Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club

Page created by Steve Reese
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
                                                                                           145 JAHRE
                                                                                           145 YEARS

                                                                                                3 - 2018

 Nr. 586 April 2020                                                       ISSN 0384-952X

Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141
                  Internet: or for e-mail:

           Frohe Ostern
           Happy Easter

                                                                                                           gänseblümchen /
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
   Klub Vorschau/Club Events                                                     Group Events
Concordia in April 2020                                        SUNDAY
                                                               Halle         2.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing
 4th Main Hall Bockbierfest (cancelled)
     Schenke Edelweiss Duo                                     MONDAY
10th Club Closed – Good Friday                                 Halle         7.00–8.30    Gemischter Chor
                                                                             8.30–10.00   Männerchor
11th Schenke DJ Novak
                                                               Jaegerstube   6.00–7.00    Kinderchor
12th Main Hall Easter Sunday Buffet
                Seatings @ 12pm-2pm and 5pm-7pm.                             7.00–8.00    Jugendchor
     Farm       Home on the Range Clean-Up                     TUESDAY
18th Schenke Twin City Alpine Echo                             Halle         5.30–8.30 Kinder & Junior Garde, Senioren Garde
25th Weinstube Trachten Sale @ 10:00am – 4:00pm                Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Narrenzunft
                                                               Schenke       7.00–10.00 Skat-Gruppe
     Schenke DJ Novak
                                                               Beach Volleyball Evening from May to August
26th Farm       Farm Clean-Up
                                                               Halle         6.00–10.00 Enzian Group
Concordia in May 2020                                          Jaegerstube 2.30–5.30 Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month)
 2nd Club         Annual Club Clean-Up                         Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month)
     Schenke      Twin City Alpine Echo                        Weinstube 19.00           Tennisgruppe
 3rd Main Hall    Concordia Choir Spring Concert (cancelled)                             (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat)
 5th Schenke      Members Oktoberfest Ticket Sale              Weinstube 7.00 pm Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month)
                  starting @ 6pm                               THURSDAY
 9th   Schenke DJ Novak                                        Halle         8.00–10.00 Table Tennis Group
10th   Main Hall Mother’s Day Brunch,                          Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Schach/Chess
                  Two seatings 12-2pm & 5-7pm                  Eisstock      7.00–10.00 Eisstock-Gruppe
16th   Schenke Polka Mystery                                   Schenke       9.00        Fussball/Soccer
18th   Club Closed - Victoria Day                              FRIDAY
23rd   Schenke DJ Novak                                        Victoria Bowl 6.30        Bowlers
30th   Schenke Edelweiss Duo                                   Jaegerstube 8.00          “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month)

  Office Telephone                                             Reservations                                      105
  Extensions & Info Line
                                                               General Inquiries                                 105
  Front Office                                    101
                                                               Ticket Sales                                      105
  Membership                                      101
  Banquet Inquiries                               101          Portier/Doorman                                   106
  Manager                                         102          You can call the extensions or
  Payroll                                         103          announcements by using any
  Accounting                                      104          touch tone telephone.

Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
board of directors and myself will make all
     Bericht des Präsidenten                     decisions with the best interest of the club in
                                                 mind and that everything will be done in a
               We have turned the corner         transparent nature so that the members can
               and are starting to see winter    see our progression at any stage of the year.
               transform into spring and the     I must also thank the board of directors and
               club will awaken from the         their significant others for all the time and
               hibernation that it enjoyed.      efforts that they put forth for the club and the
               We have turned the clocks         membership. Your dedication to the member-
               ahead and are now enjoying        ship and the needs of the club are greatly
               daylight savings time which       appreciated. A thank you is also needed for
               starts to rejuvenate us as we     the families of these board members who
               get to enjoy more sunlight        have lent us their loved ones to guide this
and progressively better weather.                club into the future. I would like to welcome
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the mem-   the 2 newest members to the board, Monica
bership for electing me to a seventh term to     Gaertner and Kathryn Malcolm. Moni has
serve as your president. Janice and I appreci-   been involved with the choir, Treffpunkt and
ate the support that you show us and this        most recently as the historian of the club.
reinforces our passion to represent such a       Kathryn’s involvement prior to the board
great group of people. I promise that the        includes dancing with the Enzian as well as

Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
representing us as Miss Concordia. I look for-    the main foyer as well as from the main foyer
ward to working with both of these ladies and     up to the main hall. This was a necessity as
tapping into their knowledge for some new         the membership and the general public are
ideas. We will continue to push for the           aging and we know that we must make acces-
growth of our membership as well as growing       sibility for everyone a focus for us as a club.
the knowledge of the general public to con-       The next step will be to look at the options
tinue the year over year increases in diners in   for an elevator or lift that will allow our
not only our restaurant but also the banquet      guests the ability to move from the lower
hall.                                             level of the club up to the main hall in a dig-
Thank you to Shawn, Ruth and Jeff for their       nified fashion. We will keep you posted on
continued focus on the day to day operation       our findings and next steps. Due to the uncer-
of the Concordia club. The continued growth       tain nature of the economy and the current
of our business would also not be possible        health concerns we will not embark on too
without the support of all the staff (whether     many projects this year so that we can stay
they are in the foreground or background).        within our budgeted finances.
Thank you for helping us exceed our cus-          In order for us to make sure that our patrons
tomers expectations and keep them returning       can enjoy our beautiful club and farm I chal-
to our facility.                                  lenge all of our members to participate in the
We have started the yearly upgrades of the        clean up of both of our properties. This
club with an installation of handrails to the     allows us to get a great head start on both
stairways that lead from the Schenke up to        properties so that the regular maintenance

                    YOUR COMFORT
                    IN RETIREMENT
                   483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO
                   Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1
                   Tel. (519) 745-1200 • email:

  in gewohnter

  Call the office for
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
crews can perform their magic that they do         - Bockbierfest and the crowning of Miss
yearly for the months after that. Farm clean         Concordia on April 4th (CANCELLED)
up will be on Sunday, April 26 and the club        - Home on the range clean up at the farm on
clean up will be on Saturday, May 2. Both of         April 25th
these events start at 9 a.m. and have a lunch
                                                   - Farm clean up on April 26th
provided for all that help. If there is anyone
who would like to help with the weekly             - Concordia Club clean up on May 2nd
maintenance of the clubs gardens or                - Concordia choir spring concert in the
flowerbeds please see Kim or Shawn for more          main hall on May 3rd (CANCELLED)
information.                                       - Members Oktoberfest ticket sales on
                                                     May 5th
The noon sessions for both the Easter and          Janice and I wish you all a Happy Easter with
Mother’s Day buffets are sold out and the          your loved ones and here’s to hoping that we
evening sessions for both days are filling up.     will be staring to enjoy some great spring
If you are looking to reserve your spot please     weather so that we can enjoy our patio and
do so as soon as possible so as not to be dis-     new ceremony on site garden. We will follow
appointed.                                         that up with 3 cruise nights and patio parties
                                                   during the summer.
We have many events planned for this com-
ing spring and summer and here are a few           Until we meet again,
that I hope we will all support:                   Your president, Rob Kerr

                                                         Herminio Schmidt
                                                         founder and principal of the
                                                 German Language School
                                                                  for 20 years
                                            just published his compelling life-story.
                                                 “A great personal account of an amazing life.
                                                 Written with a nice balance of fact and feeling.
                                                    I like the way it unfolds in short chapters.

                                           A fabulous moving read - I am thoroughly enjoying it.”

                                                          Read more about the book:

