Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...

Page created by Leo Chen
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...
VOLUME 1       ISSUE 4

November, 2021

Michigan Reconnect
In January, the State of Michigan launched a scholarship program designed to help Michigan Residents who
are 25 years or older and have not earned an associate’s or bachelor’s degree return to school to complete
their education. The Michigan Reconnect program pays the full cost of in-county tuition at Monroe County
Community College, as well as the technology fee and registration fee. The program is a “last dollar” program,
so if a student is receiving other gift aid through another source such as the Federal Pell Grant, the other gift
aid must cover their tuition and fee costs before Michigan Reconnect funding can be used.

Students who are Michigan residents but live outside of Monroe County may also receive Michigan Reconnect
funding. Out-of-county students need to pay the differential between in-county and out-of-county tuition and
fees. Other sources of financial aid may be available to assist with remaining costs. The online application for
Michigan Reconnect is simple. The application takes five minutes or less to complete and can easily be done
on a mobile phone. The state does require students to complete the FAFSA before Michigan Reconnect can
be awarded; anyone who needs assistance completing the FAFSA can contact the Financial Aid Office at (734)
384-4135 or fastudent@monroeccc.edu.

Interested in Studying Abroad?
MCCC is offering a short-term study abroad program to Eastern Europe in May 2022.

The Business and Culture – Eastern Europe program will include visits to Krakow, Poland; Budapest,
Hungary, and Prague, Czech Republic with a possible extension to Vienna, Austria.

The target dates for the trip are May 16 to 27, 2022. While on traveling, students will learn about the three
jewels of
Eastern Europe – Budapest, Krakow and Prague – stand beneath fortified castles, visit the World Heritage
Site of Auschwitz, and be immersed in Eastern European culture and business environments. This program
will be a rewarding and enlightening learning experience to enrich participant’s personal growth and enhance
professional opportunities. MCCC students, alumni, and community members who participate in a
study abroad program must apply and enroll in at least one of the courses offered in the program. The
course may be taken as credit or non-credit. For more info, please contact Wendy Wysocki, professor
of business and economics and Global Studies coordinator at (734)384-4294 or wwysocki@monroeccc.edu.
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...
MCCC HAPPENINGS                                                                                          PAGE 2

                       $80,000 AVAIBLE IN SCHOLARSHIPS
                          FOR WINTER SEMESTER 2022
The Foundation at Monroe County Community College is making more than $80,000 in scholarships
available for students who plan to take classes at MCCC during the Winter 2022 semester that begins Friday,
January 7, 2022.

There are 62 scholarships available, ranging in awards from $500 -$2,500.

"Most of these scholarships are program-based, and many of them are specifically for students enrolled in
technical or industrial programs; however, several of the most generous scholarships have broad eligibility
criteria," said Dr. Joshua W. Myers, executive director of The Foundation at MCCC. "We encourage all
students regardless of area of study or financial need to apply for this opportunity. Our donors are committed
to fostering and supporting academic achievement for all students."

The college uses a simple online application process for all of its private donor scholarships. Students can
complete an application in as little as 20 minutes but are encouraged to take their time to ensure a complete
and accurate submission.

“All a student needs to apply for scholarships is their student email and seven-digit student identification
number that is assigned to them after completing the free MCCC Application for Admission,” said Myers.

How to Succeed in College
Good students do not wait until they are in trouble to get help. They plan ahead. MCCC offers free tutoring
and skills help for all students. MCCC has a new Student Success Center located in Founders Hall. We are
available Monday through Thursday and offer one-on-one and group tutoring in-person and on-line via
ZOOM. Tutoring is for everyone! All are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of our services.
Whether you want to hold on to that “A” or improve from a less desirable grade, we are the place for you!

Stop in F-148, Founders Hall
Call: (734) 384-4167
Make an appointment online: https://tutor.monroeccc.edu
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...
Early Registration For Winter
Winter is coming, but don’t wait until snow is on the ground to begin signing up for winter semester classes. MCCC offers
early registration for those with the required credit hours up to four days before general registration is available to all
students. Here’s hour many credit hours are needed to participate in priority registration (not including Fall Semester
2021 hours):

 40+ hrs.                                              November 1st
 18+ hrs.                                              November 2nd
 1+ hrs.                                               November 3rd
 OPEN REGISTRATION BEGINS                              November 4th

Early registration is targeted to benefit those who just need a couple more classes before graduating and those who
want to get a head start on the semester. Registering early not only gives students first dibs on classes, but also helps
with payment planning and preparedness. Students can register online, over the phone and in person. Registering online
gives students real time admission to classes on a first-come, first-served basis. Students can access online registration
through MyWebPal, under the student planning tab. To register over the phone or make an appointment to do it in
person, call Registration at: 734-384-4108.

