Nanotechnology Test Results of Bacterial Growth on Surfaces after using Zoono at Arlington Heights Veterinary Clinic -

Page created by Denise Robbins
Nanotechnology Test Results of Bacterial Growth on Surfaces after using Zoono at Arlington Heights Veterinary Clinic -
Nanotechnology Test Results of Bacterial
       Growth on Surfaces after using Zoono® at
          Arlington Heights Veterinary Clinic

              Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC / Arlington Heights Veterinary Clinic

The following is the summary of a 30-day                              then an application of the protectant creates
study conducted at Arlington Heights                                  a    mechanical     barrier    providing    an
Veterinary Clinic in Bloomington, Indiana                             antimicrobial    environment    that   cannot
from August through September, 2019.                                  diminish in strength, cannot leave the surface
                                                                      to which it is applied and cannot allow the
BACKGROUND:                                                           organisms that it targets to acclimate. It’s a
                                                                      stealth solution used in protecting the pets
In discussions with various Veterinarians, it is                      and people visiting and working at the clinic.
always a regimented course of action to keep
the Veterinary Clinic free of germs and viruses
due to the very nature of the patient.                                TESTING THE VETERINARY MEDICAL
It’s difficult to ask the 185-pound St. Bernard
to stop drooling as he meets another friend                           Dr. Miller, being the scientist first and the
and explores new areas of the waiting room.                           compassionate Veterinarian second, wanted
Or the shy, colorfully patterned Munchkin Cat                         to test the products making sure this was the
to stop sneezing while she allows her                                 best solution. The test was a routine treated
temperature to be taken in the exam room.                             vs. control environmental, and was measured
All the best sanitizing and cleaning was done,                        in the number of colonies formed with:
but efforts were a continual practice with the                         [Low] representing under 1000 colonies;
volume of pets coming to the office for care                           [Medium] representing 1001–10,000
and comfort.                                                              colonies; and
                                                                       [High] representing over 10,001
Dr. Miller was in search of more practical                                colonies.
solutions that were being done in other areas
of healthcare that could be adopted to help                           The results would allow Dr. Miller to measure
the furry extended family.                                            the ability of Zoono® to preserve the sterile
                                                                      state of surfaces in the Veterinary Clinic as
In speaking with Dr. Miller, Pinpoint                                 compared to normal use conditions. If the
Resolutions LLC introduced the Zoono®                                 Zoono® technology in the most highly
technology that represented a new science                             trafficked areas of the clinic, can deliver a
named Nanotechnology. With the various                                meaningfully      quantitative   benefit    as
forms of application, this active microbial                           compared to current sanitation best practices,
barrier would soon be the exact solution.                             then Arlington Heights Veterinary Clinic will
                                                                      utilize this technology throughout the entire
It begins with a simple and safe disinfectant                         clinic.
based on the chemistry of chlorine dioxide,

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                   ©2019 - All Results are Property of Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital and Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC
Nanotechnology Test Results of Bacterial Growth on Surfaces after using Zoono at Arlington Heights Veterinary Clinic -
TEST HYPOTHESIS:                                                     likely and the true results from the Zoono®
                                                                     product verses the non-treated area can be
Treatment of hard surfaces with Zoono® will                          studied in a controlled environment.
result in a measurable sustained hygienic
environmental state as compared to surfaces                          After application of the Zoono® product, the
under similar conditions, not treated with                           vertical surface (where the testing is taking
Zoono®.                                                              place), will be cultured at one-week intervals
                                                                     for one month / four weeks. (See Graphs 1-
TESTING PROTOCOL:                                                    4)

The procedure for testing the Zoono® product                         The culture process will be to use swab and
is to culture two areas within the same                              culturette. This will then be sent to an
vicinity, in the Veterinary Clinic lobby. This                       independent outside laboratory to be
will be a vertical surface near the reception                        evaluated. The laboratory can perform
counter where coughing dogs and sneezing                             quantity of colonies found and identity of the
cats have the highest exposure. The lobby                            bacteria.
was chosen as the location to test due to the
high rate of exposure to sick patients.                              RESULTS SUMMARY:

