazardous
environments and nominated workplace first aiders.

In these instances, the statement of attainment provides evidence to the employer and the
community that the worker has the skills and knowledge to be able to provide a first aid
response and sustain life in the event of an emergency.

Why has CS&HISC changed the competencies?
CS&HISC was required to update the units in line with the new Standards for Training
Packages. The new standards focus on strengthening assessment requirements and require
specific information relating to the volume and frequency of evidence required for the
assessment decision. In addition, feedback submissions from peak associations, employers
and training providers indicated a need to improve the quality and consistency of first aid
training, particularly for workers who have responsibility and duty of care for clients and co-
workers. Assessment of these units must:

    •    meet the requirements of the training package
    •    be conducted in accordance with the principles of assessment and rules of evidence
    •    meet workplace and regulatory requirements
    •    be systematically validated.

RTOs must determine and develop the learning and assessment strategies appropriate to
their course. RTOs must also ensure that assessment meets the requirements of NVR/AQTF

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standards. Compliance issues should be discussed directly with the relevant VET Regulator

CS&HISC has produced a range of video resources to assist RTOs use the new Units and
Assessment Requirements. They are available on our YouTube channel

New Competencies
The new HLTAID suite of first aid competencies and the skill set were endorsed and first
released on on 1 July 2013. They are listed below.

  Unit Code                                                  Unit Title
HLTAID001           Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID002           Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID003           Provide first aid
HLTAID004           Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting
HLTAID005           Provide first aid in remote situations
HLTAID006           Provide advanced first aid
HLTAID007           Provide advanced resuscitation
HLTAID008           Manage first aid services and resources
HLTSS00027 Occupational First Aid Skill Set

Subsequently the First Aid units of competency have been reviewed and updated. The list
below shows the most current release number for these units as of 16th October 2014.

  Unit Code             Release                                       Unit Title

HLTAID001           Release 4            Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID002           Release 3            Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID003           Release 5            Provide first aid
HLTAID004           Release 4            Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and
HLTAID005           Release 4            Provide first aid in remote situations
HLTAID006           Release 4            Provide advanced first aid
HLTAID007           Release 4            Provide advanced resuscitation
HLTAID008           Release 2            Manage first aid services and resources
HLTSS00027 Release 3                     Occupational First Aid Skill Set

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Superseded Competencies
The following units were superseded by the new units on 1 July 2013.

  Unit Code                                             Unit Title
HLTCPR211 Perform CPR
HLTFA211A Provide basic emergency life support
HLTFA311A Apply first aid
HLTFA302C Provide first aid in remote situation
HLTFA412A Apply advanced first aid
HLTFA404C Apply advanced resuscitation techniques
HLTFA403C Manage first aid in the workplace

Further information and mapping resources are available on page 19 of this guide.

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The new first aid units are used in the new Children’s & Youth Services (CHC Community
Services Training Package) and the new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker
(HLT Health Training Package) qualifications. As the rest of the qualifications in the CHC08
Community Services and HLT07 Health Training Package are reviewed, they will be
progressively updated to contain the new first aid units. This is also the case for providers
delivering vocational qualifications from other industry sectors.

RTOs issuing qualifications for vocational courses must ensure they meet the packaging
rules of the qualification they are delivering. In addition, they must ensure the first aid unit
being delivered and assessed is the one listed in the qualification, whether in the core or
electives. CS&HISC recommends consulting with your First Aid training provider for advice
on any mapping or documentation you will need to ensure compliance to the standards, and
what gap training will be required.

If a student has completed a first aid course through a third party provider and the statement
of attainment they have received does not match the unit required to meet the packaging
rules of the qualification they are undertaking, the RTO issuing the vocational qualification

1. undertake a mapping exercise to confirm elements, performance criteria, required skills
    and required knowledge have been addressed and identify any gaps

2. conduct gap training as necessary

3. issue the required statement of attainment

Note: CS&HISC has developed a number of mapping tools to assist RTOs in this process.
These are provided in this Guide on page 19.

Normal transition and teach out periods apply. If you have questions regarding
transition and teach out arrangements, you must contact your relevant VET Regulator

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Specific advice for First Aid RTOs
First Aid RTOs with one or more of the HLTFA units explicitly listed on their scope of
registration must apply to their VET Regulator before October 30th 2014 to add the new
HLTAID unit/s to their scope if they intend to deliver the replacement units. Providers are
reminded that they must comply with the transition and teach out requirements of their VET
Regulator (ASQA, VRQA or WA TAC)

ASQA has also produced a Fact Sheet: Registering for revised training packages to assist
RTOs with the process

TAC WA website

VRQA website about First Aid units

The First Aid units of competency have been developed specifically for a workplace context
and apply to those workers who have a duty of care as a First Aider under the Workplace
Health and Safety Act 2011 and Safe work Australia Model Code of Practice - First Aid in the
Workplace. These units of competency may be used by RTOs for training for the wider
community, however, all aspect of the competency must be met by participants, where this is
not possible, for health or other reasons, RTOs cannot and should not issue a Statement of
Attainment, however, a Statement of Attendance for the course could be issued.

