MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

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MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

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   RF - Microwave     

     5G NR Test

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MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar
MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

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                                               Smartphone and stretchable              Major milestone for LoRa in
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                                               'e-tattoo' enable heart                 space
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MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

                                                                                            LoRa gateway module
Smartphone and stretchable                                                                  market to hit US$3bn
'e-tattoo' enable heart monitoring                                                          A new report on LoRa Gateway Module
                                                                                            Market by Persistence Market Research
Engineers at The University of Texas              "We can get much greater insight into     estimates the global LoRa gateway
at Austin have developed a graphe-            heart health by the synchronous collec-       module market offers an incremental
ne-based wearable                                               tion of data from both      opportunity of more than US$ 3 billion
device (e-tattoo) that can                                      sources," says Nanshu       up until 2028.
be placed on the skin to                                        Lu, an associate profes-       Increasing penetration of IoT has
measure a variety of body                                       sor in the departments      demonstrated the advantages to ma-
responses, from electrical                                      of Aerospace Enginee-       nufacturers and will positively impact
to biomechanical signals,                                       ring and Engineering        the LoRa gateway module market.
that could make heart                                           Mechanics and Biome-        Expanding cellular IoT infrastructure and
health monitoring easier.                                       dical Engineering.          the introduction of 5G are also factors
    The latest version of the team's              Although soft e-tattoos for ECG           boosting the demand for LoRa gateway
electronic tattoo technology, the ultrathin   sensing are not new, says Lu, other           modules in industry, as well as an in-
lightweight and stretchable device can        sensors, such as the SCG sensor, are          creasing amount of smart city projects
be placed over the heart for extended         still made from nonstretchable materials,     and the increasing penetration of smart
periods with little or no discomfort.         making them bulky and uncomfortable           devices.
Powered remotely by a smartphone,             to wear. The new e-tattoo is made of a           Continuous investments by countries
the e-tattoo measures cardiac health          piezoelectric polymer called polyviny-        industrial automation and the fulfilment
in two ways, taking electrocardiograph        lidene fluoride, capable of generating        of the current connectivity solutions for
and seismocardiograph – a measure-            its own electric charge in response to        industries have encouraged vendors
ment technique using chest vibrations         mechanical stress. It also includes 3D        to offer cellular connectivity with new
associated with heartbeats – readings         digital image correlation technology that     concepts that include LoRa. This de-
simultaneously.                               is used to map chest vibrations in order      mand has prompted a constant rise at a
    According to the researchers,             to identify the best placement location       rapid pace for LoRa, particularly across
their e-tattoo is the first ultrathin and     on the chest.                                 the manufacturing industry sectors.
stretchable technology to measure both
ECG and SCG.                                              

CEA-Leti and Radiall collaborate                                                            LG U+ selects iBwave tool
                                                                                            for 5G stadium design
on RF components for 5G                                                                     iBwave Solutions has announced that its
                                                                                            software has been chosen by LG U+ to
Research institute, Leti, and Radiall have    expertise in antenna design, CEA-Leti         complete Asia's first 5G stadium design.
announced a five-year common lab to           previously collaborated with Radiall on           LG U+ and iBwave have been working
design innovative antennas, RF compo-         transmit-array technology development.        closely together for the last year. With the
nents to meet infrastructure requirements     This collaboration resulted in a V-band       support of iBwave's 5G Design Enterprise
of 5G networks and photonics compo-           (57-66 GHz) high-gain (32 dBi) antenna        software design tool, LG U+ have drama-
nents for harsh environments.                 delivering up to 20 Gb/s that Radiall         tically improved their design quality, all
    5G networks require high-speed,           added to its product line.                    while reducing the cost and time to com-
point-to-point communication at milli-           Transmit-array architecture is a pro-      plete in-building wireless designs. iBwave
meter-wave frequencies within a cost          mising way to address this challenge          Design Enterprise is a powerful user-frien-
structure that operators are able deploy      because it minimizes the thickness of the     dly software tool to design large and
economically. The increase in ultra-dense     antenna, while maintaining stability of the   complex in‑building wireless networks.
5G infrastructure systems required to ac-     antenna gain over the entire bandwidth            iBwave uses unique innovations such
commodate high-speed mobile data traf-        and controlling the sidelobe levels.          as 3D modeling, coverage, interference
fic and IoT data is fueling a demand for         “Radiall and CEA-Leti launched a five-     and throughput engines, as well as visua-
low-cost, robust and reliable RF subsys-      year common lab to create a sustained         lization of key performance indicators, to
tems. This includes the use of compact        task force that will work on accelerating     provide an accurate design for venues of
and reconfigurable antennas that can be       the development of high capacity and          all sizes. These features were essential
integrated on urban buildings and street      high coverage antennas for reliable and       to enhance the stadium with 5G. Techno-
furniture with minimal deployment cost.       high-speed telecommunications, inclu-         logies supported include Active/Passive
     However, at millimeter-wave fre-         ding 5G generations and beyond,” said         DAS, Wi-Fi, small cells, public safety,
quencies between 30 and 300 GHz,              Leti CEO Emmanuel Sabonnadière.               LTE, LTE Advanced, LTE LAA, CBRS, IoT,
severe path loss must be compensated                                                        and LoRa.
through high-gain antennas enabled by
transmit-array designs. Leveraging its                    

4       MW                  July - August 2019                                                            
MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar
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MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

