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MYLAPORE TIMES YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD NEWSPAPER Vol. 25, No. 46 January 8 - 14, 2022 8 pages Free Circulation OFFICE : 2498 2244, 2467 1122 EDITORIAL : 2466 0269 WEBSITE :
2 MYLAPORE TIMES Jan 8 - 14, 2022 DID YOU KNOW? HOW YOU CAN TAP GROUNDWATER NOW For perhaps the first time in a long time, this city received steady rains through 2021. This raised the ground water level really high. So when the big bounty of monsoon was shared, the ground was already belly-full. And so, could not take in more of the payasam! Result - wa- ter was oozing out of walk- ways, gardens and even inside houses in Mylapore, Mandaveli and San Thome. Most people have been ameter will be about 3.25 ft, And it continues to draining off the water by it has to be dug to a depth of create soggy conditions in pumping it on to streets / 30 feet and can have a sturdy many areas. Last week’s roads. This is a waste. But cover - this means it does not daylong rain further wors- people do not have options in obstruct movement of people/ ened that situation. many cases. vehicles in your campus. A Is there a way to tap Shekar says people have motor pump you use can tap this bounty and save your- got so used to using Metrowa- the water. Consult an expert self aches in case it rains ter that they have forgotten to carry out this job. Costs again and again? using groundwater. And tap- about Rs.60,00 - 70,000. Yes. ping this now will be useful ‘Stop using Metrowater, and timely. n IS THERE ANY LOCAL tap the ground water’ - There are two solutions he ISSUE INFORMATION this is the advice of rain- offers. THAT MUST BE water harvesting expert The first is to sink a FEATURED HERE? Shekar Raghavan of shallow tubewell. It can be Tell the Editor - Rain Centre. done in a few hours and costs Raghavan’s advice is about Rs.25,000. The yield timely and he knows what will be average but tapping he is talking about because the water day-on-day is pos- MYLAPORE he and his team monitor sible. TIMES ground water in the city The long term solution is Editorial & Publishing Office: year-round. to sink an open well. Its di- Shop 27, 2nd Flr., Corpn. Shopping Cplx., 77, C. P. Ramaswamy Rd., Alwarpet, Chennai -18 Phone: 2498 2244 (Office), 2466 0269 (Edit) Email IDs : (Adverts) (Edit) Editor & Publisher - Vincent D’Souza Roving Reporter - S. Prabhu Internet Design, Input - C. Parameshvaran Photographer - M. Madhan Kumar Designer - S. Prema Advertising Executive - R. Kathiravan Manager - M. Shanthi ADVERTISEMENT RATES DISPLAY ADS Basic rate (Black & white) - Rs.200 pcc Basic rate (Colour ) - Rs.230 pcc Page 1 (Colour ) - Rs.340 pcc Back page (Colour ) - Rs.290 pcc Ear panel (Colour ) - Rs.2700 CLASSIFIEDS Real Estate and Rental - 20 Words - Rs.350. All other sections - 20 Words - Rs.300. Rs.10 for every additional word. Colour coded - Extra Rs.100 Display Classified ads - Rs.170 pcc (B&W) - Rs. 200 pcc (Col) Classifieds booking closes on Thursday 6.30 p.m. GST of 5% will be charge on all ads (Classified & Display) ONLINE ADVERTISING MYLAPORE A variety of Advertising is offered on the English and Thamizh web sites of TIMES MYLAPORE TIMES. Call 24982244 for info and bookings. NO ISSUE of JAN.15 GST 18% charges all ads Mylapore Times is published every Saturday, CLASSIFIEDS BOOKING OPEN is given free in the Mylapore area and has a circulation of 25,000 copies. MYLAPORE TIMES issue on the Pongal holidays Readers are recommended to make appropriate enquires before entering into weekend, dated Jan.15 will not be published. Our printer dealings with advertisers who advertise in is on a long holiday. But we will take bookings for this publication. The Editor and Publisher does not vouch any Classifieds which will be designed as pages and posted claims made by advertisers and hence shall not online at be held liable for any adverse consequences. on Jan.15. Call 24982244 for further details. Mylapore Times is not responsible for any unsolicited materials received at its office.
