Monthly - Gordon and Gotch

Page created by Harry Flynn
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
            ISSUE 22: APRIL 2021

TITLE CODE: 490068 - 100150
PRICE: $17.95
BARCODE: 9772047055022
ON SALE DATE: 14/06/2021

The Royal Life special issue for the
Queen's 95th birthday will be 100 pages
and covering:

• Queenie at 95 / Phil at 100 - married
70+ years - Milestone dates in their life

• Queenie Milestones - Coronation /
Jubilees / Anniversary / 65 years

• Prince Philip - upcoming 100th

• Expanding Family - Her children,
grandchildren, great-grandchildren

• Royal Residence - Buckingham
Palace - The history and function of

                                OV ATO M ONTHLY
                                   Issue 22: April 2021   1
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
Tatler                              Vogue UK                             Vanity Fair                           Elle USA
     Title Code: 248890                   Title Code: 251360                    Title Code: 251200                   Title Code: 732810
On Sale: 19/04/21   Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 10/05/21    Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 03/05/21   Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 26/04/21     Freq: Monthly
Origin: UK             RRP: $15.99   Origin: UK              RRP: $16.99   Origin: UK             RRP: $16.99   Origin: USA              RRP: $16.40

FASHION                               FASHION                                FASHION                            FASHION
TATLER reveals its March issue        Angelina Jolie is British VOGUE’s     In the last year, the               In his latest cover, Barry Blitt
starring Lady Amelia and Lady         March cover star. The                 megastar scored five                portrays a feast in the forests
Eliza Spencer on the cover. In a      humanitarian, director and            Grammys, went                       of New England, where the
world exclusive, the twins speak      mother caught up with Editor-         multiplatinum eight times,          holiday originated.
about their upbringing in South       in-Chief of British Vogue,            released the new James
Africa, the legacy of their aunt      Edward Enninful via zoom in her       Bond theme, and was
Diana, Princess of Wales, and         historic LA home to discuss her       forced to cancel a 49-
whether the family seat of            family and her continuing fight       date tour. Then, she turned
Althorp will soon be hosting a        for the rights of women and           19. “It’s a really weird
wedding.                              children.                             position I’m in,” she tells
                                                                            VANITY FAIR. “I’ve never
                                                                            been an adult before.”
                                                                            Billie’s reveals all in the
                                                                            March issue of VANITY FAIR

                                                                                                                       OV ATO M ONTHLY
                                                                                                                         Issue 22: April 2021
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
TITLE CODE: 406237 - 100000
BARCODE: 9772652997007
ON SALE DATE: 01/04/2021

                     OV ATO M ONTHLY
                       Issue 22: April 2021   3
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
Organic NZ                           Outback                         Condé Nast Traveller                         GQ UK
     Title Code: 581577                  Title Code: 478120                     Title Code: 193460                   Title Code: 170881
On Sale:26/04/21 Freq: Bi-Monthly   On Sale: 19/04/21   Freq: Bi-Monthly   On Sale: 06/05/21   Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 06/05/21     Freq: Monthly
Origin: NZ             RRP: $9.90   Origin: AUS              RRP: $13.00   Origin: UK             RRP: $15.99   Origin: UK               RRP: $10.99

 GENERAL HEALTH                      GENERAL OUTDOOR                         TRAVEL                             MEN’S INTEREST
 Organic NZ – always packed          Radio has been connecting              CONDé NAST TRAVELLER                After four years of political
 with inspiration and practical      rural Australians for 120 years,                                           vandalism, the 46th president
                                                                            has launched its first ever
 tips for living a more eco-         and continues to hold special                                              has a plan: an administration
                                                                            sustainability issue.
 friendly lifestyle! Highlights      relevance across our vast                                                  of competent, faceless
                                                                            Dedicated to conscious
 include:                            country. Broadcast radio has                                               operators, a government
                                                                            travel, the March issue
 • Lothlorien, the world’s only      more listeners than ever, as                                               whose first and only job is to
                                                                            celebrates the people,
 organic feijoa winery               new technologies allow us to                                               pick up the pieces and the
                                                                            communities, places and
 • Boost your immunity with          access it in different ways,                                               re-found faith that voters of
                                                                            initiatives around the world
 rosehips                            and two-way ultra-high                                                     all persuasions will reward
                                                                            that uphold the best
 • Plant-based milks: easy           frequency (UHF) radio                                                      prosperity.
                                                                            standards, push the
 recipes to make at home             remains the channel of                 boundaries and those who
 • Autumn gardening: gather,         choice in the bush. This in-           are ushering in important
 snip and tidy                       depth look at the history and          change.
 • How organic, regenerative         use of radio in Australia is
 farming can reverse climate         complemented by other
 change!                             highlights of the edition,
 • A rare-breed cattle ideal for     including the diverse
 small organic blocks                operation that is Castle top

                                                                                                                       OV ATO M ONTHLY
                                                                                                                          Issue 22: April 2021
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
Shopkins No. 75                   406335 -101310             Pink No. 299                         114819 - 100260

ON SALE: 12th April 2021                     $11.90          ON SALE: 10th May 2021                                $9.90

The official Shopkins magazine is jam packed full with fun   Pink is perfect for little girls who love all things Pink! Each
activities based on cute, quirky characters! Each issue      issue is packed with fun, friendship, Puzzles, posters, stories,
comes with a selection of gorgeous gifts, pretty posters,    craft, colouring and recipes. A perfect read for the Easter
cool comics and more! A Perfect for the Easter holidays!     holidays!

