NBC's Sochi Olympics Coverage Averages 21.4 Mil Nightly Viewers

Page created by Nicholas Vazquez
NBC's Sochi Olympics Coverage Averages 21.4 Mil Nightly Viewers
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 8

                                                                                                                                                         i        ly
       NBC’s Sochi Olympics Coverage
       Averages 21.4 Mil Nightly Viewers
   By Michael O’Connell

           h er e w i l l st i l l be mor e
            numbers to come from the 2014
            Winter Olympics — but as of
   final ratings available on Monday,
   NBC’s coverage of Sochi saw nightly
   averages in line with what its first days
   suggested. Sochi was up from 2006’s
   Games in Torino, but down from the
   Vancouver Games in 2010.
      All told, NBC averaged 21.4 million
   viewers in primetime between the Feb. 7
   opening ceremony and the Feb. 23 clos-
   ing ceremony. Sochi saw several spikes
   along the way, but the last three days
   of coverage were all down significantly
                                                 Sochi’s viewership average edged Torino’s 20.2 million by 6 percent, but fell 12 percent shy of Vancouver’s 24.4 million.
   from recent games, due in part to Team
   USA’s general absence from the eleventh       the events and their stateside broadcasts                      down hindered the final night of cover-
   hour events and medal ceremonies.             did not work in Sochi’s favor regarding                        age. With the U.S. out of the men’s medal
      Over the course of the games, Sochi’s      the advertiser-targeted adults 18-49                           competition by Saturday morning, Sun-
   viewership average surpassed Torino’s         demo. With an average 5.5 rating, Sochi                        day’s closing ceremony had no massive

                                                                                                                                                                                   Associated Press
   20.2 million viewers by 6 percent, but fell   was down 10 percent from Torino and                            lead-in like Vancouver. The finale aver-
   12 percent shy of Vancouver’s 24.4 million    17 percent from Vancouver.                                     aged 15.1 million viewers, down more than
   viewers. The lengthy time delay between          The lack of an evening hockey show-                                                                        s e e pa g e 2
NBC's Sochi Olympics Coverage Averages 21.4 Mil Nightly Viewers
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                        Page 2 of 8

                                                                                                                        tv news
   F r o m pa g e 1                                  Gilligan penned the initial script for      Kevin Reilly declared dead in January.
   6 million from 2010’s closing ceremony.

      the series, and House’s David Shore is           Thus far this pilot season, the net-
     NBC’s Sochi coverage again lost the          set to serve as showrunner. The duo            work has already picked up Lee Daniels’
   demo to Sunday champ The Walking               will both executive produce the Sony           hip-hop drama, Empire, as a pilot order
   Dead, and the AMC drama closed the             Pictures Television and CBS Television         with an eye toward series; Batman pre-
   total-viewers gap with its rival of the last   Studios drama alongside Breaking Bad’s         quel Gotham, a pilot with a series commit-
   three weeks by averaging 13.1 million          Mark Johnson. Kal Penn will co-star as         ment attached; Ben Affleck-produced
   viewers in the common hour. NBC                Ross’ partner.                                 mafia drama The Middle Man as a pilot
   Sports’ much-hyped Nancy & Tonya                  For McTeer, Battle Creek marks her          with backup scripts; Red Band Society
   documentary, while big, did not break          latest small-screen role joining Starz’s       as a series prototype with backup scripts;
   any records with 12.7 million viewers.         The White Queen. Other TV credits              and Turkish remake Runner as an off-
     The total number of U.S. Olympic             include Parade’s End, Damages and              cycle project with an eye toward series
   impressions has yet to be released, but        Sense & Sensibility. On the big screen,        production in the summer, among others.
   after the first week, NBC Sports noted         McTeer has earned two Oscar nomina-              The Home order brings Fox’s non-
   that 151 million U.S. viewers had tuned in     tions for her work in Albert Nobbs and         traditional (and pilot) orders to 16 —
   to the coverage through Feb. 13.               Tumbleweeds. She’s repped by Curtis            eight dramas and eight comedies —
                                                  Brown Group and The Schiff Co.                 on par with last year.

   mcteer cast in CBS’                            Bruckheimer Pilot
                                                                                                   For his part, Home is Bruckheimer’s
                                                                                                 second drama in contention this season.

