Mobile Mind Mapping: Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
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Volume 34INumber I ¡January 2OI2IPagís 72-BI Mobile Mind Mapping: Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Jeffrey M. Warren Email, chat rooms, and websites are often used in counseling. Now, smartphones and their applications can also be used. Mobile mind mapping tools can support counseling frameworks, such as rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). The integration of counseling and technol- ogy has great potential for helping clients to lead healthier and more productive lives. This arti- cle describes KEB'T and outlines four ways to use mobile mind maps in RJ5BT. If also offers tips on how to use mobile mind mapping to enhance the counseling process. The article concludes with a briefcase study demonstrating how mobile mind maps can be integrated into counseling. Now more than ever, counselors are using web-based porffolios (Barnes, Glark, & Thull, 2003); distance learning tools (Berry, Srebalus, Gromer, & Takacs, 2003); computer-based supervision (Watson, 2003); and computer- based career counseling programs (Kuo & Srebalus, 2003). They are serving clients via e-mail, chat rooms, and social media such as Second Life. The num- ber of Internet-based counseling services is surging (Alleman, 2002; Haberstroh, 2009; Mallen, Vogel, & Rochlen, 2005). Besides being a medium through which to provide counseling, technol- ogy can also complement counseling theory and practice. For example, Stuhlmiller and Tolchard (2009) identified several cognitive behavior therapy (GBT) computer-based programs (Beating the Blues, Fear Fighter, and MoodGYM) for treating clients suffering from anxiefy and depression. These programs not only enhance the counseling process, they are affordable and accessible. Gounselors in schools also use the Internet, e-mail, and text mes- sages to enhance the process and relay information to students and parents (Landry, 2008). A study by McDoniel, Wolskee, and Shen (2009) found counseling that used a hand-held, self-monitoring apparatus and internet communication was effective in treating obese adults. Lawler et al (2010) found telephone coun- seling using motivational interviewing and social cognitive theory decreased unhealthy behaviors of clients with chronic conditions. Jeffrey M. Warren is affiliated with the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Correspondence con- cerning this article should be addressed to Jeffrey M. Warren. UNC-Pembroke School of Education, RO. Box 1510. I University Place. Pembroke. North Carolina 28372. E-mail: Journal of Mental Health Counseling
Warren I MOBILE MIND MAPPING Rafional-etnofive behavior therapy (REBT; Ellis, 1962) seems to be espe- eially adaptable to incorporating technology. For example, Ross (2006) devel- oped an on-line version of the REBT self-help form (Dryden & Walker, 1992) that allows elients to independently eomplete the form with guidanee from pop-up directious and definitions. Glients ean then print the results and proeess them with the counselor later. Warren (2009) created an interaetive website that allows ehild and adoles- cent clients to immerse themselves in the REBT philosophy through a group of animals called the rational insfincts that are presented in adverse situations. Glients respond to questions related to the seenarios by typing in the text boxes provided, with the responses stibmitted direefiy to the eounselor. The website also contains songs that eneourage rational living. Warren (2010) suggested that Second Life®, developed by a private Internet company. Linden Researeh, Inc. (n.d.), could be used with REBT. Gounselors can use Seeond Life® in treafing anxiety or addressing issues sueh as lowfi-ustrafiontoleranee and self-worth (Warren, 2010). For exatiiple, eoun- selors might encourage elients struggling with soeial atixiety to eommunieate with others through Second Life®. Glients can use their Second Life® avatar to desensifize themselves to interaefion with others (Warren, 2010). The use of teehnology in counseling will evolve with further teehnologi- cal advances. Laptops and netbooks are smaller yet have inereased memory and functionality. Tablet computers and smartphones make accessing Internet applications easier. Smartphones allow users to remain eonnected throughout the day. Gounselors should continually search for technological ways to enhance counseling, espeeially hand-held devices such as smartphones. The following