Grade - 4 IB PYP Edition - September & October-2020 - The Gaudium School
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Table of Content 1. The Principal’s Message 2. Coordinator’s Message 3. Experiential Center Head’sLearning Message 4. Transdisciplinary Theme 5. Monthly Review 6. Learning and Teaching 7. Events 8. Month Ahead 9. Event Links 10. Editorial Board 2 © Copyright The Gaudium School, 2018. All rights reserved.
Ms Anjalika Sharma Principal IBPYP Dear Parents, This morning while enjoying the unseasonal rains, I remembered an interesting and inspiring story called – Ubuntu I had read not long ago. There once was an anthropologist who was studying the culture of a remote African tribe. He had concluded his studies and was waiting to go to the airport. While waiting, the children of the tribe gathered around him as they had done before. He decided to share the candies he had collected from a town he had visited recently. He put the sweets in a bag and placed it under a tree. He then walked away from the tree and drew a line around it. The children were told that they were to run as fast as they could and that the first one to get the bag of candies would win all it for himself or herself. The anthropologist gave the signal and then something surprising happened. The children took each other’s hands and ran together to the tree. They sat in a circle and shared the candies. The anthropologist was shocked. One of the girls looked up at him and said, “How can we be happy if all the others are sad?” “Ubuntu” - simply means that “I am, because we are.” 3
Ms Anjalika Sharma Principal IBPYP Teams that focus on the word ‘Ubuntu’ are concerned about each other. They are focused on what they can do together rather than what they can do alone. One of the most historic examples of teamwork is the Apollo 11 mission. While the world focused on the three astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, most remember only Armstrong and his famous line - “This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” However, behind that moment were years of research and teams of people who worked diligently to do what no one had done before. These two stories are very important for the PYP team as we gear up for the programme evaluation scheduled in the first quarter of 2022. The team of teachers have embarked upon the journey of self-study and started reflecting on our practices. In the classroom as well as looking at the programme requirements in depth. The programme evaluation is a journey which involves and engages all stakeholders and we collaboratively work as a team to achieve success. On this note, I wish you and your families a safe and happy Dussera! May the year ahead be filled with happiness and good health for all! Anjalika Sharma IBPYP Principal 4
PYP Coordinator’s Desk Mindfulness and Well-being- Mindfulness has become a part of the student’s daily routine and an integral part of our curriculum. As a part of well-being, the school counsellors are conducting regular sessions on various themes. They had sessions on conflict and resolution. They shared about the different types of conflicts and how can one handle it. For Mental Health Week, the school counsellors created digital journals for both teachers and students and shared a task for each day. They focused on gratitude and making someone happy. World Mindfulness Day was conducted for all the stakeholders. Core values- The teachers and students continued exploring the value ‘empathy’. The students read books, watched videos and discussed the difference between empathy and sympathy. The students celebrated ‘International Day for Older Persons’ and created a Padlet where they shared how to bring happiness in the life of the elderly person. 5
PYP Coordinator’s Desk Stakeholder Engagement- As a part of stakeholder engagement, we had various events like Dot Day, World Mindfulness Day, Student-Led Conference and Teacher’s Day. The Student-Led Conference (SLC) was conducted virtually and the students came along with their parents, grandparents and showed their learning. For Teachers Day, the students had bonding over breakfast and showed their gratitude and love for their teachers by making cards, dancing, singing, etc. Holistic Excellence- As a part of holistic excellence, the students continued reading books online to enhance their reading skills. After receiving the feedback from the students, D.E.A.R Time was conducted again. The students of grades 1-5 selected their favourite story/book and had a silent reading time along with their Home Room Teachers and the Teacher Librarians. 6
PYP Coordinator’s Desk Global Leadership- The students of Grade 5 showcased their leadership capabilities during the election process. The students nominated themselves for any one of the following positions- House Prefect, Sports Prefect and Cultural Prefect. They were interviewed by a panellist of teachers and the top 5 students who were chosen prepared a speech and shared it with the students of grades 3-5. The students of grades 3-5 voted for the nominated candidates and chose the prefects. Our PYP team is gearing up for the programme evaluation and we have commenced our journey of self-study. The entire team has started reading and reflecting on our practices . Trishna Sharma PYP Coordinator 7
