Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media
Mother’s Day
               © ADOBE STOCK
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

                                     Meaningful Gifts
Take advantage of the
 special day to thank
   Mom for making
sacrifices, the lessons
she’s taught and how
  her actions shaped
  who you are today.

  Even if mom says she
doesn’t want to make a big
deal about Mother’s Day, con-
sider these tips to make the
day all about her.

   If you have a family photo
album that has seen better
days, hire a local photogra-
pher to edit and restore the
pictures. Find fond memories
that feature your mother and
her children to invite mom
on a glimpse from the past.
   Look for images that repre-
sent significant moments like
birthday parties, graduations
and weddings.
   Another option, thanks to
modern technology, is to
upload physical photos into
digital forms. Load the pic-
tures onto a flash drive or
disc to gift mom, so she can
transfer them to her smart
devices or share with family
members who live out of                                                                                                                                      © ADOBE STOCK

                                 ports struggling moms in           • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric   ENCOURAGE SELF-CARE                spa day where she will receive
 DONATE IN HER NAME              need. Here are some ideas for   Aids Foundation.                     Rather than buying a dis-       manicures, pedicures and
  When your mother doesn’t       supportive charities, as sug-      After donating to the cho-     posable gift for Mother’s Day,     massages.
need or want a gift for the      gested by the Charity           sen charity, gift your mother     purchase a gift card for a local      Or, if she is more interested
holiday, consider donating to    Navigator organization.         with a certificate or thank-      business that offers self-care     in outdoor experiences, book
a charity in her name. Find a      • Living Beyond Breast        you note that the organiza-       services. If the mom in your       her a weekend getaway at a
cause that she is compassion-    Cancer.                         tion sends so she can see the     life appreciates being pam-        ranch that offers horseback
ate about or one that sup-         • Mothers2Mothers.            impact of her donation.           pered, you can pre-pay for a       riding and trail hiking.
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

            The First Mother’s Day
      Mother’s Day is to be                                                                                       fade before merging with the popular American
                                                                                                                  Mother’s Day celebrations.
 celebrated on May 10, 2020.
  It’s a day to reflect on how                                                                                     THE FIRST AMERICAN MOTHER’S DAY
                                                                                                                     According to the Legacy Project, the incep-
 much mom means and the                                                                                           tion of Mother’s Day was suggested by Julia
    ways she has influenced                                                                                       Ward Howe in 1872. The Boston journalist saw
                                                                                                                  it as a day to recognize peace after her genera-
 your life. The history of the                                                                                    tion suffered through the Civil War.
   holiday began with Greek                                                                                          Unfortunately, her idea of Mother’s Day
                                                                                                                  never caught the mainstream’s attention. Howe
 origins before becoming an                                                                                       instead went on to lead the Woman’s
       American tradition.                                                                                        International Peace Association, which eventu-
                                                                                                                  ally observed a dedicated day of peace.
                                                                                                                     The first official observance of the holiday we
  Learn more about the origins of Mother’s                                                                        know today is accredited to Anna Jarvis, of
Day and how the significance of motherhood                                                                        Philadelphia, PA. She desired a way to honor
has continued to impact the world.                                                                                the memory of her mother, who fought for
                                                                                                                  compassion, courage and friendship during
            THE EARLIEST DAYS                                                                                     wartime.
   The History Channel states that celebrations                                                                      In 1868, the elder Jarvis organized the first
of mothers and motherhood can be traced                                                                           Mother’s Friendship Day to brighten the lives of
back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. While                                                                      good mothers. She died in 1905.
citizens held festivals in honor of goddesses                                                                        It was 1907 when Anna Jarvis put into motion
                                                                                  UNKNOWN AUTHOR /PUBLIC DOMAIN
Rhea and Cybele, the most modern Mother’s                                                                         a celebration of her mother’s life with friends.
Day precedent is a specific festival named         Anna Marie Jarvis, pictured in 1930.                           This event would encourage Jarvis to recom-
Mothering Sunday.                                                                                                 mend a national day to honor all mothers.
   The holiday was most prominent in the           church in their vicinity for a unique service.                    Her hard work paid off as Mother’s Day was
United Kingdom and parts of Europe and fell           As the celebrations progressed, children                    celebrated in nearly every state by 1911 and
on the fourth Sunday in Lent. It was initially a   would recognize their mothers by presenting                    made official by President Woodrow Wilson in
time when a mother would return to the main        flowers and other gifts. Soon, the custom would                1914.

                                                                                                                                                                       © ADOBE STOCK
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

Celebrating During a Pandemic
    Because of the
   surrounding the
 COVID-19 pandemic,
  Mother’s Day plans
 will be significantly
   different in 2020.

