Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...

Page created by Luis Bryant
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...

   our Command Center for managing the cookie program. Watch "How to" videos, download
  forms, clipart, virtual rally information, order cookies, track girl activity and order girl rewards.

  eBudde App
  Download this free app in iPhone App Store or through Google Play.

  VIP eTraining
  Get step-by-step Girl Scout Cookie Program training whenever you’d like it!

  Council Website
  Visit our site to find procedures, forms, manuals and other helpful information.
  Little Brownie Bakers
  Find girl activities, marketing ideas, cookie facts, program resources and clipart to help girls
  prepare for the cookie sale from our official cookie baker.

  Little Brownie Bakers YouTube Channel
  Check out our library of inspiring videos featuring real girl stories and selling tips.

  Volunteer Blog
  Check out the volunteer blog for exciting girl activities and booth ideas.

  Digital Cookie
  Girl Scouts can set up their own personalized sales pages, take credit card
  payments and ship cookies directly to their customers.

  Booth Sale Recorder App
  Download this free app in iPhone App Store or through Google Play. Record sales in real time
  at booths, making record-keeping a snap.
  Girl Scouts of the USA
   Locate info on GS Cookie Program and national cookie badges and pins.
  Built By Me Cookie Meeting Planner
  Council Cookie Swap Facebook Group
  Swap extra cookies, search for needed cookies and to connect with other Girl Scout Cookie
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...
Thank You for volunteering to serve as a Service Unit Cookie
Manager. Your efforts are extremely important to the success of
the Girl Scout Cookie Program!

Our Council offers this program to increase opportunities for girls.
Proceeds generated from this program create funds for troops and
service units, provide services for girls and develop quality training
for adults.

Without you, this would not be possible.

With your support, girls in the program build essential skills and learn
to think like entrepreneurs.

GOAL SET TING                       Girls learn how to set goals and create a
                                    plan to reach them
DECISION MAKING                     Girls learn to make decisions on their
                                    own and as a team
MONEY MANAGEMENT                    Girls learn to create a budget and
                                    handle money
                                                                                     Today’s girls are already
PEOPLE SKILLS                       Girls find their voice and build confidence
                                    through customer interactions                 thinking like entrepreneurs.*
BUSINESS ETHICS                     Girls learn to act ethically, both in         With your guidance, girls are
                                    business and in life
                                                                                  able to build on their thinking
                                                                                   and start running their own
                                                                                  Girl Scout Cookie™ businesses.

                                                                                       *SOURCE: “Today’s Girls, Tomorrow’s
                                                                                          Entrepreneurs,” A Report by the
                                                                                             Girl Scout Research Institute
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...

                                           Your busy life picks up speed
                                           during Girl Scout Cookie Season.
                                           You need tools and digital resources
                                           that not only keep pace, but also
                                           help keep you and your girls moving
                                           toward success—while having lots
                                           of fun along the way. We’ve got
                                           you covered!

                                           eBudde ™ Mobile
                                           The must-have app for volunteers in the Girl Scout
                                           Cookie Program now has a new name. eBudde

                                           Mobile makes your life simpler by meeting you
                                           wherever you are in the season.
                                            • From a troop or service unit dashboard, get all
                                               the information you need
    AVAILAB                                 • Simple icons take you to important messages,
                   FO                          booth locations, checklists and more
                                 W          • Watch training videos and get help from within
                                               the app

Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...

We’re giving you more ideas and
resources than ever to take your
cookie season to the next level,

Look for this icon.

Virtual Resources on
Visit for virtual activities,
resources and digital tools that allow you to
customize an experience that makes sense for
your troop. Use a few, use them all, or create your

Girl Scouts’ Online
Safety Resources
Whatever approach you decide to take this Girl
Scout Cookie Season, we have tools to equip you
to be flexible in a range of environments. You can
find Girl Scouts safety materials and resources

in the Selling Cookies Safely Guide, and additional
information at
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...
                                                                                           2020-2021 Troop Product Program
                                                                                           Manager Agreement and Policies

                                                                                           2020-2021 Troop Product Sale ACH
                                                                                           Debit Authorization Form
With 100% of cookie proceeds staying local, talk with parents about how
every box of cookies benefits girls.                                                       Product Program Proceeds Standards
• Cost of Cookies: $1.11             •   Girl, Troop, Service Unit Rewards: $.92           2021 Volunteer T-Shirt Order Form
• Girl Program: $1.05                •   General Management: $.54                          Due March 30, 2021
• Membership Support: $1.03          •   Property Management: $.32
                                     •   Bad Debt: $.03                                    2021 Cookie Program Parent/Guardian
                                                                                           Permission and Responsibility Form

                                                                                           Girl Scout Cookie/Council-Sponsored
                                                                                           Product Sale: Safety Activity

                                                                                           Selling Cookies Safely Guide

                                                                                           2021 Girl Initial Order Summary

                                                                                           2021 Cookie Program Girl Balance

                                                                                           2021 Cookie Outstanding Balance Form
                                                                                           Due March 24, 2021

                                                                                           2021 Service Unit Cookie Manager

Loved by Millions             We've Got This                 Mint to Achieve
Green long sleeve t-shirt     Purple sweatshirt              Mint short sleeve t-shirt
Adult Small - XL $11          Adult Small - XL $15           Adult Small - XL $11
Adult 2XL - 3XL $ 13          Adult 2XL - 3XL $17            Adult 2XL - 3XL $ 13
Due January 11                Due January 11                 Due March 22

Order Here
Maximum of one shirt, per style, per service unit cookie manager person.

After you hit submit you will be redirected to PayPal for payment. You can use a credit/
debit card, or your PayPal account. Unpaid shirts will not be ordered.
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...