It is the responsibility of each provider to monitor training packages relevant to its scope of
registration and to identify when a qualification or unit of competency on scope has been
revised and a new version published. The national register,, has the capacity
to notify users of changes to a training package through a subscription service. You can
register to receive notifications by clicking on ‘Notify me of changes’ in the top right hand
corner of the screen displaying information about the training package you are interested in.

For Further information: ASQA Info line (Ph. 1300 701 801) or email

For Further information: VRQA +61 3 9637 2806 or online enquiry form

For Further information: Training Accreditation Council of Western Australia Phone: 08 9441 1910
General Enquires:

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Although the content of the new first aid competencies may have been updated, assessment
practice has not changed. Assessment of these units must be in line with the Rules of
Evidence and Principles of Assessment.

                                                The Rules of Evidence still require that evidence is:
        Rules of Evidence
                                                Valid: the evidence being assessed clearly relates to
                                                the requirements of the unit of competence
                                                Sufficient: the evidence meets all of the requirements
                                                of the unit, is gathered over a period of time, meets all
                                                of the dimensions of competency and is relevant to
                                                different work contexts
                 Authenticity                   Current: the evidence is current
                                                Authentic: the evidence is the candidate’s own work.


In addition, assessors must ensure that all assessment activity undertaken is:

                                                Valid: the methods of assessment relate to the
                                                elements, performance criteria and assessment
          Principles of
          Assessment                            requirements of the unit
                                                Reliable: the assessment outcomes would consistently
                 Validity                       provide similar outcomes for candidates at different
                                                times and in different places
                                                Flexible: the assessor ensures that the candidate
                                                understands the assessment process and can
                                                negotiate the timing of the assessment, the context of
                                                the assessment

                                                Fair: candidates are not disadvantaged and are given
                                                opportunities to ensure that they can perform to the
                                                standards outlined in the workplace and the units of
                                                competency being assessed (see also ‘reasonable
                                                adjustments’ below).

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Reasonable Adjustment
Reasonable adjustment refers to measures or actions taken to provide a student with the
same educational opportunities as everyone else. To be reasonable, adjustments must be
appropriate for that person, must not create undue hardship for an RTO and must be
allowable within rules defined by the training package.

While adjustments can be made to assessment procedures, the integrity of the unit of
competency and/or qualification must be upheld. Students still need to achieve the
standards that employers and training providers expect. A student with a disability can have
training and assessment that is fair depending on the RTO’s attitude, preparation and
application of adjustments. This may include:

    •    allowing additional time or the use of a computer in a written test to complete
         responses for a candidate who is physically impaired, and that impairment
         contributes to the time to compete the test
    •    asking a candidate to record responses on a video or audio tape where they have
         difficult writing
    •    using an Auslan interpreter during assessment tasks
    •    varying an assessment task to produce the same outcomes, but via different

It is important to note that the HLTAID competency standards do require a level of
physical ability to meet the evidence requirements for assessment. These standards
relate to the level of performance required to provide resuscitation and respond to an
emergency situation where there may be risk to life.

Due to the potential risk to health and safety where a nominated first aider, or worker
with duty of care, does not have the ability to perform resuscitation and/or first aid to
the performance standard it is not appropriate to issue a statement of attainment to
students who are physically unable to meet the assessment requirements.

    In cases where a student has attended a resuscitation or first aid course but is unable to
    meet the full requirements of the competency, an RTO may wish to provide that student
     with a certificate of attendance, or similar, as an indication of their participation in the

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Frequently Asked Questions

CPR and First Aid

What is meant by “uninterrupted CPR”?

The intent of “two minutes uninterrupted" is for each candidate to demonstrate a sustained
duration of compressions and ventilations for at least 5 cycles (each cycle is the
compressions to breath ratio outlined by the ARC). In addition, the candidate needs to
demonstrate the specific items listed in the performance evidence for CPR.