overview of REBT provides a framework for applieafion of portable mind mapping, which is also stimmarized. Four uses for mobile mind maps in REBT are discussed, with implementafion fips for eounselors. A brief ease study then demonstrates how mobile mind maps ean be used in REBT. Finally, the artiele challenges readers to explore other smartphone applieafions. RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY REBT evolved in the mid-1950s because Albert Ellis was dissatisfied with other forms of therapy. He based REBT on the premise that people are dis- turbed not by things but by how they see them. Ellis (1962, 1975, 1991, 2003) posited that eonfronted with adverse events (A), people tend to think irra- tionally, though they do not have to. Thoughts or beliefs (B) about (A) ulti- tnately lead to eonsequenees (G), which may be helpful or unhelpful (Ellis & MaeLaren, 2005). This ABG model is the main impetus for REBT. Most eognitive behavioral therapies attempt to dispute a elient's view of reality (Backx, 2003). However, REBT asserts that individtials are not disturbed 73
by percepfions alone; imperative thoughts or irrational beliefs about the per- ceptions are what lead to emofional disturbance (Dryden & Branch, 2008). Irrational beliefs are defined as rigid, dogmafic inferences accompanied by exaggerated evaluafions (Dryden, 2009; Ellis, 2003), such as "She should not treat me that way and it's terrible when she does." Irrational beliefs often con- tain words such as "should" or "must" and one of three evaluations (Ellis & MacLaren, 2005): "I can't stand it," "It's terrible," or "I'm worthless " Irrafional beliefs often lead to such unhelpful negafive emofions as anger, depression, or anxiety (Dryden, 2009; Ellis, 2003). People experiencing these emofions tend to respond in counter-productive ways. For instance, someone experiencing anger may punch a hole in the wall, or anxiety may lead to avoiding a task. REBT strives to help clients think rationally. Rafional beliefs are consid- ered to be flexible and preferenfial (Dryden, 2009; Ellis, 2003). Language like "I'd prefer," "I wish," or "I'd like to" suggests rational beliefs, which lead to healthy negafive emotions, such as concern or bother (Ellis & MacLaren, 2005). When these emotions are experienced rather than anxiety or anger, helpful behaviors are more likely. For example, the thought, "I wish she would- n't treat me this way, but I can handle it," would likely lead to bother rather than anger. The behavioral response might be to talk calmly. The REBT framework provides numerous behavioral, emotive, and cog- nitive techniques to promote a preferential philosophy of life. Examples of behavioral techniques are in vivo desensifization, opérant conditioning, and relaxation training (Ellis & MacLaren, 2005). Rafional emotive imagery, shame-attacking exercises, and humor are popular emotive techniques (Ellis & Wilde, 2002). Cognifive techniques are largely ehallenges to faulty thinking. Rational coping statements, stopping and monitoring thoughts and feelings, or the self-help form (Dryden & Walker, 1992) are valuable in creating cognitive awareness and di.sputing irrational beliefs (Ellis & MacLaren, 2005). The eognitive techniques would seem to lend themselves most readily to Internet and phone applications. Where counseling and technology intersect, clients will be equipped to "be their own therapist"—an REBT mantra. MOBILE MIND MAPPING Although mind maps have been used for centuries. Dr. Allan Gollins is often considered to be the father of modern mind mapping (Nada, Kholief Tawfik, & Metwally, 2009), which evolved from his work with Quillian on semantic networks. In attempting to organize semantic concepts, Collins and Quillian (1969) created pictorial representafions, tree-like structures, which evolved into the modern mind map. Mind maps use words, lines, and symbols to organize and graphically represent information (Mind Mapping, 2010). Nada et al. (2009) referred to mind mapping as a visual learning technique that 74
