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28        FEATURE


                             An increasing number of retailers
                             are introducing transparent
                             manufacturing and sustainability
                             initiatives into their businesses,
                             but consumers are now asking
                             harder questions about how
                             much waste the industry
                             produces in total. COURTNEY
                             DEVEREUX considers what waste-
                             management changes are being
                             made, and whether they’re
                             enough to combat climate change.

     FEBRUARY / MARCH 2018
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                       round 100 thousand tonnes of textile waste is thrown into New Zealand’s rubbish dumps yearly,                                                                                                                                                 Steve Abel, photo credit Charles Howell

                       according to figures from Ministry for the Environment. Plastic waste is even more prevalent
                       at 252,000 tonnes per year. And these are only the most retail-relevant waste categories.
                       New Zealand is currently the 10th-worst nation for creating urban waste per capita, globally.

 This monumental pile of rubbish comes from both producers and consumers.
 While unsustainable businesses are now facing pushback from consumers if they
 do not comply with a new demand for sustainable, transparent manufacturing,
 those same shoppers are also increasingly asking for support from retailers in
 disposing of their goods responsibly at the end of the product’s life.                         In the real world,
     According to the New Zealand Geographic, the volume of waste New
 Zealanders send landfills has skyrocketed by 73 percent over the past 25 years.
 At the same time, household consumption rates jumped by nearly 57 percent in                     often trumps
 the 22 years between 1992 and 2014, with only a small proportion of this increase
 attributable to population growth.
                                                                                                good intentions.
     New Zealand Geographic’s latest-available figures from 2010 show that New
 Zealanders threw away just over 2.5 million tonnes of waste into landfill. This
 national rubbish pile would, if stacked into an 8500-square metre space, tower
 just over 30 stories.
     Of that tower, 2.5 percent is attributable to textile waste. The recent trend
 towards fast fashion means clothing is being discarded much faster than it used
 to – currently, landfills receive a volume of garments equivalent to every person in
 New Zealand chucking about 145 medium-sized men’s T-shirts a year.                     THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY                                  Since launching the program, H&M has              are leading the way.                                argue that those in the retail sector should
     About 8 percent of New Zealand's waste stream by weight is plastic. Because        The holy grail for conscious consumers and         collected 50,000 tonnes worth of garments                Almost all plans that involve reaching zero     be coming at the problem, from a position of
 plastics are lighter than many materials, by volume it is estimated they may use       those who serve them is the ‘circular economy’.    globally. It plans to increase the collected         waste rely on some sort of social imperative.       social responsibility. All of us need to be socially
 up to 20 percent of landfill space. Approximately 252,000 tonnes of plastic waste      In this model, value is generated through the      volume to 25,000 tonnes annually.                    Greenpeace New Zealand senior campaign              responsible, particularly those big companies
 is sent to New Zealand landfills each year.                                            sale and re-sale of existing resources rather         Although the chain is offering programmes         and political advisor Steve Abel says this kind     who have influence. And that’ll help encourage
     With the science on climate change now undisputed and its impacts now a part       than extracting, devaluing and disposing of        and limiting what by-products are waste,             of initiative is a good way to get consumers        the government for legislative intervention.”
 of daily life, consumer awareness of waste management has become mainstream.           new resources. However, maintaining a              much of what is sent to landfill depends             contributing to a good cause, but says educating       According to Abel, retailers will always
 With that awareness comes both brickbats and bouquets – some retailers are             circular economy means recapturing those           on the consumer's actions. By educating              consumers on why incentives are being offered       have a responsibility to lead customers,
 being pulled up by members of the public for activities such as dumping unsold         resources once consumers are finished with         and offering incentives to bringing in old or        is just as important as their effects.              but consumers are increasingly leading the
 stock, while others are praised for initiatives like phasing out plastic bags.         them, and that requires getting shoppers           damaged garments for the garment collecting              “I think it’s nice that some of the retailers   change: “We think that all of us need to be
     Retailers with an effective waste-minimisation and management program are          engaged in the process.                            programme, H&M is making itself responsible          are offering discounts, it’s a simple thing that    socially responsible, particularly those big
