Minutes Ordinary Meeting of Council - Corryong Council Office Tuesday 3 September 2019 - Towong Shire
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Minutes Ordinary Meeting of Council Corryong Council Office Tuesday 3 September 2019 This information is available in alternative formats on request 1
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL HELD AT TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL, CORRYONG OFFICE ON TUESDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 COMMENCING AT 10.30 AM. Commonly used acronyms ABBREVIATION TITLE Council Officers CAE Civil/Asset Engineer CEO Chief Executive Officer DCCS Director Community and Corporate Services DTS Director Technical Services EA Executive Assistant MCorp Manager Corporate Services MCS Manager Community Services MED Manager Economic Development MES Manager Executive Services MF Manager Finance Government/Organisation ACSUM Alliance of Councils and Shires of the Upper Murray CHS Corryong Health Service (formerly Upper Murray Health and Community Services) DJPR Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions DOT Department of Transport DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning GMW Goulburn Murray Water HRGLN Hume Region Local Government Network MAV Municipal Association of Victoria NECMA North East Catchment Management Authority NEW North East Water NEWRRG North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group RCV Rural Councils Victoria RDA Regional Development Australia RDV Regional Development Victoria THS Tallangatta Health Service VGC Victorian Grants Commission 2 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Opening Prayer ............................................................................................................................... 4 2 Councillor and Officer presence at the meeting................................................................. 4 3 Apologies and granting of leave of absence ....................................................................... 4 4 Declaration of pecuniary interest and/or conflict .............................................................. 4 5 Confirmation of minutes ............................................................................................................. 5 6 Petitions, joint letters and declarations.................................................................................. 5 7 Assembly of Councillors .............................................................................................................. 5 8 Open Forum ..................................................................................................................................... 5 9 Organisational improvement ..................................................................................................... 6 9.1 Finance Report as at 31 July 2019 (06/02/0021-CEO)............................................... 6 9.2 Audit and Risk Committee – Appointment of External Member (07/04/0010- CEO) 18 9.3 Occupational Health and Safety Report (06/04/0212-CEO) ................................. 21 9.4 Action Sheet Reports (06/05/0010-CEO) ..................................................................... 21 9.5 Council Plan Priorities (07/05/0022-CEO) .................................................................. 21 9.6 Performance Reporting Graphs (CEO) .......................................................................... 22 10 Community wellbeing ................................................................................................................ 22 10.1 Community Services Report (04/07/0055-DCCS) ................................................. 22 11 Asset management ...................................................................................................................... 31 11.1 Asset Management report (01/07/0004-ADTS) .................................................... 31 12 Land-use planning ....................................................................................................................... 31 13 Environmental sustainability .................................................................................................... 31 13.1 Environmental sustainability report (01/07/0004-ADTS) ................................... 31 14 Economic and tourism development .................................................................................... 31 14.1 Economic development report (05/01/0001-CEO) .............................................. 31 15 Councillor reports ........................................................................................................................ 32 16 Urgent business ............................................................................................................................ 32 16.1 Mayoral Annual Leave (07/05/0007-Cr Wortmann) ............................................ 32 17 Committee minutes ..................................................................................................................... 33 17.1 Upper Murray Incorporated (Cr Whitehead) .......................................................... 33 18 Occupational health and safety .............................................................................................. 33 18.1 OHS Committee (06/04/0212-CEO) .......................................................................... 33 19 Council policies (10/01/0007-CEO) ....................................................................................... 34 19.1 Policy review and adoption (10/01/0007-CEO) ..................................................... 34 19.2 Asset Valuation Policy (01/07/0004-ADTS)............................................................. 34 20 Sealing of documents ................................................................................................................. 37 20.1 Section 173 Agreement – Towong Shire Council, Thomas Robert Martin and AusNet Electricity Services Pty Ltd (212900, CEO) ...................................................... 37 21 Confidential .................................................................................................................................... 