Warren / MOBIVE MIND MAPPING enhances thinking. Individuals can use mind maps to solve problems and record or recall information. Research on mind map users has found enhance- ments in mofivafion (Holland, Holland, & Davies, 2004); critical thinking (Michelini, 2006); and memory (Evreklia, Balim, & Inela, 2009; Toi, 2009). Mind maps can be drawn on paper or with a computer. Recent advances in communication technology have also made mind mapping accessible via mobile devices like smartphones, which offer advanced features, such as Internet access and an operafing system for using applicafions. SimpleMind, Mindberry, and Thinking Space are three popular mind-mapping applications (Strohmeyer, 2011). Although not endorsing a particular applicafion this arficle uses Thinking Space to demonstrate how to develop mind maps during RHIBT. Thinking Space was developed by G. Ghilton of Kinesthetic Ltd. (per- sonal communication, June 13, 2011) for smartphones based on the Android operafing system (Kinesthefic Ltd., 2011). Once it is downloaded, users can fypically begin mind-mapping immediately and easily, adding nodes and sub- nodes of informafion as needed. The sfyle, size, and text-color of the nodes can be modified. Users can add notes for each node, and icons and hyperlinks can be embedded. Users can create relationships between nodes by drawing arrows between them. Nodes can also be rearranged as the mind map develops. With slight variafions these features are typical of most mobile mind-mapping appli- cations. Mind-mapping applicafions like Thinking Space can be used to organize ideas, collect data, and assist in recall of valuable informafion. Because they are accessible, portable, and easy to use, counselors can use them to assist clients, as the case study shows. MOBILE MIND MAPPING IN REBT A major goal of RFBT is to encourage clients to become their own ther- apists (Dryden, 2005). Glients can use mobile mind mapping to implement the ABG model during or immediately affer adverse situafions, but they can also use it daily for .storing and readily accessing a database of rational thoughts. It can also be used to record how clients experience adverse events. 'Ibgether counselors and clients can use it to identify cognifive themes across adverse events. Before mobile mind mapping is recommended, clients should be clearly mofivated to engage in the counseling process and work toward change. Also, a basic understanding of RFBT is necessary. Therefore, it is recommended that the counselor present and discuss the ABG model before introducing these techniques. Glients need access to a smartphone and an interest in using it to complete RFBT-related tasks. It should be emphasized that mobile techniques are recommended only to supplement the counseling process, not replace it. 75
Glients who meet these requisites may find mobile mind mapping useful; how- ever, as with any counseling strategy it is important to ensure that clients are prepared for a mobile mind mapping task and understand its intent. ABC Exercises Gounselors often recommend that clients complete ABG exercises as homework during the course of REBT or after adverse events. These are oppor- tunifies for using mobile mind maps. For example, clients can begin ABG mind mapping exercises in Thinking Space by selecfing "New MindMap" from the main screen. Then they are prompted to create a fifle node (A) for the MindMap or the adverse event they are analyzing. They can create additional nodes to represent emofional and behavioral consequences (G) and beliefs (B) as extensions of the fifle node (Figure 1). They can also add nodes to dispute irrational beliefs (D), create new rafional alternafives (E), and idenfify health- ier negative emofions (F). Figure 1. Mind Map of ABC Model A = Activating Event. EC = Emotional Consequence. BC = Behavioral Consequence. IB = Irrational Belief. Tip 1: Make mind mapping easy. Glients may benefit from a demonstra- tion of how they can use mind mapping to complete ABG exercises. Gounselors can also support clients as they attempt such exercises. For exam- ple, they can give clients generic outlines of questions, prompts, or the self- help form (Dryden & Walker, 1992) to refer to during work on ABG exercises. Stop, Monitor, and Record Gounselors using the REBT framework with clients often rely on subjec- tive experiences to drive the treatment process—a clear understanding of the client's reality helps counselors to provide the most appropriate treatment (Heppner, et al, 1994). However, sometimes counselors may assess the client's perceptions of adverse events, thoughts, and emofions inaccurately. They might recommend that clients use mobile mind mapping to self-report in vivo. Stop, monitor, and record (SMR) allows counselors to assess a client's thoughts and feelings throughout the day. They might also suggest SMR as a way to fos- ter client of irrational thoughts and feelings. This might be a prereq- uisite for clients challenging irrafional thinking and complefing ABG exercises. From the main screen of Thinking Space, clients can be instructed to cre- ate separate mind maps, one fifled "Thoughts" and one "Feelings." During or 76
