Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School

Page created by Barry Christensen
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Year 2   Monday 27th September – Friday 1st October
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
• Read the books chosen for you by your teacher on GetEpic!

                                        Choose a story from home, from Junior Storytime or from EPIC!

                                                                           Task 3
Task 1
                                                                           Retell the story using:
Design a poster to encourage other people to read your book.
                                                                               •    toys
Include a picture and a few sentences explaining why people should
                                                                               •    playdoh
read your book.
                                                                               •    stick puppets
Task 2                                                                         •    Lego characters
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings (HOT and COLD;                  •    Dance
UP and DOWN; DAY and NIGHT).                                               Make a video of your retell and
   •     Find 2 words in the story that are antonyms.                      send it to your teacher.
   •     Write them down.
   •     Draw a picture to show the meaning of each word.

                                 Please continue to learn and practise 3 to 5 words a day from your Essential
                                 Spelling Lists at the back of your Home Learning Book. Be creative! Write
                                 your words outside with chalk, write them on your foggy window in the
                                 morning, see how many of them you can use in one sentence, etc
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
                                      Watch the video of the story “The Tunnel” by Anthony Browne

Writing Task #1
Write a new story with the title 'The
Tunnel'. Who are the characters? Where
does the tunnel lead to?

Writing Task #2
Imagine that a tunnel has been found in
your school grounds. Where does it lead?
What or who is hidden inside it? How
would you feel inside a tunnel? Would
you be scared or excited?

Writing Task #3
The girl struggles to decide whether to go into the tunnel or not. Can you think
of reasons for/against entering it?
Remember to:
Use punctuation
Correct spelling
Edit your work when you have finished
Ask yourself - Does your writing make sense?
Ask yourself - Have you used vocabulary to make your writing interesting
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Study Ladder
            Maths                        • Complete the tasks chosen for you by your teacher on Study ladder.

Task 1:
   1.     Complete the fact families:

   2. Can you write two more fact families of your own.

   3. Challenge
                 Write two fact families with multiplication and division

                                                        Task 2:
                                                        Follow the instructions below:
                                                        1. Find a can. It doesn’t matter what is in it. Stand it up on the table in front of you.
                                                        2. Draw a picture of it.
                                                        3. Now draw a picture of what it looks like if you look at it from straight above it.
                                                        4. Now draw a picture of what it looks like if you look at it from table height.
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Investigation 1 -   Lava Lamp
(Parental supervision required) Please dispose of oil and water safely

   •    Water
   •    Vegetable oil
   •    Clear plastic bottle or jar
   •    Food colouring
   •    Effervescent tablets
   1.   Fill the bottle or jar quarter full with water.
   2. Pour the vegetable oil in almost to the top.
   3. They should separate into 2 layers, with the water at the top and the oil underneath.
   4. Once the oil and water have separated, add 6-8 drops of food colouring.
   5. The colour will mix with the water at the bottom.
   6. Drop in half an effervescent tablet and watch the bubbles rise. Add more tablets bit by bit to keep the bubbles rising and falling.
   •    Water and oil do not mix because the structure of the water means it has a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other. The
        water molecules stick together because the positive end of one molecule is attracted to the negative end of another.
   •    The structure of oil is different. The charge is more evenly spread so the oil is not attracted to water. It is hydrophobic (water fearing) and
        tries to get as far away from water as possible and will not mix. The oil has a different density (the denser an object is, the heavier it feels) to
        water so it sits on top of the water.
   •    As the effervescent tablet is added (made of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate) it reacts with the water and forms carbon dioxide gas and
        sodium citrate. The carbon dioxide bubbles carry the coloured water to the top.
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Investigation 2
Bouncing Egg Experiment
(Requires Parental supervision and permission)
Do this experiment somewhere safe like a sink or kitchen surface or outside,
NOT near carpet or furniture in case of breakage/bursting