   Gilligan-shore Drama
   By Lesley Goldberg                             Home Ordered by Fox
                                                                                                 He also is reteaming with original CSI
                                                                                                 executive producers Anthony Zuiker,
                                                                                                 Carol Mendelsohn and Ann Donahue
   CBS’ n ew cr i m e dr a m a ser i e s          By Lesley Goldberg                             for a technology-focused spinoff set
   Battle Creek has added a two-time Oscar        J er ry Bruck h ei m er is l ook i ng          to air as a back-door pilot this season.
                 nominee to its ranks.            to settle in at Fox.                           Bruckheimer is repped by CAA and
                    Janet McTeer has been            The network has ordered a series            Bloom Hergott.
                 tapped to co-star in the         prototype and additional scripts for the         Coleite most recently rewrote The CW’s
                 detective drama created          Bruckheimer-produced family drama              Wonder Woman prequel Amazon, which
                 by Breaking Bad’s Vince                          Home, The Hollywood            the network passed on in January. He’s
                 Gilligan, The Hollywood                          Reporter has learned.          repped by CAA and Jackoway Tyerman.
                 Reporter has learned.                              Home is described as a
     Based on a 2002 spec, the drama
   centers on Ross, a detective, and Milton,
                                                                  family thriller/soap that
                                                                  delves into the secrets lin-   Bibb Tapped to Star
   an FBI agent, with very different world-
   views who are teamed up. Together, they
   must answer the question: Is cynicism,
                                                                  gering behind the facade
                                                                  of a suburban family.
                                                     Heroes alum Aron Eli Coleite will pen
                                                                                                 in NBC Comedy Relative
                                                                                                 By Lesley Goldberg
   guile and deception enough to clean up         the script and executive produce along-        L e sl i e Bibb is f u rt h er i ng h er
   the semi-mean streets of Battle Creek,         side Bruckheimer and his television            relationship with NBC.
   Mich., in the face of a complete lack of       banner president Jonathan Littman.                The actress, who guest starred in the
   resources; or is the exact opposite true       Jerry Bruckheimer TV executive vp              pilot for the network’s About a Boy, has
   — it takes naivete, trust and a boatload       KristieAnne Reed will co-executive pro-        nabbed the female lead in NBC’s Love
   of resources?                                  duce the Warner Bros. Television drama.        is Relative, The Hollywood Reporter
     McTeer will play Commander Guzie-               Fox will film the prototype in the          has learned.
   wicz, Ross’ superior, who doesn’t under-       summer, with additional scripts and               From Borat’s Dan Mazer, the comedy
   stand why he always wants to cut through       materials to be prepared in advance to         focuses on a wife and her husband and
   the crap and the commander of the Battle       allow the network to pick up Home to           how they start to see their marriage in a
   Creek Police Department. The charac-           series. The network has used a similar         whole new way when her newly divorced
   ter is tough but soft with a sweet sense       approach to development in the past            brother moves in with them.
   of humor. Polite, patient and smart,           few months, as Fox looks to transition            Bibb will play the wife, Rose, who
   she’s the boss — but treats her cops with      to year-round programming and break            exudes an effortless cool from her sub-
   respect, and believes in social niceties       free of the traditional constraints of pilot   urban kitchen. She’s a strong-willed,
   before delivering bad news.                    season, which entertainment president                                            s e e pa g e 3
NBC's Sochi Olympics Coverage Averages 21.4 Mil Nightly Viewers
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 8

                                                                                                                   tv news
   F r o m pa g e 2                            Foxx, Channing Tatum, Robert Downey           not succeed,” executive producer Gareth
   opinionated, fearless and wry-humored       Jr., Matt Damon, Billy Crystal and Jon        Neame told The Hollywood Reporter on
   “say anything” kind of woman who is         Stewart. It helps that Kimmel’s studio        Monday. “The fact that it’s grown every
   proud of her wild youth. She’s married      is located just across the street from        year by such a significant audience means
   to Nate and the mother of a 6-year-old      the Dolby Theatre at the Hollywood &          that people are still finding ways to catch
                daughter and 18-month-         Highland Center, where the Academy            up with the show four seasons in.”
                old son.                       Awards take place.                               Downton, unlike many contemporar-
                  Mazer will write the            Last year, Kimmel premiered the trailer    ies, has prompted viewers to catch up
                script and executive pro-      for the star-filled Movie: The Movie: TwoV,   on other platforms. PBS’ streaming has
                duce the 20th Century Fox      a follow-up to 2012’s Movie: The Movie.       benefited a great deal from
                Television single-camera       Both trailers have become viral hits, gar-    the show. Across online
                comedy alongside Tom           nering more than a combined 28 million        vehicles, the public broad-
   Werner and Tom Lassally.                    hits on YouTube.                              caster estimates more than
     Bibb’s TV credits include GCB,               After the Oscars will air following the    7.1 million streams of all
   Popular, The Following, Burning Love,       local news in the Eastern part of the         content and 4.4 million             Neame
   The League and Crossing Jordan. She’s       country and at 10 p.m. in the West.           streams of full-length
   repped by ICM Partners and John Carra-                                                    Downton episodes. It has been nearly a
   bino Management.
                           Downton season Finale                                             year since the show’s previous seasons
                                                                                             also jumped from Netflix to the lesser-

