Monthly Mustang - Houston ISD

Page created by Phillip Morales
Monthly Mustang - Houston ISD

 Monthly Mustang


 During the spring, over 5,000 Native American peoples that It was a normal Sunday epic failure because we didn’t
 types of wild lowers bloom lived on the land before the night when, suddenly, phones have real sleds and couldn’t
 across Texas. One of these Europeans arrived. The started to receive alerts go fast enough. We went
 wild lowers is the Bluebonnet, summer had burning saying that snow was sledding with Shelby and
 coming! All the kids were Lanie Henry (Third and First
 which is the symbol of our state temperatures with dust storms,
 very excited, but adults were Grades) and saw Tyler Graf
 and is one of the most beautiful the fall had loods, and the
 getting worried. Last time it (First Grade) out there, too!
 lowers. winter had harsh temperatures had snowed, there was no We were puppy-sitting my
 The scienti ic name for with blizzards. The tribes knew alert because the snow grandmother’s dog because
 Bluebonnet is Lupinus Texenis. that it was clear that “The Great melted by noon, but this time she broke her leg. Her name
 They are also called buffalo Spirit” was angry at them. One it kept snowing. School was i s M i l l i e , a n d s h e wa s
 clover, wolf lower and el conejo, night when everyone was asleep, cancelled because of the ice. jumping for joy. This was her
 or rabbit in Spanish. There is a little girl sneaked out of her I t s t a r t e d M o n d ay a n d irst time in snow! On
 more than one type of family’s teepee. She got some Tuesday…then Wednesday… Monday night, we stayed at
 Bluebonnet. Most of them are coals, went to the top of a hill, then inally school was our aunt’s house. Then, she
 and started a ire. She held up cancelled the entire week. lost power, so we stayed at
 blue, but some of them are
 Working parents got very my Lala’s house. When we
 purple, maroon, or even pink. her prized possession, which
 annoyed by this. Power came home on Tuesday, we
 During mild winters, was a doll, and threw it in the
 started to go out, and pipes had power! It would come on
 Bluebonnets can start blooming ire saying that it was for the started bursting. Some and off. My aunt and uncle
 in late February or March, but “The Great Spirit.” houses had water shut off, and three cousins still hadn’t
 they can also bloom in early When the ire was out, she took too. When it was over, people gotten their power back, so
 April. the ash and threw it north, south, started to realize how lucky they came to our house. My
 But Bluebonnets weren’t east, and west. Then, she went back they were to have these grandmother, Jammy, lost her
 to bed. The next morning, when the things. If you weren’t one of power, so she also came to
 always around. The book
 tribe woke up, what was a dry and these victims, you were really stay. We kept the ireplace
 Legends and Lore of Texas
 bare land had beautiful greenery lucky. burning to keep us all warm.
 Wild lowers tells of the legend with blue lowers on it. It was clear In my family, we had lots We baked a lot. My brownies
 of how Bluebonnets irst that the Great Spirit forgave them. of fun. We lost power for 24 were a huge hit. We played a
 appeared in Texas. Lucky for us, the Bluebonnets fun dice game called “Left,
 hours. We put on our snow
 The legend says that Texas’s have remained and we Texans, as gear and went sledding on Right, Center” with our
 weather was very harsh on the well as other visitors to Texas. can the Edloe bridge. That was an Continued on Page 8
 enjoy the Bluebonnets every spring.

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 Wow! I thought it was really crazy to be
 without power when it was so cold. So did some
 other people I interviewed.

 Anna Claire: I slept by the ire with my family. Then, I
 went to my friend’s of ice for a while. Then, I
 went back to my house when the power came
 Stella: I went to a hotel to sleep there for a few nights. on.
 Then, my power came back on. Mrs. Grimmer (Teacher): We were able to stay home
 Chandler: I irst went to my friend’s house, but then until Tuesday, but then the power went off and
 her power went off. In the morning, my power we didn’t have running water. Then, we went to
 was back on, so I went back home. my parents’ house in The Woodlands, but
 unfortunately, they had lots of issues with eight
 Hattie: I went to my dad’s of ice. I stayed there for a pipes that burst. So inally, we went to stay with
 while with my sister. Then, my friend Anna friends in Montgomery who never lost power or
 Claire’s power came on. So, we stayed there. water :) Bodhi was able to play with ive puppy
 Then, the power came back on at my house, and friends, so he had no complaints!!
 that is it.
 Ms. Levy (Teacher): I played board games and
 Nanny: I fed my pets and got ready for the day. I charades. I watched TV when I had power. I
 couldn’t come to the Butlers’ house to babysit. also read a book.
 Emilie: I went to my grandma’s house, and I kind of We are back home now thankfully with power and
 forgot the rest. running water!