 seen as responsible, caring corporate citizens, sensitive to environmental issues–         Swedish fast fashion chain H&M is publicly     for every part of a garment’s life.                  encourages people to act,” he says. “I actually     companies who have influence.”
 and they can attract customer who favour a ‘green’ image.                              working towards becoming 100 percent circular         “We educate our customers about our               think most people, when presented with the
     According to the 2013 US study, The Business Value of Changing Consumer            and renewable. While its ‘fast’ strategy of        circular vision by encouraging them to reuse         information about how bad plastics are, don’t       PROVIDING ALTERNATIVES
 Behaviours, in one survey of 54 of the world’s leading brands, almost all of them      offering a rapidly-changing range of runway-       their shopping bags. We also offer canvas            want to be part of it and are happy to be           Clancy Simmonds, marketing manager for
 reported that consumers are showing increasing interest in sustainable lifestyles.     inspired garments at low prices encourages         totes as an alternative which are available in       encouraged to use alternatives.”                    Ecobags, agrees that the convenience of using
     The study showed that 40 percent of companies surveyed are encouraging             consumers to replace their garments frequently,    a range of sizes and colours all made from               Once consumers understand why they’re           plastic bags must be phased out by changing
 more sustainable practises. Companies such as Ford, Puma, Nike, Levi’s,                a spokesperson for H&M New Zealand says the        sustainably-sourced cotton.”                         being encouraged to change their behaviour,         consumer behaviour.
 Timberland, Coca-Cola, and BMW are leading the way with sustainable models             company now intends to limit how much of its          However, discarded clothing which isn’t           they’re more likely to comply, Abel notes.             “You can never compete with plastics, it is
 and limiting the by-products of their manufacturing.                                   clothing and by-products go to landfill.           taken care of by the supplier typically ends              “The more people know, the more they’ll        almost five times cheaper to purchase them.
     Those focusing their attention on improving their operations’ eco-friendliness         “We are consistently increasing our use        up in landfills or is dumped at charity shops.       realise why these things have to be acted           So what needs to happen is a behavioural
 are also realising that beyond the environmental advantages, there are tangible        of materials that decrease the dependence          These categories aren’t mutually-exclusive,          upon. I think there has been a lot of coverage      change from consumers.”
 benefits to their bottom line.                                                         on virgin resources, require fewer chemicals,      either – in the last financial year, the Red Cross   about the pollution in our oceans and I think          Ecobags are an environmentally friendly
     Some companies may still be swayed by                                              energy, and water and minimise the number of       spent approximately $50,000 in rubbish tip           people do understand the reasons, but I think       alternative to plastic bags and can be found in
 the barriers that come with the change towards a sustainable business model.           materials that end up as waste.”                   costs to dispose of donated goods which were         a constant need for education can never go          stores such as New World. The company has
 The top four barriers as stated by the study are short-term pressure, lack of hard         H&M is one of the largest chains to have a     unable to be sold. That means, yes, sending          amiss. We don’t need plastic bags, so why do        also designed biodegradable checkout bags
 data for benefits, difficulty quantifying intangible outcomes of action and lack of    full circular approach, meaning no stock is sent   them to landfill.                                    we keep using them?”                                that are made from natural corn starch.
 knowledge from the consumer.                                                           to landfill from the company itself.                                                                        Industry-led change is important, Abel says,       “These bags are 100 percent compostable
     For the most part, consumers control what happens to a product. Now, as                “Most of our product is sold through our       CHANGING BEHAVIOUR                                   but he believes only government intervention        and are specifically designed to be sustainable
 some companies are realising, placing the burden of recycling entirely on the          stores, but anything left goes through our         Creating initiatives for consumers to limit          and widespread consumer behavioural                 from start to finish. Ideally everyone would
 consumer is not an effective strategy —especially when tossing something               garment collecting program where it can be         landfill waste is one way to get them involved.      change can address the problem of waste             carry reusable bags, however, not everyone
 away will always be the easiest and most convenient option. In the real world,         re-used, re-purposed into new textiles like car    Businesses such as New World, which offers           management in New Zealand.                          does and shops want to offer their customers
 convenience often trumps good intentions.                                              seat stuffing or cleaning cloths, or recycled.”    a discount with each reusable bag brought in,            “I think in terms of a social good, we always   alternatives to plastic,” says Simmonds.