   Kimmel Sets Star-Filled Draws Record Ratings                                              watched Amazon Prime for exclusive
                                                                                             off-net streaming.

   Post-Oscar Show Lineup
   By Philiana Ng
                                               By Michael O’Connell
                                               Masterpiece Classic closed the
                                               doors on another season of Downton
                                                                                                “Our Downton audience has stayed
                                                                                             true to the end, watching the fourth sea-
                                                                                             son in record numbers,” PBS president
   J i m m y K i m m el’s a n n ua l post-     Abbey on Sunday night — and keeping           and CEO Paula Kerger said of Monday’s
   Oscar show is set.                          with the PBS drama’s trend of ratings         news. “We are grateful to Carnival Films
     House of Cards star and two-time          growth, it again improved on the previ-       and Masterpiece for another must-see
   Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey will be the       ous year’s finale.                            year of dramatic twists and turns — and
   guest for the ninth Jimmy Kimmel Live:         The last episode of Downton’s fourth       are eagerly awaiting Season 5.”
   After the Oscars, which will                season, which debuted in the U.K. two            Downton’s growth has not been
   follow the 86th Academy                     months ago, averaged 8.5 million view-        without facing substantial competition.
   Awards, set to air Sunday                   ers in its inaugural telecast. That’s up      Going up against AMC juggernaut
   on ABC.                                     300,000 from last February’s then-            Walking Dead over the last three weeks,
     Other guests slated                       record 8.2 million viewers who tuned in       Downton has also had to contend with
   for the hour-long special         Kimmel
                                               to see star Dan Stevens killed off. It was    airing against the Golden Globes, the
   include Oscar host Ellen                    TV’s third-most-watched show of the           Grammys, the Super Bowl and the
   DeGeneres, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks,         night behind NBC’s Winter Olympics            Olympics this season.
   Martin Scorsese, Chris Hemsworth,           and AMC’s The Walking Dead.                      “We were No. 2 for all of those events,”
   Liam Hemsworth, Christoph Waltz,               Already in production on its fifth         Neame said of both award shows and the
   Ben Kingsley, Mandy Patinkin, Abbie         season, Downton continues to improve          Super Bowl. “We’ve been able to become
   Cornish, Barkhad Abdi, Joseph Gordon-       stateside. Latest averages have the           the go-to drama after these events on
   Levitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Seth Rogen,   fourth run averaging 8.3 million weekly       Sunday nights.”
   Morgan Freeman, Andy Garcia, Adam           viewers — a number that will go up when          Other than Walking Dead, Downton
   Driver, Queen Latifah, Gary Oldman          all time-shifting is tallied. The growth      has been the biggest Sunday scripted
   and Anjelica Huston as well as others.      has been mirrored nearly everywhere           performer over the past two months.
     Also expected to debut during the         across the globe, except in its native U.K.      A co-production of Carnival Films
   broadcast are “new comedy videos,”          December’s Christmas special was down         and Masterpiece, Downton has a unique
   according to the announcement issued        by 1.5 million viewers from 2012, but the     streaming setup — with free views allowed
   Monday.                                     show returned to a U.S.-best 10.2 million     on PBS station websites, the PBS Video
     Kimmel’s post-Oscar show has regularly    viewers in January.                           Portal and PBS’ apps on Xbox, Roku and
   featured A-list guests such as Oprah Win-      “The great thing about PBS is that         Apple TV for a limited time after each
   frey, Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck, Jamie        there is that space to work, to succeed or    broadcast.
NBC's Sochi Olympics Coverage Averages 21.4 Mil Nightly Viewers
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                     Page 4 of 8

