MontcoPA Counts - Social Media Content - Montgomery ...

Page created by Rene Murray
MontcoPA Counts - Social Media Content - Montgomery ...
MontcoPA Counts - Social Media Content
General Guidelines
While we encourage everyone to create original content that resonates with your particular audiences, there are some general guidelines that should be
   1. Please feel free to use the MontcoPACounts logo located in the dropbox whenever possible on your materials and in your social media posts.
   2. Please use hashtag #MontcoPACounts so that we can track activity. It will allow committee members and residents to search on the hashtag to see the
      latest news that we are sharing. Other hashtags that can be used are #Census2020 #2020Census #CountMeIn, which will help get tweets and Instagram
      posts wider coverage.
   3. If you choose to create your own post or other content such as flyers, videos, etc., please be sure you follow the guidelines set forth by the Census. Make
      sure that your content is tasteful, will not be seen as derogatory by any groups or individuals, and is not copyrighted.
           a. Use cultural, religious or other holidays such as Martin Luther King Day and National Teacher Appreciation Day, etc. to get more attention for
               your posts. List of 2020 holidays here Also National Days are also a fun way to boost content.
               This site will give show you what is celebrated year round each day.
           b. Use your organization or team meetings and events as an opportunity to create content. Take a photo or mini video and add the content below.
   4. Please tag or mention Montgomery County and/or relevant groups in your posts so that we can see and share each other’s content.
   5. Please feel free to use relevant emojis to jazz up your posts if needed!
   6. All images referenced in this document can be found in the shared MontcoPA Counts CCC Dropbox. Feel free to create your own!
Category           Long Form: Facebook-LinkedIn-Instagram                        Short Form: Twitter                          Suggested Image file/type
Intro              We are excited to announce that we’ve partnered with          We’ve partnered with the #Census2020         Recruiting flyer
                   the #Census2020 @MontgomeryCounty,PA Complete                 @MontcoPA Complete Count Committee
                   Count Committee! As a partner, we’ll be working to            to ensure that our community is accurately
                   ensure that our community is accurately represented. To       represented! Learn more here
                   learn about the upcoming Census, visit              
          #MontcoPACounts                  #MontcoPACounts
How will I be      For the first time, in 2020 the U.S. Census Bureau will       For the first time, you can respond to the   How the Census Invites
contacted?         accept responses online. The process will be quick and        #Census online. But responding by mail       Everyone… 1 & 2
                   secure. You can respond to the Census in less time than it    will still be an option! Get more
                   takes to finish your morning coffee. Don’t worry! You will    information at
                   still be able to respond by mail if you want! To learn more   #MontcoPACounts
                   about what to expect, visit
African-American   Black communities have been undercounted for decades          Black communities have been                         African-American
                   in the Census – especially children under the age of 5 and    undercounted for decades in the Census –             image
                   males. This affects federal funding allocations to programs   especially children under the age of 5 and          African-American
                   such as SNAP, the Temporary Assistance for Needy              males. This affects federal funding                  mom and baby image
                   Families and the National School Lunch Program. Find out      allocations to programs such as SNAP, the
                   how you can help to make sure everyone is counted here        Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
          #MontcoPACounts                  and the National School Lunch Program.
                   #Census2020                                                   #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
African-American   Your response will inform how over $675 billion in public     What’s at risk for black communities?        African-American mom and
                   funding flows into things like community services, health     Community and health services, Head          baby image
                   clinics, Head Start, historically Black colleges and          Start, and funding for HBCUs and minority-
                   universities, and programs that support minority-owned        owned businesses. Get counted!
                   businesses. Visit here for        #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
                   more information or if you want to help spread the word!
                   #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Business           The #Census is critical to our local economy. It helps to     The #Census is critical to our local         Business SEI image
                   analyze trends, understand consumer needs and labor           economy. It helps make business decisions
                   supplies, locate potential sites for factories and            and attract new businesses and residents
                   distribution centers, and deliver goods and services where    to our area. Want to help us spread the
                   they are most needed. It also helps make business             word? Visit
                   decisions and attract new businesses and residents to our
                   area. Want to help us spread the word? Visit                  #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Business/General   Census-derived federal funds support many economic            Census-derived federal funds support         Business_SEI image
                   development programs in communities across PA,                many economic development programs in
                   including support for housing, infrastructure projects, and   communities across PA, including support
                   business loans. In FY 2016, these programs totaled more       for housing, infrastructure projects, and
                   than $760 million. #2020Census #MontcoPACounts                business loans. In FY 2016, these programs
                   #MontcoForward #Census2020                                    totaled more than $760 million.