                                                                                          Rakuten Mobile and NEC
Wearable skin sensor detects                                                              to build first open vRAN
vibration for voice recognition                                                           in Japan
                                                                                          NEC Corporation has been selec-
Researchers at the Pohang University of      proportional to the acceleration of neck     ted to be the 5G network equipment
Science & Technology (Pohang, South          skin vibration at various sound pressure     provider for the world's first 5G open
Korea) have developed a                                       levels from 40 to 70 dB     vRAN architecture being built in Japan
flexible and wearable skin                                    of sound pressure level     by Rakuten Mobile. The partnership
vibration responsive sensor                                   (SPL). They then deve-      formed by the two companies will see
that can be used for voice                                    loped a vibration sensor    Rakuten and NEC jointly develop a
recognition in applications                                   consisting of an ultra-     3.7 GHz massive MIMO 5G antenna
such as security authen-                                      thin polymer film and       radio unit (RU) for the open vRAN archi-
tication, remote control                                      a diaphragm with tiny       tecture, which will be manufactured by
systems, and vocal healthcare.               holes that can sense voices quantitively     NEC at its facilities in Japan. The RU is
   When the sensor is attached to a          by measuring the acceleration of skin        ideal for 5G conditions as it is compact,
neck, it can precisely recognize voice       vibration.                                   lightweight and consumes a low level of
through vibration of the neck skin and          The researchers also successfully         power, which reduces installation and
- unlike a microphone on an external         showed that their device can accurately      operation costs.
portable device - is not affected by am-     recognize voice without vibrational dis-        Rakuten Mobile is currently building
bient noise or the volume of sound. This     tortion even in a noisy environment and      the world's first fully virtualized, end-to-
addresses problems with conventional         at a very low voice volume with the user     end cloud-native mobile network. This in-
vibration sensors that recognize voice       wearing a mouth mask. Their work, say        novative network is fully virtualized from
through air vibration, say the resear-       the researchers, can be further extended     radio access network to core and adopts
chers, as the sensitivity of such sensors    to various voice-recognition applications    5G systems architecture from launch.
decreases due to mechanical resonance        such as electronic skin, human-machine       Rakuten and NEC are already working
and damping effect, reducing their ability   interfaces, and wearable vocal health-       together on an end-to-end BSS/OSS
to measure voices quantitatively for pur-    care monitoring devices.                     system to support the mobile network
poses such as security authentication.                                                    launch and subsequent operations.
   In their study, the researchers 
demonstrated that voice pressure is          019-10465-w                        

Major milestone for LoRa in                                                               NXP, Microsoft focus on
                                                                                          IoT edge security
space                                                                                     In a major collaboration effort, chipmaker
                                                                                          NXP and Microsoft will deliver a secure
Lacuna Space has announced the suc-          provided by Nano Avionics, and Lacuna        hardware platform for Industrial IoT edge
cessful conclusion of the first phase of     is pleased to announce that the satellite    applications. This includes new versions
testing of a Space Gateway to provide        and the Space Gateway out-performed          of NXPs i.MX 8 processor, enhanced by
complete global coverage for LoRa® de-       expectations during the initial commis-      security IP from Microsoft. The ecosys-
vices and wireless radio frequency tech-     sioning phase.                               tem to be developed will be tightly en-
nology (LoRa Technology) to anywhere in          Thomas Telkamp CTO, Lacuna Space,        tangled with Microsoft’s cloud services.
the world, no matter how remote.             said that, “We have test systems deployed    The move includes long-term security
    Over the course of the last two years,   around the world in countries as diverse     updates for installations in the field.
Lacuna has been collaborating with           as South Africa, Netherlands, UK, USA,           The collaboration aims to deliver a new
Semtech Corporation to extend LoRa           India, Japan, Slovenia and the Reunion Is-   Microsoft Azure Sphere certified crossover
Technology connectivity to the whole         land, and we have shown that we are able     applications processor as an extension to
world. Lacuna Space has been develo-         to communicate effectively from anywhere     NXP’s i.MX 8 processor series. The goal
ping satellite gateways and working with     in the world, no matter how remote, to our   is delivering a secure, smart embedded
Semtech to evolve LoRa Technology to         LoRa-based Space Gateway.“                   processor for IoT edge applications that
enable direct communication from Lo-             Lacuna is aiming to be ready to per-     seamlessly runs Azure Sphere’s security
Ra-based devices to satellite gateways       form more extensive demonstrations with      platform. This processor will be based on
utilizing the LoRaWAN® protocol.             a select group of potential users towards    the Arm Cortex-A35 architecture with one
    Lacuna’s first satellite launch of the   the end of the year thanks to part funding   or two cores. It will also feature a power-
year was on 1st April 2019 from the          and support from the European Space          ful GPU and an HiFi4 DSP core for audio
Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India,         Agency and UK Space Agency.                  processing capabilities, all at very low
where it shared a ride to Low Earth Or-                                                   power consumption. The processor will be
bit with EMISAT and 27 other satellites.                             available in limited samples in Q4, 2020.
Lacuna’s LoRa-based Space Gateway  
was hosted on a 6U cubesat satellite                 

6       MW                  July - August 2019                                                          
MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

Zigbee Alliance drives
smart home, IoT product
                                                   Analog Devices invests in service
interoperability                                   and talent with bespoke UK HQ
The Zigbee Alliance has announced a ma-
jor initiative to make smart home and IoT          On Friday 14th June in a strategic lo-         such as Munich, Germany, Boston, US
products easier to develop, deploy, and            cation next to Heathrow airport, Analog        and Limerick, Ireland..
sell across ecosystems. The “All Hubs              Devices opened the doors of its new UK             Roughly a quarter of Analog Devices'
Initiative” is driven by a Zigbee Alliance         headquarters office                                              business comes form
workgroup comprised of leading IoT                 in Hayes, London, a                                              the EMEA region, with
companies including Amazon, Comcast,               location which will                                              around 10 percent that
Exegin, Kwikset, Landis+Gyr, Leedarson,            strengthen its ability                                           generated in the UK. The
Legrand, MMB Networks, NXP, Osram,                 to connect customers                                             UK is seen as strategi-
Schneider Electric, Silicon Labs, Somfy,           with the best enginee-                                           cally important not just
and many others with the goal of impro-            ring talent in the UK                                            in terms of business
ving interoperability between IoT devices          and overseas.                                                    volume and growth but
and consumer and commercial platforms.                 By locating its new                                          also due to a culture of
    This effort will result in a set of features   office in London, close to a fast Elizabeth    innovation and engineering talent. For
at the application and network layers of           Line link to the city centre and a short       Analog Devices, the UK has a good mix
Zigbee that will be incorporated into the          distance from Brunel University, Analog        of small, medium and large companies
upcoming 3.1 version of Zigbee. While              Devices has made itself accessible to          with no single large customer or region in
Zigbee Alliance members are able to par-           the capital’s huge pool of talent – not        the UK dominating in sales.
ticipate in this workgroup and contribute          only software and hardware engineers,              The site of the new office used to be
to and access these evolving specifica-            but also a vibrant community of en-            a vinyl record factory owned by EMI at
tions, the Alliance is publicly announcing         trepreneurs and start-up workers, as           which discs from the likes of the Beatles
this initiative as a number of smart home          well as skilled staff in non-engineering       and Rolling Stones were once pressed –
systems will add these features to their           disciplines.                                   a link to the UK’s long audio engineering
platform certification requirements ahead              Close to Heathrow airport, the new         heritage which is mirrored in the decora-
of the ratification of the full 3.1 feature set.   HQ office is also a convenient hub for         tion of the new office.
                                                   the company’s domain specialists lo-                                     cated in other Analog Devices locations