                                                  For free shipping, order your copy through
                                        or Kindle Books
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
dars, or if you just want to go out a give a
                                                  hand I’m sure it will be much appreciated.
                                                  May 3rd we would also have our Concordia
                                                  Club Choir’s Spring Concert; Music Speaks.
                                                  This event had to be cancelled due to the
                                                  corona virus outbreak.
                                                  Mother’s Day is one of the most important
                                                  dates in the calendar year! Make sure you
                                                  book your table here at the Club and show
                                                  Mom a great day. The price per person is
                                                  $26.50, children 4-12yrs are half price and
   From the Manager’s Desk                        under 4yrs are free. We love these events
                                                  because we get to see everyone and their
                                                  families together, so let’s fill the club with
                                                  love for Mom.
                     April 4th would have         Oktoberfest Tickets 2020
                     been Bockbierfest host-
                     ed by our Enzian             It’s the time of year when we do our annual
                     Dancers. Unfortunately       member’s sale of Oktoberfest tickets. TUES-
                     it had to be cancelled       DAY MAY 5TH STARTING AT 7:00P.M.
                     due to the corona virus      We will be handing out waiting numbers at
                     pandemic.                    6:00P.M in order to make the process a
                                                  smooth experience for everyone involved.
                      The following week we       Call the club and make reservations that
                      are into the celebration    night for dinner with the family/friends
of Easter. The club will be closed on Good        while you wait.
Friday the 10th but will be back open for
business on the weekend with our Easter           Members Sale
Brunch on Sunday the 12th. Our 12pm
                                                  • a maximum of 10 tickets per Friday
seating is full, but we still have room for the
                                                    and/or Saturday per membership
5pm seating. Price of the brunch is $26.50
                                                    (family membership=1 membership)
per person.
Our good friend Neil from Trachten-Quelle         • no maximum ticket restriction on other
will be here in the Weinstube on Saturday           Oktoberfest event days
the 25th with his fine selection of Bavarian      • only adults of legal drinking age (19
garments and accessories. If you feel like          years of age) or older are admitted to
you need to freshen up or add to your col-          Oktoberfest (except for Saturday mati-
lection, make time to come and see him.             nee and Family Days - Sunday &
At the end of the month it is time for the          Monday)
Farm to get some TLC. There will be a clean
                                                  • acceptable payment methods: cash, visa,
up on the 26th. If you have a site out at the
                                                    mastercard, debit or cheque
farm make sure you mark in on your calen-
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
Public Sale                                      Tuesday, October 13th 6pm-11pm - Free
                                                 with donation to the food bank
• online “e ticket” sale only, commencing
                                                 - Schenke only
  Wednesday, May 6th at 10:00a.m.
  Access through our website www.con-            Wednesday, October 14th 7pm-1am $16.00 or via www.oktober-              Thursday, October 15th 6pm-12am $22.00
                                                 Friday, October 16th 6pm-1am $26.00
• a maximum of 6 tickets per Friday and 6        Saturday, October 17th 6pm-1am $29.00
  tickets per Saturday per purchaser, no
  refunds on ticket orders                       Ticket price includes all applicable tax
                                                 (13% HST)
• no maximum ticket restriction on other
                                                 In closing I would just like to thank every-
  Oktoberfest event days
                                                 one for your support towards the club and
• only adults of legal drinking age              to the success of our business, we are work-
  (19 years of age) or older are admitted to     ing hard to constantly improve. Also if you
  Oktoberfest (except Saturday matinee           see me in the club and something is on your
  and Family Days – Sunday & Monday)             mind don’t hesitate to share your ideas or
• there will be an additional processing
  fee charged on each ticket                     Kind Regards, -Shawn-
• tickets will be emailed immediately as
  PDF attachments and will be scanned at
                                                                     Barristers & Solicitors,
  the door the day of the event for validity
                                                                     Notaries Public
• acceptable online payment methods:                                 Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W.
                                                                     Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5
  visa & mastercard                                                  Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395
Concordia Club reserves the right to fulfil or
decline orders online, should the purchaser
have already obtained tickets via the mem-        M.M.President’s
                                                       Walters, Q.C.
bership sale. Online purchase depends also
on the capacity of the online server.              Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B.
Ticket pricing for 2020:
                                                    Areas of Practice Include:
1st Friday, October 9th 6pm-1am $29.00                       Powers of Attorney
1st Saturday, October 10th 6pm-1am                             Wills and Trusts
$26.00                                               Estate Planning and Administration
Sunday, October 11th noon-6pm $12.00                      Real Estate and Mortgages
(members & children 16 & under are admit-                       Corporate Law
ted free)                                              Business and Commercial Law
Monday, October 12th 11am-6pm $12.00
                                                     Weekend and Evening Appointments Available
(members & children 16 & under are                          English and German Spoken
admitted free)
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club

