MSc CDA Master of Science in -

Page created by Allan Love
MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in
Computing and Data Analytics

September 2022 Admission
MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in Computing and Data Analytics

    Learn. Apply. Innovate.
    The primary focus of the professional 16-month MSc CDA program at Saint Mary’s University is
    to develop highly qualified computing and data analytics professionals who will drive innovation
    and organizational success. MSc CDA prepares students for rewarding and lucrative careers
    through experiential learning opportunities and intensive industry interaction.

    Students in the Master of Science in Computing                   MSc CDA students learn from award-winning
    and Data Analytics program focus on two                          faculty from the Faculty of Science and the Sobey
    growth areas:                                                    School of Business, internationally recognized
    •   Software design, development, customization,                 with the prestigious AACSB accreditation. Fewer
        and management                                               than 5% of the world’s business programs have
                                                                     earned AACSB, the highest worldwide standard
    •   Data analytics and business intelligence:
                                                                     for business schools.
        the acquisition, storage, management, and
        analysis of huge amounts of data to improve                  MSc CDA partners with local, national, and
        efficiency, innovation, and decision making                  international organizations to help students
                                                                     develop in-demand analytics skills and knowledge,
                                                                     leading to exceptional career opportunities.

    Smarter, faster                     Expertise                    Build                             Working with
    artificial                          in demand                    in-demand skills                  industry
    intelligence                        Demand for advanced          An overriding MSc CDA goal        All courses feature
                                        data analytics skills and    is to infuse the entire program   industry instructors, giving
    Over 75% of enterprises will
                                        computing expertise          with software, tools, and         students real-world
    be using AI by the end of
                                        (computer programming,       insights from industry leaders    learning experiences and
    2024, driving a 5x increase in
                                        product development,         in big data, analytics, and       exponentially expanding their
    streaming data and analytics
                                        quality engineering, etc.)   business intelligence.            professional networks.
                                        continues to rise.
    (Source: Gartner Top 10 Trends in
    Data and Analytics for 2020).

MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in Computing and Data Analyticcs

Program structure
MSc CDA is typically completed in 16 months over four
consecutive terms. The courses feature technology, platforms,      September to December
languages, and techniques that are relevant to industry.
                                                                   Fall Term • (4 months)
To ensure students can adapt to industry needs/trends, the
program provides exposure to a broad range of technologies
such as: Java/J2EE, C#/.Net, JavaScript: node/angular/react,       1. Software Development in
HTML5, PHP, iOS, Android, Rest API, Amazon Web Services
                                                                      Business Environment
(AWS), IBM Bluemix, Azure, SAS, Cognos, SQL/MySQL,
NoSQL/Mongo DB, Blockchain, R, Python, Watson, Hadoop,             2. Statistics and its
Spark, and Hive.                                                      Applications in Business
In the first two semesters of the MSc CDA program, students        3. UI/UX Design and
are introduced to software development and big data analytics
                                                                      Quality Engineering
challenges and solutions through eight foundation courses.
The program’s unique tutoring and technical mentorship             4. Managing and
includes group sessions, one-on-one instruction, and practice.        Programming Databases
Although not courses per se, students attend a series of
workshops on industry relevant topics and participate in various
competitions to hone their technical and professional skills.      January to April
Examples include:                                                  Winter Term • (4 months)
•   Learning Spark from a Data Engineer, Mobivity Inc.
•   Salesforce Saturday, Cloudkettle Inc.
                                                                   1. Web, Mobile, and Cloud
•   Data for Good - Poverty Hackathon,                                Application Development
    Chief Data Office, Government of Canada
                                                                   2. Business Intelligence and
•   Innovative Design for Accessibility (IDeA),
                                                                      Data Visualization
    Universities Canada student competition
•   Retail Hackathon, David Sobey Centre for Innovation in         3. Big Data and Information
    Retailing and Services                                            Technology Management
•   IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence              4. Data and Text Mining

                                                                   May to December
                                                                   Summer and Fall Terms
                                                                   (8 months)

                                                                   Applied learning options:
                                                                   1. Graduate Internship I & II
                                                                   2. Master’s Project I & II
                                                                   3. Master’s Thesis

MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in Computing and Data Analytics