    Sunday          Monday           Tuesday           Wednesday             Thursday        Friday        Saturday
                                                 1                    2                  3            4                5

               6              7                 8                     9                 10            11               12
                                                                                                           Digital Cookie

               13            14                 15                   16                17             18              19
   Digital Cookie                     Troop Cookie                           Service Unit
  Parent Access                   Program Training                                 Cookie
                                          Webinar                          Manager Online
                                       @ 6:30 p.m.                                System
    Troop Cookie                                     Girl Scout Cookie
Program Training                                       Program Starts
                                                                              @ 6:30 p.m.
        Webinar                                             with Digital
        @ 3 p.m.                                         Cookie orders

              20             21                22                    23                 24            25              26

              27             28                29                    30                 31
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...
    Sunday             Monday               Tuesday         Wednesday           Thursday               Friday               Saturday
                                                                                                                    1                   2
                                                                                                                               Girls Start
                                                                                                                        In-Person Orders

                3                  4                   5                 6                  7                      8                    9
                                                             Service Unit      Troop eBudde         Troop Required
                                                            Secured Booth           Webinar:          Forms Due to
                                                              Sites Due to      Starting Your               Council:
                                                                   Council         Sale/Q&A           (Agreements,
                                                                                 @ 6:30 p.m.           Policies, ACH
                                                                                                         Forms and
                                                                                                 Financial Reports)

               10                  11                  12               13                14                    15                     16
                                          Troop eBudde                         Troop eBudde         eBudde Booth
                                         Webinar: Digital                           Webinar:     Scheduler – Open
                                          Cookies & Q/A                        eBudde Booth               to View
                                            @ 6:30 p.m.                       Scheduler/Q&A
                                                                                 @ 6:30 p.m.            Service Unit
                                                                                                       Delivery Site
                                                                                                   Information Due
                                                                                                          to Council

               17                 18                   19               20                  21                    22                  23
                                        Fall Product PGA                       eBudde Booth      Girls Submit Initial     eBudde Booth
                                           Reward Booth                          Scheduler –      Orders to Troops          Scheduler –
                                        Sale Picks due to                      Round 1 – Jan.                             Round 2 – Jan.
                                               Council by                       21 at 7 p.m. –                            23 at 12 p.m. –
                                                  10 a.m.                           Jan. 23 at                                 Jan. 25 at
                                                                                    11:59 a.m.                                 9:59 a.m.
                                          Troop eBudde
                                            Entering Girl
                                          Delivery, Q & A
                                               @ 6:30pm

               24                  25                 26                27                 28                    29                    30
                     Troops Submit         Service Units    eBudde Booth       Troop eBudde          eBudde Booth
                     Initial Cookie &      Submit Initial     Scheduler –          Webinar –           Scheduler –
                     Reward Orders      Cookie & Reward     Round 4 – Jan.             Cookie    Round 5 – Jan. 29
                          in eBudde -          Orders in     27 at 6 a.m. –   Delivery/Q&A –     at 1 p.m. – Jan. 31
                       Locked out at    eBudde – Locked          Jan. 29 at         6:30 p.m.          at 8:59 p.m.
                             Midnight    Out at Midnight        12:59 p.m.

                     eBudde Booth
                       Scheduler –
                     Round 3 – Jan.
                     25 at 10 a.m. –
                          Jan. 27 at
                          5:59 a.m.

   eBudde Booth
      Scheduler –
Round 6 – Jan. 31
at 9 p.m. – Feb. 2
      at 9:59 p.m.
Service Unit Cookie Manager Guide 2021 - Girl Scouts Heart ...
 Sunday            Monday               Tuesday           Wednesday            Thursday           Friday            Saturday
                               1                  2                   3                 4                  5                  6
                    Troops print        Large Order         Large Order      Memphis Area       Memphis Area       Memphis Area
                        Delivery      Memphis Area        Memphis Area         Count-N-Go         Count-N-Go         Count-N-Go
                   Confirmation         Count-N-Go          Count-N-Go
                                                                              eBudde Booth                          Jackson Area
                                        eBudde Booth                            Scheduler –                          Count-N-Go
                                          Scheduler –                        Round 8 – Feb.
                                     Round 7 – Feb. 2                          4 at 11 a.m. –                      eBudde Booth
                                     at 10pm – Feb. 4                               Feb. 6 at                         Scheduler –
                                           at 10:59am                             11:59 a.m.                     Round 9 – Feb. 6
                                                                                                                 at 12 p.m. – Feb.
                                                                                                                    8 at 8:59 a.m.

          7                     8                   9                  10                 11               12                 13
                  eBudde Booth           Service Unit        Service Unit      Service Unit      Cookie Booth       Cookie Booth
                    Scheduler –           Cookie and          Cookie and        Cookie and        Weekend #1         Weekend #1
                     Round 10 –            Cupboard            Cupboard          Cupboard
               Feb. 8 at 9 a.m. –          Deliveries          Deliveries        Deliveries
                       Feb. 10 at
                       9:59 p.m.                           eBudde Booth
                                                              Scheduler –
                    Service Unit                           Open Round –
                     Cookie and                         Feb. 10 at 10pm –
                      Cupboard                                 End of Sale

          14                  15                  16                   17                 18               19                 20
Cookie Booth                                                                                     Cookie Booth       Cookie Booth
 Weekend #1                                                                                      Weekend #2         Weekend #2

                                                                                                Girls submit ½
                                                                                                   Payment to

          21                 22                    23                24                   25               26                 27
Cookie Booth       Troop ACH ½         Troop eBudde        Troop ACH ½                           Cookie Booth       Cookie Booth
Weekend #2             Payment       Webinar: Digital     Payment from                           Weekend #3         Weekend #3
                       Shortage     Cookie/Allocating        Troop Bank
               Information due          Cookies/Q&A            Accounts
                      to Council         @ 6:30 p.m.