 Easter is a well-known holiday celebrated by in Pennsylvania. They
 many on April 4th. It celebrates the resurrection of brought their tradition
 Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. On this of an egg-laying hare
 occasion, some people decorate and paint eggs, called “Osterhase”. Their
 some people follow the tradition of inding eggs children made nests in
 and eating the candy inside, or some may do both. which this creature
 But where did this tradition come from? could lay its
 The egg, an ancient symbol of new life, has been colored eggs. Eventually,
 associated with pagan festivals celebrating spring. this led to the legend of
 In the Christian religion, Easter eggs are said to the Easter Bunny hiding
 represent Jesus' emergence from the tomb and eggs with candy in them,
 resurrection. Now, the Easter Bunny is a legend around Easter time!
 from Easter, which most have heard of. The Easter For some people, this holiday may not be
 bunny irst arrived in America in the 1700s when religious, but this is surely a fun holiday for many
 German immigrants came and settled people!

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 The Mandalorian TV Series
 Reviewed by Lila Cooley The Mandalorian is the main character. He is a bounty
 hunter. So, he has epic battles and helps to defeat villains all
 The TV show, The Mandalorian, is one of over the galaxy. I personally like the character called The
 my favorite shows. It is on Disney+ if you Child. He is a creature who looks kind of like Yoda from Star
 would like to watch it. I know that Wars but smaller. That’s why people started to call him by the
 Principal Disch is watching it based on name of Baby Yoda. If you want to find out what his real
 his interview in the February 2021 issue name is, you can watch the series to find out!
 of the Monthly Mustang!
 I give The Mandalorian a five-star review. I think that
 There have been two seasons so far, which means there there is a little bit of violence in it, even though the events are
are a lot of episodes to watch. The next season is scheduled not real. I recommend this show for ages eight and up or
to come out in December 2021, which gives you lots of time maybe for younger children if they are not easily scared. I
to watch (or re-watch) the show if you want. If you have not think that this show is really good, and I hope you watch it!
already seen it, I highly recommend it!

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis Edmund, Susan, and Lucy. They are staying at a professor's
Reviewed by Gavin Terrazas house because England is involved in World War II.
 Germany had begun the Blitz in England. That was a
 I am going to write about this awesome bombing campaign targeting major English cities. Okay,
 book I just inished reading. As you can back to the book. After all, I am not writing about World
 see in the title, it is called The Chronicles War II!
 of Narnia. It is about the adventure that
 The four kids (with the help of a lion named Aslan and a
 four kids have when they go through a
 lot of forest creatures) overthrow a witch who unrightfully
 magical wardrobe and ind themselves in
 took the throne. Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy grow up in
 a magical land.
 Narnia as kings and queens. One day, they ind the way they
 The real title of this book is The Lion, the got into Narnia. They didn’t remember what it was, but it
 Witch, and the Wardrobe. The Chronicles feels familiar. When they ind themselves in the wardrobe
 of Narnia is the name of the series. It was again, it is the same time as it was when they had left! I
 written by C.S. Lewis. There are seven don’t want to spoil anymore, so I will tell you why I liked it.
 books in the series. The irst one is The I really liked it because it was exciting and made me feel
 Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and that is the book I’m like I was having a blast when I was reading it. If you like
 writing about. The names of the four kids are Peter, reading about adventure, you will love this book.