MediaTek 5G ready with
latest 7nm SoC
                                                   Startup developing mobile
MediaTek has revealed that it is ready
                                                   blockchain voting platform
for 5G with the introduction of its groun-
dbreaking chipset, a multi-mode, 7nm               Mobile election voting platform startup        infrastructure had ever been used in a
5G system-on-chip (SoC) that supports              Voatz (Boston, MA) has announced               US Federal Election.
LTE and 5G dual connectivity (EN-DC)               that it has raised $7 million in Series A         More recently, in March the company
with dynamic power sharing capability,             funding to further its goal of enabling ci-    announced a new pilot program with the
plus multi-mode support for every cellular         tizens to vote in many types of elections      City and County of Denver, CO to expand
connectivity generation from 2G to 5G.             and voting events via a secured smart-         absentee voting for deployed military per-
   Announced at at COMPUTEX, the                   phone or tablet. The Voatz platform uses       sonnel and overseas US citizens during
integrated 5G chipset, with the previously         biometrics, encryption, and blockchain         the city's 2019 municipal elections, which
announced MediaTek Helio M70 5G mo-                technology to increase convenience,            also concluded successfully. The com-
dem built in, packs world-leading tech-            security, and auditability to election sys-    pany says it has also partnered with state
nology into its compact design. The SoC            tems. The company says it plans to leve-       political parties, universities, labor unions,
includes Arm's latest Cortex-A77 CPU,              rage the funds to enhance the accessibi-       church groups and nonprofits.
Mali-G77 GPU and MediaTek's most ad-               lity and usability of its technology, and to      The funding round was led by Medici
vanced AI processing unit (APU) to meet            grow its security footprint as it launches     Ventures and Techstars, with participa-
the power and performance demands of               new pilot programs with states, cities,        tion from Urban Innovation Fund and
5G to deliver super fast connectivity and          and select international jurisdictions.        Oakhouse Partners.
extreme user experiences. The mul-                     Last year, the company conducted a            Voatz Co-Founder & CEO Nimit Sawh-
ti-mode 5G chipset is for 5G stand alone           successful pilot with 24 counties in West      ney comments, "We are committed to the
and non-stand alone (SA/NSA) sub-6GHz              Virginia during the 2018 midterm elec-         steady progress of mobile voting backed
networks. It supports connectivity from            tions where deployed military personnel        by blockchain technology to improve our
2G to 4G to bridge existing network ac-            and overseas US citizens leveraged the         election infrastructure and make remote
cess while 5G networks roll out globally.          platform to cast their ballots. The pilot      voting more accessible and safer."
                                                   represented the first time that mobile                                   voting secured by a blockchain-based                                                                                July - August 2019        MW                       7
MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar

Radar chip 'sees' both inside and outside the
Israeli startup Vayyar has launched a ra-    infant is covered by a blanket or hidden       while the cost of LIDAR at the moment is
dar chip that enables in-cabin passenger     in a car seat or in the foot well. The com-    holding back mass deployment.
location and classifi-                                            pany's exterior sys-         “Today, existing radar systems do
cation, occupant size,                                            tems map and classify     not deliver 4D point cloud capabili-
vital sign and posture                                            the car’s surroundings    ties. Vayyar is the first to close the gap
analysis, as well as 360°                                         to enable enhanced        between the robustness of radars and
exterior mapping, inclu-                                          parking assistance,       the resolution of LiDAR and optics. Our
ding monitoring cars,                                             blind spot detec-         real-time, 4D point cloud system can
objects and pedestrians                                           tion, lane switching      work in any environmental condition and
around a vehicle.                                                 assistance, automatic     doesn’t compromise one’s privacy. We
    The company’s                                                 speed and distance        believe our sensors will create a shift in
single-chip imaging                                               control, and alerts for   the way the automotive industry will use
radar constructs a real-time, high-reso-     height obstacles, obstructions and more.       radar in the future,” said Ian Podkamien,
lution 4D visualization of both in-cabin        This latest advance in automotive ra-       Director of Automotive Business Deve-
and car exterior environments through        dar capabilities is especially poignant in     lopment for Vayyar Imaging.
the acquisition of dynamic point clouds.     light of recent comments by Elon Musk             Vayyar’s Radar on a Chip (ROC) has
A single chip point cloud can display the    on LIDAR and that Tesla has not plans          48 transceivers operating at 76-81 GHz
dimension, shape, location and move-         to use the technology. One of the key          which allows over 2000 virtual channels.
ment of people and objects, enabling         issues facing LIDAR systems is cost and        The chip also consists of an internal
the complete classification of the car’s     size. The advantage of LIDAR is its high       DSP for real-time signal processing. This
environment, regardless of bad lighting      accuracy. However, radar, when imple-          single chip system is easily integrated
or harsh weather conditions.                 mented on a chip, offers a more cost-ef-       into existing automotive framework,
    In-cabin solutions include seat belt     fective approach and is capable of             reducing the overall cost and number of
reminders, optimized airbag deployment,      delivering a high degree of autonomous         sensors needed for the vehicle.
gesture control, driver drowsiness alerts,   driving on its own. Radar is available
and infant detection alarms, even if the     now to develop autonomous systems,   