Center Head’s Desk, Nanakramguda Sharing of Best Practices The PYP team of The Gaudium School continues to benefit through sharing of best practices by the members of the team. Ms. Rashi Karnatak, Grade 5 facilitator introduced the team to a website, She successfully used this website with her students as they explored it to create bar graphs. It has several features that can aid in students learning of data handling. She shared how tool can be used to introduce students to concepts like perimeter, area, shapes, and measurement by units. Ms. Salima Dinani, Grade 5 facilitator, introduced us to a range of writing techniques which she used with her students. She shared the writing process, traits of writing and several other useful strategies to organize thoughts for writing, edit the writing and improve the quality of writing. Ms. Sumantha Dhir, Grade 2 facilitator, shared the Padlet she used with her students on voice, choice and ownership wherein the students shared how they reflected self-efficacy by voicing their opinions or voicing their choices and showing a sense of ownership. Such practices bring a sense of agency in our classes. She also shared several useful google extensions that can be used for virtual classroom management. 8
Center Head’s Desk, Nanakramguda Sharing of Best Practices Ms. Nournazar, Grade 1 Facilitator, shared using flash cards during circle time that have contributed immensely to bring a healthy conversation and an enriching circle time. She also shared a presentation on time management to improve productivity. Ms. Nour shared various productivity tips such as calendar management, time management matrix and peak two hours. The objective of her presentation was to inculcate a sense of time management and creating an awareness of how important it is to build organization skills. Ms. Snehalatha, Grade PP2 facilitator, shared the strategies and tools used in her classroom which includes Maria Montessori manipulative, flash0020’/cards and counters to introduce the students to odd and even numbers. She also shared how students were engaged in framing questions using question cards to support their inquiry as well as connecting with the key concepts to plan their further learning. Ms. Meenakshi Shandil , Grade PP1 Facilitator, introduced the team to several features of Microsoft Whiteboard which can make presentations easy as well as aid the learning and teaching in class in many ways. She also shared how this tool can be used for collaborative planning as a team. 9
Center Head’s Desk, Nanakramguda Reading The team members read stories in their respective reading groups and engaged in an enriching discussion as they connected to the attributes of learner profile demonstrated by the characters in the stories. The single subject teachers read the section 'Inquiry' and the entire PYP team read the section, ‘Concepts’ from the book 'Learning and Teaching', in their respective reading groups. They shared their understanding as well as discussed queries they came across with the whole team. The ‘Authorization report’ was shared by Ms. Anjalika Sharma, IBPYP Principal and Ms. Trishna Sharma, PYP coordinator with the whole team. The team also engaged in reading, ‘Guide to Programme Evaluation’ and ‘Programme Standards and Practices’. Introduction to new Unit Planning Process The new planning process for unit of inquiry was introduced to the team wherein the planning begins with formulating questions for research work followed by making connections of these questions with the key concepts, identifying the Approaches To Learning and attributes of learner profile. The learning engagements are then designed and planned with the ATLs and attributes of learner profile in focus which will give an opportunity for the students to use, develop and demonstrate during the inquiry. Ranjeeta Sahoo Center Head 10
Unit of Inquiry Overview Transdisciplinary Theme: How we express ourselves Central Idea: A person's behaviour and way they choose to present themselves project aspects of their identity. Lines of Inquiry: • Appearance and behaviour influence perception of others • The influence of cultural and social norms on ways to present one-selves • Fashion as a form of expression Key Concepts: Change, Perspective, Function Related Concepts: Identity, Status, Image, Impression IB Learner profile: Communicators, Reflective, Open-minded 11
Monthly Review Unit of Inquiry Students inquired into the unit with the central idea, ‘A person's behaviour and way they choose to present themselves project aspects of their identity’ under the theme ‘How we express ourselves’. They inquired about identity, behaviour, culture, norms and the elements of culture. Students’ prior knowledge was gauged with the observation of few pictures. Based on the observation, each one of them had a discussion about ‘what they observed’. During the discussion, the students came up with an understanding that the way they dress and showcase themselves defines a person's identity. With this, students gave words such as ‘Identity and Appearance’. They found the meaning of new words they came across the unit. The students further inquired about why do we perceive differently and made connection to culture and norms. Transdisciplinary Math Students continued to learn more about Indian and International number system. They explored the concepts of predecessor, successor, ascending and descending order. They looked into calculating the elapsed time. The students solved simple equations, identified odd and even numbers and looked into conversion of units (units of measurement km, m, cm, m, kg, and g). 12
