MONEY MATTERS 2020/2021 - UWE Bristol

Page created by Wayne Palmer
Congratulations and
    welcome to UWE Bristol
    To those of you just starting your    For some of you, this may be the first
                                          time you will have to look after your
    journey with us, and those who
                                          own finances. This guide will help you
    are returning to your studies, it’s   understand your financial contract with
    always important to budget and        UWE Bristol and our processes, and give
                                          you pointers to more detailed information.
    plan your finances.
                                          Remember, financial problems have a habit
                                          of getting worse unless they’re tackled
                                          quickly. You can reduce unnecessary worries
                                          through good money management, dealing
                                          with fees and any debts immediately and
                                          asking for help if you need it.

2    Money Matters
Tuition fees  – your responsibility                                4–7
What happens if someone else is paying your fees?                  8–9
Tuition fee loans  – UK/EU Undergraduate students                    10
Postgraduate Loans                                               11–12
How to pay your fees                                             13–15
Non-payment                                                      16–18
Keeping us informed                                                  19
Additional module charges                                           20
Accommodation and charges                                        21–23
Library charges                                                     24
Withdrawing from your studies                                       25
Refunds                                                             26
Financial support and advice                                     27–32
Your guide to essential financial services                          33
Useful contacts                                                     34
Useful resources                                                    35
Paying through myUWE and UWE Bristol web payments                36–37

Tuition fees –
    your responsibility
    It’s important to remember                      UK/EU/Offshore full-time, part-time
                                                    and postgraduate students
    that you will become liable
                                                    If you are not paying your fees with
    for your tuition fees for the                   a fee loan or by a third party sponsor,
                                                    UWE Bristol will require payment:
    whole academic year from
                                                    •   In full prior to or at registration; or
    the official start date of your
                                                    • Via one of the instalment options
    course, even if you choose
                                                      outlined in this guide.
    to pay by instalments.                          International students (non-EU)

    Your liability may be reduced following         If you are a new international (non-
    withdrawal, suspension or external/internal     EU) student, you will be asked to pay
    transfer part-way through the academic          a deposit of £3,000 (in cleared funds)
    year. If you are a continuing student,          before registration (for Tier 4 Visa
    we will assume that you will be resuming        students this needs to be paid before your
    your studies with us unless you notify          Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies
    us otherwise in writing (see page 25 for        (CAS) is produced). The preferred method
    further details).                               of payment is by Flywire (see page 13 for
                                                    details). Overpayments cannot be accepted,
    You have a statutory right to cancel your
                                                    and will not be recorded on the CAS.
    contract (registration) with the University
    within 14 calendar days of the completion       The remaining balance of your fees must
    of that contract (registration). This applies   be paid:
    to all students registering at the University   •   In full prior to or at registration; or
    at the start of each academic session.
    Further details on this can be found            • Via one of the instalment options
    at page 25 of this booklet and in the             outlined in this guide.
    2020/21 Tuition Fee Policy.                     Returning international (non-EU) students
                                                    will not be required to pay a deposit of
                                                    £3,000 to re-register, and are able to select
                                                    one of the instalment options outlined in
                                                    this section.

4    Money Matters
Payment by Direct Debit instalments            To pay by instalments, a Direct Debit (DD)
(all students)                                 mandate must be completed by the end
A direct debit is an instruction you must      of your registration period. For September
give to your bank to pay us direct. You have   starters this period ends on 14 October
the option of paying by instalments to         2020. For January starters this period ends
help spread the cost of your tuition fees,     on 12 February 2021. Please set up a new
although you cannot pay by instalments if      mandate with your bank for each year
the cost of your fees is less than £250.       of study.
We offer two instalment plans, which           If you have not selected to pay by
allow you to pay over either three or six      instalments by the close of registration,
consecutive monthly payments.                  you will be invoiced for the full amount
Please see the tables in this section for      due, which will be payable immediately.
confirmation of the collection dates.          If your direct debit fails we may not be
Please note that payment plan lengths may      able to offer you this method of payment
vary for short courses and CPD modules.        in subsequent years. Direct debits can be
                                               set up via myUWE.

The option to pay by instalments is           However, the final payment must be made
    at the discretion of the University and       on or before 1st April 2021 for students
    may be withdrawn if you fall behind with      starting in September 2020, and on or
    your monthly payments. You will then be       before 1 August 2021 for those starting
    expected to pay the outstanding balance       in January 2021. This means that you may
    immediately and in full.                      end up paying more for each instalment
                                                  if you complete your DD late.
    If by prior agreement with the Credit
    Control Team, you complete your DD
    mandate late, the payment plan will start
    at the next available collection date.

    Three–monthly instalment plan

     If you start in         1 November 2020       1 December 2020             1 January 2021
     September 2020

     If you start in         1 March 2021          1 April 2021                1 May 2021
     January 2021

    Six–monthly instalment plan if you are starting your course in September 2020

     DD completion     1 November   1 December    1 January       1 February    1 March     1 April
     before            2020         2020          2021            2021          2021        2021
     15 October

     Completion        1 December   1 January     1 February      1 March       1 April
     between           2020         2021          2021            2021          2021
     15-31 October

    If you miss the first instalment date         of our Ways to Pay, and set up a DD to pay
    ie. 1 November 2020, and still wish to pay    the remaining instalments. No extensions
    over 6 instalments, you will be expected to   will be granted past 1 April 2021, unless
    pay the first instalment manually using one   agreed with the Credit Control Team.

