Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand

Page created by Craig Wade
Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
Business Plan 2018
Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand

    Preface .................................................................................... 3
    Framework of Aarhus Vand...................................................... 4
    Cooperation with Aarhus Municipality ...................................... 6
    Annual wheel, 2018 ................................................................. 7
    The board ................................................................................ 8
    Mission, vision and values........................................................ 9
    Business strategy .................................................................. 10
    We integrate UN’s sustainable development goals ................. 12
    Strategic collaboration strengthens Aarhus Vand
    and the industry ..................................................................... 14
    The world’s most resource-efficient
    wastewater treatment plant ................................................... 17
    We are implementing a digital transformation ......................... 18
    We are creating a strong corporate culture ............................ 20
    Organisation .......................................................................... 22
    Sharpening the focus on financing ......................................... 24
    Financial forecast for 2018 ..................................................... 25
    Investments and tariffs ........................................................... 26

    Cover photo: The fountain ”Endless Connection”
    at the waterfront in Aarhus is made by Jeppe Hein.
    In the background Climate Planet.

    Photo left: The water tower in Hasle was in 2017 turned
    into a light installation that will make the water tower a
    landmark for Aarhus and will create positive attention
    in the residential area of Bispehaven that has the water
    tower located in the ”backyard”.

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
Welcome to Aarhus Vand’s business plan 2018. The business plan           chains and, if supported, this may affect both local and regional
describes in words and pictures the company’s exciting develop-          business development and growth positively.
ment and expectations for 2018.
                                                                         As one of the largest water companies in Denmark, Aarhus Vand
We have established a sound and excellent base for the further           commits to supporting the water industry. We have extensive
development of Aarhus Vand. This is essential as the setting of the      knowledge in the operation of various facilities, establishment of
company is constantly changing.                                          organisations, analysing, tendering, planning, project manage-
                                                                         ment, training and commissioning of facilities. By adopting a global
Collaboration with our key stakeholders – the customers, owners          perspective, we can contribute knowledge and support for Danish
and authorities – is rewarding. Together, we will strive to realise      exports. At the same time, the industry and we can gain new
Aarhus Vand’s Strategy 2020 and continue to focus on growth,             knowledge to optimise and develop processes and procedures,
productivity and ingenuity in 2018 in our efforts to shape the future    thus improving the entire industry.
water company in Aarhus.
                                                                         Aarhus Vand will become a more attractive place to work when
At Aarhus Vand, we put every effort into creating a productive and       company activities take on an international dimension. The
stimulating workplace. We adjust, reorganise, adapt and develop          water companies and the industry will gain new knowledge, with
in all areas, and this is exciting and demanding at the same time.       the potential for optimising and developing our processes and
                                                                         procedures, thus improving the individual companies. Aarhus
New challenges and demands create new business areas,                    Vand would therefore like to deliver and share the responsibility of
technological development and promote business activities such           increasing Danish exports in water applications.
as the green growth plan, plans for the climate, and solutions
for how to handle rainwater on citizens’ own property and, not           Our business plan also describes Aarhus Vand’s mission, vision
                      least, export.                                     and objectives under the setting laid out for our activities by
                                                                         our owner and by Danish legislation. It also describes how we
                             Aarhus Vand is well on the way:             organise work and sets out our values and our strategy for the
                              The entire water cycle, a market-          years ahead.
                               orientated product catalogue for
                               customers, partnerships and               Last but not least, it considers the prerequisites to fulfilling our
                               collaboration agreements such as          vision, such as a competent staff, excellent partnerships and
                               Shared and 3Vand – just to mention        sound finances.
                              a few.
                                                                         The business plan builds on:
                            One-third of Denmark’s water indu-
                             stry is located in Business Region          –   The framework of Aarhus Vand
                                Aarhus, which is the domicile of         –   Mission, vision and values
                                    several market leaders in water.     –   Cooperation with Aarhus Municipality
                                        Increasing global demand         –   Business Strategy
                                            for water technology         –   Social responsibility
                                            holds a vast potential       –   Strategic collaboration
                                            for additional growth in     –   The digital strategy
                                            Business Region Aarhus.      –   Value-based management
                                           However, more coordi-         –   The financial strategy
                                           nated and strategic efforts   –   Financial forecast
                                           are needed across the
                                          municipalities to ensure       Enjoy your reading.
                                          that the business potential
                                          is utilised optimally. Many    Best regards
                                          locally orientated compa-
                                          nies in Business Region
                                          Aarhus have the potential
                                         to become part of more          Lars Schrøder
                                       globally orientated value         Director

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
Framework of Aarhus Vand
    Aarhus Vand is a Danish public limited company owned by Aarhus         The individual points of the agreement:
    Municipality. The owner strategy for municipally-owned companies
    – including Aarhus Vand – makes up the overall framework for the       Efficiency gains
    realisation and implementation of the objectives of the individual     – Towards 2020, a minimum of DKK 1.3 billion must be gained.
    company. It establishes directions for Aarhus Vand’s Board and
    Management, and it is the municipality’s way of expressing its         Future benchmarking
    attitudes and expectations of the company.                             – All-in financial benchmarking and development of the price cap
                                                                             regulation with demands for efficiency improvements in relation
    The purpose of Aarhus Vand is to supply and develop resource-            to operating costs as well and construction costs.
    effective services in the entire water cycle to create a climate-
    adapted, sound environment as well as growth and export, which         Increased flexibility
    will be of benefit to customers and stakeholders. The company’s        – 2-year price caps for everyone from 2017/18 and 4-year price
    activities comprise rainwater disposal (including climate adaptation      caps from 2018/19 for the best
    projects), production and distribution of drinking water, transport    – A new correction of the cap
    and purification of wastewater, emptying of private holding tanks      – Simplification of the annual control of the price cap
    as well as safeguarding a balanced and healthy water cycle.            – Extraordinary efficiency gains may form part of the equity
                                                                           – Abolition of the internal supervision.
    We recover, treat and distribute 15 million cubic meters of drinking
    water and purify more than 30 million cubic meters of wastewater       The authoritative role of municipalities
    every year at nine waterworks and four wastewater treatment            – Unambiguous rules must ensure that the water companies be-
    plants. The company has a staff of 217 competent and dedicated           come better at handling their tasks and that the municipalities
    employees.                                                               become better at performing their role as authority.