Jan 8 - 14, 2022 MYLAPORE TIMES 3 Vaikunta Ekadasi Mylapore Festival 2022 to be skipped events The 2022 edition of the Sundaram Finance MYLAPORE FESTIVAL will not be held this year. The curator and the By S. Prabhu sponsor of this cultural festival decided to skip owing to the changing conditions of the pandemic and the state regulations For the Vaikunta Ekadasi that govern this condition currently. celebrations, the swarga vaasal The festival was also skipped in 2021 for the same reasons. will open at 4.30am on Janu- This annual festival presents a variety of events over four ary 13 at Sri Vedantha Desikar days on a weekend at a dozen venues in and around Sri Kapali Srinivasa Perumal Temple. This Temple zone on the eve of the Pongal festival. will be followed by Garuda Sevai procession inside the temple. The temple will remain open through the day to facilitate easy darshan Only 50% students took jab and avoid crowding. The even- ing will see Andal Thiru Kalyana in GCC school utsavam. There will be a joint proces- By Our Staff Reporter sion of Srinivasa Perumal, Nam Azhwar and Andal. The day-long About 50% of students at the GCC’s High School in celebration will culminate with Mylapore where the first camp to provide the vaccination the presentation of the sacred for teens was arranged earlier this week took the jab. verses of Nam Azhwar as part of 27 boys and girls eligible for the jab took it on the day one of the Era Pathu utsa- campus; a GCC team of a doctor and nurse held the camp. vam. The strength of students in Classes 9 and 10 at this At Sri Madhava Perumal Tem- school on V. P. Koil Street is 53. ple, the swarga vaasal will open Ever since classes were opened late last year for Class- at 5.30am on Jan. 13. Devotees es 9 and 10, attendance of at least 40% has been irregular can have darshan till 12.30pm. though ‘not absent’ for long periods, said teachers here. The temple authorities said that if It is not clear what steps GCC will take to address the there is a big stream of devotees, absence, rather big of the students at the camp to give they will keep the temple open them the jab. after the stipulated hours. A commercial artist’s New Year message by the sea, to do his ‘wall art’ of what he feels is appropriate as a New Year message. De- spite the sudden rainfall last week, this artist spent three whole days at his work of a visual canvas. Some images, some words, some graphical flourishes. “I chose a few themes that dominated the past year,” he said. “The massive rains in our city, the death of Gen. Bipin Rawat, the floods in the state.” And he had to repeat an issue that he had high- lighted in 2020 – the Corona virus. Lakshmanan says he has By Our Staff Reporter had a rough time the past two years as far as work goes – less job work, For the past three years, com- especially painting commercials mercial artist M. Lakshmanan has on walls and creating large creatively used the street-facing sign boards. wall of his house in Srinivasapuram
MYLAPORE TIMES Jan 8 - 14, 2022 VINCENT’s JOTTINGS LETTERS FROM READERS Letters to the Editor must carry the complete postal address of the correspondent. By VINCENT D’ SOUZA Mail to - The stink rose and spread across the heart of the nagar where I reside. In Adyar. As did the pollution of the flooding rainwater. The sewage line suffocated. The water drains were still breathing. Long after the rains had stopped, the sewage flowed out. In four spots on the main street. This was in December. Someone ‘big’ in the nagar must have complained. We saw a few contract workers sink small motor pumps into the central sewage line, drop the link tubes into the water drains on the street side. The worst civic violation was on - sewage was being pumped into water drains meant to carry floodwater. I thought this was an emergency action. I was wrong. A week later, the violation was set in motion. Again. I held myself from hauling up two women at the pump who are contracted by Metrowater. I called the local area engineer, a woman who has been in service for two years. She promised to stop the ‘violation’. Cave-in in mid-December 2021 on R. K. Mutt Road But it was not. I called her zonal boss. He admitted the wrong and Cave-ins on roads: why do they happen often? promised to act. This refers to road/street cave-ins happening almost at the same spot repeatedly as in the Nothing happened over 24 hours. case on and off R. K. Mutt Road. It seems to us that only patch works are carried out and a ‘I’m in court for a case…I will get it done,” he permanent solution is not executed. promised the next day. I have not heard of him yet. There needs to be a probe into this civic issue. SOS calls came in from the area engineer. I ignored - Venkataraman V. them. The violation was still on. I e-mailed this issue to three top bosses of Metrowa- ter. I will wait for their replies. Appreciation for O. Pannerselvam’s statement urging DMK Meanwhile, the violation stopped. photographer’s gesture chief minister to immediately implement the The area engineer called, saying she had stopped the monthly electricity bill cycle for payment as Happiness is not just putting on a smile promised by DMK during the Assembly pumping. And that their jet-rodding lorry was back at on the face: it is the fulfillment of our soul. elections. Earlier, many had protested for her Besant Nagar campus and she would employ it now Hats off to photographer G. V. Balasubra- such a change, mainly due to shortage of to address the sewage issue. maniam who brought a smile to the faces of staff in TANGEDCO. We feel the present bi- “Why didn’t you use your equipment then?” many hawkers who sold bommais on Mada monthly should continue to avoid crowding “Sorry sir, it was under repair.” Streets at Navaratri time by gifting them at TANGEDCO offices. “Why didn’t you reveal that earlier?” Silence. photos he had shot here during the season. Even quarterly reading could be thought Meanwhile, I received inputs of such violations - Hariprasad V. off. At the same time, the previous govern- from Kalakshetra Colony and from Teynampet, from ment’s folly of charging double the rate Mandaveli. Tribute beyond 500 units to be revised to the old slab All of them said they had complained to Metrowater Sundar Kumar, who passed away last system. and to GCC but there was silence. week was a great human being and contrib- A family consumes a minimum of 10 In my area, GCC local area officials seemed to have uted a lot to community service. He was units per day and the bimonthly ceiling looked the other way. They were party to a civic crime. one of my best and beloved friends. I cannot should be 600. But the reading should be They weren’t even bothered. believe that he is no more with us. I am very taken once in 60 days. This is because as For all of us who determinedly address local issues, saddened at his sudden death. a family, at present consuming 8 units per the frustrations are more than the satisfactions. But we - Veluchamy K. day will cross 500 units on the 63rd day. It cannot give up, can we? would be good if the TN government recruits Many have. We cannot give up. On TANGEDCO’s billing more staff to complete the job on time. This refers to AIADMK party leader - N. Mahadevan MY STORY Being Pregnant A day after my self lockdown, my doorbell rang. From rice koozh and paruppu vadai to omapodi to elai-vadaam, I had all types of snacks at Pandemic Time I went to attend it and there served with utmost care. she was! My neighbour I remember the day when I stepped out for aunty with her home-made a short walk - one of the residents who spotted gift hamper. It had manga me, hurried inside her house and came run- BY SUBHA DILIP thokku, pulikaachal, a sta- ning to me with what seemed like a newspaper tionary kit for my daughter, ball. Well, it was uppu-seedai and vella-seedai It was in early 2020 when Corona had just and home-made fried snacks wrapped in a newspaper sheet. These were started to make its rounds in India. (murukku, seedai and such). people with good hearts! I was in my second trimester. With the The joy I experienced knew no bounds. By God’s grace, a supportive family and nausea and tiredness reduced, I was hoping The best part was that the goodies just didn’t the good people around, I delivered a baby boy to venture out, meet people and eat at all my stop with that aunty. I live in a community of (we named him Shrikrishna) in July 2020. My favourite food outlets. Then came the news of 64 apartments in a campus located off neighbours suggested many nice names for my Corona. Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai and most residents child and there was no way I could pick a few and Though the lockdown had not been imple- have known each other for decades. use them. So I chose to mention their deeds at mented then, I decided to stay safe and eat Though I have been living here only for pandemic time - to show my gratitude. self-made home food. There is a saying ‘When the past four years, we have had good neigh- you wish for something from the bottom of your bours and many of them brought me, a variety heart, Nature paves the way for you to experi- of snacks every now and then. Their love and l Subha worked for Ernst & Young and then decided to become a ence it’. That happened to me in some ways. care increased the taste of the delicious food. home-maker. Writing, music and yoga are her current passions.