                                                                                                              movie news
           There Will Be Blood                                                                 Imagine’s Anna Culp is executive pro-
                                                                                                  Set in California’s Salinas Valley

           for Warners, Cooper                                                                 prior to World War I, the novel, pub-
                                                                                               lished in 1952, chronicles two families
                                                                                               over the course of two gen-
   By Rebecca Ford and Borys Kit                  was a best-seller in his native country,     erations, loosely alluding
   Wa r n er Bros. h a s acqu i r ed              and he went on to write two others —         to the Biblical tale of Cain
   American Blood, an upcoming crime              By Any Means and Only the Dead.              and Abel and focusing on
   novel by Ben Sanders, with Bradley                Now 24 years old, Sanders will make       a father, his two sons and
   Cooper attached to star and produce.           his American debut with Blood, which         the boys’ mother, who they            Ross
      At least one other studio had bid on        is slated to be published in fall 2015 via   thought was dead.
   the project (which is currently a partial      MacMillan. Blood is likely the first in a       The book was famously adapted as
                  manuscript), and several        series of books, which means that there      a 1955 James Dean movie directed by
                  TV companies had also           is franchise potential for the films.        Elia Kazan. That film focused on the
                  expressed interest.                Cooper, Oscar-nominated for his role      second half of Steinbeck’s book and on
                     The story follows Mar-       in American Hustle, will next star as the    the second generation.
                  shall Grade, an NYPD            voice of Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of         Universal first acquired the rights
                  officer-turned-mob infor-       the Galaxy. He’ll next shoot Clint East-     to the project in 2004 after the book
                  mant who, while living in       wood’s American Sniper.                      was chosen for Oprah’s Book Club list.
   the witness protection program in New             Cooper is repped by CAA.                  The option lapsed and the producer and
   Mexico, is pulled into a dangerous inves-         Andy Lewis contributed to this report.    studio had to go back to the estate to re-
   tigation involving a missing woman.                                                         gain the rights.
      Screenwriter Andrew Sodroski
   (Holland, Michigan) is attached to             helmer Ross to Write                            Universal and Imagine reacquired
                                                                                               the rights in September, this time with
   adapt the script. John Lesher and
   Adam Kassan will produce, while
   Chantal Nong is overseeing for the
                                                  east of Eden Adaptation
                                                  By Borys Kit
                                                                                               Ross attached to direct the movie and
                                                                                               with Lawrence, whom Ross directed in
                                                                                               the first Hunger Games, attached to star.
   studio. Cooper will produce through            Ga ry Ross h a s sign ed on to pen              Ross sitting down behind a keyboard
   his 22 & Indiana banner, while Brendan         East of Eden, a new adaptation of the        isn’t a big surprise, as the last three films
   Deneen of Macmillan Entertainment              John Steinbeck novel that has Jennifer       he has directed — 2012’s Hunger Games,
   and Pouya Shabazian of New Leaf                Lawrence attached to star.                   2003’s Seabiscuit and 1998’s Pleasantville
   Literary & Media will also produce.              Brian Grazer and Imagine Enter-            — he has also written.
      Sanders, from New Zealand, published        tainment are producing for Universal            Ross is repped by CAA and attorney
   his first novel, Fallen, at age 20. The book   and Ross is already attached to direct.      Alan Wertheimer.
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                    Page 5 of 8

                                                                                                              movie news
   Snow, Macy in Talks                             The release date puts the comedy up
                                                 against Neil Blomkamp’s sci-fi actioner
                                                                                                VOD release later this year.
                                                                                                   The story centers on 13-year-old

