Myanmar Banking Sector 2025: The Way Forward - Roland ...

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Myanmar Banking Sector 2025: The Way Forward - Roland ...


Myanmar Banking Sector 2025:
The Way Forward

September 2016

    Table of Contents
    Myanmar's banking sector as a key growth driver ............................................................................. 4
    1. Current situation and challenges for the banking sector ............................................................... 5
        1.1 Status quo – Sector at a crossroads ...................................................................................... 5
        1.2 First steps in the right direction .............................................................................................. 6
        1.3 Diverse range of challenges................................................................................................... 6
        1.4 State owned banks – Fighting history .................................................................................... 7
        1.5 Domestic commercial banks – Three leaders and the rest? .................................................. 8
        1.6 Foreign banks – The (restrained) elephant in the room ....................................................... 12
    2. Enabling the banking sector transformation ................................................................................ 13
        2.1 Steer interbank market development ................................................................................... 13
        2.2 Foster access to credit ......................................................................................................... 14
        2.3 Build trust in the system ....................................................................................................... 15
        2.4 Increase capacity and autonomy of the central bank .......................................................... 16
        2.5 Reform state owned banks .................................................................................................. 17
    3. Banking 2025: Unprecedented growth to spur sector shakeup .................................................. 19
    4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 24
    5. Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 25

    Table of Figures
    Figure 1: Banking-assets-to-GDP ratio, 2015 [%] .............................................................................. 5
    Figure 2: Bank account ownership, 2014 [% population age 15+] ..................................................... 5
    Figure 3: Banking market overview .................................................................................................... 6
    Figure 4: Total domestic banking assets [MMK tr] ............................................................................. 7
    Figure 5: Total domestic banking deposits and loans [MMK tr] ......................................................... 7
    Figure 6: Private banks' assets, deposits and loan volumes ............................................................. 8
    Figure 7: Concentration of top 3 private banks in ASEAN countries, 2015 ....................................... 9
    Figure 8: Domestic private banks by equity, Mar 2016 [# banks] ...................................................... 9
    Figure 9: Bank expansion levels, 2013-2016 ................................................................................... 10
    Figure 10: Density of bank branch network, 2014 [# branches per 100,000 capita] ....................... 11
    Figure 11: Branch density of domestic private banks in Myanmar, May 2016 ................................. 11
    Figure 12: Total banking equity – breakdown by type of bank ......................................................... 12
    Figure 13: Total banking assets projection [USD bn] ....................................................................... 19
    Figure 14: Total banking loans projection [USD bn] ......................................................................... 19
    Figure 15: Bank branch network projection [# branches] ................................................................. 20
    Figure 16: Banking employment projection ['000 persons] ................................................................ 20
    Figure 17: Total banking equity projection [USD bn] ........................................................................ 21
    Figure 18: Assumptions for 2025 forecast ........................................................................................ 25

    Myanmar's banking sector as a key growth driver
    In any country, financial services sector          Myanmar's banking sector has atrophied over
    occupies a unique place among all business         the years and suffered many ailments.
    sectors. It plays a vital role as a catalyst for   Despite a recent resurgence, it remains small
    overall economic development, seeding              and unable to provide the required financing
    growth in other sectors by providing the           to support fast paced economic growth.
    necessary funds to various economic agents,        Fixing these shortcomings is a daunting task
    namely private individuals and corporations. It    considering the current inefficiencies.
    is also in itself a key business sector
                                                       That said, the underdeveloped state of the
    contributing a large number of well qualified
                                                       banking sector presents an opportunity to put
    and high earning jobs and is arguably the
                                                       in place the right framework and initiate the
    largest sector in the world in terms of
                                                       necessary adjustments before sheer size
                                                       makes this kind of rectification more
    No developed nation has reached an                 complicated.
    advanced stage of development without a
                                                       Based on market needs and current
    relatively large, sufficiently successful and
                                                       shortcomings, far-reaching reforms under the
    reasonably sound financial sector. No
                                                       stewardship of the Central Bank of Myanmar
    developing economy has enjoyed sustainable
                                                       (CBM) coupled with significant and steady
    economic growth without a sound expansion
                                                       efforts from all stakeholders to implement
    of its banking sector. Ultimately, the banking
                                                       change     (Ministry  of   Finance,   CBM,
    crisis experienced around the world and its
                                                       commercial banks) are a must.
    effects rippling through the economy is
    testimony to the significance of banks in          We believe that Myanmar's banking sector
    modern economies.                                  has a bright future and we foresee
                                                       exponential growth for the industry, slated to
    Myanmar will be no exception. The creation
                                                       multiply its current asset base by a factor of
    of a sound, inclusive and successful banking
                                                       eight and create over 120,000 jobs by 2025.
    sector cannot be taken out of the country
    development equation, no matter what the           This study discusses and substantiates:
    other priorities may be.                           1. The current situation and challenges for
                                                          the banking sector
                                                       2. The short- and medium-term actions
                                                          necessary to enable banking sector
                                                       3. The positive outlook for the banking
                                                          sector through 2025

    1.        Current situation and challenges for the banking sector

    1.1 Status quo – Sector at a crossroads

    Compared to other ASEAN countries, the                                              over three years compared to approximately
    contribution of Myanmar's banking sector to                                         10% in Vietnam. In addition to pure asset
    the economy is limited. Myanmar's banking-                                          growth, factors such as low financial
    assets-to-GDP ratio of 49% is the lowest                                            inclusion, with 30 million or 77% of the
    among ASEAN peers. However, starting from                                           population remaining unbanked (without an
    a very low base, Myanmar's banking sector is                                        account with a financial institution) and only
    one of the fastest growing in the region, a fact                                    2% holding debit cards, underline the need
    highlighted by an asset growth rate of 18%                                          and the potential for catch-up and growth.

