Minimizing Zapping Delay Using Adaptive Channel Switching with Personalized Electronic Program Guide

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Minimizing Zapping Delay Using Adaptive Channel Switching with Personalized Electronic Program Guide
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
Volume 2021, Article ID 6686576, 6 pages

Research Article
Minimizing Zapping Delay Using Adaptive Channel
Switching with Personalized Electronic Program Guide

           Timothy T. Adeliyi , Oludayo O. Olugbara , and Steven Parbanath
           ICT and Society Research Group, Luban Workshop, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa

           Correspondence should be addressed to Timothy T. Adeliyi;

           Received 1 November 2020; Revised 6 July 2021; Accepted 4 September 2021; Published 21 September 2021

           Academic Editor: Patrizia Grifoni

           Copyright © 2021 Timothy T. Adeliyi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
           License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
           properly cited.

           The pervasive acceptability of a revolution from monodirectional push-based media broadcasting to a bidirectional interactive
           pull-based internet protocol television (IPTV) has spotted significant development in recent years. The pervasive acceptability
           is because of the mammoth number of exhilarating television (TV) channels that IPTV offers. However, the channel switching
           feature of a TV system requires additional development despite the increased implementation of IPTV systems worldwide.
           Subscribers of IPTV services must be able to swiftly explore live TV stations and video contents of interest seamlessly, but
           zapping delay is a deterrent that occurs during a channel change that causes a significant glitch in IPTV systems. Many of
           the literature approaches such as channel prediction based on behavior analysis have shown flaws in resolving zapping
           delay. The approach of this study uses adaptive channel switching with a personalized electronic program guide to
           resolving zapping delay. The resolution saves the subscribers the time of channel navigation by eliminating the need to
           search for channels they want to view.

1. Introduction                                                        degree of experience than the orthodox broadcast TV ser-
                                                                       vices. Subscribers of IPTV multichannel systems tend to
The pervasiveness of internet protocol television (IPTV)               switch between TV channels in fewer minutes because of
coupled with the evolution of digital broadcasting services            the variety of channel contents being aired, innate curiosity,
is rapidly emerging as a substitute for orthodox television            or preference to bypass commercial breaks [3]. They tend to
(TV) broadcasting delivery systems [1]. IPTV provides the              change between TV channels by pressing channel numbers
users with a compelling bundle for a wide variety of stirring          on the remote control, sequentially pressing remote control
applications, allowing significant suppleness to network,               buttons, or utilizing up and down remote buttons [4]. The
content providers, and serving as a lucrative source of reve-          other important ways to change channels are using an elec-
nue. IPTV services can be appositely separated into two pri-           tronic program guide and navigating amid channels in the
mary types, which are live video streaming and video-on-               same, which are the least popular options with each receiv-
demand (VoD). Due to bandwidth constraints, live TV is                 ing about 4% of popularity votes.
broadcasted across a multicast network after the raw video                 Different ways have been proposed in the literature to
has been encoded and relayed to subscribers ondemand.                  assist subscribers in swiftly locating their preferred channels
The VoD is a stored media material that is distributed to              of interest. They include a recommendation system, an elec-
subscribers on request [2]. However, subscribers continue              tronic program guide (EPG), and a search engine [5, 6]. The
to have difficulty in selecting the desired channels to view             “advanced natural language processing, machine learning
because of zapping delay. This is despite the intrinsic bene-          techniques, collaborative filtering, data mining, information
fits of IPTV providing many choices of live TV channels                 retrieval, and multimedia content analytics are all used in a
across different categories of digital multimedia in various            recommendation system” [7]. These approaches were cre-
nations. IPTV network providers must ensure a greater                  ated to automatically generate recommendations for
Minimizing Zapping Delay Using Adaptive Channel Switching with Personalized Electronic Program Guide
2                                                                 International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting

