Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun

Page created by Vanessa Long
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
                                                                              February 2021 MFL newsletter
                MID-FOREST LODGE CLUBHOUSE, 1942 - 1945
Memories by Robert Benko, Sr., Mary Benko, and            brand-new Red Rider BB Gun inside! I will never
brother George Benko                                      forget how happy I was! I eliminated a few
                       Written January 2021               chipmunks with it, but I didn’t see any more rats.
   My parents bought their membership in Mid-
Forest on November 29, 1938. They were among
the first members. Their share cost $260.00 with
$65.00 down, $50.00 for the membership card,
$15.00 for taxes, and $10.00 for annual dues.
   We entered the main gate which was south of
our current gate’s dumpsters. The road then ran
through the trailer park to the clubhouse. If you
look hard, you can see it.
   We drove up from Detroit on two-lane roads in
my Dad’s 1937 Oldsmobile. Three kids, two
parents, a dog, and luggage were crowded into
the car. We would be so happy to finally reach our
destination. We stayed at the old clubhouse
during the summers of 1942 - 1945. It was pretty
rough. It had a hand operated water pump out                  In the photo, you can see from left to right, my
behind the clubhouse, no running water or hot             mother Mary, my brother George Jr., myself, and
water heater. The kitchen had a real ice box              my sister Mary in summer 1942.
which had to be refilled with ice. We had a wood              Another thing I wasn’t too keen on was the
stove to cook on, no electric lights, and slept on        outhouse behind the clubhouse. It was not a
bunk beds. On the other side of the building were         pleasant walk in the middle of the night, to go out
small bedrooms, like today, for the women and             with a flashlight in the pitch-black darkness. There
children. My mother and sister slept over there.          were no lights at that time. The only sounds at
We used kerosene lamps and flashlights. We                night were coming from the bullfrogs in
heated the bunk bed quarters with a 50-gallon             Headquarters Lake, and Whip-poor-wills singing
rounded barrel that burned wood. The barrel               endlessly. We used to go swimming in
turned red from the fire when hot, giving us some         Headquarters Lake, but the only problem was
light. One night I saw a rat near the barrel              leeches, and getting swimmer’s itch. Not a fun
probably keeping warm. My dad snuck up on the             experience for anyone.
rat hitting it with a mason’s trowel, and that was            There was a large island in Headquarters Lake,
the end of the intruder. It was scary for a little kid,   not too far from shore near our log cabin. My
however we all slept well after knowing the rat           brother and I built a bridge to the island to explore
was gone.                                                 it. We found a lot of turtle shells, one of which I
   My mother, sister, brother, pet dog, and I             still have with 1946 written on the bottom of the
would stay at Mid-Forest most of the summer,              shell. We liked catching bullfrogs and turtles, but
and my dad would drive up on weekends. No one             when we saw large snakes, it was a good idea to
else would be in the clubhouse. One weekend my            leave. The island was a spooky place at sundown
dad drove up and said he had a surprise for me in         because there were large stumps on the island
the back seat of the car. I was pretty excited to         and around the lake shore about five feet tall, that
see what he brought. Guess what it was - it was           was scary to me.
what every young kid dreams of, a box with a
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
The first cabin on the lake belonged to Mr.          now, and Jim and Sherry Stephens have a home
Edwards, cabin #1895. My dad told me that when           on that site, cabin #1642.
Mr. Edwards was hauling a trailer of wood to build           When my dad would pay his dues to Mr.
his cabin, the trailer broke down. So Mr. Edwards        (Amos) Buck (Club founder), I’d tag along, and
built his cabin on the exact spot where it is today.     sometimes Mr. Buck gave me a quarter.
Another early cabin was where Hedy Windfuhr’s                Our caretaker, Mr. Woodworth, would take my
house is today #1574. It was built by two priests,       brother and me around with him, showing us how
each having memberships. They decided to build           to identify trees by their leaves, and pine trees by
it across two lake lots, one half on each lot, since     their needles. One day my brother, George, was
they had two memberships.                                attacked by a group of ground hornets, and Mr.