    Figure 1: Banking-assets-to-GDP ratio, 2015 [%]




                        Myanmar                Indonesia              Cambodia                Thailand                Vietnam         Malaysia

     Banking assets
     CAGR, '12-15 [%]    18%1)                   15%2)                  23%2)                    5%                     13%             8%

     GDP per capita
     [USD '000]            1.3                    3.5                    1.1                     5.7                    2.1             9.6

    Figure 2: Bank account ownership, 2014 [% population age 15+]

                           22                      23

                        Cambodia               Myanmar                 Vietnam                Indonesia               Thailand        Malaysia

     Has a debit card
     [% population         5%                     2%                     27%                    26%                    55%             41%
     age 15+]

    1) 2016 data based on Roland Berger research 2) 2014 data
    Source: World Bank Global Financial Inclusion Database, IMF, Myanmar MMSIS, Country regulators, Roland Berger research and data

    1.2 First steps in the right direction
    While the development of the overall financial                                                                     Exchange (Securities and Exchange Law,
    sector is still in a nascent stage, initial steps                                                                  2013)
    have been taken to create a more modern
                                                                                                                 In addition, the passing of the new Financial
    (regulatory) environment and framework.
                                                                                                                 Institutions Law of Myanmar (January
    These include:
                                                                                                                 2016) represents a major step forward. It acts
    > The      easing   of  foreign   exchange                                                                   as the governing law for both domestic and
      restrictions with the establishment of a                                                                   foreign financial institutions and aims to
      new managed floating exchange rate                                                                         provide the basis for modernizing the sector
      regime (Foreign Exchange Management                                                                        over the next 20 years. The new law is in line
      Law, 2012)                                                                                                 with common law principles (e.g. promotes
    > The Independence of the CBM has been                                                                       accountability of licensed institutions for
      confirmed, thus broadening its scope of                                                                    transparency and good governance, without
      responsibilities to include monetary and                                                                   codifying, for instance, specific publication
      foreign exchange policies as well as                                                                       rules), aims to level the playing field between
      prudential supervision (CBM Law, 2013)                                                                     private and state owned banks, and reaffirms
    > The laying out of a securities exchange                                                                    the CBM's regulatory powers over the
      framework, providing the basis for the                                                                     banking sector.
      development of the Yangon Securities

    1.3 Diverse range of challenges
    A closer look at the structure of the banking                                                                1.        Large (important) state owned banks
    sector reveals that each of its three main                                                                             with limited capabilities
    pillars – namely the state owned banks,                                                                      2.        High number of private banks of non-
    domestic private banks and the recently                                                                                critical scale
    entered foreign bank branches – present their
    own potentially unique challenges:                                                                           3.        Foreign banks with strong equity base
                                                                                                                           but restricted scope of operations

    Figure 3: Banking market overview

                                                                                   Central Bank of Myanmar
          Domestic banks

                                                                                                                                                            Representative offices of foreign
      State owned banks                                 JV/private banks                                  Branch of foreign banks

      1. Myanma Foreign Trade Bank                     1. Myanmar Citizens Bank   12. Global Treasure Bank   22. Construction and            1. The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
      2. Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank         2. First Private Bank      13. Rural Development          Housing Development         2. Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation
      3. Myanma Economic Bank                          3. Yadanabon Bank               Bank                      Bank                        3. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
      4. Myanma Agriculture and Development Bank       4. Myawaddy Bank           14. Innwa Bank             23. Shwe Rural and Urban        4. United Overseas Bank
                                                       5. Yangon City Bank        15. Co-operative Bank          Development Bank            5. Bangkok Bank Public Company
                                                       6. Yoma Bank               16. Asia Green             24. Ayeyarwaddy Farmers         6. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
                                                       7. Myanmar Oriental Bank        Development Bank          Development Bank            7. Maybank
                                                       8. Asia Yangon Bank        17. Ayeyarwaddy Bank                                       8. Mizuho Bank
                                                       9. Tun Foundation Bank     18. United Amara Bank                                      9. ANZ
                                                       10. Kanbawza Bank          19. Myanma Apex Bank                                       10. Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam
                                                       11. Small & Medium         20. Myanmar
                                                            Industrial                 Microfinance Bank                                     1. State Bank of India
                                                            Development Bank      21. Naypyitaw Sibin Bank                                   2. Shinhan Bank
                                                                                                                                             3. E.SUN Commercial Bank

      1. DBS Bank                      10. United Bank of India       21. Kookmin Bank                  31. BRED Banque Populaire        41. Taiwan Business Bank
      2. National Bank                 11. Kasikornbank Public        22. Export-Import Bank of India   32. Busan Bank                   42. Mega International
      3. First Overseas Bank                Company                   23. The Export-Import Bank of     33. AEON Credit Service              Commercial Bank
      4. CIMB Bank                     12. Woori Bank                     Korea                             Company                      43. Ho Chiminh City Development
      5. Bank for Investment and       13. Vietin Bank                24. Eastern Bank                  34. PT. Bank Negara Indonesia        Joint Stock Commercial Bank
         Development of Vietnam        14. Korea Development Bank     25. Bank of Ayudhya Public        35. Bank of Taiwan               44. Qatar National Bank
      6. Arab Bangladesh Bank          15. Standard Chartered Bank        Company                       36. Taishin International Bank   45. Sampath Bank
      7. Siam Commercial Bank Public   16. Shinhan Bank               26. RHB Bank Berhad               37. Taiwan Shin Kong             46. Bank of China
         Company                       17. Industrial Bank of Korea   27. Commercial Bank of Ceylon         Commercial Bank              47. KEB Hana Bank
      8. Maruhan Japan Bank            18. First Commercial Bank      28. State Bank of India           38. CTBC Bank                    48. BTMU Leasing (Thailand)
      9. Krung Thai Bank Public        19. E.SUN Commercial Bank      29. Cathay United Bank            39. Yuanta Commercial Bank       49. ACLEDA Bank
         Company                       20. Bank of India              30. State Bank of Mauritius       40. Taiwan Cooperative Bank

    Source: CBM

    1.4 State owned banks – Fighting history

    Despite a recent trend showing                                    Figure 4: Total domestic banking assets [MMK tr]
    a strengthening of private
                                                                      Total domestic banking assets                              Domestic private           State owned bank
    banks, state owned banks                                          [MMK tr]                                                   bank1) assets by           assets by type
    remain important (and in some                                                                                                type [MMK tr]              [MMK tr]
    cases dominant) players in                                                               +18%                    38
                                                                                                        35                             20                               18
    Myanmar's banking sector,
                                                                                        30                                                                           15%
    holding a significant portion of
                                                                                                       45%           54%
    the banking assets. Based on                                          23           38%                                            61%
    our research, the relative share
                                                                         33%                                                                                         54%
    of banking assets held by state
    owned banks declined from
                                                                                       62%             55%2)                          19%
    67% in March 2013, to 46% in                                         67%                                         46%
    March 2016 (Figure 4).                                                                                                                                           31%

