Microencapsulated essential oils active against indianmeal moth
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Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 30:125-132, 2004 Microencapsulated essential oils active against indianmeal moth G. SANNA PASSINO, E. BAZZONI, M. D. L. MORETTI The toxic effects of Rosmarinus officinalis and Thymus vulgaris microencapsulated essential oils were assayed against Plodia interpunctella larvae. The activity of the oil was observed after diet contamination with the microcapsules and vapours exposition. The effect of the oils is mainly produced by the contamination of the diet with the acti- ve principles released from the microcapsules and is a consequence of ingestión. Thy- mus and Rosmarinus oils were extremely effective against I-II instar larvae, that at low concentrations (0.1%) gave mortalities over 50%. By increasing the microcapsules con- centration in the diet, proportional increases in mortality were recorded, which reached values up to 80% in both treatments. The difference found in the release pattern of the oils could be due to the different hydrophilic characteristics. Thymus microcapsules still contains about 75% of the oil after 25 days while Rosmarinus formulation only 25%. G. SANNA PASSINO: Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi (ISE, CNR) - Sez. Ecología Applicata e Controllo Biológico, via De Nicola, 1 - 07100 Sassari, Italy (e-mail: gsan- napassino@yahoo .it) E. BAZZONI, M. D. L. MORETTI: Dipartimento di Scienze del Fármaco, via Muroni 23/A -07100 Sassari, Italy Key words: Thymus, Rosmarinus, essential oils, formulations, Plodia interpunctella INTRODUCTION results have been obtained using encapsula- ted formulations of the essential oils compo- Synthetic pesticides have been considered nents (CLANCY et al., 1992). ALLOTEY and until now the only effective means available GOSWAMI (1994) showed that Plodia inter- for the control of stored product pest insects. punctella (Hubner) could be controlled using However, health authorities are rather reluc- local plant materials. Plodia interpunctella, tant to accept chemical residues in food the Indian meal moth, develops on a variety because of adverse effects on humans and of grains, beans, nuts, and processed foods the environment (MATSUMURA, 1980). A and it is a major problem during processing variety of superior plants may provide new and storage (JOHNSON et al., 1992). sources of natural pesticides (GRAINGE and The purpose of this work was to test, AHMED, 1988). The essential oils are consi- under laboratory conditions, the effects of dered a powerful source of natural derivati- Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) and ves useful against stored product pests and Thymus vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae) essential their insecticidal activities are manifold: oils formulated as microcapsules, on Plodia fumigant and topical toxicity, ovicidal acti- interpunctella larvae. The essential oil for- vity, antifeedant and repellent effects mulations, prepared by a phase separation (HUANG et al, 2000; LALE et al., 2000; process (coacervation), were characterized PADIN et al., 2000; TUNC et al., 2000; BOUDA in terms of oil content and composition, size et al., 2001; LEE et al., 2001). Interesting distribution, and release profile.
MATERIALS AND METHODS essential oil (g). Empty microcapsules, used as a control in the biological assays, were Essential oils microencapsulation prepared by removing the essential oil by Thymus vulgaris and Rosmarinus offici- steam distillation from the wet products nalis essential oils (Cruciani, Roma) were obtained at the end of each coacervation pro- used after purification by steam distillation. cess. The essential oil content was determi- Their composition was determined by Gas ned by extracting the encapsulated oil by Chromatography (GC) and Mass spectra steam distillation from an accurately weig- (GC/MS) analyses using a Carlo Erba hed amount of dried microcapsules. HRGC 5300 Mega series gas chromatograph Particle size distribution was determined with FID detector and a Hewlett Packard in a LSI00 particle size analyzer (Coulter 5890 gas-chromatograph directly coupled to Corporation, Miami, Florida). Analyses a Hewlett Packard HP 5971A mass selective were carried out using aqueous dispersions detector (MSD). Component identification of full and empty microparticles in a suitable was carried out by comparing the obtained concentration. Data are reported as both the MS data with those reported in Library mean diameter and distribution expressed by Wiley on MS-ChemStation HP v. COO .07. d 10' d5Q and dçQ, where a$Q represents the The quantitative data reported are the mean median value of the microparticles size dis- of three analyses. The analysis conditions tribution. The dry residue was determined by are described in the literature (MORETTI et al. drying and weighing the empty microparti- 1998). cles using a thermo-gravimetric balance The microencapsulation process was (Mettler LP 15, Swiss) at 105°C. carried out by coacervation coupled with a The release profile of encapsulated essen- freeze-drying method (MORETTI et al., tial oils was evaluated at 25 ±1°C and diffe- 2000). An aqueous dispersion containing rent r. h. (45, 75, 95 ± 5%) using samples 10% of gelatine in purified water was prepa- containing 2 g of the microparticles