 Tom And Jerry Movie Review Hotel. Tom soons finds out and makes it
 Reviewed by Kavan Pandya and Kayan Sharma h i s m i s s i o n t o c a p t u r e J e r r y.
 Meanwhile, a new worker is working at
 This is a movie review of the new and hyped movie, Tom the hotel; her name is Kayla. Before
 and Jerry.This movie came out on February 26, 2021.The Kayla interviews for the job, she steals
 special thing about this movie is that it combines animation someone’s resume. The week that she
 with live action. Tom and Jerry are an essential part of your starts is the biggest week the hotel has
 childhood. Its amazing slapstick humor will get you rolling on ever had because Preeta Mehta and
 the floor. No wonder it’s been around for over 80 years! Ben (very famous people) are having
 their wedding there. After the hotel
 finds out about Jerry (a mouse) staying
 The Tom and Jerry movie is based on the classic cartoon
 there, Kayla hires Tom for the job of getting Jerry out of the
 Tom and Jerry. The Tom and Jerry movie is about Tom Cat
 hotel. Shortly after that, Preetas's wedding ring goes missing!
 and Jerry Mouse in New York. Jerry is looking for a place to
 Will the wedding ring be found? Will Tom catch Jerry? Watch
 stay, and he finds the best hotel in New York, The Royal Gate
 Tom and Jerry: The Movie to find out!

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 Skeleton Road is the sixth book of The Last Kids on new creatures and work together to save their
Earth series, and it is action-packed and funny. It starts parents. Will these kids be successful on their
off with the main characters building an obstacle course journey or will they fail to defeat Trull? This
for zombies. Max and his friends soon figure out where book was very exciting and fun to read. I
the outpost is, but it is across the country. They decide really recommend this book and the rest of
to embark on a journey to find the outpost and defeat the series.
the villain, Trull. On their journey, they discover cool


 Last month, the Perseverance Rover landed on Mars
with four main objectives. These were to 1) identify past
environments capable of supporting microbial life, 2)
seek signs of past microbial life in those habitats,
especially in rocks known to preserve signs of microbial
life, 3) collect core rocks and “soil” samples and store
them on the Martian surface, and 4) test oxygen
production from the Martian atmosphere to make sure it
could one day be terraformed. Microbial life forms are
single-celled organisms like bacteria.

 exposed the rover to the Martian surface. After the parachute
 To complete these objectives, the rover was equipped
 slowed Perseverance down to about 200 miles per hour, the
with some very cool tools, such as SUPERCAM, a laser
 rover cut itself free and its backshell fired rockets, dropped
micro-imager; MASTCAM-Z, zoomable panoramic
 Perseverance down on the Martian surface, and flew away to
cameras; MEDA, a weather station; SHERLOC, an
 an uncontrolled landing a safe distance away from
ultraviolet spectrometer; WATSON, a camera; and MOXIE,
which produces oxygen from Martian CO2.

 I asked Richard Garriott, a family friend and the first
 Perseverance launched from Cape Canaveral on July
 human being to have been to space, the north and south poles,
30, 2020, and sailed through the vast, dark vacuum of
 and the bottom of the Marianas Trench, a series of questions
space for seven months. As it entered Mars, Perseverance
 related to Perseverance. Here are the questions and his
did something often referred to as EDL (entry, descent,
and landing). This sequence started when Perseverance
entered the top of the Martian atmosphere, travelling Q, What will Perseverance mean for human space travel to
nearly 12,500 miles. About 10 minutes before starting Mars?
this sequence, Perseverance shed its cruise stage, which A.If we’re lucky, Perseverance will find signs of life. If so, it will
houses solar panels, a radio, and fuel tanks used for its radically change our approach to our future exploration of
flight to Mars. Only the protective Aeroshell, with the Mars
rover and the descent stage inside, actually made it to Q. When do you think humans will get to Mars?
Mars. The rover also fired small thrusters to reorient
 A. 10 years if we’re optimistic, 20 years if we’re pessimistic.
itself and point its heat shield for what came next. As
Perseverance entered the Martian atmosphere, it slowed Q. What will humans do once they get to Mars?
down drastically and, in doing so, heated up to a peak A. 1.Survive. 2. Grow a colony that will be the first human
heat of 2,370 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat shield then expansion beyond Earth, and hopefully not the last!
slowed Perseverance to about 1,000 miles per hour. At So, as you can see, Perseverance is a great achievement for
this point, it was then safe to deploy the supersonic mankind and a stepping stone to get us on Mars.
parachute. About 20 seconds after parachute
deployment, the heat shield then dropped away and