    Experiential learning
    Students gain invaluable experience working on
    real-world challenges through technical projects,
    hackathons, and design competitions. Industry-
    sponsored hackathons foster creativity, teamwork
    and project management skills. Students
    enrich their portfolios by developing innovative
    data-driven applications and liaise directly with
    industry-leading judges.
    The program regularly sends teams to local and
    national competitions—with outstanding results.
    MSc CDA finished as the top Canadian team
    and third overall in the prestigious International
    Business Analytics (IBA) Challenge. Our teams
                                                                Your link to industry
    have also finished first multiple times in the Nova         Since the program’s launch, nearly 100% of
    Scotia Open Data Hackathon, sponsored by IBM,               graduates have received full time job offers from
    Microsoft, and Socrata.                                     Fortune 500 firms, SMEs, and start-ups alike.
                                                                Graduates have been hired for a wide range of

    Career paths                                                exciting jobs.
                                                                MSc CDA is a registered education provider
    MSc CDA graduates have found successful
                                                                for the Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)
    careers as:
                                                                designation, managed by INFORMS, the leading
    •   Business Data             •   Database &                international association for professionals in
        Manager                       System Analyst            operations research and analytics. Graduates
    •   IT Specialist             •   Business                  will have fulfilled the education requirements for
    •   Machine Learning              Intelligence Analyst      the CAP credential and are prepared to write the
        Engineer                  •   Artificial Intelligence   qualifying exam.

    •   Data Scientist                Advisor                   To support our commitment to professional
                                  •   Tableau Developer         development, MSc CDA partners with our Career
    •   Full Stack Developer
                                                                and Experiential Learning team, working one on
    •   Frontend Developer        •   Manager,
                                                                one with our students to transform their passion
                                      Data Analytics
    •   Enterprise Data                                         into careers.
        Designer                  •   Mobile Application
    •   Big Data Engineer
                                  •   Senior Solutions                       Questions?
    •   Software Developer
                                      Architect                              Contact us at
    •   Senior Data Analyst

    Professional development

    Fall                Conferences    Career            Industry     Spring            Project             Professional
    Hackathon                          Development       Workshops    Hackathon         Management          Mentorship

MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in Computing and Data Analyticcs

Application and admissions
Application process                                          • Official proof of English language proficiency.
Applicants are first required to complete a                     Students whose first language is not English,
take-home programming test to ensure they                       and who have not attended an English
possess the background computing knowledge                      language secondary school or who do not
to be successful in the program. To demonstrate                 hold a degree completed entirely in English,
programming knowledge and expertise, the test                   must meet one of the following:
requires applicants to write two to four programs         		 • IELTS: Academic Minimum 6.5
in a programming language of their choice, and                  (no band below 6.0)
answer database questions including database              		• TOEFL iBt: Minimum 80 (no band below 20)
queries. To access the test, please email                 		 • English for Academic Purposes:                                                 Level 6 – Language Centre at Saint Mary’s
1. After successfully completing the test, fill in        3. As soon as all required documents are on
   the online application form:                              file, we conduct an initial review and if your                    application meets admission requirements,
2. Through the Application portal, submit the                you will be contacted for a technical interview.
   following required documents:                          4.	If you are successful in the interview, the
   • Official transcripts (BSc in Computing                  Admission Committee will recommend one
      Science or equivalent; min. GPA equal to 70%)           of the following:
   • Résumé                                                  a. E
                                                                 arly admission:
   • Letter of intent                                           granted to exceptional candidates
   • Three recommendation forms                              b. Regular admission: you will be added to a
                                                                 pool of candidates that will be re-evaluated
                                                                 against the number of spaces available.
                                                                If chosen for the cohort, you will be
                                                                contacted by the Admission Committee.