   for Indie Dial-a-Prayer
   By Rebecca Ford
                                                 Chappie from Sony and Fox’s animated
                                                 The Penguins of Madagascar.
                                                                                                Jacob Wilson (Wiggins). Obsessed
                                                                                                with heavy metal, dirt-bike racing and
                                                                                                partaking in the occasional act of
   Br i t ta n y Snow a n d W i l l i a m H.
   Macy are in talks to join indie pic Dial-a-   seyfried joins ted 2                           vandalism with his band of delinquents,
                                                                                                Jacob’s behavior has begun to raise
   Prayer, a drama that will shoot in March
                 in Michigan.
                    The film follows a young
                                                 in female lead role
                                                 By Rebecca Ford
                                                                                                concerns around town, especially when
                                                                                                it starts to involve his younger brother
                                                                                                Wes (fellow acting newcomer Deke
                 woman named Cora (Snow)         A m a n da Sey f r i ed w i l l sta r i n      Garner). While the boys’ father Hollis
                 who is sentenced to com-        Ted 2, Seth MacFarlane’s sequel to his         (Paul) loves his sons, he is still reeling
                 munity service working          hit 2012 comedy, The Hollywood Reporter        from the loss of their mother, spending
                 in a prayer request call                      has confirmed.                   more time drowning his sorrows at the
                 center. She discovers a                          Seyfried will play the        local bar and working on his damaged
                 sense of accomplishment                       female lead in the Uni-          beach house than being an active parent.
                 from the work until she                       versal and Media Rights          When the local authorities catch wind
                 finds out a boy she thinks                    Capital film, which is slated    of the increasingly volatile situation,
                 she helped save is hiding          Seyfried
                                                               for release on June 26, 2015.    Wes is taken into custody and placed
                 a secret from her.                               MacFarlane will return        with his Aunt Pam (Lewis), leaving
                    The project is being         to direct and voice the pic’s foul-mouthed     Jacob and Hollis to fend for themselves.
                 produced by Jason Potash.       teddy bear, while Mark Wahlberg also           In Wes’ absence, Jacob becomes increas-
      Snow’s recent projects include Pitch       will return to star.                           ingly obsessed with two things: winning
   Perfect and horror pic Would You Rather.         Seyfried also stars in MacFarlane’s         a local motocross championship and
   Repped by ICM Partners and Magnolia           upcoming Western comedy A Million              getting his brother back.
   Entertainment, she is set to return for       Ways to Die in the West, set to hit theaters      Discovered on YouTube, Wiggins
   Pitch Perfect 2.                              May 30. Her most recent films include          made a splash at Sundance with the
      Macy most recently made his helming        Lovelace and The Big Wedding. She is           critically-hailed performance.
   debut with Rudderless, which premiered        repped by Innovative Artists and Frank-           “Kat Candler has crafted an exquisite
   in January at the Sundance Film Festival.     furt Kurnit.                                   and beautiful drama featuring towering
   His upcoming projects include Walter             Ted, released in June 2012, went on         performances across the board,” said
   and Stealing Cars. He’s repped by WME.        to become the highest-grossing R-rated         Sundance Selects president Jonathan
                                                 film that year, as well as the highest-        Sehring. “The entire cast here — includ-

   warners sets get Hard                         grossing original R-rated comedy of all
                                                 time with a worldwide box-office tally
                                                                                                ing Aaron Paul, as we have never seen
                                                                                                him before, and the remarkable arrival

   for march 2015 release                        of $549.4 million.                             of young Josh Wiggins — make this film
                                                                                                an absolute must watch for any serious
   By Rebecca Ford
   Get H a r d, a wa r n er bros. com edy        Sundance Selects Nabs                          filmgoer.”
                                                                                                   Added Candler: “We couldn’t be more
   starring Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart, has
   been set for release on March 27, 2015.
     Directed by Etan Cohen (writer of
                                                 candler Drama Hellion
                                                 By Tatiana Siegel
                                                                                                thrilled to find such a great home in Sun-
                                                                                                dance Selects. It’s an honor to be in the
                                                                                                company of so many of my favorite films
   Men in Black 3), the film follows an inno-    Su n da nce Sel ects h a s acqu i r ed         that IFC Films and Sundance Selects
   cent man who is convicted of a crime and      North American rights to helmer Kat            have released over the years.”
   prepares for prison with help from the        Candler drama Hellion.                            Kelly Williams and Jonathan Duffy
   man who washes his car.                          The movie, also written by Candler,         produced Hellion. Jeff Nichols, Sarah
     The script was written by Ian Roberts       stars Aaron Paul, Juliette Lewis and           Green, Janice Beard, Tanner Beard and
   and Jay Martel, who are executive pro-        Josh Wiggins, who makes his feature-           Suzanne Weinert executive produced
   ducers on Comedy Central’s sketch com-        film debut.                                    the pic, and Paul co-executive produced.
   edy show Key & Peele.                            Hellion made its premiere in January           UTA repped the filmmakers. Arianna
     Ferrell and Adam McKay are produc-          at the Sundance Film Festival, and Sun-        Bocco negotiated on behalf of Sundance
   ing via their Gary Sanchez banner.            dance Selects plans a theatrically and         Selects.
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                        Page 6 of 8

                                                                                                          business news
            Shrek Attraction                                                                       SLAPP hearing in May, and if Casey
                                                                                                   lost, she would not only lose her claims
                                                                                                   against HBO and Stewart, but she might