                                            #2020Census #MontcoPACounts
                                                                                 #MontcoForward #Census2020
Business/General   Developers use census data to determine where to build        Developers use census data to determine      Why important_Everyone
                   new homes and revitalize neighborhoods, creating vibrant      where to build new homes and revitalize      counts image
                   communities across the country. Learn about other ways        neighborhoods, creating vibrant
                   #2020Census data will be used:             communities across the country. Learn
                   #MontcoPACounts #MontcoForward #Census2020                    about other ways #2020Census data will
                                                                                 be used:
                                                                                 #MontcoPACounts #MontcoForward
Confidentiality    Make sure you’re counted in #Census2020! An accurate          The next decennial census is just around     Confidentiality image
                   count means that communities across the nation receive        the corner in 2020. Make sure you’re
                   the funding, services, and business support they deserve      counted! Your responses are confidential.
                   and need. Your responses and information are protected        To learn more, visit
                   and confidential. Learn more about how the Census   
                   protects your data at                     #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Confidentiality     The #2020Census is confidential! The law is clear under       The #2020Census is confidential! The law        Confidentiality image
                    Title 13 of the U.S. Code – no personal information can be    is clear under Title 13 of the U.S. Code – no
                    shared. Information collected may only be used for            personal information can be shared, used
                    statistical purposes and no other purpose. Your Census        for any other purpose, or shared with any
                    responses cannot be used by any government or law             law enforcement agency or court in any
                    enforcement agency or court in any way.                       way. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
                    #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Education/General   The #2020Census will impact the next generation! Data         The #2020Census will impact the next            College students image
                    collected during the Census will inform funding for special   generation like funding for special ed,
                    ed, teacher training, youth programs and more. By filling     teacher training, youth programs and
                    out our Census forms, we’re giving Montco's kids a            more. Filling out your Census forms gives
                    brighter future. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                  Montco's kids a brighter future.
                                                                                  #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Education/General   Everyone living in your household counts in the               Everyone living in your household counts        Children Census 2020 image
                    #2020Census. Kids under 5 are among the most likely to        in the #2020Census. Kids under 5 are
                    be under counted, so make sure you include them when          among the most likely to be under
                    you fill out the census this spring. #MontcoPACounts          counted, so make sure you include them
                    #Census2020                       when you fill out the census this spring.
                                                                                  #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Education/General   There are 22 school districts in Montgomery County. The       There are 22 school districts in                Children School Census 2020
                    #2020Census data will help inform their enrollment            Montgomery County. The #2020Census              image
                    projections and strategic decisions. Learn more at            data will help inform their enrollment
           #MontcoPACounts              projections and strategic decisions. Learn
                    #Census2020                                                   more at
                                                                                  #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Education/Youth     Census data supports smaller class sizes, hiring school       Census data supports smaller class sizes,       Children school Census 2020
                    specialists, free breakfast & lunch (SNAP), Head Start and    hiring school specialists, free breakfast &     image
                    MORE! Talk to your parents about why your family needs        lunch (SNAP), Head Start and MORE! Talk
                    to participate in April 2020. #MontcoPACounts                 to your parents about why your family
                    #Census2020                                                   needs to participate in April 2020.
                                                                                  #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Faith-based   No matter which religion or spiritual practice you follow,      Faith plays a major role in many people’s      Religious symbols image
              faith plays a major role in many people’s lives. Your work      lives. Your work and contribution to the
              and contribution to the common good moves beyond the            common good moves beyond the walls of
              walls of where you worship. Your voice matters! Learn           where you worship. Your voice matters!
              more about #Census2020 and how you can help here                Learn more about #Census2020 and how
     #MontcoPACounts                    you can help here
                                                                              #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Faith-based   Faith leaders are among the most trusted messengers in          As people of faith, we believe in the          Religious symbols image
              our communities. As people of faith, we believe in the          divinely given dignity of every person. Join
              divinely given dignity of every person. Join us as a faith      us as a faith ambassador and help
              ambassador and help educating and mobilizing your               educating and mobilizing your community.
