Modern Languages Team BCE Planning and Tracking German - Glow Blogs

Page created by Johnnie Mclaughlin
Modern Languages Team
BCE Planning and Tracking
rd                                             rd                                         th
                                        S1 3 Level                                     S2 3 Level /4th Level                     S3 4 Level
Listening for Information
I can listen to and show                                                                            irregular verbs – present                Direct/indirect object
understanding of mainly familiar               Articles / gender                                    tense –                                   pronouns
language and instructions from a                (definite/indefinite/negative)                            fahren                              Future tense formation with
variety of sources, where the                  Sein /haben                                               sehen                                “werden”
sentences are longer and where                 Regular verbs conjugation                                 nehmen                              Conditional tense
there may be more than one                      (All pronouns ich – sie)                                  werden                               “würden” + infinitive
speaker.                                       Expressing likes / dislikes
MLAN 3-01a                                      (gern/nicht gern)
I can listen to and show                                                                            Infinitive clauses                       Introduction to verb tables
understanding of language from a               Possessives (mein/dein/sein etc.)                    Um… zu                                    (irregular verbs)
variety of sources, including                  Adjectives (eg. Physical/character                   Ohne .. zu
unfamiliar speakers, where the                  descriptions – klein/launisch, etc.)                                                          Reflexive verbs
                                               Word order – verb as second idea                    Separable verbs                           Sich treffen
sentences are more complex, less
                                               Coordinating conjunctions                            Einladen                                  Sich setzen
predictable, and contain some
                                                und/oder/aber/denn                                   Mitkommen                                 Sich langweilen
unfamiliar language or known
                                               Question words – wer? was?wo?                        Einkaugen                                 Sich interessieren
language used in unfamiliar contexts.                                                                Stattfinden ETC
                                                wie?                                                                                           Sich freuen
MLAN 4-01a
                                                                                                                                 (present and past tenses)

                                                                                                    Verbs with “zu”
                                                                                                     Lust haben
                                                                                                     Vorhaben zu