                                                             FEBRUARY / MARCH 2018                                                                                                                            THEREGISTER.CO.NZ
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        “In-store marketing communications
                                                                                                                   Ecobags (left page) ; Kalen Acquisto (right page)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         drives a 3 to 4 times greater sales lift
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         when it is part of the in-store program.*”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Do you struggle getting the right posters and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          marketing communications put up in store?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Does it arrive in the right quantities, with the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          messages, to the right stores, and get put up in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the right place and on time?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lots of retailers struggle with these challenges, but in
   Ecobags, as well as promoting for a change        that they bring their old garments that we can        World a wave of public approval, but within                 the Soft Plastics scheme. This multi-retailer programme enables
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          retail, nothing should be left to chance. Experience and
in consumer behaviour, say that government           donate on their behalf.”                              weeks, Countdown one-upped New World by                     customers to drop off a range of soft plastics at their local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          results prove that in-store marketing communications
intervention for a change around single-use              As a more conscious consumer becomes the          announcing it was to wholly eliminate single-use            supermarket for recycling.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          converts shoppers into buyers. But you have to get it right.
plastic needs more work.                             norm, Piatek says there is a need for retailers to    plastic carrier bags by the end of 2018.                       The soft plastics recycling scheme includes plastic bags,
   “It is a challenging time for the industry        evolve as customers and their expectations do.            New World matched Countdown’s                           but they are still mostly sent to landfill. If a bag is thrown away                Retailers have a myriad of people juggling spreadsheets,
because there isn’t outside support set up. Sure,        “What I’ve learned even in the last year or       commitment, and was later joined by Mitre                   today, it can be expected to biodegrade by 2025 if exposed to                      ordering copious amounts of marketing print with
there may be compostable bags and coffee cups,       two is that you can’t stay complacent in thinking     10, which is also phasing out single-use                    direct sunlight, but in the darkness, such as at the bottom of a                   specific messages for certain stores only for it to fall
but if they’re just going to landfill then what is   that 10 years ago you started an ethical cotton       plastic bags and boot liners this year. Further             landfill, it can take up to another 100 years to fully disappear.                  down on compliance. Fortunately, there’s an easy way
the point? We need more compost facilities set       brand and that’s the only future. The problem is      Progressive Enterprises brands SuperValue                                                                                                      to replace time-consuming guesswork with smart, fast
up in order to fit the growth in demand.”            if a business doesn’t have that sustainability or     and Fresh Choice have also indicated an                     BEYOND BAGS                                                                        marketing deployment.
   “Support is needed because the industry           ethics at the forefront of their ethos, they’re not   interest in phasing out plastic bags, but are yet           Many businesses are working hard to reduce their                                   RMS empowers businesses to manage and deploy in-store
can’t grow without it,” says Simmonds.               going to prioritise that because it requires a lot    to finalise their transition deadline.                      environmental impact beyond just plastic bags. Retailers                           marketing, compliance and communication quickly and
“Businesses need to start taking responsibility.”    of conversational times.”                                 Countdown GM corporate affairs, Kiri                    create waste in a number of back-of-house ways, from food
                                                         Piatek says re-orienting a business model         Hannifin, says the chain has further committed              waste to pallets wrapped in plastic.                                               nothing in the market quite like it. And it delivers results.