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Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
Concordia Bowlers
Well, it is hard to believe that
another bowling season is coming
to an end this month. Time sure
flies by when you are having fun.
As I write this report, our play-offs
have yet to take place. I will share
the results next time.
The Bowlers' are planning a trip to
Blyth for Saturday June 27th. We
will get a tour of the Cowbell
Brewery followed by lunch there.
In the afternoon, we will be attend-
ing the theatre performance entitled
Liars At A Funeral. If anyone is
interested in joining us, please con-
tact me. This is sure to be a fun-
filled day!
Upcoming Events:
Last Day of Bowling – April 17th
Closing Banquet – May 1st (Main
Hall – 5:30p.m.)
Finally, best wishes go out to our
bowlers who are celebrating a birth-
day this month:
     9. Heidi Nowak
    21. Linda Klein
    25. Karola Leuschner
    25. Uschi Missfeldt
    25. Ann Murtagh
    27. Ursula Uebel
Until next time,
Monica Kauck                            April Birthday Babies
Nachrichten 145 JAHRE - Concordia Club
A few members of our group also joined in
              Treffpunkt                       on the ‘FUN FUN FUN’ with the
                                               Narrenzunft group to Cincinnati for their
                                               Germania Society of Cincinnati Maskenball
Since the New Year, Treffpunkt have wel-       on February 1st, where they enjoyed the
comed 6 new members to our group. We are       Cincinnati Group’s hospitality with an
very fortunate to have had Michelle and        “Under the Sea” themed evening. What an
Steve Zimmer, Carry and Rob Krauskopf as       amazing event and hospitality, provided by
well as Steve Fortney and Lisa Deguire join    our friends in Cincinatti, which we were
Treff.                                         fortunate to welcome them to our Masken-
As a group, our members have been out an       ball as the Treffpunkt group arrived in a
about enjoying a great evening filled with     group costume of “The Cat in the Hat”.
good food and entertainment while at           President Dana Komer and Fred Trautrim
Kameradschaftsabend at Hubertushaus.           serenaded the crowd in a tribute to our
We also had a huge group out to Chicopee       friends from the South, with a rendition of
Tube Park where we literally went flying       WKRP in Cincinatti.
through the night sky for an evening of fun    On March 5th, a handful of our members
and laughter while we had loads of fun. A      tossed some balls as the Concordia Treff-
special thanks to Michelle for taking photos   pins in support of the Big Brothers, Big
and video of it all.                           Sisters of Waterloo Region in their annual
                                               Bowl for Kids’ Sake. Raising a whopping,
                                               $1035, the group enjoyed a night out at
                                               Boston Pizza’s Kingpin Bowlounge while
                                               supporting such a great cause.
                                               On March 6th some of our members chan-
                                               nelled their inner Bob Ross while dabbing
                                               their brushes in Titanium Whites, Dark
                                               Sienna and Sap Green colours while

embarking on “Paint
     Night” hosted at the
     club. All members
     enjoyed       several
     laughs with friends,
     and great food served
     from the Shenke
     while creating beau-
     tiful owl creations.
     As Bob Ross would
     say, “All you need to
     paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and
     a vision in your mind.”
     And lastly, as always, we continue to work
     towards our goal of 40 blood donations
     through our “Partners for Life “collabora-
     tion with Canadian Blood Services. Please
     consider donating blood if you are able; our
     partners for life number is CONC010846 or
     you just need to say that you are donating
     for the Concordia Club. Thus far, we have
     secured 7 dona-
     tions and look
     forward to sur-
     passing our goal;
     we know we can
     do it, and we’d
     love for you to
     join us.

We truly appreciate their knowledge of
   1. 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia              Karneval music.
                                               M.C. Fred Trautrim kept the busy program
                                               flowing along with the guidance of Jürgen
Happy Easter Concordia family and
                                               Budczinski. We had many showdance per-
                                               formances from both our Kinder, Junior and
                                               Senior Garde plus Sarnia's Showstoppers
53rd Season's Maskenball and Closing
                                               and Cincinnati’s Senior Garde. All dancers
February 22nd. Alles Unter Einem
                                               kept the audience entertained with their
Hut/Everything Under One Hat
                                               enthusiastic numbers.
The Narrenzunft Concordia group saw            Thank you 1 K.G. Narrenzunft Concordia's
many new faces plus a lot of amazing cos-      teacher’s for your dedication this season:
tumes this season. All of these wonderful      Kinder Garde - Sara Bews & Hayleigh
people filled the hall for our most attended   McDonald, Junior Garde - Hannah Turner &
Maskenball ever! Heinz Lindlau and the         Christine Zorn, and finally Elaine Keller-
Variation Band once again helped the           Griffin who guides the Senior Garde. The
Karnevalists clap, sway (schunkeln) and        teachers and Seniors dedicate their time in
dance along to Karneval music plus more.       their busy lives to do what they love to do!