    In     addition    to      their                                   Mar 2013 Mar 2014 Mar 2015 Mar 2016                          Mar 2016                      Mar 2016
    comparatively high – too high –
                                                                            Domestic private banks1)         State owned banks         Loans    Cash      Other assets3)
    market share, state owned
    banks    present    two     key
    challenges       for         the                                  Figure 5: Total domestic banking deposits and loans [MMK tr]
    development of the banking
    sector overall.                                                   Total domestic banking deposits                              Total domestic banking loans
                                                                      [MMK tr]                                                     [MMK tr]
    On the one hand, state owned
    banks are still operating under
    their initial mandates, putting
    them in direct competition with                                                                            27                                      +27%
                   1                                                                                                                                               15
    private banks . On the other,
    state owned banks face
    significant          operational                                                                           64%
    challenges driven by limited                                                          13                                                                     82%
    capabilities    overall,  dated
                                  2                                                      50%
    (nonviable) lending practices ,                                                                                                              57%
    and reliance issues . These                                                                                36%
                                                                                         50%                                                     43%
    challenges clearly demonstrate                                                                                                                               18%
    the need for far-reaching
                                                                                      Mar 2013            Mar 2016                             Mar 2013       Mar 2016
    reforms. (See section 2.5 –
    Reform state owned banks)                                              Domestic private banks1)          State owned banks

                                                                      1) Excluding foreign banks 2) Extrapolated based on Dec 2014
                                                                      3) Other assets include government securities, guarantees, fixed assets
                                                                      Source: Roland Berger research and data

      Their mandates date back to when private banks were not able to provide most banking services, and accordingly, state owned banks currently offer almost all
      classical banking products
      Reflected in their relatively ineffective use and transformation of deposits
      According to market participants

    1.5 Domestic commercial banks – Three leaders and the rest?

    Focusing on the domestic private banks, it                                                   deposits in Thailand and Malaysia (see
    becomes clear that the recent change in                                                      Figure 7). However, what is specific to
    relative strength (state owned vs. private                                                   Myanmar's current situation and creates an
    banks) has been primarily driven by the top 3                                                additional challenge for smaller banks is the
    banks (Figure 6). In Myanmar the top 3 banks                                                 very limited size of the overall banking
    hold more than 60% of the total banking                                                      market.
    market and have seen their own share grow
                                                                                                 The 40% share of market available to smaller
    in recent years. A concentration of assets
                                                                                                 banks in Myanmar is equivalent to 10% of the
    within the top banks is not an uncommon
                                                                                                 market share available to smaller banks in
    pattern in SEA with, for instance, the top 3
                                                                                                 Vietnam and even less than 3% of what
    banks capturing over 50% of
                                                                                                 smaller banks are competing for in Thailand.

    Figure 6: Private banks' assets, deposits and loan volumes

    Domestic private banking1) assets                                 Domestic private banking1) deposits       Domestic private banking1) loans
    [MMK tr]                                                          [MMK tr]                                  [MMK tr]


                                                       62%                                                                               12

                                         57%                                                     66%

         8             56%
        50%                                                                                                                   4
                                                       38%                                                                  53%
                                         43%                                                     34%
                       44%                                                                                                               36%
        50%                                                                         48%                                     47%

     Mar 2013       Mar 2014           Mar 2015     Mar 2016                      Mar 2013   Mar 2016                     Mar 2013   Mar 2016

        Top 3 domestic private banks       Other domestic private banks

    1) Excluding foreign banks
    Source: Roland Berger research and data

    Figure 7: Concentration of top 3 private banks in ASEAN countries, 2015

                                                                                                 Top 3 private bank shares
                   Number of              Total private bank
     Country       private banks          assets4) [USD bn]          Banking equity                   Banking deposits                       Banking loans

      Myanmar1)             24                    17                             36%                                           66%                             64%

                            40                    261                          30%                                 34%                                36%

                            59                    549                                  49%                               53%                                  57%

                            19                    481                             39%                                    50%                            41%

    1) Excluding foreign banks
    2) 2014 data; Including Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam, Joint Stock
       Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam
    3) Including Islamic banks
    4) Exchange rates: 1,190.90 MMK/USD (as of Mar 31, 2016), 21,139.50 VND/USD (as of Dec 31, 2014), 4.29419 MYR/USD (as of Dec 31, 2015), 36.0006 THB/USD
       (as of Dec 31, 2015)
    Source: Annual reports, Roland Berger research

    Anticipating an increase in the absolute market                                      Figure 8: Domestic private banks1) by equity, Mar
    size, smaller banks can expect to grab additional                                    2016 [# banks]
    volumes, which may enable them to obtain a big
    enough slice to survive. However, only very few                                                                            13

    of them will be able to do so and remain
    competitive on a standalone basis.
    Based on current market share and size, we
    consider only the top 3-5 domestic private banks
    (and the newly entered foreign banks) to have
    the minimum scale necessary to shape the
    market in the short- and medium-term. This is
    also clearly reflected by the amount of capital
    (equity) domestic banks hold. Banks in Myanmar
    suffer from the same limitation as the rest of the                                                               3
                                                                                                                                                 Below minimum
    economy that they are supposed to help finance,                                                          2                                   paid-up capital
    and that is a lack of capital. As of the end of                                                                                              (MMK 20 bn)
    March 2016, only five banks had over USD 75 m                                                                                                under the banking
                                                                                                                                                 regulation for
    in capital and two had over USD 100 m. Six of                                            Equity2) of   ≥ 100    ≥ 75       ≥ 16   < 16       Maintenance of
                                                                                             each bank              < 100      < 75              Capital Funds
    them did not even meet the new capital                                                   [USD mn]
    requirement of MMK 20 bn (~USD 16 m)
                                                                                         1) Excluding foreign banks 2) Based on 1,190.90 MMK/USD conversion
    decreed in the New Financial Law.                                                    rate (as of Mar 31, 2016)
                                                                                         Source: Roland Berger research

     The dominance of the top 3 private banks is                                             of all branches in Myanmar and they have
     also reflected in the development of the                                                added eight times more branches in the last
     banking branch network across the country.                                              two years than the rest of the domestic banks
     Today, the top 3 banks own more than 50%                                                put together (Figure 9).

     Figure 9: Bank expansion levels, 2013-2016

     Branch network of top domestic private banks1), May 2016                               Branches added per domestic bank1)
     [# branches]                                                                           [Average # branches]

                                                                                            March 2013  August 2014
     Kanbawza Bank                                            >350
                                                                                            Top 3 domestic private banks
                                                                                                                                   31             More branches
                                                                        Top 3 = 54%
                                                                                                                                        4x        added by top
     Ayeyarwady Bank                      >150                                              Other domestic private banks       7                  domestic
                                                                        of total private
                                                                        bank branches                                                             private banks
                                                                                            State owned banks                  4
     Co-operative Bank                    >150

     Myanma Apex Bank              74                                                       August 2014  May 2016

                                                                                            Top 3 domestic private banks                60
     Myawaddy Bank2)          37                                                                                                             8x
                                                                                            Other domestic private banks       7
                                                                                                                                                  More branches
                                                                                                                                                  added by top
     Other private banks3)                                              >450                State owned banks              0                      domestic
                                                                                                                                                  private banks