Cookie Booth
Weekend #3
MARCH 2021
    Sunday              Monday           Tuesday           Wednesday           Thursday          Friday           Saturday
                                    1                2                  3                 4                 5                6
                                                                                                 Cookie Booth     Cookie Booth
                                                                                                 Weekend #4       Weekend #4

              7                    8                  9                10                 11               12               13
   Cookie Booth                          Digital Cookie                                          Cookie Booth     Cookie Booth
   Weekend #4                             Girl Delivery                                          Weekend #5       Weekend #5
                                          Option Ends

                                        Troop eBudde
                                        Finalizing Your
                                           @ 6:30 p.m.

             14                  15                 16                  17                18               19                20
Booth Sales End        Girls Submit                                          Troops submit
                     Cookie Balance                                          Rewards Order
    Last Day for           to Troop                                             in eBudde –
   Digital Cookie                                                             Troops locked
           Orders        Cookie Flair                                         out of eBudde
                         Submission                                              at midnight
                                                                              Troops must
                         Red Wagon                                             have cookie
                         Submission                                                balance
                           Deadline                                          deposited into
                                                                                troop bank

               21                 22                23                 24                 25              26                 27
    Service Units   Volunteer T-Shirt                      Troop ACH Final
Submit Rewards        Order Deadline                             Payment
Order in eBudde           to Council                             Shortage
 – Locked Out of                                          Information due          Sunday, April 4
       eBudde at         Cookie Flair                           to Council         Cookie Flair online voting ends
        Midnight        online voting                                              Thursday, April 29
                              begins                         Outstanding           Rewards begin shipping to SUCMs
                                                            Balance Form           Mid-May
                                                             DEADLINE to           SU disperses rewards to Troops
                                                                  Council          Late-May
                                                                                   SU Proceeds Paid via ACH
              28                 29                 30                 31
                                                                                   Late July
                     Troop ACH Final                                               Super Troop Proceeds Paid via ACH
                      Payment from
                                                                                   Friday, September 10
                         Troop Bank
                                                                                   Passport Bucks Expire
Service Unit Tips and Training Points
Prior to Traning                                                    Give your contact information and let them know they can
Secure a date, time, location or virtual option for your            always call you for help.
training. Make sure all Troop Cookie Managers are aware of
your dates and times in advance. Send invitations, emails           Troop Cookie Manager Agreement and Policies
or make phone calls.                                                Use the Troop Cookie Manager Agreement + Policies
                                                                    (obtained at your troop training) to set up each troop in
Review Sale dates (set service unit dates if needed).               eBudde.
Service Units can set an earlier date for troops to submit              • You must have a signed form before troops can
orders and money to them. Set a realistic deadline                        participate in the sale
for orders to be turned in. Troops should be given the                  • A list will be provided by council of those forms
opportunity to sell for the entire time of the sale.                      already on file.

Download training PowerPoint and make changes if                    Automated Clearing House (ACH)
necessary.                                                             • Explain that payment via ACH is mandatory.
                                                                       • A list will be provided by council of those forms
*Encourage troops to visit the VIP learning site prior to                already on file.
                                                                    Financial Reports + Bank Statements
Tips and Key Points for Training                                    Troops must submit a financial report through the
Be enthusiastic and make it fun! Have icebreaker games or           Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) prior to Septemer 30 of the
sale-related trivia questions.                                      previous year to participate in the Girl Scout Cookie
                                                                    Program. If you have troops that have not done so, contact
Girls and troops must be registered for the 2020/2021               Council Care at 800-624-4185 or for
membership year before they receive their troop cookie              assistance.
                                                                    Two Fully Screened Volunteers
Explain the importance of the Cookie Sale Program:                  Troops must have two registered adult volunteers, with
    • For girls – it’s a program activity that teaches girls life   completed background checks, with one Leader and one
      skills such as goal setting, planning, organizational         Co-Leader listed in the MyGS community.
      skills; and teamwork
    • For troops – the chance to earn funds for activities          Permission Forms
    • For council – the opportunity to continue the quality         Troops must collect a Parent/Guardian Permission and
      programs, activities, and services currently being            Responsibility Form for each girl before she is allowed to
      offered as well as those planned for the future               participate in the sale.
                                                                        • Troops keep forms on record until all payments have
Girls and their families must always decide whether or not                been made to the council at the end of the sale
to participate. Leaders do not make that decision for them.             • If permission forms for Fall Product had the approval
                                                                          for cookies, you can use the same permission form
Encourage leaders to appoint parents to help as Troop
Cookie Managers: this helps take the pressure off the               Cookies
leaders and keeps parents involved.                                 All 8 varieties will be included on the order card.
                                                                         • $5 Cookies: Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-
Explain the importance of troops and girls discussing and                  Dos, Trefoils, Lemon Ups
setting goals.                                                           • $6 Cookies: S’mores and gluten-free Toffeetastics
    • An easy way to do this is to utilize the Cookie Program
      materials provided by Little Brownie
    • More activities and additional resources can be
      found on the Little Brownie Bakers website at