    Aarhus Vand’s revenue is based on user payments in the form            High demands on the environment, health and continuity
    of connection fees, fixed charges, road charges, variable water        of supply
    and sewage disposal charges and a charge for emptying private          – New performance-based benchmarking will be introduced.
    holding tanks. Under the Danish Consolidated Act on Water Sup-
    ply and the Danish Act on Payment Rules regarding wastewater,          Consumers’ complaints filing
    the income must finance the company’s annual production and            – A water complaints board will be established which will be
    administration costs, financial expenses and investments.                handling disputes about the terms of supply.

    Regulation of the water sector
    The Supply Secretariat (Forsyningssekretariatet) is charged with
    regulating water companies’ finances according to a price cap
    based on the individual company’s historical prices, development
    in costs and demands for efficiency improvement. In 2015, the
    Danish Parliament agreed to change the regulations of the water
    sector, and the changes have subsequently been implemented.

    The principles of this regulation are:
    1. Increased efficiency in the water sector
    2. Support and further development of high standards for the
       environment, services and continuity of supply
    3. Less bureaucratic organising and inspection
    4. Better framework for technological development in the water

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
The Supply Secretariat – its role and financing                         Principle 2:
– With the introduction of differentiated tariffs, the companies will   Natural monopolies to be subjected to uniform, incentive-
  pay according to size.                                                based financial regulation to create the best possible regulatory
                                                                        framework for more efficient utilities and low prices.
– The agreement contains a general description of the incentive         Principle 3:
  to consolidate                                                        Good corporate governance to encourage efficient and trans-
– In case of mergers, it must still be possible to introduce            parent management of the utilities.
  differentiated tariffs even across municipal boarders.
                                                                        Principle 4:
Technology development:                                                 Robust regulation of the security of supply to ensure a high degree
– R&D must be promoted with the establishment of a good                 of continuity of supply, safeguard the environment and protect
  framework within the Danish water sector                              public health.
– R&D is not part of the company’s main activities.
                                                                        Principle 5:
In 2016 the Government launched “Future utility supplies”, its          Effective and transparent supervision based on the framework
strategy for the future utility sector. The strategy lays out the       regulation to ensure development, effective administration
framework for the future regulation of the utility sectors on the       and target-orientated analysis of the effects of the framework
basis of the five principles below:                                     regulation.

Principle 1:                                                            The strategy contains a number of specific initiatives that will not
Tasks that are not natural monopolies per se must be subjected to       only support the overall efficiency improvements of DKK 5.9 billion
competition as far as possible, and there must be Chinese walls         annually by 2025, but also maintain a high degree of continuity of
between monopolies and areas subjected to competition – in an           supply. These initiatives represent an improvement of the frame-
effort to create as much competition as possible, which will be of      work conditions for Danish companies while ensuring low prices
benefit to citizens and companies alike.                                for the consumers.

The artwork ”Your Rainbow Panorama”, placed at the top of the Aros art museum, is created by Olafur Eliasson.

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
Cooperation with Aarhus Municipality
    Aarhus Municipality acts as owner, author-      corporate governance, corporate culture,       tion/service, finances, security, environ-
    ity and contractual party in relation to        remuneration of managers and social            mental and social conditions. The purpose
    Aarhus Vand. This involves a differentiated     responsibility. The annual general meeting     of the owner strategy is to contribute to:
    task management, including:                     is one of the ways in which the municipality
                                                    may exerts its influence on the company.       – Ensuring consistency between Aarhus
    – As the owner: What it is Aarhus                                                                Municipality and Aarhus Vand’s policy,
      Municipality wants and expects from           New owner strategy                               vision and plans
      Aarhus Vand                                   Aarhus Municipality formulated a new own-      – Clarifying Aarhus Municipality’s goals for
    – As authority: Aarhus municipality’s over-     er strategy for Aarhus Vand in 2017. It is       Aarhus Vand, including the company’s
      seeing that Aarhus Vand observes the          an elaboration of the goals and objectives       Board of Directors
      rules                                         established when company was founded,          – Ensuring the best possible effect of the
    – As a contractual party: Aarhus                an attempt to accommodate to a demand            resources used within Aarhus Vand’s
      Municipality’s purchase of services           from Aarhus City Council in continuation of      business area and the greatest possible
      from Aarhus Vand and collaboration on         the municipality’s policy on active owner-       value creation in the company
      projects.                                     ship of municipal companies. Aarhus            – Regulating cooperation between Aarhus
                                                    Municipality’s overall objective for Aarhus      Municipality and Aarhus Vand within
    As the owner, Aarhus Municipality may           Vand is to ensure the greatest possible          the framework of the rules in force at all
    have an interest in relation to Aarhus Vand’s   long-term value creation and to ensure that      times, always respecting the interests of
    strategy, results, risk, capital structure,     the objectives are met in relation to opera-     any other owners.

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
The owner strategy lays down what it is       Regarding financial responsibility, the           the owners.
Aarhus Municipality expects Aarhus Vand       owner strategy mentions, among other            – Aarhus Municipality expects Aarhus
to be working towards:                        things, that:                                     Vand to focus on eco-efficient invest-
                                                                                                ment and optimisation of its operation.
– Ensuring clean drinking water               – Aarhus Municipality expects Aarhus            – Aarhus Municipality expects that the
– Ensuring stable supply and high               Vand to have a strong focus on financial        development in charges is reasonable,
  customer satisfaction                         responsibility, including that the com-         financially, to consumers, and that
– Contributing to a clean environment           pany works towards future-proofing              charges will be fixed at a level which
– Contributing to the climate efforts and       facilities and maintaining and developing       ensures Aarhus Vand’s capital stock and
  adaptation to climate change                  its financial values.                           its operation.
– Assuming social responsibility through      – Aarhus Municipality expects Aarhus
  internships and employment on special         Vand to have a continued focus on
  conditions                                    development, efficiency and possible
– Supplying the citizens of Aarhus with         synergy effects advantageous to the
  water of high quality and being among         consumers and the owners.
  the 30 least expensive municipalities in    – Aarhus Municipality expects Aarhus
  Denmark                                       Vand to organise its actions and
– Ensuring that return on investments and       arrangements in a way that will not
  capital structures satisfy the set goals.     cause an unnecessarily high risk for

Annual wheel, 2018

                          MARCH                                 APRIL                                     MAY

                    Dialogue meeting                       Dialogue meeting                            Annual
             with the Municipal Corporation                 with the Mayor                         general meeting