Jan 8 - 14, 2022 MYLAPORE TIMES 5 25 years of margazhi prayers, around the Mada Streets By S. Prabhu saint-poet Thiru Gnana Sambandar’s verses of praise on Mylapore. The group members join him in the recital and It is 5 a.m. on a chilly Friday morning in the fag days of move in procession. December 2021. And for some Mylaporeans, the margazhi There are a couple of other bhajan groups on South Mada season is a deeply spiritual one. Street who have made an early start. Greetings Photo: S. Prabhu are exchanged between the groups. From Thiru Gnana Sambandar, Srikanth moves to Manicka- vachakar’s Shiva puranam as the group turns into R. K Mutt Road. By the time the group enters North Mada Street, the sun is trying to break through the clouds. Srikanth is reminded of the margazhi days of his childhood. “Papanasam Sivan’s group was very popular in those decades. There used to be a time when devotees used to be here in thousands. North Mada Street used to be abuzz with devotion.” On its final stretch, the group recites Ramana Maharishi’s verses in praise of lord Arunachala. 52-year-old A. Srikanth, a resident of Mundagakanni Am- Near the theradi the group meets more familiar faces of man Street, is at the Pillayar sannidhi of Sri Kapaleeswarar other groups. Temple for deepa aradhanai. This is followed by darshan at It is 6.30 a.m. One person brings prasadam from inside the swami and ambal sannidhis. At the Singaravellar san- the temple and shares it with this group. Srikanth exits, and nidhi, there are well over a hundred devotees listening to heads to the nandavanam to pick flowers. Othuvar Sathgurunathar’s presentation of the sacred verses Every year, on the final day of margazhi, Srikanth organ- on the mike. As devotees make their way back, there is hot ises 300 packets of sweets and savouries for the members of pongal presented to them as prasadam. all the bhajan troupes and personally hands them over. This At 5.45 a.m., Srikanth is back at the eastern raja year, he plans to do this on January 13. gopuram. There, he joins a group of 10 members. They are here, as they have been for the month, to start the margazhi morning devotion - a practice they have been part of for the last 25 years. In was the margazhi of 1996 that Srikanth, who picks up flowers from the nandavanam on the banks of the temple and presents garlands every day to Somaskandar, started this morning practice that has become an intense devotion over the years. Recalls Srikanth, “There were some 10 bhajan groups for over two decades ago. Each group had sizable members. All the four streets were vibrant with devotional prayers and music.” That morning, in front of the 16-pillared mandapam on Sannidhi Street, he starts off with the recitation of Saivite
6 MYLAPORE TIMES Jan 8 - 14, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Booking a Classified in this newspaper? USE THIS WHATSAPP NO - 9445764499 Properties General ▲ ▲ REAL ESTATE l MANDAVELI L&T Ragamalika flat, 3 BHK l KOTTURPURAM, 3 bedroom flat, lift, BUSINESS MATRIMONIAL l WANTED land or land with building, flat, flat, 1550 sq.ft., North facing, 2 car park, Rs. covered car park, 1800 sq.ft., Rs. 2.25 l LEARN commodity trading and earn Rs. l WANTED suitable Iyengar bride villa, S A Realty: 9840015106. Rental & 2 crores 39 lakhs, 3 BHK + study room, 1768 crores. Thiruvanmiyur, near Bus Stand, 15000 to Rs. 20000 per month in part time Bharadwaja 1991 August arudra, MS, buying & selling sq.ft., 2nd floor East facing, 2 car park, Rs. 2 new 3 bedroom flat, 1700 sq.ft., covered car without disturbing your present job. Can USA working in San Diego, any kalai. Ph: crores 69 lakhs. MANDAVELI, 3 BHK, new flat park, lift, power backup, Rs. 2.60 crores, 3 do this work using Android mobile / laptop 9480014028. 1558 sq.ft., North facing, lift, 1 car park, Rs. 1 bedroom flat, 1312 sq.ft., lift, covered car / computer at work place / home training l WANTED suitable Iyengar bride REAL ESTATE SELLING crores 69 lakhs. Abhiramapuram, 3 BHK, new, park, power backup, per sq.ft. Rs. 13000. Ph: and support provided. For details contact Bharadwaja 1988 March arudra MS, USA 1580 sq.ft., East facing, lift, power backup, 9498448868, 9884998686 - 9884878741 / 9498458441. working in Dallas any kalai. Ph: 9480014028. l R A PURAM, Kanagaraya Malaiyappan 1 covered car park, Rs, 2 crores 90 lakhs. l MANDAVELIPAKKAM, 1050 sq.ft., 2 Street, Ch – 28. 