New Withdrawal Procedure
MCCC’s new withdrawal policy requires students finding it necessary to withdraw from college courses to communicate
with their instructor(s), provide proof of instructor communication(s) and turn in a Withdrawal Form to the Registrar’s
This will help to ensure that student withdrawing from one course do not inadvertently affect financial aid or graduation
eligibility. Forms and further information can be found at https://www.monroeccc.edu/registration.

Math finals coming are soon. Need help studying?
Math tutors are here to help!
Math Navigator Brianna Pio and Math Student Success Coach Jenny Schyllander will host final review sessions for
Math 092 and Math 151. These drop-in sessions will take place on Friday, December 3 in the Founders Hall tutoring

The Math 092 session will take place from 9-11 a.m. and the Math 151 session will run from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Bring a
laptop, paper, pencil, and lots of questions! Contact bpio@monroeccc.edu or jschyllander@monroeccc.edu with any

Not in these classes, but could benefit from extra study time?

Schedule online on Tutor Trac, visit us in Founder's Hall or call (734) 384-4167 to make a tutoring appointment. If you
and your classmates are interested in a group study session in preparation for a final in a math class not mentioned
above, email Brianna Pio at bpio@monroeccc.edu stating your interest! We’re here to help!
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...
MCCC HAPPENINGS                                                              PAGE 4

COVID-19 NOTICE: Effective October 18, 2021, face masks are required in all campus
facilities regardless of vaccination status. Thank you for your cooperation.

                            IMAGES 2022 SUBMISSIONS
                                ARE DUE FEB. 18
                  Submit original short stories, artwork, plays, creative non-
                  fiction and poetry to be considered for a feature in the 2022
                  edition, Images 36.

                                Thursday, Nov 11
                                3-4 p.m. & 6-7 p.m.
                         ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/8199188087
                  Learn about a career as a respiratory therapist including
                  job duties, employment outlook and classes needed to
                  enter the program. Respiratory Therapy Program Director
                  will be available to answer any questions. Earn one point
                  toward admission into the program.

                            Thursday, Nov. 18
                               9-10:30 a.m.
                             La-Z-Boy Center
                  Register Here: www.SEMCA.org/naw2021
    “Recruiting, Training and Retaining” – the three buzz words of
    Registered Apprenticeship programs and why you should know them.
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...
              WORKSHOP: LAUNCH 734
                            Thursday, Nov 4
                               2:00 p.m.
                          ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/95107030036

Join us as we hear about Monroe County’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
and Support Network, “Launch 734”. The program is slated to enhance
resources, training, and direct support for entrepreneurs right here in our

                           Tuesday, Dec 7
                              7-7:30 p.m.
                          Free Admission
The College/Community Agora Chorale will perform a holiday concert in
the La-Z-Boy, Meyer Theater. This will be the first event to kick off the
2021-22 La-Z-Boy concert/event series.

                      THE DOOBIE OTHERS
                              Saturday, Jan. 15
                                  7:30 p.m.
                     La-Z-Boy Center, Meyer Theater
                         General Admission: $25
   A fun-filled, high-energy performance covering the catalog of Doobies
   hits, including “Listen to the Music,” “What a Fool Believes,” “Long
   Train Running,” “Minute-by-Minute,” “Black Water,” “Takin’ it to the
   Streets” and all the rest.
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...

IMAGES               2022
A Literary and Fine Arts Magazine

                                   Attention students:
                          Submit your original poetry, short
                          stories, plays, creative non-fiction, and
                          artwork for consideration for the 2022
                          publication of Images 36, which will be
                          printed and available online at the end of
                          winter semester. Student submissions
                          only. Images reveal event during April,
                          pending COVID-19 protocol.

                          Simply email your submissions to:
                          Images@monroeccc.edu by
                          Friday, February 18, 2022.
                                 Additional questions?

                          Jenna Bazzell (Writing Submissions)
                          Therese O’Halloran (Art Submissions)

      To see a copy of last year’s magazine, visit

     That’s our mission
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             2021-22                               Season Events
                                                 Live and Let Die:
                                                 The Music of Paul
                                                 Saturday, Feb. 5 / 7:30 p.m.
                                                 LA-Z-BOY CENTER,
                                                 MEYER THEATER
                                                 Limited Seating –
                                                 General Admission - $25
                                                 When George Martin tells you that “You sound
                                                 like Paul McCartney” and Paul McCartney
                                                 himself comments that “You are a great
                                                                                                The 2U Show
                                                 musician,” what more is there to say?          The World’s 2nd Best U2 Show
 The Doobie Others                                                                              Saturday, March 12 / 7:30 p.m.
 Saturday, Jan. 15 / 7:30 p.m.                                                                  LA-Z-BOY CENTER,
 LA-Z-BOY CENTER,                                                                               MEYER THEATER
 MEYER THEATER                                                                                  Limited Seating –
 Limited Seating –                                                                              General Admission - $25
 General Admission - $25                                                                        A tribute performance of U2’s music,
 A fun-filled, high-energy performance                                                          including cuts from “Boy,” “October,” “The
 covering the catalog of Doobies hits,                                                          Joshua Tree,” “Rattle and Hum,” “Achtung
 including “Listen to the Music,” “What a                                                       Baby” and “Zooropa,” as well as some of
 Fool Believes,” “Long Train Running,”                                                          the more recent albums. As close as you
 “Minute-by-Minute,” “Black Water,” “Takin’ it                                                  can get to the real thing!
 to the Streets” and all the rest.