The intent of this requirement is that the candidate is assessed performing the normal pre-
resuscitation checks, performing CPR, and then handing over to another rescuer. How your
RTO decides to structure your assessment tasks to collect this evidence and how much
evidence is deemed sufficient is dependent on your learning and assessment strategy,
provided it meets the competency standard and the Rules of Evidence. CS&HISC is unable
to validate individual assessment scenarios or assessment strategies. We recommend
consulting with industry to ensure your learning and assessment strategies meet the needs
of your student cohort. We also recommend that you contact the VET Regulator to confirm
you are meeting the NVR/AQTF standards.

What is meant by “basic wound care”?

The term “basic” refers to the level of care/response provided by the first aider, not the level
of the wound. These wounds may be minor or major.

The care of a wound refers to basic cleaning of the wound before any dressing is applied to
the wound to reduce the risk of infection prior to further treatment.

What does the statement “skills must be demonstrated working individually” mean?

Each individual must provide evidence of their own skills and knowledge to meet the
requirements of the unit. In other words, a student cannot be deemed competent if they have
simply observed another student perform a task, or participated as “the casualty” in a role-
play scenario.

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What does the requirement “responded to … simulated emergency scenarios
contextualised to the candidate’s workplace/community setting” mean?

In addition to providing evidence of the ability to perform first aid procedures listed in the
performance evidence, a candidate needs to be assessed responding to a [simulated]
emergency situation, in order to provide evidence of their ability to recognise an emergency
situation, assess the casualty and select and apply the appropriate response.

How your RTO decides to structure your assessment tasks to collect this evidence and
whether the decision is made to cluster this assessment with other activities is dependent on
your learning and assessment strategy, provided it meets the competency standard and the
Rules of Evidence. CS&HISC is unable to validate individual assessment scenarios or
assessment strategies. Consider consulting with the candidate’s employer to develop
simulations and role-plays that reflect the type of emergency situations common to their

What is meant by following the prompt of an AED?

Training AED device is used in conjunction with resuscitation manikin

    •    Unpack = removal of the AED cover and if required using the cover as a firm surface.
         Unpacking the defibrillator pads and making sure the cable to the AED is connected
    •    Activate = power on the device and audible prompts are heard
    •    Follow the prompts = listening to the prompts and following all instructions
         including: application of defibrillator pads in correct position, continue following the
         audible prompts including giving CPR with defibrillator pads still in position and
         moving away from the manikin when instructed until someone takes over or the
         simulation session finishes.

What is meant by Visual and verbal assessment of the casualty?

Visual assessment: careful observation of casualty and note what you see

    •    Is the person conscious or have they just lost consciousness, note the time
    •    Check the casualty for a medical alert bracelet or necklace
    •    Check if the casualty has any medication in the their hands or in the vicinity

Verbal assessment: Ask questions and note the answers

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•    Ask the casualty their name, year and if they know where they are and introduce
    •    Ask if they are experiencing any pain on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst
         the patient ever felt
    •    Ask the casualty do they know what happened
    •    Ask casualty if they are experiencing any numbness or tingling in the hands, arms or
         legs or anywhere in the body
    •    Ask casualty if they are experiencing nausea.
    •    Ask the patient if he or she is taking any medication or has allergies to food or

What is meant by Secondary survey assessment of the casualty?

Primary Survey = DRSABCD

Secondary Survey often referred to as a head to toe assessment

    •    Starting at the top, examine the head and face for possible fractures, eye trauma or
         head injuries careful to not move the head if spinal injury is suspected.
    •    Open the casualty’s eye if closed and check the pupil for size and if it reacts to light
    •    Check the chest movements (rise and fall, slow or fast breathing, gasping for breath
         and noisy breathing) and check for penetrating injuries (do not remove any
         penetrating objects)
    •    Visually observe all limbs to see if there is any spontaneous movements if conscious
         ask them to wriggle finger and toes. Ask the person to squeeze your hand with each
    •    Look at the skin and note colour and then feel the skin for temperature and note if it
         is hot, cold or clammy
    •    Pat down the body and limbs to check for wetness that may suggest bleeding and
         deformities such as swelling, crooked limb, protruding bone to indicate area of injury
    •    Press gently against the chest and abdomen with flat palm of hand to assess pain
         response from casualty
    •    Note down all clinical findings and continue to monitoring the patient's ABCs and
         mental status

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What level of knowledge of physiology is required for “physiology relating to

Example: Choking is the physiological response to sudden airways obstruction. Consider
airway obstruction if:

    •    Adult casualty is clutching his or her neck, or points to throat.
    •    Child casualty may have bluish lips; there may be clues, eg seen eating or playing
         with small items just before onset of symptoms. Child is not responding to verbal

Example: Closed eyes and not responding to verbal commands when the shoulders are
squeezed firmly is the physiological response to a neurological change in the level of
consciousness due to airway obstruction, trauma to the head, trauma to the body incurring
internal or external injuries and blood loss

    •    eyes are not opening
    •    may have bluish lips
    •    casualty is not responding to verbal commands
    •    casualty is not responding to painful stimuli

What is meant by immobilising principles?