                     Involved parties:                      Involved parties:                      Involved parties:
             Chairman of the Board, Director,            Chairman of the Board,             Chairman of the Board, Director,
            Mayor, councillors and members of             Director, Mayor and               Mayor, Mayor’s Department and
               the Municipal Corporation                      City Manager                           City Council


                 JAN             FEB             APR             MAY               MAY              SEP             DEC
                                 1st             2nd           Board of           DANVA             3rd             4th
             New Year’s
                                board           board          directors’         annual           board           board
                               meeting         meeting          seminar           meeting         meeting         meeting

                                                                                                                 Budget for
                                                                                                                goals for 2019

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
The board
                Flemming Besenbacher      Keld Hvalsø
                Chairman of the board     Deputy Chairman
                Professor of nano-        Member of the
                science and physics,      Aarhus City Council
                Aarhus University         for Enhedslisten

                Johanne Sønderlund Birn   Ango Winther
                Business owner            Member of the
                                          Aarhus City Council
                                          for Socialdemokraterne

                Almaz Mengesha            Henrik Frier
                Member of the             Employee
                Aarhus City Council       representative,
                for Liberal Alliance      Aarhus Vand

                Mads Thomsen              Bjørn Rohde
                Employee                  Employee
                representative,           representative,
                Aarhus Vand               Aarhus Vand

                Jens Hørup Jensen
                Consumer representative

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
Mission, vision and values
Mission                                       Continued development of the produc-
Our mission is to offer and develop re-       tion machinery combined with extensive       ”WE” FEELING
source-efficient services throughout the      participation in research projects and       – We have each other’s best interests
entire water cycle, creating a climate-       highly competent and well-educated             at heart
adapted, sound environment, growth            employees will help ensure that our sur-     – We make room for diversity
and export, all of which will be of benefit   roundings and we see Aarhus Vand as          – We are good colleagues and rein-
to customers and stakeholders.                the leading water company in Denmark.          force our sense of community
                                                                                           – We build the best workplace
Vision                                        Two of the key conditions to the com-          together
Aarhus Vand wants to be Denmark’s             pany’s success are that all employees
leading water company.                        at Aarhus Vand work individually and          RESPONSIBILITY
                                              together to implement our goals and to       – We keep our promises and stand
Aarhus Vand will focus on developing          keep our customers in focus in our daily       by what we do
a value-adding water company with             work.                                        – We take responsibility for our
characteristics such as: Environmentally                                                     surroundings
sound, resource-efficient, energy-neu-        Values                                       – We improve our competencies
tral, well-run, innovative and partnership-   At Aarhus Vand, we not only manage           – We show initiative
promoting.                                    by goals but also by values. Our four
                                              basic values – ‘we’ feeling, responsibil-        INNOVATION
Aarhus Vand has an excellent basis for        ity, innovation and dialogue – are part of   –     We make room for creativity
creating overall solutions and committing     our DNA. The values are related to the       –     We dare lead the way
to sustainability in relation to the entire   following statements, which must guide       –     We realise ideas quickly
water cycle. The water and wastewater         how we fulfil these values:                  –     We challenge the way things are
sections each have their own strengths                                                           done
and potential and by coordinating them,
we can achieve a unique position.                                                           DIALOGUE
                                                                                           – We are honest and show respect
At the same time, excellent opportunities                                                  – We are open and trustful
have been created to streamline opera-                                                     – We give and receive praise and
tions by utilising synergies optimally in a                                                   complaints
wide range of areas.                                                                       – We share knowledge and

                                                                                      ”WE HAVE
                                                                                 THE CUSTOMER
                                                                                      IN FOCUS”

Business Plan 2018 - Aarhus Vand
Business Strategy
     Our business strategy – Strategy 2020 –          focus areas identify the three most impor-           underlie productivity and must point out,
     focuses on the development of a value-           tant overall areas in which the company              develop and accelerate new potential areas
     adding water company which is charac-            must develop in the coming years and                 of growth.
     terised by being: Environmentally sound,         strengthen the focus of our strategy work
     resource-efficient, energy-neutral, well-run,    towards 2020. This focus is an indica-               We create growth by developing new busi-
     innovative and partnership-promoting.            tion that we wish to create development              ness areas within our core areas of compe-
     The strategy is based on our vision to be        for ourselves and that we wish to support            tence where there is no competition, and
     Denmark’s leading water company and on           growth, export, productivity and creativity          where similar solutions and products have
     our mission to offer and develop resource-       in Denmark. Furthermore, our politicians             not already been developed. We want to
     efficient services in the entire water cycle,    require that we continue to improve and              establish a link between the existing growth
     which create a climate-adjusted and              become more productive.                              opportunities, fill a missing role and assume
     healthy environment, as well as growth                                                                responsibility. Therefore, we want to create
     and export for the benefit of our customers      Growth by means of a creative and                    growth in areas where we see a need for
     and stakeholders. In addition to developing      exploratory approach                                 development, but for which neither we
     the company, our mission holds a desire          The focus areas of growth, productivity and          nor others have found a solution. This is
     to create value for the surrounding society      ingenuity interact and support each other.           no easy task. It requires a creative and
     and to support UN’s global goals for sus-        We want to produce more at fewer ex-                 exploratory approach to development, and
     tainable development.                            penses by reducing our costs and resource            that is why our strategy of ingenuity works
                                                      consumption. At the same time, we want               with developing managers’ and employees’
     The strategy has three focus areas:              to create meaningful growth that outweighs           innovative competences.
     Growth, productivity and ingenuity. The          the increased productivity. Ingenuity must

                                       AARHUS VAND WANTS TO BE DENMARK’S LEADING WATER COMPANY

                                                                  STRATEGY 2020
                                Focuses on the development of a value-creating water company with characteristics such as:
                                  Environmentally friendly, resource efficient, energy neutrality, well-running, innovative and
                                                                    partnership promotion

                                       GROWTH                      PRODUCTIVITY                        INGENUITY
                                    GOALS FOR 2020                   GOALS FOR 2020                  GOALS FOR 2020
                                      Growth grow                     Productivity grow            Measured on the effect of
                                        by 20%                            by 20%                    productivity and growth
                                    GOALS FOR 2018                   GOALS FOR 2018                  GOALS FOR 2018
                                       Growth grow                    Productivity grow            Obtain an ingenuity score
                                     by DKK 38 million                     by 2%                           of 93%

                                                             Cross-cutting focus areas:
                                         New products and services, water knowledge, research and development

                                                VALUES: ‘We’ feeling, responsibility, innovation and dialogue
                                  MISSION: Offer and develop resource-efficient services throughout the water cycle in an
                                  attempt to create a sound, climate-adapted environment, growth and export of benefit to
                                                                customers and stakeholders

                             Strategy 2020 – our ‘strategy house’ represents a framework for the direction in which
                             Aarhus Vand wants to be headed.