38 3 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 The Mayor opened the meeting at 10.30am. 1 Opening Prayer “Almighty God, we ask that you be present at this meeting to assist us in our service to the Community through Local Government. We pray that our decisions will be wise and taken with goodwill and clear conscience. Amen.” 2 Councillor and Officer presence at the meeting Present: Crs Wortmann, Whitehead, Scales and Star In Attendance: Title: Ms J Phelps Chief Executive Officer Ms R Gadd Acting Director Technical Services 3 Apologies and granting of leave of absence Cr Tolsher CR SCALES CR WHITEHEAD THAT THE APOLOGY BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED 4 Declaration of pecuniary interest and/or conflict For the purpose of this section, Councillors must disclose the nature of the conflict of interest in accordance with s79(2) of the Local Government Act. Nil. 4 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 5 Confirmation of minutes Ordinary Meeting 6 August 2019 CR STAR CR WHITEHEAD THAT THE MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING HELD ON 6 AUGUST 2019 AS CIRCULATED BE CONFIRMED. CARRIED 6 Petitions, joint letters and declarations Nil. 7 Assembly of Councillors A written record of the Assemblies of Councillors from 31 July 2019 to 29 August 2019 is included at Appendix 1. CR SCALES CR WHITEHEAD THAT THE INFORMATION BE NOTED. CARRIED 8 Open Forum There was no one present in the gallery. 5 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 9 Organisational improvement 9.1 Finance Report as at 31 July 2019 (06/02/0021-CEO) Disclosure of Interests (S.80C): This report was prepared by Mr Blair Phillips, Manager Finance. At the time of preparation of the report the officer did not have a direct or indirect interest in any matter to which the report or advice relates. OPERATING RESULT Note Jul-19 Jul-19 YTD YTD YTD YTD 2019/20 2019/20 Full Year Full Year (Actual) (Budget) (Actual) (Budget) (Variance) (Variance) (Budget) (Achieved) $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 % $'000 % Income 1 346 513 346 513 (167) (33%) 18,718 2% Expenditure 2 953 1,006 953 1,006 53 5% 17,787 5% Surplus/ (Deficit) (607) (493) (607) (493) (114) 23% 931 (65%) Table 1: Operating Result Note 1: Council’s YTD income at 31 July 2019 is $346,000 against a budget of $513,000. The major items contributing to the $167,000 unfavourable variance includes: Revenue recognised that was not budgeted in 2019/20: o $120,000 for contribution to road reconstruction Revenue received earlier than anticipated: o $300,000 for the Upper Murray Events Centre was budgeted to be received in July 2019 per the funding agreement, however was recognised in June 2019 (previous financial year) YTD Mth Income $ 12,000 20,000,000 10,000 15,000,000 $'000 8,000 6,000 10,000,000 4,000 5,000,000 2,000 - - Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Mth Income - Budget Mth Income - Actual YTD Income - Budget YTD Income - Actual 6 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Note 2: Council’s YTD expenditure at 31 July 2019 is $953,000 against a budget of $1.006 million. The major item contributing to the $53,000 favourable variance is savings in employee costs due to staff vacancies. Council is operating with 74.9 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff at 31 July 2019 against an annual budget of 83.8 FTE. Council has a number of vacancies. The vacant positions at the end of July include: Director Community and Corporate Services Manager Economic Development Manager Planning Manager Corporate Services Trainee Parks and Gardens Operator Plant operator/Labourer Maternal and Child Health Nurse (Part-time) Communications Officer (Part-time) YTD Mth Expenditure $ 6,000 15,000,000 5,000 12,000,000 4,000 $'000 9,000,000 3,000 6,000,000 2,000 1,000 3,000,000 - - Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Mth Expenditure - Budget Mth Expenditure - Actual YTD Expenditure - Budget YTD Expenditure - Actual Operating Surplus 10,000 8,000 $'000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 (2,000) (4,000) Mth Surplus - Budget Mth Surplus - Actual YTD Surplus - Budget YTD Surplus - Actual 7 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Grant Income Note Jul-19 YTD YTD YTD YTD 2019/20 2019/20 Full Year Full Year (Actual) (Actual) (Budget) (Variance) (Variance) (Budget) (Achieved) $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 % $’000 % Recurrent 1 64 64 57 7 12% 5,128 1% Non-Recurrent 2 87 87 382 (295) (77%) 1,129 8% Total 151 151 439 (288) (66%) 6,257 2% Table 2: Grant Income Note 1: Council’s YTD recurrent grant income at 31 July 2019 is $64,000 against a budget of $57,000. There are no major variances to report. Note 2: Council’s YTD non-recurrent grant income at 31 July 2019 is $87,000 against a budget of $382,000. The major item contributing to the $295,000 unfavourable variance is grant income received earlier than anticipated for the Upper Murray Events Centre. This income was budgeted to be received in July 2019, however was received last financial year in June 2019. o Grants received Year-to-Date (YTD) are listed in the following tables: $’000 Recurrent Grants School Crossing Supervisor 18 Maternal and Child Health 18 Kindergarten - Corryong 14 Kindergarten - Tallangatta 11 Kindergarten Cluster 2 Health Admin (Vulnerable persons - HACC) 1 Total Recurrent Grants 64 Table 3: Recurrent Grant Income received 8 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Non-Recurrent Grants Community Child Care Fund (Sustainability Support - Walwa) 52 Neighbourhood House - Tallangatta 21 Supported Parent and Playgroup 5 Access and Inclusion 4 Kindergarten Enrolment 4 Seniors Week 1 Total Non-Recurrent Grants 87 Total Grants Received 151 Table 4: Non-recurrent grants Unexpended Grants Where Council has received grants that are required to be expended in a specified manner, but the funds have not yet been expended, the grant is recognised as an unexpended grant. This identifies cash holdings that are required to be spent on a specified purpose and are not available for other Council priorities. The following table provides a listing of current unexpended grants: 9 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 $'000 Unexpended Grants Fixing Country Roads Program - Hanson Street redevelopment 588 Fixing Country Roads Program - Eskdale intersection upgrade 486 Cudgewa Netball Court upgrade 160 Access and Inclusion 157 Improved Connections Hanson Street project 141 Mitta Valley Mountain Bike Park (Pick My Project) 138 Upper Murray Events Centre (Commonwealth) 96 Tintaldra Boat Ramp 82 Fixing Country