The Kinder and Junior Garde parents are to       Our Hoppeditz has once again been laid to
be commended for the encouragement and           rest until November. Thank you Brandon!!!
weekly drive to the club.                        We look forward to summer events and our
All of the girls had the privilege to perform    54th Season Opening November 14th 2020!
both their Garde and Show dances at the
                                                 Keep the date open!!!
President’s Ball March 14th and made the
group so proud! They truly deserve a break
until next season. Prinz Peter 1st and I truly
cherish the dedication these past 3 seasons
of our Hofstaat Hannah and Jesse Turner! ❤
The entire Narrenzunft Group members
deserve a round of applause for all of their
individual contributions this season.
Last we thank the support of the Concordia
Club members and the Concordia Club
Board Members.

November 11th, at 11:11 a.m. In this magic
           Club Historian                       hour, the elferrat (Council of Eleven) comes
Please find below the history of the            together to plan the events for the upcoming
Narrenzunft Concordia Mardi Gras Dancers.       festivities. The official hats of the councils'
                                                members, fool's caps with little bells, set the
If you would like your group history collect-   standard for events that follow.
ed and documented, please contact me.
                                                The actual celebration of German carnival
                                                kicks off 40 days before Easter. This is the
Moni Gaertner                                   last big party before Ash Wednesday and
Club Historian                                  the beginning of Lent filled with parties and
519-577-7740                                    tons of entertainment.
                                                Our own Narrenzunft Concordia Mardi Gras
HISTORY OF THE NARRENZUNFT                      dance group began over 50 years ago!
CONCORDIA MARDI GRAS DANCERS                    The dancers would compete against other
The carnival season in Germany (also called     Mardi-Gras dance groups from Hamilton,
the "Fifth Season") officially begins on        Sarnia, Oshawa, Brantford and other loca-