ORDER ONLINE AT: www.monroeccc.edu/theater • MCCC TICKET HOTLINE: 734-384-4272
The La-Z-Boy Center is accessible to those with disabilities. Assisted listening devices are available upon request.
Michigan Reconnect - Monroe County ...
                                                                                                    2021-22            Season Events
Concert Series                                                                                                         Covid-19 Notice:
The Doobie Others                                                                                                      Before attending an event, please go to
                                                                                                                       www.monroeccc.edu/coronavirus for the
Saturday, January 15 / 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                       most up-to-date information on COVID-19
Limited Seating –General Admission - $25                                                                               requirements at MCCC, including policies
Live and Let Die: The Music of                                                                                         on masking.
Paul McCartney                                                                                                        You can purchase tickets:
Saturday, February 5 / 7:30 p.m.                      The Big Gig!
                                                                                                                      On the Web at www.monroeccc.edu/events
Limited Seating –General Admission - $25              Monroe County’s 35th Annual Black
                                                      History Month Blues Concert                                     Via phone using VISA, MasterCard or American
The 2U Show – The World’s 2nd Best                                                                                    Express by calling the MCCC Ticket Hotline at
                                                      Saturday, February 26 / 7 p.m.
U2 Show                                               (Please note that start time is different from other events.)   (734) 384-4272
Saturday, March 12 / 7:30 p.m.                        Limited Seating –General Admission - FREE
Limited Seating –General Admission - $25                                                                              In person at the MCCC Cashier’s Office in the
                                                      Doors will open at 6 p.m.                                       Warrick Student Services/Administration Building
                                                      MCCC collaborates once again with the Monroe                    (Building A)
MCCC Special Events                                   County Library System and a unique “Blues
                                                                                                                      Tickets may also be purchased at the door, if
                                                      Coalition” of community co-sponsors to cap off
                                                                                                                      available. All sales are final. No refunds or
                                                      Monroe County’s 35th Annual Black History Month
                                                                                                                      exchanges. Event information is subject to change
                                                      Blues Series. The lineup and the rest of the Annual
                                                                                                                      at the discretion of MCCC.
                                                      Black History Month Blues Series schedule will be
                                                      announced in late 2021.                                         Discounts
                                                                                                                      Groups of 15 or more, seniors, and MCCC staff
                                                      The Detroit                                                     and students can receive a $2 discount off the full
                                                      Symphony Orchestra                                              ticket price when tickets are purchased in person
                                                                                                                      at the MCCC Cashier’s Office prior to the day of
                                                                                                                      the event. Discounts will not be given the day of
                                                                                                                      the performance. Tickets are based on availability,
Agora Chorale Holiday Concert                                                                                         so please make your plans early.
Tuesday, December 7 / 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                      Student Rush
Limited Seating –General Admission - FREE
                                                                                                                      Monroe County Community College students with a
Agora Chorale Winter Concert                          The William Davidson                                            valid student I.D. can purchase up to two tickets at
Monday, February 21 / 7:30 p.m.                       Neighborhood Concerts                                           half price 30 minutes before the start of any show.
Limited Seating –General Admission - FREE             January 28, March 18, April 29 and June 17                      Tickets Make Excellent Gifts
Agora Chorale Spring Concert                          8 p.m.                                                          Gift certificates for MCCC events are available at
Tuesday, April 26 / 7:30 p.m.                         Tickets available at https://www.dso.org/.                      the MCCC Cashier’s Office.
Limited Seating –General Admission - FREE
                                                      IODE’s “Access”
Visiting Artist Series
Each year Monroe County Community College
proudly hosts a superb array of mixed media art
exhibitions and lectures through the MCCC
                              Visiting Artist
                              Series. Spotlighting
                              well-known regional
                              artists, the exhibits
                              and demonstrations      A Performance by MCCC’s Inside Out
                              are free and open to    Dance Ensemble
                              the public.             Saturday, April 9 / 7:30 p.m.
                                                      Sunday, April 10 / 3 p.m.
                                                      Limited Seating –General Admission - $12

                                                              Season Sponsors
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