              community. For more information visit                           For more information visit
              #Census2020                                                     #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Government    Each and every one of us is part of “We The People.”            “We The People” can help decide planning       Montgomery County map
              Planning future government services; developing                 for future federal, state, and local           image
              “intelligent” maps to draw federal, state, and local            government services and budgets. Don’t
              legislative districts; planning budgets for government at all   be excluded! Learn more and join us at
              levels; Don’t be excluded! Learn more and join us at  
     #MontcoPACounts                    #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Government    The #Census helps design public safety strategies and           The #Census helps design public safety         Public Safety image
              speed emergency services to households in need of               strategies and speed emergency services
              assistance. Make sure your voice is heard! Learn more at        to households in need of assistance. Make
     #MontcoPACounts                    sure your voice is heard! Learn more at
                                                                              #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Government    Did you know? Your responses to the #2020Census will            Did you know? Your responses to the            Why important_Redistricting
              affect our representation in Congress. Montgomery               #2020Census will affect our representation     image
              County is currently represented by 3 congressional              in Congress. Montgomery County is
              districts. To learn more about the census’s impact on           currently represented by 3 congressional
              Montco, visit                      districts. To learn more about the census’s
              #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                                     impact on Montco, visit
                                                                              #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Healthcare             PA receives $39.1 billion in census-derived federal funds;   PA receives $39.1 billion in census-derived     African-American mom and
                       51.7% percent are related to healthcare, primarily to        federal funds; 51.7% percent are related to     baby image
                       support Medicaid and CHIP, serving seniors, people with      healthcare, primarily to support Medicaid
                       disabilities, and children. Respond to the #2020Census to    and CHIP, serving seniors, people with
                       ensure we get the funding we need. #MontcoPACounts           disabilities, and children. Respond to the
                       #Census2020                      #2020Census to ensure we get the funding
                                                                                    we need. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Historically hard to
                  Who is at risk of being undercounted in the #2020Census?          Our most vulnerable populations are at          Group (Montco CCC) image
count / RecruitingOur most vulnerable populations - children under 5 years          risk of being undercounted! Please join us
                  old, racial and ethnic minorities, limited English                in making sure they are counted by visiting
                  proficiency households, immigrants, renters and residents
                  who move often, persons experiencing homelessness and             #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
                  displaced by natural disasters, seniors, and people with
                  disabilities. Please join us to make sure they are counted.
                  Visit and find out how
                  you can help! #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Immigrant/General The #2020Census is for EVERYONE, not just for citizens,           The #2020Census is for EVERYONE, not just       Confidential image
                  and your info is 100% safe! For more info visit                   for citizens, and your info is 100% safe! For
         #MontcoPACounts                                   more info visit
Immigrant/General Your responses to the #2020Census are protected by Title          Your responses to the #2020Census are           Confidential image
                  13. So your info:                                                 protected by Title 13. So your info:
                       1. Is confidential                                           Is confidential, Can't be used against you,
                       2. Can't be used against you                                 Can't be shared with anyone, not even law
                       3. Can't be shared with anyone, not even law                 enforcement. And every census worker
                           enforcement                                              takes a lifetime oath to never disclose your
                   And every census worker takes a lifetime oath to never           data. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
                  disclose your data. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Languages         Speak Spanish? Habla espanol?                                     Speak Spanish? Habla espanol?                   Language image
                  Visit Materials are also          Visit
                  available in 12 different languages here. Select the              Materials are also available in 12 different
                  language, type of material and focus area from the drop-          languages here. Select the language, type
                  down menu. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                            of material and focus area from the drop-
                                                                                    down menu. #MontcoPACounts
Languages        Census materials are available in 12 different                 Census materials are available in 12           Language image
                 languages here. Select the language, type of material and      different languages here. Select the
                 focus area from the drop-down menu. #MontcoPACounts            language, type of material and focus area
                 #Census2020                                                    from the drop-down menu.