We will develop new areas and create            – Climate adaptation projects                   ment, the business objective being an inge-
growth in close cooperation with other          – International projects                        nuity score of 93 percent.
water companies, water technology               – Resource utilisation of waste water           The main strategic projects for 2018 in
companies and research institutions.              (energy and phosphorus).                      relation to ingenuity are:
The development of Marselisborg ReWater
is a good example of such cooperation.          When it comes to productivity, our busi-        – Marselisborg ReWater
Here, the objective is to develop the world’s   ness goal is an annual 2% productivity          – Automation of the production of drinking
most resource-efficient wastewater treat-       improvement towards 2020 on operations            water – including new waterworks in
ment plant, which would not be possible         and capital investment. In 2018, productiv-       Beder
with today’s solutions and ways of think-       ity will mainly be driven by development        – Process management.
ing. That is why we need a strong innova-       in the IT area and by the introduction of
tive force if this project is to succeed. The   digital production and workflows. In relation   We have selected three cross-cutting prior-
knowledge and technology development            to operations, we will continue to focus        ity areas, which will help to ensure progress
we create along the way must, at the same       on reducing our actual operating costs. In      in the three focus areas:
time, turn into a good business, creating       relation to capital investment, we will focus
new jobs and providing value to many            on achieving the planned 2% efficiency          – New products and services
people.                                         improvements on projects for the renewal        – Water knowledge
                                                of water and wastewater pipelines in coop-      – R&D.
Business goals focus on development             eration with ‘Water Partner’. The following
For each of the focus areas of growth, pro-     strategic projects support productivity dur-    These three areas will help to support a
ductivity and ingenuity, we have attached       ing the period 2018-2020:                       cultural change that will increasingly turn
a business goal which focuses on the de-                                                        Aarhus Vand into:
velopment we want to succeed with. The          – Project portfolio and resource manage-
business goals express our focused efforts        ment in the entire Aarhus Vand                – A market-orientated company develop-
for 2018 and reflect the strategy towards       – Digitisation.                                   ing and offering new services
2020. We want to create overall growth of                                                       – A knowledge company developing and
DKK 120 million during the strategy period      In relation to ingenuity, our ambition is to      providing knowledge locally, nationally
from 2010 to 2020. For 2018, the aim is to      become a more resourceful organisation. In        and globally
create growth worth of DKK 38 million. The      2018, this development will be measured         – A market leader, locally, nationally and
main growth areas in 2018 are:                  by means of our work climate measure-             globally – in the field of applied R&D.

Our focus areas are:
growth, productivity and ingenuity.

We integrate UN’s sustainable
     development goals
     UN’s 17 global goals for sustainable de-         social accountability: Consumer relations,     for us to integrate the global targets in our
     velopment, adopted in 2015, is the most          the environment, the climate and working       Strategy 2020 and in the projects where
     ambitious plan for the future of the planet.     conditions, business ethics, human rights      they are relevant.
     To be successful, each and every one of us       and our contribution to the development
     must contribute. At Aarhus Vand, we have         of local society. Furthermore, Aarhus Vand     Primarily goals:
     worked systematically with sustainability        maintains a strategic focus on the environ-    – 6 (clean water and sanitation)
     for many years. We are a CSR certified           ment and the climate, two areas in which       – 13 (climate action)
     company, which requires that we have full        we perform considerably better than pre-       – 14 (life below water).
     control of the entire palette of topics within   scribed by the law. Therefore, it is natural

Our focus is on the local effort of providing   We are world leaders when it comes to uti-     Our wastewater treatment is of great
our customers with sufficient, clean drink-     lising the resources in wastewater for green   importance when it comes to safeguarding
ing water. To ensure this, we have for more     energy. Our goal is to produce energy and      life below water. A clean Aarhus Bay, with
than 10 years been working systematically       recycle purified water and nutrients from      the resulting biological and recreational
with drinking water quality through the         wastewater to an extent not seen else-         values, depends on effective purification of
comprehensive management programme              where. We also have a goal of becoming         very large volumes of wastewater, some-
“Documented drinking water quality”,            completely energy-and CO2-neutral in           thing, we have been quite successful at.
and we are certified as a food company          2030, and we are well on the way. In 2018,
in accordance with ISO 22000. Our aim           the goal is to produce 55 per cent of the      Furthermore, we assume additional re-
is to ensure clean drinking water also for      energy we use in the entire company.           sponsibility by contributing to the recrea-
future generations. This is done through        Our know-how in the field of energy opti-      tional use of lakes, streams and the port
a comprehensive groundwater protection          misation and utilisation at our wastewater     area. We have particular focus on stream-
programme and a series of action plans          treatment plants has attracted attention       lining the efficiency of our operation of
that, among other things, forbid the use of     worldwide. This has resulted in rapid          the wastewater treatment processes and
pesticides in confined areas with ground-       growth, and in a number of countries, we       future-proofing our facilities and purification
water interests.                                support capacity building and export of        capacity further.
                                                Danish technology.
In addition to this, we are working on mini-                                                   Our knowledge about effective wastewater
mising water loss in our pipeline network,      Another important area is our efforts in       treatment is already in demand globally
and so far, we have reached a historical        relation to adapting Aarhus to climate         and will contribute to raising the knowledge
low of 5.5 per cent. Globally, we focus         change in order to avoid flooding. This        of – and the level of – wastewater treat-
on transferring our knowledge in drinking       places heavy demands on our infrastruc-        ment in a number of countries. This will
water production to a number of countries,      ture and management of the water cycle.        mean an improvement of life below water
the United States, for instance, through        Together with the citizens of Aarhus, the      on a global scale.
the Water Technology Alliance and in Africa     municipality and a number of experts, we
through 3Vand.                                  will continue the development of value-
                                                adding and effective climate solutions.