           Heading for London                                                                      have faced the possibility of paying the
                                                                                                   defendants’ legal bills.
                                                                                                     Instead, on Feb. 14, Casey filed papers
   By Georg Szalai                                     Said Merlin CEO Nick Varney: “Devel-        to dismiss claims against HBO and
   LONDON — DreamWorks Animation                    oping an attraction based on Shrek and         Stewart with prejudice, meaning that a
   has partnered with theme-park operator           his friends is hugely exciting for Merlin      lawsuit can’t be revived. The suit is only
   Merlin Entertainments to create “Shrek’s         Entertainments and the start of what we        partially dismissed. Casey’s wrongful
                   Far Far Away Adventure,”         hope will be a wider collaboration with        termination claim against AHA contin-
                   a themed visitor attraction      DreamWorks Animation. Merlin’s exper-          ues. Attorneys for the parties weren’t
                   in London based on the           tise in delivering memorable days out for      immediately available to comment.
                   Shrek franchise.                 visitors and DreamWorks’ skill in develop-       “We did not pay any money and there
                      “This landmark attrac-        ing globally recognized entertainment          was no settlement,” an HBO spokesperson
                   tion, which will transport       franchises will be a winning combination.”     told The Hollywood Reporter. “We did
                   visitors through a live inter-                                                  agree not to pursue a claim for legal fees.”
                   active adventure featuring
                   Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss       HBO Escapes Lawsuit Live Nation Reports
                   in Boots and other favorites
                   from the beloved franchise,
                   will see an initial rollout
                                                    Over Luck Horse Deaths Record Revenue in ’13
                                                    By Eriq Gardner
                   of six attractions over nine     NEW YORK — Barbara Casey, who                  By Paul Bond
   years,” the companies said.                      worked as director of production in the        Live Nation Entertainment said
      The first attraction will open in sum-        American Humane Association’s film             Monday that it set a record in 2013 for
   mer 2015. This will be the first time that       and TV unit until she was let go after         annual revenue, free cash flow and ad-
   Merlin, Europe’s largest and the world’s         complaining about alleged horse mis-           justed operating income due to increase
   second-largest visitor attraction opera-         treatment on HBO’s Luck, has dropped           attendance at shows in general and the
   tor, has worked with a Hollywood studio          legal claims against the cable network and     surging popularity of country music.
   to create an entertainment experience.           series producer Stewart Productions.              In the most recent quarter, Live Nation
      It is also the first time that DWA will          Casey first filed her lawsuit on Dec. 31,   said revenue grew 12 percent to $1.6 bil-
   help to produce an attraction of this            2012, and alleged that her ex-employer         lion with an operating loss of $51 million.
   magnitude via a licensing deal.                  had wrongfully terminating her, and that       For the year, revenue rose 11 percent to
      “The 20,000 sq. ft. experience will be        HBO and Stewart had aided and abetted          $6.5 billion and operating income was
   based on a brand-new adventure being             a cover-up months before the series star-      $140 million compared with an operat-
   written by the DreamWorks team,”                 ring Dustin Hoffman was canceled. After        ing loss of $22 million a year earlier.
   the partners said. “It will feature a            a judge expressed doubt whether such              Live Nation said its concert atten-
   Shrek interactive walkthrough adven-             an aiding and abetting claim was proper,       dance grew 19 percent as its concert
   ture, a character courtyard where visitors       Casey filed an amended complaint that          division was the lead or exclusive pro-
   will be able to meet Shrek and his swamp         discussed how her former employer              moter of 21 of the 25 top-grossing tours
   friends, along with characters from Mad-         looked the other way or covered up             in North America.
   agascar, Kung Fu Panda and How to Train          animal abuse on such productions as               “We increased both attendance and
   Your Dragon.”                                    Life of Pi, War Horse and The Hobbit.          attendance per show at every type of
      The Shrek films have generated more              The plaintiff attempted to put some         venue, from theaters and clubs to amphi-
   than $3.5 billion in global box-office rev-      focus on AHA’s relationship with HBO,          theaters to arenas and stadiums, showing
   enue. The original 2001 Shrek won the            and how execs at the animal-rights group       the consistent strength of our business,”
   first Oscar for best animated feature.           allegedly reaped special favor in Holly-       Live Nation said Monday. “We are also
      “We’re excited to work with Merlin to         wood, but the pay cable network continued      seeing this growth across all genres of
   build something that we think is going to        to insist that Casey wouldn’t ultimately       music, with country music delivering the
   be a singularly unique way to experience         prevail in showing some form of second-        greatest fan growth, up 2.3 million fans
   Shrek and his world,” said DreamWorks            ary liability over her termination.            to nearly 7 million, increasing 50 percent
   Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg.                   The dispute was headed for an anti-         from last year.”
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                                  Page 7 of 8