    My parents built their cabin in the summer of        Woodworth took some water out of the truck and
1945. I remember my dad, Mr. Westcott, and               some dirt from the ground and made a paste with
another man with a Y-shaped Dowsing Rod. The             it. He applied it to George’s sting and it worked -
man walked around the lot and told my dad                no pain! Today I can point out exactly where that
where the water vein was, so dad knew where to           happened. Mr. Woodworth would identify beaver
put our well. My dad and Mr. Westcott drove the          lodges, snakes, birds, insects, etc. He was patient
well pipe 28 feet down and hit the water vein. It        and kind; he would have made an excellent
was on VE day, and I remember everyone was so            science teacher!
happy, celebrating the end of the World War II.              We also have happy memories of picking June
The cabin was built so the hand pump was in the          berries and blue berries, and bringing them back,
kitchen and next to the kitchen sink. We also had        so our mom could make pies with them. Her pies
an ice box in the kitchen, and we would get ice          were a sweet treat for all of us.
from the sawdust barn behind the clubhouse. The              I am so grateful to my parents for providing us
sawdust insulated the ice and kept it cold. My dad       with our experiences at Mid-Forest Lodge. I shot
was an electrician so he built a block house near        my first deer there on November 21, 1951, and I
the lake and put in a generator that you could turn      appreciate the experience of learning gun safety
on and off from inside the cabin. However, we            from my dad. Catching frogs, bullfrogs, turtles
still had to deal with an outhouse!                      and fish, were fun as a boy. I also met a lot of
    In the winter, when we arrived, we had to stop       interesting and helpful people. I’m most
at the clubhouse because the snow was only               appreciative of gaining my knowledge about
plowed from M-18 to the clubhouse. We had to             nature and the preservation of our forests, which I
unload the car and use sleds to pull our supplies to     never would have received at school. Mid-Forest
our cabin. Once we got into the cabin, we built a        Lodge is indeed a very special place!
fire in the fireplace and started up the oil stove.
You could hear the mice running up and down the
walls once the cabin was warmed up. The cabin is
now owned by Jim Wooley, cabin #1626.
    Delbert and Jean Motley, Bob Motley’s mother
and father, are in my early memories of Mid-
Forest Lodge, cabin #1700. One day Delbert put
me in the trunk of his 1938 Pontiac, and said he
was going to take me home with him.
Fortunately, he left the trunk open a little bit, so I
could escape! That sure scared me. Mr. Motley
was always kidding around with us. They were
good friends of my parents, and they were also           CLUBHOUSE RENTAL
hunting partners.                                        A different company that can sanitize the
    The Schnoffs and the Rices had a gray                clubhouse after rental has been located. The new
Airstream trailer next door to my parents, that          cost is $189 (compared to the previous of $609).
they shared during summer and deer season.               This cost will be added to the rental fees. Thanks
They played cards together. The trailer is gone          to the Shepard family for this cost saving contact.
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
MFL Members in Hall of Fame                             MFL Women’s
Past member, Dorothy Zehnder has been inducted          “Deer Hunting” Hall of Fame
into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame. Mrs.
Zehnder celebrated her 99th birthday in November
and still works at the restaurants. Many of the
Zehnder family are still MFL members.

                                                          First in the MFL Women Hunters Hall of Fame is,
                                                        of course, Marie Steele (above)
Another past MFL member in the Hall of Fame is          The buck in the photo was the MFL Big Buck of the
Bernice (Whipple) Steadman. In 2002 Mrs.                Year in 2005, scoring 120 4/8". That was the year
Steadman was                                            the Steele's were building their home at Rollway
inducted into the                                       lake, and they were staying in a travel trailer at
Michigan Aviation                                       the cottage, while their cottage (soon to be home)
Hall of Fame. She is                                    was under construction. They were getting
now recognized by                                       frustrated because the pipes in the travel trailer
the Michigan                                            kept freezing, so they were thinking about going
Women’s Hall of                                         back home. One cold November day, Marie told
Fame for her                                            Chuck and the building contractors she wanted to
remarkable spirit,                                      get up early the next day and go out to shoot a
her determination,                                      doe, and then they would go home. She went out
and, most                                               to her blind - where she's hunted for over 40 years
importantly, for the                                    - and instead of a doe, this buck stepped out of
advances she has                                        the pine thicket. She shot the big buck, and when
made for women.                                         she brought it back everyone was amazed at the
Bernice and her                                         huge buck she shot - on a day when she intended
husband were                                            to shoot a doe!
members and she is                                      Other Marie Steele MFL outdoors
Dick Whipple’s sister.                                  accomplishments (bonus material)
                                                           Marie has seven bucks entered in the MFL
MFL Logo Items                                          record book.