600 sq.ft., 1 BHK, ground MRC Nagar, 3 BHK flat, 1450 sq.ft., lift, 1 car floor. Ph: 9884042854. bedroom, North facing, UDS 550 sq.ft., CCP, park, Rs. 1 crores 90 lakas. Ph: 9884984545, genset, Rs. 1.45 crore. Mandaveli Spencer, BUYING AUTOMOTIVE / SALE l MANAPAKKAM, Valleswaran Koil Street, 8939936056 1570 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, North facing, CCP, l WANTED sparingly used TV-55”/65”/72” FIAT Punto car, single owner, update house, plot, 2846 sq.ft., (82.5 x 34.5) tube l R. A. PURAM, Ceebros, 1360 sq.ft., 3 BHK, l UDS 680 sq.ft., 5 years old, Rs. 1.90 crore. Samsung / LG / Sony. Ph: 9444959595 / documents, smooth running condition, owner well, good water. Sale price Rs. 2.5 crores, 2 bath, 1st floor, lift, 1 CCP, backup, UDS 700 Raghuraman: 9840736132, 9003621068 044-24982525 leaving Abroad, 2011 model with all features, no brokers. Ph: 9789986433, 044 23750976. sq.ft., Rate Rs. 1.75 cr nego. Ph: 9962126962 l M R C NAGAR, 3 BHK, 1600 sq.ft., gated Rs. 2 lakhs. Ph: 9445400269, 9884231431. l MYLAPORE, Teynampet, new flat, 752 l MANDAVELIPAKKAM, 14th Trust Cross community, Rs. 2.5 crore. C I T Colony, 3 BHK, sq.ft., 2 BHK, 1st floor, approved North face, Street, 800 sq.ft., land, clear title, G+2, 5 EVENT MANGEMENT Rs. 2 crore. Mylapore land, 1600 sq.ft., Rs. lift, two wheeler parking, Rs. 67 lakhs, only bed, 5 bath, 3 kitchen, 3 halls. Rs. 1.70 cr 3.75 crore. Gopalapuram, 2400 sq.ft., Rs. 4.5 l HIRER: Bouncy castle, kiddie rides, cotton SALE owners. Call: 9677267659, 9841213222. negotiable. Brokers excuse. Ph: 9444934057 crore. Cell No: 9884710256 candy, game stalls, cartoon characters, l USED Two years Samsung, DD 365L, l MYLAPORE, near Kapaleeshwarar l ECR INJAMBAKKAM, premium villa l 1 BHK flat, on the first floor, lift, available for surprise gifts, baby cradle, cake table, tattoos, fridge, Rs. 20k, FL 6KG, WM, Rs. 13k, Temple, 740 sq.ft., 4’’ passage, G+2, / plots, 1200 sq.ft., to 4 ground. Ph: sale in a prime location at 56, 1st Main Road, balloon decoration. We undertake: Birthdays, 42’’ TV, Rs. 20k, Microwave Rs. 13k. Ph: old building. Price Rs. 85 lakhs. K. 7448812226 / 8608149414 R.A.Puram. Contact: 9789988789 weddings, baby shower, name ceremony & 9962569601. Gopalakrishnan – 9380964793. l FULLY Furnished, 3 BHK Apt at l MYLAPORE, 2 BHK, 80 lakhs, San Thome, all occasions. C. Rajendran – 9841071973. l SAN THOME, near old Registrar Office, Norton 2nd St, 1757 sq.ft., UDS 935.80 2 BHK, 80 lakhs. San Thome, 2 BHK, 70 1867 sq.ft., 3 BHK, 2nd floor, no lift, open car sq.ft., CCP, lift, ACs, genset, close to YOGA lakhs. Thiruvanmiyur, 3 BHK, 1.1 crores. parking, UDS 1151 sq.ft., 33 years old, Rs. schools, temples, bus stand. Ct : 9884032003 INVESTMENT Mandaveli, 3 BHK duplex, 2 crores. Call: SUNRISE Yoga, regular classes (Mon - 2 crore. K. Gopalakrishnan – 9380964793. l l MANDAVELI STREET, prime location, 8668048007 l FESTIVAL OFFER R Venkates MBA, Sun 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.) One to one personal l R. A. PURAM, near Greenways Road, offer 1 GM gold free for Pongal and advise 1065 sq.ft., vegetarians only, Rs. 1.45 crore classes will be taken. No: 55, Kamaraj Baba temple, 1360 sq.ft., 3 BHK, 3 bath, 1st negotiable, 2 BHK, 2 years old, 3rd floor, lift, you to Invest in 8.4%, guaranteed wealth Avenue, 2nd Street, Adyar. (Near Sub- floor, lift, covered car park, power backup, CCP, near Veera Anjaneyar Temple. Call: policy, six years annual premium only, but Registrar office). Yoga Master V. Ravi: UDS 700 sq.ft., 22 years old, Rs. 1.95 crore. 9841423048. 30 years money back from 8th year. Contact: 89251 26836. K. Gopalakrishnan – 9380964793. 