Acceptance                                                Estimated program tuition
The Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and                 Canadian students: $21,000
Research, issues the official decision letter. Students   International students: $41,000
must complete a Seat Deposit Form and pay a               Tuition and fees are paid at the beginning of each
non-refundable deposit of $5,000. Once payment            term (Sept 2022, January 2023, May 2023, Sept 2023).
is received, a student’s seat is confirmed and the        The university also charges Mandatory Fees and
student can register for the program.                     Medical & Dental insurance. Please refer to the
                                                          Graduate Tuition/Fee calculator:
Application deadlines
Applications are being accepted for September
2022 admission. The deadline to file your online
Application is February 1, 2022. All required
documents must be received by the university by                        Questions?
February 28, 2022. When the program reaches                            Visit
capacity, incomplete applications will be closed
and we will no longer accept new applications
until admission opens for the next available cohort.
MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Saint Mary's University
    Located in the vibrant city of Halifax, Saint Mary’s University is home to a diverse and inclusive community
    of over 7,500 faculty, staff and students, and boasts a globally-connected network of over 50,000 alumni.
    We’ve been inspiring and expanding minds for over 200 years. Today, thanks to research excellence and
    unique programs, it has become Nova Scotia’s second-largest research university by research income.
    Saint Mary’s University is home to one of Canada’s leading business schools, a Science Faculty widely
    recognized for its cutting-edge research, a comprehensive and innovative Arts Faculty and a vibrant
    Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
    Here, a strong sense of community, engaged faculty and students, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovative
    research can be seen in the communities that surround our campus. Our students, researchers and
    faculty share the desire to make a positive difference and create value in the world.

    Family and graduate housing
    For student families, graduate students, and other eligible individuals, Saint Mary’s University offers one
    and two-bedroom apartments. Additionally, the surrounding South End of Halifax offers an abundance
    of student housing options in a vibrant urban setting. Here, you’ll be close to campus, green spaces, and
    great local life. For information on Family and Graduate Housing monthly rental rates, visit:

MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in Computing and Data Analyticcs

                MONTREAL •

     TORONTO •                                  HALIFAX
                   BOSTON •

         NEW YORK •

                                          Flight times
                         MONTREAL - 1 hr 29 min
                           TORONTO - 2 hr 05 min
                          NEW YORK - 2 hr 41 min
                              BOSTON - 1 hr 19 min

About Halifax
Whether you’re looking for vibrant city living with
amazing culture, cuisine and nightlife, or a more
relaxed rural pace to find escape, Halifax is all about
having the best of both worlds. Known the world
over for its warm and welcoming people, Halifax is
more than an all-access ocean playground: it’s your
key to a future filled with opportunity.

                                                          Student life
                                                          As a graduate student, you can get involved in
                                                          several on- and off-campus activities as soon
                                                          as you arrive in Halifax. The International Centre
                                                          offers events throughout the year including ski
                                                          trips, International Night, game nights, movie
                                                          nights, and Lunch n’ Learns. In addition, there are
                                                          over 40 active student societies on campus which
                                                          students are invited to participate in such as Net
                                                          Impact, Speak Up Society, MBA Society, Graduate
                                                          Student Society, and the Power to Change
                                                          Society. Saint Mary’s has a world-class fitness
                                                          facility and a wide range of varsity and intramural
                                                          sports. For more information and to learn about
                                                          campus life visit:
MSc CDA Master of Science in -
Master of Science in Computing and Data Analytics

Graduate Studies and Research
Saint Mary’s University is a dynamic research institution.
                                                                                                         Currently graduate
Our Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) oversees
                                                                                                         students make up
27 graduate programs (PhD, Masters, Diploma) in a stimulating                                            approximately 10%
                                                                                                         of the student body
intellectual community that spans all faculties, all joined in the
                                                                                                         at Saint Mary’s.
pursuit of academic excellence through research.

• Home to CLARI (Change Lab Action Research Initiative), a provincial
  network connecting researchers from Nova Scotia’s post-secondary                                       Saint Mary’s
  institutions with various community groups
• Gain access to several research databases and resources including
                                                                                       35M               has received
                                                                                                         $35 million in
                                                                                                         external research
  the IMPACT Investment Fund, where students can manage their own
                                                                                                         support in the last
  portfolio while studying
                                                                                                         4 years, including
• As a PRME (Principles of Responsible Management Education)                                             well over half
  Champion, the Sobey School of Business incorporates social and
  environmental responsibility into graduate research education and
                                                                                     500K                a million for
                                                                                                         Covid-19 research.
  support tools through the PRME Library

                                            SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY
                                            923 Robie Street
                                            Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3
MSc CDA Master of Science in - MSc CDA Master of Science in -
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