Encourage everyone to visit the cookie page on the council
website at
Distribute and review all materials.
Service Unit Tips and Training Points
Review the Troop Cookie Manager Guide                             Extra Proceeds Option
Let leaders know that the Troop Cookie Manager Guide may          Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops can choose to
help answer their questions after the training.                   earn $0.07 per box more instead of earning rewards. Girls
     • Briefly review each page to let leaders know what          within the troop choosing the extra proceeds option will
       information is available; there is no need to read the     only earn patches (presale and additional orders). For every
       booklet word for word                                      girl that reaches the 800+ box level, she will then begin
                                                                  accumulating rewards at each level she obtains thereafter.
Dates                                                             Troops that have chosen the extra proceeds options do
   • Digital Cookies opens for orders on Wedensday,               qualify for the troop initial order PGA rewards.
     December 16.
   • In-person orders begin on January 2.                         Troop to Troops
   • Stress deadlines, including that ACH deadlines are           Troop to Troops posters and box wraps can be downloaded
     firm.                                                        online.
                                                                      • Discuss the difference between virtual and non-
Review Selling Cookies Safely Guide                                     virtual Troop to Troops cookies
Whatever approach troops decide to take this Girl Scout
Cookie Season, we've provided tools to equip volunteers           Virtual Troop to Troops Cookies
to be flexible in a range of environments. You can find               • Troops do not receive these cookies in hand
Girl Scouts safety materials and resources in the Selling             • Virtual cookies are placed in the T2T column on
Cookies Safely Guide, and additional information at                     eBudde on the Girls Order tab                                • Virtual T2T boxes can be added to eBudde at any time
                                                                        during the sale
Rewards                                                               • Troops cannot specify variety of virtual cookies
Troops can collect girls’ reward choices on the Girl Initial          • If cookies are placed in this column, the council will
Order Summary                                                           order them at the end of the sale
    • Have girls make a selection on all levels, in case she          • Any boxes placed in the T2T column will add to the
      increases her sales from additional and/or booth                  amount owed to the council
      sales                                                           • Troops will be responsible for payment of any cookies
    • Suggest that troops select a specific item at each                placed in the T2T column
      level with a choice as their default item                       • ONLY VIRTUAL TROOP TO TROOPS COOKIES WILL
    • If a girl doesn’t submit a choice, then she will get the          COUNT TOWARDS TROOP TO TROOPS PATCH AND
      default item                                                      REWARD QUALIFICATIONS.
    • This will help prevent a delay in submitting orders
      because of reward choices                                   Non-Virtual Troop to Troops Cookies
                                                                    • Troops will receive these cookies.
Girls continue selling after initial orders are submitted using     • These cookies are placed on the Girls Order tab in
their Goal Getter order card and Digital Cookies.                     either the GOC column or as additional cookies.
                                                                    • These are cookies sold at booth sales and/or
All rewards are cumulative.                                           additional sales for the Troop to Troops Program.
                                                                    • These donations will need to be brought to the
Troop Proceeds                                                        council by March 29 to be sent with the virtual
Troop proceeds are not to be divided by girl.                         cookies in this program.
                                                                    • Troops can use their “extra” inventory at the end
See Product Program Proceeds Standards for futher                     of the sale to fill their Troop to Troops (non-virtual)
information.                                                          cookie orders by March 29.
Service Unit Tips and Training Points
Gift of Caring                                                   Payment and Collection
Troops can choose their own Gift of Caring recipient             Stress the use of receipts for ALL transactions, both money
• DO NOT ENTER THESE IN THE T2T COLUMN ON EBUDDE                 and product.
• Place in the GOC column
• They are not considered virtual cookies                        Troop Proceeds are based on the Troop’s Per Girl Average
• Email pictures to the Council of your troop delivering         of girls selling. Explain requirements for the Extra Proceeds
    cookies to your recipient with a brief description to        Option.
                                                                 Discuss the impact that girl participation and outstanding
Delivery / Count-N-Go                                            balances have on the service unit proceeds. If they have
Explain your Service Unit delivery or the Count-N-Go             a parent with an outstanding balance, it affects the entire
process and what to expect; also what is expected from           service unit.
                                                                 Council, Service Unit and Troops reserve the right to require
Cookie Cupboards                                                 payment up front for product. *See Product Program
This year we are requiring cookie volunteers to submit           Agreement and Policies.
their Cookie Cupboard orders digitally through the eBudde
website or app. This will help Cookie Cupboard managers          It is at the Troop Cookie Manager/Leader’s discretion
remain contactless throughout the pick-up.                       whether the troop will accept personal checks or not.

Refer to the Cookie Cupboard listing to see how far in           Deposit payments into troop account frequently.
advance orders must be entered for pick-up.
                                                                 ACH Payment is mandatory and troop must follow the
Inventory entered into eBudde is not guaranteed to be            guidelines and deadlines outlined in the ACH instructions.
available, but the council makes every effort to fulfill every
order. Entering orders in eBudde will help Cookie Cupboard       NO PROCEEDS ARE DEDUCTED FROM HALF PAYMENT
better manage their inventory.
                                                                 If an Outstanding Balance form is not submitted to the
Discuss cupboard guidelines and policies. It is very             council by March 24, 2021, the Troop Cookie Manager will
important to follow these guidelines and dates so the            be responsible for the amount due.
council can accurately stock cupboards.
                                                                 If Troops are having problems collecting money, have them
ORDER AND PICK UP YOUR COOKIES FROM THE SAME                     contact you and remind them to document all of their
CUPBOARD LOCATION. This helps to properly manage the             correspondence.
cupboard inventory.
                                                                 If a parent has problems delivering cookies, they need to
Cases from the cupboards can be either full cases or             notify their troop immediately. If they wait until the sale is
comprised of mixed varieties equaling 12 boxes.                  over, there is no time to get them sold before money is due.