placed red at 40 °C using a glass vessel apparatus in 90 mm diameter glass petri dishes, cove- with an external jacket connected to a circu- red with a nylon net, in drying chambers lating thermostatic bath. The essential oil with a K-iodure saturated solution. At set was emulsified using a gelatine/oil ratio of 2 time intervals (1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 25 days) the and a high shear mixer (turbine). The coa- amount and composition of the residual con- cérvate phase was obtained by addition of a tent of encapsulated essential oil was deter- suitable amount of Na2SC«4 (as 20% w/w mined, as previously described. Each experi- water solution), and cooling the system to 5 ment was replicated four times and values °C, stirring for 1 hour. Glutaraldehyde solu- reported as cumulative release profiles (%). tion (1 mmol/g gelatine) was then added and pH was regulated to 8 by addition of a suita- Bioassays ble amount of NaOH IN. The resulting mix- P. interpunctella was reared in the labora- ture was maintained at 5 °C and 750 rpm for tory at 27±1°C, 60±5% r h, 16:8 h light:dark 3 hours. The hardened microparticles were and placed in plastic jars containing biologi- filtered, rinsed with cold water and finally cal maize flour. dehydrated by freeze-drying. The filtered Ingestión tests was carried out in 35 mm aqueous phase was collected and transferred petri dishes containing groups of 10 larvae at into the steam distiller to determine the different stages of development (I-II, III-IV amount of non-entrapped oil. The encapsula- instar) and 1 g of a maize flour mixture with tion yield (EY) was determined using the different amounts of encapsulated Thymus or following formula: EY (%) = (C - N/ C) x Rosmarinus essential oil (from 0.01 to 4 % 100 where C = amount of loaded essential w/w of total weight). Larval mortality was oil (g) and N = amount of non-entrapped recorded after 7 days. Lethal concentration
(LC50) was calculated by the Trimmed Spe- Table 1.- Composition and characteristics of arman-Karber method (HAMILTON et al., essential oil microcapsules 1977). Main components Thymus Rosmarinus Inhalation test was performed using plas- vulgaris officinalis (% w/w) tic test tubes (height 10 cm; diameter 3.5 cm) closed at the base with a nylon net of tighte- a-pinene ned meshes. 2 g of maize flour and groups of a-phellandrene 10 larvae of II-III instar were placed inside a-thujone each tube. The test tubes were inserted in the a-terpynene top of glass tubes (height 20 cm; diameter y-terpynene 3.7 cm) containing a selected quantity of a-pinene encapsulated oil (1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 % w/w a-caryophyllene with respect to maize flour amount). The a-myrcene experimental apparatus was designed in borneol order to obtain a maize flour phase of 1 cm bornyl acetate thickness, kept 10 cm away from the oil for- camphene mulation. After 7 days, the maize flour was examined to assess larvae mortality and was camphor submitted to repeated extraction with n- carvacrol hexane to determine its essential oil content. 1,8 cineole Each test was replicated 4 times using geraniol empty microparticles as a control. limonene A one-way analysis of variance was per- linalool formed on transformed data (arcsine of the verbenon square root); treatment mean values were p-cymene separated from those of the control using thymol Student-Newmann-Keuls test. Results of all Encapsulation yield (%) statistical tests were considered significant if Essential oil content (%w/w)* P
Figure 1: Scanning electron micrographs of microcapsules containing essential oil. content in microcapsules (% of humidity) Release profile of microcapsules was 70% for Thymus and 60% for Rosmari- The patterns of essential oils release from nus: this indicates that a different entrapment the microcapsules are shown in Figures 2 of aqueous phase into the microparticles and 3. The greater accumulative release of happens during coacervation. Rosmarinus oil can be evidenced (approxi- Microcapsules appeared to be made up of mately 75% of the total after 25 days). This single spherical units of about 0.2 mm dia- was likely due to the greater amount of meter, stuck to each other to form a black- hydrocarbon compounds. These poor polar berry-like structure. The external surface of compounds are caught in smaller scale by each unit was almost regular and smooth the water contained in the microcapsules and (Figure 1). they are quickly released; to the contrary, we Figure 2: Percentage of essential oil release from Thymus microcapsules
Figure 3: Percentage of essential oil release from Rosmarinus microcapsules have recorded a slower release of Thymus oil Thymus and Rosmarinus formulations with (approximately 25% in total after 25 days), smaller larvae, while the corresponding that instead is rich of phenolic polar com- values, with larger larvae, varied from about pounds. 7% to 50%. LC50 values were 1.3 mg/g for Thymus microcapsules and 2.1 mg/g for Toxicity tests Rosmarinus microcapsules with I-II instar Tables 2 and 3 show the mortality per- larvae; the corresponding values obtained centages of P. interpunctella larvae fed on with III-IV instar larvae were 83.5 mg/g and maize flour containing Thymus and Rosma- 141 mg/g respectively. Table 4 shows the rinus oil microcapsules and the multiple percentage of mortalities of P. interpuncte- range tests from untransformed mortality by lla II-III instar larvae exposed for a period essential oil formulations and larval instar. of 7 days to vapours of the microcapsules. I-II instar larvae showed higher sensitivity Rosmarinus gave mortalities from 5 to 17% than III-IV ones: mortality values, from while Thymus produced mortalities from 7 about 32% to 87%, were obtained with both to 20%. No significant differences were Table 2.-Mean mortality of P. interpunctella larvae fed on maize flour containing Rosmarinus and Thymus essential oils microcapsules (test time 7 days). % of microcapsules mixed in the diet R. officinalis T. vulgaris R. officinalis T. vulgaris control control