               Caddyshack Writer-Director,
               Ghostbusters Star Ramis Dies
   By Hilary Lewis                                                                                           of Ramis’ films including Animal House,
   Com edy sta r H a rol d R a m is                                                                          Stripes and the Ghostbusters franchise,
   has died, his agency UTA announced                                                                        directing the latter two, said in a state-
   Monday.                                                                                                   ment: “The world has lost a wonderful,
      The actor, writer and director died                                                                    truly original, comedy voice with the
   from complications related to auto-                                                                       passing of Harold Ramis. He possessed
   immune inflammatory vasculitis,                                                                           the most agile mind I’ve ever witnessed.
   a condition he battled for the past four                                                                  He always had the clearest sense of what
   years. He was 69.                                                                                         was funny and how to create something
      Ramis died Monday morning in his                                                                       in a new clever way. He was very gener-
   Chicago-area home, surrounded by                                                                          ous about making everyone around him
   family and friends.                                                                                       look better and smarter. Harold had an
                                                Ramis was involved with the long-rumored Ghostbusters III.
      He is likely best known for his acting                                                                 extraordinary impact on my career, and
   roles in Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II,   Ramis in both Ghostbusters films, said in                    I loved him like a brother. My heart goes
   both of which he co-wrote. He also co-       a statement that he’s “deeply saddened                       out to his children, and his lovely wife,
   wrote National Lampoon’s Animal House,       to hear of the passing of my brilliant,                      Erica. He will be profoundly missed.”
   Stripes, Caddyshack and National Lam-        gifted, funny friend, co-writer/performer                       Year One’s Black said of the writer-
   poon’s Vacation, directing the latter        and teacher Harold Ramis. May he now                         director: “Harold was a force of good
   two films. Ramis co-wrote, produced          get the answers he was always seeking.”                      in the universe. So funny, sweet and
   and directed other comedy classics,             Judd Apatow, who directed Ramis as                        thoughtful. He will be deeply missed.”
   including Groundhog Day, Multiplicity        in 2007’s Knocked Up, had fond memo-                            Ramis’ Ghostbusters co-star Sigourney
   and Billy Crystal-Robert De Niro films       ries of his films and the man himself.                       Weaver said in a statement: “Working
   Analyze This and Analyze That. He di-           “Harold Ramis made almost every                           with Harold on Ghostbusters was one
   rected 2005’s The Ice Harvest, starring      movie which made me want to become                           of the happiest experiences of my life.
   John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton.          a comedy director,” Apatow said in a                         He was amazingly talented, kind and
   Most recently, Ramis wrote, co-produced      statement. “Animal House, Stripes, Ghost-                    generous and always came up with these
   and directed 2009’s Year One, starring       busters, Vacation, Groundhog Day. These                      stealthy and incredibly funny lines. His
   Jack Black and Michael Cera.                 films are the touchstones of our lives.                      movies are so brilliant, and Harold was
      “His creativity, compassion, intelli-     I interviewed him when I was 16 years                        so low-key about it all. It’s a huge loss.”
   gence, humor and spirit will be missed       old for my high school radio station, and                       Andie MacDowell, who starred in
   by all who knew and loved him,” UTA          he could not have been more gracious                         Groundhog Day and Multiplicity, said:
   said in a statement.                         and hilarious. I looked up to him as a                       “I was fortunate to be able to do two
      Ramis was born in Chicago and             director, but even more so as a man. We                      movies with Harold Ramis. He was the
   earned his bachelor’s degree from            hired him to play [Seth Rogen’s] father                      kindest of all of the directors with whom
   Washington University in St. Louis.          in Knocked Up because we all saw him                         I have worked. I also considered him a
   He got his start in comedy in 1969 at        as the dream dad — funny, warm and                           genius. Aside from his talent, he could
   Chicago’s famed Second City.                 wise. Harold was one of the nicest people                    do the New York Times crossword puzzle
      Bill Murray, who worked with Ramis        I have ever met and he inspired countless                    in record time. I was lucky to have known
   on multiple films and other projects,        people to go into comedy. His brilliant                      him as well as I did. I will miss him.”
   said in a statement: “Harold Ramis and       work will make people happy forever.”                           Ramis was involved with long-rumored
   I together did the National Lampoon             Crystal said in a statement: “Harold                      Ghostbusters III. He won a BAFTA,
   show off-Broadway, Meatballs, Stripes,       was a gentle funny man. He found the                         American Comedy Award and British
                                                                                                                                                                 AP Photo/Jason DeCrow