6    Money Matters
Six-monthly instalment plan if you are starting your course in January 2021

 DD completion      1 March      1 April      1 May       1 June       1 July        1 August
 before             2021         2021         2021        2021         2021          2021
 12 February

 Completion         1 April      1 May        1 June      1 July       1 August
 between            2021         2021         2021        2021         2021
 12-28 February

What if my course starts at a different          Students with a Tier 4 Visa
time to those stated?                            If your Direct Debit fails on two consecutive
If you do not fall into one of these start       collections, you will receive an email to your
dates, your final payment dates will be          UWE Bristol email address, warning that
confirmed in writing.                            your access to UWE Bristol systems will
                                                 be removed. You should take immediate
Please note: when setting up a new Direct
                                                 action to pay the outstanding debt.
Debit, we require 10 working days before
                                                 If you fail to act, your access to systems
the first collection date to give your bank
                                                 will be removed. You will then have five
notice of the agreement. If insufficient
                                                 working days to resolve the matter before
time is given, then the payments will
                                                 UWE Bristol withdraws sponsorship and
be taken over the remaining
                                                 informs the Home Office. If this happens,
available instalments.
                                                 you will be unable to continue your studies
                                                 at UWE Bristol, or remain in the UK.

What happens if someone
    else is paying your fees?
    Third party sponsors                       Please note:
    If your employer, government or other      • We reserve the right to reject a sponsor
    organisation agrees to pay all or part       or sponsorship letter, and we may
    of your tuition fees, they become your       conduct credit checks on the sponsor
    sponsor and we will invoice them for         or organisation.
    the appropriate amount.
                                               • If you’re a new international student,
    Payment is due in full on receipt of         you’ll have completed these details
    the invoice. Sponsors cannot pay             before registering and so won’t be
    by instalments.                              asked to submit an additional form.

    You will need to:                          • Ultimately you are liable for your fees.
    • Complete the Sponsor Form at               If your sponsor fails to pay, you will be
      or before registration. This can           invoiced for your fees.
      be found at          • Family members are not considered a
      feesandfunding/payingyourfees/             third party sponsor. If a family member
      employerorothersponsor                     is paying your fees directly from their
    • Send the completed form to the address     bank account, they must complete a
      on the top of the form, or see page 33     Direct Debit mandate with their bank
      for further contact details.               details, and instalments will be collected
                                                 as outlined in page 6.
    • If we do not receive your completed
      form, you will be invoiced for the
      full fees.

    • You will need to complete a new form
      for each year or module of study.

8    Money Matters   9
Tuition fee loans –
     UK/EU Undergraduate students
     Applying for funding                              • Student Finance can reassess your funding
     Most UK/EU undergraduate and PGCE                   entitlement at any stage. If you become
     students can take out a loan to cover               liable for fees unexpectedly as a result of
     the tuition fee. This is paid directly to           a reassessment, you will need to contact
     us by Student Finance. International and            our Credit Control Team (see page 33) to
     Offshore students cannot take out loans             discuss repayment as soon as possible.
     through Student Finance.                          • Should you choose to withdraw from
     Please note:                                        your course, or suspend your studies
                                                         during the academic year, you must
     • You must check the amount of fees
                                                         inform us and Student Finance in writing.
       charged by us before completing your
                                                         Your tuition fee liability will be amended
       funding application.
                                                         in accordance with our Withdrawal Policy
     • If you do not request the full amount,            (see page 25 for details).
       you will need to make arrangements
       to pay the balance (see pages 5–7).

     • If you have not yet applied for the tuition
        fee loan or your funding application
        has been delayed, you will be asked
        to provide evidence of your funding
        application at registration. You will
        remain liable for the full fee until we have
        confirmation of your tuition fee loan.

     • If you are not entitled to a tuition fee
        loan, you will be personally responsible
        for paying your fees.

     • If your funding application is delayed
        and you require advice, please contact
        our Student Money Service (see page 33).

10    Money Matters
Postgraduate Loans
Postgraduate students are eligible to             Your loan is paid to you as follows:
apply for funding for their Masters course.       First instalment  – paid on or shortly after
Students from England who start a new             the course start date, depending on when
course during academic year 2020/2021 can         you register and as long as you have your
apply for a repayable loan of up to £11,222       loan in place.
through Student Finance England as a
                                                  Subsequent payments are made on the last
contribution towards the cost of study.
                                                  Wednesday of the fourth and seventh month,
Where your course is 12 months or less, you       following the start date of your course.
will receive the full loan in three instalments
                                                  Paying your tuition fees
during that academic year.
                                                  For invoicing purposes, you will be classed
It’s important to be aware that the loan will
                                                  as Self-Funding, and will be required to
not be enough to cover both the costs of
                                                  complete a Direct Debit (DD) mandate.
tuition fees and living expenses, therefore
                                                  Please forward a copy of your loan summary
you will need to have additional funding/
                                                  to so that we can
money to fund these costs. See overleaf for
                                                  collect direct debits on agreed dates in line
instalment dates, and details of instalment
                                                  with the receipt of your loan. You must
plans available to recipients of the
                                                  submit your Direct Debit details no later
postgraduate loan.
                                                  than 15 October 2020.