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 With the coronavirus, indoor Sylvan Beach Park is located in La Porte, which is about
 activities are hard to do. Lucky 45 minutes east of Houston. There are two sandy beaches at
 for us, there are a lot of fun the park where you can dig a hole in the sand and watch the
 o u td o o r a c t iv i t i e s a ro u n d waves fill it to create a pool. When it is warm, it is a great
 Houston. Here are three of my place for swimming. If you like to fish, there is also a long
 favorites within an hour drive of fishing pier.
 West University. Sam Houston National Forest is located 50 miles north of
 Arthur Storey Park is in Houston Houston. You can go camping and hiking in the forest. Last
 Chinatown on Bellaire Blvd and Highway 8. You can walk August, we went camping in the forest and had a campsite
 around a beautiful lake in the park where you can see many right next to Lake Conroe. We found a place where we could
 different birds, including Laughing Gulls, Black-Crowned play very close to a lake. My dad also tried fishing, but he
 Night-Herons, and Red-Shouldered Hawks. My favorite thing didn’t catch anything. My favorite part of the camping trip
 to do at Storey Park is to ride my bike around the lake. On was swimming in the lake.
 the way back to Houston, you can stop off at one of the many
 bakeries in Chinatown and pick up yummy pastries.


 In your mind, April might be all 3. Eat lots of sweets! Next time you are at the grocery store, if
 about Easter, bunnies, and you have the opportunity to get some candy, go for it.
 chocolate. But not for long! In There are tons of Easter-themed treats!
 this article, I will show all the 4. Have an Easter egg hunt!
 amazing things to do during 5. Decorate Easter eggs. If you are doing an Easter egg hunt
 April. or just feeling creative, you can get an egg and decorate it.
 1.Play in the rain. Since April is ( I recommend looking it up.)
 known as the rainy season (and 6. Dress up as a bunny or a chick!
 there are no hurricanes or 7. Plan your summer! You and your family could brainstorm
 floods), it is a perfect time to ideas for it, so you can get it done a few months ahead.
 enjoy the weather or see a rainbow. 8. Take a vacation. If you do not celebrate Easter with
 2. Bake cookies! April is a perfect time to make cookies religious activities at church or someplace else, use the
 because of the theme and three-day weekend. day to go somewhere to unwind or take a break.
 9. Make a garden.
 10. Learn more about the month and all of its holidays!


Kindergarten -2nd Grade Team: Ryan Atha, Isabella Chen, Zoya 3rd-5th grade team: Sophia Kim, Kenenna Ndefo, Toby Yip,
Jethani, Nandini Kapoor, George Linqin, Ritvika Mohanty, and Mason Henry Friedman, Clement Ding, Sam Atha, and Emeka Ndefo

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 Here is a funny one! This prank can be
 April Fools’ Day is celebrated on April done on a school day. The night before,
 1st each year. It has been celebrated for put some cereal and milk in a bowl with
 centuries by different cultures. April the spoon and put it in the freezer. In
 Fools’ Day traditions include playing the morning, wake up earlier than usual and tell your
 practical jokes on others, often yelling family that you made them breakfast and yell, “April
 “April Fools!” Fools’!,” when they try to eat it!
 Below are some of my favorite April Mint Oreo Surprise!
Fools’ Day pranks. I love April Fools’ Day .If you're like me, Before doing this prank, it is a good idea to make sure this
you will LOVE these ideas!!! person likes mint toothpaste. The irst thing you need to do
Saturday School Day Wake Up! is get an Oreo and a knife and scrap off the icing in the
When April Fools’ Day falls on a weekend, you are in luck. center. Next, use white mint toothpaste to replace the icing
First, wake up all your siblings or parents. Tell them they and put the Oreo back together. Offer up the Oreo to
are running late and it is time for school. Get them out the someone to eat and watch how they react and yell, “April
door, and then turn around and yell, “April Fools’ - it’s the Fools’”!
weekend!” I hope you liked my prank ideas. Feel free to come up with
 your own too!

 Have you ever had an April Fool’s Day prank played on people’s rear ends, such as pinning
you? Or do you know the history of April Fool’s Day? If you fake tails or “kick me” signs on them.
don’t, let’s dive into the history to ind out how April Fool’s
Day began. They are so excited about April
 Fool’s Day in Poland that every word
 In 1582, France switched calendars and that changed said on April Fool’s Day is considered
the date of New Year’s. It used to be celebrated on April 1st. to be untrue. It is taken very seriously, but they stop at noon
Under the new calendar, it would now be celebrated on on April Fool’s Day. Every joke played past noon is
January 1st. The people who celebrated New Year’s on considered not classy.
January 1st called those who still celebrated it on April 1st
fools. That is how April Fool’s Day began. In French-speaking countries, April Fool’s Day is called
 “April Fish Day.” They have to pin a paper ish on someone’s
 I’ll tell you how Scotland celebrates April Fool’s Day. In back without them noticing.
Scotland, it is celebrated for two days. They start with
hunting. Then, they are sent on fake errands. This is I hope you enjoyed learning about the history of April
followed by Tailie Day. This involves pranks being played on Fool’s Day and how other countries and cultures celebrate
 it. Maybe this year, you will be fooled.