Roads Program - Bethanga intersection upgrade 77 Neighbourhood House - Tallangatta 71 Kindergraten Enrolment 70 Community Systems Mapping for Violence Free Living 70 New Spin for Eskdale Cricket Club 69 Supported Parent and Playgroup 64 Strategic Planning - Tallangatta 49 Granya Streetscape 40 Fixing Country Roads Program - Bethanga street sealing 35 Local Government Business Collaboration 32 FReeZA 29 E-Waste Infrastructure upgrade - Corryong 28 Country Roads and Bridges 27 E-Waste Infrastructure upgrade - Tallangatta 25 Municipal Emergency Resourcing Program 21 Tallangatta Reclaimed Water Reuse 20 Stronger Communities Program - Talgarno Playground upgrade 18 Bushfire Management Overlay 13 TICC Banking On Our Solar Future 13 Improving Liveability of Older People 10 Think-Start-Grow 10 Health Promotions (Walk to School) 10 Building economic development capacity in Hume local government 9 Waste Not, Want Not 7 Council Building Energy Audits 7 Premier's Reading Challenge 6 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity grant 5 Beat the Heat - Tree Project 4 Maternal and Child Health Enhancement 4 Drug Prevention Services - Ice 3 Kindergarten Inclusion 2 Community Development and Assistance 2 Respectful Relationships - Kinder 2 Family Violence Support 1 Total Unexpended Grants 2,701 Table 5: Unexpended grants 10 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 CASH POSITION Cash on Hand The cash position moved during the month as detailed below: Current Month Prior Month Variance Jul-19 Jun-19 $ $ $ % Committed funds Unexpended Grants 2,700,924 2,857,549 (156,625) (5.5%) Other Provisions and Reserves 985,366 985,366 - 0.0% Provision for Employee Entitlements 1,498,016 1,498,016 - 0.0% Other Committed Funds 16,833,607 16,676,982 156,625 0.9% Total committed funds 22,017,913 22,017,913 - 0.0% Other funds 731,654 1,124,644 (392,990) (34.9%) Total funds 22,749,567 23,142,557 (392,990) (1.7%) Cash holdings Section 86 Committee Funds 164,771 164,771 - 0.0% Investments/term deposits 22,470,938 22,706,039 (235,101) (1.0%) Cash At Bank and On Hand 113,859 271,748 (157,889) (58.1%) Total Cash holdings 22,749,567 23,142,557 (392,990) (1.7%) Average Interest Rate 2.21% 2.29% $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 Restricted Funds Unrestricted Funds Prior Year - 2019 Cash Budget 2019/20 11 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Investments Investments were made up of the following at the month end: Date Product Institution Principal Yield Term Rating Maturity 08/02/2019 Term Deposit Bank of Queensland 1,000,000 2.75% 180 Days A2 07/08/2019 18/02/2019 Term Deposit ME Bank 1,000,000 2.73% 182 Days A2 19/08/2019 20/02/2019 Term Deposit Bank of Queensland 1,000,000 2.70% 181 Days A2 20/08/2019 09/04/2019 Term Deposit Bendigo & Adelaide Bank 1,000,000 2.50% 183 Days A2 09/10/2019 15/04/2019 Term Deposit Bendigo & Adelaide Bank 1,000,000 2.45% 182 Days A2 14/10/2019 20/02/2019 Term Deposit AMP 1,000,000 2.80% 240 Days A2 18/10/2019 11/03/2019 Term Deposit WAW 500,000 2.65% 245 Days 11/11/2019 14/06/2019 Term Deposit National Australia Bank 1,000,000 2.07% 150 Days A1+ 11/11/2019 18/06/2019 Term Deposit Bank of Queensland 1,000,000 2.10% 153 Days A2 18/11/2019 21/05/2019 Term Deposit Bank of Queensland 1,000,000 2.35% 184 Days A2 21/11/2019 12/06/2019 Term Deposit AMP 1,000,000 2.40% 182 Days A2 11/12/2019 17/06/2019 Term Deposit AMP 1,000,000 2.35% 183 Days A2 17/12/2019 13/06/2019 Term Deposit AMP 1,000,000 2.40% 188 Days A2 18/12/2019 09/07/2019 Term Deposit ME Bank 1,000,000 1.90% 184 Days A2 09/01/2020 10/04/2019 Term Deposit Bendigo & Adelaide Bank 1,000,000 2.50% 275 Days A2 10/01/2020 25/06/2019 Term Deposit Bank of Queensland 1,500,000 2.10% 210 Days A2 21/01/2020 25/07/2019 Term Deposit AMP 1,000,000 2.20% 180 Days A2 21/01/202 09/07/2019 Term Deposit AMP 1,000,000 2.20% 273 Days A2 07/04/2020 N/A Cash Management Westpac 4,470,938 1.55% On Call A1 N/A N/A S86 Committee Various 164,771 1.60% N/A N/A Total Investments 22,635,709 Table 6: Investments at month end 12 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 RECEIVABLES Rates, Municipal Charge, Waste Management Charge and Waste Collection Charge The breakdown of rates received for the year ending 30 June 2020 as well as the rates debtors balance outstanding and a comparison to last financial year is shown below: Rates, charges and FSPL Debtors Amount Received % Collected Received Collected Balance Jul-19 Jul-19 YTD YTD Outstanding $ $ % $ $ $ Levied 2019/20 - 39,735 0.0% 39,735 0.0% (39,735) Arrears prior to 2019/20 927,093 137,322 14.8% 137,322 14.8% 789,771 Total Charges 177,057 177,057 750,036 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 Debtor Balance (Current) Debtor Balance (Arrears) 2019 Notes 1) Rates and charges for 2019/20 are scheduled to be levied in August 2019. Quarterly instalments are due at the end of September, November, February and May. 13 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Debt Collection The graph below compares the arrears balances as at the end of each month for the current financial year (2019/20) and the arrears balances at the equivalent time in the previous financial year (2018/19). Please note the graph below does not include any unpaid instalments from 2019/20, e.g. if a ratepayer has not paid Instalment 1 in 2019/20, it is not reflected in the below figures. Arrears Rates Debtors - Prior years arrears $1,000,000 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Prior years arrears 2019/20 Prior years arrears 2018/19 The following graph displays the number of debtors with an arrears balance greater than $200 for the current year compared to the previous financial year. Number of debtors with prior years arrears 500 450 400 Number of debtors 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Number of Debtors with prior years arrears 114 446 balance greater than $200 - 2019/20 Number of Debtors with prior years arrears 103 332 285 261 219 189 173 160 149 141 135 124 114 balance greater than $200 - 2018/19 At 31 July 2019 there were 446 rates debtors with an outstanding balance of greater than $200. All outstanding rates debtors at 30 June 2019 became arrears on 1 July 2019. 