Minutes of Meeting - Adelaide City Council

Minutes of Meeting
Meeting of:   Lord Mayors’ Annual General Meeting
Time:         9.30am – 12.30pm (ACDT)
Date:         Friday 13 November 2020
Venue:        Adelaide Town Hall (and online)

City of Adelaide
• Sandy Verschoor, Lord Mayor of Adelaide (Chair)
• Mark Goldstone, Chief Executive Officer
• Ben Saint, Chief of Staff
• Kerry Loughhead, Executive Manager, Office of the Chief Executive Officer
Brisbane City Council
• Adrian Schrinner, Lord Mayor of Brisbane
• Colin Jensen, Chief Executive Officer
• Cris Anstey, Chief of Staff
• Ainsley Gold, Executive Officer to the CEO
Canberra (Act Government)
• Sam Engele, Executive Group Manager, Chief Minister, Treasury & Economic Development

City of Darwin
• Kon Vatskalis, Lord Mayor of Darwin
• Melissa Reiter, General Manager Government Relations and External Affairs

City of Hobart
• Anna Reynolds, Lord Mayor of Hobart
• Nick Heath, General Manager

City of Melbourne

City of Perth
• Michelle Reynolds, Chief Executive Officer

City of Sydney
• Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney
• Monica Barone, Chief Executive Officer
• Adam Cox, Chief of Staff
• Leander Klohs, Executive Manager

CCCLM Secretariat
• Deborah Wilkinson, Executive Director

• Kimberley Sword, McKinsey & Co
• Gabrielle Kelly
1. Welcome and apologies
   The Chair, Lord Mayor of Adelaide Sandy Verschoor opened the meeting, and welcomed the Lord Mayor
   of Brisbane to Adelaide, and Lord Mayors and Chief Executive Officers joining the meeting online.
   The Lord Mayor congratulated the Lord Mayors of Melbourne and Perth on their election.
   Apologies were noted from:
        •   ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr
        •   Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp
        •   Lord Mayor of Perth, Basil Zempilas
        •   Justin Hanney, Chief Executive Officer, City of Melbourne

2. Minutes of previous meeting
   The Minutes of the meeting held via video conference on 20 August 2020 were accepted as an accurate
   record of that meeting.
   The outcome relating to the support of ACOSS Raise the Rate campaign was noted.
   Moved: Clover Moore          Seconded: Anna Reynolds

3. Annual General Meeting
    3.1. 2021 Office Bearers
         The Chair reported that the Chair roster had altered for 2021, given the recent return to an elected
         Council in the City of Perth, Brisbane City Council would act as Chair in 2021 with the City of Perth
         in 2022.
         The roster for CCCLM Chair is currently:
            •   2021 Brisbane
            •   2022 Perth
            •   2023 Melbourne
            •   2024 Darwin
            •   2025 Sydney
            •   2026 Canberra
            •   2027 Hobart
            •   2028 Adelaide

         It was agreed that the Lord Mayor of Brisbane would act as Chair of the CCCLM for the 2021
         calendar year, and that the Chief Executive Officer of Brisbane City Council continues in the role of
         Treasurer. The Lord Mayor of Perth will act as Deputy Chair in 2021.
         Moved: Clover Moore            Seconded: Adrian Schrinner

    3.2. Treasurer’s Report

         The audited financial reports for the year ending 30 June 2020 were accepted
         A proposed revised budget for the 2020-2021 period had been distributed. It was agreed to adopt
         the revised budget, and that an additional 25% of the membership fees billed on 1 January 2021.

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Chief Executive Officers are to assess the 2021-2022 membership contributions and provide a
         recommendation at the first meeting of Lord Mayors in 2021.
         Moved:         Clover Moore     Seconded: Adrian Schrinner

    3.3. Appointment of Auditors

         It was noted that the CCCLM is required to change auditors every five years, as a matter of
         governance. It was recommended that the CCCLM appoint RSM as auditors for the 2020-21 period,
         which will be the final year of RSM’s services.
         Moved:                 Kon Vatskalis    Seconded: Clover Moore

    3.4. Annual report

         The Annual report had been distributed for acceptance. The Chair thanked Lord Mayors for their
         support during a difficult year, the online meetings held during the year had provided a great deal of
         information as cities locked down, planned for recovery and re-opened. The Chair also thanked
         Chief Executive Officers and working group members – particularly the Housing and Homelessness
         working group that had met weekly through the pandemic.
         The annual report was accepted.
         Moved:         Clover Moore     Seconded: Adrian Schrinner

4. 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan

   The draft 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan had been discussed at the previous meeting, and comments
   received has been included (regular opportunities to report against actions, as well as including activity to
   promote cities in the lead up to the next Federal election).
   Lord Mayors agreed with the strategy and focus areas, and the lead cites would remain unchanged.
   Moved:      Clover Moore     Seconded: Kon Vatskalis