   Caddyshack, Ghostbusters and Groundhog       perfect tone for Robert De Niro and I in                     Comedy Award.
   Day. He earned his keep on this planet.      Analyze This. He was a good man, and I                          He is survived by his wife, Erica Mann
   God bless him.”                              am shocked and saddened at his passing.”                     Ramis; sons Julian and Daniel; daughter
      Dan Aykroyd, who starred alongside           Ivan Reitman, who produced many                           Violet; and two grandchildren.
FEBRUARY 25, 2014                                                                                                                                Page 8 of 8

                                                                                                                            tv review
   Growing Up Fisher
   By Tim Goodman
                                                                                                        took from that was that I’d never watch
                                                                                                        the third one. You might. I mean, these
                                                                                                        kinds of soft, sentimental comedies with
   I t ’s h a r d to f igu r e ou t w h at                                                              little learning lessons are all the rage (well,
   NBC was thinking when it plotted out                                                                 sure, they used to be … now, like Gold-
   its Tuesday sitcoms. From 9 to 10 p.m.                                                               bergs, they come with more palatable
   it’s a pretty tough field already, at least                                                          doses of snark to leaven the sweetness
   quality-wise. Fox has New Girl and this                                                              and a whole lot more laughs).
                                                   Jenna Elfman and J.K. Simmons try to see their way
   season’s hit comedy Brooklyn Nine-                  through a separation in Growing Up Fisher.          But as a strategy, I get what NBC is
   Nine. ABC counters with its own hit in                                                               trying to do. Both Boy and Fisher are
   The Goldbergs and the underappreciated           The series is narrated by Jason Bate-               feel-good comedies. Compared with
   Trophy Wife. NBC? Apparently the net          man (Arrested Development), who pro-                   what Fox and ABC are offering, maybe
   is launching the Saccharine Offensive.        vides the grown-up voice of Henry (Bate-               the thinking is people need less sarcasm
      About a Boy (which had an excellent        man is also executive producer).                       and negativity in their lives. It’s like a
   pilot) had its premiere on Saturday after        Created by DJ Nash (Up All Night)                   candy-gram bit of counterprogramming.
   the Olympics, and Fisher had its sneak        and inspired by his own life story, Fisher                Actually, that can’t be completely true
   peek as the Olympics concluded on Sun-        revolves around 12-year-old Henry (Eli                 because Boy, when it’s good — meaning
   day. Will that help launch them? Only         Baker) and his two parents: blind father               when it’s not trying to be super fuzzy
   if people really, really love those overly    Mel (J.K. Simmons), who’s an attorney;                 sweater — has its caustic elements. And,
   sentimental Olympic features. No, desper-     and Joyce (Jenna Elfman), who is some-                 to its credit, there are funny jokes in the
   ately, weepily love them. And the second      thing I can’t recall because I was flossing            three I watched (whereas I didn’t laugh
   episode of Boy is extremely sugary on the     so I wouldn’t get a cavity. Or three. Well,            once in two episodes of Fisher). But I’m
   emotional end. Watching these two shows       she’s a mom for sure. Although she kind                also very wary of Boy, given that the
   together is like going into a sugar coma.     of wants to be best friends with her daugh-            second episode is from the same Fisher
      Fisher is about Henry, a boy coming of     ter, Katie (Ava Deluca-Verley).                        DNA. If that tendency is increased,
   age with a blind father. Well, the father        When we meet Henry, he’s like a “wing-              you’ve definitely got a huggy pair of
   has always been blind — just hiding it        man” to his dad. Once the separation/                  sitcoms on your hands.
   from the rest of the world until he and       divorce news hits, dad has to get a dog                   If you like very obvious, very simple
   his wife separate. In any case, that’s not    named Elvis and Henry feels useless.                   lessons in your family comedies — that
   entirely important or all that the show       This allows for 22 minutes of story about              was once a trend in TV — then by all
   is about. It’s the kid. And the coming of     how Henry really isn’t useless, but Elvis              means embrace Growing Up Fisher
   age. OK, and the blind thing. And a dog       will help his dad through this new phase               and its BFF, About a Boy. No doubt
   named Elvis. And the soft goo of life les-    and everybody will be happy. I’m not sure              they will hug you back, earnestly.
   sons (really obvious ones) encasing you       that’s what I took from it, but I did watch
   like a caramel hug.                           the second episode as well. And what I                 Airdate: Tuesdays, 9:30 ET/PT (NBC).
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