MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity

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MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
May 14, 2021

           MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members
                      to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
This week, Janice Morley-Lecomte, MLA for Seine River, introduced Bill 230: The Labour Relations
Amendment Act, enabling union members to direct a portion of dues to a registered charity.

In a news release, MLA Morley-Lecomte said, “This legislation will allow Manitobans who are
members of a union to direct a portions of union dues to registered charities to support these
organizations, while recognizing workers freedom of choice to not participate in politicized union
activities that are conduced on behalf of all members.”

The portion of funds that would be earmarked for charitable donations would only be the portion
of dues that are already earmarked for political purposes. This includes activities such as election
communication expenses, third party partisan activity expenses, or election survey expenses. This bill
would not affect the portion of dues allocated for daily operations of unions.
MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
MLA Wowchuk Introduces Resolution
                       Recognizing Importance of Manitoba Parks

Rick Wowchuk, MLA for             In a news release, MLA            the vital importance of
Swan River, was pleased to        Wowchuk said, “Our                provincial parks to the mental
introduce a Private Member’s      provincial parks continue         and physical wellbeing of
Resolution (PMR) this week        to provide a safe space for       Manitobans both during the
acknowledging the vital role      Manitobans to explore and         pandemic and beyond.”
of Manitoba’s provincial          enjoy the outdoors while
parks and commending the          connecting with nature,” said
province for its commitment       Wowchuk. “I am pleased to
to enhancing accessibility for    introduce this Resolution in
all Manitobans.                   the Legislature to recognize

                      Province Provides $71 Million for Businesses
                           Impacted by Public Health Orders

The Manitoba government           Response System. This brings      Approximately 1,800
announced an increase in its      the total program investment      restaurants will benefit from this
budget for the Manitoba Bridge    to $286 million, which is $86     assistance, totalling $3.6 million.
Grant and a fourth round of up    million above the province’s      An additional $2 million will
to $5,000 payments for eligible   original commitment of $200       also be provided to the Dine-
businesses and organizations      million.                          In Restaurant Relief program
to help protect them through      The province also announced       to help restaurants shift their
the third wave of the COVID-19    an additional $2,000 top-up for   operations toward a delivery
pandemic.                         restaurants in addition to the    model. The Dine-in Restaurant
Eligible businesses that          $5,000 Manitoba Bridge Grant      Relief Program, administered
received prior bridge grant       payment to help cover the costs   by the Manitoba Chambers
payments will automatically       of food waste, employee wages,    of Commerce in partnership
receive a fourth payment of up    maintenance or insurance.         with the Manitoba Restaurant
to $5,000 beginning as early                                        and Foodservices Association,
as Friday, May 14 and will                                          launched in January 2021 to
be notified of the deposit via                                      provide a rebate to dine-in
email. Through a fourth round                                       restaurants that shifted to a
of payments, the province will                                      delivery model due to public
provide up to $71 million in                                        health restrictions. The program
immediate financial support                                         helps offset costs related to
to eligible small and medium-                                       delivery services, whether a
sized businesses, not-for-                                          restaurant provides its own
profits and charities impacted                                      delivery service or uses a third-
by the #RestartMB Pandemic                                          party delivery company
MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
Province Passes Paid Leave for COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments

This week, the province              soon as possible, but could       body with representatives
introduced and passed                not require a physician’s note    of employer and labour
changes to the Employment            or medical certificate to avoid   organizations. This paid
Standards Code to allow              unnecessary burden on the         vaccine leave complements
Manitoba workers to take             medical system. Employees         the recently announced
a three-hour paid leave              who need more time to travel      Manitoba Pandemic Sick
to receive COVID-19                  to vaccination appointments or    Leave program, which is
vaccinations.                        who suffer from vaccine side      a voluntary program to
The legislation makes it             effects would be allowed to       reimburse eligible employers
mandatory for employers to           take a longer unpaid leave.       for providing paid time off to
allow employees up to three          These changes align with          employees who are absent for
hours of paid leave each             other Western Canadian            reasons related to COVID-19.
time the employee requires           provinces and received            The program covers up to
a dose of vaccine. The wage          support from Manitoba’s           $600 per employee for a
rate would be fixed at an            Labour Management Review          maximum of five full days of
employee’s regular wage              Committee, an advisory            COVID-19 related sick leave.
rate, or the average wage
for employees whose wage
varies, such as those paid
on commission. Employers
would be able to require
employees to provide them
with reasonable verification of
the necessity of the leave as

                         Province Expands COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility to 12+