5. Federal Government budget outcomes

   Lord Mayors noted the report outlining Federal Budget outcomes for 2020-21. The Chair remarked that
   whilst the CCCLM’s submission of economic stimulus had not been successful, which was disappointing;
   there are positive outcomes demonstrated by how the CCCLM’s engagement with the Deputy Prime
   Minister and Treasurer. The Chair thanked Melbourne’s Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer, and
   Tony Shepherd and the Executive Director for their efforts.
   Lord Mayor Moore recommended that the CCCLM support NHFIC efforts in influencing government on
   the issue of housing and homelessness.
   Lord Mayor Reynolds echoed the Chair in thanking all that worked on the stimulus, noting it had been an
   interesting process, and those involved had worked incredibly hard in producing the final list of projects to
   submit. The outcome was disappointing, and a review of the process was suggested, which should
   include the lack of a public case on the needs of the cities.

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The Chair reported that economic recovery of the pandemic will be long term, and political timing had not
   been in the CCCLM’s favour at this time. The Chair noted the Infrastructure Department’s praise for the
   package of projects, and that the work is not lost.
   Lord Mayor Schrinner felt that effective advocacy should identify and focus on where there is a fit with the
   Federal Government on the budget announcements listed, such as funding being allocated to waste and
   recycling initiatives. Sam Engele agreed, noting that the ACT Government’s similar funding alignment to
   transition from exporting recycling.
   Mark Goldstone suggested that the Chief Executive Officers would undertake an analysis of the stimulus
   project, and assess how it could be improved, noting that there will be further opportunities for funding.
   The review would also discuss how the CCCLM can obtain advice on the approach on advocacy.
   Lord Mayor Moore felt that Federal Parliament still do not understand the impact cities have on the
   national economy, and better advocacy is required to promote cities.
   Lord Mayor Schrinner noted the Federal Government’s current focus on the decentralisation agenda.
   It was agreed that Chief Executive Officers would discuss further in the new year, and report back at the
   first Lord Mayors meeting of 2021.

6. Economic recovery of cities
   Kimberley Swords, McKinsey joined the meeting and presented on the economic recovery of cities, the
   elements that have impacted on city economies due to the pandemic, and the levers that will affect
   recovery. Attached is material from McKinsey.

7. Mental Health and wellbeing in a post COVID world

   Gabrielle Kelly joined the meeting and spoke on the opportunity of city leadership in the response to
   mental health and wellbeing as we plan recovery following the pandemic.
   It was noted that funding had been attracted for a CRC on Mental Health and Wellbeing, however the
   CRC did not proceed, there could be interest in partnering with cities to deliver outcomes.
   Lord Mayor Moore welcomed the discussion, noting that the work had been done through the 100
   Resilient Cities in both Sydney and Melbourne. It is a timely discussion and noted the NZ Prime Minister’s
   inclusion of wellbeing on the NZ Government agenda. Sam Engele added that a wellbeing framework is
   being proposed in the 2021-2022 budget, expected to include a wellbeing dashboard an opportunity for
   community engagement.
   It was agreed that the Chief Executive Officers would discuss further and develop and options paper for
   the next meeting.

8. CCCLM focus area updates
   The focus area updates were taken as read.

9. City updates

   Lord Mayors provided a short update of relevant issues in their cities, particularly focus was on city
   recovery and various rate relief and business support being provided.
   Lord Mayor Reynolds raised the issue of Airbnb, the pressure of rental properties in Hobart had eased
   whilst borders had been closed, however with tourists returning, Airbnb’s were also returning removing

Minutes of Lord Mayors’ Annual General Meeting            13 November 2020                              Page 4
options for long term renters. It was agreed to continue to assess the impact of Airbnb on city rental
   properties and discuss further. An AHURI report on this topic is due to be released.

10.    Other business

       10.1. Improving the telecommunications powers and immunities framework
               A copy of the submission provided to the inquiry was provided, for information.

       10.2. International relations
               Lord Mayor Schrinner noted the recent Foreign Relations Bill, indicating that future sister city
               arrangements could be impacted.

       10.3. Economic development research
               The economic development research is progressing, with data being identified as part of
               Phase1 of the project.

       10.4. Night Time Economy results
               Results of the night time economy research was provided for noting.

11.    Next meeting

       The 2021 meetings will be confirmed shortly.
       Lord Mayor Schrinner advised that the Asia Pacific Cities Summit would be held in Brisbane in 2021,
       due to travel restrictions for international travel. The event will be held on 8 - 12 September, and it
       was agreed the CCCLM Annual General Meeting would be conducted in conjunction with the event.
       Lord Mayor Verschoor invited a meeting of the CCCLM in Adelaide during 2021.
       Lord Mayors thanked the Lord Mayor of Adelaide for her steerage of the CCCLM during a challenging
       year, maintaining contact of the group via the many online meetings had been greatly appreciated.

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