GPS/LoRa based personal tracker works without
mobile network
How do you keep track of exactly where          The system, which met all the above         continuously report the exact position
service and rescue personnel are at a        requirements, uses a GPS receiver to           of the wearer to the control center. In
large event? The Fraunhofer Institute FIT    determine the location and the LoRa            addition, the trackers are equipped with
has developed such a system based on         radio protocol to transmit the data to the     a kind of “panic button”. When activated,
both GPS and LoRa. It even works when        control center. LoRa is a radio protocol       the position of the corresponding unit is
the mobile network fails, is overloaded or   designed for the "Internet of Things" and      highlighted on the digital location map
in places where such a network does not      enables ranges of several kilometers.          and the responsible persons are provided
exist at all.                                The system was tested at the major             with additional information.
   As part of the MONICA (Manage-            event "Rhein in Flammen", where tens of            In the course of the event, police,
ment of Networked IoT Wearables - Very       thousands of spectators watch a series         fire, rescue and law enforcement forces
Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural        of fireworks on the Rhine river every year.    tested a total of 45 trackers. It is said that
Societal Applications) research project,     During the test, the entire event area was     the system met all requirements.
a consortium led by Fraunhofer FIT has       covered completely and redundantly with            The system, consisting of trackers, an-
developed a GPS/LoRa based tracker           only two antennas. "The advantage of our       tennas and the digital location map, was
system that determines the exact location    system is that it functions independently      developed by Fraunhofer FIT as part of
of people in a large crowd and displays it   of the mobile phone network and at the         the EU MONICA project and is suitable for
in an operations center. For example, the    same time hardly needs to be set up its        large events of all kinds. MONICA fathoms
organizers of mega-events can see at any     own infrastructure," explains Marco Jahn       out to what extent sensor technology and
time where employees of the law enfor-       of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied        the Internet of Things can improve the
cement forces, service staff, emergency      Information Technology FIT.                    security of visitors at major events. The
doctors or firefighters are located. The        The trackers are about the size of a        project, funded by the European Union
location of these people is displayed in     car key and can be attached to clothing        with 15 million euros, started in 2017.
real time on a digital map of the location   or stored in the pockets of security
in an operations centre.                     personnel. Their basic function is to

8       MW                  July - August 2019                                                             
MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar
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MW RF - Microwave - 5G NR Test Radar
Test – 5G NR

5G NR network rollout is now – let’s test!
By Arnd Sibila, Technology Marketing Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing

3GPP release 15 specifies the initial 5G
standardization framework of the radio
access network called 5G New Radio
(5G NR). The standard contains a high
degree of flexibility in radio parameters,
which complicates network measure-             Table 1: 5NR flexibility in frequency domain parameters.
ments. However, Rohde & Schwarz has
already conducted measurements in
pre-commercial 5G NR trial networks
with its commercially available 5G NR
network measurement solution. We
gained interesting insights into the new
technology’s performance, capabilities
and frequency bands.
     The mobile communications industry
undertook a paradigm shift in defining
the next generation of mobile communi-
cations. Before discussing new techno-
logies like in all previous generations, the
industry researched and assessed the
use cases and needs that 5G should ful-        Figure 1: Bandwidth parts (BWP) in 5G NR – Source: Rohde & Schwarz.
fill. After a general agreement about the
use cases, requirements were defined,
including data rates, carrier bandwidths,
latency values, number of devices, etc.
     It was only after having reached
a consensus on use cases and re-
quirements that the 3GPP identified,
discussed and evaluated candidate
technologies. 3GPP release 15, issued
in March, June and September 2018,
specified the initial 5G standardization
framework for the radio access network
(RAN) called 5G NR.
     5G NR is the global standard for
providing a unified, more capable 5G
wireless air interface. It will deliver
significantly faster and more responsive
mobile broadband experiences, and
it will extend mobile technology to
connect and redefine a multitude of
new industries.                                Figure 2: Details of the SS/PBCH block in 5G NR – Source: Rohde & Schwarz.

HOW DOES 5G NR DIFFER                             The 5G NR specification embraces             chitecture needs to offer many options.
FROM LTE?                                      flexibility. It aims to include different use   Table 1 shows the flexibility of frequen-
LTE radio access (or, in 3GPP terms,           case families – from enhanced mobile            cy-specific parameters.
eUTRAN) is an OFMD based techno-               broadband (eMBB) and massive ma-                    To cope with the different 5G NR use
logy with a fixed subcarrier spacing of        chine type communications (MIoT) to ul-         cases and demands per service, 3GPP
15 kHz that supports carrier bandwidths        tra-reliable, low latency communications        defines the concept of bandwidth parts
from 1.4 MHz up to 20 MHz. LTE has a           (URLLC) – that span across industries.          (BWP). Each BWP has a fixed numero-
packet-switched architecture that sup-            These different use cases require            logy (fixed subcarrier spacing, number
ports a wide range of data applications.       a wide variety of air interface charac-         and location of the resource block,
Voice is also supported as voice over LTE      teristics in terms of frequency range,          symbol duration, etc.).
(VoLTE) or using fallback mechanisms to        subcarrier spacing, carrier bandwidths,            User equipment (UE) can be confi-
3G and circuit-switched technologies.          symbol durations, etc.; the network ar-         gured with up to four carrier bandwidth

10       MW                  July - August 2019                                                            
Test – 5G NR

parts in downlink/uplink, but at any        important and challenging, despite nu-      COVERAGE IN 3.7 GHZ FREQUENCY
given time only a single downlink/uplink    merous simulations executed by industry     RANGE
carrier bandwidth part can be active.       players. Conducting measurements in         Bearing in mind the higher than nor-
The downlink control information (DCI),     pre-commercial network trials is the only   mal frequency band, it was surprising
radio resource control (RRC) or a timer     way to gain new insights and to overco-     how the 5G NR beamforming capabi-
can trigger the switch of the active        me doubts and uncertainties before the      lities benefit the achievable coverage.
BWP (see Figure 1).                         technology’s commercial launch.             In a suburban environment, the test
   Another significant difference               With pre-commercial 5G NR network       engineers could measure a reference
between LTE and 5G NR is the position       trials underway, Rohde & Schwarz mo-        signal’s received power (RSRP) on the
of the synchronization signals, na-         bile network testing (MNT) has already      synchronization signals of –125 dBm
mely the primary (PSS) and secondary        had the opportunity to execute 5G NR        at a distance of 6.5 km from the base
synchronization signals (SSS) within the    field measurements. In collaboration        station. They expected that 5G NR UEs
carrier. Synchronization signals are very   with a tier-1 mobile network operator,      could connect to base stations at signal
important. They are the first information   measurements in the 3.7 GHz frequency       levels down to –120 dBm (see Figure 4).
that mobile devices need to identify in     band were conducted in a European               Figure 5 shows the SSB index
order to access the network.                country as early as 2018.                   “beams” or the “micro sectors” very
   In LTE, the sync signals are always
located in the center of the carrier
bandwidth; this makes them easy to
find. In 5G NR, the sync signals are part
of the SS/PBCH block (also called syn-
chronization signal block, SSB) contai-
ning the physical broadcast channel
(PBCH) information. These SS/PBCH
blocks can be located at multiple posi-     Figure 3: The SSB index beams are static and can be considered micro sectors –
tions all over the carrier bandwidth and    Source: Rohde & Schwarz.
are broadcast periodically as defined
symbols in the radio frames and diffe-
rent beams versus time (see Figure 2).