8428479882, 9962914180 l ABIRAMAPURAM land 3 ground with l MANDAVELI, near Anjaneyer Temple, house / Abiramapuram land 1 ground / demolished condition, land 972 sq.ft. Price Rs. Abiramapuram land 3000 sq.ft., Alwerpet 2 2.15 crore. Gopalakrishnan – 9380964793. ground bungalow / Boat Club 20 ground. Ph: Home Needs / l MYLAPORE, Dr Radhakrishnan Salai, 9840608866 / 9566175961 2BHK, 720 Sq.ft, second floor, without lift, l TRIPLCANE flats, 975 sq.ft., 3 BHK, open car park, 30yrs, Rs. 85 lakhs nego. Ph: 1st floor, 3 bath, 5 years old, North, UDS ▲ Services 9789057143 300, lift, CCP, 1 balcony, Rs. 95 lakhs. Ph: l F U L LY F u r n i s h e d , 3 B H K a p t , 9962230984. at Norton 2nd Street, 1757 sq.ft., UDS l R A PURAM, 1100 sq.ft., 3 BHK, 2 bath, 935.80 sq.ft., CCP, lift, ACs, genset, 2nd floor, lift, CCP, 16 years old, Rs. 1.75 cr. close to Schools, Temples, Bus stand. Ct: NETLON Ph: 9962230984 RENOVATION 9884032003 l MANDAVELI small bungalow house, l MOSQUITO Netlon screen Saint – Gobain l NEW Contruction, alterations, extensions, l MANDAVELI, Sadayappan Street, 4 land 2500 sq.ft., building 3700 sq.ft., G+2, Velcro type, S. S. Mesh, door type aluminium repair work, economical pricing, timely BHK flat, ground floor, East facing, 1600 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, 2 halls, modular window, sliding type, new and old repair, completion, painting interior and exterior, sq.ft., UDS 900 sq.ft., 19 years old, 1 kitchen, lift, North facing, power backup, Mylapore, Mandaveli, R. A. Puram, Alwarpet, multistoried building painting with scaffolding. covered car park, Rs. 1 crores 49 lakhs. Ph: high teakwood furnished Italy marble. Ph: San Thome, all area coverage, 24x7. Ph: Mahaganapathy Builders. Ph: 6380275847. 9444268171 9962230984. Sale Rs. 6.25 cr. 8122577148, 7449150789. l 15 YRS OLD, 450 sq.ft., 1 BHK Apt for sale l SAN THOME, KMN St, 650 sq.ft., land old Mandaveli, 2 wheeler parking only, no water building, Rs. 1.25 cr. Res / Com. Mylapore, problem. Rate negotiable. Brokers excuse. 600 sq.ft., 2 BR, Rs. 45 lakhs. Agent: PACKERS AND MOVERS Ph: 9445383988 / 7010413396 8668154271, 9444295567. l MYLAPORE, Ajay Packers, local shifting, minimum Rs. 4200/- and all over India, AC, fan, geyser, water purifier, tube light, Education ▲ dismantling free, car carrier storage. Pls call: 7358170399 / 7299047508 l MYLAI Rainbow packers & movers – local shifting Rs. 4000/-, minimum cost, all CLASSES TUITIONS l ONE to One centum assured home tuition over India, car transport also, 100% safe. l MEHENDI & Beautician classes are been l ABACUS, handwriting classes are starting term-2, CBSE / ISC, 11th / 12th with Ph: 9840020526, 9600296873. Mail: info@ taken by a professional who has more then taken here. Hindi tuition taken from 1 to jee / neet support. Ph: 9790206892 – Maths. 20 years of experience. Contact: 9790934814 IV std, improve your kids, self-confidence, 9585785098 – chemistry (only online) Mandaveli. Ph: 9750426373. l EXCELLENT Online coaching / home l HINDI Tuition for all exams and tuitions tuitions upto +2 / deg / BE / B.Tech / ME / upto 9th Std. Gayathri, 044 24662289 M.Tech / MCA / MBA - all subjects, all boards. Ph: 8925374565 MYLAPORE HOLIDAY NOTICE TIMES The office of Mylapore Times will remain OFFICE TIMINGS closed on Jan.14 (Friday). Mon, Tues, Wed, Sat - 10.30 am to 1 pm. Thursday & Friday - 10.30 am to 6.00 pm
Jan 8 - 14, 2022 MYLAPORE TIMES 7 CLASSIFIEDS Rental ▲ ACCOMMODATION l 600 SQ.FT., Two BHK, two wheeler, near l 2 BHK, 900 sq.ft., GF for rent at Thachi l RENT 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, RENTAL COMMERCIAL WANTED Rosary Matriculation School, Mylapore, Arunachalam St, Mylapore, kitchen western toilet, balcony, car parking, thousand l R. A. PURAM office space, ground floor, ground floor, Rs. 16000. Contact: 9444381663 cupboards, 3 phase current & 2 wheeler fifty sq.ft., R. K. Nagar, Raja Annamalai 1850 sq.ft., 1 CCP. Hanu Reddy Realty: l MYLAPORE, Alwarpet, R. A. Puram, l 2 BHK, G.Fl apt, 6th Main Road, R. A. parking. Rs. 20000/-vegetarians only. Brokers Puram. Contact 9940077883 / 7824868459 Mandaveli, Royapettah, one, two, three bedroom flat, bungalow, M. N. C. Bank Puram, semi furnished, near to temple, excuse. Ph: 9841914784 l MYLAPORE, 1 BHK 500 l MYLAPORE, Bazar Road, 200 sq.ft., Software. Owners contact: 9841350607. hospital, restaurants etc., only vegetarians l ALWARPET, Mylapore, R A Puram, 2, 3, sq.ft., in 2nd floor, near 1st floor, suitable for clinic, office, godown preferred. Whats App: 9560912643 4 BHK flat & Bungalow, available, Rs. 30000 San Thome employment exchange, etc., Rent Rs.9000/-. CT: 9176133768 / l 1100 SQ.FT., 1st floor, 2 BHK, CCP, fully to 2 lakhs. BPC. Contact: 9884669866 / independent gated house, vegetarian only, 3 9150748982 RENTAL marbled, good locality, Alwarpet. Mob: 