 Acrostic Poem
 by Zara Alousi So many people outside planting lowers
 Heat of summer not yet here
 At last winter has ended Oh how like a bike ride in spring
 Parks full of kids freeze-tag and We put on our rain gear and get drenched
 swings Eating delicious food at a picnic in park
 Rising from bed wanting one hour more Running with kite-day friends
 Irises in bloom all shades of purple Shortest of seasons goes by so fast
 Leaving my puffer until next year

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 NATIONAL HOLIDAYS IN APRIL • April 15: National Laundry Day, Titanic
 Remembrance Day, World Art Day, National D.A.R.E.
 Day (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), National
 • April 1: April Fools' Day, International Fun at Work Day, National High Five Day*
 Burrito Day* ( irst Thursday) • April 16: Wear Pajamas to Work Day, National Stress
 • April 2: World Autism Awareness Day, International Children's Awareness Day, Save the Elephant Day
 Book Day*, National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day, National Ferret • April 17: National Cheeseball Day, International Bat Appreciation
 Day, National Walk to Work Day* ( irst Friday) Day, National Haiku Poetry Day, Husband Appreciation Day
 • April 3: National Find a Rainbow Day, World Party Day • April 18: National Velociraptor Awareness Day, The National
 • April 4: National Hug a Newsperson Day, National Geologists Columnists Day
 Day* ( irst Sunday), International Carrot Cake Day • April 19: National Garlic Day, Patriots Day* (third Monday)
 • April 5: National Deep Dish Pizza Day, National Dandelion Day, • April 20: Chinese Language Day, National Look-Alike Day,
 Read a Road Map Day Volunteer Recognition Day
 • April 6: National Siamese Cat Day, National Student-Athlete Day • April 21: National Bulldogs are Beautiful Day, National
 • April 7: National Beer Day, World Health Day, International Kindergarten Day, Administrative Professionals Day
 Beaver Day, National No Housework Day, National Walking Day* • April 22: Earth Day, National Jelly Bean Day, Girl Scout Leader
 ( irst Wednesday), National Bookmobile Day* Day, Annual Teach Children to Save Day* (varies in April), Take
 • April 8: National Empanada Day, Draw a Picture of a Bird Day, Your Daughter and Son to Work Day* (fourth Thursday
 Zoo Lovers Day • April 23: National Picnic Day, World Book and Copyright Day,
 • April 9: National Winston Churchill Day, National Name Yourself Lover's Day, National Take a Chance Day
 Day, Day of Silence* (second Friday) • April 24: World Laboratory Day
 • April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day, National Siblings Day, • April 25: National DNA Day, National Hug a Plumber Day,
 Golfer's Day, National Farm Animals Day National Telephone Day, World Malaria Day, World Penguin Day,
 • April 11: National Pet Day, National Submarine Day National Zucchini Bread Day, National Hairstylist Appreciation D
 • April 12: National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, National Licorice • April 26: National Pretzel Day
 Day, International Day of Human Space Flight • April 27: National Prime Rib Day, Morse Code Day, Babe Ruth
 • April 13: National Make Lunch Count Day, National Scrabble Day, Day, National Tell a Story Day
 International Plant Appreciation Day, National Peach Cobbler • April 28: National Superhero Day, National Kiss Your Mate Day,
 Day, International Be Kind to Lawyers Day* International Guide Dog Day* (last Wednesday)
 • April 14: National Ex-Spouse Day, International Moment of • April 29: International Dance Day, International Shrimp Scampi
 Laughter Day, Look Up at the Sky Day, National Dolphin Day, Day, National Zipper Day
 School Librarians' Day, National Library Workers Day* • April 30: International Jazz Day, National Honesty Day, National
 Raisin Day, National Mahjong Day, National Arbor Day