Spinal injuries can occur in the following regions of the spine:

• the neck (cervical spine)

• the back of the chest (thoracic spine)

• the lower back (lumbar spine)

Refer to the following guidelines set by the Australian Resuscitation Council


What are the types of burns to consider with First Aid?

Refer to the following guidelines set by the Australian Resuscitation Council

Refer to guideline 9.1.3 BURNS

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Assessor Requirements

What is required to train and assess the HLTAID suite of units? Why are there
additional requirements?

All assessors of the HLTAID suite of units are required to satisfy the NVR/AQTF mandatory
competency requirements for assessors.

The following is a link to the NSSC website that clearly outlines what an Assessor is required
to have to meet NVR/AQTF mandatory competency

The following is a link to the ASQA website that clearly outlines what requirements apply to
assessors in the VET sector

The following is a link to the VRQA website

The following is a link to the TAC WA website

For the unit HLTAID001 there is the additional requirement to hold a current first aid
certificate HLTAID003 or higher (or higher relates to the units HLTAID004, HLTAID005,
HLTAID006 and HLTAID007)

For the unit HLTAID002 there is the additional requirement to hold a current first aid
certificate HLTAID003 or higher (or higher relates to the units HLTAID004, HLTAID005 and

The intent of this requirement is to ensure that trainers and assessors of these units have the
adequate skills, knowledge and/or experience responding to life threatening and emergency

What is meant by ‘current first aid certificate’? How do I know that my first aid
certificate is current?

The Safe Work Australia First Aid Model Code of Practice requires employers to ensure that
their nominated first aiders attend training on a regular basis to remain current. The Code of
Practice recommends that refresher training in CPR should be undertaken annually from the
date of issue and first aid qualifications should be renewed every three years from the date
of issue to maintain currency.

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Mapping, Transition and Teach Out

If a worker has achieved HLTAID004 in a qualification and moves to another sector
and trains in another qualification, can this be credited against HLTAID003?

While HLTAID003 and HLTAID004 are two separate units, there are areas of similarity. An
RTO would need to conduct a mapping of the two units to identify any areas of gap, and
address the gap through a formal training or RPL process. In addition, the RTO would need
to ensure that any industry specific requirements regarding refresher training and currency
are met.

Generally speaking, if a worker has met the competency requirements for HLTAID004 they
should meet the competency requirements for HLTAID003. However, an RTO will still need
to formally document this process in order to meet compliance requirements under
NVR/AQTF. Please see our mapping guides on page 40 for more information.

What is the transition and teach out for these units?

RTOs under the jurisdiction of ASQA who have the first aid units explicitly listed on scope
must comply with the General direction—transition and teach-out in its entirety to ensure all
requirements are met. ASQA has also produced a Fact Sheet: Registering for revised
training packages to assist RTOs with the process.

You can access these documents on the ASQA website:

RTOs under the jurisdiction of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)
or West Australian Training Accreditation Council (WATAC) need to contact their regulator

VRQA website:

TAC WA website:

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Mapping Resources

Summary Mapping Guide
HLT Health Training Package                             E/N   Release     HLT Health Training Package modification History
Currently endorsed release on TGA                             number
HLTAID001        Provide cardiopulmonary                E     Release 4   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                                          Change to CPR requirements
                                                                          Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR
                                                                          Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E     Release 3   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                        E     Release 2   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                              Release 1   This version was released in HLT Health Training Package release 1.0 and meets
                                                                          the requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes
                                                                          to elements and performance criteria. Revised evidence requirements, including
                                                                          volume and frequency of assessment
HLTAID002             Provide basic emergency life      E     Release 3   Updated mapping information.
                                                                          Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR and first aid
                                                                          Knowledge evidence has been strengthened
                                                                          Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E     Release 2   Minor corrections to formatting to improve readability. Equivalent competency
                                                              Release 1   This version was released in HLT Health Training Package release 1.0 and meets
                                                                          the requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes
                                                                          to elements and performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Changes to
                                                                          evidence requirements relative to revised scope of unit.
HLTAID003             Provide first aid                 E     Release 5   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                                          Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR and first aid
                                                                          Knowledge evidence has been strengthened
                                                                          Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E     Release 4   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.