BUILT FOR SUSTAINABILITY                             around sustainability can be tricky, but it’s no      to being zero waste by 2020. This is an                         Mashbone, a dog treat company, was born from Garage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Does your retail business want:
Some retailers have been listening to                longer an option to stay complacent and hope          important step for the future of the grocery                Project Brewery being smarter about its by-products that
consumer demand for more ethical practises           other businesses pick up the slack.                   store, she says.                                            came from production. It turned by-products that contained                          • intuitive visual aids and a cost saving platform
from the start, and bet their businesses on the          “You have to lead by example. What is                 “Reducing waste isn’t just about diverting              high protein and fibre into sustainable dog treats.                                 • reduced staffing costs, better accountability, and more
likelihood of this demand’s growth. Clothing         the point in not? I just don’t understand why         food from landfill, it’s also about getting our                 Project manager and leader of the pack, Kalen Acquisto,                           consistency of in-store programs, locally, regionally
retailer Kowtow has featured on the Deloitte         you would be doing something knowing                  forecasting right and innovating to help reduce             says as a sustainably focused business Mashbone was                                   and nationally
Fast 50 index in 2014, 2015 and 2016, boasting       that it is harming something else. The world          food waste across the board.”                               determined to use waste products more wisely.                                       • less repetition and more creativity
growth of 297.7 percent at the latter.               is changing, the climate is changing and                  Hannifin says Countdown’s ‘Odd Bunch’                       “I would say that smart use is something we care a lot                          • user-friendly automation freeing up time and resources
    Founded on being completely ethical,             resources are becoming tighter along with             scheme, which takes imperfect produce and                   about. We have our sustainability programme here at the                             • better conversion and return on marketing investment.
sustainable and transparent, it scored an A+ for     population growth, and as a business, you have        makes it available for cheaper prices, has                  brewery and we’re always looking for ways to use our by-                           If so, take control of your retail communications today
all categories in the 2017 Ethical Fashion Report.   to move with that.”                                   saved around 500 tonnes of produce from                     products but also cut down on resources and be more                                with RMS.
    Owner and founder Gosia Piatek says her                                                                the landfill.                                               efficient. I think success for us is others doing similar things                   For more information,
company’s transparency allows for closer             TAKING A STAND                                            “Countdown has moved towards recyclable                 and kind of catching on what needs to happen.”                                     Gina Brugh 021 034 4800 or
relations with consumers and the people they         During the latter half of 2017, New Zealand           meat trays, which are also made using                           Yet the issue surrounding the sustainable treats plastic
work with to create all Kowtow products.             grocery retailers began to move. New World            50-95 percent recycled PET (polyethylene                    packaging remains. Fortunately, Acquisto presents the
    “We have a workroom where people can             launched its ‘BagVote’ campaign in September          terephthalate). This will reduce 500 tonnes of              forthcoming solution of biodegradable plastics.
come in and see how the garments are made.           last year, allowing consumers to vote on              the old black foam trays in landfill each year,”                “We are in the process of sorting biodegradable packing for
We donate to the Red Cross, we also ask when         whether or how much they should be charged            says Hannifin.                                              the treats as well. Because all our products are made from locally                              *Well that’s what research from Prime Consulting Group says.
people come into one of our workroom sales           for plastic bag use. The campaign brought New             Countdown was also a founding member of                 sourced ingredients already, it’s the one thing we’re working on