Beamforming as a technology is not new,
but with 5G, beamforming is not only
applied to user-specific data streams
but also to synchronization signals and
broadcast channel information. Beamfor-
ming can be implemented with antenna
arrays on the base station side, where      Figure 4: The 5G NR
different groups of antenna elements (dy-   beamforming
namically allocated) form beams to diffe-   capabilities benefit the
rent users depending on their phases        achievable
and amplitudes related to each other.       coverage – Source:
   Using beamforming also for synchro-      Rohde & Schwarz.
nization signals and broadcast channel
information provides better overall
coverage thanks to the higher antenna
gain. The synchronization signal block
(SSB) in 5G NR can carry beam-specific
information (SSB index). These SSB
index “beams” are static and can be
considered micro sectors, e.g. eight
micro sectors in one macro sector for
the 3.7 GHz case (see Figure 3).

Understanding 5G NR coverage in real-
life environments is just as important
as it is for all other technologies. The
introduction of new frequencies and fea-
tures, such as 3.7 GHz and beamforming      Figure 5: The SSB index “beams” of one PCI with color code added – Source:
respectively, make testing particularly     Rohde & Schwarz.                                                                     July - August 2019     MW                   11
Test – 5G NR

clearly. The outer color layer represents       Network complexity will increase
the SSB indices as explained in the          with the emergence of new cellular use
color code. For a better overview, the       cases and more demanding subscri-
colored micro sectors have been added        ber and machine QoE, enabled by the
to the screenshot.                           rollout of technologies such as 5G and
    For the trials, the tier-1 mobile        internet of things (IoT). Therefore, it be-
network operator trusted the commer-         comes more critical to understand the
cially available Rohde & Schwarz 5G          current network situation and pinpoint
NR network measurement solution.             areas for development that will efficient-
It comprises an R&S TSME6 or an              ly deliver the required performance. To
R&S TSMA6 network scanner for data           measure and analyze pre-commercial
collection and the R&S ROMES4 drive          5G NR trials and very early deploy-
test software suite for analysis and         ments, a real-time analysis tool (such         Figure 6: The 5G NR network mea-
visualization. Equipped with an anten-       as R&S ROMES4) is sufficient. Network          surement solution comprising an
na, the 5G NR measurement solution           measurements in commercial 5G NR               R&S TSME6 scanner, antenna and the
fits into a backpack or shoulder bag for     networks require a sophisticated post-         R&S ROMES software – Source: Rohde
convenient and efficient drive and walk      processing tool for data analytics.            & Schwarz.
testing (see Figure 6 and Figure 7).            For accurate network engineering,
     The described 5G NR network             benchmarking, monitoring and optimi-
measurement solution can be ex-              zation, it is necessary to process a large
panded to a frequency range of up to         quantity of complex data and produce
30 GHz (FR2) using the downconverter         clear, easy-to-understand intelligence
R&S TSME30DC. To avoid an impact             in a network in order to make better de-
of the body of the test engineer on the      cisions. Correct decisions can only be
measurement results, Rohde & Schwarz         made when they are based on reliable
offers a backpack that allows to mount       and accurate data, processed quickly
the 5G NR mmwave receive antenna             and appropriately. By processing data
above the head level (see Figure 8).         acquired from the end-user perspective,
                                             the Rohde & Schwarz data analytics
5G NR UE BASED NETWORK                       tool SmartAnalytics provides a precise         Figure 7: The 5G NR network mea-
MEASUREMENTS                                 and clear assessment of an operator’s          surement solution (here: R&S TSMA6
Another important part of 5G NR network      own network quality (QoE from the end-         scanner and R&S ROMES) with its
testing is using 5G NR devices such          user perspective) and its competitive          handy shoulder bag – Source: Rohde &
as evaluation boards, USB dongles,           position in the market.                        Schwarz.
pre-commercial and commercial smart-            SmartAnalytics provides visibility of
phones as they become available. This        the main factors influencing network per-
will provide insights into network quality   formance and QoE status, its context,
regarding quality of experience (QoE) of     development trends, problems and pos-
applications, the interaction of devices     sible degradation causes. Thanks to the
with the real 5G NR networks and the         network performance score integrated in
device performance itself.                   SmartAnalytics, network operators can
   Such 5G NR UE based measure-              identify strategic areas for investment.
ments include NR serving cell informa-       As a result, mobile operators can effi-
tion such as NR DL ARFCN, PCI and            ciently deliver optimal end-user QoE and
SSB index, layer 1 RSRP / RSRQ, layer        move ahead of the competition, which
2 PDSCH, PDCP, PUSCH information,            leads to a higher number of subscribers,
LTE-NR EN-DC L3 signaling and appli-         a lower cost base and access to new
cation layer information (see Figure 9).     revenue streams (see Figure 10).
    The R&S ROMES4 software suite                  SmartAnalytics is a flexible tool that
for in-field real-time analysis supports     encompasses different mobile network
the connection of the first-on-the-mar-      testing use cases, such as engineering,
ket Qualcomm X50 based UEs for 5G            optimization, monitoring and benchmar-
NR measurements. Rohde & Schwarz             king, using the same user interface and
has demonstrated this capability of its      platform. It eliminates the need for se-
network measurement solutions during         parate test platforms, removes compa-
the introduction of previous mobile          tibility issues and provides a seamless
communications technologies.                 interface across each stage of the
                                             network testing lifecycle. This provides
5G NR DATA ANALYTICS                         OPEX and CAPEX efficiencies in test            Figure 8: The 5G NR network measure-
Delivering excellent quality of experience   resources, equipment and execution.            ment solution for mmwave frequencies
to end users is a primary objective for                                                     (here: R&S TSMA6 scanner, R&S TS-
mobile network operators in order to re-     CONCLUSION                                     ME30DC downconverter, antenna and
tain subscribers, attract new customers      With the 5G NR network rollout clear-          R&S ROMES) in a convenient back-
and competitively position themselves.       ly on the horizon, network operators           pack – Source: Rohde & Schwarz