 Clean drinking water: (Goal no. 6)              Climate adaptation: (Goal no. 13)              Water environment: (Goal no. 14)
 Limit value exceeded. Cooking of the            Areas that change status from                  Emission requirements for wastewater
 water recommended.                              common sewer to separate system.               treatment plants that have an impact
 Goal 2018: 0                                    Goal 2018: 75 hectares                         on the aquatic environment have been
                                                                                                exceeded. Goal: 0

                                                 Climate control measures: (Goal no.13)         Water environment: (Goal no.14)
                                                 The energy produced at our wastewater          Emission requirements for waterworks
                                                 treatment plants should cover 100% of the      that have an impact on the aquatic
                                                 company’s energy consumption for electri-      environment have been exceeded.
                                                 city and heat in 2030. Goal 2018: 55%          Goal: 0

                                                 Climate control measures:
                                                 (Goal no. 13)
                                                 The total energy consumption at our
                                                 wastewater treatment plant
                                                 Goal 2018: 23 GWh

                                                 Resource utilisation:
                                                 (Goal no. 13)
                                                 Production of PhosphorCare
                                                 Goal 2018: 250 tonnes

Strategic collaboration strengthens
     Aarhus Vand and the industry
     Entering partnerships within water technol-     water and developing solutions for climate      Aarhus Vand and ensure cross-pollination
     ogy is part of Aarhus Vand’s DNA. We see        change adaptations.                             of existing partnerships. It is about creating
     ourselves as one of Denmark’s leading                                                           a close connection between what already
     water companies in a number of areas, and       Through partnerships, we at Aarhus Vand         works well today in existing professional
     we possess knowledge and competence             stand every chance of succeeding with           competencies, companies and partner-
     that we would like to share with others. But    Strategy 2020. Part of our strategy is          ships.
     we can also learn a great deal from others.     ongoing development of our competence
     This is why we collaborate closely with         and knowledge. Our ambition is to have          A number of water-related companies may
     other Danish and foreign supply compa-          the best specialised employees intend on        achieve an increase in growth and produc-
     nies, municipalities, consultants, education-   finding optimal solutions. This is best done    tivity through strong cooperation. Together
     al institutions, researchers, entrepreneurs     in interdisciplinary, instructive and innova-   with the other partners in 3Vand (Hofor,
     and suppliers.                                  tive interaction with our partners and other    Biofos, Vandcenter Syd), Aarhus Vand has
                                                     stakeholders, for instance through formal-      laid the foundations of a water accelerator,
     By working together with some of the best       ised partnership agreements, knowledge          regionally and nationally, that is going to be
     partners in the industry, we find new ideas,    networks and alliances.                         further developed, take form and increase
     opportunities, and solutions to the chal-                                                       value creation in 2018.
     lenges we face. Challenges such as limiting     Water accelerator
     energy consumption in the production of         We have a desire to create a national coop-     Vandpartner
     drinking water and wastewater treatment,        eration on water technology in recognition      In 2016, we established a public-private
     producing enough energy to get an energy        of the real problems and needs of the mar-      water partnership together with Samn For-
     neutral water cycle, reducing the emis-         ket. And we see a great need to accelerate      syning (the former Odder Spildevand) and
     sion of CO2 from our activities, and using      this cooperation in the Danish water sector     Favrskov Forsyning for the period 2016
     resources such as phosphorus in waste-          so as to create additional partnerships for     – 2021 on the renewal of water lines and

     OUR DNA”
purification plants in Odder, Favrskov and    Shared                                          3Vand
Aarhus Municipality. The main partners are    Shared is a service company that provides       3Vand is a network-based, strategic coop-
the firms of consultants Envidan and Niras    administrative services to the four utilities   eration between Hofor, Biofos, Vandcenter
and contractors Arkil, Aarsleff and Vam.      of Favrskov, Morsø, Syddjurs Wastewater         Syd and Aarhus Vand. We share a number
In addition to this, Norva24, NCC, Sulzer,    Treatment Plant and Aarhus Vand.                of interests and want to take the lead in the
LE34 and FKSSlamson also take part.                                                           industry, set a political agenda and support
The partnership, Vandpartner, includes        The purpose of Shared is to economise           the export of Danish water technology and
scheduling, digging up, lining, TV inspec-    and streamline in order to create added         Danish solutions.
tion, pump stations and measuring.            value for the parties. By pooling resources
                                              in a shared service company, we can afford      At 3Vand we are focusing on R&D, and
Our experience with partnering over the       to have highly specialised staff with the       we cooperate on political topics such
past 15 years has shown us that we ben-       right experience, which gives us a bet-         as groundwater protection. We share a
efit greatly from this type of cooperation.   ter hand when we offer our goods and            number of challenges, and, together, we
It has meant an increase in efficiency and    services. And together we can achieve a         can develop the right solutions and attempt
a decrease in costs. The essential point of   greater volume and reap the ensuing ben-        to influence Government’s decision-making
the partnership agreement with Favrskov       efits and savings.                              through lobbying. When the three largest
Forsyning and Samn Forsyning is that it                                                       municipalities and the three largest water
must help improve the quality of our work     The collaboration should also include other     companies in Denmark agree, it will not go
and enable us to create innovative meas-      administrative services such as shared IT       unnoticed by politicians or authorities.
ures and optimise the work processes          and wage administration. One of the goals
to the benefit of all parties involved: our   is also to expand the circle of owners.         WTA
customers, the three supply companies                                                         3Vand’s ambition is strong international
and the external companies.                                                                   efforts to stimulate growth and export in

the water sector. For instance, through            PhosphorCare
                         the Water Technology Alliance (WTA), the           The goal of the government’s resource
                         purpose of which is to support the Danish          strategy, ‘Denmark free of waste’, is that
                         water industry in their efforts to embark on       80% of all the phosphorus from our sew-
                         the American market as well as to make             age sludge must be recycled in 2018. It
                         the Danish water model more known.                 is an ambitious but important goal since
                                                                            phosphorous is a scarce resource, and
                         So far, WTA has been established in Chi-           prices are soaring. Phosphorous forms
                         cago (WTA Chicago) and San Francisco               part of our cells and bones, and without it,
                         (WTA California). In Chicago, the alliance         plants would not be able to grow.
                         consists of 3Vand, the Danish Trade Coun-
                         cil and the companies Danfoss, DHI, AVK,           In a partnership with Herning Vand, Grund-
                         Landia and Linak & Nissen Energi Teknik.           fos, Norconsult and Knowledge Centre for
                         WTA Chicago has an employee posted in              Agriculture and the Danish Pig Research
                         Chicago, who is to act as a bridgehead for         Centre (SEGES), we have managed to
                         Danish export companies in relation to op-         turn the phosphorus in wastewater into
                         portunities and specific tasks in the field of     a fertiliser rather than a waste product.
                         energy optimisation and energy production          In the partnership, we have developed a
                         in the wastewater sector.                          concept that has been implemented at
                                                                            Åby Wastewater Treatment Plant, where
                         Aarhus Vand also has a cooperation agree-          we, as one of the first places in the world,
                         ment with the Chicago-based wastewater             extract the phosphorus in wastewater and
                         company Metropolitan Water Reclamation             resell it as a fertiliser of high quality under
                         District of Greater Chicago. The coopera-          the name ‘PhosphorCare’. Herning Vand
                         tion agreement is about our mutual obliga-         has also built a wastewater treatment plant,
                         tion to exchange employees and know-               and Aarhus Vand is going to open a plant
                         ledge in specific areas.                           by Marselisborg Wastewater Treatment