14 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Sundry Debtors The Sundry Debtors outstanding at month end and the movement from the prior month is shown below: Sundry Debtors Future Due Date Current 30 Days 60 Days 90+ Days Total $ $ $ $ $ $ July 2019 24,335 189,323 457,017 3,664 2,612 676,950 June 2019 32,456 576,005 4,705 806 14,762 628,734 Movement (8,121) (386,682) 452,312 2,858 (12,151) 48,216 $600,000 $800,000 $700,000 $500,000 $600,000 $400,000 $500,000 $300,000 $400,000 $200,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 Future Due Date 30+ Days 60+ Days 90+ Days Future Due Date Current 30+ Days 60+ Days 90+ Days Significant debtors (>$1,000) with ageing of greater than 90 days are as follows: Debtor Amount Description RO Notes A payment arrangement has been Debtor entered into and the debtor is $1,070 Private works DTS 21579 meeting these conditions. Table 7: Significant debtors > 90 days 15 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 CAPITAL WORKS The table below reports capital expenditure incurred for all capital projects with a project value greater than $100,000 for the current financial year. Capital Works - 2019/20 Note YTD Actual YTD Budget Variance 2019/20 Budget Fixing Country Roads (Hanson Street Development) $2,079 $8,000 $ $5,921 2,240,790 Colac Colac Caravan Park (Amenities block upgrade) $41,508 $40,000 ($1,508) 800,000 Plant replacement $0 $0 $0 727,000 Tallangatta Holiday Park $4,360 $0 ($4,360) 649,768 Digouts/major patching $0 $0 $0 600,000 Reseal program $0 $0 $0 600,000 Georges Creek Road (Stage 6) $0 $0 $0 500,000 Walwa streetscape (2017/18) $31,495 $35,000 $3,505 500,000 Infrastructure project (NEBFCN) $0 $0 $0 300,000 Reseal - Towong Street (DT) $3,975 $0 ($3,975) 282,093 Corryong Infrastructure (Connecting Corryong) $0 $0 $0 273,000 Pavement construction - Hardys Road (Tallangatta) $0 $0 $0 243,382 Town entrances (2017/18) $0 $0 $0 233,000 Fleet replacement $500 $0 ($500) 204,000 Blackspot program - Lake Road (Bellbridge) $0 $0 $0 200,000 Landfill cell #3 $0 $0 $0 200,000 Pavement construction - Wises Creek Road (Talgarno) $0 $0 $0 180,000 Resheeting $0 $0 $0 180,000 Bridge deck renewal (Callaghans Creek Bridge) $0 $0 $0 171,000 Finance System $0 $0 $0 162,500 Bethanga streetscape - Bethanga Bay Reserve $0 $0 $0 150,000 Corryong Airport $0 $0 $0 150,000 Solar panels and air conditioning treatments $0 $0 $0 150,000 Towong Street shopfronts/verandahs $0 $0 $0 150,000 Upper Murray 2030 projects (2016/17) $0 $0 $0 150,000 Tallangatta swimming pool $0 $0 $0 125,000 Mitchells Bridge (Guys Forest Road) $0 $0 $0 110,000 Shelley-Walwa Rd 1 $0 $100,000 $100,000 100,000 83,917 183,000 99,083 10,331,533 Table 8: Capital Works year ending 30 June 2020 Note 1 – The contribution to the Shelley-Walwa Road was made in June 2019 after finalising the 2019/20 Budget. Flood repairs and maintenance The total amount spent to date on flood remediation works from the 2016 flood event is $1.28 million. The majority of flood damage works are expected to be reimbursed through the State Government’s Natural Disaster Financial Assistance (NDFA) program. 16 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 A summary of the claims made and progress of reimbursements are provided in the following table. Balance Total claimed Claim NDFA VicRoads VicRoads Amount outstanding Precinct $ Submitted accepted assessing Approved received from original claim Talgarno $23,440 28/11/2017 yes in progress $8,423 $8,423 $15,018 Yabba $58,496 28/11/2017 yes in progress $32,930 $32,930 $25,566 Project Mgr $14,190 30/11/2017 yes in progress $14,190 $14,190 $0 Bullioh $6,462 30/11/2017 yes in progress $0 $0 $6,462 Cudgewa $11,718 30/11/2017 yes in progress $9,046 $9,046 $2,671 Bunroy $15,707 30/11/2017 yes in progress $9,141 $9,141 $6,566 Mount Alfred $285 30/11/2017 yes in progress $0 $0 $285 Georges Creek $20,197 30/11/2017 yes in progress $15,152 $15,152 $5,046 Mitta Valley $135,056 30/11/2017 yes in progress $32,003 $32,003 $103,053 Tallangatta Valley $38,841 30/11/2017 yes in progress $24,633 $24,633 $14,209 Granya $2,039 30/11/2017 yes in progress $0 $0 $2,039 Bethanga $36,080 30/11/2017 yes in progress $28,232 $28,232 $7,848 Fairyknowe $7,833 30/11/2017 yes in progress $2,538 $2,538 $5,296 Corryong $5,788 30/11/2017 yes in progress $0 $0 $5,788 Peninsula $57,469 15/12/2017 yes in progress $13,377 $13,377 $44,092 Project Mgr $16,493 31/07/2018 yes in progress $0 $0 $16,493 Peninsula $43,255 31/07/2018 yes in progress $19,662 $19,662 $23,592 Bullioh $8,420 31/07/2018 yes in progress $3,164 $3,164 $5,257 Bunroy $16,307 31/07/2018 yes in progress $15,700 $15,700 $608 Mount Alfred $94,848 31/07/2018 yes in progress $56,814 $56,814 $38,034 Mitta Valley $187,063 31/07/2018 yes in progress $117,411 $117,411 $69,653 Tallangatta Valley $198,776 31/07/2018 yes in progress $161,603 $161,603 $37,172 Granya $51,676 31/07/2018 yes in progress $34,713 $34,713 $16,962 Thowgla $8,995 31/07/2018 yes in progress $8,995 $8,995 $0 Yabba $147,296 31/07/2018 yes in progress $86,478 $86,478 $60,818 Total $1,206,729 $694,203 $694,203 $512,526 Council has received payment for all approved amounts. Council officers continue to work with representatives from VicRoads and State Government to finalise claims for those amounts not yet approved. At the time of writing Council officers advise that the final 18/19 claim has been lodged with the Natural Disaster Financial Assistance (NDFA) for an amount of $159,647. Council is awaiting a response. OTHER FINANCIAL MATTERS There are no other financial matters to report. 17 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 CR STAR CR SCALES THAT THE FINANCE REPORT BE NOTED. CARRIED CR SCALES CR WHITEHEAD THAT ITEMS 9.4, 9.5 AND 19.1 BE BROUGHT FORWARD FOR CONSIDERATION TO ALLOW THE ACTING DIRECTOR TECHNICAL SERVICES TO LEAVE THE MEETING EARLY. CARRIED Council proceeded to items 9.4, 9.5 and 19.1, and then returned to item 9.2. The Acting Director Technical Services, Ms Rachael Gadd left the chamber and did not return, the time being 11.12am. 9.2 Audit and Risk Committee – Appointment of External Member (07/04/0010-CEO) Disclosure of Interests (S.80C): This report was prepared by Ms Georgina Curtis, Manager Executive Services. At the time of preparation of the report the officer did not have a direct or indirect interest in any matter to which the report or advice relates. Background/History: The Audit and Risk Committee is an independent advisory Committee to Council. The primary objective of the Audit and Risk Committee is stated in the Charter as follows; ‘to assist Council in the effective conduct of its responsibilities for financial reporting, management of risk, maintaining a reliable system of internal controls and facilitating the organisation’s ethical development.’ 