     1) Excluding foreign banks 2) As of Aug 2014, updated information not available 3) Other 19 domestic private banks
     Source: May 2016 – Roland Berger data, Mar 2013/Aug 2014 – GIZ, Public information, Roland Berger research

     Despite experiencing significant growth, it is                                          However, even though the overall bank
     important to remember that Myanmar is still in                                          branch density is low and can be expected to
     the early stages of development. There are                                              increase with the development of GDP,
     approximately four bank branches catering to                                            geographical coverage remains very uneven
     100,000 citizens in Myanmar, which is                                                   with clear signs of overcapacity in some
     significantly lower than for its ASEAN peers                                            areas. In Chin state, the ratio is less than 1 to
     (Figure 10).                                                                            100,000. In West Yangon, the ratio is close to
                                                                                             Hong Kong levels (23 to 100,000) (Figure

     Figure 10: Density of bank branch network, 2014                                         Figure 11: Branch density of domestic private
     [# branches per 100,000 capita]                                                         banks in Myanmar, May 2016


                                                                                                    Tamu                       Muse


                                                                                                                                     Det Khi Na

                                      10.7    11.0

                                                                                               West Yangon
                                                                                                        East Yangon


                                                                                                 Number of domestic private bank3)
                                                                                                 branches per 100,000 capita
      Vietnam Myanmar1)Cambodia Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Singapore Hong
                                                                      Kong                            >10            5 - 10    3-4

     1.6 Foreign banks – The (restrained) elephant in the room
     While the (expected) entry of thirteen foreign                                         the overall market is the scale of the capital
     banks (nine in 2014, four in 2016) is a recent                                         they have committed to the market and thus
     development, it has already had a noticeable                                           the potential future lending foreign banks
     impact on the overall market structure and is                                          could provide. The entry of the foreign banks
     expected to result in more significant changes                                         has almost doubled the equity available in the
     going forward.                                                                         banking sector and with it, in theory, the
                                                                                            lending capacity.
     One of the best indicators of the current and
     potential future relevance of foreign banks for

     Figure 12: Total banking equity – breakdown by type of bank

       Total banking equity, Mar 2016 [USD bn]                                              List of foreign banks with domestic banking license

                                                                                            1    The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
                                                                                            2    Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation
                                                                                            3    Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
                                                                                            4    United Overseas Bank
                                                                                            5    Bangkok Bank Public Company
       Foreign banks                                          Domestic                      6    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
                                                        1.21) private banks
            47%            1.32)                                                            7    Maybank
                                                                                            8    Mizuho Bank
                                                                                            9    ANZ
                                                                                            10   Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam
                                             0.31)                                          11   State Bank of India3)
                                                                                            12   Shinhan Bank3)
                                              State owned banks
                                                                                            13   E.SUN Commercial Bank3)
        %    Share of total banking equity

     1) Exchange rate: 1,190.90 MMK/USD (as of Mar 31, 2016) 2) Includes foreign banks with preliminary licensing approval
     3) Foreign banks with preliminary licensing approval (to enter by Nov 2016)
     Source: Roland Berger research and data

     Though this change in relative strength                                                term, foreign banks have to focus on
     (foreign vs. domestic banks) may present a                                             wholesale banking services for foreign
     temporary challenge for selected market                                                corporates as well as developing partnerships
     participants, we consider the impact for the                                           with domestic banks to service their domestic
     overall system to be overwhelmingly positive.                                          corporate clients. Balancing the need to let
                                                                                            local    domestic     banks     develop     their
     The entry of the foreign banks provides
                                                                                            capabilities and grow further with the
     urgently needed capital for financing growth.
                                                                                            obligation to finance the economy will be a
     Aside from that, foreign banks bring best
                                                                                            delicate act for the CBM. Ultimately,
     practices to the market and are sound and
                                                                                            relaxation in current lending restrictions and a
     stable institutions that can spearhead the
                                                                                            closer working relationship between key
     introduction of new banking products
                                                                                            domestic players and foreign banks are
     (together with local bank partners). While the
                                                                                            inevitable. (See section 2 – Enabling the
     entry of foreign banks may be an opportunity
                                                                                            banking sector transformation)
     for the overall sector and the top domestic
     banks to position themselves as reliable                                               Looking ahead, Myanmar's banking sector is
     partners, the pressure on smaller banks to                                             slated to grow. However, whether the sector
     find their place in this new environment will                                          will be key in driving overall economic growth
     increase further.                                                                      will depend on the extent of the reforms and
                                                                                            actions taken by the CBM, the banks
     For the time being, the foreign banks have
                                                                                            (domestic      and     foreign)    and   other
     received restricted licenses and the CBM has
                                                                                            stakeholders in coming months and years.
     limited the scope of permitted business,
     notably based on client types. In the short-

     2.     Enabling the banking sector transformation

     Before examining which key reforms and                     This covers retail payments with
     regulatory adjustments to put in place, it is              provisions by the banking sector for
     worth bearing in mind the core functions the               diversified and efficient means of
     banking sector requires to perform efficiently.            payments to the general public (from
                                                                card-based payments to bank transfers to
     1. Mobilization of domestic savings                        e-money).     It   also     involves    the
          This requires an efficient deposit                    establishment    of    reliable   payment
          gathering function, which relies on an                systems/infrastructure for large value and
          absolute conviction among the public that             interbank transactions. Irrevocability and
                                                                speed of execution (same day) should be
          any institution duly approved by the
                                                                the cornerstone of such systems.
          regulator will repay deposit balances at
          par and on demand (or agreed terms). In           Compared to 5 years ago, improvements in
          other words, trust in the system.                 the banking sector are noticeable, with
                                                            significant achievements and a certain
     2. Channeling of savings through credit to
                                                            amount of leapfrogging. For instance, CBM
        their most efficient use in the economy
                                                            has developed – with international assistance
          This requires rigorous, objective and             – a fully functional Real Time Gross
          impartial credit decision-making. An              Settlement (RTGS) System, introduced
          understanding of risk-based credit                standardized      T-Bill     auctions     and
          practices and solid risk management               dematerialized T-Bills as well as government
          policies are needed to ultimately ensure          bonds held by banks, which all are registered
          borrowers can service their debt. This            within a Central Collateral Registry managed
          promotes safety for depositors' money             by the Central Bank. Last but not least, the
          within the banking system. In addition,           CBM has given preliminary approval to 13
          policy lending from government owned              foreign banks to operate in the country and
          and sponsored institutions needs to obey          smoothly managed their entry.
          strict mandates and guidelines. These
                                                            Yet against the backdrop of an efficient,
          range from clear accounting and
                                                            inclusive and modern banking sector as
          disclosure standards, to transparent
                                                            described previously, a great deal remains to
          reflection of subsidy costs in public
                                                            be done. Critical initiatives should be
          accounts, to independent governance
                                                            launched in the short- and medium-term to
          and management structures.
                                                            enable the successful transformation of
     3. Safe, fast and reliable means of making             Myanmar's banking sector.