     ”By working         Aarhus Vand, The Danish Trade Council
                                                                            Plant in 2018, which will be Scandinavia’s
                                                                            largest plant, with an expected production
      together with      and 12 other Danish companies have
                         established WTA California to promote
                                                                            of phosphorus fertilisers of up to 800 kg
                                                                            per day.
      some of the        Danish export within the drinking water and

      best partners      wastewater sectors. WTA California must
                         therefore increase the knowledge and use
                                                                            The concept has attracted great interest,
                                                                            not only in Denmark but also from abroad.
      in the industry,   of Danish water technology solutions that
                         contribute positively to solving California’s
                                                                            In Denmark, there is a potential of con-
                                                                            structing 20-30 phosphorus plants, and the
      we find new        critical water shortage as well and achieve        export potential is estimated to be DKK 1.6

      ideas, oppor-      the goals for the reduction of greenhouse
                                                                            billion over a 10-year period. New EU legis-
                                                                            lation on recycled phosphorus products are
      tunities and       Aarhus Vand is the coordinator of the
                                                                            on the way in 2018 and will increase the
                                                                            possibility of extending the concept further.
      solutions”         Alliance. With the support of the Danish
                         Industry Foundation and assistance of the          The partnership has entered a contract
                         Consulate General in Chicago, we have              with French Suez, one of the world’s
                         posted an employee in San Francisco, who           largest water companies, for assistance in
                         is to create close cooperation between             building a phosphorus plant based on the
                         Danish and American utilities, public              technology developed in the partnership.
                         authorities and educational and research           And Aarhus Vand has entered an agree-
                         institutions in the field of water. The Alliance   ment about an innovation partnership,
                         consists of the Export Council, 3Vand as           where the concept may be further devel-
                         well as the companies Kamstrup, Applied            oped together with Suez Water S.A. and
                         Biomimetic, Danfoss, Grundfos, Rambøll,            the Danish company Stjernholm A/S. Suez
                         Smith Innovation, Skytem, DHI, Leif Koch,          is now offering this concept on the global
                         AVK, IGIS and LiqTech.                             market and expects to build at least 2-3
                                                                            plants each year in the future.

The world’s most resource-efficient
wastewater treatment plant
A new wastewater treatment plant by             Aarhus Vand’s ambition to be energy-and         entitled “Automation and improved working
Marselisborg in southern Aarhus is set          CO2-neutral by 2030 at the latest.              environment” is about how we use robots
to be an international lighthouse for                                                           to create an even better working environ-
resource utilisation of wastewater. A           15 innovation challenges to be addressed        ment and completely avoids employees
strong focus on innovation will ensure          The goal for the plant is ambitious, and in     getting into direct contact with the waste-
that not only known technology, but also        order to succeed, we need new solutions         water, for instance. The project “Resources
the technology of the future, is brought        and new ways of thinking. That is why we        in the wastewater – now and in the future”
into play.                                      must focus on innovation. The first step        uncovers which resources can be found in
                                                was a kick-off event in the spring of 2017      the wastewater – besides the ones already
The plant, which will be ready in 2026, will    to attract the cream of Danish compa-           being utilised today. It will be a great help
be called Marselisborg Resource Facility        nies, manufacturers, suppliers, research        in determining which processes the plant
and will also be marketed as Marselisborg       institutions and entrepreneurs interested in    will have to accommodate. Alginate is an
ReWater. The ambition is that – in addition     contributing to the innovation of the plant     example of a future resource in wastewater
to meeting the current and future demands       through partnerships. The next step con-        which can be used to create artificial skin,
for wastewater treatment – the plant will be    sisted of 50 “speed dates” with potential       among other things.
the world’s most resource-efficient waste-      partners to find out if there was a perfect
water treatment plant.                          match for future cooperation.                   Knowledge as cool business
                                                                                                In addition to the sub-projects, we will be
The name signals that besides purifying         The speed dates were based on 15 inno-          working on an EIA study together with
wastewater and ensuring a good water            vation challenges representing the chal-        Aarhus Municipality in 2018 to clarify the
environment in Aarhus Bay, the plant is go-     lenges that we must overcome to develop         environmental impact of placing the facility
ing to produce energy and recycle purified      a state-of-the-art plant for 2026 and           at Østhavnen near the existing plant at
water and nutrients from wastewater to an       beyond. Based on the speed dates, we            Marselisborg. We appointed a building
extent not seen elsewhere in the world.         designed a number of sub-projects that we       owner consultant in 2017, who will help us
                                                will seek funding for together with the part-   establish two consortia in 2018, which will
The purpose of utilising the resources in the   ners. This work will continue in 2018. One      focus on “resources and processes” and
wastewater is to reduce the costs of treat-     of the sub-projects – “Mars on the Moon”        “architecture and buildings” respectively
ing wastewater by including the resources       – is about developing a modular system          with a view to development, specifica-
in the circular economies through the sale      focussing on the structure that connects        tion and supply. Last but not least, we will
of energy, fertilisers and purified wastewa-    the individual modules. The purpose is          be working with new business models in
ter. Furthermore, the aim is to reduce CO2      to build a plant so flexible that it can be     2018 that will help turn the knowledge we
emissions and save on scarce resources          expanded and changed in proportion to           acquire along the way into a good busi-
such as phosphorus. It must support             a growing population and the develop-           ness, creating new jobs and value to many
Aarhus Municipality’s climate strategy and      ment of new technologies. Another project       people.

Marselisborg ReWater will ensure a good water environment in Aarhus Bay.