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E   Release 3   Updated mapping information.

                                                        E   Release 2   Minor corrections to formatting to improve readability. Equivalent competency
                                                            Release 1   This version was released in HLT raining Package Release 1.0 and meets the
                                                                        requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes to
                                                                        elements and performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. New evidence
                                                                        requirements for assessment. Removal of prerequisite unit
HLTAID004             Provide an emergency first aid    E   Release 4   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                      response in an education and                      Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR and first aid
                      care setting
                                                                        Knowledge evidence has been expanded and strengthened
                                                                        Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E   Release 3   Minor corrections to formatting to improve readability. Equivalent outcome.

                                                        E   Release 2   Minor corrections to formatting to improve readability. Equivalent outcome.

                                                            Release 1   This new was released in HLT Training Package Release 1.0 and meets the
                                                                        requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages.
HLTAID005             Provide first aid in remote       E   Release 4   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                      situations                                        Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR and first aid
                                                                        Knowledge evidence has been expanded and strengthened
                                                                        Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E   Release 3   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                        E   Release 2   Minor changes to formatting to improve readability.
                                                            Release 1   This version was released in HLT raining Package Release 1.0 and meets the
                                                                        requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes to
                                                                        elements and performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. New evidence
                                                                        requirements for assessment, including use of contextualised remote scenarios.

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HLTAID006             Provide advanced first aid        E   Release 4   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                                        Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR and first aid
                                                                        Knowledge evidence has been expanded and strengthened
                                                                        Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E   Release 3   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                                                        E   Release 2   Minor changes to formatting to improve readability.
                                                            Release 1   This version was released in HLT raining Package Release 1.0 and meets the
                                                                        requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes to
                                                                        elements and performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Removal of embedded
                                                                        content from HLTFA412A Apply First Aid. New evidence requirements for
                                                                        assessment. Removal of prerequisite unit
HLTAID007             Provide advanced                  E   Release 4   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                      resuscitation                                     Performance evidence requirement has been changed in CPR
                                                                        Knowledge evidence has been expanded and strengthened
                                                                        Change to Assessor requirements
                                                        E   Release 3   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome
                                                        E   Release 2   Updated mapping information.
                                                            Release 1   This version was released in HLT raining Package Release 1.0 and meets the
                                                                        requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes to
                                                                        elements and performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Removal of embedded
                                                                        content from HLTFA404C. Removal of analgesic gases. New evidence
                                                                        requirements for assessment. Removal of prerequisite unit
HLTAID008             Manage first aid services and     E   Release 2   Updated mapping information. Equivalent outcome.
                      resources                             Release 1   This version was released in HLT raining Package Release 1.0 and meets the
                                                                        requirements of the New Standards for Training Packages. Significant changes to
                                                                        elements and performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Removal of all
                                                                        embedded material from HLTFA404C and HLTFA412A. New evidence requirements
                                                                        for assessment. Removal of prerequisite unit

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Summary Mapping Guide of HLTFA units to the HLTAID units
  HLT07 Health Training Package                       HLT Health Training Package          E/N                                      Notes
          Release 5.0                                        Release 1.2
HLTCPR211A          Perform CPR                  HLTAID001      Provide                    N     New unit based on HLTCPR211A. Significant changes to elements and
                                                                                                 performance criteria. Revised performance evidence requirements, including
                                                                                                 volume and frequency of assessment and change to Assessor requirements
HLTFA211A           Provide basic                HLTAID002      Provide basic              N     New unit based on HLTFA211A. Significant changes to elements and
                    emergency life                              emergency life support
                                                                                                 performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Revised performance
                                                                                                 evidence requirements, including volume and frequency of assessment and
                                                                                                 change to Assessor requirements
HLTFA311A           Apply first aid              HLTAID003      Provide first aid          N     New unit based on HLTFA311A. Significant changes to elements and
                                                                                                 performance criteria, changes to scope of unit.
                                                                                                 Revised performance evidence requirements, including volume and
                                                                                                 frequency of assessment and change to Assessor requirements
New Unit                                         HLTAID004      Provide an emergency       N     New unit developed to address requirements for first aid, asthma and
                                                                first aid response in an
                                                                                                 anaphylaxis training in line with the Education and Care Services Law
                                                                education and care
                                                                setting                          (2011). Addition of assessment requirements around infant and child first
                                                                                                 aid, asthma and anaphylaxis. Revised performance evidence requirements,
                                                                                                 including volume and frequency of assessment and change to Assessor
HLTFA302C           Provide first aid in         HLTAID005      Provide first aid in       N     New unit based on HLTFA302C. Significant changes to elements and
                    remote situations                           remote situations
                                                                                                 performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. New evidence requirements
                                                                                                 for assessment, including use of contextualised remote scenarios. Revised
                                                                                                 performance evidence requirements, including volume and frequency of
                                                                                                 assessment and change to Assessor requirements