We did very well with Logo wear this year, plan to         Marie is an accomplished hunter with multiple
continue to sell on weekends again this spring          weapons, having taken record book bucks with a
through the fall. It looks like members were happy      bow, a crossbow, and rifle.
to have a variety and be able to purchase this past        In addition to her deer hunting
year. We have a large variety of sweatshirts, t-        accomplishments, Marie has taken three coyotes -
shirts, long sleeve t-shirts; if anyone is interested   1 with a .22 rifle and 2 with her crossbow!
in buying this winter the member would need to              In 2020, Marie harvested a doe with her
contact us to find a time that works to meet at the     crossbow. It was a 50 yard offhand shot while she
clubhouse and look at the stock that we have.           was sitting on the ground!
Debbie Hill did a fantastic job this summer getting        Marie is also an accomplished fisherwoman,
a variety of items for our members.                     with reports of many outstanding panfish catches
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
- including through the ice. Although Marie hasn't
entered any panfish in the MFL record book, she
told us she and Chuck recently caught nearly 20
bluegills through the ice at an MFL lake and every
fish was at least 9", with several over 10".
    Marie said she learned all about the MFL
outdoors and hunting and fishing from Chuck, her
husband of 44 years. (Chuck is a 2nd generation
MFL member.)
    Marie was very proud to say she's 84 years old
and still hunting and fishing all over MFL!

                                    Kim & dad
                                    Arnie Weigel        Sandy Peariso with her first buck
                                                        I am very excited to tell you this is my second year
                                                        deer hunting, and my first year to rifle hunt. It is
                                                        also my first buck.
                                                        I spent a lot of time in the woods passing up on
                                                        some does and smaller bucks during bow season
                                                        because I really wanted to shoot a nice buck. Brian
                                                        and I had this area scouted out with a lot of buck
                                                        activity, scrapes, and rubs. I just had to be patient.
                                    opening day I
                                                        I saw two nice bucks at the end of bow season,
                                    was successful.
                                                        but was unable to get a shot. I am hunting from
                                    We had several
                                                        the ground until I get used to everything so it is a
                                    sightings of this
                                                        little more difficult to get the deer closer.
                                    nice guy on
                                                        Brian purchased me a .243 rifle last year, and I
                                    trail cam. Just
                                                        went to the rifle range and practiced with Brian so
before 5 pm I spotted him coming down the deer
                                                        I was comfortable and ready for when the
trail that crosses my shooting lane. I made the
                                                        moment might come.
shot and he was down. It was an amazing hunt. I
                                                        Sticking to my area because we kept seeing newer
have hunted this blind since I was a kid this was by
                                                        activity with freshened scrapes etc., I went out
far the best deer hunt.
                                                        every day.
                                                        Saturday morning, on the 20th, Brian went out to
                                                        one of his areas, and I headed out to mine and sat
                                                        on the ground next to a big tree surrounded by
                                                        the scrapes and rubs.
                                                        Around 9:30 I saw some movement off in front of
                                                        me and to the left. It was a doe and a yearling, and
                                                        as I looked deeper in the woods, I saw a rack. I
                                                        was hoping the doe and yearling would continue
                                                        by me, and the buck would follow.
                                                        It was perfect because that is what
                                                        happened. They went by me at about 40 yards,
                                                        and the buck followed. Once I knew I had a good
Stephanie Baker shot a nice doe during the              shot, I pulled the trigger. He acted like he was not
December doe season. Stephanie has hunted in            even hit so I racked another shell in just in case. I
MFL for several years. The Bakers have now made         watched him go about 30 yards and drop.