98400 8248874653 phase EB, bore and sump water ample open l MYLAPORE, C. I. T. Colony, 1000 sq.ft., 68234. Only vegetarian families. Brokers l ALWARPET near Amma Naana, North terrace, 2 wheeler parking. Ph: 9566010749 ground floor for rent. Call: 9884095895 l LUZ, 2 BHK, 700 sq.ft., third floor, semi excuse facing, ground floor, 3 BHK, bath attached, / 9940077674 furnished, good water supply, open car l ALWARPET, Eldams Road, 170 sq.ft., semi park, children play area, vegetarian. Rent l MRC NAGAR, Mandaveli Chettinad School pooja room, 1940 sq.ft., 4 ACs, WW, servant l 725 SQ.FT., first floor, 2 bath, single furnished, office space, Opp to C P Art Centre, Rs. 22000/-, no brokers. Ph: 8825820487, near, 2 BHK flat, 1200 sq.ft., 3rd floor, lift l. quarters with separate entrance, car park, Rs. bedroom, covered two wheeler park, pure Rent 13500/- ready occupy. Ph: 9841079118 9789986433. Rent Rs. 36000/-, 2 BHK + study room, 1350 55k. Ph: 9841147769 veg, Mylapore, Adam Street. Ph: 9840424500 sq.ft., first floor, lift. Rent Rs. 38000/-, new l MYLAPORE near Saibaba Temple, behind l 600 SQ.FT., 2 BHK, ground floor, 2 wheeler l CHINNA Porur, Senthil Nagar, annexure 1st Main Road, independent house, 2 BHK, flat 3 BHK flat, 2000 sq.ft., first floor, lift, Rent Nageswara Rao Park, newly painted, 2 park, near Sivaswamy Kalalaya School, pure OFFICE SPACE 900 sq.ft., covered car park, good water Rs. 58000/-. Ph: 8939936055 BHK, ground floor portion, 1200 sq.ft., 24 hours water, designed tiles flooring, veg. Ph: 9840424500 FOR RENT l R. A. PURAM, near Sangeetha Hotel, supply, vegetarian. Rent Rs. 15000. Ph: 9789986433, 8825820487. No brokers. immediate occupation with covered car park, deluxe flat, 1000 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 2nd Fully Furnished l MYLAPORE, Kesava Perumal South plus two wheeler parking, 18, 3rd Street, floor with lift, CCP. Rent Rs. 25000. Charles 630 sq.ft. East Abiramapuram. Rent 25000/- only, no Street, first floor, 2 BHK, 810 sq.ft., vegetarian maintanace charges, adv 4 months. Contact Relaty: 9884239783. Air Conditioned only, two wheeler parking. Rent Rs. 20000. l MYLAPORE, near Vivekananda College, Contact: 9444398828, 9486100502. Brokers : 9884305299, 8939298945 deluxe flat, 1350 sq.ft., 2 bedroom + study, READY TO OCCUPY excuse. l Mandaveli, near Chairanya posh, new 1st floor with lift, CCP, genset, veg, Rs. 35000. @ Chamiers Road, flat 3 bedroom, 1500 sq.ft., second floor, lift, Charles Realty: 9884239783 l MYLAPORE, near Nageshwara Park, 3 CCP, Rs. 45000/-, 2 bedroom, 1000 sq.ft.,1st l LUZ AVENUE, 3 BR, Rs. 30000, Rs. 40000, near Moopanar Flyover bedroom flat, 1600 sq.ft., Rs. 45k, 2 bedroom floor, lift, car park, Rs. 30000/-, 1 bedroom, flat, 3 AC, ground floor, Rs. 23k, 2 bedroom 600 sq.ft., ground floor, Rs.14000/- Ph: Rs. 50000, 4 BR, Rs. 55000. Royapettah, 98848 77544 flat, fully furnished, Rs. 25k, bachelors also. 9841630593.. Balaji Nagar, 3 BR, Rs. 33000. Mandaveli, 99414 99414 Ph: 9841350607. 1 BR, Rs. 15000, 2 BR, Rs. 25000. Agent: l MYLAPORE, Alwarpet, 2 BHK flat Rs. 20k, 8668154271, 9444295567. l MYLAPORE, Adam St, single bedroom, RENTAL RESIDENTIAL 25k, 1 BHK Rs. 16k, bachelors, Rs. 11k. Mayur l MANDAVELI Spencer, near by P. S. Senior 2nd floor, Rent Rs. 10000 & Rs. 11000, Realtors: 9940051164 / 7358632421 Harishree, new flat, 1300 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, l SAN THOME, Mylapore, near Rosary Mat. 24 hrs borewell water & metro water. Ph: 9444388877 l R. A. Puram, 2 bedroom, 1000 sq.ft., wood CCP, genset, East facing, Rs. 40000, 1300 School, 2 BHK with dinning & visitor rooms, work, lift, 1 covered car parking, Rs. 25k. Ph: sq.ft., 2 bedroom, Rs. 32000, 2 flat available, GF, 1600 sq.ft., 24 hrs Metro water, covered l R. K. MUTT ROAD, R. A. Puram, 3 BHK, ABHIRAMAPURAM new flat, 1600 sq.ft., l 9092887993 1000 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, Rs. 26000, OCP. car parking. Rent Rs. 32k. Ph: 9840131388, 1000 sq.ft., capious water, lift, survellance lift, car park. Rent Rs. 50000/-. Mandaveli, old l ALWARPET, 3 bedroom, 1800 sq.ft., Raghuraman: 9840736132, 9003621068 9710214965 camera, full security, car park, Rs. 25000, 5 flat, 3 BHK flat, 1650 sq.ft., lift, car park. Rent wood work, lift, genset, 1 CCP, Rs. 45k. Ph: l