     We see five critical initiatives that need to be implemented in the short- to medium-term:

     2.1 Steer interbank market development

     The interbank market is the backbone of any            securities market – it is the bedrock of all
     banking sector. In a nutshell, it allows banks         other money and capital markets.
     with liquidity shortages to access funding or          In Myanmar, most of the above is not yet
     banks with excess liquidity to invest and earn
                                                            functional and until very recently (April 2016),
     returns. It can also be a conduit for the
                                                            interbank lending and borrowing was not only
     transmission of CBM monetary policies and
                                                            scarce, but discouraged by the regulations,
     ultimately – together with the government
                                                            which (intentionally or not) promoted the use

     of central bank money for funding needs. This        approval by the Ministry of Finance for foreign
     was a complete inversion of a sound banking          banks to acquire government securities in
     market, where the interbank market should            primary auctions as well as in secondary
     be the source of liquidity in the first instance     markets.
     and central bank facilities only representing a
                                                          A successful repo market can trigger appetite
     last resort, with differentiated interest rates
                                                          for government securities, which in turn will
     reflecting this pecking order.
                                                          provide an additional source of financing for
     The CBM issued new directives in April 2016          Myanmar's fiscal deficit. Domestic and foreign
     along with detailed operational guidelines           banks will be more willing to acquire such
     encouraging interbank lending and borrowing          securities if they can mobilize these interest
     in Kyat (Directive 26), relaxing collateral          bearing instruments to access liquidity in the
     conditions and promoting free rate setting in        interbank market.
     that market (interbank lending and borrowing
                                                          Changes in regulation to foster the
     rate level were previously prescribed).
                                                          development of the interbank market are very
     Although interbank lending in USD or other
                                                          recent and little impact can be observed in
     foreign currencies has not been permitted to
                                                          terms of market participants' behavior.
     avoid dollarization of the economy, a second
                                                          Whether they will shift from previous
     directive (27) was issued allowing interbank
                                                          practices such as cross-depositing rather
     swaps in USD with tenure of up to one year.
                                                          than interbank lending or borrowing, start
     In our view, one final critical component is still   transacting on several maturity horizons, or
     missing and should be introduced to                  actively engage in swaps and repo operations
     complete the range of instruments available          will depend on the CBM. They must be able
     and bolster the interbank market: the                to create a conducive regulatory environment
     repurchase agreement (repo) on government            (a work in progress) and also to take a very
     securities. Not only will repo provide a safe,       operational role to kick-start those practices,
     flexible and secured transaction option to           including being counterparty to some
     market participants through the use of the           transactions.
     CBM-operated RTGS and Collateral Registry,
                                                          It will also require some flexibility from
     it will also provide the CBM with additional,
                                                          international financial institutions until best
     flexible and indirect instruments to conduct
                                                          practices can be implemented, which may not
     monetary operations. Repo tenders are the
                                                          be possible from day one of operations and
     instrument or mechanism of choice used by
                                                          may not be a prerequisite to initiate a
     central banks, at certain stages of their
                                                          significant positive change in market
     respective development, to conduct open
                                                          structure. A trial phase with tight monitoring
     market operations.
                                                          could bring additional comfort as well as
     Beyond precise regulation and operational            training to market participants and the
     guidelines defined by the CBM, one key step          regulator to help foster the development of
     toward    the    implementation  of   such           this critical element of a well-functioning
     transactions is needed. This is the formal           banking sector in Myanmar.

     2.2 Foster access to credit

     One of the commonly heard complaints about           therefore need to carefully assess the
     the banking system is the difficulty for a vast      creditworthiness of potential customers. They
     majority of economic agents to access credit.        cannot and should not be expected to lend to
                                                          anyone who asks for financing but lacks the
     To maintain a sound banking system, banks
                                                          ability to repay.
     are expected to have responsible lending
     practices and appropriate risk management            Nevertheless, the existing banking sector
     expertise. Private banks work for profit and         practices and past regulation strongly limits

     access to financing for a potentially               the country. This ensures stability so that
     creditworthy part of the population and some        borrowing costs can be kept under control.
     adjustments are needed to promote more risk         Nevertheless, some relaxation of the upper
     and reward based lending in the system.             and lower limits for interest rates set by the
                                                         CBM should be considered.
     A relaxation of eligible collateral rules and the
     widening of the credit spread (difference           The historic cap on lending maturity of one
     between minimum deposit rate and maximum            year has to be removed, providing the
     credit rate, currently set at 5% by the CBM)        opportunity to develop multi-year lending
     would allow consumers with a higher risk            practices and fostering the long-term financier
     profile, but still creditworthy, to borrow (banks   role of banks in the economy. Securing
     to lend).                                           longer maturity financing will help borrowers,
                                                         notably businesses, by providing them with
     The new Myanmar Financial Institutions Law
                                                         better visibility on the funding of their long-
     allows banks to provide unsecured loans
                                                         term investments and making periodic
     (without collateral) and leaves it to the CBM
                                                         installments more affordable.
     to rule on lending terms and define eligible
     collateral. Based on previous regulation and        In the longer run, when the banking sector
     business practices, domestic bank lending           has made more progress, the CBM may also
     was limited to secured transactions (foreign        consider dedicated policies to incentivize
     banks have always been authorized to                banks to lend more actively. For instance,
     provide unsecured lending in their license). In     some countries such as Indonesia have set
     addition, eligible collateral was highly            up penalty mechanisms for banks which do
     restricted, e.g. to land, building, gold and        not sufficiently leverage their deposit base.
     gems and the recently added key agricultural        Banks which do not put their deposits to use
     export goods. In practice, banks mostly lent        in lending to the economy (i.e. banks with a
     against land and buildings, using a haircut         low loan-to-deposit ratio) are required to hold
     ratio on the collateral value as high as 50%        additional (costly) reserves at the central
     and, as such, behaved more like pawn shops          bank.
     than long-term financiers.
                                                         As for the remaining large unbankable part of
     Lending intermediation margins are key for          the population, microfinance and policy
     banks to operate profitably and accept              lending through dedicated state owned
     customers with higher risk profiles. Full           institutions  or   government      subsidized
     liberalization of interest rates is a complex       schemes administrated by private banks
     process, usually requiring a staggered              should be the preferred mechanism to grant
     approach, making sure the central bank has          access to credit. These institutions require
     the necessary instruments to intervene and          dedicated regulation, which is currently being
     monitor the market and the fiscal position of       developed.