MFL their home.                                         I was so excited, I texted Brian. He wanted to
                                                        hunt until 10:00 so I waited a bit, but not long. I
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
got up and saw that he was down and not getting            to the MFL members and guests who adhere to
back up. I sent Brian a picture of him down from           the rules that protect our property (refraining
about 40 yards away. I gave it a few more                  from driving on our fields). And when I see a
minutes and then went over and took some selfies           hunter pull up at our deer check stations to
before Brian arrived. LOL                                  provide all the mandatory information, I am
He was so proud of me, and here is the buck. My            thankful for their help in forming our
first year rifle hunting, and my first buck ever.          management decisions.
                                                           Rules may be a boring topic for many, but they are
2020 DEER HARVEST BY SEASON                                essential in so many ways and enhance the value
                 BUCK     DOE      FAWN     TOTAL          and the safety of this place that we love. Your
YOUTH HUNT       4        1        0        5              willing cooperation is treasured by our volunteers
ARCHERY          23       42       7        72             and staff!
RIFLE            36       48       11       95             So, how are we doing with following rules? With
MUZZLE           0        1        0        1              the hunting season recently concluded, we can say
L Anterless      3        14       2        19             that few instances of baiting came up. We do
TOTAL            66       106      20       192            inform the DNR whenever we have conclusive
                                                           information. An abandoned bag of mixed bait was
BUCK HARVEST BREAKDOWN BY                                  found. Apples were dumped in a field at season’s
CATEGORY                                                   end. One episode is still being investigated. But
CATEGORY 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016                          by and large, most hunters have learned to hunt
MFL Legal                                                  without bait.
bucks      54 98    56 113 123                             Some confusion about blind locations and rules
$100 bucks  1   1     9    7    6                          remains. A camo tent blind was positioned
Taken as                                                   between two stationary rifle blinds and had no
Anterless   9   2     6   11    3                          hunter orange as required by law. The hunter put
Found dead  2   1     1    3    3                          himself at great risk as does any hunter who does
TOTAL                                                      not display hunter orange.
BUCKS      66 102    72 134 135                            An archery hunter may position himself within 50
Male Fawns 12 18      8   15   19                          yards of a field. A blind may be used only if the
TOTAL                                                      hunter is present and it’s removed on a daily
MALES      78 120   80 149 154                             basis. The hunter cannot use a blind tag to claim
                                                           any location that is within 50 yards of a field. We
A full detail of the harvest will be available in          asked several hunters to remove such claims.
March. If you want the information, in March,              Hunters are asked to consider where they are
email the MFL office and the info will be sent in a        parking. It was observed that cars were often
reply.                                                     parked near our gates (the wooden barriers by
                                                           fields), perhaps blocking vehicles that would need
From the MFL President, Barb Kilkka                        to drive handicapped hunters or repair power
Has anybody ever faced more brutal weather                 lines. Please leave openings near these gates.
conditions on Opening Day than we did in 2020?             Regarding use of the rifle range, one hunter
It wasn’t just the cold or the rain and the sleet and      mentioned lots of shooting at about 4:30 pm
the snow. It was compounded with trees crashing            during prime hunting time. While it’s not
around us. It was no small wonder that the                 forbidden, it is not a kindness to hunters in the
hunting results were as disappointing as they              field. A reminder to those leaving beer cans at the
were, not just in Mid-Forest Lodge, but                    rifle range, drinking and shooting are not a good
throughout the region. Those who study MFL                 mix.
deer data going back decades assure us that when           Roads & Trails reported a number of incidents
there is a drop like this, it is typically followed by a   recently of autumn leaves and snow being pushed
surge in deer harvested the next year.                     into the road by members or their contractors.
Every time I drive by an MFL field sparkling under         Please do not dispose of leaves and snow right
a pristine, untouched layer of snow, I am grateful         into our roadways.