                                                                 FEBRUARY / MARCH 2018                                                                                                                                                       THEREGISTER.CO.NZ
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                                                                                                           Mashbone (left page); James Calver on the right (right page)

                                                                                                                                                                           ONE THING WE TRY TO
                                                                                  Things like ‘biodegradable’
                                                                                      and ‘compostable’,
                                                                                    unless explained to the
                                                                                   consumer, are just words
                                                                                       that sound nice.                                                                      TO PEOPLE IS THAT
improving and should be ready in 2018.”                big change already seen within New Zealand.              Yet according to the New Zealand Waste
                                                                                                                                                                            IS A JOURNEY, NOT A
    Acquisto encourages businesses to actively             “We take responsibility as much as we            Strategy, the number of landfills in New
work towards reducing waste, no matter if that
is fuelled by consumer demand or following
the steps of a larger business.
                                                       can from cradle to grave. I think we can
                                                       put our hand up and say we’ve had a very
                                                       heavy influence in changing the industry and
                                                                                                            Zealand is reducing. In 1995 there were 327
                                                                                                            and 115 in 2002. Recent reports estimate
                                                                                                            about 54 landfills exist, with much stricter
    “I think it is too easy to be caught up in         changing the country.”                               regulations surrounding them.

                                                                                                                                                                          IT IS AN EVER-EVOLVING
the day-to-day, and the little baby-steps. It’s            Calver says that the growth in sustainability        However, consumer demand for greater
so important to reconnect with that bigger             efforts can also be seen by his company’s 607        transparency and sustainability is likely
image by connecting with other sustainable             percent top-line growth.                             to open doors in this area as time goes
practices and to know that every step makes a              “Although this is also a reflection of hard      on. Conscious consumers are increasingly

                                                                                                                                                                             PROCESS, AND THE
difference along the way.”                             work, it is a reflection of the country moving       mainstream, Calver says.
    “It’s a two-part thing. A lot of what we do        forward and trying its best to adopt more                 “What you’re seeing now, just through
is because we care, and I think it’s exciting to       sustainable practises. It’s not that hard to do,     consumer influence, is big corporates having
see that sustainability matter more and more           it’s just about doing it, but we’re here to hold     to include sustainability in their bottom line,”
to consumers everywhere. I think people aren’t         people hands through the process as well.”           says Calver. “It is becoming the norm.”
just doing it to fit in, which is also fine, but you
can tell people are truly striving to be more
                                                           Calver emphasises the importance of
                                                       educating consumers because from education
                                                       comes awareness of what happens to products
                                                                                                                “Consumer voice for change is only just
                                                                                                            getting started. I think New Zealanders are
                                                                                                            waking up to what we have to do because we
                                                                                                                                                                           SOONER YOU JUMP IN
                                                       at the end of their lives.                           are falling behind in sustainability in a global
Ecoware founder James Calver says
businesses must lead by example and listen to
                                                           “It’s complicated, and people who aren’t
                                                       educated are the ones blurring the lines. It’s
                                                       complicated not from the products perspective
                                                                                                            level. If we don’t change things now it’s going
                                                                                                            to be too late.”
                                                                                                                Calver expects retailers’ focus on limiting
                                                                                                                                                                            THE SOONER YOU’LL
consumer demand to truly target the problem.           but from the industry and the infrastructure,        waste to increase their ‘green’ image, as

                                                                                                                                                                                 GET AHEAD.
   “I think what’s happening is that consumers         and the end of the line which includes the           this is more favourable to consumers, but
are becoming more aware themselves.                    council and its different standards per region.”     also reminds retailers that changes must be
However, it is quite a complicated evolution.              Each regional council has different              consistently carried out, not just promised.
Things like ‘biodegradable’ and ‘compostable’,         standards of waste disposal, making it                    “As retailers fully adapt and promote
unless explained to the consumer, are just             confusing for retailers to comply with different     it then they’ll be ahead of the competition
words that sound nice.”                                expectations per area. The newest updates            because that what consumers are looking for.
   Ecoware has been supplying companies                to the Waste Minimisation Act of 2008 are            One thing we try to convey to people is that
with biodegradable alternatives to packaging           being implemented in the hope of significantly       sustainability is a journey, not a destination.
for six years, and since its initial stages, has       reducing waste going to landfill by 2020             It is an ever-evolving process, and the sooner
known that its work is an important part of a          through synchronising laws across the country.       you jump in the sooner you’ll get ahead.”

                                                                   FEBRUARY / MARCH 2018                                                                                          THEREGISTER.CO.NZ
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