Manitoba made significant
progress in the fight against                                                Over 600,000 doses
COVID-19 this week as the                                                    of the vaccine have
age eligibility to book a vaccine                                             been administered
                                                                                 in Manitoba
appointment dropped to
anyone 12 years old and up.
Manitoba is among the first
provinces to lower the eligibility
this significantly. To date, over
                                                                          Manitobans are encouraged
600,000 doses of the vaccine
                                                                          to book their appointment
have been administered in                                                         online at:
                                         The province announced
Manitoba. Manitobans are                                           
                                            expanded vaccine
encouraged to book their                   eligibility this week.
appointment online at:
MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
Manitoba Provides Supports to Address Impacts of Remote Learning on Child-Care

The Manitoba government             expected to pay child-care         by increasing its monthly
announced $1.9 million to           fees during this time, while the   investment in personal
support and protect families        province provides this funding     protective equipment for
and early learning and              to these ELCC facilities to        the sector by an additional
child-care (ELCC) facilities        offset their losses of revenue.    $415,000 per month, to
affected by the new move to         Families will also retain their    increase its monthly allocation
remote learning in Winnipeg         child-care spaces during this      of protective masks to 1.1
and Brandon as part of the          period. The new funding will       million from 100,000 and to
province’s public health            be provided to the affected        raise the daily provision of
measures.                           facilities in addition to their    masks for each ELCC worker
early learning and child-care       continued operating grants.        to four from one.
facilities that provide school-     This announcement builds on
aged care in Winnipeg and           the province’s commitment
Brandon will experience             of the child-care sector
reduced attendance as               to quality care, while also
schools move today to remote        ensuring precautions are
learning, which could affect        taken to prevent the spread
more than 10,000 school-aged        of COVID-19. The province
spaces. Parents of children         is further supporting early
in these spaces will not be         learning and child care

              Province Partners with Xplornet to Improve Broadband Connectivity

Following a competitive             with cellphone access.             services to Manitobans, as early
tendering process, the                                                 as this fall.
                                    Through Manitoba Hydro, the
province announced the
                                    province owns thousands of         The Manitoba government,
signing of a memorandum of
                                    kilometres of fibre-optic cable    Manitoba Hydro and Manitoba
understanding with Xplornet
                                    across Manitoba, however           Hydro Telecom are collaborating
Communications Inc. to connect
                                    much of the network is surplus,    to finalize the contract in the
more than 125,000 unserved
                                    unused capacity. The network       coming weeks.
or underserved Manitobans to
                                    was created to communicate
reliable, high-speed internet
                                    with northern hydroelectric
                                    facilities and transmit data.
The agreement between
                                    The province led a multi-stage,
the province and Xplornet
                                    open competitive process and
Communications Inc. will
                                    an independent third-party
provide broadband services
                                    fairness monitor oversaw it.
to nearly 30 First Nations,
                                    Through this agreement, the
and approximately 270 rural
                                    government will make this
and northern communities.
                                    surplus capacity available
Additionally, this agreement will
                                    to Xplornet to expand its
also serve 350 communities
                                    broadband and cellphone
MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
Welcoming the Opening of Le P’Tit Paradis Childcare Centre in Windsor Park

Hon. Audrey Gordon, MLA for       Diversity Child Care Start-        sector, including freezing fees
Southdale, was pleased to         Up Grant is targeted towards       for three years and supporting
join Families Minister Rochelle   community organizations to         over 600 new licensed child-
Squires virtually to celebrate    develop child care options         care spaces through Budget
the opening of Le P’Tit Paradis   that address service gaps by       2021.
Childcare Centre, providing       meeting the unique needs of
the Francophone in Windsor        their families. This facility is
Park with expanded child care     licensed for 36 child care spots
options.                          to serve the community of
This centre was the recipient     Windsor Park.
of a $100,000 Diversity Child     This announcement builds on
Care Start Up Grant from the      the province’s commitment to
Department of Families. The       strengthening the child care

                     Manitoba Reducing Vehicle Registration Fees on July 1

Infrastructure Minister Ron       Combined with last year’s          province has reduced fees by
R. Schuler announced the          10 per cent reduction, the         20 per cent in two years.
province’s intention to reduce    province has reduced fees by       Manitobans will benefit from a
vehicle registration fees on      20 per cent in two years.          $10 decrease to the existing
July 1 for the second year in a   Vehicle registration fees will     $139 vehicle registration fee
row by a further 10 per cent.     be reduced by an additional        as a continued step to reverse
Vehicle registration fees will    10 per cent starting in July,      the 30 per cent increase in
be reduced by an additional       keeping $15 million in the         2012 implemented by the
10 per cent starting in July,     pockets of Manitoba drivers.       previous NDP government.
keeping $15 million in the        Combined with last year’s
pockets of Manitoba drivers.      10 per cent reduction, the
MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity MLA Morley-Lecomte Introduces Bill Allowing Union Members to Direct Portion of Dues to Charity
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