     2.3 Build trust in the system

     Another much needed element in the policy           The new Myanmar Financial Law passed
     mix to strengthen the banking sector is the         early in 2016 imposes clear public disclosure
     building of trust. Trust in the system is           obligations on banks, as it should be, for
     ultimately a matter of perception and a             financial institutions seeking general public
     regulator can do much to improve perception.        deposits. Here, the CBM should take a very
                                                         strong stance to ensure those obligations are
     Although Myanmar banks do report on a
                                                         met. After a limited grace period of e.g. six
     regular basis to the CBM, none to date
                                                         months to allow banks to prepare their
     publishes audited financial statements –
                                                         reports, the CBM should impose significant
     regularly and in an acceptable timeframe.
                                                         penalties for lapses and potentially withdraw

     the license from banks unable to provide          system, notably private banks, by the general
     audited financial statements in accordance        public. Despite featuring the word insurance,
     with the law.                                     this should not be placed, as it is today, under
                                                       the responsibility of Myanma Insurance
     Similarly, the reporting by banks to the
                                                       Agency, but rather administrated by a
     regulator is still very manual, paper-based
                                                       dedicated agency or institution in close
     and error prone. Some lapses are not
                                                       collaboration with the CBM.
     uncommon,       but    clear   penalties     or
     enforcement of penalties is lacking. The CBM      Last but not least, setting up a Credit Bureau
     has recently initiated selected reporting in      would provide lenders with the credit history
     electronic format for interbank transactions.     of the borrowers and statistical information to
     Currently limited to interbank market             assess their creditworthiness. It also could
     transactions, this should be rolled out to the    introduce a more level playing field with all
     entire reporting needs of the CBM. This           lenders accessing the same information and
     would be an opportunity to revisit the existing   so driving the cost of borrowing down through
     information and data requested from banks,        competition for less risky customers.
     modernize     the    process    and     reduce    Eventually, it limits the presence of
     duplication of data requests which have           nonperforming loans in the system as lenders
     unavoidably developed over the years.             can take better informed decisions.
     The CBM should also quickly disclose              Both a Credit Bureau and a Deposit
     selected aggregated information based on          Insurance Agency will take time to implement
     the reports collected. For instance, disclosure   and are medium-term goals, which can
     should target both market participants and        contribute to strengthening the banking
     the general public via the CBM's website.         system and increasing trust in it. But
                                                       ultimately they are no substitute for strong
     The creation of a deposit insurance
                                                       regulation, efficient banking supervision and
     mechanism financed by the banking sector
                                                       banks' expertise.
     should be considered and studied as it could
     improve the perception of the strength of the

     2.4 Increase capacity and autonomy of the central bank

     A strong, independent and efficient central       policy role, the CBM has a key role to play in
     bank is key to foster growth in the economy       the transformation of the banking sector.
     and develop a stable banking sector. Central
                                                       The task is even more daunting considering
     banks play a vital role in today's advanced
                                                       the capacity limitations the CBM is facing.
     economies and their role has amplified in the
                                                       The CBM needs an appropriate human
     last 20 years. The same holds true
                                                       resources and funding strategy for its
     throughout the region, where certain central
                                                       activities and responsibilities. Both are yet to
     banks have been instrumental in helping their
                                                       be developed.
     country bolster growth and foster the
     emergence of a strong banking sector since        These are not minor adjustments but major
     1997.                                             injections of know-how, training, project
                                                       management and execution skills to tackle
     In Myanmar, the CBM gained autonomy in
                                                       the challenges ahead. The CBM should build
     2013 through the Central Bank Law and had
                                                       an overall transformation master plan based
     its financial sector supervision powers
                                                       on      previous       recommendations      from
     reaffirmed in the new Myanmar Financial
                                                       multilateral institutions and current challenges
     Institutions Law earlier this year. It is
                                                       identified. Such a plan will take time to yield
     expected to play a leading role in supporting
                                                       results but should be initiated as soon as
     the transformation of the country's economy.
                                                       possible. It should encompass:
     Beyond its monetary and exchange rate

     > A forward-looking plan for capacity              modern central banks are usually large,
       building at least for the next 5 years with a    distinct from the government's annual general
       10-year target in mind                           budget procedure and, as a testimony to their
     > An exhaustive upskilling strategy for            independence, approved unreservedly (they
       existing employees and identification of         are, however, audited and controlled a
       training required and potential source for       posteriori since they rely on public money). In
       the training including peer central bank         some instances, central banks only inform the
       secondments, multilateral institutions,          government of the budget they decide
       external providers                               themselves.
     > A recruiting approach including domestic         It is critical that the budget of the CBM makes
       and international university grants, private     accommodations for the significant role it is
       banks experienced hires, returnees               designed to play. As per the current
     > Clear and attractive career paths                procedure, it is vetted by the Ministry of
                                                        Finance and the Parliament and there is a
     > A market based            and     competitive
                                                        high likelihood that it could be restricted or
       compensation plan
                                                        reduced in the overall efforts to curb
     Like all regulators in the world, the CBM will     government spending.
     be in competition with the industry it regulates
                                                        A proper funding strategy of the CBM should
     to attract talent and should be in a position to
                                                        be put in place taking into consideration the
     offer attractive compensation and career
                                                        investment required and the additional
     paths. Moving further from partial autonomy
                                                        operational expenses that it will inevitably
     to full independence, the CBM should plan
                                                        incur, either to recruit permanent staff or
     gradually to adjust its attractiveness as an
                                                        temporary external technical assistance. The
                                                        funding could come from different sources.
     In the meantime, the CBM will need to rely         Although the bulk of it should be borne by the
     significantly on external support from its         state,      ultimately,   some       fixed-term
     ASEAN peers and technical assistance from          transformative projects could be funded from
     multilateral institutions to address immediate     international donors and multilateral agencies
     capacity restrictions and possible lack of         through development aid grants or loans. In
     experience. This too, should be planned in         addition, if the CBM plays a more active role
     order for it to be discussed with potential        in the interbank market, there will be an
     expertise providers and financial donors.          opportunity to generate income that could be
                                                        used to cover operational expenses.
     There is limited policy autonomy when there
     is limited financial autonomy. Budgets of