Warren I MOBILE MIND MAPPING immediately after adverse situations, clients can record speciflc thoughts by accessing the "Thoughts" mind map and creating additional nodes (Figure 2), each containing a thought. They can then return to the main screen, access the "Feeling" mind map, and record the feelings associated with the situation (Figure 3). The information recorded can be presented to the counselor during the next scheduled counseling session, to both give the counselor a clear pic- ture of the client's experiences in daily living and promote client self-awareness. Figure 2. Thoughts Related to a Spécifie Event Figure 3. Feelings Related to a Spécifie Event Tip 2: Provide emotional and eognitive education. In describing situa- tions, clients often use thoughts and feelings interchangeably, saying, for example, "I felt like he should not have treated me that way." In REBT distin- guishing thoughts and feelings is very important. Gounselors can help clients to differentiate these constructs before recommending the SMR technique. However, for mind mapping, encourage clients to concentrate on recording thoughts and feelings without worrying about whether they are identifying them correctly. Rational Reviews REBT encourages clients to practice thinking in rational ways. Glients can build mind mapping databases of rational thoughts, and counselors can encourage them to refer to these databases throughout the day. When they review rational statements often, clients can formulate more preferential philosophies of life. The databases of rational thoughts can also be used to complete other mind-mapping tasks, such as ABG exercises. In Thinking Space clients can create a new mind map from the main screen that is tifled "Rational Thoughts" (Figure 4), starting with nodes that contain generic rational thoughts such as "I'd like to get my way but I don't have to" that clients can access and rehearse throughout the week. Additional rational thought nodes can be added at any time. 77
Figure 4. Rational Thoughts Database Tip 3: Demonstrate how to eraft a rational thought. Glients new to REBT often find it diffieult to eonstruet rafional thoughts. They need clear guidance. Demonstrate how they ean ereate flexible statements that negate their original beliefs. For example, "I'd like to get my way, but I don't have to" is a general rational thought that dismisses a demand. In session eounselors can help clients construct a rational thoughts mind map with examples that elients can refer to when adding personal rational thoughts to databases. Identification of Themes In REBT eounselors offen look for life themes that might interfere with client well-being and funefioning. Gounselors and clients ean work together to explore possible themes by analyzing the mind maps. Mind maps created dur- ing ABG exereises and SMR ean be brought to sessions or e-mailed to the eounselor. By analyzing their thought eontent, elients ean idenfify eore beliefs across various adverse situations. For example, eore beliefs sueh as "I'm worth- less" or "life is terrible" may appear throughout the mind maps. Over time, clients can witness changes in cognitive strueturing and assess progress. These types of tangible diseoveries can be quite therapeutie. Tip 4: Eneourage diligence. It is important for elients to understand the ulfimate goal of REBT: to develop a rafional philosophy of life. They will reap the benefits of REBT faster if they are diligent and invested in the process. Encourage clients to frequently use and save their mobile mind mapping efforts. Work elosely with them to analyze isolated irrational thoughts and move toward broad rafional philosophies of self, others, and life. THE FURIOUS FRESHMAN: AN ILLUSTRATIVE CASE Tonya, a eollege freshman, notieed that after a reeent break-up she easily beeame angry. She entered counseling almost two months ago. Her eounselor has tised an integrative approach comprising REBT, solution-focused counsel- ing, and a person-eentered approaeh. Tonya is highly motivated and eompletes the homework assignments she negotiates with the eounselor during sessions. They have established a solid therapeufie relafionship. The counselor has learned that Tonya is teeh-sawy and has a smartphone. She also has a basie understanding of the ABG model and has several fimes used the self-help form (Dryden & Walker, 1992) to address the anger she experiences.