subscribers by recommending channels of interest. Amazon,       subscribers [16, 17]. Bahn [18] offered hybrid techniques
MovieLens, Netflix, and Spotify are among the organizations      that agglutinate channel prefetching and reordering
that have implemented different recommendation systems           methods to reduce zapping delay in IPTV.
to improve the quality of experiences for their subscribers          The adaptive buffering method that exploits two adap-
[8]. Unger [9] has claimed that recommendation systems          tive buffers was proposed for the zapping time reduction
may generate privacy issues because network providers are       [19]. The impetus behind a wholly intelligent personalized
aware of subscriber content that can be extracted. After all,   EPG is that it is intended to assess behavior of subscribers
recommendation systems rely only on information such as         in recommending interested channel programs [20, 21].
history logs collected obstructive or unobstructively from      The deployment of one fast channel change (FCC) server
subscribers.                                                    in the internet protocol (IP) backbone to send a unicast
    Search engines are used to match content searched for by    stream to the set-top box (STB) before sending the standard
subscribers to identify TV channels and other IPTV con-         multicast stream after each channel change was proposed as
tents. However, they cannot recommend a preferred channel       a channel change acceleration method delivery [22]. How-
or content that subscribers prefer to watch in most cases. In   ever, due to massive unicast data delivered by FCC servers
addition, EPG which is a multilayer program schedule is         to STBs, installing such a method would result in excessive
used to assist subscribers in channel switching. It contains    network bandwidth utilization [23]. Consequently, Khabbiza
program information such as titles, names, exact start and      [24] offered a novel technique to lessen zapping latency by
end times, and playing periods. It serves as a guide in an      utilizing a peer-to-peer strategy that reduces unicast traffic
IPTV multichannel environment saved on the IPTV set-            bandwidth utilization. The researchers advocated deploying
top box. The ability to receive schedule information for both   FCC servers at the subscriber level instead of implementing
current and future events of TV networks is boosting the        a rapid channel change server on the IP backbone. This
value of this service [10–12]. Due to the aforementioned        implies that one STB will receive unicast traffic from another
challenges faced by channel recommendation systems in           STB rather than from the central server. This strategy will
IPTV, an approach based on adaptive channel switching           generate buffer overrun on the STB of a subscriber, which
with an electronic program guide is reported in this paper      will result in zapping delay.
that can help to minimize zapping delay in IPTV at the sub-          It is understandably difficult for a network provider to
scriber level. Hence, reducing the total seek and distance      deliver a reduced channel zapping latency as a feature to
time of the channel to the barest minimum. The remainder        consumers of an IPTV system, but it is unavoidable a
of this paper is succinctly summarized as follows. Related      requirement for customer quality of experience (QoE)
works are reviewed in Section 2, which is followed by the       [25]. Hence, many media studies have recently adopted
proposed approach in Section 3. The implementation of           EPG personalization by utilizing context-aware recommen-
the proposed approach is explicated in Section 4, and the       dation algorithms to generate TV shows for subscribers to
paper is briefly concluded in Section 5.                         suit their needs and improve media experience. Sailaja [26]
                                                                investigated the attitudes of subscribers toward a custom-
2. Related Works                                                ized electronic program guide that employs a recommen-
                                                                dation algorithm that accepts the personal information of
Zapping delay is a significant deterrent in IPTV for which       a subscriber as input. However, according to the study
various strategies and approaches have been proposed.           findings, subscribers highly rated the accruing capabilities
Context-aware recommender systems deal with modeling            afforded by digital broadcast personalization, but they
subscriber perceptions, preferences, and integrating the        were concerned about the consequences of their recovered
existing contextual information such as time and place in       private information, particularly with regard to their geo-
contrast to orthodox recommendation algorithm [13]. Song        graphical position. This assertion is intrinsically an inspi-
et al. [14] presented a context-aware recommendation sys-       ration for this paper to give subscribers the freedom of
tem for decreasing zapping delay in the next-generation net-    choice to customize their EPG with a reminder without
work architecture to provide IPTV services. The suggested       intruding into their private details. This is an approach
recommendation system incorporates explicit and implicit        that IPTV subscribers have anticipated to enjoy the inher-
preferences of subscribers by introducing weight values         ent benefits of a personalized EPG without having their
across nodes along the various levels to correlate the choice   private information misused to improve their media
of subscribers with context information. The findings of         experience.
their strategy were promising in terms of personalized con-
tent selection, service initiation delays, and EPG browsing
time. However, the quality of experience received by sub-       3. Proposed Approach
scribers was not evaluated. A context-aware personalized
program guide based on a neural network of viewing habits       The novel adaptive channel switching with a personalized
of subscribers has been proposed to predict whether a sub-      electronic program guide is being proposed in this paper
scriber is excited about a given program being viewed on a      based on four modular methods as shown in Figure 1. These
channel [15]. TV channel prefetching approach based on          modular methods are a two-list scheme, personalized elec-
channel popularity was introduced to reduce zapping             tronic program guide, explicit semantic analysis of bag-of-
latency in IPTV and improve the quality of experience for       words, and rich simple syndication (RSS).
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting                                                                                                                                3