     2.5 Reform state owned banks

     For a long time, state owned banks used to         state owned banks; for products such as
     play an economically essential role. In a          foreign currency transaction, state owned
     closed economy, they were the only providers       banks were the only providers. Today,
     of certain banking services in the country,        Myanmar's largest state owned banks
     due to political sanctions and limited             operate as commercial banks.
     capabilities of the commercial banks. Their
                                                        Without anticipating the decisions to be taken
     role, therefore, extended far beyond pure
                                                        further to a detailed review of the various
     policy banks, extending credit to specific
                                                        state owned banks' situation, a few key
     sectors of the economy or relaying
                                                        actions are to be considered:
     government social programs. For instance,
     until very recently, state owned enterprises       1. Clarify their mandate to focus them on
     mandatorily had to bring their business to            their policy-lending functions

     2. Return to the CBM their government                  In the event that a bank were to retain
        treasury operations and/or foreign                  selected commercial banking activities, it is
        currency reserve management functions               essential to make sure it is on a level playing
     3. Wind down their commercial banking                  field: no monopoly in any sector (as is de
        activities by transferring those activities to      facto the case with agriculture loans); the
        commercial banks and/or closing them                same regulatory constraints, ratios and
        down in a socially acceptable way                   supervision as private banks. In that case,
                                                            carving out the activities into a dedicated
     4. Adjust nonperforming loan books and
                                                            legal entity would be advisable, to clearly
        capital requirements and consider
                                                            separate them from the policy-lending
        merging institutions
     5. Upgrade their governance, organization
        and process to internationally recognized           The reform of state owned banks is a critical
        practices. This will require significant            element in strengthening Myanmar's banking
        effort in a multi-year program, drawing on          sector. It is going to require significant effort
        substantial technical assistance together           and time. While the "what to do" might well be
        with investments in their infrastructure (IT        identified quickly, the "how to do it" will be a
        systems)                                            multi-year challenge.

     Takeaway box – Profiles of the four state owned banks:
     Myanma Economic Bank (MEB) has been the largest bank in Myanmar. It is the successor of the
     State Commercial Bank (SCB) established in 1954, which provided a wide range of commercial
     banking services across the country including saving deposit accounts, saving certificates, fixed
     deposits, current accounts, credit facilities, payment order, FOREX services and cross border trade
     Myanma Agriculture and Development Bank (MADB) is the legal successor of the State Agricultural
     Bank (SAB), established in 1953, which provided banking services in rural areas. It has been
     mandated to support the development of agricultural, livestock and rural socioeconomic enterprises
     in the country by providing banking services. For instance, it provides short- and long-term credit for
     crop production, salt production, livestock, fish and dairy farming to ~2 million customers. The
     MADB is authorized to make loans to state owned agricultural organizations, livestock
     organizations, corporations, private entrepreneurs, village banks, farmers and farm laborers. Since
     the 1990s, it has targeted the savings deposits of farmers by launching rural savings programs.
     Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank (MICB) was established in 1990 under the Financial
     Institutions of Myanmar Law (1990) and provides financial services to the private sector. The
     services encompass domestic commercial and investment banking services, including current
     deposit account, fixed deposit account, savings deposit account, internal remittances, loans and
     advances, and international banking services such as foreign currency current deposit accounts,
     foreign currency deposit account, foreign remittances, import and export.
     Myanma Foreign Trade Bank (MFTB) was established in 1990 under the Financial Institutions of
     Myanmar Law (1990). It is the legal successor of the Foreign Department of the State Commercial
     Bank, which focused on international trade. It offers a wide range of international banking services
     to its customers through its worldwide correspondent network of +260 banks in more than 50
     countries. MFTB serves both private and government entities/individuals. Government departments
     and state owned enterprises keep their foreign exchange accounts with MFTB.

     3.        Banking 2025: Unprecedented growth to spur sector shakeup

     Despite the challenges identified previously,                                       While we believe this to be a realistic and
     our experience working in Myanmar on a                                              achievable goal, we want to issue a word of
     daily basis leaves no doubt in our minds that                                       caution that this "best-case scenario" is not a
     Myanmar does have the potential, the                                                guaranteed development, but can only be the
     willingness and the people it takes to become                                       result of a tremendous effort by all
     one of the most successful growth stories in                                        stakeholders,       including    multinational
     recent history. Myanmar has the opportunity                                         organizations and other external supporters.
     to leapfrog for the next ten years to a
                                                                                         By 2025, Myanmar's banking sector may
     development level that will put it close to that
                                                                                         have changed completely:
     of most ASEAN countries today.

     1. Banking assets will have multiplied by a                                       2. Banking loans will have increased more
        factor of 8 to reach USD 247 billion (23%                                         than tenfold to USD 164 billion (29%
        CAGR)                                                                             CAGR)

     Figure 13: Total banking assets projection [USD bn]                               Figure 14: Total banking loans projection [USD bn]

                                                               247                                                                164

                                       +23%                                                                     +29%



                2015                   2020E                  2025E                            2015             2020E            2025E

     1) MMK 38 trillion converted to USD based on 1,190.90 MMK/USD rate (as of Mar 31, 2016)
     2) MMK 15 trillion converted to USD based on 1,190.90 MMK/USD rate (as of Mar 31, 2016)
     Source: IMF, Central banks, Roland Berger research and projection

     3. More than 460 additional bank branches will                                                   4. Employment in the banking sector will have
     have been opened, expanding the network to at                                                    increased to 180,000 persons (14% CAGR)
     least 2,200 bank branches nationwide

     Figure 15: Bank branch network projection [# branches]                                           Figure 16: Banking employment projection ['000 persons]

           Traditional channel-led expansion –
           Unsustainable scenario considering
           the changes in customer behavior                                         4,400                                                                                           180

           Alternative channel-led
           expansion – Most realistic
           scenario since banking needs of                                                                                                        +14%
           population in Myanmar may and                              2,200
           should be addressed via alternative
           channels (i.e. non-branch)

                           1,737           463

            1,300                                                                                                    501)

             40%           30%

            20142)         20163)                      2025E                        2025E                           2015                         2020E                             2025E
                                                    (Scenario 1)                 (Scenario 2)

                Domestic private banks1)              State owned banks
                Additional branches

     1) Excluding foreign banks 2) As of Aug 2014 3) As of May 2016 based on Roland Berger data
     Source: 2016 – Roland Berger data, 2014 – GIZ, Public information, IMF, National Statistical Office, Roland Berger research and projection