 MOVING TO HOUSTON BY JULIA MADERO grade, and my teacher was Ms.
 McMillan. At the beginning, I didn't
 I was born in Houston, and I moved to Mexico when I understand anything. Later, I got to
 was two years old. My parents are Mexican. I have two learn more English as I listened to
 brothers; one was born in Houston like me, and my older more words. I also got help from
 brother was born in Spain. We came back to Houston my friend Ximena, who also speaks
 when I was six. Spanish. I also remember that
 everyday my stomach hurt a lot,
 While I was living in Mexico, I liked to spend time with
 and I was shy. In class, I had to do a
 my family and friends. Sometimes, I had sleepovers in my
 lot of work; reading was also hard. It was hard for me to
 grandparents’ house. They were very fun. I also loved my
 understand words, and it was also hard for my classmates
 school, Mexican traditions, my ballet, the play dates, and
 to understand me. As time passed by, I learned more and
 food. I was very happy living in Mexico, and I felt safe.
 made more friends. My teacher was very caring with me,
 Later on, my dad got an offer to work in Houston and I started enjoying going to school. I was starting to be
 again. He accepted it and told us in a Disneyland trip. I happier.
 didn't want to leave my family, friends, and my ballet. I
 Now I am stronger, I feel more resilient. I worked hard
 was afraid I wouldn't make any friends. I accepted the
 and got more good grades. I am grateful for my teachers,
 situation, but I told my mom the only condition that I had
 parents, and new friends that supported me and helped
 was that I wanted to dance in the Houston Ballet.
 me to make this new life easier. Sometimes things look
 Later, my mom got me into the Houston Ballet, and I impossible, but they are possible. I still miss Mexico, but I
 started going to West University Elementary. It was irst also love my new life here in Houston.

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 THE 2021 NFL DRAFT BY AAVIN PANDITA The Jaguars and Jets have
 announced they will draft two
 The NFL Draft is Currently, the draft consists of quarterbacks with the irst two picks.
 an annual event seven rounds. During the draft, one is The Jags will take Trevor Lawrence
 where NFL always ‘’on the clock.’’ Teams have 10 from Clemson, and the Jets will take
 Teams recruit minutes to make their choice in the Justin Fields from Ohio State. Ja’Marr
 players from irst round, seven minutes in the Chase, Zach Wilson, Penei Sewell, and
 colleges. Each second round, ive minutes in the Kyle Pitts are likely to go next. There
 team is given a third to sixth rounds, and four are almost 250 picks in the seven
 position in the minutes in the seventh round. rounds. Teams can trade draft picks
 drafting order in along with players and cash.
 The 2021 draft will be held in
 reverse order to their playing record Cleveland, Ohio from April 29 to May The NFL draft is one of the most
 in the previous season, which means 1, 2021. It will be shown live on many exciting NFL offseason events. Teams
 the last place team gets to pick the top TV channels like ESPN, ABC, and draft future Hall of Famers and
 college prospect or trade their N F L N e t w o r k . complete busts. Both will happen to
 position to another team for other every team at some point.
 draft positions.


 This is the only year that all the kids in our family are at can all relate to. And since we’ve spent a lot of time with our
 the same school. Toby is in fifth grade, Kelsey is in third siblings this year, we were curious to see how many people
 grade, and Jesse is in Kindergarten. It’s been fun to see our in the school have siblings and if they are annoying or nice.
 siblings in the hallways and at lunch and recess. Every night, We interviewed 40 students in the school, and here are their
 we have things to talk about that happened at school that we answers.

 As you can see, many more people have siblings than them choose an answer. So, overall, more people said they
 people who don’t. It was close, but more people had one have siblings than those who said that they don’t have
 sibling than any other number of siblings. More people also siblings, and most of the people who have siblings said that
 said that their siblings were annoying than people who said they were annoying instead of nice. Even though it’s been a
 that their siblings were nice. Some people said that one of rough year due to Covid, we’re sure deep down everybody
 their siblings was nice and the other naughty, but we made loves their siblings.


 neighbors. The Henry family came over and made chili for the ire ighters on University Boulevard. My brother, Jack
 (First Grade), begged to go deliver it so he could take a look inside the ire station. By Friday, the entire winter storm
 ended, and our visitors left. It was about time for that!