12      MW                  July - August 2019                                                        
Test – 5G NR

worldwide are planning pre-commercial
network trials or even starting com-
mercial network rollouts. The aim is
to overcome the challenge of a more
demanding and complex air interface
and deliver the commercial and techni-
cal benefits offered by 5G.
   A 5G NR measurement solution
should provide accurate and reliable
data collection with coverage measure-
ments, application QoE measurements,
and verification of the device interaction
with a real 5G NR network.
   The data analytics of this solution
should comprise the entire network
testing lifecycle, from network enginee-
ring and optimization to benchmarking
and monitoring, and have the following
objectives:                                   Figure 9: 5G user equipment measurements with the R&S ROMES4 software suite
   � To effectively store, process and       – Source: Rohde & Schwarz.
      visualize big data;
   � To gain deep network insights;
   � To ultimately build intelligence for
      investment prioritization based on
      the most critical factors influencing
      network performance and QoE.

   Rohde & Schwarz fulfills all these re-
quirements from a single source with its
end-to-end 5G NR network measure-             Figure 10: SmartAnalytics processes the data acquired for the end-user perspec-
ment solution in line with the company’s      tive e.g. by drive tests – Source: Rohde & Schwarz.
slogan “Be ahead in 5G. Turn visions
into reality”.

� 5G NR: 	5th Mobile Generation
                   New Radio
� BWP: 		         Bandwidth Part
� DCI: 		Downlink Control
� eMBB: 	Enhanced Mobile
� EN-DC: 	E-UTRA – NR Dual
� E-UTRA: 	Enhanced UMTS Ter-
                   restrial Radio Access
                   (3GPP naming for LTE)
� LTE: 		         Long Term Evolution
� mMTC: 	Massive Machine Type
�N  R DL ARFCN: 	New Radio Down-            Figure 11: Network benchmarking (radio technologies) with R&S SmartAnalytics –
                   link Absolute Radio        Source: Rohde & Schwarz.
                   Frequency Channel
                   Number                     � PSS: 		Primary                        � SS: 		       Synchronization Signal
� OFMD: 	Orthogonal                                     Synchronization Signal        � SSB Index: 	Synchronization Signal
                   Frequency-Division         � PUSCH: 	Physical Uplink Shared                       Block Index
                   Multiplexing                           Channel                       � SSS: 		Secondary
� PBCH: 	Physical Broadcast                 � QoE:		   Quality of Experience                        Synchronization Signal
                   Channel                    � RAN:		   Radio Access Network          � URLLC:       U
                                                                                                        ltra-Reliable Low La-
� PCI: 		         Physical Cell Identity     � RRC:		Radio Resource Control                          tency Communications
� PDCP: 	Packet Data                        � RSRP: 	Reference Signal                � UE: 		       User Equipment
                   Convergence Protocol                   Received Power                � VoLTE:       Voice over LTE
� PDSCH: 	Physical Downlink                 � RSRQ: 	Reference Signal
                   Shared Channel                         Received Quality                                                                         July - August 2019     MW                 13

LoRaWAN puts security first
By David Armour, Senior Product Manager, Semtech Corporation

Traditionally, security has been an after-
thought in computer network designs,
which has helped make many of them
vulnerable to hacking. But the LoRaWAN
low-power wide area network (LPWAN)
provides an example of a network
technology that was designed from the
outset to take security into account.
    An LPWAN can provide an enticing
target to hackers. It offers low-cost,
reliable connectivity over distances of
10km and sometimes more. This makes
the networks much easier to find than
private short-range WiFi and Bluetooth
networks and attacks can potentially be
staged from many locations.
    The devices that LPWANs connect
are also of high interest to malicious
users. For example, smart-city systems
use LPWANs to automate the collec-
tion of meter data and perform control
and monitoring functions of the urban
infrastructure. Systems use this data            In contrast to some cellular communi-       To support these requirements, at
to show parking availability and control     cations systems, LoRaWAN implements          manufacture, each LoRaWAN device is
when refuse is collected. Utilities are      end-to-end encryption for the application    personalised with a unique 128bit AES
using LPWANs to collect data from re-        data transferred between sensor nodes        key, known in the protocol as the App-
mote substations. And farmers are ma-        and application servers. Cellular networks   Key. The device is also provided with a
king use of the technology to monitor        may encrypt data packets for transfers       globally unique identifier, DevEUI, that is
livestock and crops all day, every day.      over the wireless part of the network.       based on the IEEE EUI64 address space.
    LoRaWAN itself has emerged as            But the packets are then decrypted to        Each network has its own identifier:
the dominant open specification for          plaintext when they are transferred over     based on a 24bit address range and
LPWANs. As of 2018, there are more           the operator’s core network. To provide      managed by the LoRa Alliance.
than 500 vendors in the LoRaWAN eco-         end-to-end encryption, users need to            The AppKey is central to the over-
system with some 60 service providers        select and manage additional security        the-air activation or join procedure in
operating public networks around the         protocols such as TLS. These add an ex-      LoRaWAN. It ensures that both end
world.                                       tra processing burden to the sensor node     device and the network infrastructure
    The types of systems for which           that will reduce battery life.               can agree that they are talking to legiti-
LoRaWAN is designed place a number              In creating the security mechanisms       mate systems and so continue to bring
of constraints on designers that are not     for LoRaWAN, the protocol designers          the device onboard. To initiate the join
found in many traditional networking         decided to employ the AES cryptogra-         procedure, the device issues a request
technologies. Low power and low cost         phic algorithms. These algorithms have       that is forwarded to a Join Server that
are essential. Some devices that need        been analysed by the cryptographic           performs the initial authentication
to communicate over LoRaWAN may              community for many years, are appro-         routines, such as checking the device’s
only keep running thanks to energy           ved by NIST and have become widely           AppKey. The method used to determine
harvesting. This calls for a security in-    adopted as reliable and effective for        the validity of the AppKey is the AES
frastructure that can operate efficiently    constrained nodes and networks.              cipher-based message-authentication
and rules out more heavyweight sys-             To join a LoRaWAN network, each de-       code (CMAC) protocol.
tems that were developed for desktops        vice must provide credentials that satisfy      Once the AES-CMAC has been com-
and servers that access the internet.        a network server that it is a legitimate     puted and verified, the join server and
But the protocol cannot skimp on pro-        user. Conversely, the device needs to        device create a pair of session keys.
tections and weak encryption schemes.        be able to tell whether it is connected      One is the NwkSKey, which is used
Networks and devices need to be sure         to systems for which it is designed.         to protect LoRaWAN network com-
when they operate on a network they          This ensures that only genuine and           mands; the other is the AppSKey, which
are talking to legitimate systems. And       authorised devices will be connected to      encrypts the application data. The
they need to use proven technologies.        genuine and authentic networks.              keys are distributed to the LoRaWAN