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HLTFA412A          Apply advanced first         HLTAID006   Provide advanced first    N   New unit based on HLTFA412A. Significant changes to elements and
                   aid                                      aid
                                                                                          performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Removal of embedded
                                                                                          content from HLTFA412A Apply First Aid. New evidence requirements for
                                                                                          assessment. Revised performance evidence requirements, including volume
                                                                                          and frequency of assessment and change to Assessor requirements
HLTFA404C          Apply advanced               HLTAID007   Provide advanced          N   New unit based on HLTFA404C. Significant changes to elements and
                   resuscitation                            resuscitation                 performance criteria, changes to scope of unit. Removal of embedded
                   techniques                                                             content from HLTFA404C. Removal of analgesic gases.
                                                                                          Revised performance evidence requirements, including volume and
                                                                                          frequency of assessment and change to Assessor requirements
HLTFA403C          Manage first aid in          HLTAID008   Manage first aid          N   New unit based on HLTFA403C. Significant changes to elements and
                   the workplace                            services and facilities       performance criteria, changes to scope of unit.
                                                                                          Removal of all embedded material from HLTFA404C and HLTFA412A.
                                                                                          New evidence requirements for assessment.

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                            NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTCPR211A Perform CPR and are seeking recognition in   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID001 Provide
HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation R.4, the following additional requirements apply       cardiopulmonary resuscitation R.4 and are seeking recognition in
                                                                                                       HLTCPR211A Perform CPR, the following additional requirements apply

                                                                                                       No additional requirements.
Skills Demonstration

Followed DRSABCD in line with ARC guidelines, including:

    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles of
         both compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on
         the floor
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both
         compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm
    -    responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting
    -    managed the unconscious breathing casualty
    -    followed single rescue procedure, including the demonstration of a rotation of
         operators with minimal interruptions to compressions
    -    followed the prompts of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Responded to at least one simulated first aid scenarios contextualised to the candidate’s
workplace/community setting, including:

    -    demonstrated safe manual handling techniques
    -    provided an accurate verbal or written report of the incident


basic anatomy and physiology relating to:

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                            NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTCPR211A Perform CPR and are seeking recognition in   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID001 Provide
HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation R.4, the following additional requirements apply       cardiopulmonary resuscitation R.4 and are seeking recognition in
                                                                                                       HLTCPR211A Perform CPR, the following additional requirements apply

    -    how to recognise a person is not breathing normally
    -    chest
    -    response/consciousness
    -    upper airway and effect of positional change.

Assessment Conditions

Assessment resources must include:

    -    adult and infant resuscitation manikins in line with ARC Guidelines for the
         purpose of assessment of CPR procedures
    -    Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training device.
    -    workplace injury, trauma and/or illness record, or other appropriate workplace
         incident report form

Assessors needs to hold the additional requirements of a statement of attainment for
HLTAID003 or higher

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                                NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA211A Provide basic emergency life support and         For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID002 Provide basic
are seeking recognition in HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support R.3, the following additional   emergency life support R.3 and are seeking recognition in HLTFA211A
requirements apply                                                                                        Provide basic emergency life support, the following additional requirements

Skills Demonstration                                                                                      Skills Demonstration

Followed DRSABCD in line with ARC guidelines, including:                                                  There must be evidence that the candidate has:

    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles of                    •   evaluated performance by seeking feedback from clinical
         both compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on                      expert
         the floor                                                                                        •   recognised psychological impacts on rescuers, and
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both                      participated in debriefing and evaluation
         compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm
         surface                                                                                          Knowledge
    -    responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting
    -    managed the unconscious breathing casualty                                                       No additional knowledge evidence
    -    followed single rescue procedure, including the demonstration of a rotation of
         operators with minimal interruptions to compressions                                             Assessment Conditions
    -    followed the prompts of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
                                                                                                          No additional assessment conditions
responded to at least one simulated first aid scenarios contextualised to the candidate’s
workplace/community setting, including:

    -    provided an accurate verbal or written report of the incident

Applied first aid procedures for the following:

    -    allergic reaction
    -    anaphylaxis

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                                NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA211A Provide basic emergency life support and         For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID002 Provide basic
are seeking recognition in HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support R.3, the following additional   emergency life support R.3 and are seeking recognition in HLTFA211A
requirements apply                                                                                        Provide basic emergency life support, the following additional requirements

