Minutes of the Council Meeting 18 August 2021 - Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Minutes of the Council Meeting 18 August 2021 - Wednesday, 18 August 2021
Council Meeting
                                                                         18 August 2021

              Minutes of the Council Meeting 18 August 2021

 Steve Christou (Mayor)           Councillor
 Eddy Sarkis (Deputy Mayor)       Councillor (arrived 6:40pm)
 Ned Attie                        Councillor
 George Campbell                  Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Greg Cummings                    Councillor
 Glenn Elmore                     Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Paul Garrard                     Councillor
 Ola Hamed                        Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Kun Huang                        Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Lisa Lake                        Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Joseph Rahme                     Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Suman Saha                       Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Michael Zaiter                   Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Tom Zreika                       Councillor (via web conferencing)
 Peter Fitzgerald                 Acting General Manager
 Melissa Attia                    Director Community & Organisation Development
                                  (via web conferencing)
 Daniel Cavallo                   Director Environment & Planning (via web
 Brendan Govers                   Acting Director Works & Infrastructure (via web
 Richard Sheridan                 Director Finance & Governance (via web

Also Present:
 Charlie Ayoub                    Executive Manager Corporate Services
 Colin McFadzean                  General Counsel (via web conferencing)
 Carol Karaki                     Senior Coordinator Governance & Civic Events

The Mayor, Councillor Christou declared the meeting open at 6:39pm.

The Mayor, Councillor Christou read the following statement:

“Before we begin, I would like to make the following statement for the record:

As Council would be aware, our community is suffering greatly under the current

Just like some of my fellow Councillors, I have been receiving non-stop communications
from many residents about the impacts that the pandemic and the Public Health Orders
are having on them.

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Council Meeting
                                                                            18 August 2021

Many residents have lost their livelihoods having to turn to local charities for basic human
needs while those fortunate enough to be able to continue working, many are cracking
under the pressure of trying to balance the competing priorities of home schooling and
working from home.

Local businesses have expressed frustration and many businesses have had to close
and may not ever be in a position to afford to re-open.

The organisation has worked tirelessly with local charities to ensure food and other
essentials could be provided to families in need. We have also worked closely with NSW
Health to deliver information to our community, in many languages and in a way that was
easy to understand and would help them to comply with the Public Health Orders.

I have been extremely frustrated at times about the fact that despite all of the above
efforts, we are unable to assist further or provide clarity to coming out of lockdown.

Councillors would be aware that I recently published an image on Twitter recently which
compared the current lockdowns to Nazi Germany. I acknowledge that this comment was
entirely inappropriate and regret making those comments.

I meant no disrespect to any person who may have taken those comments in a manner
that may have offended anyone. It was not my intention to paint the vibrant community
of Cumberland City Council in a negative light nor was it my intention to tarnish in any
way the reputation of my fellow Councillors or this organisation. I am proud to work
alongside all of my fellow Councillors and our Council officers to service our amazing

The comments that I made, represented, at the time, my frustration over the situation
which is causing us all a great deal of concern and the inability to do any more than we
have already done. I want to make it clear that the way in which I expressed my frustration
was my own view based on my feelings at the time and nothing in what was stated
represents the views of my fellow Councillors or any Council officer.

I want to thank the community, Councillors and Council staff for your continued support
and hope that together we will find a way out of this situation and get back to the freedoms
we became accustomed to enjoying especially for our well deserving community.”

National Anthem
At this point in the meeting the Mayor, Councillor Christou asked all of those in
attendance to stand for the playing of the Australian National Anthem.

Acknowledgement of Country
The Mayor, Councillor Christou read the following Acknowledgement of Country:

“I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this land – the Darug People, and
pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.”

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Council Meeting
                                                                           18 August 2021

Opening Prayer

The opening prayer was read by the Mayor, Councillor Christou.

Notice of Live Streaming of Council Meeting
The Mayor, Councillor Christou advised that the Council meeting was being streamed
live on Council's website and members of the public must ensure their speech to the
Council is respectful and use appropriate language.

Apologies/Leave of Absence

Declarations of Pecuniary & Non Pecuniary Conflicts of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.