Managing these payments                          I have applied for funding, but my
     If your course lasts longer than 12 months,      application is delayed…
     your final instalments of the postgraduate       If you have applied for a postgraduate loan,
     loan may be paid after you have finished         but have not received confirmation that the
     studying. We will allow you to continue with     loan is approved, please inform the Credit
     the above instalment plan until you have         Control Team of your situation. Contact
     paid all of the tuition fees. However you will   details can be found on page 33.
     not graduate until you have paid all of your
                                                      Postgraduate Doctoral Loans
     tuition fees.
                                                      If you are a prospective UK or EU doctoral
     If you have any questions regarding the          student, and you normally live in England,
     payment terms, please contact the Credit         you may be able to apply for a UK
     Control Team on          Government Postgraduate Doctoral Loan
     to discuss your individual circumstances.        to support your study at UWE Bristol.
     You can also email our Fees Team on              Full details including Key Facts, to discuss your eligibility       Eligibility and how to apply can be found
     and circumstances.                               via
     Full information on postgraduate loans
     can be viewed at

     I’m not eligible for a postgraduate loan…
     If you are not eligible for a postgraduate
     loan, you must make arrangements to pay
     your fees yourself. Please see page 4 –7 for
     further details.

12    Money Matters
How to pay your fees
There are several easy ways                   Please be aware that online and telephone
                                              financial fraud is on the rise. Often
to pay your fees. Please note                 fraudsters will offer significant discounts,
that all payments must be                     incentives, or attractive exchange rates.
                                              Please remember that if it sounds too good
in pounds sterling (£).                       to be true, then it probably is.

Online payment                                Tuition fees for international students
The University’s preferred method of          should always be paid directly to the
payment is by credit/debit card online.       University by the student or a family
You should pay as part of your                member –there is no scenario in which you
online registration via myUWE at              should need to pay via a third party. Please if you are able.                 see above for our approved options to
Alternatively, you can pay online using       make safe fee payments to the university.
our secure web payment facility at            Making payments in any way other than                   the university’s recommended payment
You can pay with cards that display           methods may result in a loss of funds.
these symbols:                                Please watch out for adverts or messages
                                              on social platforms, such as Facebook,
                                              Instagram or WeChat, and never agree to
The secure payment website can be
                                              pay someone large sums of money in cash.
accessed by both students and third party
                                              Likewise, you should never share your bank
payers (eg. employers and parents). You
                                              details with or transfer money to someone
will need your Student ID number as well
                                              you do not know.
as your invoice number to make a payment.
                                              For further guidance please see the action
A step-by-step guide to paying online via
                                              fraud website.
myUWE and our web payments site can
be found on pages 36-37.

Plesae note that we are unable to take card
payments over the telephone.

Via Flywire                                    By Direct Debit (DD)
     (for international payers only)                A direct debit is an instruction you must
     We have put in place an international funds    give to your bank to pay us direct. You may
     transfer facility through a partner called     be able to pay in monthly instalments using
     Flywire, which allows you to transfer money    one of our payment plans. This means that
     from your international account directly to    you can spread the cost of your fees (both
     our account, with favourable conversion        tuition and accommodation) over a period
     rates. Flywire offers Alipay as a convenient   of time. There is no additional charge to
     e-wallet payment option for Chinese payers.    pay this way.
     For more information on paying this way,
                                                    All DD mandates must be completed
     please go to our Ways to Pay webpage
                                                    by the end of your registration period,
     (details can be found in page 35).
                                                    or you will be invoiced for immediate
     By post                                        full payment of the tuition or licence fee
     Please make cheques, postal orders and         amount. You will need a UK bank account
     bank drafts* payable to the ‘University        or building society account that allows
     of the West of England’ and post to:           DD transactions. Please note that direct
                                                    debits cannot be set up on savings
     Income Office
                                                    accounts. You will be asked to complete
     Room 2D23
                                                    a DD mandate before or at registration.
     University of the West of England
                                                    The instalments will be taken automatically
     Frenchay Campus
                                                    from your bank account on the designated
     Coldharbour Lane
                                                    dates, which will be confirmed to you
     Bristol BS16 1QY
                                                    in writing.

     *Please ensure your Student ID and
      invoice number are written on the back
      of the cheque, postal order or bank draft.
      Remember: don’t send cash by post.

14    Money Matters
Remember:                                        What happens if I don’t make
• You must make sure that you have               payments on time?
  enough money in your bank account at           If you fall behind on your payments,
  least the day before the collection date       you will enter our debt recovery cycle and
  so that payment can be collected. This         therefore must contact our Credit Control
  is especially important to remember if         Team immediately to discuss your options
  you are expecting funds to be transferred      on Please see
  into your account to enable the collection.    page 16 for further information.
  If you do not have sufficient cleared funds,
  your bank may charge you for the failed
   payment attempt.

• If you cancel your DD, you will forfeit
   your right to pay by instalments and be
   asked to pay any outstanding balance in
   full. Tier 4 visa students who do not make
   full payment as required will be given five
   days warning of systems access removal.

• If you withdraw from your course,
   remember to cancel your DD with your
   bank and ensure your invoice is
   settled with UWE Bristol.

• If you find that you are struggling with
  your payments, please contact Credit
  Control (see page 33) as soon as possible
  to discuss the situation and avoid any
  debt recovery action being taken.