14      MW                  July - August 2019                                                         

network server and relevant application        gement system (KMS) that
servers, respectively. This maintains a        is responsible for distribu-
separation between application data            ting keys to systems that
and network management messages.               need them. For example,
This avoids the need to share keys             a KMS can make root
with the network operator. Users can           keys available to the Join
be sure packets containing application         Server so that it can per-
data simply pass through the LoRaWAN           form the required AppKey
gateways and network routers without           check and handle the
the risk of snooping or man-in-the-            initial session-key genera-
middle attacks.                                tion routines.
    All traffic sent and received by a             Similarly, the KMS can be res-            secure companion integrated circuit (IC)
sensor node is protected using the             ponsible for providing the AppKey to          that is programmed with the AppKey
two session keys. The payload of each          each device when it is ready to be            and which takes care of the AES pro-
packet is encrypted using the AES              programmed during manufacture, pro-           cessing on behalf of the MCU. Crypto-
counter mode (AES-CTR). This embeds            duction test or installation. To ensure       graphic acceleration is also an effective
a frame counter and message integrity          high security when requests are made          hardware-based security feature to
code (MIC) computed using the NwkS-            to the KMS, two-factor authentication         reduce transaction times significantly as
Key code in the payload. The combina-          or similar techniques can be employed.        well as power consumption.
tion of protections prevents packet-re-        In a typical scenario, an end-of-line             With a sufficiently secure MCU, once
play attacks, in which a hacker inserts        tester requests a key for each device         it is programmed into on-chip flash
data in a message and retransmits it           that it probes using previously created       there is no mechanism to read out
into the data stream.                          session keys to encrypt the transaction.      the raw key. Physical protections can
    Although LoRaWAN enforces secu-            A second factor, such as the correct          zero out on-chip keys if they detect an
rity as part of its core design, a number      response to a challenge issued by the         attack that shows a high risk of com-
of aspects are outside the control of          KMS, ensures that only the authorised         promise. This ensures that the AppKey
the protocol designers and need to be          tester is provided with the requested         and other secure credentials cannot be
taken care of by the applications de-          AppKey. The LoRa-Alliance defines for         stolen and misused.
veloper or integrator. The key elements        network service providers a back-end              Thanks to the decision to take
that need attention are key manage-            specification for methods to allow a          security into account when designing
ment and provisioning.                         Join Server to make secure requests to        the protocol, LoRaWAN’s designers
    An important aspect of LoRaWAN             a user’s KMS.                                 have succeeded in building an LPWAN
security is that it uses symmetric-key             Once delivered to the end device, the     that can cope with the challenges of
cryptography. Each root key that is            AppKey needs to be stored securely so         today’s IoT. Supported by an effective
dedicated to a sensor node needs to be         that it cannot be read out and misused        key-management infrastructure and
made available to a corresponding ser-         by a hacker who gains access to the           choice of secure hardware for devices,
ver application for the required session       hardware either physically or through         integrators can achieve a high level of
keys to be generated. To manage the            network-based attacks. A microcontrol-        confidence that their systems are not
keys that will be used by server appli-        ler (MCU) with secure on-chip storage         vulnerable to hackers.
cations and programmed into devices,           can satisfy this requirement. Alterna-
the user needs to employ a key mana-           tively, the MCU can be paired with a

CEVA-powered Nurlink eNB-IoT SoC completes call
on NB-IoT network
CEVA and Nurlink Technology have an-           chip size and cost of the solution. It sup-      The CEVA-Dragonfly NB2 IP is a
nounced the successful completion of the       ports full NB-IoT frequency bands with        modular technology, composed of the
first over-the-air (OTA) call on China Tele-   major global carriers, ensuring smooth        CEVA-X1 IoT processor, an optimized
com’s NB-IoT network using the Nurlink         and rapid certification of devices on any     RF transceiver, baseband, and a proto-
NK6010 NB-IoT System-on-Chip (SoC).            NB-IoT commercial network around the          col stack to offer a complete Release
    NK6010 is an ultra-low cost and            world. The SoC also includes an ex-           14 Cat-NB2 modem IP that significantly
power-efficient NB-IoT SoC designed            tremely low-power multi-GNSS subsys-          reduces time-to-market and lowers
specifically for narrowband connectivi-        tem, which supports GPS/Beidou/Galil-         entry barriers.
ty in mass market IoT devices such as          eo/GLONASS global navigation systems.            Dragonfly NB2 IP is a fully soft-
smart meters, wearables, asset trackers        This subsystem allows fast positioning        ware-configurable and can be extend-
and industrial sensors. Based on the CE-       while also supporting highly-accurate de-     ed with multi-constellation GNSS and
VA-Dragonfly NB2, the SoC incorporates         vice tracking. NK6010 is currently under-     sensor fusion functionality.
RF front-end, RF transceiver, cellular         going testing with operators worldwide
baseband, power management unit and            and expected to enter mass production
application processor, to minimize the         later this year.                                                                                              July - August 2019      MW                   15
Radar – PSMR

Power Supply Modulation Ratio demystified: How
does PSMR differ from PSRR?
ByPeter Delos Analog Devices, Inc.