We are undergoing
a digital transformation
The world around us is constantly changing,               – We accelerate and sharpen our transformation
and our digital strategy, which is an integral              from administration to customer-based business
part of Strategy 2020, supports a digital trans-            and, in doing so, ensure Aarhus Vand’s future
formation of the company.                                   livelihood
                                                          – We increase productivity, create value and pro-
As a company, we are more and more often met                mote ingenuity
with a demand for increased efficiency, and our           – We create even better frameworks and condi-
customers and the surrounding community commit              tions for employees and contribute to improving
themselves more and more to new technologies                job satisfaction and motivation
and go digital. New business models emerge,               – We can quickly and effectively respond to and
fundamentally challenging the current models,               adapt to future changes in the water sector.
and digital product innovation takes place with
unprecedented ease and speed. The organisation            Our digitisation strategy is an integral part of
as we know it today is disappearing, as companies         Strategy 2020. It defines which strategic areas
are forced to adapt to the digital world – and their      Aarhus Vand must develop, support and strength-
employees, to new working methods.                        en through digitisation:
                                                          – Organisation: That we have the right organisa-
Therefore, in order to achieve our long-term goals,          tion and governance to ensure coordination,
digitisation is a critical and essential transforma-         focus and utilisation of synergies across Aarhus
tion which creates the foundation for Aarhus Vand            Vand.
maintaining a relevant and competitive position           – IT and systems: That we provide an overview
in the market. With our digital strategy, it is our          and a high degree of standardisation of our
ambition that Aarhus Vand should become a digital            system landscape; that we establish a mobile
role model and trendsetter for the water industry –          and digital platform available to everyone
nationally and internationally.                           – Data as raw material: That we display and
                                                             activate our data to optimise and create solu-
Digitally first                                              tions, services, and business processes through
The digital transformation is a journey we em-               data-driven information and support in decision-
barked on some time ago, and since then we have              making.
developed many ground-breaking digital solutions.         – Optimisation of the business: That digitisation
But now is the time for high-priority strategic efforts      supports improved productivity and less waste,
in digitisation, involving increased, controlled coor-       thus leading to a high degree of job satisfaction.
dination, prioritisation, knowledge-sharing, compe-          We create the framework for better cooperation
tency development, standardisation and speed.                and knowledge-sharing.
                                                          – Customers: That we offer new digital services
Digitisation requires that we take on new behav-             targeted specifically toward customers’ present
iour, that we think and act digitally. A new mindset         and future needs through new insights.
of “digitally first” is to become part of our DNA,
a central point in our business strategy, Strategy        Through active participation in digital ecosys-
2020. It is therefore essential that the transforma-      tems across activities, we will develop our digital
tion should be created, owned, implemented – and          competence and create new digital solutions to the
felt – by everyone at Aarhus Vand. Digitisation will      industry.
make Aarhus Vand an even more exciting and chal-
lenging place to work, a place that will continue to      In each area, we will set some long-term, strategic
attract new and competent colleagues.                     goals for how they can be promoted and support-
                                                          ed by means of digitisation. Specific project activi-
Digitisation in support of Strategy 2020                  ties will be prioritised based on how they contribute
Digitisation is a fundamental prerequisite for en-        to improving productivity, creating new business
suring that we can meet our strategic goals and           areas and growth, and on their ability to be a driver
ambition:                                                 of digital innovation.

We are creating a strong
     corporate culture
     Our complex and changing environment         herent whole and direction in the daily work   management, which gives the individual
     makes it increasingly difficult to manage    and which helps us to make the right and       employee greater flexibility and freedom to
     and run the company exclusively on the       necessary decisions. The common basic          decide for themselves.
     basis of fixed guidelines and proce-         values help to build a strong corporate
     dures. This is why we have supplement-       culture and a dynamic organisation: It is      Value-based leadership is about
     ed our management system with a set          a good starting point for leadership and       taking responsibility
     of strong core values and why we work        collaboration in a workday full of change      Since we defined our core values, we have
     with value-based management.                 and with an ever-growing demand for            continuously been developing a value-
                                                  increased productivity.                        based style of management which aims
     Our core values consist of the values                                                       to achieve greater efficiency as well as a
     we-feeling, responsibility, innovation and   We free up resources when it is values         higher degree of employee satisfaction.
     dialogue. Our core values are part of our    rather than rules that guide us in our work.   Value-based management is not about
     DNA, a standpoint which ensures a co-        Therefore, we have a strong focus on self-     whether or not we should have goals. To

us, value-based management is about how we take responsibility in order to          HR strategy
achieve our goals and how we turn management into a common task. It is a            Our new HR policy will be implemented in
question of good leadership and not least about leading and being led. With         2018. The objective of the policy is to ensure a
value-based management, employees assume a high degree of autonomy,                 well-functioning workplace and to provide the
which will enable them to act appropriately in unforeseen or critical situa-        framework for continued development, so that
tions. They can improvise and act in the best possible way thanks to the core       Aarhus Vand will continue to be an attractive and
values, which enable them to decide what to do without having to seek advice        dynamic workplace that attracts and maintains
or permission from management. We make room for employees’ creativity and           skilled staff in a healthy working environment.
competences to unfold, which, in turn, increases their sense of responsibility      The strategy focuses on the following key areas:
and their potential for further development. And it gives us a flexible organisa-
tion – an organisation in motion and geared towards absorbing changes and           An attractive workplace. This will be one of
adapting to customer demands.                                                       our most important competition parameters. As
                                                                                    a leading water company and a good place to
                                                                                    work, we must use our brand to actively attract
                                                                                    the right competences. We will invest in employ-
                                                                                    ees’ working lives through targeted competency
                                                                                    development so that we can meet future needs.

                                                                                    “Well on the way”. New members of staff will
                                                                                    meet with the Director for an informal talk about
                                                                                    our corporate culture and will be assigned a
                                                                                    mentor who plans the introduction to Aarhus
                                                                                    Vand together with the immediate manager.
                                                                                    Within the first 6 months of employment, every-
                                                                                    one will be called in for a “well-on-the-way
                                                                                    interview” to ensure that we keep improving the
                                                                                    way we welcome our new colleagues.