                                                                                #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Languages        Here are instructions on how to fill out the Census form in    Here are instructions on how to fill out the   Language image
                 60 languages #MontcoPACounts            Census form in 60 languages
                 #Census2020                                           #MontcoPACounts
LGBTQ+           On the #2020Census, you’ll have the option to identify a       On the #2020Census, you’ll have the            LGBTQ+ image
                 relationship as same-sex—informing community planning          option to identify a relationship as same-
                 for families and providing vital statistics to advocates and   sex—informing community planning for
                 policymakers who work on LGBTQ+ issues. Help us get            families and providing vital statistics to
                 everyone counted! Visit           advocates and policymakers who work on
                 #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                                    LGBTQ+ issues. Learn more at
                                                                                #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Recruiting       JOIN OUR TEAM! 10 minutes to answer 9 questions that           JOIN OUR TEAM! Make a commitment               Recruitment flyer image
                 will shape your community for 10 years. Make a                 NOW to educate your friends, family, and
                 commitment NOW to educate your friends, family, and            community on why it’s important to be
                 community on why it’s important to be counted. Visit           counted. Visit
        for more information.     to sign
                 #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                                    up! #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Transportation   How will completing the census improve transportation in       How will completing the census improve         Transportation_Census image
                 Montco? #2020Census data is used in planning and               transportation in Montco? #2020Census
                 distributing funding for public transportation and new         data is used in planning and distributing
                 roads and bridges, helping to improve everyone’s               funding for public transportation and new
                 commute. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                           roads and bridges, helping to improve
                                                                                everyone’s commute. #MontcoPACounts
Why is it        The #Census count affects the allocation of legislative        Responding to the #2020Census is our civic     Any Why It’s Important image
important?       districts and funding for our community’s public resources     duty and affect the allocation funding for
                 such as roads, hospitals, schools, services, and businesses.   our County’s public resources, how we
                 Learn more about how important it is in                        plan for the future, and our voice in
                 @MontgomeryCounty,PA at                                        government. To learn more, visit
Why is it    With just a 5% undercount in the #2020Census,                  A 5% undercount in the #2020Census,             Why is it important image
important?   #MontcoPA could lose $72,336,780 annually in funding for       #MontcoPA could lose $72,336,780
             important education, social services, infrastructure, health   annually in funding for important
             and other important projects. #MontcoPACounts                  education, social services, infrastructure,
             #Census2020                                                    health and other important projects.
                                                                            #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Why is it    Census data is used to determine the distribution of more      Census data is used to determine the            Why is it important image
important?   than $675 billion in federal funds to states for critical      distribution of more than $675 billion in
             regional and local programs such as SNAP, Medicaid,            federal funds to states for critical regional
             Social Security, veterans’ benefits, unemployment              and local programs such as SNAP,
             benefits, workers’ compensation, housing choice                Medicaid, housing choice vouchers, and
             vouchers, and head start. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020          head start. #MontcoPACounts
Why is it    We have 1 chance in a decade to get it right for schools,      1 chance in 10 years to get it right for the    Why is it important image
important?   infrastructure, businesses, and social services for the next   future of schools, infrastructure,
             10 years. Make sure you are counted in #Census2020!            businesses, and social services. Make sure
             Visit for more                     you are counted in #Census2020! Visit
             information and share with friends, family, and       for more
             community members. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                 information and share! #MontcoPACounts
Why is it    In FY2016, Pennsylvania received $39,179,047,733               In FY2016, Pennsylvania received                Why important_Everyone
important?   through 55 federal spending programs guided by data            $39,179,047,733 through 55 federal              counts image
             derived from the 2010 Census. Be sure to respond to the        spending programs guided by data derived
             #2020Census to make sure we continue to get the funding        from the 2010 Census. Be sure to respond
             we need. #MontcoPACounts #Census2020                           to the #2020Census to make sure we
                                                                            continue to get the funding we need.
                                                                            #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Why is it    Did you know? With just a 5% undercount in the                 Did you know? With just a 5% undercount         Why important_Civic duty
important?   #2020Census, we could potentially lose $72,336,780 in          in the #2020Census, we could potentially        image
             funding for Montgomery County. Learn more at                   lose $72,336,780 in funding for
    #MontcoPACounts                   Montgomery County. Learn more at
                                                                            #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Why is it    The #2020Census will inform decisions about funding for   The #2020Census will inform decisions      Public Safety image
important?   fire departments and other emergency services that save   about funding for fire departments and
             lives every day. To learn about how the census makes a    other emergency services that save lives
             difference, #MontcoPACounts               every day. To learn about how the census
             #Census2020                                               makes a difference,
                                                                       #MontcoPACounts #Census2020
Best Days/Times to Post on Social Media
Social media algorithms are constantly changing, so there is more flexibility when it comes to posting times. However, if you are trying to manage your schedule,
or scheduling posts in advance, you may use the table below as a guide.

 Channel                                               Days                                                 Times
 Facebook                                              Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Weekends      1 to 4 pm
                                                       get the highest engagement, especially Sunday
                                                       afternoon. Tuesday is the worst day.
 Twitter                                               Monday through Friday. Wednesday is the best         Lunchtime
 Instagram                                             Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday            11 am to 1 pm, 7 pm to 9 pm, Saturdays at 5pm
                                                       and Saturday get the highest level of engagement.
                                                       Sunday is the worst day.
 LinkedIn                                              Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Weekends and           Between 10 am and 11 am
                                                       after work hours are the worst times to post.
 YouTube                                               Thursday and Friday.                                 Noon to 4 pm
                                                       Saturday and Sunday.                                 9 am to 11 am
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