Confirmation of Minutes
 Min.1268        C08/21-829 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council - 4 August

 Resolved (Garrard/Attie)
 That Council confirm the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 4 August

 Min.1269        MM08/21-73 Mayoral Minute – Cumberland Local Heritage Award

 Resolved (Christou)
 That Council:
 1.    Congratulate all winners and runners-up for their efforts in participating and being
       recognised as part of the Cumberland Local Heritage Awards; and
 2.    Issue a letter of congratulations to all recognised.

                 Matter of Urgency – Councillor Hamed

 The Mayor ruled that in accordance with Clause 9.3 (b) of the adopted Code of Meeting
 Practice, the Matter of Urgency of Councillor Hamed raised in relation to support for the
 people of Afghanistan be heard by Council.

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Council Meeting
                                                                          18 August 2021

Min.1270        Matter of Urgency – Support for the People of Afghanistan

Resolved (Hamed/Sarkis)
That Council:

   1. Urge the Federal Government to fast-track visas and evacuations for Afghan
      family members of Australian citizens and permanent residents;

   2. Urge the Federal Government to open up the thousands of unused humanitarian
      places for Afghans who are at risk of harm by the Taliban, including women and

   3. Urge the Federal Government to ensure Afghans in Australia on temporary visas
      have pathways to remain and won’t be involuntarily deported;

   4. Urge the Federal Government to increase the humanitarian aid for those stranded
      and who are fleeing; and

   5. Urge the Federal Government to urgently construct safe quarantine facilities for
      all refugees entering Australia and other residents and citizens entering Australia.
Councillor Garrard left the Meeting at 7:02pm during the consideration of this item.

                Matter of Urgency – Councillor Hamed

The Mayor ruled that in accordance with Clause 9.3 (b) of the adopted Code of Meeting
Practice, the Matter of Urgency of Councillor Hamed raised in relation to COVID-19
concerns be heard by Council.

Min.1271        Matter of Urgency – COVID-19 Concerns

Motion (Hamed/Elmore)
That Council:
1. Note with grave concern the increasing community transmission of COVID-19 in
   the Cumberland LGA.

2. Support the rules and restrictions introduced by the NSW Government for the
   Cumberland LGA in the COVID-19 Public Health Order 2021 and the new
   compliance measures.

3. Denounce and decries any public comments made by Clr Christou which have
   opposed the lockdown or compared the imposition of stringent NSW public health
   measures to a fascist regime. Such comments are deplorable, do not reflect the
   views of this Council and undermine efforts to resolve this crisis.

4. Urge the State Government to:

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Council Meeting
                                                                       18 August 2021

      a. urgently improve its COVID-19 messaging to enable it to be better
         understood by those who have limited or no English;
      b. make support more accessible to those who are not computer literate or
         have no access to a computer;
      c. support pathology services to improve processing times for COVID-19 test
         results; and
      d. increase resources for the faster processing of 2021 COVID-19 micro-
         business grants, business grants and JobSaver payment applications.

5. Implores our Cumberland community to stay at home, get tested and vaccinate.

Amendment (Attie/Sarkis)
Omit item 3 from the Motion.

Motion of Dissent
Councillor Campbell disagreed with the Mayor, Councillor Christou’s ruling that the
amendment was put on the basis that Councillor Hamed had spoken against the
amendment, and raised a Point of Order accordingly. The Mayor, Councillor Christou
ruled against his Point of Order. Councillor Campbell then moved a Motion of Dissent.

The Motion of Dissent on being put was declared LOST.

A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s
Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:

Councillor(s) For the Motion:            Campbell, Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake and
Councillor(s) Against the Motion:         Attie, Christou, Cummings, Garrard, Rahme,
                                          Sarkis, Zaiter and Zreika.

The Amendment moved by Councillor Attie seconded by Councillor Sarkis on being Put
was declared CARRIED.

A division was called, the result of the division required in accordance with Council’s
Code of Meeting Practice is as follows:

Councillor(s) For the Amendment:        Attie, Christou, Cummings, Garrard, Rahme,
                                        Sarkis, Zaiter and Zreika.