    -    choking and airway obstruction
    -    respiratory distress (including asthma)
    -    shock


The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

principles and procedures for first aid management of the following scenarios:

    -    anaphylaxis
    -    cardiac conditions
    -    stroke

basic anatomy and physiology relating to:

    -    considerations in provision of first aid for specified conditions
    -    chest
    -    upper airway and effect of positional change

Assessment Conditions

Assessment must involve the use of

    -    adult and infant manikins in line with ARC guidelines
    -    Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                                NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA211A Provide basic emergency life support and         For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID002 Provide basic
are seeking recognition in HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support R.3, the following additional   emergency life support R.3 and are seeking recognition in HLTFA211A
requirements apply                                                                                        Provide basic emergency life support, the following additional requirements

    -    emergency rescue blanket
    -    roller bandages
    -    triangular bandages
    -    placebo bronchodilator and spacer device
    -    adrenaline auto-injector training device

Assessors needs to hold the additional requirements of a statement of attainment for
HLTAID003 or higher

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                               NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA311A Apply first aid and are seeking recognition in   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID003 Provide first
HLTAID003 Provide first aid R.5, the following additional requirements apply                              aid R.5 and are seeking recognition in HLTFA311A Apply first aid, the
                                                                                                          following additional requirements apply

Skills Demonstration                                                                                      Skills Demonstration

Followed DRSABCD in line with ARC guidelines, including:                                                  There must be evidence that the candidate has:

    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles of both               •   provided assistance with self-medication as per subject’s
         compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on the floor                 own medication regime and/or administer medication in line
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both                      with State/Territory legislation and regulations, organisation
         compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm                   policies and any available medical/pharmaceutical
         surface                                                                                              instructions
    -    responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting                                •   sought feedback from clinical expert as part of evaluation
Responded to at least two simulated first aid scenarios contextualised to the candidate’s
workplace/community setting, including:
    -    conducted a visual and verbal assessment of the casualty
    -    post-incident debrief and evaluation                                                             No Additional knowledge evidence
Applied first aid procedures for the following:

    -    allergic reaction
    -    choking and airway obstruction                                                                   Assessment Conditions
    -    envenomation (using pressure immobilisation)
    -    shock                                                                                            No additional assessment conditions


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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                               NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA311A Apply first aid and are seeking recognition in   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID003 Provide first
HLTAID003 Provide first aid R.5, the following additional requirements apply                              aid R.5 and are seeking recognition in HLTFA311A Apply first aid, the
                                                                                                          following additional requirements apply

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

    -    how to conduct a visual and verbal assessment of the casualty

basic anatomy and physiology relating to:

    -    chest
    -    response/consciousness
    -    considerations in provision of first aid for specified conditions

Assessment Conditions

    -    Assessment resources must include:
    -    adult and infant resuscitation manikins in line with ARC Guidelines for the purpose of
         assessment of CPR procedures
    -    adrenaline auto-injector training device.
    -    Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training device.
    -    placebo bronchodilator and spacer device
    -    roller bandages
    -    triangular bandages
    -    workplace first Aid kit
    -    Workplace injury, trauma and/or illness record, or other appropriate workplace
         incident report form for written reports

wound dressings

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                                 NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA302C Provide first aid in remote situations and are   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID005 Provide first
seeking recognition in HLT AID005 Provide first aid in remote situations R.4 the following additional     aid R.4 in remote situations and are seeking recognition in HLTFA302C
requirements apply                                                                                        Provide first aid in remote situations the following additional requirements

Skills Demonstration                                                                                      Skills Demonstration
Followed DRSABCD in line with ARC guidelines, including:                                                  There must be evidence that the candidate has:
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles of both               •   documented condition of casualty over time to assist in
         compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed        on the
                                                                                                              ongoing management
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both                  •   listened to, clarified and applied medical instructions
         compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm               •   administered medication under direct supervision from
         surface                                                                                              authorised health worker
    -    responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting                                •   used available resources effectively to manage pain
    -    managed the unconscious breathing casualty                                                       •   communicate effectively and assertively and show
    -    followed single rescue procedure, including the demonstration of a rotation of                       leadership in an incident
         operators with minimal interruptions to compressions                                             •   undertake contingency planning in relation to providing a first
    -    followed the prompts of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)                                    aid response in a remote situation
responded to at least three simulated first aid scenarios contextualised to the candidate’s               Knowledge
remote and/or isolated situation:
                                                                                                          No additional knowledge evidences
    -    conducted a visual and verbal secondary survey assessment of the casualty
    -    assessed vital signs (respirations, pulse and temperature)
    -    post-incident debrief and evaluation                                                             Assessment Conditions