18 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 The Audit and Risk Committee Charter states the following in relation to committee membership: 2.2 Membership a. The Audit Committee will comprise a minimum of three members – one Councillor and two external independent persons. Committees with a membership greater than three must include a majority of external independent persons. All members shall have full voting rights. b. External independent persons will have senior business or financial management/reporting knowledge and experience, and be conversant with the financial and other reporting requirements. The evaluation of potential members will be undertaken by the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer taking account of the experience of candidates and their likely ability to apply appropriate analytical and strategic management skills, and a recommendation for appointment put to Council. c. Appointments of external persons shall be made by Council by way of a public advertisement and be for a maximum term of four years. The terms of the appointment should be arranged to ensure an orderly rotation and continuity of membership despite changes to Council’s elected representatives. This will occur with appointments of external persons occurring in July of years one and three of the Council term. This will ensure that at least one external person will have at least two years experience on the Committee at any given time. At the 2 July 2019 Council meeting it was resolved as follows: That Council: 1. Change the title of the Audit Committee to Audit and Risk Committee to better reflect the Charter of the Committee; 2. Extend Mr Rob Lees’ term until 31 October 2021; 3. Appoint Ms Kira Bryant and Mr Spencer Rich to the Audit and Risk Committee for a four year period from 8 July 2019 – 7 July 2023; and 4. Consider the appointment of a fourth independent committee member when the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer report to the Council on the interview with the third applicant. 19 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 The Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer met with Ms Jessica Campbell on 29 July 2019 to discuss her experience and qualifications relevant to the Audit and Risk Committee appointment. Ms Campbell brings over a decade of legal experience along with eight years of financial experience in small business and accordingly meets the membership requirements set out in the Charter. Impact on Council Policy: The appointment of a fourth independent member is consistent with the Audit and Risk Committee Charter. State Government Policy Impacts: Nil. Budget Impact: The budget provides for three independent Audit Committee members. The Chief Executive Officer will discuss the cost of the additional independent member at the meeting. Risk Assessment: The appointment of a fourth independent committee member will assist in reducing Council’s risk exposure to committee member turnover and will enable the retention of an appropriate number of committee members which will support succession planning. Community Consultation/Responses: Nil. Discussion/Officers View: The recent appointment of Ms Kira Bryant and Mr Spencer Rich along with the extension of Mr Lees’ term has ensured the Audit and Risk Committee meets the minimum membership requirements. The appointment of a fourth member with specialist legal experience will add depth to the Committee’s collective skill set and support future succession planning. 20 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Accordingly, it is the recommendation of the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer that Ms Jessica Campbell be appointed to the committee. CR STAR CR WHITEHEAD THAT MS JESSICA CAMPBELL BE APPOINTED TO THE AUDIT AND RISK COMMITTEE FOR A FOUR YEAR PERIOD FROM 9 SEPTEMBER 2019 – 8 SEPTEMBER 2023. CARRIED 9.3 Occupational Health and Safety Report (06/04/0212-CEO) The Occupational Health and Safety report is presented every second month. The next report is due in October 2019. 9.4 Action Sheet Reports (06/05/0010-CEO) Items requiring action from the 6 August 2019 Council Meeting are attached at Appendix 2. CR WHITEHEAD CR STAR THAT THE REPORT BE NOTED. CARRIED 9.5 Council Plan Priorities (07/05/0022-CEO) Whilst the Council Plan Priorities report is presented quarterly – they were not available for presentation at the 6 August 2019 meeting. The Council Plan Priorities are included at Appendix 3 for consideration. CR SCALES CR STAR THAT THE REPORT BE NOTED. CARRIED 21 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 9.6 Performance Reporting Graphs (CEO) The Performance Reporting Graphs are presented quarterly. The next report is due in October 2019. 10 Community wellbeing 10.1 Community Services Report (04/07/0055-DCCS) The Community wellbeing report is presented quarterly. The next report will be presented in December 2019. Disclosure of Interests (S.80C): This report was prepared by Ms Penelope Sell, Manager Community Services. At the time of preparation of the report the officer did not have a direct or indirect interest in any matter to which the report or advice relates. Background/History: This report is a quarterly report on Community Services activities throughout the Shire. Maternal and Child Health Services The Maternal and Child Health services review addresses strategy 2.3 of the Council Plan 2017-2021. The review aims to ensure that the service continues to meet community need while operating efficiently and effectively. There are five Maternal and Child Health Centres located in Bellbridge, Corryong, Mitta Mitta and Tallangatta and Walwa, each service (excluding Walwa), is co-located alongside kindergarten, playgroup and day care services for the Towong Shire municipality. The Department of Education and Training has provided $20,000 in funding under the ‘Hard to Staff’ grant to assist Council review Maternal and Child Health services across the Shire. The review is being delivered in two stages (with stage one complete): Stage one: 22 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 1. Understand current service delivery 2. Understand current family needs 3. Provision of a responsive service to reach best outcomes for families and children Stage two: 1. Ensure funding