     In the event you fall behind                    With this in mind, UWE Bristol will
                                                     pursue any student in debt using the
     on your payment plan, or are                    following methods:
     unable to meet the payment                      • Automated reminders will be sent at
     date of an invoice, it’s important                key intervals to your UWE Bristol
                                                       email account.
     for you to understand the
                                                     • Telephone calls to the numbers we
     implications and who you
                                                       have on file.
     should contact to discuss
                                                     • Letters to both addresses on file.
     your options.
                                                     • Emails to personal email addresses
     Remember that you have signed                     and your UWE Bristol email account.
     agreements with UWE Bristol, which cover        Please note:
     your responsibilities with regards to payment
                                                     It is your responsibility to ensure that you
     of your tuition fees, accommodation licence
                                                     check your emails and respond to mail
     fees (where applicable), and use of our
                                                     sent to you.
     facilities such as the libraries and student
     services. Prompt payment of invoices            UWE Bristol sanctions for non-payment
     ensures we can invest money back into           Failure to pay may result in the following
     UWE Bristol and our students’ futures.          sanctions being applied to you.

                                                     1. Tuition fees
                                                     • Loss of systems access eg. myUWE
                                                       and Blackboard. This means you
                                                       will be unable to submit or access
                                                       learning materials.

                                                     • Prevention from re-enrolment.

                                                     • Prevention from attending of
                                                       graduation ceremonies.

                                                     • Certificates, references and transcripts
                                                       will be withheld.

16    Money Matters
• Escalation to our recovery agents,           Please note:
  STA International for collection where
                                               If you are a September starter who has not
  additional costs may be incurred.
                                               paid in full, failed their first Direct Debit or
• Withdrawal from your programme               has not set up a Direct Debit by 1 December
  of study.                                    2020, you will receive a warning of Notice
                                               to Quit procedures. If you fail to contact us
• Deportation and withdrawal
                                               following this notification, we will issue formal
  (Tier 4 visa student).                       Notice to Quit proceedings whereby you will
Please note:                                   be asked to leave our property. The same will
                                               apply for any other contract start date, but
If you are a September starter who has
                                               the dates will vary. If you are issued with a
not paid in full and who has not set up an
                                               Notice to Quit, this will not release you from
effective Direct Debit by 1 December 2020,
                                               your financial obligations.
your Blackboard access will be removed.
We will withdraw you from your studies for     3. Library debts
failure to pay. The same process will apply    • Loss of library access.
for other registrations (for example January
                                               • Escalation to our recovery agents,
starter), but the deadline date will differ.
                                                 STA International for collection where
2. Accommodation licence fees                   additional costs may be incurred.
• Blocks placed on your gym access.            4. Other debts
• Eviction                                     Eg. short-term loans, field trips,
                                               placement accommodation charges
• Escalation to our third party recovery
  agents, STA International for collection     • If you do not pay your short-term loan
  where additional costs may be incurred.        back, this will limit your access to our
                                                 financial support funds.
                                               • Escalation to our recovery agents,
                                                 STA International for collection where
                                                 additional costs may be incurred.

Here to help                                     	If a student would like to discuss their
     Following these steps should help you              individual financial circumstances with a
     resolve most problems:                             Money Advisor then please see page 29 for
                                                        how to contact the team.
        First of all, don’t panic if you receive an
        invoice or reminder. Read the information     Who should I contact for help?
        carefully, as the answers to your questions   In the first instance, you should contact
        are likely to be in the text.                 our Credit Control Department on
        If you do not think the invoice or   or call
        reminder is correct, don’t assume we          0117 32 87888 to discuss a repayment plan.
        know this. Use the contact information
        provided to find out. If you do not
        contact us, we will not know that there
        is a problem and so will continue to
        implement the sanctions listed previously.

        If you are struggling with payment,
        or need further advice, please contact
        us. We are here to help you! The Credit
        Control Team are dedicated to helping
        students with debt problems, and work
        closely with The University’s Student
        Money Service (SMS) to find resolutions
        where possible. SMS can advise on
        statutory funding entitlement, UWE Bristol
        funds and general funding queries.

     	UWE Students have full and free access
       to Blackbullion (see page 29) which offers
       comprehensive financial education,
       including budgeting support.

18    Money Matters
Keeping us informed
It’s your responsibility to keep         If your bank or card details have changed
                                         and you are paying accommodation or
us informed of any changes               tuition fees by instalments, please let the
to your personal details,                Income Office know immediately so that
                                         your payments can be collected on time.
including where you live,                If you fail to do so, your option to pay by
your telephone number                    instalments could be withdrawn.

and bank or card details.                We will email all information to
                                         your UWE Bristol email account, so you must
Personal details can be changed on       check this regularly. For essential financial
myUWE, or by contacting an Information   services contacts, see page 33.
Point on 0117 32 85678 (see page 33).

Additional module charges
     If you retake (or repeat) a      These charges are payable as soon as
                                      you are invoiced, or a charge appears on
     module, you may be charged       myUWE. Remember, if the amount exceeds
     the module fee for this.         £250, you can arrange to pay by instalments.

     Invoices for additional retake   Who can I speak to about my
                                      module charge?
     modules will be issued either
                                      If you wish to discuss your module charge,
     as part of, or shortly after,    please contact an Information Point
     the registration period.         (see page 33).

20    Money Matters
Accommodation and charges
Our Residents’ Guide tells                         If your funding is paid termly, it is easier
                                                   to manage your money by paying for
you everything you need                            your accommodation in three equal
to know about living in                            instalments. If you have signed up
                                                   for eight monthly instalments and
UWE Bristol accommodation:                         wish to change to three instalments                            please contact the Cash Office on
If you have accepted a place in UWE Bristol
accommodation, the following applies to          • Payments are taken out of your bank
the payment of your licence fee:                   account as per the table on page 22.
                                                   You will receive an advance notice by
• When you accept your accommodation
                                                   email. Direct debits can be set up via
  offer with us, you must make an upfront
                                                   myUWE portal.
  payment of £250 to secure your place.
                                                 • Payment dates and amounts may differ
• You can choose to pay your licence fee
                                                   from your licence agreement if you fail to
  in full at the start of the contract period,
                                                   set up your direct debit on time.
  in three instalments or through an
  eight-month instalment plan.