Only Troop Cookie Managers are automatically approved
to pick up cookies from a cupboard. If they need someone
else to pick up cookies, the TCM must approve this through
the cupboard.
Service Unit Tips and Training Points
Cookie Booth Sales                                                  Walkabouts
Encourage troops to discuss booth sale guidelines and               Get out in your neighborhood with cookies to increase
etiquette with their troops at training. It is great to role play   your sales! With cookies in hand, girls can take contactless
with the girls to help them understand how to behave and            payment in the Digital Cookie app.
how not to behave at a booth sale.
                                                                    To avoid face-to-face selling consider leaving a doorknob
Discuss potential booth sale locations in your area.                order card with your Digital Cookie URL, or QR code for
Remember, the Service Unit Cookie Manager will be setting           customers to order.
up those booth sale locations and submitting them to the
council for the booth scheduler.                                    Create a Cookie Mobile
                                                                    Families can have a lot of fun decorating their cars to let
Troops can seek approval for any non-council sponsored              customers know they have cookies. Use car magnets, car
booth sales. They must receive approval from the manager            chalk or even removable vinyl and get creative.
of the location.
                                                                    Don't forget to put your Digital Cookie URL or a QR code
For these booth sales to be included in the Cookie Finder,          somewhere for customers to order online.
which advertises booth locations to potential customers,
they must submit the location, date and time in ebudde on           Drive Thru or Curbside Cookie Booths
the “My Sales” portion of the Booth Sales tab.                      Perfect for popular parking lots, drive thru cookie booths
                                                                    give customers the ease of purchasing cookies without
If Troops have cookies remaining at the end of the sale,            leaving their cars! This open-air idea gives girls the
they can still set up booth sales after the sale is over. They      opportunity to sell cookies and take contactless payment
must receive approval from the manager of the booth sale            through the Digital Cookie app. Make sure to discuss safety
site.                                                               guidelines and never let a girl approach a car.

Porch Delivery/ Pick-Up                                             Too Many Cookies?
Through Digital Cookie girls can sell online and deliver            If you have over-ordered product, do not wait to notify
cookies (once approved by parents) to customers by                  your Service Unit Manager or the council. If you wait until
leaving them on their porch.                                        the end of the program, it is much more difficult to find
                                                                    someone that needs the product and it is most likely too
Girls should always deliver with an adult, and confirm with         late for anyone to help. Below are some opportunities to
the customer the delivery date and location where to leave          help clear up your remaining inventory as the end of the
the cookies.                                                        sale approaches.

Cookie "Lemonade" Stands                                                • Facebook Cookie Swap Group! A place for Girl Scout
Encourage families to set up lemonade style stands in their               Cookie volunteers to swap extras cookies, search for
driveways or entrance to their neighborhood.                              needed cookies and to connect with other Girl Scout
                                                                          Cookie volunteers! Request to join today at www.
Consider doing this for evening commuters, or after-school      
crowds. Remember, never let a girl go up to a car, and make             • Encourage your girls to set a higher goal (booth and
sure to have an adult with girls at all times.                            additional sales, door to door, etc.).
                                                                        • Set up additional booths to sell the inventory. Troops
Cookie "Yard Sale" Signs                                                  can even set up booths after the “end date” of the
Host a drive-by cookie booth sale in your driveway or                     sale (with the permission of the store managers).
neighborhood park. Put out "cookie sale" signs at major                 • Notify cupboards in your area of your extra product.
intersections to let customers know how to find you. This is            • Contact other troops in your area to see if they need
a great idea to host on a Saturday morning.                               extra product or would be willing to swap inventory.

Make "cookie sale" signs with your Digital Cookie URL, or a         As with other cookie transfers between troops, proper
QR code for drivers to order cookies on the go.                     documentation is required (i.e. signed receipts and eBudde
                                                                    entry by the troop transferring cookies out.)
Service Unit Tips and Training Points

eBudde                                                         COUNCIL COOKIE TRAININGS
Online ordering is mandatory at all levels of the program.     The following Cookie Trainings are available via Zoom
Access will be set up by the Service Unit Cookie Manager.      for Troop Cookie Managers. Please register to receive                                the meeting ID and password. If you cannot attend the
                                                               training, contact your service unit cookie manager or
All users will recieve a volunteer email from eBudde with a    email to request the recording
link to reset their password.                                  afterwards.

If no email is received, go to                                 Cookie Program Training - Troop and enter your email           Sunday, December 13, 3 p.m.
address. Click forgot password to resend the email.            Tuesday, December 15, 6:30 pm.

Discuss eBudde training webinars offered. Find a complete      Starting Your Sale - Troop
list here under the Training tab.                              Thursday January 7, 6:30 p.m.

Enter cookie and reward orders BY GIRL into eBudde.            Digital Cookies 101 - Troop
                                                               Tuesday, January 12, 6:30 p.m.
CASES.                                                         Booth Scheduler - Troop
                                                               Thursday, January 14, 6:30 p.m.
Troop initial order will be rounded up to full cases.
All cupboard transactions and transfers between troops         Entering Girl Orders/Rewards/Delivery - Troop
MUST be in multiples of 12.                                    Tuesday, January 19, 6:30 p.m.

Submit Initial Cookie Order, Initial Reward Order and Final    Cookie Delivery - Troop
Reward Orders ONLY ONCE.                                       Thursday, January 28, 6:30 p.m.

Digital Cookies                                                Cookie Cupboard Manager Training
Encourage troops to utilize Digital Cookies. This year girls   Tuesday, February 2, 6:30pm
are able to share links with family and friends starting on
Wednesday, December 16.                                        Allocating Cookies and Digital Cookies - Troop
                                                               Tuesday, February 23, 6:30 p.m.
Digital Cookie orders placed for girl delivery prior to
initial order deadlines will be automatically tallied on the   Finalizing Your Program - Troop
initial order tab in Ebudde.                                   Tuesday, March 9, 6:30 p.m.