Table 3: Multiple range tests from untransformed Table 4.-Mean mortality of P. interpunctella larvae mortality by essential oil formulations and larval exposed for 7 days at vapours of instar. Data referred to ingestión test. microencapsulated essential oils. Essential oil % of microcapsules formulations withrespect to the diet R. officinalis microcapsules T. vulgaris microcapsules R. officinalis control microcapsules Larval Instar T. vulgaris microcapsules The same letter indicate an absence of statistical difference (p
The methods used in the preparation pro- On the contrary, the greater content of little cess allowed the essential oils to be entrap- polar compounds, present in the essential Ros- ped without any changes in their composi- marinus oil, could favour a more rapid release. tion. The differences found in the release This effect appears evident if the different patterns could be due to the different hydrop- amount of essential oil, content in the micro- hilic characteristics of the examined oils. In capsules of Thymus and Rosmarinus, at the fact, the high content of polar compounds in end of the test, is considered. This result sug- Thymus oil seems to favour the entrapment gests different applications of these formula- of aqueous phase into the microparticles tions in the integrated pest control strategies, during coacervation and subsequently a slo- in particular in function of the chemical com- wer release. position of the essential oils considered. ABSTRACT SANNA PASSINO G., E. BAZZONI, M. D. L. MORETTI. 2004. Aceites esenciales micro- capsulados activos contra polilla indianmeal. Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 30: 125-132. Los efectos tóxicos de los aceites esenciales microcapsulados de Rosmarinus offici- nalis y de Thymus vulgaris fueron estudiados contra larvas de Plodia interpunctella. La actividad de aceite fue observada después de la contaminación de la dieta con las micro- cápsulas y después de la exposición a los vapores. La actividad de los aceites es produ- cida, principalmente, por la contaminación con los principios activos lanzados de las microcápsulas y es, por lo tanto, una consecuencia de la ingestión. Los aceites de Thy- mus y de Rosmarinus fueron extremadamente eficaces contra los estadios larvarios I y II, determinándose una mortalidad superior al 50% (concentraciones de microcapsulados 0.1%). Aumentando la concentración de las microcápsulas en la dieta, se encontraron aumentos proporcionales en la mortalidad, que alcanzó valores del 80% en ambos trata- mientos. La diferencia encontrada en la liberación de los aceites podía ser debida a las características hidrofílicas. Las microcápsulas de Thymus contienen todavia el 75% del aceite después de 25 días mientras que la formulación de Rosmarinus solamente 25% Palabras clave: Thymus, Rosmarinus, aceites esenciales, formulación, Plodia inter- punctella REFERENCIAS ALLOTEY, J., GOSWAMI, L., 1994: Damage caused to dopteran artificial diets. J. Chem. Ecol. 18(4): 543- maize and groundnuts by the moths Plodia inter- 560. punctella (Hubn.) and Ephestia cautella (Wlk.) and EL GENGAIHI, S. E., AMER, S. A. A., MOHAMED, S. M., control using local plant materials. Ins. Sci. and its 1996: Biological activity of thyme oil and thymol Appl. 15(3): 323-329. against Tetranychus urticae Koch. Anzeiger fur BEKELE, J., HASSANALI, A., 2001: Blend effects in the Schadlingskunde Pflanzenschutz Umweltschutz toxicity of the essential oil constituents of Ocimum 69(7): 157-159. kilimandscharicum and Ocimum kenyense (Labiate- GRAINGE, M., AHMED, S., 1988: Handbook of plants ae) on two post-harvest insect pests. Phytochem. with pest-control properties. Wiley, New York. 57(3): 385-391. HAMILTON, M. A., Russo, R. C , THURSTON, R. V., 1977: BOUDA, H., TAPONDJOU, L. A., FONTEM, D. A., GUMED- Trimmed Spearman-Karber Method for estimating ZOE, M. Y. D., 2001: Effect of essential oils from lea- median lethal concentrations in toxicity bioassays. ves of Ageratum conyzoides, Lantana camara and Environ. Sci. Technol. 11(7): 714-719. Chromolaena odorata on the mortality of Sitophilus HUANG, M. Y, TAN, J. M. W. L., KINI, R. M., HO, S. H., zeamais (Coleóptera, Curculionidae). J. Stored Prod. 1997: Toxic and antifeedant action of nutmeg oil Res. 37(2): 103-109. against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Sitophilus CLANCY, K. M., FOUST, R. D., HUNTSBERGER, T. G., zeamais. J. Stored Prod. Res. 33(4): 289-298. WHITAKER, J. G., WHITAKER, D. M., 1992. Techni- IMDORF, A., BOGDANOV, S., IBANEZ OCHOA, R., CALDE- que for using microencapsulated terpenes in lepi- RONE, N. W., 1999: Use of essential oils for the con-
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