Worren / MOBILE MIND MAPPING During one session the counselor explored whether Tonya might be inter- ested in using her smartphone to support her therapy. She was. The cotinselor recommended that Tonya choose a mobile mind mapping applicafion and learn how it worked before the next counseling session. Tonya returned excited the following week with her downloaded application. She said she had viewed a tutorial and created a basic mind map a few days earlier. Based on the current goals and direcfion of treatment, the counselor introduced Tonya to rational reviews: together they reviewed the differences between rational and irrational thoughts. The counselor gave a few examples of rational thoughts and prompted Tonya to create her own. Tonya had previously commented that when she thinks she is being treated with disrespect, she becomes very angry. She idenfified the irrafional belief that leads to anger as "People should treat me with respect and I can't stand it when they don't!" Using the mind mapping tool in the current se.ssion, she created a rafional review to challenge this imperafive cognifion. She fitled it "RESPECT IS NICE, not needed!" Among the rafional statements she added to the database were (a) "Disrespect is bad, but it is far from terrible!" (b) "I don't like being disrespected, but I can handle it!" (c) "I would like to be treated with respect, but it is not required!" and (d) "Disrespect does not equal the end of the world!" The counselor encouraged Tonya to review ratio- nal thoughts throughout each day (waifing in line, before class, during meals, on the bus, ete.). At the next session Tonya said she had been reviewing the rafional thotights several fimes each day—so often, in fact, that she had memorized them. She also stated that she had created several other rational reviews. Most importantly, she said she had reduced the intensity of her anger toward those who show disrespect. To assess the degree to which Tonya had internalized the rafional thoughts she rehearsed, the counselor recommended SMR, asking Tonya to stop, moni- tor, and record her thoughts in a mind map several times each day. The next week Tonya brought in copies of the SMR mind maps. The counselor and Tonya analyzed these together to idenfify cognifive themes and realized that 'Ibnya still struggled slightly when she perceived others as not treating her with respect: during the week, 9 out of 35 recorded thotights had been irrafional. The counselor encouraged Tonya to continue the SMR exercise. Because she had done so well with mind mapping and had previously used the self-help form, the counselor also suggested that she begin ABC exercises. Tonya agreed to complete an ABC exercise for each irrational thought she recorded. Over the next two weeks Tonya reported contintied improvements in daily living. She thought SMR was heightening her awareness of thoughts and feelings, and the ABC exercises were giving her a structured way to challenge irrational beliefs. As the counseling relationship moved toward terminafion. 79
the counselor encouraged Tonya to confinue using mobile mind mapping to explore and challenge irrafional thoughts. Because she parficipated consis- tently during each counseling session and was willing to complete the mind mapping tasks, Tonya was able to overcome the demands she placed on others and acquire a more preferential philosophy of life. • CONCLUSION As technology becomes more accessible and mobile devices advance, counselors need to consider applicafions that might help clients to address social-emofional issues. Although research is needed about the most effective use of technology, mobile mind mapping appears to provide an accessible for- mat for delivering established counseling practices. While this article presents mind maps as an adjunct to RFBT, other counseling models or paradigms (solution-focused counseling, narrative therapy, gestalt, etc.) may also find mind maps useful. In fime it is likely that new smartphone applications will further enhance the counseling process. ^ REFERENCES Alleman, J. R. (2002). On-line counseling: The Internet and mental health treatment. Psychotherapy: Theory/Research/Practice/Training, 39, 199-209. Baekx, W. (2003). REBT as an intentional therapy. In W. Dryden (Ed.), Rational emotive behav- iour therapy: Theoretical developments (pp. 55-76). New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge. Barnes, R, Clark, R, & Thull, B. (2003). Web-based digital portfolios and counselor supervision. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 3(1). Retrieved from Bames/Barnes.htm Berry, T., Srebalus, D. J., Cromer, R W., & Takacs, J. (2003). Counselor trainee technology use skills, learning styles, and preferred modes of instruction. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 3(1). Retrieved from Gollins, A. M., & Quillian, M. R. ( 1969). Retrieval time from semantic memory. Journal of Verbal learning and Verbal Behaviors, 8, 240-247. Dryden. W. (2005). Rational emotive behavior therapy. In A. Freeman, S. H. Eelgoise, A. M. Nezu, G. M. Nezu, & M. A. Reinecke (Eds.), Encyclopedia of cognitive behavior therapy (pp. 321-324). New York, NY: Springer. Dryden, W. (2009). Rational emotive behavior therapy: Distinctive features. New York, NY: Routledge. Dryden, W., & Branch, R. (2008). The fundamentals of rational emotive behavior therapy: A train- ing handbook. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons. Dryden, W., & Walker, J. (1992). Self-help form. New York, NY: Albert Ellis Institute. Ellis, A. (1962). Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. Secaucus, NJ: Gitadel Rress. Ellis, A. (1975). How to raise an emotionally healthy, happy child. Hollywood, GA: Wilshire Book Gompany. Ellis, A. (1991). Achieving self-actualization: The rational-emotive approach, journal of Social Behavior Ó- Personality, 5, 1-18. Ellis, A. (2003). Differentiating preferential from exaggerated and musturbatory beliefs in rational emotive behavior therapy. In W. Dryden (Ed.), Rational emotive behaviour therapy: Theoretical developments (pp. 22-34). New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge. 80
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