                                                                                                       OV ATO M ONTHLY
                                                                                                          Issue 22: April 2021   3
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
NZ Property Investor             AUST Amateur Boatbuilder                 Australian Golf Digest                   Jaguar E-Type
     Title Code: 557850                 Title Code: 461000                     Title Code: 403775                   Title Code: 105875
On Sale:29/03/21   Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 26/04/21   Freq: Quarterly   On Sale: 13/05/21   Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 23/06/21      Freq: Annual
Origin: NZ            RRP: $9.95    Origin: AUS              RRP: $9.55   Origin: AUS            RRP: $10.00   Origin: UK               RRP: $28.99

 BUSINESS & POLITICS                 BOATS                                  GOLF                               ,MOTORSPORT
 In the April issue of the NZ        Australian Amateur                    April issue is all about the        60TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL
 Property Investor magazine we       Boatbuilder & Kit Boats               Masters, as we preview the
 feature Monica Chen from            magazine is an exciting               first Major championship of         In March 1961 the most
 Auckland, who has built a           publication now in its 26th           2021! Marc Leishman and             famous British sports car of all
 business around her property        year and is the only                  Cam Smith provide their             time rolled off the production
 investing success.                  magazine of its nature                insights into tackling the          line for the first time. Motor
 Our feature articles take a look    published and distributed             Augusta National course             Sport has put together a
 at buying off plan and Build-To-    throughout Australasia.               while defending champion            special issue commemorating
 Rent opportunities.                 Pick up your copy of the              Dustin Johnson explains             some its finest hours both on
 Sally Lindsay investigates the      Apr/May/June 2021 issue               why he's hungry for more            and off the track. Birth of an
 profits from investing in           featuring:                            green jackets. We also              Icon charts the rise of the E-
 childcare centres and this          • Chaparral – from Cray               revisit Greg Norman's               type – one of the world’s
 month's Regional Review                boat to Comfortable                stunning Masters'                   most sought-after cars.
 focuses on Auckland's North            Cruiser                            meltdown 25 years ago
 Shore.                              • Scaling Right Down – The            and take an in-depth look
                                        Joy of it all                      at the likely future of the
                                     • It’s All About Attitude             Masters' tours and
                                     • Essential Tools for Getting         ticketing.
                                     And MUCH MUCH MORE!...

                                                                                                                      OV ATO M ONTHLY
                                                                                                                        Issue 22: April 2021
Monthly - Gordon and Gotch
National Geographic                    Nat Geographic Special                       The New Yorker                           The New Yorker
     Title Code: 784733                      Title Code: 982530                       Title Code: 808300                       Title Code: 808300
On Sale: 05/04/21       Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 26/04/21      Freq: Monthly    On Sale: 03/05/21        Freq: Weekly    On Sale: 26/04/21       Freq: Weekly
Origin: USA                RRP: $15.95   Origin: USA               RRP: $22.95   Origin: USA                RRP: $23.20   Origin: USA               RRP: $23.20

 SCIENCE & NATURE                         SCIENCE & NATURE                        BUSINESS & POLITICS                      BUSINESS & POLITICS
 National Geographic presents:            National Geographic Special             The NEW YORKER                           The NEW YORKER
 VIRUS                                    presents: Simple Sustainability         January 4 & 11, 2021                     January 25, 2021

 Uncover the mysteries of a virus in      As our population continues to          On the magazine’s latest cover,          On January 20th, if all goes
 the February edition of National         boom and the demand for                 artist Jorge Colombo offers an           according to plan, Donald
 Geographic magazine.                     resources grows with it, it has         inaugural image for 2021: a              Trump will depart the office of
 Abundant and diverse, viruses are        become more important and               portrait of the new, quiet               the Presidency. Barry Blitt, who
 so much more than sickness and           popular to find ways to live            rhythms of New York streets.             has spent much of the past four
 pandemics. Explore how these             sustainably. Go back to the             Colombo has long been a                  years studying, drawing, and
 microorganisms, unseen by the            basics and learn essential skills       connoisseur of city scenes, both
                                                                                                                           riffing on Trump’s antics and
 naked eye play crucial roles in all      that will help you live a more          pre-pandemic and mid-
                                                                                                                           demagoguery, collects visual
 aspects of life - from being the         sustainable and simple life,            pandemic. He says, “Walking at
                                          including learning the steps to         night is like exploring a sleeping       metaphors for America: the
 backbone of ecosystems to
 playing a fundamental role in an         fermenting, pickling and canning        civilization: your mind fills in the     Statue of Liberty, Uncle Sam,
 embryo’s development. Also in            your own food to make it last           blanks. I love passing so few            anything with stars and stripes on
 this issue, discover the moving          longer. Discover this modern            people, or none at all, in a city        it, Babe Ruth, apple pie – and
 stories of the women who endure          approach to self-reliant living in      of millions.                             the American Eagle.
 treacherous journeys in the hopes        the February issue of National
 that they may find a better life.        Geographic Special.

                                                    PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW
                                                                                                                                    OV ATO M ONTHLY
                                                                  Ph: (09) 979 - 3018                                                 Issue 22: April 2021

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