Three instalment plan

     Start of course           1 instalment                2 instalment              3 instalment

     September 2020            1 November 2020             1 February 2021           1 May 2021

     Eight instalment plan

     Instalment        1        2         3            4          5          6          7           8

     If you start      1        1        1             1          1          1          1           1
     your course       November December January       February   March      April      May         June
     in September      2020     2020     2021          2021       2021       2021       2021        2021

     If you choose to pay by instalments, you              Additional charges
     will be required to complete a Direct Debit
                                                           During your stay in UWE Bristol
     mandate before you collect your keys. If you
                                                           accommodation, you may incur additional
     don’t complete the required mandate, you
                                                           charges for damages or offenses. Full details
     will be invoiced in full for the amount due
                                                           can be found in the online Residents’ Guides:
     and will be asked to pay it immediately. If you
     are in receipt of Student Maintenance Loan
     you may prefer to pay by three instalments.           Any charges added to your account during
                                                           the year will be payable immediately. These
     Other types of students (e.g. pre-sessional
                                                           charges will be discussed with you by your
     English and Erasmus students) will have
                                                           Accommodation Manager before they are
     their payment plans confirmed in their
                                                           added to your account, and can be viewed
     joining instructions.
                                                           and paid on myUWE.
     For details on paying your licence fee,
     please refer to your licence or contact
     Accommodation Services (see page 33).

22    Money Matters
Leaving your accommodation early                 Upfront payment
If for any reason during your licence period     The payment of £250 that you made at
you decide to leave your accommodation           the beginning of your contract will be used
early, you must notify Accommodation             to reduce your final instalment of licence
Services in writing and complete an official     fees. If you have paid in full, or leave your
Notice Letter. This will have contractual        contract early with a reduced fee liability
and financial implications for you. We urge      and nothing further owed, this payment
you to discuss early departure with your         will be returned to you via the original
Accommodation Manager before taking              payment method eg. a card refund.
any firm decision so that you are fully
                                                 I want to move house, what happens next?
aware of these implications.
                                                 If you are thinking of moving house, or wish
Please note:                                     to change your current accommodation
• Your accommodation licence is a                agreement, please contact Accommodation
  separate agreement to your Tuition             Services to discuss your options at
  Fees, and you are bound by its terms 
  and conditions.
• T
   he end date of your licence coincides        We understand that moving into new
  with the official end of the academic year     accommodation can be an exciting and
  and is NOT linked to course dates as these     sometimes difficult time. If at any stage
  vary widely from course to course.             you feel that you need support or advice,
• If you choose to leave your room               there are a number of services that can
  before the end date of your licence, you       help you. The Resident Assistants and
  will still be liable to pay your licence fee   Accommodation Managers should be
  to the end date and the licence fee will       your first point of contact, but you can
  not be reduced.                                also contact an Information Point or
                                                 The Students’ Union Advice Centre
                                                 for additional support (see pages 33–34).

Library charges
     When you register for your                        • If you fail to return your items, we will
                                                         consider them lost. You will be invoiced
     course, you will be given a PIN                     for the replacement book. This invoice
     for your library account. You                       will appear automatically on myUWE.

     will then be able to view your                    • If you return the book once this invoice
                                                         has been raised, we will clear the debt.
     loans, reservations and any
                                                       • If you are due to graduate, or choose
     other information relating to                       to leave your course early, please check
     your account.                                       both your library account and myUWE
                                                         for any outstanding loans, or fines
     If you are a regular borrower, you should check      and make sure this is cleared.
     your account on a weekly basis to ensure
     no items need to be returned or renewed.

     Our libraries offer an ‘Ask a Librarian’
     service where you can chat live or email
     one of our librarians 24/7 and ask any
     questions relating to our services. See for more details.

     Things to remember

     • If you fail to return a book when
        requested by Library Services, you
       will incur a fine.

     • We will send you reminders about
       outstanding loans and recalls to
       your UWE Bristol email account.

24    Money Matters
Withdrawing from your studies
If you wish to withdraw from                    At the end of this ‘cooling off’ period,
                                                withdrawal or suspension from the
or suspend your studies, you                    University is subject to the liability
must make an appointment                        periods laid out below.

to see a Student Support                        Should you decide to leave the University
                                                part-way through the academic year,
Adviser (see page 33).                          and we have received your withdrawal
                                                notification in writing, your tuition fee
You will become liable to pay fees from the
                                                liability will be reduced as follows:
official start date of your course. However,
students have the right to cancel their         Tuition fee liability*
contract (registration) with the University     Term 1 (from the first day of term 1
within 14 calendar days of the completion       but before the first day of term 2)
of that contract (registration). This applies   25% of full fees.
to all students registering at the start of
                                                Term 1 (from the first day of term 2
each academic session.
                                                but before the first day of term 3)
You can withdraw from the University            50% of full fees.
without incurring a financial penalty
                                                Term 3 (from the first day of term 3)
if you cancel your contract:
                                                Full fees.
• 14 calendar days from the day after
                                                * Calculation of fee liability includes
  you complete your registration.
                                                   any deposits paid.
• 14 calendar days from the day after           payingyourfees/termdatesforfeeliability for
  the start of term.                            further details.
whichever is the later date!                    Please remember you may also have
See the link on the right for term dates.       other fees which need to be paid,
Cancellation of your contract must be           including additional module charges,
received in writing or on a ‘Cancellation       library charges and accommodation fees.
of Registration’ form within the timeframe      If you are a PGR student please contact the
outlined, and it is advisable to keep a copy    Graduate School
of this as well as proof of postage.            tel: 0117 32 85109