MYLAPORE, Alamelumangapuram near l MYLAPORE, near Sai Baba Temple, P. month advance. Ph: 9841010269 Rs. 40000/-, R. A. Puram, old Ceebros flat, 9092887993 Sai Baba Temple, next to P S Senior Sec S. Senior School, 1000 sq.ft., 2 BHK, 1st l R. A. PURAM, 950 sq.ft., 2 BHK, ground 2000 sq.ft., lift, 2 car park. Rent Rs. 42000/-. l 2 BHK house, 1st floor, 1000 sq.ft., R .A. School, gate 2, 2 BHK, 1000 sq.ft. apt, floor, lift, open car park. Rent Rs. 21000. K. floor, car parking, Rs. 23000/-, 1500 sq.ft., 3 Ph: 9884984545 Puram, near Mandaveli Railway Station. pooja room, 2 balconies, 2nd floor, no lift, for Gopalakrishnan – 9380964793 BHK, 1st floor, 2 covered carparking. R. K. l 2 BHK Flat, first floor, near Adyar Park, Rent Rs. 25000, 6 months advance. Ph: rent Rs. 22000, vegetarian only. Contact at l ALAMELUMANGAPURAM, ground floor, 3 Nagar, Rs. 36000, near Hari Shree School. Chamiers Road, conveniently located, Rs. Ph: 9380063177 9444766520 9940623107, 9940623108 BHK, 1200 sq.ft., OCP, copious water, no pets, 19,000/-, vegetarians, outside car parking, vegetarians only. Rent Rs. 35000/-, brokers l MANDAVELIPAKKAM, 2000 sq.ft., 4 BHK, l KASTURBA NAGAR, 2 BHK, 1360 sq.ft., l 2 BHK, 900 sq.ft., GF for rent at Thachi immediate occupation. Ph: 9498816976 / excuse. Contact: 9840089582 Rs. 50000, Adyar Gate, 1800 sq.ft., 3 BHK, 9445662975 GF of an independent house, covered Arunachalam St, Mylapore, kitchen, car park. Rent Rs. 35000/-pm. Excellent cupboards, 3 phase current & 2 wheeler l MANDAVELI, G. Floor, 3 BHK, out side car Rs. 45000. Sriram Nagar, 1550 sq.ft., 3 BHK, l SAN THOM Registrar Office nearby 2nd Rs. 40000. R. A. Puram, 1300 sq.ft., 3 BHK, location, only vegetarians, no brokers. Call: parking, Rs. 20000, vegerarians only. Brokers parking, immediate occupation, near Schools, floor, 1300 sq.ft., 3 BHK, lift, CCP, Rs. 30k. Railway Station, Rs. 30000, brokers excuse. Rs. 32000, Greenways Road, 1100 sq.ft., 2 9444901940 / 24453699 excuse. Ph: 9841914784 2nd floor, 1350 sq.ft., lift, CCP, Rs. 35k. 4th Ph: 9710236304. Non veg only BHK, Rs. 25000. Nageshwara Park, 1350 l R. A. PURAM 3BR flat, 1700 sq.ft., semi l 2 BHK, car park, 24hrs watchman, Jeth floor, 1200 sq.ft., 2 BHK, lift, CCP, Rs. 32k. sq.ft., 2 BHK, Rs. 30000, Luz, 1400 sq.ft., 3 furnished, genset / R A Puram, Ceebros Nagar, 1st floor, 1000 sq.ft., 24hrs water, Rent l 2 BHK, 1030 sq.ft., flat, near L.B. Road, Sivarajan. Contact: 9884137904. BHK, Rs. 35k. Subramani Street, 1250 sq.ft., Grayshot 3 BR, 1800 sq.ft., all amenities / R Rs. 26000. Ph: 9790741412 Thiruvanmiyur, lift, open car park, wood l MRC NAGAR, Mandaveli, Chettinad 3 BHK, Rs. 35k, only veg. Ph: 9884214816, A Puram, 2 BR flat, 900 sq.ft., playarea. Ph: l LUZ Avenue, near Nageshwara Park, 1st work, well ventilated, ample water, strictly School near, 2 BHK flat, 1200 sq.ft., 3 floor, vegetarians. Contact 9940347472. 8015184176 9566175961 floor, 3 BHK, individual house, Rs. 30000, lift, Rent Rs. 36000/-, 2 BHK + study room, l MYLAPORE, Balakrishna Road, 785 sq.ft., l ABIRAMAPURAM, 3 BHK, 2nd floor, CCP, car parking, only veg. Agent: 6383253700, l ALWARPET, 3 BHK, 1600 sq.ft., 1st floor, 1350 sq.ft., first floor, lift, Rent Rs. 38000, new two BHK, first floor, ready for occupation, Feb Rent 50k. R A Puram, 3 BHK, 1st floor, Rent 9444482951 modular kitchen, marble floor, CCP. Rent 50k. flat, 3 BHK flat, 2000 sq.ft., first floor, lift, Rent 1st, near Mundagakanni Amman Railway 60k. S A Realty: 9840015106 l 1 BHK, good water, play area, security, CT: 9841044802 Rs. 58 000. Ph: 8939936055 Station, veg only, two wheeler parking l MYLAPORE, M. K. Amman Koil Street, ready to occupy. Rent 15000. Cell: l 2 BHK flat, 2nd floor, 820 sq.ft., two wheeler l ABHIRAMAPURAM, new flat, 1600 sq.ft., only, brokers excuse. Achuthanarayanan – near Sanskrit College, Railway Station, prime 9841060050. Near M K Amman Koil. HOUSE park, @ Subbarayan Street, near Dr. Ranga lift, car park, Rent Rs. 50000. MANDAVELI, 9380461777 area, first floor, 2 BHK, 750 sq.ft., two wheeler for rent Rakiappan Street, Mylapore, 920 Rad, Mylapore. Rent Rs. 20000/-pm. Adv 10 old flat, 3 BHK flat, 1650 sq.ft., lift, car park, l WARREN ROAD, 3 BHK, 1650 sq.ft., 3rd parking. Contact: 9840778394, 9884380323 sq.ft., 2 BHK, two wheeler parking, 24 hrs month (negotiable). Contact: 91-9840526421, Rent Rs. 40000. R. A. Puram, old Ceebros floor, lift, OCP, no brokers. Ph: 8300290467 l MANDAIVELI for rent 1 BHK, South Canal water. Ph: 9841075338 91-9008614864 flat, 2000 sq.ft., lift, 2 car park, Rent Rs. l 950 SQ.FT., near Eldams Road, second 42000. Ph: 9884984545 Bank, 2nd Street. Rent Rs.12500. 