Listening & Talking
I can listen and respond to others in          Ich möchte (I would like)              Modes of address/asking questions         More Subordinating conjunctions
mainly predictable, more extended              Subordinating conjunction – verb                                                             Nachdem
conversations using familiar                    to end “weil” (Because)                        Wohin?                                       Befvor
language and non-verbal techniques             Introduce case system –                        Woher?                                       Während
as appropriate.                                 NOMINATIVE/ACCUSATIVE                          Was für?                                     Sobald
MLAN 3-02a                                     Prepositions with the ACCUSATIVE:              Wie viel?
I can listen and respond to others,             -für                                           Wie viele?
including sympathetic fluent                    -um                                            Wann?                            Dual case prepositons accusative/dative
speakers of the language, in                    -ohne                                          Warum?                                   An
extended conversations that are less            -gegen                                         Um wieviel Uhr?                          Auf
predictable.                                    - entlang                                      Wie oft?                                 In
MLAN 4-02a                                      -bis                                                                                     Neben
I can take part effectively in prepared             -wider                                                                     Under
conversations by using a variety of                                      Inverted word order                                   Über
language structures to share                                                                                                   Zwischen
information, experiences and                                             Time – Manner – Place                                 Vor
opinions and by offering                           Impersonal verbs
straightforward reasons for having                  1. Es gibt           Subordinating conjunctions                   Genitive Case (Use of)
these opinions.                                     2. Es tut mir Leid            Weil
MLAN 3-03a                                          3. Es geht                    Als                                 Prepositions taking the genitive
I can take part effectively in more                                               Wenn                                Ausserhalb
                                                                                  Obwohl                              Innerhalb
detailed conversations using an
extended range of language                         Giving opinions               Ob                                  Statt
structures to exchange information,                     Ich finde …              Dass                                Trotz
experiences, feelings and opinions                      Ich glaube …                                                 Während
                                                                         Giving Opinions                              Wegen
and by offering more detailed
reasons for having these opinions.                                                Meiner Meinung nach …
                                          Adverbs of Frequency                                                        Formation of perfect tense
MLAN 4-03a
I can support a conversation by
                                                        Immer                                                        Haben verbs
asking for help, seeking repetition                                      Dative Case
                                                        Morgen                                                       Sein verbs
and asking simple questions.
                                                        Nie
MLAN 3-04a                                                               Prepositions taking the dative case
                                                        Selten                                                       Regular/irregular verbs
I can start, support and sustain a
                                                        Manchmal
conversation by, for example, asking                                     Mit                                          Formation of imperfect
                                                        Dann
relevant questions and by seeking                                        Nach
                                                        Zuerst
help when necessary.                                                     Von                                          Regular and irregular verbs
                                                        Täglich
MLAN 4-04a                                                               Zu
                                                        Danach
I can participate in a range of                                          Aus                                          verb tables
                                                        Anschliessend   Bei
collaborative activities, including
                                                        Schliesslish    Seit
games, paired speaking and                                                                                            Comparatives with “Immer”
structured role plays, in a range of                                     Gegenüber
realistic contexts set mainly in a                                                                                    Eg. Immer schneller (faster and faster)
country where the language I am                         Ziemlich
learning is spoken.                                                      Recognition of Past Tense Verbs in Perfect   Superlatives
                                                        Sehr            and Imperfect
MLAN 3-05a
                                                        Ganz                                                         Am besten
I can collaborate to prepare and                        Besonders       Eg. Ich machte/ich spielte                   Am schnellsten ETC
present more open-ended role plays
                                                        Zu
in a wide range of realistic contexts                   Wirklich        Ich habe gemacht
set both in my own country and in a                     Echt            Ich bin gefahren                             More impersonal verbs
country where the language I am                         Ein bisschen
learning is spoken.                                     Total                                                        Es lohnt sich
MLAN 4-05a
                                                        Super                                                        Es ist mir egal
I have contributed successfully to a
                                                        Unheimlich                                                   Es stimmt ETC
group to plan and prepare short talks                   Furchtbar
in the language I am learning on                        Unglaublich                  Common adverbial Phrases
topics of personal interest or linked to
an aspect of a country where the                                                      Ab und zu
language I am studying is spoken.          Asking for help                            Letzte Woche
MLAN 3-06a                                                                            Nächste Woche
I can deliver an individual                             Ich verstehe nicht           Letzten Samstag
presentation in the language I am                       Können Sie bitte             Jeden Tag
learning, using a variety of media                       wiederholen?                 Jede Woche
including ICT where appropriate.                        Wie sagt man das auf
MLAN 3-06b                                               English/auf Deutsch?
I can, using a variety of media                         Können Sie bitte langsamer   Comparatives Recognition
including ICT where appropriate,                         sprechen?
                                                                                      Billiger /besser/interessanter
plan, prepare and deliver an
individual presentation in the
                                                                                      Comparatives with umlaut
language I am learning on topics of
personal interest or linked to an
aspect of a country where the
language I am studying is spoken.
MLAN 4-06a
I work on my own and with others to                                                   More Impersonal Verbs
understand text using appropriate
resources. I can read and                                                             Eg. Es schmeckt
demonstrate understanding of more                                                     Es gefällt mir
complex texts which contain familiar                                                  Demonstrative and Interrogative Adjectives
and unfamiliar language.
MLAN 3-08a                                                                            Dieser
Using a variety of resources, I can                                                   Jeder
independently read text which is                                                      Welcher?
more detailed and which contains
                                                                                      Relative Pronouns
complex language including a range
of tenses, and demonstrate my
                                                                                      Eg. Wir haben einen Lehrer, der Gitarre spielt
MLAN 4-08a
I can select and read for interest and
enjoyment a range of texts, including
longer imaginative texts in a variety
of styles, both prose and poetry,
which may have had some
MLAN 3-10a
I can select and read for interest and
enjoyment a range of more detailed
texts containing complex language,
including imaginative accounts, both
prose and poetry, which use familiar
and unfamiliar language and may
have had some adaptation.
MLAN 4-10a
I can create, amend and present
more extended information about
myself and others, my experiences,
or a topic of my choice for different
MLAN 3-13a
I can express opinions and can offer
straightforward reasons for having
those opinions.
MLAN 3-13b
I can write more extensively over a
widening range of topics in a range
of formats, using some variety of
structures, tenses and linking words.
MLAN 4-13a
I can write about experiences,
feelings and opinions and can offer
reasons for having those opinions.
MLAN 4-13b
I can check the accuracy of my
writing using my knowledge about
language, the support of others and
appropriate reference materials,
including success criteria.
MLAN 3-14a
I can use my knowledge about
language, including structure,
spelling and punctuation, using
success criteria to take responsibility
for the accuracy of my writing.
MLAN 4-14a
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