tions across Ontario. Concordia was known         Elaine delegated teaching roles and admin-
to host the competition for the Kinder and        istrative responsibilities to long time senior
Junior dancers here at the Club from time to      dancers. Sara Bews and Hayleigh MacDo-
time. While the senior dancers would travel       nald choreograph and teach the Kinder
for a weekend away and compete in                 Garde girls. While Hannah Turner and
Hamilton, ON.                                     Christine Zorn choreograph and teach the
                                                  Junior Garde girls.
The Mardi-Gras dancers are proud of the
many medals and trophies they won over
                                                  These teachers are a great addition to the
the years. Unfortunately, the competitions
                                                  team since they have been dancing with the
ended around 2005 due to dwindling num-
                                                  group themselves since they were young.
bers. Concordia Narrenzunft Group contin-
ued tradition and looked for alternative
                                                  The Garde girls usually travel with the
locations to spread their energetic perform-
                                                  Prince and Princess of the Mardi Gras group
ance cheer.
                                                  as it’s a true honour to perform for Royalty.
Traditional carnival Mardi Gras dancing is        The girls usually receive ordens or pins as a
very much like a marching core style with         thank you for their outstanding performanc-
the grace and poise of chorus line kicks.         es.
The girls have a chance to let loose and per-
form show dances as well, choreographed to        The girls are busy throughout the season
more mainstream popular music, helping to         performing at the group’s opening and clos-
keep the girls interested and excited to          ing ceremonies. You’ll see them at Oktober-
dance. Elaine Keller-Griffin has been teach-      fest marching in the parade, and of course
ing the girls for the last 20 years. She is       kicking their highest under the big festival
Director of all three groups (also known as       tent. They have performed at Stiftungsfest,
the Garde Minister).                              President’s Ball, and Bockbierfest. The sen-
                                                  ior squad travels every January to Kentucky,
Dancers are divided into 3 groups based on        Ohio to perform. This weekend is always
their ages including a Kinder Group (6-10         such a great bonding experience for the girls
years old), Junior Group (11-15 years old),       allowing them to push their performances to
and a Senior Group (16 years and older).          stronger and more entertaining levels.
By 2014, the dance group’s numbers dwin-
dled leaving them with only 4 Garde girls.        The group is always looking for new mem-
There were concerns the group may have to         bers to join. They practice once a week on
shut down. Elaine was determined to try           Tuesday nights upstairs in the Main Hall of
and increase the membership so promotion-         the Concordia Club. The kinder and juniors
al flyers were posted during Family Day           practice from 5:30pm-7:00pm while the sen-
Oktoberfest celebrations to encourage more        iors practice from 7:00pm-8:30pm.
girls to join. To her delight, the interest was
well received bringing new girls to all 3         If you know of any young ladies who might
dance groups! Currently there are 31              be interested in joining one of the dance
dancers performing with the group now!            groups please contact Elaine at 519-496-
What a turnaround!                                1141.
games. I have to say that my favorite game is
          Concordia Choirs
                                              The game of Skat began in the early 19th
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) all func-   century in Thuringia. The game became a
tions that we’d planned to attend have been   favourite with German-speaking Europe
canceled, including President’s Ball, Tran-   and is now one of the most popular card
sylvania Choir Afternoon, Spring Concert,     games in Germany. It is also considered to
Choir Picnic and Choir Trip (Ottawa, Mont-    be Germany's national card game.
real, Quebec City).                           If you become really successful at playing
We commend the Concordia Club for its         SKAT, you can participate in tournaments
decisions and support with this matter.       throughout the world. The next world
                                              championship will be held in Edmonton,
We have decided to suspend all Choir          Alberta from October 6 to 14, 2020 at the
Rehearsals until further notice in order to   Chateau Lacombe Hotel in Edmonton. It
help keep our ”Social Distance“.              would be great to see a member from our
Keep yourselves informed with official        local group participate in the World
media and medical recommendations. We         Championship one day.
hope to resume Choir Activities soon.         Regular Tuesday night play starts at 7:30
Musically yours,                              (new members, please arrive 10-15 minutes
                                              early). Several times during the year we
Christine Schwegel                            play tournaments. Our next two tourna-
                                              ments are the Tony Dissler Pokal April 7 &
             Skat Group                       12 and the Spring Pokal on May 3.
We welcome our newest player to the Skat
                                              If you are interested in joining our group,
group, Heinz Boehnke. He has joined us for
                                              please feel free to email me at nan-
several nights and we are hoping that he
will remain a regular player. He received a
warm welcome from all members.                If you would like some information on the
                                              Skat game you can visit
I have been talking to many Club members, (
encouraging them to join our group. The       read until the title Variations )
ones that have never played before say they
will think about it. Those that have played   Gut Blatt Nancy Kessler-Agnew
before say that they used to play the game,
and that they love the game. Well, now is
the time to start a new hobby or renew an
old one.
If you are on the fence, jump over to the
Skat group.
In the past I have played the card games
Euchre and Wizard which are also strategy
Seniorengruppe                                      Bocce Bocce
Aus unbekannten Gründen trafen sich nur       Es ist wieder so weit, bald koennen wir
11 Mitglieder in der Weinstube. Das Wetter    Bocce spielen. Um die neue Spielsaison zu
war in jeden Fall nicht der Grund fuer die    besprechen, treffen wir uns am 22.April
ungewoehnlich niedrige Teilnehmerzahl.        2020 um 18:30 Uhr im Concordia Club,
Wir teilten uns einen leckeren Schoko-        Weinstube.
ladenkuchen. Anschliessend hörten wir         Neue Spieler sind willkommen.
deutsche und englische lustige Gedichte
bzw. Witze. Zum Abschluss probierten wir      Bis dahin gruesst Euch Heidi
ein gemeinsames Spiel, das grossen An-         It is the time again, soon we can play Bocce.
klang fand.                                   To talk about the upcoming Season we will
                                              meet at the Concordia Club,April 22..2020
Geburtstage im April
                                              in the Weinstube at 6:30 pm.
Heinz Kreitzer                                New players are welcome.
Juergen Otterstein                            Till then, Heidi

