NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India

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NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary

                      NATION NOT READY TO FORGET
D    espite the atmosphere of provo-
     cations and threats of violence
from Sangh Parivar forces, the 26th
                                            This year witnessed a number of
                                        statements and judgments from the
                                        apex court regarding the Babri
                                                                                    very status of the Supreme Court as
                                                                                    the highest institution of justice in
                                                                                    the country. With zero respect to the
anniversary of the demolition of        Masjid. Also, with the Lok Sabha            democratic institutions, they openly
Babri Masjid was marked by huge         election approaching, political and         denounce the Constitution, and try to
protests gatherings, campaigns and      communal atmosphere in the country          influence the final judicial verdict by
calls for justice across the country.   is getting tenser. As expected, Sangh       using threats and pressures. They
   Popular Front of India has been      Pariwar, with no cards to play when         also use few sell-out leaders in the
consistently raising the issue since    approaching people after the five           Muslim community to prevent jus-
the demolition and has been deter-      years of misrule, is once again all set     tice. To bypass judicial decision, they
mined to never let the memory of the    to inflame Masjid-Mandir politics.          demanded for an ordinance to build
worst organized crime against the       BJP leaders are making provocative          Ram Temple at the site of Babri
nation since independence, fade from    statements that not only threaten           Masjid.
the minds of people.                    Muslim community, but defame the                Unfortunately, the secular forces

                 Popular Front of India                                           B u l l e t i n
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
and opposition parties did not seem,       undermining the Supreme Court of           of justice to the citizens of this coun-
in the least bit, affected by the ques-    India    by their repeated assertions      try, Supreme Court has to rise to
tion of justice. It never occurred to      and calls in public that Mandir would      occasion and illustrate its high
them that it was the failure of our        be constructed irrespective of cases       esteem and constitutional powers in
democratic institutions in preventing      pending before courts. The meeting         the face of ongoing threats." The
Sangh Parivar organizations from           demanded the Supreme Court to ini-         meeting appealed the apex court to
taking the law into their hands which      tiate criminal actions against Sangh       prosecute those who undermine the
worsened this issue in the past and        Parivar leaders who are engaged in         role of judiciary through public state-
lead to the demolition of centuries        such criminal and anti-national activ-     ments.
old Babri Masjid on 6 December                                                            It is highly encouraging to see
1992. The demolition was done defy-                                                   that the seeds of memory sown by
ing existing court orders to maintain                                                 the organization are finally growing
status quo of the site, while all the           It is highly encouraging to           to become trees of mass resistance.
democratic apparatuses of the coun-             see that the seeds of memory          To the disappointment of the fascist
try stood watching. Hundreds of                 sown by Popular Front are             forces and enemies of justice, voices
innocent Muslims lost their lives in            finally growing to become             of justice for Babri are only getting
the anti-Muslim riots that followed in          trees of mass resistance. To          louder and louder with the passage of
various parts of the country. By fur-           the disappointment of the fas-        time. This December 6 witnessed
ther deepening the communal divide                                                    mass gatherings at national capital
                                                cist forces and enemies of
in the country, BJP still continues to                                                and various parts of the country
exploit the issue in their polarizing           justice, voices of justice for        organised by different religious,
campaigns in the face of every suc-             Babri are only getting louder         political and activists groups.
cessive election.                               and louder with the passage           Popular Front units in different states
    Under these peculiar circum-                of time.                              held poster campaign highlighting
stances accumulating in the country,                                                  the message "Justice First; Rebuild
the Central Secretariat meeting of                                                    Babri Masjid" in all major languages.
Popular Front of India on 30 October                                                  People regardless of their differences
had sought urgent Supreme Court            ities. The Resolution stated: "Babri       came out hugely to express their sup-
intervention to prevent Sangh Parivar      Masjid - Ram Mandir issue is prima-        port for the cause more than ever
from humiliating Indian judicial sys-      rily an ownership dispute, not a mat-      before, proving that the forces of
tem in the name of Ram Mandir con-         ter to be decided as per either Hindu      divisiveness, disharmony and vio-
struction on the site of the demol-        or Muslim faith. Any approach to the       lence have not been successful in
ished Babri Masjid. The meeting            issue other than that is based on facts    their long vicious efforts to break
pointed out that the leaders of RSS,       and records will lead to denial of jus-    people's will, unity and quest for jus-
BJP and other related outfits are          tice. Since judiciary is the last resort   tice.

         Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
       Excerpts from the speech delivered at Babri Conference organized by All India Imams' Council,
       at Marine Drive, Ernakulam on 4 December 2018. E Abubacker (Chairman, Popular Front of Inda)

I  n the name of Allah, the most
   beneficent and merciful. I thank
Allah and All India Imams Council
                                        Muslims in India. The next day
                                        Babari was destroyed, the then
                                        Prime Minister promised to this
                                                                                  destroyed and it must be rebuilt.
                                                                                  The case is now being considered
                                                                                  by the apex court. But RSS along
for giving this great opportunity to    nation that Babri Masjid would be         with ruling party leaders with the
speak in this grand conference with     rebuilt on the very site it was           silent support of the opportunist
the slogan "Justice is Masjid, not      destroyed. The promise still remains      politicians are even threatening the
temple, in Babri's land. It's been 26   unfulfilled. Instead a makeshift          judiciary and are going ahead with
years since Babari Masjid which         temple has been erected. We do not        slogans of building Ram Temple at
was built by Mir Baqi, the governor     have anything against temples. But        the site. For Hindu believers, Ram
of Avadh, in 1528 upon the order of     justice has to be delivered. One of       is their deity, but for Hindutva fas-
Emperor Babar, was demolished by        the oldest Masjids in the country         cists, Ram is just an instrument to
RSS, the largest terrorist organiza-    where Muslims prayed for more             grab power. In 1992, they exploited
tion in the world. For more than        than four centuries have been             Hindu sentiment, destroyed Babri
four centuries, Muslims prayed and
performed other rituals in the
Masjid. What they destroyed wasn't
merely a Masjid, but the founda-
tional values of a nation. And their
intention was not merely building a
temple at its place but to intimidate
Indian Muslims and turn them into
slaves. Targeting places of worship
is an age old tactic that has been
used by the fascists to turn people
into slaves numerous times in the
history of the country. To destroy
indigenous Dravidian population                                                   Masjid and came to power.
lived on the banks of Indus River                                                     In 2019, Ram Janmbhoomi and
thousands of years ago, the Aryan        “Targeting places of worship             Ram Temple still remain a senti-
invaders first targeted their places     is an age old tactic that has            mental issue for them to come to
of worship.                              been used by the fascists to             power. Ordinary Hindu believers
    When Aryans felt ideologically       turn people into slaves                  and secular people in this country
threatened by Buddhist faith, they                                                must understand this fact. And that
                                         numerous times in the histo-
laid hands on Buddhist temples.                                                   is why we tell people that it is not
                                         ry of the country. To destroy
Buddhist temples across the country                                               merely a Muslim issue but an issue
were destroyed. It is the same           indigenous Dravidian popu-               affecting Indian democracy and sec-
methodology that Hindutva terror-        lation lived on the banks of             ularism. It is our wish to see Babari
ists are adopting against Muslims        Indus River thousands of                 Masjid rebuilt. We will keep it in
today. And that is why Muslims say       years ago, the Aryan                     dreams and memories. Our fight for
building 1000 different Mosques          invaders first targeted their            Babari will neither stop nor get
will not be equal to rebuilding Babri    places of worship.”                      weakened by the passage of time
Masjid on its land. Because, it was                                               until our demand is met, our dream
an attack on the existence of                                                     is fulfilled.

                                                                               Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
                               Mohammed Ali Jinnah (General Secretary, Popular Front of India)
                       Excerpts from the speech delivered at SDPI protest, New Delhi, 6 December 2018