Stay In Touch
Watch your email inbox for messages from the council and
                                                               Volunteer Training on eBudde™ Mobile*
service unit.
                                                               Training resources and videos allow you to get up to speed
Another great resource is social media.                        fast on eBudde’s many capabilities. Master the basics, and
Facebook:                        then check out tips on new features for the season!
Twitter:                          What it includes:
Pinterest:                       • Videos
                                                                • Multimedia lessons
    • Facebook Cookie Swap Group! A place for Girl Scout       Where you’ll find it:
      Cookie volunteers to swap extras cookies, search for      • App Store and Google Play
      needed cookies and to connect with other Girl Scout
      Cookie volunteers! Request to join today at www.

Log on to Little Brownie Bakers Volunteer Blog,
Troop and Service Unit Proceeds

TROOP PROCEEDS                             OPTION A                                     OPTION B
Troop proceeds are based on the Per        WITH REWARDS                                 EXTRA PROCEEDS OPTION (EPO)
Girl Average, which is the average         Daisy, Brownie and Junior troops MUST take   Cadette, Senior and Ambassador troops may
                                           this option.                                 choose Option A or Option B.
number of boxes girls sell in your
troop.                                     PGA               PROCEEDS PER CASE          PGA                  PROCEEDS PER CASE

How to determine Troop Per Girl            1-199             $8.40                      1-199                $9.24
Average (PGA):
Divide the number of boxes sold by         200-399           $9                         200-399              $9.84

the number of girls selling cookies in     400+              $9.60                      400+                 $10.44
your troop.
Example: 1,200 boxes sold ÷ 10 girls       SUPER TROOP       Additional $.60            SUPER TROOP          Additional $.60*
selling = 120 PGA

eBudde will automatically calculate
your PGA.

These rules apply to the Extra
Proceeds Option (EPO):
 • Girls within troops choosing
   the EPO will only earn patches
   (presale and additional orders.)
   For each girl that reaches the
   800+ box level, she will then begin
   accumulating rewards at each
   level she obtains thereafter.
 • EPO troops can earn presale Troop
   PGA rewards.
 • The troop must be registered with
   the council as a Cadette, Senior or
   Ambassador troop.
 • The choice made is for the entire
   troop. GIRLS, not adults, must
   make the troop’s choice.                SERVICE UNIT PROCEEDS                        SERVICE UNIT (SU) PROCEEDS-199
 • EPO option MUST be marked in            Service Units have the potential
   eBudde on the settings tab PRIOR        to receive a total of $0.05 per box          $.03      Automatic Service Unit Proceeds

   to entering girls’ initial orders. No   sold within their SU if they have no
                                                                                        +$.01     5% SU Initial Order Increase & No Debt
   changes will be made after initial      outstanding debts.
   order is submitted.                                                                  +$.01     3% SU Final Sale Total Increase & No Debt
                                           The council does not encourage
*Super Troop proceeds will be paid         troops to cover a parent’s debt to           $.05      Potential Service Unit Proceeds

out to troops in July via ACH after        ensure the proceeds bonus for
qualifications have been met. View         the Service Unit. If a troop remits
Super Troop qualifications.                payment for a parent’s outstanding
                                           balance, then the troop is responsible
                                           for collection of this debt.
Individually Registered Girl Scouts

Any registered girl can
participate in the
Girl Scout Cookie
Program, even if she is not
participating in a traditional troop.

Service Unit Cookie Managers will be responsible for individually registered girls
participating (that are not in a troop); making sure they are trained, collecting
parent permission slips, orders and payments, entering orders and rewards in
eBudde and distributing product and rewards.

For orders to be placed in eBudde, individually registered girls must be assigned
a “troop” number. A specific number has been assigned for each SU to place
orders in the eBudde system.

All individually registered girls’ orders will be placed under this number so that
her orders arrive with the rest of the SU’s delivery.

This number is simply 99 in front of the SU number (example: 99423 for TN
West Central, 99245 for Clay, etc.)

If there is a group as well as other individual girls selling within the same SU,
please call 800-624-4185 or email, to obtain a separate

Individually registered girls that participate separately (did not select a troop for
the program) will receive “Passport Bucks” at the rate of $20 for every 50 boxes

Passport Bucks may be used for annual GSUSA membership dues, pay council-
sponsored program activity fees, resident camp registration fees, resident camp
trading post, and to purchase items in the council shop; may not be cashed for
“real money” and cash will not be given as change; has no value outside of Girl
Scouts Heart of the South; expires 9/10/2021.

Passport Bucks will only be issued if balance is paid in full.
Service Unit Cookie Rally

Kick off this cookie season with a high                           Download activities, videos and more!
energy, activity packed Cookie Rally for your           
Service Unit!                                                                                2021 Epic Paper Doll
Cookie Rallies are great to show girls how to be successful
in the Cookie Program. Success, friendship, learning, stories,
cookies–it’s all part of the Girl Scout Cookie season and being
altogether awesome.

Little Brownie Bakers, our cookie makers, have put together
irresistible ideas for bringing lots of fun, learning and girl
motivation together into an awesome cookie kick-off event
that you can do online or in-person.