     If you are due a refund, you will need to       International deposit refunds
     contact the Credit Control Team (see page 33)   Please refer to our International Deposit
     to arrange for this money to be paid back       Refund policy
     to you. When you contact us, please have        feesandfunding/payingyourfees/
     the following information to hand, which        internationalstudentpayment to see if
     will help us deal with your refund quickly:     you are eligible for a refund of your deposit.
     • The name of the person who originally         If you have any queries about your eligibility
       paid the money.                               for a refund, please contact the International
     • The contact address, telephone number         Office (see page 34).
       and email address of the payer.

     In the first instance, we will attempt to
     return the money to the account it came
     from and by the method used eg. card
     payment, so do not usually require any
     further information to process this. If we
     require more information, we will contact
     you on your UWE Bristol email account.

     Please note: We aim to refund any money
     due within 14 days of your request.

26    Money Matters
Financial support and advice
Most students have a limited                      In order to prevent overspending and running
                                                  out of money try using Blackbullion’s online
income, so it’s essential that                    budget calculator or a budget spreadsheet
you make a realistic spending                     to get a clear picture of your finances.
                                                  (log in to using your
plan at the beginning of
                                                  UWE Bristol email address) You can use the
each year. Preventing money                       budget planner on the next page as a first
worries enables you to                            draft of your income and expenses.

concentrate on your course                        Budget
                                                  Once you have established what you feel
and achieve your qualification.
                                                  is a reasonable budget, you should monitor
How much? Make your money stretch!                your financial situation against this on a
                                                  weekly or monthly basis. If it’s obvious
The first step is to draw up and keep to a
                                                  that you don’t have enough money for
realistic budget. If you don’t have a budget
                                                  the essentials, you will need to take steps to
you’ll probably become confused over how
                                                  minimise your expenditure and maximise
much money you have coming in and out.
                                                  your income.
Budgeting tools are designed to help you
with planning and let you see exactly where
your money is going so you can make
informed decisions.

Your student loan will come in three
instalments, and planning your budget will
help you ensure that your payments cover
all the essentials. Your lifestyle choices will
determine how much money you need to
get by every month.

Budget planner
      Income                     Amount you receive   Expenses                       Amount you spend
                                 each month (£)                                      each month (£)
      Maintenance Loan                                Rent/mortgage

      Maintenance Grant                               TV licence

      Bursary                                         Water

      Other Grants                                    Energy

      Benefits                                        Mobile phone

      Work                                            Internet

      Savings                                         Insurance

      Other                                           Food and housekeeping

      Other                                           Travel

      Other                                           Clothes

                                                      Course books and supplies


                                                      Birthdays/Christmas presents

                                                      Hair cuts




      Total income                                    Total expenditure
      per month                                       per month
      Total income –total
      expenditure = monthly
      excess or shortfall

     Join our Financial Capability Module               The module blends the practical with the
     This series of three workshops will help           theoretical to help you understand financial
     you to develop and improve your financial          management and financial products.
     knowledge and confidence, ultimately giving        We normally run the module in November
     you the essential skills to flourish both at       and March. See our ‘Manage your Money
     university and in life after graduation.           Events’ pages for 2020/21 workshops.

28    Money Matters
Get money smart with Blackbullion                If you require Money Advice then please visit
We’ve teamed up with Blackbullion to   
provide easily accessible online financial       money-service
education training. We’ve invested in a tool     Financial support from UWE Bristol
for you to learn the right financial skills to
                                                 If you find yourself in financial difficulty,
help you make the right financial decisions
                                                 we may be able to offer you additional
for your future.
                                                 financial support.
Blackbullion is an online learning platform
                                                 Below is a brief overview of the financial
that you have free access to as a UWE Bristol
                                                 support available once you start your studies
student. You’ll find videos, quizzes, and a
                                                 at UWE Bristol. Each fund has its own eligibility
bunch of tools to help you learn and develop
                                                 rules, so you will need to read the small print
key money skills.
                                                 for each fund before you decide to apply.
If you’ve ever wondered where your money
                                                 The funds are limited, so please try to apply
goes, needed help with budgeting, or just
                                                 as soon as you can. All the details you need
wanted to learn more about personal
                                                 are available at
finance, Blackbullion’s free learning platform
is the place to be.                              UWE Bristol Low Income Bursary  –
                                                 Student Finance England, Wales and
Learn anywhere through a range of easy
                                                 Northern Ireland funded students only
to follow, useful training programs and
animated videos. Go to          If you accepted an offer to UWE Bristol, you
and register with your UWE Bristol email         will be automatically considered for the UWE
address to gain full and free access.            Bristol Low Income Bursary. You should hear
                                                 whether you are eligible for a bursary shortly
Money advice
                                                 after you arrive at UWE Bristol. If you have
We offer free and confidential advice about      any questions about your entitlement,
Student Money.                                   please email
Our Money Advisers can help with:

• Statutory funding advice.