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 Emeka: I remember you taught
 irst grade when I was in irst
 1. What do you grade. Which do you prefer: being a
 do with family librarian or a irst grade teacher?
 on your
 birthday? Ms. McMillan: I loved teaching irst
 grade, but I would have to say
 A: “I go out with
 being a librarian is a dream come
 my family to
 true! I love to be able to talk about
 books all day, and it has been so
 2. Any much fun to teach all grade levels.
 traditions you Ms. McMillan: My favorite series of
 used to do with Emeka: Why did you choose to
 all time is Harry Potter because it’s
 your family on your birthday? become the school librarian?
 the series that got me into reading
 A: “My dad would usually take me out of Ms. McMillan: I have wanted to be during middle school. My favorite
 school early.” a librarian for years, but I was book is The Nightingale by Kristen
 intimidated about going back to Hannah. It’s a historical iction
 3. Do you still have any birthday gifts from
 school for my master’s degree. novel about two sisters during
 when you were young?
 When Covid started, I knew it was WW2.
 A: “Birthday gifts from when I was young… time to make the leap and follow
 I’m sure I have some gifts I received when Emeka: Where did you grow up?
 my dream. It was the best decision
 I was younger. When I was in college, I got I ever made! I love talking about Ms. McMillan: I grew up in Katy,
 my dog Bonnie as a birthday present. books and doing Makerspaces with Texas. So, really close to Houston.
 That was pretty cool!” all of the students at West U. Emeka: Do you have a favorite city
 4. Have your past students given you gifts
 Emeka: How do you feel about beside Houston?
 during school?
 your recent wins with the Name
 A: “Yes, in the past, my students have gotten Ms. McMillan: I have been going to
 That Book team?
 me gifts. Last year, my birthday was Vail since I was a baby with my
 during the beginning of quarantine, so it Ms. McMillan: I am so incredibly family, and we go a couple times a
 wasn’t the best. Everything was closed proud of Emeka, Kenenna, Sam, year. It’s my happy place, and it will
 down, so I couldn’t see my students or Clement, Sophia, Toby, and Henry! forever be my favorite!
 friends” They worked so hard for so many Emeka: Where is your favorite
 months, and I was happy for them!
 5. Do you do anything specific if your vacation spot?
 It was de initely the highlight of
 birthday is on a school day? this school year! Ms. McMillan: The best vacation I
 A: “My birthday is on the same day as the ever took was to Rome, Italy. I love
 Emeka: How long have you been
 Writing STAAR this year, so I will be history, and there is ancient history
 teaching at WUES?
 spending it monitoring students’ testing. everywhere you look when you
 When it is on a school day, I enjoy seeing Ms. McMillan: I taught irst grade walk in Rome. The colosseum,
 my students and celebrating my birthday at WUES for 10 years, and I have Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain, and
 with coworkers.” been a librarian for one year. So, so much more were just incredible
 6. Did you get the guinea pigs close to your I’ve been teaching for 11 years to see.
 birthday, on your birthday, or even total. Emeka: Where did you go to college?
 sometime in April? Emeka: What are your hobbies, Ms. McMillan: I went to TCU
 A: “I had two guinea pigs as class pets for beside reading? (Texas Christian University) in Fort
 two years…I think. I got them from Ms. McMillan: I love to cook, even Worth and had a wonderful time
 another family near the beginning of a though I’m not the best at it! I also there. I’m currently getting my
 school year. Last year, you took them love to do puzzles and knit. master’s degree from UNT
 home right before my birthday when (University of North Texas).
 quarantine hit, and you’ve had them ever Emeka: What is your favorite book?

 Houston Independent School Distric http://westues.or page 9

Monthly Mustang - Houston ISD


Houston Independent School Distric http://westues.or page 10


 April Holidays and Observances: A Crossword Puzzle by Lauren Chen

 Answer key
Use these clues to complete the crossword puzzle. Some of the
Answers are more than one word with no space between words.
 1. A celebration of the Battle of San Jacinto
 3. A Christian holiday on a Friday
 4. A global health awareness day
 6. A national day for a kind of butter and jam that go great together
 7. A day to plant trees
 8. A one-day worldwide celebration for parties
 9. A day to care for our earth
 10. A day for pranks

 2 Our third president's birthday
 5 A holiday where you might have an egg hunt

 Houston Independent School Distric http://westues.or page 11

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