                                                    Join us at our annual

                                  Spring Trachten Pop-Up Sale
                                         at the Concordia Club Weinstube.
                                     Saturday, April 25th, 10am-4pm
                                        Check out the latest Dirndls, Lederhosen,
                                     Trachten Shirts, Blouses, Jewellery, and Jackets.
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for the finals in the 30 athlete field and finished
                                                      10th overall with a throw of 90 metres.
             Eis Stock-Group
                                                      • Men’s Distance Throwing – Mike Osborne fin-
                                                      ished 8th in the B Group field.
Athletes from Kitchener’s Concordia Club
Capture Gold and Silver at Ice Stock World            • Men’s Team Target Shooting – Team member
Championships                                         Paul Blais finished 5th in the world for his per-
                                                      formance in the third element.
Regen, Germany – Canada’s ice stock teams won
gold and silver medals at the Ice Stock World         During Congress meetings held last week, the
Championships that wrapped up this weekend            International Federation of Icestocksport con-
in Regen, Germany. The men’s team, including          firmed that Canada will host the 2021 America
Concordia members Steven Morrissey and                Cup. That competition is held in the summer
Milutin Zaric, captured gold with a 20 win - 2        months with competitors from across North and
loss record in the 12 team field, going an unde-      South America. By changing the sliding plates
feated 11-0 on the second day of competition.         on the stock, the sport is playable on asphalt,
With the gold medal, the men are promoted to          concrete or similar surfaces.
Group A at the 2022 World Championships.              The Federation’s Director of Sport, Ronny
The women’s team, including Concordia mem-            Horvath, and member of the Concordia Club, is
ber Kata Zaric, won silver with a 10 win - 2 loss     looking forward to the opportunities that exist
record in their 7 team field and improved on the      over the next six years. Ice stock is on the short
bronzes that they received in the last two world      list for inclusion in the 2026 Winter Olympics
championships.                                        that will be held in Milan and Cortina, Italy. The
                                                      Olympic decision is expected in the next two
“This is the most successful world champi-
onships ever for Canada” said Jennifer Mayrl,
President of the Canadian Ice-Stock Federation.       President Mayrl believes that Canadian curiosity
“We are incredibly proud of our athletes and          will peak with full Olympic recognition. If it
coaches. They not only showed off their abilities     occurs, Olympic qualification tournaments are
against a strong field but they were incredible       expected to be held in 2025. “A major goal of our
ambassadors for our country.”                         Federation is to deepen the field of internation-
                                                      al-level athletes that will compete for Canada.
Canada sent a delegation of 13 athletes and
                                                      For the men, moving into Group A in just two
coaches to compete in team and individual com-
                                                      years will mean having to play against countries
                                                      that have tens of thousands of players to choose
Highlights of the results:                            from. For the women, the goal is also to win B
• Men’s Team – Gold Medal and World                   Group gold in 2022 and for that we also want to
Champions B Group including Concordia Club            continue player development.”
members Steven Morrissey and Milutin Zaric            Anyone in the Kitchener area who is interested
• Women’s Team – Silver Medal B Group                 in playing this sport at a competitive or recre-
including Concordia Club member Kata Zaric            ational level should contact Milutin Zaric at
                                                      (519) 504-4005 or
• Women’s Distance Throwing – In this event
the goal is to slide the stock as far down the ice    About the Canadian Ice-Stock Federation
as possible and it was a women’s event for the        The Canadian Ice-Stock Federation is the gov-
first time ever. Jennifer Mayrl of Barrie qualified   erning body for the sport in Canada. In Canada
there are two types of clubs. There are clubs that   pate and be active together – parents and grand-
are a part of the Canadian Federation and hobby      parents do not just have to watch, they can play
clubs. The Federation-recognized clubs take part     along.
in local, provincial and national tournaments.       At its most competitive, our clubs send their best
The members that are a part of these clubs have      men and women to the world championships
the opportunity to play for Canada in interna-       every two years. In between those years, we par-
tional competition.                                  ticipate in the America Cup. The sport is on the
The sport is described as a mix between bocce        shortlist for inclusion in the 2026 Winter
and curling and has been played for over 600         Olympics that will be held in Milan and Cortina,
years. Players slide a stock along the ice and aim   Italy.
for a target in the house, 27 metres away. After     For more information contact (national level):
eight turns the team with stocks closest to the      Jennifer Mayrl, President
target gets points. Repeat that five more times      Canadian Ice-Stock Federation (705) 331-3463
and you have played a game. Different types of
plates allow the sport to be played in summer
                                                     For more information contact (local level):
months on asphalt or concrete.
                                                     Joe Liebel, President, Concordia Club Ice Stock
Stocksport is a highly inclusive sport that          519-500-0551,
encourages camaraderie amongst people of all
ages, genders, and many special needs. Because       Milutin Zaric
accuracy and placement are as important as           Director of Sports Concordia Club Ice Stock
speed and strength, entire families can partici-     (519) 504-4005,

Table Tennis Group
We had a good turnout on Thursday
evening and it was fun to play with our 3
youngest players. They also enjoyed playing
with our more advanced players and at the
same time improved their playing skills to a
level that sometimes even surprised our
more skilled players.
Which is a very good thing indeed. Because
in a couple of years they probably will be
able to beat some of us handedly.
(Not me, of course! Because I am considered
the champion)