In-Person Cookie Rally                                                                       2021 Booth Banner
Download the Girl Scout Cookie Virtual Rally Guide, and the
Virtual Cookie Rally Resources to host an online rally for your

In-Person Cookie Rally
Download Girl Scout Cookie Rally Guide, a step-by-step
planning guide, packed with ideas for combining fun, learning
and girl motivation. Additional activity sheets, downloadable
PDFs and more are available online at
                                                                                             2021 Constellation
Cookie Count-N-Go


Armstrong Relocation
3927 Winchester Rd.
Memphis, TN 38118

                        Select Delivery Information in            • Troops that have over 400
Averitt Express
                        eBudde:                                     cases in their initial order will
2093 Express Drive
                            • After submitting the Troop            be required to select two or
Jackson, TN
                              Initial Cookie order in eBudde,       more simultaneous timeslots,
                              Troops will be reminded to go to      and given the opportunity to
                              the Delivery tab to select their      select an earlier pick up time
                              delivery date and time.               between Monday - Thursday.
                            • Go to the Delivery tab and            Council will contact eligible
                              choose the Count-N-Go delivery        troops after they have entered
                              date desired from the drop            their order, and selected their
                              down menu.                            pick up slots. The council
                            • Then click on the desired             will update eBudde with the
                              timeslot.                             selected pick up information.
                            • Available slots will be white,      • Click the “Submit my Info”
                              unavailable slots will be gray.       button at the top left. The
                            • If troops are attempting to sign      delivery information will not be
                              up for time slots and there           saved unless it is submitted.
                              are no available spots, please      • Prior to their pick-up date (but
                              contact,        after 2/1/21), troops will need to
                              or 800.624.4185                       print the delivery confirmation
                            • Troops that have over 200             from the delivery tab in eBudde
                              cases in their initial order will     to take with them to delivery.
                              be required to select two or          This will recap the order in
                              more simultaneous timeslots.          cases, by variety, delivery date/
                                                                    time and also tell an estimate of
                                                                    how many vehicles to bring.
Cookie Count-N-Go

Count-N-Go Day of Process:                                      Count-N-Go Day of Tips:
   1. Masks are required.                                        • Girl orders are not separated into individual vehicles.
   2. Count-N-Go is for troop initial orders only, not           • Have all vehicles cleaned out with minimal passengers.
       individual girls.                                         • Delivery agents will be loading the cookies. You do not
   3. Troops need to bring or have access to their Troop           need extra people to do this.
       Delivery Confirmation that includes a unique Troop        • Pay close attention during the loading process. The
       Code and phone number for pick-up. These are                loaders load fast. Be aware of what is being loaded into
       available to print beginning                                your vehicle and make sure you get an accurate count
       February 1, 2020.                                           before moving to the next station.
   4. Troops will need to arrive at their scheduled time         • For orders requiring multiple vehicles:
       with all vehicles needed for pick-up. Troops will              • Have all vehicles needed for pick up arrive
       not be allowed to begin pick-up process until all
       vehicles have arrived at the site.
                                                                      • Bring an extra person to be the designated
   5. Troops will stop at the Check-In station to receive
                                                                           “counter” so they do not have to get in and out of
       further instructions.
   6. One troop member will text their Troop Code from                     the vehicle as they are moving in the line.
       the Delivery Confirmation to                                   • The first vehicle will be filled to capacity before
       225-398-3281. They will receive a confirmation                      loading any subsequent vehicles.
       back stating they have been checked in.
   7. They will then be directed to a pick-up line.
   8. A council escort will follow them through the pick-
       up process and assist with counting.
   9. Cookies will be set up in an “assembly line” style
       with one or two varieties of cookies at each
       station. Troops will count the cases as they are
       being loaded by variety into their vehicles. Cars will
       move through the line to receive all cases ordered
       of each variety at each station
   10. Once all cookies are loaded, the council escort will
       release the cookies in eBudde to the troop.
   11. The troop will receive a text stating their cookies
       have been released and to confirm text back with 1
       and for additional help respond back with 2.
        • If they replied with a 1 and confirmed, they will
          proceed to the Check-Out station. This will also
          trigger a confirmation email to the troop.
        • If they replied with a 2 they will stay with their
          council escort to discuss issues with their count.
          There will be a recount station if quantities are
          questioned. Troops will need to move out of
          the line and unload, count and reload their own
   12. At the Check-Out station, troops will receive their
       initial order rewards.
Cookie Delivery Sites

As Service Unit Cookie Manager, one of your responsibilities        Helpful Hints:
is to secure a convenient, suitable location for receiving,            • Remember to schedule plenty of help for unloading and
sorting and disbursing your cases of Girl Scout Cookies.                 separating cookies.
                                                                       • Notify troops promptly about the delivery date and their
Don’t wait until the last minute! Planning early helps you               pick-up time.
select and secure the best possible location for your                  • Count and recount and obtain an electronic signature or
troops and delivery agent. The people donating their space               signature from the Troop Cookie Manager before they
and time appreciate advance notice so they can plan                      leave with product.
accordingly.                                                           • After delivery day, write a thank you note to the
                                                                         manager of the facility!
Check with the prior SUCM or Service Unit Manager
in your area. Ask long-time community people for

What makes a good delivery site?
Streets and parking area must be wide/long enough for a
large delivery truck to maneuver without backing into yards
or off driveways and have no low hanging power/phone

Not all delivery sites will require the use of a tractor-trailer.
The delivery truck and Troop Cookie Managers need to
be able to get close to the entry door for loading and

A location which has a forklift on the premises will make
your job easier.

The space should be large enough to accommodate all
cookies (possibly in pallets) and still have enough room to
separate cookies by troops.
Look for a location where Troop Cookie Managers can drive
close to an access door rather than having to maneuver up
and down stairs or through a maze of hallways.
The location must be water tight and insect free.

Excellent delivery site locations are fire stations, National
Guard Armories, schools, churches, etc. Try to choose a
location that is easily found and centrally located in your
service unit.

Think quantity: An average two-car garage (20x22 feet)
will hold approximately 1,000 cases. To prevent toppling
over, stack straight and only 6 feet high. Consider that each
case averages approximately 9 pounds and the weight of
1,000 cases requires a GOOD FLOOR!