     We currently expect asset growth of eight                                                most bank branches follow a standardized
     times the current level, loan growth of thirteen                                         concept (though some exceptions exist)
     times the current level, relatively limited                                              providing basic transactional services. By
     branch network expansion with growth below                                               2025, we expect to find a variety of branch
     30% and more than triple the employment                                                  models in Myanmar, from flagship concepts
     levels. We anticipate that a significant part of                                         in Yangon to mini and mobile branches in
     the sector's growth is going to be driven by                                             more remote areas .
     corporate banking business. In addition, the
                                                                                              While the development described here may
     sector will not just grow, but also go through a
                                                                                              be a dream for any banker in more developed
     set of qualitative changes. For instance, we
                                                                                              markets, for Myanmar's banks, these
     assume it will not be the number of branches
     that will have the most significant impact on
     changing the sector, but their type. Today,                                              4
                                                                                                Part of the reason why the anticipated increase in the number of branches
                                                                                              will fall significantly short of asset growth is driven by the fact that we expect
                                                                                              low touch mobile solutions to be in place to serve the lower mass segment

     changes present not just great opportunities,                                           for addressing key initiatives will need to
     but also significant challenges in preparing for                                        come from outside the banking sector, as it is
     the future.                                                                             not possible to achieve growth at nine times
                                                                                             the current levels using retained earnings
     The first and probably one of the most
                                                                                             only or current shareholders' capital injection.
     challenging steps will be to find a way to
     increase capital levels. The additional capital
     Figure 17: Total banking equity projection [USD bn]

                                                        Catch-up effect                                                          25.2
                                                        Additional equity to support loan growth
                                                        as banking-equity-to-loans catches up
                                                        with regional peers2)                                 5.9

                                                   GDP growth effect
                                                   Additional equity to
                                                   support increased
         Normalization effect                      loans arising from
         Additional equity to                      GDP growth                              13.5
         support increased loans
         as lending normalize to
         levels of other developing
         country's banking sector1)

                    42%         2.83)                         3.0
                                2015                                                                                             2025E
            Domestic private banks                 State owned banks                Foreign banks            Additional equity

     1) Banking-loans-to-GDP ratio of developing countries (40%)
     2) Banking-equity-to-loans ratio of weighted average for Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia today (15%)
     3) MMK 3.4 trillion converted to USD based on 1,190.90 MMK/USD rate (as of Mar 31, 2016)
     Source: IMF, Central banks, Roland Berger research and projection

     With the realization that even the larger                                               Defining a competitive retail banking
     banks will need to increase their capital – be                                          strategy for the coming years will be
     it via IPO, capital injections by current owners                                        essential. Any strategy should not just focus
     or private placement, or capital injection                                              on increasing the numbers of customers, but
     during acquisitions – domestic private banks                                            also start considering customer profitability
     can have only one goal from here on forward,                                            and cost of acquisition. To do so, banks will
     and that is to professionalize all parts of their                                       need      to    review     current  customer
     operations to become an attractive partner for                                          segmentations, products and services as well
     potential investors. This has to include:                                               as channel mix to identify profitable (or
     > Developing dedicated retail and corporate                                             potentially profitable) segments and ways to
       banking strategies                                                                    capture them.
     > Challenging   current   (and    historic)                                             Due to the currently limited number of
       processes and modernizing operations                                                  customers in classically attractive segments,
     > Developing a mobile banking value                                                     from mass affluent to high net worth
       proposition to fend off telco operators (or                                           individuals, customer segmentation cannot
       benefit from cooperation)                                                             rely only on current assets and revenues but
                                                                                             will have to consider future potential too. In
                                                                                             addition to a forward looking segmentation,

     the channel mix and how to steer customers             as specific customer needs to derive the most
     in this mix will be vital to ensuring profitability.   suitable service portfolio. Based on the type
                                                            of customer and its development stage,
     Banks will need to find answers to the
                                                            banks will have to be prepared to offer
     question of how to service lower mass
                                                            everything from basic investment and
     customers primarily via electronic and mobile
                                                            financing products to solutions for liquidity
     channels, while making sure that the growing
                                                            management, foreign business banking, and
     mass and more affluent segments can be
                                                            in the medium- to long-term, corporate
     retained by leveraging branches and personal
                                                            finance solutions. Addressing these needs
     interaction. In that respect, Myanmar banks
                                                            and expectations will not just be challenging
     are facing a unique challenge that most of
                                                            from a product creation perspective, but also
     their peers in other countries have thus far
                                                            from a sales and distribution perspective.
     not faced, or are only starting to experience
                                                            "Selling"    more    sophisticated   products
     today, with the advantage of already having
                                                            requires qualified specialists, a well-
     established operations.
                                                            coordinated sales approach and support
     That challenge is competition not only from            structures (tools and organization) to enable
     banks but also from telecommunications                 relationship managers to successfully take on
     operators and potentially other disruptive             the task.
     service providers, given that here, more than
                                                            On top of offering the right product mix and
     anywhere else in the world, the mobile phone
                                                            having an effective go-to-market strategy that
     is to be the main point of entry to banking
                                                            applies to retail and corporate banking,
     services for the majority of the population. Of
                                                            having the right and modern operating
     the ~80% of the population who do not have
                                                            model to deliver these services will be vital.
     a bank account, many (if not all) of them are
                                                            With     increasing    scale,   standardized
     expected to have a mobile phone by the end
                                                            processes and automation are must-haves to
     of 2017; and the vast majority of those
                                                            enable sustainable growth. In Myanmar, this
     phones will be smartphones, which banks
                                                            might even be more important than in more
     could take advantage of to provide app-based
                                                            developed markets, since qualified staff is
     services. Cooperation and coopetition with
                                                            scarce. Having stable operating (especially
     telecommunications operators and FinTech
                                                            credit) processes in place by allowing
     firms, dedicated app-based mobile and
                                                            onboarding of new (if perhaps not fully
     banking services, agent networks and
                                                            qualified) resources on a bigger scale is the
     partners,     and     aggressive      customer
                                                            only option.
     acquisition strategies are key components
     banks must consider in their quest to reach            For most of the smaller banks, the question
     out to the millions of unbanked customers,             will not be one of growth and market share
     who will rise to greater affluence and become          but survival, plain and simple. Despite the
     the backbone of their clientele in the next            fact that in other SEA markets, a fair number
     decades.                                               of smaller banks coexist alongside a few top
                                                            banks that generally capture more than 50%
     Besides retail banking focusing on network
                                                            market share, we believe that this will not be
     expansion and new customer acquisition, a
                                                            possible in Myanmar. The key reasons for
     corporate banking strategy may be even
                                                            this are the overall limited size of the market
     more important. Asset growth in the initial
                                                            (less than 4% of the Thailand market),
     years will likely not be driven by retail but by
                                                            increasing minimum capital requirements,
     corporate customers, which requires a
                                                            and an anticipated increase in cost and
     different approach to be successful.
                                                            required sophistication to comply with
     To define a viable corporate banking strategy          strengthening reporting and compliance
     beyond captive business and related parties            standards.
     as is predominantly the case today, it will be
     important to understand the attractiveness of
     geographies, products and segments as well
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