I  am glad to see that SDPI has come
   forward for justice for Babri
Masjid and definitely it is highly
encouraging to people. This is a
cause that requires unity and stead-
fastness from all the peace loving
individuals, organizations and par-
ties. Popular Front of India has been
and still is unfailingly with the battle
for justice Masjid for the last 25
    We still remember, at the time of
demolition, all secular parties called
for the rebuilding of Babri Masjid,
but sadly now they are silent on the
issue. Now we are being ruled by a
government that does not have any          not going to happen. People of             by Liberhan Commission still walk
answer to any question from people.        India are not going get themselves         scot-free. The promise of rebuilding
BJP came to power in 2014 with a           deceived by BJP again.                     given to the community by the gov-
lot of promises but today everyone            In Babri issue, injustice after         ernment remains only in letters.
are convinced that none of the             injustice was done to Muslims since           This injustice must end. Once
promises will ever be fulfilled. So as     1949. First they placed idol of Ram        Justice Sachar said: "RSS says
the 2019 elections approaches, fear        inside the Masjid. Secondly, Namaz         there is nothing for Muslims in the
of loss is growing in the camps that       which had been going on since past         Babri Masjid issue. So they should
thrive on lies.                            400 years was stopped. Then the            leave it for us. But we together tell
    With nothing else to campagin,         doors of Masjid were opened for            RSS that they are the ones to leave
their Bhakthi has suddenly grown.          Pooja in 1986. Finally Masjid was          the issue." On the day people of
And they suddenly want to build            razed to the ground in broad day-          India teach RSS what Justice Sachar
ram temple in Ayodhya. They hope           light while all the government             said, that day Babri Masjid will be
that on this account people will elect     machineries including the army             rebuilt on its place in Ayodhya..
them for another term. But this is         stood watching. The culprits named         Justice will definitely prevail.

Babari Protest, Delhi

         Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
             Popular Front rehabilitation projects inaugurated
T    he rehabilitations project undertaken by Popular Front
     Kerala State Committee for the victims of the floods is
progressing at various parts of the state. The project was
                                                                               es are being built on newly bought lands. Another hundred
                                                                               houses, which are partly damaged, will be repaired as part
                                                                               of the project. Livelihood of 49 people lost in the floods
inaugurated by the State President Nasarudheen Elamaran                        will be restored. The estimated expense of the total project
in Pathanamthitta, one of the districts that was worst affect-                 is Rs. 6.05 crore.
ed by the floods.                                                                  Popular Front has demonstrated exemplary efficiency
    There are different projects in all the ten districts affect-              and steadfastness in the rescue and relief operations when
ed by the floods. 84 houses will be built. 35 of these hous-                   the century’s gravest flood hit the state.

Distribution of financial aid for house repairing

Inauguration of Flood Rehabilitation project                               Houses under construction as part of the project

                                                    Houses under construction as part of the project

                                                                                                   Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
Supreme Court dismissal of Public          in future which aims to polarize the      Masjid. And there is still possibili-
Interest Litigation against Pune           country and creates enmity between        ty to use the judgment of Allahabad
Police disappointing                       communities for the political benefits    High Court further in the case as a
    Supreme Court judgment allow-          of the communal forces.                   binding precedent.
ing Pune Police to continue their          Popular Front condemns arrest of          Obligation of Minority Commis-
fishy investigation against promi-         Waman Meshram                             sion is Babri Masjid; not Ram
nent activists Gautam Navalakha,               The denial of permission to hold a    Mandir
Sudha Bharadwaj, Varavara Rao,             rally as part of Parivartan Yatra held        Popular Front of India chairman E
Arun Ferreira and Vernon Gonsalves         by Bahujan Kranti Morcha and sub-         Abubacker has termed it a laughable,
linking them with Bhima Koregaon           sequent arrest of its leader from         the statement made by the National
violence under the draconian provi-        Ahmadabad by state police is a direct     Commission for Minorities chairman
sions of UAPA is disappointing             violation of freedom of expression        Ghayorul Hasan Rizvi that Ram tem-
    The majority judgment of the           and freedom of association enshrined      ple must be built in Ayodhya, for the
Supreme Court seems to have taken          in the constitution.                      Muslims in the country to be able
the narrative of Pune Police at face           This incident is yet another illus-   live peacefully and respectfully.
value despite the existence of ample       tration of the Hindutva hate politics         It is absurd to think that peace and
evidence against it and dismissed          carried by BJP against the Bahujan        respect between communities can be
genuine concerns raised in the Public      samaj. Mohammed Ali Jinnah                achieved by compromising natural
Interest Litigation filed by Romila        expressed solidarity with the cause       justice or when minorities in the
Thapar, Devika Jain, Satish                undertaken by Waman Meshram               country lay their rights before the
Deshpande, Prabhat Patnaik and             through the Parivartan Yatra.             majoritarian forces in the country.
Maja Daruwalla. The use of UAPA in                                                   By demanding temple construction
the case is also questionable.             Judgment on Masjid in Islam:              and thereby objecting to Babri
                                           Popular Front asks remove appre-          Masjid, NCM chief is voicing for
NIA findings reaffirms that "Love          hensions of Muslims community
Jihad" was a manufactured myth                                                       imposing an injustice on minority
                                               The Central Secretariat meeting of    community.
    Popular Front of India General         Popular Front of India held at Calicut
Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah            took a strong exception to the            Hashimpura case verdict a slap on
has, in a statement, stated that the       Supreme Court judgment that upheld        the face on state terrorism
NIA findings regarding the non-exis-       1994 Allahabad High Court verdict             The Central Secretariat meeting
tence of "Love Jihad" is a triumph for     which opined that Mosque is not           hailed the Delhi High Court judg-
truth and a big blow to the forces that    essential part of Islam and that          ment that awarded life imprisonment
survive on falsehood. After investi-       Namaz could be offered anywhere.          to the accused belonging to
gating the 11 cases of inter-faith mar-    The meeting termed the Supreme            Provincial Armed Constabulary of
riage the NIA could not find any evi-      Court refusal to refer the case to a      Uttar Pradesh in the killing of 38
dence of the planned conspiracy of         Constitution Bench as unfortunate.        Muslims from Hashimpura village in
forceful conversion which was hyped            The meeting observed that giving      the Meerut district of UP in 1987.
by the media and fascist forces as         an opinion or passing an order about      The HC judgment has pointed out
love jihad.                                the importance of the place of wor-       that the incident was a targeted
    Now that NIA has found the truth,      ship in any religion, be it in Islam,     killing of persons belonging to a
we hope that it prompts the agency         Christianity or Hinduism, does not        minority community.
for serious soul-searching so that it's    come under the jurisdiction of Indian         This victory of the legal fight,
stands are not misused by fanatic          judiciary which is secular in charac-     though delayed 31 years, is a slap on
forces for their divisive campaigns.       ter. There is a need of more clarity in   the face of all official agents of state
In the light of these findings, we call    the explanation that the judgment         terrorism anywhere in India. The
upon the media, administration and         will not affect Babari Masjid Case        meeting opined that while attempts
the people of the country to be cau-       since the very petition in question       to undermine judiciary are let free by
tious of such malicious propaganda         was primarily related to Babari           the governments, such judgments

         Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
reinforce people's faith in it.             for Sangh Parivar violence and killing             demanded judicial enquiry by a panel
                                            of the police officer Subodh Kumar                 of sitting judges to unearth the con-
Extends support to farmer's
                                            Singh and a youth named Sumith in                  spiracies involved in the incidence.
                                            Bulandshahr. What happened there is                He also sought the intervention of
    The National Executive Council          not an isolated incident, but it is the lat-       President of India to save the state
meeting of Popular Front of India has       est in the series of cow terrorist acts            form the misrule of Yogi
extended support to the farmers'            that has become a routine ever since               Government.
protest that has emerged all over the       Yogi Adityanath government has
country with various demands includ-                                                           Abandon discriminatory
                                            assumed power in the state.
ing loan waivers and better crop                                                               Citizen-ship Amendment Bill
                                                It is also not first time that the
prices.                                     Hindu Yuva Vahini goons, founded by                    A resolution passed by the
                                            Yogi himself are in the forefront of               National Executive Council meeting
Impunity under Yogi Adityanath
                                            mob lynching of humans in the name                 of Popular Front of India has stated
responsible     for   Bulandshahr
                                            of protecting cows. He has degraded                that the Citizenship Amendment Bill
violence                                                                                       2016 being considered by the parlia-
                                            Uttar Pradesh of the Indian Republic
   Popular Front of India General                                                              ment to be passed is openly discrimi-
                                            into an Animal Farm where Jungle Raj
Secretary M. Mohammed Ali Jinnah in                                                            natory to Muslims and is therefore
                                            is the system, cows only are safe and
a statement held Uttar Pradesh chief                                                           against the basic principles of the con-
                                            human lives are the targets.
minister Yogi Adityanath responsible                                                           stitution.
                                                Mohammed Ali Jinnah has

                                                KULDIP NAYAR
P   opular Front chairman E Abubacker
    stated that with the demise of veteran
journalist and columnist Kuldip Nayar
                                                                                      worried about the recent state of unde-
                                                                                      clared emergency under present BJP
                                                                                      rule. Born in Sialkot which is now in
India has lost a fearless defender of civil                                           Pakistan, he was forced to migrate to
rights and a strong advocate of peace                                                 India. But his bitter experiences with
among nations. For Mr. Nayar, media                                                   Partition made him an ambassador of not
was a means of fighting against state ter-                                            only Hindu-Muslim Unity, but also Indo-
rorism and tyranny of governments.                                                    Pak friendship.
Following his tradition of standing up                                                   Mr. E Abubacker conveyed deep con-
against emergency imposed by Mrs.Gandhi, he was equally            dolences to his bereaved family.