   Since the disease can be
devastating to the health of
senior citizens, this year’s hol-
iday may require ideas for cel-
ebrating in isolation.
   A bright side to the epidem-
ic is that modern technology
makes it easier than ever to
connect with our loved ones
without physical contact.
   Take comfort in knowing
that you can still tell your
mom what she means to you
while practicing social dis-
tancing. Here are some help-
ful tips for celebrating
Mother’s Day while ensuring
the safety of the mothers in
your life.

  Smartphones, tablets and
laptops can all be equipped
with video communication
apps. If your mom struggles to
understand innovative tech-
nology, create an in-depth                                                                                                                                   © ADOBE STOCK

guide to show her how to set
up the software.                    screen and load it with images    video of you performing your     make it a family affair by      use a laugh right now. Gather
  Once you have made your           of your mother’s favorite plac-   mother’s favorite song can be    teaching them the harmonies     your family to create a funny
connection, gather the loved        es. You can also gather old       a great gesture to send via      to enhance your song, or give   skit to give mom a lightheart-
ones in your home to spend          photographs from earlier days     e-mail or text message. After    them a solo for grandma to      ed boost.
time with Mom online.               to show mom during your           nailing the performance, send    cherish.                           Consider recreating a scene
  Have fun by creating an           chat.                             it to your mom so she can                                        from her favorite show or
exciting backdrop to include                                          enjoy it and save the video to       MAKE THE BEST               write a script to commemo-
an exciting twist to the video          PERFORM A SONG                watch in the future.               OF A BAD SITUATION            rate a favorite memory you
call. Consider using a green          If you play an instrument, a       If you have young children,     Everyone in the country can   have of your mom.
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

If mom is usually the
                      Serve Breakfast in Bed
   one who sets the
 table for breakfast,
   wake up early on
   Mother’s Day and
      take on the

   There are plenty of healthy
recipes you can create to kick-
start the day. Before the kids
start stirring, prepare a deli-
cious meal to thank her for
the sacrifices she makes for
your family.
   When preparing a breakfast
menu, consider mom’s favor-
ite foods. Try to incorporate a
blend of tasty meals that pro-
vide energy for a day full of
fun. Oats, nuts and lean pro-
teins are all great options to
invigorate yourselves before
enjoying your time hiking,
exploring or just spending the
day at home.

  Before you decide on a reci-
pe, consider how you will
present the dish. Serving trays
with four legs are a great idea
when surprising someone
with breakfast in bed. You can
buy attractive trays with intri-                                                                                                                               © ADOBE STOCK

cate designs at your local
retailers.                          breakfast in bed date. Don’t      etly, consider these ideas to    should feature light fruits or   favorite from France with
  Or, consider hiring a local       forget to decorate the plate      get started.                     yogurts.                         fresh croissants covered in
woodworker before the big           with herbs and flowers.              A grand slam breakfast           Add a touch of culture with   almond butter or cream.
day to customize a model                                              includes all the staples like    a recipe that celebrates their      If cooking a meal isn’t an
with initials, special dates or a          RECIPE IDEAS               scrambled eggs, pancakes,        favorite type of food. Fans of   option, you should make an
beautiful display.                    If you’re struggling to think   omelets and bacon. Include a     Mexican dishes will appreci-     early morning run to a local
  Linens draped over the            of a meal to prepare before       healthy twist using egg whites   ate authentic breakfast burri-   bakery for fresh muffins,
serving tray will also add an       the mom in your life wakes        for the omelet and loading it    tos, or scrambled eggs with      bagels or her favorite break-
enticing addition to your           up, or one you can make qui-      with vegetables. Garnishes       chorizo. Or create an elegant    fast dish.
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

  Affordable Mother’s Day Gifts
   You don’t need to
   break the bank to
    show mom how
    much you care.
   A personalized gift from the
heart can be much more
rewarding than expensive jew-
elry or the latest smartphone.
If you’re on a budget, consider
creating a handmade gift or
finding an affordable present
that will pull at mom’s heart-
   If your mother is a reader,
check with her peers about
their interest in organizing a
book club. She can join friends
during monthly meetings as
they gather to discuss a story
of their choosing. It’s an excel-
lent way to socialize and keep
minds sharp by conversing
about books that cover various
   If it’s challenging to find a
group to form a new club,
consider starting one with one
another. You can sign up for
an affordable book club sub-
scription that will introduce
you to stories that you
wouldn’t have explored other-