and framework obligations are being met and delivered (including Universal and Enhanced service requirements) 2. Data analysis: birth rates, trends, participation rates 3. Understanding implications on the service as a result of the Early Childhood Reform Plan 4. Service delivery restructure/resourcing 5. Development of MCH Nurse Manual and Recruitment package 6. Final Report An extensive stakeholder engagement plan was delivered across the Shire including surveys and “Coffee and Chat” sessions in Bellbridge, Corryong, Mitta, Walwa and Tallangatta. Community feedback from the consultation process seeks the following actions: Advocacy for external agencies to support Towong Shire families and their children; A review of the MCH booking service; Increased advertising to promote the benefits of Key Ages and Stages appointments using Council’s social media platforms and other digital technologies; Promotion of strategic partner programs e.g. Gateway Health and other local health services available to families; Delivery of consistent and quality Maternal and Child Health care; Delivery of Mother Goose programs in Mitta and Tallangatta; and Advocacy for an additional Supported Playgroup in Tallangatta The Maternal and Child Health service is experiencing a growing demand for services due to a number of societal factors as further evidenced during stage one of the review. Since the completion of Stage one, a strategic partnership with Gateway Health has been established to deliver a range of parenting support programs in the Mitta Valley, Corryong and Tallangatta communities. Approximately eight families are engaged in the Mitta Valley and fifteen families in the Corryong communities. A further parenting program will be delivered in Tallangatta in mid-September. 23 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 In addition to the planned parenting programs, Gateway Health will offer families a five-week Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) group in Mitta during Term three. A five-week ‘Tuning into Kids’ program will be offered in Corryong during Term 4. During the months of April and May, recruitment activities were undertaken to attract a suitably qualified MCH Nurse to Corryong. Early Years Services Three-year-old Kindergarten – Corryong/Tallangatta The Victorian Government is investing in the delivery of a three-year-old kindergarten program, subsidising up to 15 hours of kindergarten per week for every child in the two years before school. Council is expected to deliver the three-year- old Kindergarten program in 2021. The Department of Education and Training have deployed consultants Ernest & Young to work with Council staff to prepare for service delivery. Parents and educators from both Corryong and Tallangatta Kindergartens have worked closely with staff to develop a masterplan for the outdoor play area to support the funding applications. Council officers have applied for Outdoor Inclusive Play Spaces at Corryong and Tallangatta to support inclusive play of three and four year old children under the Department of Education and Training’s Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program – Buildings and Playgrounds. Tallangatta Early Years Learning Centre Tallangatta Early Years Learning Centre - Enrolment Snapshot Group Weekly Weekly Variation Enrolments as at Enrolments as at 1 April 2019 24 June 2019 Long Day Care 59 74 + 25.4% 3 Year Old 1 1 0 4 Year Old 17 18 + 5.8% After School Care 21 20 - 4.7% 24 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Staff interviews were conducted during Term two with three additional educators joining the team to support increased service level demands. During Term two, children attended multiple community excursions to support community connectivity. Excursions included visits to Bolga Court (Tallangatta) and Woolworths Wodonga. Children and educators acknowledged ‘Reconciliation Week’ in May, and throughout the month of June developed their understanding of NAIDOC week with a focus on indigenous art and story-telling now embedded in the curriculum. Long Day Care Snapshot Long Day Care bookings continue to increase during the April – June 2019 period. Tallangatta Before and After School Care Bookings are consistent Tuesday through to Friday. A waitlist is currently in place for Mondays. Once five bookings are received, After School Care will be offered on Mondays. Corryong Kindergarten Council has appointed two new teachers at the Corryong Kindergarten service. This model is working well with both teachers bringing diverse metropolitan and international experience to the service. Corryong educators have developed a number of engaging programs to support community connectivity and extended learning for children. Improving ‘Community 25 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 connectivity’ and agency relationship building are 2019 strategic planning goals for the service. Early Years Surveys The annual Corryong and Tallangatta Kindergarten service satisfaction surveys were distributed to families in June 2019. Surveys closed in mid-July. Results will assist with future planning and continuous improvement. Access and Inclusion Activities Across the Towong Shire 32.7% of the community experience a disability (across all demographics). An Access and Inclusion Strategy Plan and Action Plan will be developed by a suitably qualified consultant. The new plan will align with State Government objectives, include extensive community engagement and recommendations for implementation. Facilitation of an ‘All abilities’ school holiday program was delivered by Sports North East to support young people experiencing a disability. Children also attended Fruit Fly Circus workshops in Corryong and Tallangatta. Youth Services L2P Driving program Council officers attended the VicRoads North Eastern Region L2P cluster meeting on 9 May 2019. Further discussions will continue with Wodonga TAFE and Corryong Neighbourhood Centre regarding the potential future delivery of the L2P program. Youth Plan Development A draft Youth Plan was prepared in early June and will be presented to Council at the October Council meeting. The Youth Plan aligns with Council’s Towong Healthy Communities Plan and ‘Free from Violence’ living project. 