    •   Jar or glass (mason jars work well,
                                                    1.   Fill your container with about 1 cup of vinegar.
        but any glass or bowl will do)
                                                    2. Add about 10 drops of food colouring
    •   Food colouring
                                                    3. Carefully place a raw egg inside the jar. Let the egg sit for about 48-72 hours in the
    •   1 cup of vinegar
                                                         vinegar and food colouring mixture.
    •   1 egg
                                                    4. When the surface of the water has a weird scummy film, the egg is ready to take out.
                                                         Carefully remove the eggs from the jar and rinse with water.
                                                    5. You can gently roll and bounce the egg to see what happens!
Experiment Extensions
•   Once you have played with your egg, cut it open to observe the yolk. You should notice the yolk is still yellow, no matter what colour you dyed the
    outside of your egg. This is because the protein content of the yolk prevents it from absorbing the colour.

How it works
•   Through a process called osmosis, the vinegar moves through the egg’s shell. The vinegar dissolves the calcium in the egg’s shell but cannot get
    through the membrane in the shell. This leaves behind the rubbery membrane that allows you to bounce the egg without breaking it!

Key Words
•   Calcium: A mineral found in foods, specifically dairy, and stored in bones and teeth in our bodies.
•   Membrane: A thin flexible layer around the cells of all living things that separates the inside of cells from the outside world.
•   Osmosis: The movement of a liquid through a membrane to balance the amounts on both sides of the membrane. It is a passive process, meaning it
    does not take energy to happen.
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Construct a pair of eyeglasses designed to fit the wearer safely and securely!

•    How can you make the glasses stay on for a long period of time? Ask someone to test your glasses and get them to do a
     series of tests (i.e. jumping up and down, running, walking down a flight of stairs).

•    Materials could include - Straws, toilet rolls, tape, plastic spoons, plastic sandwich wrap etc. Extra points for

    Hot and Cold Colours
    1. What colours do you think of when you think
    of something that is hot?

    2. What colours do you think of when you think
    of something cold?

    3. Draw a simple picture or trace your hands.

    4. Colour half of the picture in the “hot” colours
    of red, orange and yellow.

    5. Colour the other half of the picture in the
    “cold” colours of blue, green and purple.

    6. Remember to take a photo and share it with
    your teacher.
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Te Reo
“Kei te peke ahau”

Listen to the sing a long story and do the actions:

Draw the animals to match the action:

                        peke/jump                       oma/run          rere/fly      takahia/stamp

                         piki/climb                   pakipaki/clap   kanikani/dance    huna/hide
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School

Monday -        Your Street: Go for a walk around your street that your house is on. Count how many houses are on your street. How
many people do you think might live on your street?

Tuesday -    Skipping: Get a rope to skip with, see how many skips you can do in a row. What about backwards or double unders or criss cross

Wednesday -      Time to balance: Balance on one foot for 10 seconds then try the other foot. Now close your eyes and try again. Head outside and
walk down a crack on the footpath. Find a small low lying wall like the ones around your local park and walk along it.

Thursday -       Shadows: Shadows is a traditional game played in primary schools in Northern Ireland. You will need an open space and a sunny

day! With a partner, one is the “shadow” and one is the “shadow catcher” The “shadow” runs away and tries to not let their shadow get stepped on by
the “shadow catcher”. If it does then swap over.

Friday -     Balloon Tennis: You will need a balloon for this challenge: Your goal is to keep the balloon in the air using only your hands to strike and

prevent it from touching the ground. After a few rounds of this, try using your feet instead of your hands. To make it more difficult try to keep the
balloon in the air by bouncing it with the top of your head.
Monday 27th September - Friday 1st October - Owairoa Primary School
Digital Activities

Here is a list of websites that could help your child’s learning:

Literacy                                            Maths                          

                            •   Tipu Te Reo Māori

                            •   Aki

                            •   Kōrerorero

                            •   Kupu
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