   A sure-fire way to show your
appreciation to mom is by cre-                                                                                                                                  © ADOBE STOCK
ating a handmade card for
Mother’s Day. Use these tips        featuring your favorite ath-     card that includes her favorite   love you have for your mom or     ter person.
from the experts at Good            letes or characters. Pay her     toppings to create a tasty ice    wife will show them your            Top off a letter from the
Housekeeping to create a cus-       back by creating a deck of       cream sundae. Use plastic         appreciation for their commit-    heart by penning a poem that
tom gift with unique twists.        cards depicting images or        sandwich bags to attach sprin-    ment to your family. Within       explains your love. Fill it with
   Trading cards: Throughout        words describing your favorite   kles, nuts and marshmallows       the note, include struggles you   thoughtful experiences you
your childhood, your mother         memories about her.              to a paper bowl of dessert.       went through together and         have shared and appreciative
likely spent a small fortune to        A sundae card: If mom has       Personalized letter. A hand-    how the experiences made          words about celebrating her in
provide you with trading cards      a sweet tooth, build a custom    written letter explaining the     you learn and grow into a bet-    the future.
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

                Mother’s Day Quotes
   Mothers across the globe have served as inspirations for their children and spouses for generations.
   Throughout the years, sons and daughters have shown their appreciation for the moms in their lives
through delicate and passionate words. If you’re finding it difficult to explain how much she means, spark
   your creativity with these popular quotes about powerful women, compiled by Good Housekeeping.
     “If love is as sweet as a flower,   “There’s no way to be a perfect      “A mother’s arms are more         “A man loves his sweetheart
     then my mother is that sweet        mother, and a million ways to        comforting than anyone else’s.”   the most, his wife the best, but
     flower of love.”                    be a good one.”                                    — Princess Diana    his mother the longest.”
                      — Stevie Wonder                    — Jill Churchill                                                       — Irish Proverb
                                                                              “I can only hope to be 10
     “Life began with waking up and      “Motherhood is the biggest           percent of the mom mine was       “I can imagine no heroism
     loving my mother’s face.”           gamble in the world. It is the       to me.”                           greater than motherhood.”
                      — George Eliot     glorious life force. It’s huge and                 — Charlize Theron                   — Lance Conrad
                                         scary — it’s an act of optimism.”
     “My mother was my role model                           — Gilda Radner    “A mother is she who can take     “All I am I owe to my mother.”
     before I even knew what that                                             the place of all others but                   — George Washington
     word was.”                          “Life doesn’t come with a            whose place no one else can
                       — Lisa Leslie     manual. It comes with a              take.”                            “God could not be everywhere,
                                         mother.”                                        — Cardinal Mermillod   and therefore he made
                                                             — Unknown                                          mothers.”
                                                                                                                             — Rudyard Kipling

                                                                                                                   © ADOBE STOCK
Mother's Day - Green Shoot Media

Celebrating a First Mother’s Day
   Mother’s Day is a
   special occasion
  every year, but the
  first time can be a
monumental event. If
 you have a first-time
   mom in your life,
take advantage of the
    maiden holiday
celebration. It will be
     a moment she
  cherishes forever.
  A few ways to make
Mother’s Day memorable for
the first year is to document
the experience before the hol-
iday. Buy footprint or hand-
print molds to memorialize a
baby’s beginning journey on
Earth. Mom can look back and
enjoy the brand-new experi-
ence even as her child grows
into a toddler or teenager.
  Here are some other ways to
make someone’s first Mother’s
Day special.

  A new mom likely logged                                                                                                                                 © ADOBE STOCK

the journey of her pregnancy
throughout each trimester.       previous clients to learn about      CELEBRATE SPRING             first holiday. You may consid-   slideshow to share with the
Now that baby is here, signup    their experience and satisfac-      If warm weather arrives in    er investing in an all-terrain   first-time mom that docu-
for a photoshoot that cele-      tion with the results.            your region for Mother’s Day,   stroller so they can accompa-    ments the experience.
brates both mother and child.       Once you have chosen an        use the comfortable tempera-    ny on your outdoor adven-           Find wholesome pictures to
You may have to schedule a       expert, collaborate with your     tures to explore outdoors.      tures.                           showcase precious moments
photographer in advance as       expectations of the photo         Partake in a hike at your                                        of mother and child together.
Mother’s Day can be a busy       shoot. Show them maternity        favorite local reservation or     MAKE A SLIDESHOW               It can be even more special to
time for local pros.             photos and bounce ideas off       plan a romantic picnic at a       Smartphones and apps           include notes on the slide-
  When considering a profes-     each other about how to rec-      public park.                    make it simple to compile        show that express the emo-
sional, look through their       reate previous pictures with        Of course, plan to bring      your favorite photos of a        tions you felt while witness-
portfolio and network with       the baby’s arrival.               baby when celebrating the       newborn’s journey. Make a        ing it in person.
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