650 sq.ft., l MANDAIVELI for rent, 1 BHK, South Canal l R. A. PURAM, 2200 sq.ft., apartment floor, no lift, double bedroom, good location, ground floor, Opp St Johns School, veg only, Bank, 2nd Street, Rent Rs.12500/-, 650 sq.ft., with lift, CCP, genset. Rent 75000. Call: l ALWARPET, 2 BHK flat, 900 sq.ft., North car parking, only small family. Owner: brokers excuse. Ph: 94440 07819 ground floor, Opp St Johns School, veg only, 9840299014, 7904167905 facing, lift, 1 covered car park, Rent Rs. 9443252408 26000. Ph: 9444268171. l MYLAPORE Near Vidya Mandir, 1350 brokers excuse. Ph: 94440 07819 l MANDAVELI posh, 1800 sq.ft., 3 bedroom l ABHIRAMAPURAM, 1 bed + living, bath, sq.ft., 2BHK+study room, carpark. Rent 35k + study, 1st floor, lift, car park, Rs. 45k nego. l RANGA ROAD, Mylapore, single bedroom kitchen, semi furnished for single girl, veg, Nego. Ph: 9962126962 Swami Iyer Realty: 9884084762 flat, 1st floor, 600 sq.ft., OCP. Contact twin sharing also. Ph: 9840468906 l MANDAVELIPAKKAM, 1 BHK, ground floor, RENTAL / CARPARK 7708759205 Rent Rs.18000/ Including, covered car parking l CAR PARKING for rent available in & maintenance near Chaitanya, St. John. TNHB Golden Enclave near Luz. Phone: Contact Owner: C. B. V. Babu 9042993899 9383198069 / 8056189754 Jobs / 9003250251 ▲ l REQUIRED consultants for banking l ACCOUNTS cum Admin assistant, breast l WANTED Female, any degree, working MYLAPORE industry, age criteria 35 – 70yrs, no previous health & bra clinic, Mylapore, Rs. 12k, age no knowledge in computer, office at Warren TIMES work experience required, work from home, bar, good English and typing must. Contact: Road, Mylapore. Contact No: 9444019794, exclusive opportunity for NRI, home maker, 9940477742. mYtyf cjt- 24617626 retired person & business people. Contact l WANTED Male / Female full time pahsh; Njit l WANTED Delivery boys for milk delivery. Raja. Mobile No: 8438343776. receptionist / front office admin for dental gj;jphpf;if epWtdj;jpw;F Call: 9840299014 l WANTED delivery boys and female tele clinic. Age below 45 years. Sal upto Rs. 18k. 40 taJf;Fs; l WANTED Female fresher, Tally konwledge callers and female staff for billing with good Dr. Smilez Dental Center, Alwarpet branch cs;s Mz; cjtpahsh; for surgical company @ Teynampet. Ph: computer knowledge @ Mandavelli. Contact: (near Kauvery hospital). Contact Geetha cs; kw;Wk; ntsp 9445069222 9003223554 739 777 0133 Ntiyf;F Njit. l WANTED Female staff fluently speaking l WANTED Delivery Boy / Girl and X-ray kapyhg;G+h; / milahh; / Hindi or Malayalam with basic computer & technician, male or Female for clinic in uhag;Ngl;il gFjpia JOB REQUIRED A/C knowledge, age below 40 years. Office Mylapore. Preferred in and around Mylapore. Nrh;e;jth;fs; mZfTk; lREQUIRED Job, 24yrs exp. in Accounts, At Mylapore. Salary Rs. 10 to 15k Contact: Experienced or freshers accepted. Driving GST. CT: Vijay 9790741271. 04428474798 / 9884527679 license Must. For contact 98403 58815 2498 2244
Regd. with Registrar of Newspapers of India 65779/95 8 MYLAPORE TIMES Jan 8 - 14, 2022 Turtles sighted on Marina sands By Our Staff Reporter People walking on the sands of the Marina have re- ported sighting turtles. A few were seen in late December, they said. Some were dead. These sightings were in the sands off the Light House zone. This is the start of the turtle nesting season on the east coast and a large number of turtles have been visiting this coast for many years now. While some environmental groups / activists work during this season to secure turtle nests and save the eggs in temporary hatcheries, the state’s Forest Department also gets active and has, in the past, also set up a seasonal Photo: Kathiravan hatchery near the Adyar’s mouth in Srinivasapuram. Published and owned by Vincent D’Souza. Publishing address - 16, 7th Cross St., Sastri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai - 20. Editor : Vincent D’Souza
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