Applied first aid response in a remote situation for the following:                                       No additional assessment conditions

    -    allergic reaction

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                                 NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA302C Provide first aid in remote situations and are   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID005 Provide first
seeking recognition in HLT AID005 Provide first aid in remote situations R.4 the following additional     aid R.4 in remote situations and are seeking recognition in HLTFA302C
requirements apply                                                                                        Provide first aid in remote situations the following additional requirements

    -    anaphylaxis
    -    basic care of a wound
    -    bleeding control
    -    choking and airway obstruction
    -    envenomation (using pressure immobilisation)
    -    environmental impacts (including hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration and heat
    -    fractures, sprains and strains (using arm slings, roller bandages or other appropriate
         immobilisation techniques)
    -    head, neck and spinal injuries (using immobilisation principles)
    -    respiratory distress (including asthma)
    -    shock


The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of: Principles and procedures for first aid
management of the following scenarios, contextualised to the candidate’s remote and/or
isolated situation:

    -    abdominal injuries
    -    allergic reaction
    -    anaphylaxis
    -    basic care of a wound
    -    bleeding control
    -    burns
    -    cardiac conditions (including chest pain)
    -    choking and airway obstruction

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                                 NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA302C Provide first aid in remote situations and are   For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID005 Provide first
seeking recognition in HLT AID005 Provide first aid in remote situations R.4 the following additional     aid R.4 in remote situations and are seeking recognition in HLTFA302C
requirements apply                                                                                        Provide first aid in remote situations the following additional requirements

    -    crush injuries
    -    diabetes
    -    dislocations
    -    drowning & fractures
    -    envenomation
    -    environmental impact (including hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration and heat stroke)
    -    eye and ear injuries
    -    febrile convulsions
    -    head, neck and spinal injuries
    -    minor skin injuries
    -    needle stick injuries
    -    poisoning and toxic substances
    -    respiratory distress (including asthma)
    -    seizures (including epilepsy)
    -    shock
    -    soft tissue injuries (including sprains and strains)
    -    stroke
    -    unconsciousness

Basic anatomy and physiology relating to:

    -    how to recognise a person is not breathing normally
    -    chest
    -    response/consciousness
    -    upper airway and effect of positional change
    -    considerations in provision of first aid for specified conditions, including specific
         considerations for remote settings

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                                               OLD TO NEW                                                                            NEW TO OLD

For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTFA412A Apply advanced first aid and are seeking     For candidates who have achieved competency in HLTAID006 Provide
recognition in HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid R.4 the following additional requirements apply   advanced first aid R.4 and are seeking recognition in HLTFA412A Apply
                                                                                                      advanced first aid the following additional requirements apply

Note that the information below relates to candidates who have met the requirements                   Skills Demonstration
of HLTFA412A, and therefore met the prerequisite unit HLTFA311A.
                                                                                                      There must be evidence that the candidate has:
Skills Demonstration
                                                                                                      •   safely handled and stored pressurised gases
Followed DRSABCD in line with ARC guidelines, including:                                              •   Administer medication (oxygen)in line with State/Territory
                                                                                                          regulations, legislation and policies and any available
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles of                •   Provide assistance with self-medication as per subject’s own
         both compressions and ventilations) on an adult resuscitation manikin placed on                  medication regime and in line with State/Territory legislation,
         the floor                                                                                        regulations and policies and any available
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both                  medical/pharmaceutical instructions
         compressions and ventilations) on an infant resuscitation manikin placed on a firm
         surface                                                                                      Knowledge
    -    performed at least 2 minutes of Bag-valve-mask ventilation and at least 2 minutes
         of compression during a two rescuer procedure on an adult resuscitation manikin              The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:
         placed on the floor
    -    responded appropriately in the event of regurgitation or vomiting                            •   complications and associated methods of management for
                                                                                                          pain relief
Responded to at least three simulated first aid scenarios contextualised to the candidate’s           •   safety procedures for storage and handling procedures for
workplace/community setting, including:                                                                   pressurised gases
                                                                                                      •   first aid management procedures for use of analgesic gases
    -    conducted a visual and verbal secondary survey assessment of the casualty
    -    assessed vital signs (respirations, and temperature)                                         •   how to gain access to and interpret material safety data
    -    post-incident debrief and evaluation                                                             sheets (MSDS)

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