  MAULANA ASRARUL                                                     M I SHANAVAS
  HAQ QASMI                                                           P   opular Front of India Chairman E Aboobacker
                                                                          expressed deep sorrow on the demise of Member of

  P   opular Front of India chairman E. Abubacker con-
      veyed deep condolence on the demise of Maulana
  Asrar-ul-Haque Qasimi, MP. By his demise we have
                                                                      Parliament and KPCC Working President M I
                                                                      Shanavas. E Abubacker stated that M I Shanavas was
                                                                                           a leader who maintained honesty
                      lost a great Islamic scholar and polit-                              and integrity throughout his pub-
                      ical leader. Maulana Qasimi was the                                  lic life. He was a man blessed
                      real representative and the leader of                                with deep knowledge, clarity of
                      the people in Kishanganj in social,                                  vision and simplicity in behavior.
                      educational and economic fields                                      He was able to include all social
                      also. E. Abubacker remembered his                                    sections and organizations and
                      support to the activities of Popular                                 keep closeness with them all.
                      Front of India. Maulana Qasimi has                                       E Abubacker remembered
                      addressed public programmes of the              Shanavas calling him requesting to pray for him when
  organization including National Political Conference                his condition got worse and surgery became necessary.
  held at Calicut. E. Abubacker prayed for his hereafter              E Abubacker conveyed his condolences to the family,
  life and joined in the grief of the family.                         friends and party colleagues of M I Shanavas.

                                                                                           Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India


    Popular Front



                                             LILONG, MANIPPUR

      Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India
           Popular Front firmly stands with citizenship rights
T    he publication of draft National
     Register of Citizens (NRC) in
Assam on 30th July 2018 has created a
                                           national level. The organization also
                                           cooperated with programmes organ-
                                           ized by other civil right movements
                                                                                        get their filing of Claims and
                                                                                        Objective process done. Popular
                                                                                        Front state committee opened several
very serious situation in the state with   like National Confederation of Human         help centres at various districts of
imminent repercussions also in other       Rights Organizations and Alliance for        Assam. There are now a total of 8
parts of the country. Out of the total     Peace and Justice. Pamphlets were            monitoring centers and 11 Special
population of 3.29 crore in Assam,         distributed to create awareness among        Help centers in various districts of
more than 40 lakh people have been         people of the severity of the issue.         Assam working. From these centers
excluded from final draft NRC (12%             Popular Front has set its focus          our experts so far directly handled
of state population), facing the threat    mainly on the ground among the vic-          thousands of cases, many of which
of becoming stateless.                     tims of NRC. From the very begin-            were severe. Our volunteers are
    Popular Front of India worked on       ning and we have helped people in the        actively working in their locality and
the ground to help the victims to legal-   process of various stages of NRC             also camping at different places. More
ly overcome the predicament and held       updating process. We appointed 233           than 20000 people have benefited by
programmes for raising the issue at        trained volunteers to assist people to       our volunteers and help centers.
 On the ground, among the victims of injustice

                                           POPULAR FRONT NRC HELP CENTRS

                                                                                    Forefront news & views February 2019
NATION NOT READY TO FORGET - Babri Masjid demolition: 26th Anniversary - Popular Front of India