Most concerns from owners over nosocomial                            In Table 1 shows the summary of the results
infection, arise from contact with pathogens                         of each vertical surface. These results
in the lobby, making this an ideal testing area                      reflected that within the untreated area that
and consequently a strong selling point when                         bacteria level increased as the cumulative
determining if the product works well.                               number of days and hours amplified and the
                                                                     treated area experienced no bacterial growth
The procedure will start with culturing both                         until one type Sphingobacterium appeared.
surfaces before any products are applied. The                        This microorganism is ubiquitous in nature
next step is to clean both surfaces with a                           but is rarely involved in human infections.
quaternary ammonium disinfectant and then                            Sphingobacterium can be found in soil, on
apply the Zoono® product to one of the two                           plants, in foodstuffs and in water sources.
areas. The spray will be used instead of the                         Sphingobacterium species have the ability to
fogger so that cross contamination is less                           survive in moist hospital environments ₁.

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                  ©2019 - All Results are Property of Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital and Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC

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©2019 - All Results are Property of Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital and Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC

  First Bacteriological Analysis - 336 Hours


  Pseudomonas Oryzihabitans

                 Pantoea sp.

          Microbacterium sp.

        Gram Positive Coccus

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

            Enterococcus sp.

                               0           0.5           1           1.5             2            2.5           3             3.5
                                                   Treated      Untreated

                                                          GRAPH 2

    Second Bacteriological Analysis - 528 Hours


 Pseudomonas Oryzihabitans

                 Pantoea sp.

          Microbacterium sp.

       Gram Positive Coccus

Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

            Enterococcus sp.

                               0           0.5            1           1.5            2           2.5            3             3.5
                                                   Treated      Untreated

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                    ©2019 - All Results are Property of Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital and Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC

                                      GRAPH 4

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©2019 - All Results are Property of Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital and Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC
CONCLUSION:                                                              Surface and environmental hygiene is an
                                                                          important piece in maintaining a healthy,
The performance of Zoono® in this study                                   sanitary environment. However, as the
showed that not only would the addition of                                CDC reports hands are the number one
Zoono® products such as Microbe Shield                                    vector of germ transmission with 80% of
improve the overall level of sanitation in                                germs that make people sick are
treated areas, the product shows that                                     attributable to hand hygiene. Healthy
bacteria accumulation and formation are                                   hands combined with sanitary surfaces is
reduced, and consequently contamination is                                the best combination of practices to break
not able to begin. As the continued use of                                the cycle of infection and ensure healthy
Zoono® products to include, disinfectant and                              populations, in particular employees so as
then the application of the protectant over                               to mitigate illness related absenteeism.
time, there will be a hygienically improved
state in the treated environments.                                   “As one Veterinarian to another, I was
                                                                     amazed with the credibility of the Zoono®
Lastly, the daily cleansing with harmful                             product and learned the full technology found
disinfectants is not good for constant use.                          in Nanotechnology. Since my patients can’t
There are some disinfectant manufacturers                            wash their paws easily, I and my wonderful
that make the contemptible claim that their                          staff have to protect our patients. By
product will “kill ALL germs and viruses” to                         completing a 30-day hygienic process to
protect your family. Unfortunately, not all                          include Zoono® has given me a level of
disinfectants are effective against every type                       confidence, that I am doing no harm while
of bacteria or bug and while you may think                           increasing my patients’ and staff safety.”
these products are keeping you healthy and
safe; the actuality is that some of them may                         Dr. Robert Dale Miller II, DVM -
be harmful to both your health and the                               Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital

Allow   the    mechanical    properties  of
Nanotechnology destroy the harmful bacteria
and create a once-a-month process as the
evidence    throughout  this    paper   has

                                                                        Sphingobacterium multivorum: case report
                                                                     and literature review; F. Barahona and J.
 To improve environmental hygiene of the
                                                                     Slim; New Microbes New Infect. 2015 Sep;
  facility, it is recommended that a broader
                                                                     7: 33–36.
  deployment of Zoono® be considered. This
  additional deployment may begin as a                               2.
  strategic targeting of presumed high                                 Disinfectants: Bad for Microbes, Bad for
  contamination areas that may include the                           You: TUFTS ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND
  Clinic surgery area, Recovery or PACU,                             SAFETY; VOLUME VIII, ISSUE 3; Page 9.
  Kennel, Restrooms, Office Waiting Area,
  Exam Rooms etc.
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                  ©2019 - All Results are Property of Arlington Heights Veterinary Hospital and Pinpoint Resolutions, LLC
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