                                               Frederich and his mentor Ken
   “If you think a dog can’t count,
     try putting three biscuits in
 your pocket, and then give him only
             two of them”
              Phil Pastoret

                                               Leo and his mentor Sam
                                               “Slice it spin it, play the game to win it”
Pepe and his mentor Mike                       Walter Marzinko
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Wichtige Veranstaltungen
     Important Events
                       APRIL / MAY 2020
April 4th  Bockbierfest (cancelled)
April 10th Club Closed – Good Friday
April 12th Easter Sunday Buffet
           Main Hall, Seatings @ 12pm-2pm and 5pm-7pm.
April 12th Home on the Range Clean-Up Farm
April 25th Trachten Sale @ 10:00am – 4:00pm Weinstube
April 26th Farm Clean-Up
May 2nd Annual Club Clean-Up Club
May 3rd       Concordia Choir Spring Concert (cancelled)
May 5th  Members Oktoberfest Ticket Sale
         Schenke, starting @ 6pm
May 10th Mother’s Day Brunch
         Main Hall, Two seatings 12-2pm & 5-7pm
May 16th Polka Mystery Schenke
May 18th      Club Closed - Victoria Day
Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig.
The Concordia Farm

      June 6, 2020
            Details to Follow

1212 Christner Road, New Hamburg
Concordia Club
Daily Specials
                      429 Ottawa St. S, Kitchener
                           TEL: 519-745-5617
      TUESDAY EVENING:                          FRIDAY EVENING:
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     CHEF’S NIGHT                                   SUNDAY:

       SPECIAL                             BRUNCH $23.95
 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with          Variety of breakfast favourites:
     Potatoes and Vegetables                 Seafood, Carving station,
                                         Hot and cold Vegetable selection
        only   $22.00                         plus delicious Desserts

Concordia Club Board of Directors 2020/2021
President:               Rob Kerr                Employee Liaison      Elaine Keller-Griffin
1st Vice President:      Mike Matich             Entertainment         Michelle Zimmer
                                                                       Monica Gaertner
2nd Vice President:      Alexandria Thoene                             Kathryn Malcolm
                                                                       Alexandria Thoene
1st Secretary:           Elaine Keller-Griffin
                                                 Farm Committee        Mike Matich
2nd Secretary:           Monica Gaertner                               Peter Bergen
1st Treasurer:           Ali Nowak                                     Rob Krauskopf
                                                 Finance Committee     Ali Nowak
2nd Treasurer:           Peter Bergen
                                                                       Harald Schwegel
Directors:               Josef Liebel                                  Rob Kerr
                         Kathryn Malcolm                               Peter Bergen
                         Michelle Zimmer         Float Committee       Rob Krauskopf
                         Martin Patzold
                         Robert Krauskopf        German Culture        Harald Schwegel
                         Harald Schwegel
                                                 Honorary Member       Martin Patzold
Manager:                 Shawn MacDonald                               Alexandria Thoene
                                                                       Joe Liebel
Committee Members:
                                                 Long Range Planning   Ali Nowak
Arbeitsgemeinschaft      Rob Kerr                                      Harald Schwegel
                         Mike Matich                                   Rob Kerr
                                                                       Mike Matich
Archives                 Alexandria Thoene
                         Monica Gaertner         Membership            Michelle Zimmer
Bulletin                 Elaine Keller-Griffin   Miss Concordia        Alexandria Thoene
                         Kathryn Malcolm
                                                 Nominations           Karl Braun
Christkindlmarket        Peter Bergen            and Bylaws            Rob Kerr
                         Elaine Keller-Griffin                         Mike Matich
                         Joe Liebel                                    Alexandria Thoene
                         Martin Patzold
                                                 Oktoberfest Chair     Mike Matich
Club Buildings           Harald Schwegel
                         Rob Krauskopf           Oktoberfest Inc.      Ali Nowak
                                                                       Harald Schwegel
Club Historian           Monica Gaertner                               Rob Krauskopf
Club Ombudsman           Mike Brasch             Sales and Marketing   Mike Matich
                                                                       Joe Liebel
Club Rental Properties   Rob Krauskopf                                 Martin Patzold
                         Harald Schwegel
                                                 Security              Alexandria Thoene
Concordia Seniorenhaus Mike Matich                                     Rob Kerr
                       Peter Bergen                                    Kathryn Malcolm
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