ABSTRACT                                    power supply based
Many radar systems require low phase        on supply data sheet
noise to maximize clutter rejection. High   specifications of ripple
performance radars demand careful           and noise.
attention to phase noise, leading to
significant design investment in lowe-      THEORY
ring phase noise of synthesizers and        Consider ripple on the
characterizing the phase noise of syn-      dc power supply for an
thesizer components.                        RF component. Supply Figure 1: Sine wave ripple on a power supply modulates
    Low phase noise performance—in          ripple is modeled as a onto the RF carrier to create spurious signals.
particular, ultralow phase noise perfor-    sine wave signal with
mance—is known to require low noise         a peak-to-peak voltage
power supplies to achieve the best per-     centered about the dc
formance. What is not well documented       output. The sine wave is
is a systematic approach to quantify the    modulated onto the RF
impact of power supply noise voltage        carrier, creating spurious
levels on phase noise. This article aims    signals at frequency
to change that.                             offsets equal to the sine
    The theory of the power supply          wave frequency.
modulation ratio (PSMR)—a measure               The level of the spurs
of how power supply imperfections are       is a function of both the
modulated onto the RF carrier—is pre-       sine wave amplitude and
sented. An RF amplifier is characterized    the sensitivity of the RF
by, and measured results demonstrate        circuit. The spurious si-
that, the power supply noise contribution   gnal can be broken down
to phase noise can be calculated and        further into both an ampli-
fairly accurately predicted. Based on the   tude modulated compo-
result, a systematic approach for power     nent and a phase mo-
supply specification is also discussed.     dulated component. The       Figure 2: Spurious level versus mrms and Ørms.
                                            total spurious power level
INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITION                 equals the spur power
The power supply modulation ratio           from the amplitude modulated (AM)
is analogous to the well-known term         component plus the spur power from the                                            (2)
power supply rejection ratio (PSRR),        phase modulated (PM) component.              where fm is the modulation frequency.
but differs by a key point. PSRR is a           For the discussion here, H(s) is the
measure of how much the power supply        transfer function from the power supply      The AM modulation level of the RF car-
imperfections are directly coupled to a     imperfections to an unwanted modu-           rier can be directly related to the power
component’s output. PSMR is a mea-          lation term on the RF carrier. H(s) also     supply ripple by
sure of how power supply imperfections      has AM and PM components. The AM
of ripple and noise are modulated onto      component of H(s) is Hm (s) and the                                               (3)
an RF carrier.                              PM component of H(s) is H∅ (s). The          where vrms is the rms value of the ac
   The Theory section below introduces      following equations make use of H(s)         component of the power supply vol-
H(s), a transfer function relating PSMR     for practical RF measurements, with the      tage. Equation 3 is the critical equation
to power supply imperfections—how           assumption of low levels of modulation       that provides a mechanism to calculate
they are quantifiably modulated onto        acceptable for power supply impact on        the AM modulation of the RF carrier due
the carrier. H(s) has both amplitude and    an RF carrier.                               to power supply ripple.
phase components, and can vary as a             Amplitude modulation of a signal can
function of frequency and component         be written as                                The spurious level can be calculated
operating conditions. Despite the nu-          					                                     from the amplitude modulation by
mber of variables, once characterized,                                           (1)
the power supply modulation ratio can                                                                                         (4)
be used to accurately predict phase         The amplitude modulation component
noise and spurious contributions from       m(t) can be written as

16      MW                 July - August 2019                                                      
Radar – PSMR

                                                                        Leading in Innovation
                                                                        1.0 mm (110 GHz) Edge Launch Connectors with Test Boards
                                                                        Using our innovative design techniques these 110 GHz connectors
                                                                        and boards were developed and tested within 4 months.

Figure 3: 1/f noise on a power supply modulates onto the RF
carrier to create phase noise.

The power supply impact to phase modulation can be similar-
ly written. A phase modulated signal is
                                                            Narrow Body Edge Launch Connectors (40, 50 and 70 GHz)

                                                            Our innovative low profile design allowed us to easily make a narrow
                                  (5)                       body version targeted to a 100 ohm differential design.

The phase modulated term is


Again, the phase modulation can be directly related to the Narrow Profile Standard Profile
power supply by
   								 Elements of an Edge Launch Test Board Assembly
                                 (7)                          C


Equation 7 provides a mechanism to calculate the PM modula-
tion of the RF carrier due to power supply ripple. The spurious

level due to phase modulation is                              CM


                                                                                             Bottom                     Bottom
                                                                             Connector       Clamp       Test Board     Clamp      Connector

   To help visualize the spurious impact of mrms and ∅rms, a plot
of the spurious level versus mrms and ∅rms is shown in Figure 2.
                                                                         Turnkey 40 GHz TRL/LRL Test System
To summarize this discussion, ripple on the power supply trans-
lates to modulation terms mrms and ∅rms from a sine wave rms
voltage on the power supply of vrms. Hm (s) and H∅ (s) are the
transfer functions from vrms to mrms and ∅rms, respectively.
   Now, consider phase noise. Just as a sine wave modulates
onto the carrier to create spurious signals, a 1/f voltage noise
density modulates onto the carrier to create phase noise
(Figure 3).
   Again, if we consider a signal x(t) with a phase modulation,

In this case ∅(t) is a noise term.
                                                                            TRL/LRL Calibration Board

The power spectral density is defined as
                                                                         Image made using COMSOL        PCB Design Resources
                                                                         Multiphysics® software
                           with units of             (10)                and provided courtesy          for Board Mount Connectors
                                                                         of COMSOL.                     • 3D models for simulation are available
                                                                                                          at no charge to help customers in their
                                                                                                          own development efforts.
Phase noise is defined from the power spectral density as
   								                                                                                             • A technical paper,“Transparent
                                                                                                          Connections for 5G and WiGig Testing”
                                                                                                          that describes using 3D modeling
                                                                                                          tools to design board launches.

Next, the same H∅ (s) used for spurs produced from phase                 Visit our website for details
modulation created from power supply ripple is applied to       • 480-322-4992
phase noise. In this case H∅ (s) is used to calculate phase              For a copy of our new product brochure
noise from 1/f noise on the power supply.			                             email us at
    								                                                             Copyright © 2019 Signal Microwave, LLC
                                			(12)                                                                             July - August 2019            MW                           17
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