26 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Seniors The Department of Health and Human Services has provided $2200 to Council to deliver a seniors activity to celebrate Seniors Week 2019 (October). The Albury Wodonga Theatre Company will perform Mama Mia on 5 October 2019 at the Albury Performance Centre. Council staff have arranged free bus transportation from Corryong and Tallangatta. Tickets will cost $25 each and will be administered by Council. Family Violence Participation in a community-led or government-led initiatives with the aim of reducing family violence addresses strategy 2.19 of the Council Plan 2017-2021. Tenders have closed for the Primary Prevention of Violence against Women and Children project. The tender was awarded to Projectura who will commence the fully funded project in July 2019. Projectura has diverse experience in a number of local government planning projects across the region. They will work with key stakeholders and the community to deliver a number of ‘Primary Prevention’ initiatives. Councillors and staff members will be required to participate in educational training workshops to meet the agreed project plan milestones developed between Council, the Municipal Association of Victoria and Office for Women. Funding Applications: Council officers continue to seek funding from a range of Government agencies to deliver Council Plan priorities. Successful Department of Sport and Recreation Victoria: Community Sports Infrastructure Fund (Planning); $20,000 to develop a Shire- wide recreation plan. Community Sports Infrastructure Fund (Minor Facilities); $76,700 to upgrade the wicket and training facilities at Eskdale Cricket Club. 27 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Awaiting advice VicHealth 2019 Walk to School Program; $10,000 to deliver healthy lifestyle health promotion. Department of Education of Training Children’s Week Program (19-27 October); $1000 to deliver a mobile wildlife education program Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program – Buildings and Playgrounds; $120,000 to enable an inclusive outdoor play space at Tallangatta Kindergarten. Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program – Buildings and Playgrounds; $120,000 to enable a natural outdoor and inclusive play space at Corryong Kindergarten. Unsuccessful Department of Health and Human Services: 2018-19 Seniors Participation Grants; $75,000 to deliver the Connecting Friends of Age project. Tallangatta Neighbourhood House Tallangatta Neighbourhood House continues to deliver successful community programs with 679 residents in attendance during April – June 2019 compared to 516 residents for the same period in 2018. Diverse programs delivered include: School Holiday programs - Snowy River Youth Day (30) and Easter Craft and Baking (16); International Cooking programs - Scottish, Slovakian and Brazilian; Author talks - Rosalie Ham (26) and Rachael Kable (20); and an Heirloom Wedding Dresses and Antique Lace Exhibition. Regular weekly community programs include Mahjong, Pilates and Yoga. Partnerships continue to develop with Wodonga TAFE delivering Basic Computer and Certificate II in Kitchen Operations. The partnership supports a number of Towong Healthy Communities Planning objectives. In addition, Tallangatta Neighbourhood House received funding from two small grants ($1500 and $2000) through the Good Things Foundation aimed at connecting 28 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 senior community members online. This strategic objective will assist older members of the community to become more technically savvy. Jobs Victoria Employment Network (JVEN) In late 2016 Jobs Victoria approved funding to establish a place based consortium in Tallangatta, north-east Victoria to assist twelve eligible individuals to gain employment within the community services and health industry sectors. The project was based in Tallangatta, and the consortium included direct support from the Council’s Community Services team, the Tallangatta Health Service, Wodonga TAFE and the Wodonga Skills and Jobs Centre. Selected participants were supported to complete entry level vocational training for the industry, and gained additional support aimed at assisting them to gain employment upon completion of the training. During 2018, a total of eight of the JVEN participants achieved the milestone of attaining a sustainable employment outcome. (i.e employment for at least 26 weeks at 15 hours or more a week). As at May 2019, seven of these original JVEN participants are still in ongoing employment. Impact on Council Policy: Nil. State Government Policy Impacts: Activities align with key criteria of the following policies; Victorian Early Years Policy Victorian Health Policy Victorian Mental Health Policy Victorian Sport and Recreation Policy. Risk Assessment: Nil. 29 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Budget Impact: Community Consultation/Responses: A number of community engagement activities have been undertaken to progress delivery of the 2017-2021 Council Plan. These include: Youth Plan; Engagement campaign to support the development of the Youth Plan focusing on the question, “What ONE THING would make this Shire a better place for you? Maternal and Child Health Services; consultation with clients and staff to understand current service delivery and current family needs for a consistent and quality care service Corryong Kindergarten; to develop an inclusive outdoor playground to support the State Government’s rollout of three-year-old Kindergarten in 2021 30 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Tallangatta Health and Corryong Health Services Family Violence Networks; to support strategic planning and community-led initiatives for the ‘Prevention of Family Violence’ across the Shire Discussion/Officers View: The Community Services team continues to make excellent progress in achieving the objectives of the 2017-2021 Council Plan. CR WHITEHEAD CR SCALES THAT THE REPORT BE NOTED. CARRIED 11 Asset management 11.1 Asset Management report (01/07/0004-ADTS) The Asset management report is presented bi-monthly. The next report is due in October 2019. 12 Land-use planning No planning reports. 13 Environmental sustainability 13.1 Environmental sustainability report (01/07/0004-ADTS) The Environmental sustainability report is presented quarterly. The next report is due in November 2019. 14 Economic and tourism development 14.1 Economic development report (05/01/0001-CEO) The Economic development report is presented quarterly. The next report is due in November 2019. 