Councillor(s) Against the Amendment: Campbell, Elmore, Hamed, Huang, Lake and

The Amendment moved by Councillor Attie seconded by Councillor Sarkis then became
the Motion as follows:

Motion (Attie/Sarkis)
That Council:

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Council Meeting
                                                                       18 August 2021

1. Note with grave concern the increasing community transmission of COVID-19 in
   the Cumberland LGA.

2. Support the rules and restrictions introduced by the NSW Government for the
   Cumberland LGA in the COVID-19 Public Health Order 2021 and the new
   compliance measures.

3. Urge the State Government to:
      a. urgently improve its COVID-19 messaging to enable it to be better
         understood by those who have limited or no English;
      b. make support more accessible to those who are not computer literate or
         have no access to a computer;
      c. support pathology services to improve processing times for COVID-19 test
         results; and
      d. increase resources for the faster processing of 2021 COVID-19 micro-
         business grants, business grants and JobSaver payment applications.

4. Implores our Cumberland community to stay at home, get tested and vaccinate.

The Motion moved by Councillor Attie seconded by Councillor Sarkis on being Put was
declared CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to become the resolution of Council.

Councillor Garrard returned to the Meeting at 7:04pm during the consideration of this

               Matter of Urgency – Councillor Campbell

The Mayor ruled that in accordance with Clause 9.3 (b) of the adopted Code of Meeting
Practice, the Matter of Urgency of Councillor Campbell raised in relation to requesting
the Mayor’s resignation not be heard by Council. The Mayor ruled the matter was not
urgent in accordance with the adopted Code of Meeting Practice.

               Matter of Urgency – Councillor Rahme

The Mayor ruled that in accordance with Clause 9.3 (b) of the adopted Code of Meeting
Practice, the Matter of Urgency of Councillor Rahme raised in relation to Lebanon be
heard by Council.

Min.1272       Matter of Urgency – Support for the People of Lebanon

Resolved (Rahme/Sarkis)
That Council write to the Federal Government regarding the current disastrous situation
in Lebanon requesting the following:
   a) Lebanon be added to the humanitarian list;
   b) Increasing humanitarian aid for those stranded in Lebanon;
   c) Fast track visas for Lebanese family members of Australian citizens,
      permanent residents and those with approved spouse visas;

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Council Meeting
                                                                        18 August 2021

   d) That the government work with the United Nations towards ensuring an objective
      and transparent Government is instilled in Lebanon to ensure its future prosperity
      furthermore, to work with the United Nations to remove any terror cells or groups
      (as identified by ASIO and reported on their website) that are holding the
      Government to ransom; and
   e) That the government does everything in their power to assist.
Carried Unanimously

Councillor Campbell left the Meeting at 7:43pm during the consideration of this matter
and did not return to the meeting.

Min.1273       Items by Exception

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council adopt items C08/21-830, C08/21-831, C08/21-832, C08/21-833, C08/21-
834 and C08/21-835 on the Council Agenda in bulk as per the recommendations in the

Min.1274       C08/21-830 Review of Child Protection Policy

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council readopt the Child Protection Policy.

Min.1275       C08/21-831 Emergency            Relief    Fund     Applications     and

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council adopt the two applications recommended for funding as outlined under
Attachment 1 of this report and allocate $10,000 from the 2021/22 Emergency Relief
Fund to support vulnerable community members affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Min.1276       C08/21-832 Investment Report - July 2021

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council receive the 31 July 2021 Investment Report.

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Council Meeting
                                                                      18 August 2021

Min.1277        C08/21-833 Update on Approved Mayoral Community Fund

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council receive the report.

Min.1278        C08/21-834 Bi-Annual Report on Councillor Expenses and Facilities

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council:
1. Receive the information contained in this report; and
2. Place a copy of the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Expenditure included under
   Attachment 1 of this report on Council’s website in accordance with clause 15.2 of
   the Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy.

Min.1279        C08/21-835 Adoption of Cumberland Pesticide Use Notification

Resolved (Cummings/Sarkis)
That Council adopt the Cumberland Pesticide Use Notification Plan as outlined in
Attachment 1 of this report.

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