• F
   inancial implications of withdrawing,
  suspending, transferring or
  repeating studies.

• D
   isabled students/care leavers/estranged
  students/student parent funding.
Student Support Fund  – Opens                    Summer Fund
     19 October 2020                                  UWE Bristol provides funds to support
     If you are a UK student, registered on           home (UK) undergraduate or postgraduate
     a designated course (postgraduate or             students during the summer vacation.
     undergraduate, full-time or part-time),          The Summer Fund opens in June and the
     and have extra costs or financial problems       exact date is published on UWE Bristol
     while studying, you are eligible to apply        website in May. The online application
     for our Student Support Fund.                    form is available at
     The Student Support Fund is a limited pot        Funds are limited and demand is usually high,
     of money, so even where there is a shortfall     so we would recommend eligible students
     between income and expenditure, the award        apply as soon as possible from this date.
     may only cover part of that shortfall. This is
                                                      Eligible groups for the fund are returning
     so we can help as many students as possible
                                                      home (UK) students who are unable to work
     throughout the academic year.
                                                      because you are:
     We give priority to the following groups
                                                      • looking after dependants (adult or child)
     of students:
                                                      • ill or disabled
     • lone student parents
                                                      • re-sitting examinations/coursework
     • students with disabilities
                                                      • attending UWE Bristol during the
     • care leavers
                                                        summer period
     • carers
                                                      • on a compulsory unpaid non-NHS
     • students who have recently left                  placement
       supported housing
                                                      • completing dissertation
     • estranged students
                                                      • on an NHS placement outside the
     Final year students are also encouraged            standard course programme
     to apply.                                        • confirmed as a care leaver, carer or
     You can apply online via           estranged by UWE Cares
     from 19 October 2020. Application                • a final year home (UK) student that
     forms are also available from all                  is re-sitting examinations/coursework.
     Information Points.

30    Money Matters
Emergency Fund                                   This is interest free and is usually repayable
This fund is for EU and international students   in 120 days. You can borrow up to the
who have experienced substantial and             value of your claim for reimbursement.
unforeseen financial hardship after the start    Please ensure that you submit your claim
of the academic year.                            for reimbursement regularly during your
                                                 placement if possible, so that you can
The limited size of the fund means that
                                                 repay the loan when funds are received.
students in even the most severe hardship
are unlikely to receive more than £1,000.        You can apply online at
Applications can only be considered              Once you have completed the form,
after contact with the Student Money             you’ll need to submit your supporting
Service (SMS). To contact SMS, email             evidence as soon as possible. Your application with a brief outline of            will not be considered until we have received
the circumstances that have caused the           your evidence.
disruption to your income source.                If you need any guidance or experience
Short-term loan scheme                           problems with the online application,
                                                 please contact us at
The short-term loan scheme can help
                                                 or on 0117 32 85678.
you if you find yourself with a temporary
cash-flow problem during the academic            If you owe money to the University,
year, including delayed funding. The loan        your access to additional funds may
is interest-free, and is due for repayment       be affected as follows:
within 30 days of receipt.
                                                 Short-term loans  – we rely on students
If your loan is agreed we will lend an           repaying their loans so we can lend to other
amount to cover your immediate essential         students in a similar situation. If you don’t
living costs, for example £70 per week for       repay, you won’t be able to borrow again.
a single student (this can be increased to       If you don’t repay, then the short-term
cover other costs i.e. childcare/travel).        loan scheme closes.

Placement costs short-term loan
If your course requires you to attend
placements for which you’re able to
claim reimbursement of the travel and/or
accommodation costs, you may be eligible
to apply for a placement costs loan.

Bursaries  – if you have an outstanding        Student Support Fund  – the sole purpose
     debt when the bursary instalment is due        of the fund is to enable students to stay on
     to be paid, you will not receive a payment     their course.
     automatically. Your bursary payment will be
                                                    • If you have an outstanding tuition fee
     delayed until you discuss your debt with the
                                                       debt and no clear means of paying your
     Credit Control Team.
                                                       fees, we will not be able to support you
     If you have any doubt about the debt on your      from this fund until your tuition fees
     account, you can check via the Payments tab      are paid.
     in myUWE.                                      •   If you have outstanding UWE Bristol debts
                                                        but have not responded to requests for
                                                        payment from Credit Control, we will not
                                                        make an award until you have an agreed
                                                        repayment plan in place.
                                                    • If you have accommodation or other
                                                       debts to UWE Bristol, we will ask you
                                                       whether you want to use some or all of
                                                       your award to clear or partially clear your
                                                       debts before making an award.

32    Money Matters
Your guide to essential
financial services
This is a quick and handy                     Student Money Service
                                              1.	UWE Bristol Money Advisers
reference guide on who                            If you require Money Advice
to contact about financial                        then please visit:
matters and related services.           
                                              2.	UWE Bristol Funds Team
Income Office                                     For questions relating to UWE Bristol
For questions about payments and                  funds and short-term loans
instalment plans:                                 Tel: 0117 32 85678
Tel: 0117 32 87888                                Email:
                                              3.	UWE Bristol Bursary Team
Opening hours: Monday to Friday                   For questions relating to bursary
10:00 –15:00 (counter service). Telephone         allocation and payment dates
calls will be answered 08:30 –16:30 Monday        Tel: 0117 32 85678
to Thursday and 08:30 –16:00 on Friday.           Email:
We would prefer contact by telephone
or email. (Hours subject to change due to     Accommodation Services
Covid-19.)                                    For questions about your
Credit Control (Income Office)                UWE Bristol accommodation
If you are having problems paying,            Tel: 0117 32 83601
or are a debtor:                              Email:
Tel: 0117 32 87888                            Graduate School
Email:                PGR students only
Information Points                            Tel: 0117 32 85109
For questions about completing your           Email:
registration, your fee invoice or any other
general queries:
Tel: 0117 32 85678
Student Support Advisers
For questions relating to your course
Tel: 0117 32 85678
Useful contacts
     Third Party Sponsor Enquiries             Students’ Union Advice Centre
     For submission of Sponsor Authorisation   Confidential and non-judgemental
     forms and any related query.              advice for all UWE Bristol students.