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
MFL has probably had a record number of people
residing on the club this year! As an enthusiastic
year-round resident, I thank all of those who
contribute their time and talent to MFL. As we
move into 2021, I invite more members to join us
in our mission to maintain and improve the place
we all love. Will you step up this year and join a
committee or run for the Board?
MFL Food Plots Continue
(Ed’s note – in November the Farming Committee and
Board hired Charlie Shepard to take over the
responsibility of the MFL food plots.)
My family and I have been part of volunteering
throughout the years in various ways from rock
picking, farming, annual picnics, club clean up,
I am excited for this opportunity to further share     This is Headquarters Road, coming from the gate
my experiences and knowledge as Farming                after the December storm.
Associate.                                             With no power at their homes, MFL members still
Raised on our family farms and the farming             came out to clear roads. Workers included John
community, we primarily raised livestock and           Parker, Roger Pajot, Mike Major, Dan Miller, Jim
provide the crops for feed. I have knowledge that      Fontaine, Jim Stephens, Case Corwin, Bob Benko
was passed on for generations, along with              Sr., Dick Zook, Ken Kilkka, Hank Woida and many
experience of the latest methods and equipment         more unsung heroes who stepped up to remove
that help with the challenges of growing crops         the hundreds of trees that fell across roads
more efficient with better yield.                      Fire
I’m part of a team of property owners that work
together to provide ongoing knowledge that help        Department
Whitetail deer and wildlife food sources. The          Key Boxes at
challenges of sand box soils, weather, over
browsing, and various other scenarios keep             MFL Gates
farming challenging yet rewarding.                     Some of you may have
Looking forward to being a part of helping our         noticed new key
deer and wildlife food sources here at Mid Forest      locked boxes with
Lodge. Charlie Shepard                                 orange back plates at
                                                       the gates. These were
CPL Class – Are you interested in a concealed          provided by and installed by the Nester Township
carry class? It is a two-day class, with time at the   Fire Department. They contain a key to the
MFL range. Upon completion of the class a              orange padlocks (known as Knox locks). Access to
certificate will be issued to allow the student to     these keys is only available thru the 911 call
apply for a CPL license. Cost is $75 per student.      center. While Nester Fire and Roscommon Sheriff
Once we get a potential list of interested             personnel have these keys, the State Police and
‘students’, we’ll look at dates. Contact Lyle          mutual aid Fire or EMS personnel may not. Knox
VanWert, lylevanwert@gmail.com.                        locks and the keys are controlled by the principal
Raffle tickets for a Savage Axis, .270                 fire department in each township. Clear Lake
Bolt Action rifle are available and are $10            Ranch, Double Eagle and others are also using
each. All proceeds go to a $500 scholarship            these locks. In some cases, individuals have
drawing for member, child or grandchild of a MFL       installed similar lock boxes to facilitate police or
member and will be drawn at the 2021 Annual            other personnel if access to their homes is
Meeting. This raffle will be for the 2nd $500          needed.
scholarship, drawn at the 2021 Annual Meeting.
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
Dear Members                                           Fish into the respective lake and submerget the
I want everyone to know about our fabulous             pail into the lake water. In this way, the fish have
members. When the call went out that we needed         a chance to slowly adapt to the different water
new lights in the clubhouse dining room, one call      termperatures between the stock truck tanks and
to the Kalitta family and done; new windows, one       the lake. After a few minutes to equilibrate to the
call to Tom Ward; go back to the electric gate, not    new temperature environment, the pail of fish
even a call but John Mrsan had a concern for           was gently poured into the lake. Participating in
safety – especially for the ladies. The History        the stocking program for the first time, I found it
Committee really doesn’t have a budget, but            fascinating to watch and learn, and rewarding
members made donations to complete the                 when fish swam away into their new home lakes
project. Every time I drive into MFL I remember        in Mid-Forest.
Jack Porter whose family donated the new               We’ve heard several reports of excellent results
sign. We also need to recognize the members who        and some record book catches from our ice-
not only give their time, but their fuel working on    fishing members. MFL Master Angler pike,
the projects, using their personal vehicles and        crappie, and bluegill have been reported in the
gallons of fuel without expecting                      last couple of months. To get in on the action, try
reimbursement. Can you help?                           fishing in the low-light periods just after sunrise or
                              Debbie VanWert           just before sunset. Good luck and be safe out
MFL Lake Learning                 By Brian Pape        there!