                Two-list scheme                                              Personalized EPG                          Filters
                                 Ch 54

       Ch 51                                           Ch 40
               16                 Ch 62          10
                                    1   Ch 22
                        Ch 15                2

                                                                                                                                                                       Under the skin
                        8                    Ch 36
    Ch 43 15                                                  Ch 2

                                                                                                                                       Broken angel
               Ch 17                             3    11

                                                                                                                                                      The lead
                                             Ch 8
                         Ch 33               4
                                   Ch 49
               14                    5
       Ch 21                                          Ch 16
                                  13                                                                                                      Bag-of-words
                                 Ch 29

                                                                     Figure 1: Adaptive channel switching.

3.1. Two-List Scheme. The two-list scheme at the subscriber                              assistance to find and watch programs of interest. The intro-
level is the first modular method of the adaptive channel                                 duction of digital TV, IPTV, and an unprecedented volume
switching framework [27, 28]. The method encourages faster                               of live TV channels available to subscribers has resulted in
channel switching and reduces zapping delay by minimizing                                a new degree of information overload that results in channel
the total search distance and total seek time. Selecting the                             zapping delay. The EPG that offers the customers of IPTV
desired TV show from several hundreds of channels accessi-                               the capability to continuously update program data for the
ble on IPTV can be intractably difficult, resulting in a higher                            current and upcoming channel program events is viewed
channel switching rate. This strategy puts comparable chan-                              as a partial resolution to reduce channel switching time
nel programming into similar categories such as news,                                    [21], which personalized EPG can resolve. It does so by elim-
movies, sports, music, and documentaries. This makes it eas-                             inating the orthodox monodirectional channel limitations
ier for subscribers to identify the channels with similar aired                          and offering the subscribers bidirectional personalized chan-
programs among the vast number of available channels. The                                nels in the hot channel list that include only programs of
two-list scheme for managing two different lists of hot and                               interest to subscribers.
cold channels is used to request channels and provides the
subscribers with control over which channels to watch. This                              3.3. Explicit Semantic Analysis of Bag-of-Words. The explicit
can save subscribers time spent searching for the required                               semantic analysis of bag-of-words (ESA-BOW) is a natural
channel and eliminate the inadequacies of a recommenda-                                  language processing (NPL) methodology for text categoriza-
tion system that may or may not suit the preferences of                                  tion, semantic relatedness, and information retrieval that
subscribers.                                                                             automatically derives a program description set of related
     All channels in different categories are placed in the cold                          concepts from large-scale knowledge resource repositories
channel list. At the setup stage, subscribers can choose chan-                           like Wikipedia [29–31]. The relationship between soap
nels based on their preferences with the help of genre and                               operas and television networks that broadcast them is, for
channel descriptions to suit their channel preferences. The                              instance, a well-studied topic in NLP for establishing rele-
channels selected based on preference will be placed into a                              vance between the show and networks that broadcast it
hot channel list, and such channels will remain in the hot                               [32, 33]. The ESA-BOW model was used to create a custom-
channel list as long as subscribers keep viewing them; other-                            ized EPG based on keywords to improve rapid channel
wise, they will be moved to the cold channel list. The advan-                            switching. It provides the advantage of helping to streamline
tage of the two-list scheme is that channel preferences can be                           the description of a keyword from a large number of related
updated at the will of a subscriber. The algorithm which rec-                            keywords. It can streamline keywords such as soap opera
ommends that programs of TV channels are scheduled on                                    titles to a TV channel station for broadcasting. It accom-
EPG is based on the most popular channels. Channel popu-                                 plishes this by employing NLP techniques such as stop word
larity is computed based on a per subscriber of channels in                              removal and stemming to obtain the corresponding descrip-
the hot channel list. The popularity of a channel (Pi ) in the                           tion for the keyword issued.
hot channel list at a rate (Ri ) and for a given time (T i ) is
the product of the rate and time.                                                        3.4. Really Simple Syndication. The really simple syndication
                                                                                         (RSS) is a feed system that distributes Extensible Markup
                                                                                         Language (XML) documents containing short descriptions
3.2. Personalized Electronic Program Guide. The personal-                                of web updates to allow IPTV subscribers to subscribe to a
ized electronic program guide (EPG) bypasses typical mono-                               feed of channels in the hot channel list they receive regularly
directional channel limits by providing subscribers with                                 for channel update [34–36]. The RSS feed can alert sub-
bidirectional customized channels of interest. These chan-                               scribers of an update in the IPTV system, while the model
nels are selected in the hot channel list. The ability to cus-                           updates channel program descriptions with updated infor-
tomize EPG provides the subscribers with a level of                                      mation from channels in a hot channel list. It attempts to
4                                                                                  International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting



                      Second (s)



                                        0          2             4             6                8       10          12
                                                                      Seek channel distance

                                            IPTV                                     Filmon
                                            YouTube                                  Put_Cha
                                            Stream2Watch                             Livenews

                                                       Figure 2: Time taken for channel switching.

reduce channel switching time and improve the quality of                            The experimental results of this study have generally
experience by granting subscribers autonomy based on their                     shown that the proposed adaptive channel switching with a
preferences. Any new IPTV system update will be publicized                     personalized program guide is suitable for addressing zap-
by adding it to the RSS feed. The RSS reader will poll the feed                ping delay. The experiment as shown in Figure 2 presents
regularly and show the updates to the subscriber. However,                     the seek channel distance from 2 channels to 11 channels.
there has been some debate in the literature as to whether                     The livenews OTT has the highest time taken when the seek
RSS feeds contribute to IPTV zapping delay by consuming                        channel distance was set to 2, followed by Youtube, stream2-
network capacity.                                                              watch, Filmon, and put_cha, and IPTV recorded the lowest
                                                                               time taken while switching channels. The put_cha recorded
4. Implementation                                                              the highest time taken when the seek channel distance was
                                                                               3, followed by Filmon, livenews, Youtube, and stream2watch
This research has implemented the adaptive channel                             and for the second time, IPTV recorded the lowest time
switching mechanism with customized EPG on a Rasp-                             taken while switching channels. Furthermore, when the seek
berry Pi 3 B model using free IPTV channels. It is worth                       channel distance was 4, put_cha maintained the most time
mentioning that these IPTV channels were exclusively uti-                      taken, followed by Filmon, stream2watch, and Youtube,
lized for instructional purposes and the sake of this study,                   and IPTV maintained the lowest time taken for channel
with no plans for monetization. The final product was                           switching. Consequently, when the seek channel distance
analyzed and compared against a variety of over the top                        was 7, put_cha maintained the most time taken, followed
(OTT) services and YouTube. Forty-five (45) channels                            by Filmon, Youtube, stream2watch, and livenews, and IPTV
from over 500 functioning channels available across vari-                      recorded the lowest time taken while switching channels. It
ous genres were chosen for the hot channel list, which                         was noticed that time taken for Youtube channel switching
can be found at This                            was higher than usual. This delay can be attributed to the
implementation was built on a converged network of the                         result that the desired channel was not part of the recom-
Durban University of Technology, and the experiment                            mended channels, which is a major disadvantage of the rec-
was carried out by one user for a month during peak                            ommendation system.
and offpeak periods. The seek distance for channels was                              Finally, when the seek channel distance was 11, put_cha
fixed between 2 and 11 [16, 17, 37], and the experiment                         consistently maintained the most time taken, followed by
was carried out to determine the time it takes to switch                       stream2watch, livenews, Filmon, and YouTube, and IPTV
from one channel to another. Figure 2 shows the compar-                        recorded the lowest time taken while switching channels.
ison of the average time it takes to switch channels across                    However, it can be observed that IPTV recorded the highest
five different platforms to the proposed approach over a                         time for channel switching at seek channel distance of 11
month. The comparison to YouTube that uses a recom-                            when compared to the seek channel distances at 2, 3, and
mendation technique and other systems that use an                              7. This is because of its capacity to prefetch channels into a
approach based on the search engine has demonstrated                           hot channel list or cold channel list utilizing the two-list
that the proposed approach has the shortest channel                            scheme. The excitement of this study is that the proposed
switching time. Moreover, based on the results of this                         IPTV outperformed the other OTT services tested in this
experiment, it is clear that the proposed IPTV allows the                      study despite the limitation of increased time taken at a
subscribers to determine their priorities based on personal                    higher seek distance. Consequently, customers will be able
desire rather than channel popularity or channel                               to search for their favorite channels in a minimal amount
recommendation.                                                                of time.
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting                                                                                  5

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