1   Look for welcome email with
    link and log in information to
                                                    NAVIGATING FEATURES
                                                    Dashboard                                               Reports
      • After your Service Unit Manager
                                                    On your troop’s default screen, you’ll                 Run three different reports from this tab:
         grants you access, you’ll receive a
                                                     find important messages from your council/              • CUPBOARD REPORT shows a list of all open
         welcome email with a login link
                                                     service unit and links to tools and resources              cupboards and location/hours
      • Click the link and set up a new
                                                     you’ll need throughout the season                          of operation
         password, then click CONFIRM
                                                                                                             • DELIVERY STATION REPORT shows a list
      • At the profile screen, enter your
                                                    Contacts                                                    of locations available for your troop to
         new password
                                                    Review contact info and click EDIT to                       choose from for initial order pickup

                                                    make changes                                             • COOKIE EXCHANGES REPORT shows
    Set up your troop
                                                                                                                current offers of cookies available
     • Click the SETTINGS tab, then
                                                    Settings                                                    for exchange within the council
                                                    You can do several things under this tab:
     • Enter your troop’s package goal
                                                     • Edit troop info                                      Sales Report
     • Update the level of your troop
                                                     • Enter the number of girls selling                   Review all sales totals for the troop, including:
        if needed
                                                        and the troop’s package goals                        • Final package numbers
     • Check OPT OUT OF REWARDS only
                                                     • Opt out of rewards for                               • Receipts
        if your troop is Cadette or above
                                                        additional profits                                   • Girl Scouts® Gift of Caring donations
        and wants to receive additional
                                                     • Enter banking info
        proceeds in lieu of
                                                                                                            Help Center
        girl rewards
                                                    Girls                                                   Find additional information, including:
     • Click UPDATE to save
                                                    Enter girls’ names, Girl Scout member ID and             • Council information

                                                    grade. You can also register girls and enter             • eBudde help
    Adding users
                                                    t-shirt size.                                            • Links to eBudde Microburst Training
     • Click the SETTINGS tab, then
                                                                                                                Videos with step-by-step instructions
                                                     Initial Order
     • Enter email addresses of additional
                                                     Enter your troop’s initial order by girl,
        users at the bottom
                                                      and order additional Girl Scout Cookies®
        of the page
                                                    for booth sales.
     • Click UPDATE to save
                                                    NOTE: Once orders are submitted here,
     • eBudde will email the new user
                                                     they cannot be changed. Carefully review
        a link to sign in
                                                     the totals before hitting SUBMIT ORDER

                                           EBUDDE MOBILE
                                           Stay in the know, on the go! This must-have app puts power at your fingertips, wherever you are in the
                                           cookie season.

                                           What it includes:
                                           • Streamlined dashboard                                   • Options for finding booth locations
                                           • Easy management of orders and rewards                     and exchanging cookies
                                           • Important messages and upcoming events                  • Help Center

                                           Where you’ll find it:
                                           • App Store and Google Play
With the Digital Cookie™
platform, the Girl Scout Cookie
Program is better than ever.

Have you spoken to your troops
about participating in the Girl Scout
Cookie Program with Digital Cookie
this year?                                 New this year is the ability              Custom Troop Cookie URLs
                                           for girls to take contactless             available through Digital Cookie
Now there is one more way to               payment through the
superpower their program—by adding         Digital Cookie app.                       Share your troop cookie URL to
online selling with the Digital CookieTM                                             neighborhood sites and community
platform. You play a key role in           Girls can sell on the go with the         Facebook groups. Cookies ordered
encouraging and supporting girls and       Digital Cookie Mobile App which is        through this URL should be evenly
parents with this channel.                 available for free download on both       divided among participating girls.
                                           the App Store and Google Play.
Remind them that it's easier for girls
and parents to participate at their
convenience and to reach friends and
family near and far. And, importantly,
it increases quality time together for
girls and parents!

It’s really simple, with just four easy
steps! They'll register, set up their
sites, invite customers, and track
their goals. That's it!                        We're hosting three Digital Cookie Days
                                               to encourage girls to dive into online
Digital Cookie makes it super simple           marketing
for customers to order their faves
online from a custom girl url, and             Digital Cookie Days
pay by credit card to either get               Saturday, December 19
the cookies right from you (parent             Saturday, January 16
approval required) or have them                Saturday, February 20
                                               Two ways to win!
Look for your registration email or            Send 20+ emails on a Digital Cookie Day to receive
contact us for more information.               an entry to win a Pop-Up Camp Stool. Ten girls
                                               will be drawn each day, giving 30 girls a chance to win.
 • Volunteer Digital Cookie
   Registration email sends on                 Sell 20+ boxes on a Digital Cookie Day to receive
   December 12 at 4 a.m.                       an entry to win $50 Passport Bucks. One girl
 • Parent Digital Cookie Registration          will be drawn each day, giving three girls a chance to win.
   email sends on December 13 at 4
Girl Scout Cookie Program                ®

An essential part of your
action plan for a successful
Girl Scout Cookie™ Season is
reviewing safety guidelines
with girls and their parents or
guardians. Girl Scouts offers ®

resources on girlscoutcookies.

Girl Scouts® resources:
 • Digital Marketing Tips for Cookie
    Entrepreneurs and Families
 • Supplemental Safety Tips for
    Online Marketing
 • Practical Tips for Parents
 • Safety Tips for Cookie™ Entrepreneurs
 • Safety Tips for Product Sales
 • Your Councils’ Volunteer Essentials and
    Safety Activity Checkpoints

Where you’ll find it:
 • Selling Cookies Safely Guide
The GIRL SCOUTS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA.
The LITTLE BROWNIE BAKERS® name and mark, and all associated trademarks, are owned by Ferequity Inc., an affiliate of Ferrero Int’l, S.A. ®, ™ & © 2020 Ferequity Inc. 061720
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