                                                                                    Structured competency development. The
                                                                                    leaders are equipped to take charge of compe-
                                                                                    tency development of our employees. Employee
                                                                                    competency development must be seen as a
                       Above: Our value base consists of the values ‘we’            process rather than stand-alone courses so
                       feeling, responsibility, innovation and dialogue – in        as to ensure consistency between the compe-
                       everyday terms the WATER values.                             tency enhancement and the strategy, and must
                                                                                    be translated into real competences. We are
                       To the left: With our leak search trailer we save            developing “Aarhus Vand Academy”, providing
                       80 percent of time finding leaks on the grid.                wide and varied training opportunities for all

                                                                                    Recruitment with care. One of the biggest fac-
                                                                                    tors of differentiation in tomorrow’s water industry
                                                                                    will be the ability to attract the right people. We
                                                                                    want to create the right balance between profes-
                                                                                    sionalism and personality based on a holistic
                                                                                    approach. We look not only at professional com-
                                                                                    petence. We also consider whether a candidate
                                                                                    has a personality that fits well into an organisa-
                                                                                    tion with value-based management.

     Aarhus Vand is one overall public limited company with a simple, logical organisation divided into three departments.

                       SHARED A/S                                AARHUS VAND A/S
                       Theres Bonney                               Lars Schrøder                                 AARHUS VAND TA
                          Director                                Managing director

                          PLAN AND PROJECT                         PRODUCTION                            BUSINESS SUPPORT
                          Claus Møller Pedersen                    Claus Homann                              Mads Bayer
                           Department manager                    Department manager                            CFO

     PLAN AND PROJECT                                AARHUS VAND TA                                      and department managers of Aarhus Vand
     Is responsible for planning tasks, imple-       In 2017, Aarhus Vand has established a              Claus Homann and Claus Møller Pedersen
     menting construction works, pipe reg-           subsidiary company for the purpose of               make up the Board of Directors. Aarhus
     istration and GIS systems as well as for        managing the accounts of activities falling         Vand constitutes the parent company,
     coordinating development activities. A very     outside the company’s core areas. The               which owns the new company 100%, and
     large part of the tasks is handled through      company is called ‘Aarhus Vand TA’, where           the board of Aarhus Vand constitutes the
     projects with internal and external partners.   ‘TA’ is an abbreviation of the Danish expres-       general assembly.
     A significant share of the department’s con-    sion ‘Tilknyttet Aktivitet’ (‘associated activ-
     struction projects is completed in collabora-   ity’). Associated activities are those activities   With the regulation of the Danish Water
     tion with external advisors and contractors.    that do not fall directly within the scope of       Sector Act, Aarhus Vand may need another
                                                     our main activities, which include the provi-       company structure in order to carry out the
     PRODUCTION                                      sion of drinking water, wastewater treat-           activities necessary to achieve our strategic
     Delivers drinking water, purifies wastewa-      ment and adaptation to climate change.              goals.
     ter and utilises resources such as energy       Aarhus Vand TA mainly includes our growth
     and phosphorus from wastewater to the           activities such as our international activities     SHARED
     benefit of the citizens and the environment     in the United States and in Zambia.                 Together, Aarhus Vand, Syddjurs Spilde-
     in Aarhus. The department ensures high                                                              vand, Favrskov Forsyning and Morsø
     quality, efficiency and continuity of supply    Revenue from the associated activities can-         Forsyning have established a service
     through operation, service and develop-         not exceed DKK 2 million within the frame-          company, Shared. The purpose of Shared
     ment activities.                                work of Aarhus Vand; however, we expect             is to economise and streamline in order to
                                                     revenues significantly above this limit. That       create added value for the owners. Based
     BUSINESS SUPPORT                                is why we are obliged by law to set up a            on joint purchasing, the company will han-
     Consists of HR, Customer Service, Devel-        special company to handle the activities            dle a number of tasks and services that will
     opment and Finance, which together and          which exceed the DKK 2 million limit.               benefit the customers of each utility.
     separately support the business, both in
     relation to the customers we have internally    CFO of Aarhus Vand, Mads Bayer, is the
     at Aarhus Vand and to our customers in          director of Aarhus Vand TA, and managing
     and outside Aarhus Municipality.                director of Aarhus Vand, Lars Schrøder,

A mixer from biotank at Egå Renseanlæg helps to ensure better waste water treatment.

                    Aarhus Vand’s employees in numbers                   2016          2017
                    Number of employees                                  209           217
                    Converted into full-time employees                    202          207
                    Percentage distribution, women                       29%           33%
                    Percentage distribution, men                         71%           67%
                    Number of civil servants                              23            22
                    Average age, all employees                           48.4          47.7
                    Staff turnover                                       9,3%          9,8%

Sharpening the focus on financing
     Increased focus on the financing of our       a new wastewater treatment plant –                tegy to ensure the necessary financial
     activities in the coming years means          Marselisborg Rewater.                             scope for the coming years.
     greater consistency between invest-
     ment, charges and the financial frame-        The great demand for investment exerts in-        Dialogue on the financial framework
     work.                                         creased pressure on our liquidity, especially     As part of the strategy, we want to engage
                                                   in the context of the increased require-          in a dialogue with the financial authority in
     We are experiencing a large influx of new     ments for continuous improvement of the           the Supply Secretariat and the Danish
     customers in line with the many newly-built   efficiency of our operating expenses and          Energy Agency to ensure that the finan-
     houses in Aarhus Municipality. This calls     fixed assets we are met with from politi-         cial regulation takes account of the deve-
     for expansion of our assets, for instance     cal side. In addition to this, we are under       lopment in municipalities of growth and
     our wastewater treatment plants and           pressure financially from a governmental          municipalities in need of fundamental
     waterworks, and renovation of our existing    requirement of imposing a ceiling on our          structural changes. As part of the strategy
     assets. The next few years, we are going      revenue. We pay much attention to obser-          we will systematically apply business cases
     to focus on the construction of a new wa-     ving the requirements we are met with, the        and asset management to make sure that
     terworks in Beder, ongoing renewal of our     requirements of the municipal wastewater          the projects we embark on are the ones
     water and wastewater pipelines, adapta-       plan, for instance. In light of these require-    that will give us value for money.
              tion to climate change as well                                 ments, we have
                     as preparations                                                 designed a      We will work systematically towards realis-
                           for                                                           financial   ing new areas of revenue which may help
                                                                                             stra-   improve our financial situation. This will
                                                                                                     require an extension of the very rigid frame-
                                                                                                     work for new income areas – and call for a
                                                                                                     constructive dialogue.

                                                                                                     Finally, we will carry out a study to find out
                                                                                                     what is the best financial solution in relation
                                                                                                      to our many substantial, long-term invest-
                                                                                                       ments, and we will need even tighter
                                                                                                       control of the company’s cash flow.

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