                                                       This time of year, our fish can be vulnerable to
On November 8, 2020, a group of Fish & Water
                                                       winterkill which occurs when fish suffocate from
Quality Committee volunteers assisted with the
                                                       lack of dissolved oxygen. During winter, snow and
fish stocking delivery at Headquarters, Little
                                                       ice limit sunlight from reaching aquatic plants. The
Headquarters, Rollway and Ryan Lakes. The Imlay
                                                       plants then produce less oxygen. If vegetation dies
City Fish Farm delivery truck carried tanks
                                                       from lack of sunlight, the plants decompose which
containing Black Crappie, Yellow Perch, Walleye,
                                                       takes up more dissolved oxygen. When oxygen
Largemouth Bass and Hybrid Bluegill. The fish
                                                       depletion becomes severe, fish die. Winterkill is
farm man scooped our desired fish out of the
                                                       worse in winters with abundant or early snowfall
tanks using a long-handled net and placed them
                                                       and after low autumn water levels. Early ice-on
into 5-gallon pails. Our job was to take the pail of
                                                       and late ice-out also increases winterkill potential.
                                                       The most severe winterkill occurs when snow
                                 Left, F&WQ            covers the ice. Four inches of wet snow on top of
                                 commmittee            the ice nearly eliminates sunlight penetration and
                                 volunteer Lucio       oxygen levels fall quickly. Aquatic vegetation and
                                 Evangelista           leaf debris account for most of the organic matter
                                 acclimates a pail-    undergoing decay during winter. Lakes having
                                 full of Hybrid        dense aquatic plant communities in summer are
                                 Bluegills to Little   the lakes most susceptible to winterkill during
                                 Headquarters          harsh winters.
                                 water temperature     Limiting plant decomposition in winter is critical.
                                 before release.       Reducing summer aquatic vegetation will
                                 Below, Lucio          decrease oxygen-consuming decomposition that
                                releasing Black        occurs in winter. Planting coniferous trees rather
                                Crappie stock into     than deciduous trees near lakes may significantly
                                Ryan Lake.             reduce decomposing leaf litter. Harvesting
                                                       nearshore over-abundant aquatic plants and algae
                                                       will also significantly reduce plant decomposition
                                                       and oxygen depletion.
                                                       Short-term solutions to reduce winterkill include
                                                       maintaining an opening in the ice and deploying
                                                       some method of aeration. Another method could
Mid-Forest Lodge News and Fun
include plowing snow greater than 4” in 8’ or      Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this
greater bands across the surface.                  edition of the MFL newsletter. If you have
The only long-term solution for winterkill is to   something to contribute, please send to
reverse the natural process of eutrophication.     MFLNewsletter@yahoo.com, or anyone on the
Dredging or sucking bottom sediments would         committee; Brian Pape, Phylis Strayer, Debbie
accomplish this. Lake residents can help slow      VanWert, Deb Hanczewski, Barb Kilkka and Sarah
eutrophication by keeping all types of plant       Pajot. Please share the newsletter with your
fertilizers out of lakes.                          guests. Note, the Newsletter committee reserves
The information about winterkill came from the     final authority to approve or reject any submitted
MFL Lakes Management Action Plan (LMAP). To        material due to space limitations or content. Your
learn more, the LMAP can be found on the MFL       MFL memories, stories are welcome! Ad: Free ads,
website. Contact Brian at (989) 239-8174 or        for members of MFL only, not business related.
steelhead.brian@gmail.com.                         Business related ads are $10 for business card
Has your telephone, email or                       size.
residential address changed?                       For the next newsletter We are looking for
It is important to notify the MFL office so your   short memoir articles. We’d like stories that
newsletter, minutes, TAXES, are all sent to you    describe a particular incident from someone’s
                                                   life—it could be about a current, former or
                                                   deceased member.

               Mid-Forest Lodge
               1 MidForest Ldg
               Prudenville, MI 48651
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