Monthly Review Transdisciplinary Language Students finished reading the novel- Mohenjodaro Mystery. They started reading the novel- Matilda and connected it to the current unit of inquiry. Students made connections to conjunctions and prepositions. While reading Matilda they connected to prediction, character sketch/traits. They choose a character from their favourite story and wrote its character sketch. Students had the discussion about debate and then they had a role play of the characters in the novel Matilda. Music The elements of voice, pitch and diction were in focus for this month. The students learnt the song “Together we can change the world”. They performed the song individually. Students were introduced to the Indian classical genre. Art Students inquired into Altamira and Lascaux cave art, Indian folk art- Madhubani and Miniature and Western and Chinese folk art, Expressionism and Cubism. They chose an artwork and worked on the same by recreating it. 13
Monthly Review Dance Students identified and found the similarities and differences between contemporary and classical dance forms by comparing. PE Students continued Aerobic exercises and looked at the effects and changes in body system. They continued practicing the basic aerobic movements with music. Drama Students worked on the following areas: • Body language- Finding rhythmic movements and in speech of actors. • Analysis of the ways rhythm has been and is embodied and understood by performers. Additional languages French Students started the month by learning the names of the places of the town and the re verbs . 14
Monthly Review Telugu Students inquired about the different types of stories, and bashabhagalu. In types of stories they explored fictional, nonfictional, biography and autobiography. Hindi Students celebrated Hindi Divas. They discussed the importance of the Hindi language and inquired and presented their views on questions like "Why is it celebrated on 14th September?". Students attempted to understand the author's purpose, language style through two different stories “Mithu” & “Pagaal Hatthi” written by “Premchand” . They found the differences and similarities between the two stories through and identified the elements of the story. They read a non-fiction story and then looked at the differences between fiction and non- fiction. While reading the stories they connected to nouns. Students practiced making questions using questioning words. They framed questions using questioning words. 15
Learning and Teaching Metric Units Addition with online Mindful Breathing – With Soft blackboard toys as props Matilda Novel – Skit with Human Body System – prompts Student presentations 16
Learning and Teaching 17
Events- Teachers’ Day Teachers’ Day The Gaudium PYP wing had a unique Teachers’ day celebration this year! Of course, the medium of celebration being virtual. It was a personal and exclusive well-spent time with the students, their homeroom and subject teachers joining over breakfast- the most important meal of the day. The students had a variety of astonishing performances to showcase to their teachers on this day. From singing to dancing to even performing a group skit the geckos truly surprised their teachers. Many presented their digital artworks to show love and gratitude. While many of the geckos created beautiful handcrafted greeting cards for their teachers which they gallantly exhibited in this special bonding time. The eagerness of gifting them to their teachers in physical sense was so intense that they promised to keep them intact and handover to their teachers whenever they meet them in school the very first day! It was a pleasant time spent with the teachers being delightfully surprised by these beautiful acts of love and gratitude from their dear students. Not only are the geckos talented but they showed a lot of thankfulness and respect to make the special day extra special for their teachers. None can beat the love and the bond which the young geckos have for their teachers! 18
Events- Teachers’ Day Teachers’ day Teachers’ day Teachers’ day Teachers’ day 19
Events- International Literacy Day Celebration International Literacy Day celebration by the PYP wing "International Literacy Day is an occasion to celebrate the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies everywhere." – by Koichiro Matsuura. The Gaudium School celebrated International Literacy day virtually where PYP students of Grades 1 to 3.They listened to a story about the importance of language and literacy. They also watched a video on how to say “Hello” in different languages. The students of Grade 4 shared their views on the importance of knowing more than one language using Jamboard on the occasion. The 5th graders, on the same note, expressed their thoughts and views about ‘importance of knowing more than one language’ by writing essays, poems and paragraphs. They shared the importance of literacy and the importance of being literate. It was great to know their views about the importance of literacy and to know the importance of knowing more than one language. 20
Events- International Literacy Day Celebration World Literacy Day World Literacy Day World Literacy Day World Literacy Day 21