31 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 15 Councillor reports No written reports received. 16 Urgent business CR WHITEHEAD CR SCALES THAT ONE ITEM OF URGENT BUSINESS BE ADMITTED RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT OF AN ACTING MAYOR FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 24 SEPTEMBER 2019 WHICH MAYOR WORTMANN IS NOT ABLE TO ATTEND. CARRIED 16.1 Mayoral Annual Leave (07/05/0007-Cr Wortmann) Cr Wortmann advised that he would not be available for the Special Council Meeting scheduled for 24 September 2019. CR SCALES CR STAR THAT CR WHITEHEAD BE APPOINTED ACTING MAYOR FOR 24 SEPTEMBER 2019. CARRIED 32 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 17 Committee minutes 17.1 Upper Murray Incorporated (Cr Whitehead) The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2019 are attached at Appendix 4 for information. CR STAR CR WHITEHEAD THAT THE UNCONFIRMED UPPER MURRAY INCORPORATED MINUTES BE NOTED. CARRIED 18 Occupational health and safety 18.1 OHS Committee (06/04/0212-CEO) The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 15 August 2019 are attached at Appendix 5 for information. CR SCALES CR WHITEHEAD THAT THE UNCONFIRMED OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE MINUTES BE NOTED. CARRIED 33 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 19 Council policies (10/01/0007-CEO) 19.1 Policy review and adoption (10/01/0007-CEO) There are no policies for review in September The following policies were tabled for review at the 2 July 2019 Council meeting and are presented at Appendix 6 for adoption. Disability Access (DCCS) Disabled Access Funding (DTS) Employee Recognition (DCCS) Flexi Time (DCCS) CR WHITEHEAD CR SCALES THAT THE FOLLOWING POLICIES AS PRESENTED BE ADOPTED: DISABILITY ACCESS DISABLED ACCESS FUNDING EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION FLEXI TIME CARRIED 19.2 Asset Valuation Policy (01/07/0004-ADTS) Disclosure of Interests (S.80C): This report was prepared by Ms Rachael Gadd, Acting Director Technical Services. At the time of preparation of the report the officer did not have a direct or indirect interest in any matter to which the report or advice relates. Background/History: The Final Management letters from the 2018 and 2017 external financial audits identified areas for improvement in relation to asset valuation. Following Council’s 2018 annual financial audits the following items were included in a management letter to Council. This letter identified where improvements could be made in Council’s financial systems and processes identified during the audit. 34 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 The recommendations from the Final Management letter are shown below. Review of Valuations (Reference 2018.3) We recommend that management critically review the external valuations and apply sufficient rigour to the review process to ensure the valuation makes sense and is consistent with expectations. We also recommend that Council develop an Asset Management Policy that includes presenting a paper to the audit committee outlining the results of any asset valuations to add to the critical review process Fair Value Assessment (Reference 2017.5) We recommend that the carrying values of assets held are assessed to determine whether or not that are materially different to their fair values. We also recommend that Council document a policy for reviewing assets for indicators of impairment. Impact on Council Policy: To address these recommendations a new Asset Valuation Policy has been developed. The draft Asset Valuation Policy is attached at Appendix 7. State Government Policy Impacts: Nil. Budget Impact: Undertaking a full valuation comparison on an annual basis utilises internal Council resources to undertake infrastructure unit rate benchmarking with other Councils and will also require engaging external parties to undertake valuations of significant asset categories such as roads and bridges, stormwater and buildings. Risk Assessment: Risks to consider in the delivery of this Policy include limited staff expertise and resourcing leading to reduced capacity to deliver the required asset valuation tasks. 35 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 Community Consultation/Responses: Nil. Discussion/Officers View: Council is required to comply with Accounting Standard AASB 13 and it is the Officer’s recommendation that Council adopt the draft policy as presented. The policy establishes the framework and expectations for Council staff in completing asset valuations and fair value assessments to ensure that asset valuation reporting is accurate and transparent. The officer also recommends either the capacity building of staff members or appointment of a suitably qualified external party to undertake this work to reduce the risk of non-compliance in the future. CR WHITEHEAD CR STAR THAT COUNCIL ADOPT THE ASSET VALUATION POLICY AS PRESENTED. CARRIED 36 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
TOWONG SHIRE COUNCIL ORDINARY MEETING 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 20 Sealing of documents 20.1 Section 173 Agreement – Towong Shire Council, Thomas Robert Martin and AusNet Electricity Services Pty Ltd (212900, CEO) Planning Permit 2018/029 issued on 26 September 2018 provided consent for a boundary realignment, shed and dwelling on Lot 1 Plan of Subdivision 624473A and Crown Allotment 11, 11A, 11B and Section J, Parish of Berringa, also known as Volume 7505 Folio 060 and Volume 11335 Folio 858. Condition 16 on the permit required, where relevant, that the owner of the land enter into agreements with relevant authorities for the provision of services and infrastructure. The Section 173 agreement between the Towong Shire Council, Thomas Robert Martin and AusNet Electricity Services Pty Ltd has been prepared and requires signing and sealing. CR SCALES CR STAR THAT THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER BE AUTHORISED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE SECTION 173 AGREEMENT, RELATING TO LAND KNOWN AS VOLUME 7505 FOLIO 060 AND VOLUME 11335 FOLIO 858, THAT HAS BEEN DRAFTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONDITION 16 OF PLANNING PERMIT 2018/029. CARRIED 37 S:\Organisational Improvement\Executive Services\Council Meetings\Minutes\2019\09 September\3 September 2019 - Corryong.doc
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