C    yclone Gaja that heavily hit the
     Tamil Nadu districts of
Nagapattinam, Tanjaore, Puduk-kot-
                                           and relief operations since the begin-
                                           ning. The state unit of Popular Front
                                           distributed basic relief materials
                                                                                    scale disaster. Upon visiting
                                                                                    Adirampattinam, Sedubavachatiram
                                                                                    and other areas in Tanjore district dev-
tai, and Tiruvarur in November             worth nearly 90 lakhs rupees.            astated by Cyclone Gaja, Mr Jinnah
caused widespread destruction took         Popular Front national committee         met the affected people, assessed the
dozens of lives, and destroyed the         contributed Rs. 20 lakhs to the relief   losses and consoled them.
houses, properties and livelihood of       fund set up by the state committee.         Popular Front of India State
tens of thousands of people. Majority          Popular Front of India General       Executive       Council        member
of them are poor farmers and fisher-       Secretary M Mohamed Ali Jinnah           Nasrudeen, Tanjore South District
men. Popular Front relief and rescue       who was visiting the cyclone affected    President Haja Alaudeen, All India
volunteers lost no time before com-        areas of Tamil Nadu urged central        Imams Council State President
ing to the victims with their helping      government to end its 'step motherly     Abirudeen Manbayee and SDPI
hand.                                      attitude' towards Tamil Nadu and to      District President Ilyas accompanied
    Nearly 1000 trained cadres of the      declare the calamity a national disas-   the National General Secretary in the
organization involved in the rescue        ter to address severity of the large     visit.

         Forefront news & views February 2019
                                 National Campaign imparts
                                 message of healthy lifestyle
"Healthy People, Healthy Nation" the nationwide health       programmes were held at district, division and area levels
awareness campaign Popular Front of India concluded          including Health and hygiene awareness classes, poster
imparting the message of healthy and happy lifestyle. The    and handbill distribution, marathon races, Yoga demon-
campaign started on 4 October, when Popular Front            stration, martial arts demonstration and blood donation
General Secretary M Muhammed Ali Jinnah flagged off          camps.
the Marathon held at Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.                    There were special programmes targeting women and
Numerous programmes followed at various parts of the         children at many places. Anti-narcotic awareness pro-
country.                                                     grammes were held against the increasing drug addiction
   After state level inaugural functions, various kinds of   problems among teenagers and youth.

KERALA                                                       ANDHRA PRADESH

NEW DELHI                                                                                                   MANIPUR

                                            TELENGANA                                                 MAHARASHTRA

                                                                             Forefront news & views February 2019
Sarva Shiksha Gram cluster
                            in Bihar inaugurated
A     s part of the ongoing Sarva
      Shiksha Gram (SSG) projects run
by Popular Front, the first Model SSG
                                             Badr agreed to free the captives if they
                                             taught the illiterates among Muslims to
                                             read and write. Abubacker also asked
                                                                                        their lands to construct community
                                                                                        centres to run the remedial tuition pro-
                                                                                        gramme were felicitated. Naser
Cluster was inaugurated in Mansahi           those gathered to stay together and        Thumbe, National Coordinator,
and Barari blocks of Katihar District        fight for their fundamental right to       Community Development Dept of
on 14 Oct. 2018. The project is aimed
at achieving block level educational
empowerment of the most backward
section of the country.
    Popular front Chairman E
Abubacker who inaugurated model
SAG cluster said: "Popular Front
strives for the total empowerment of
our nation by empowering Muslims
along with other marginalized sections
in     our      society.    Educational
Empowerment is one of the most
important steps towards total empow-         setup school by the government in          Popular Front explained about the
erment of our community and coun-            areas where primary schools are not        Model Sarva Shiksha Gram cluster
try." He added that what God taught          available. The newly launched Sarva        project which can be replicated in
the first human being after his creation     Shiksha Gram cluster will cover Saheb      other educationally backward blocks
was the names of everything. He said         Nagar, Bandh Tola and Miyapur vil-         also. Social workers, Gram Mukhya
the first revelation from God Almighty       lage of Mansahi and Barari blocks.         and teachers who were present during
to Prophet Muhammed was related to              Moulana Kaleemullah Rashadi,            the meeting promised to stand with
reading. He told the gathering which         Popular Front East Zone President,         Popular Front till all kids from the vil-
included hundreds of community               Mahaboob Alam Nadvi, Popular Front         lage completed education up to the
development volunteers from Katihar          Bihar State President also spoke on the    secondary school level as per Right to
that the holy Prophet, after the battle of   occasion. The villagers who donated        Education Act.

               Printed and Published by Mohammed Ali Jinnah, General Secretary, Popular Front of India
               No. G 78, 2nd Floor, Kalindi Kunj, Noida Road, New Delhi - 110025, Tel/Fax: 01129949902
       Email:, Web:, Facebook: /popularFrontofIndiaOfficial
                                                  Editing - Riyas Tanur

                                                                                                      *for private circulation only
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