     Email:    Tel: 0117 32 82676
     International Office
     For any international fee queries.        Wellbeing Service
                                               For counselling, mental health and
                                               personal development needs

                                               Tel: 0117 32 86268
     Points-Based Compliance Team
     For queries relating to attendance
     monitoring and non-payment of             STA International
     Tier 4 Visa student fees.                 External Debt Collecting Service
     Tel: 0117 32 85678                        Tel: 01622 528543

     Disability Services
     For queries and advice on disabilities.

     Tel: 0117 32 85678

34    Money Matters
Useful resources
UWE Bristol ways to pay


Citizens Advice Bureau

Direct Gov

Education and Skills Funding Agency


National Association of Student Money Advisers

Student Awards Agency Scotland

Student Finance England

Student Finance Northern Ireland

Student Finance England –Postgraduate Loans

Student Finance Wales

UWE Bristol Web payments

Paying through
     Paying or setting up direct                    7.	If you are happy to proceed with the
                                                        payment click ‘Confirm and Pay’.
     debits through myUWE.
                                                    8.	By clicking ‘Confirm and Pay’ you
        Go to and sign into your          are confirming that you have read,
         myUWE account.                                 understood and accept the University’s
     2. O
         n the home page, select the                   payment Terms and Conditions, and agree
        Payments tab.                                   to your personal data being processed as
                                                        described in the Privacy Notice.
     3. F
         ollow the link ‘Login to Web Payments’
        to view your details and pay online.        9.	
                                                       Enter your card details and other
                                                       relevant information - we recommend
     4. L
         ogin to Web Payments using the same          that you use your UWE Bristol email
        login details you have used to connect         address when making payments
        to myUWE.                                      as this will be the address used for
     5. Y
         ou may see invoices outstanding.             correspondence between yourself and
        If you are paying an invoice, you need         the University.
        to ensure that the correct invoice is       10.	Click on ‘Make Payment’, and complete
        selected, amend the amount if needed            the required security section provided by
        then click on ‘Pay Invoice’.                    your bank.
     6. If the amount you wish to pay is not       11.	Once the payment has been successful,
         visible, you may ‘Pay on Account’.              a confirmation of payment will also be
         Uncheck the boxes of any other visible          sent to the email address you provided
         invoices then select ‘Pay on Account’           during the payment process.
         in the top right hand corner. To explain
         what the payment is for, you need to       12.	To set up a direct debit use
         enter a description. Click on ‘Edit’ and       Quicklinks in myUWE within
         select the relevant descriptions, then         the Payments tab.
         click OK. In the ‘Your Reference’ box,
         enter any additional information such as
         course name. Enter the amount you wish
         to pay in the ‘Amount to Pay’ column
         and select ‘Pay’.

36    Money Matters
Paying through
UWE Bristol web payments
To make a credit or debit card payment           To set up a paperless Direct Debit
1. Go to              1.	
                                                    Select one of the following links:

2.	Complete the mandatory details in            Set up a paperless Direct Debit  –
   the next window and, if you have read,        Tuition
   understood and agree to the University’s
   Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy,      tuitiondd/default.asp
   check the box and click Continue.
                                                 Set up a paperless Direct Debit  –
   You will be able to make a payment            Accommodation
   against the following payment types -
   Tuition, Accommodation, Short Term            accommodationdd/default.asp
   Loan, Library Charges and/or Other
                                                 2.	Select the Direct Debit option and click
   Invoiced Payments such as field trips,
                                                    ‘Continue’ three times.
   placement recharges and damages.
                                                    Answer the Direct Debit questions and
Please note:
                                                    ‘Continue’ to enter your account and
These payments may be put to a specific
                                                    address details.
invoice. If making a payment in advance
without an invoice, the amount paid shall        Please note:
appear on your account as a credit, which        The email address you enter here will be the
shall be used to pay off outstanding invoices    one we use to contact you about anything
when they appear on your account.                relating to your Direct Debit agreement.

   Please complete the relevant information      4.	
                                                    Complete the set-up of your Direct
   for the payment type you have selected           Debit by clicking on ‘Confirm Details’
   and click on ‘Continue’.                         then ‘Confirm your Transaction’.
                                                    A confirmation email will be sent to
5. 	Then please complete the required
                                                    the address you stated in step 3.
    payment fields and click ‘Continue’ until
    you are able to ‘Confirm the Transaction’.

   A payment confirmation email will be sent
   to the email address you stated in step 2.
























38     Money Matters   39
All of the information in this guide is correct at
time of printing (September 2020).

For additional information                           @UWEBristol
       0117 32 85678
                                                     UWEBristol                           UWE Bristol
                                                     uwechina                            University of the
                                                     West of England
or visit an Information Point                        uwechina
on your campus.                                      uwebristol
You can also read