Events- Celebration of World Mindfulness Day- Peace Within Celebration of World Mindfulness Day- Peace Within “Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” —Mother Teresa The Gaudium School celebrated World Mindfulness Day with the theme ‘Peace Within’ on the morning of Saturday, 12th September 2020. It was a wonderful event conducted virtually and presented live on our social media handle with active participation of our students, parents, teachers and staff along with friends and family. Such initiatives are the need of the hour as it spreads awareness and importance of practicing mindfulness which is highly beneficial in the current scenario. 22
Events- Celebration of World Mindfulness Day- Peace Within 23
Events- Hindi Diwas Celebrating Hindi Diwas Day Hindi Diwas was celebrated enthusiastically in the primary wing of The Gaudium School on the 14th of September for Grades 1 to 5. Students participated in the event in a lively manner during the online classes. They were also shown the different states where Hindi is spoken and is the official language. The students discussed the ways through which we can maintain the respect of the Hindi language. They stated the importance of the Hindi language, and expressed their thoughts through slogans, poetry, and messages. A quiz was organized for students in some classes, in which the students participated enthusiastically. The students also recited Dohe and Chaupayees. The celebration was aimed at building respect for the language and also to promote that languages can be learnt online using a range of strategies. Celebrating Hindi Diwas Day 24
Events- Hindi Diwas Hindi Diwas Hindi Diwas Hindi Diwas Hindi Diwas 25
Events- International Dot Day International Dot Day, 2020 The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Connecting dots’. The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many of us to be away from our family and friends, hence, through this celebration of the International Dot Day, we connect with them in this very own unique way. This celebration is all about making one’s mark and see where that can take us. At the Gaudium School, the students celebrated the ‘International Dot Day’ by making the mark, showing their creativity and connecting the dots not only with family and friends but with the entire world. The primary school geckos awaited the day with great enthusiasm. While the early year learners connected the dots and colours to make a mark, the 1st and 2nd Grade geckos did something very interesting on the occasion as they designed their own masks and gloves. The Grade 3 students wrote a message which they wanted to share with the entire world on this special day. The students of Grade 4 and 5 wanted to do something encouraging and hopeful and so they wrote a message which would encourage someone. It was a heartfelt activity done by all the geckos at the Gaudium as they enthusiastically exhibited their creativity at its very best. The best part to ponder is that, they all were confident and ready to share and pass along the same encouragement and enthusiasm to others. As said by, Pablo Picasso “Every Child is an Artist” seems to have truly come to life as the eager children at The Gaudium celebrated ‘International Dot Day’. 26
Events- International Dot Day 27
Events- Student Lead Conference SLC SLC SLC SLC 28
Events- Term 1 SLC Grade 4A Grade 4B Grade 4C Grade 4D 29
Month Ahead Transdisciplinary Theme: How the world works Central Idea: Energy is converted, transformed and sustained to support human progress. Lines of Inquiry: • Energy and its uses • Transformation of energy. • Sustainable energy practices. Key Concepts: Change, Function, Responsibility . Related Concepts: Conservation, Transformation IB Learner profile: Knowledgeable, Inquirers, Reflective, Caring 30
Month Ahead Transdisciplinary Math While inquiring about energy and types of energy, students will make connection to the units of measurement and inquire about how energy is measured. They will continue to inquire about fractions, percentage, timeline and time. Transdisciplinary Language Students will work on note taking and learn the strategies for the same. They will be introduced to newspaper report writing and headline writing. Additional languages Telugu: Students will learn about jaatiyaalu, nanardhaalu through the stories. They will also learn vachanaalu, vyatirekapadaalu. French: Students will be introduced to adjectives. Hindi: Learners will read the poem “Kadamb ka ped”. They will look into pronouns and adjective. 31
Month Month Ahead ahead Dance: Students will learn about the elements of dance through the Contemporary style. They will explore the -expressions and spatial awareness during performance in dance. Art: Students will research about the changes in art. They will inquire into famous abstract artist style form. Music Learners will explore the Indian classical music by knowing more about singing, musical instruments and find more about famous artists. They will also learn songs related to the same genre. PE Students will be engaged with the following learning engagements. • History of Yoga • Meaning of yoga • Breathing exercises Drama They will analyze the rhythm and how it is embodied by performers and will discuss the history of stages. 32
Event Links Our website: Learning blogs: Facebook : For daily updates please like the page. Sportopia registration link 33 © Copyright The Gaudium School, 2019. All rights reserved.
Editorial Board Chief Editor Ranjeeta Sahoo Associate Editors Deepasree Nag Mehak Kapoor Alna Chandra Sumentha Dhir Creative Team Sandeep Sahu Sumitra TL Pousali Chatterjee 34 © Copyright The Gaudium School, 2018. All rights reserved.
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