Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World

Page created by Jaime Chen
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World

Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Table of Contents:

   The Experience                                Know Your Leadership Characteristics*

   The Venue                                     Meditate while you Work
                                                 Duration 60 minutes*

                                                 Power of Authenticity*
   Sample 12-Month Schedule
                                                 Power of Feedback*

                                                 Power of Public Speaking: Stand and
   Team Building & Fun:                          Deliver*
   Launch Party-Virtual Headquarters*            Speed Networking
   Escape Room

   Game Show Game Night:*                        Collaboration Sessions and
   Interactive Watch Party with Audience         Custom Content:
                                                 All Hands, Quarterly Business Reviews,
   Relay Race                                    Sales Kickoffs

   Scavenger Hunt                                Brainstorming, Feedback Sessions and
                                                 Strategic Planning*
   Tours of Art and Exotic Destinations
                                                 Guest Speaker — Keynotes and
   Trivia Game*                                  Expert Panels*

                                                 “Offsites” and Leadership Retreats
   Professional Development,
   Leadership & Wellness
   Diversity and Inclusion–Creating
   a Culture of Belonging Series*

*Beginner Experiences great for Months 1 and 2
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
| The Experience |                                            | The Venue |
Morpheus XR has created the ultimate onboarding               Morpheus XR experiences can be held in any of the existing
process that will make your entrance into virtual reality     Morpheus XR private venues - known as worlds — or we
fun, immersive, and engaging with each participant feeling    can design you a world of your own. You can recreate your
confident and ready, whether participating via headset or     corporate office, design a showroom, build something
desktop application.                                          unexpected for your team’s next offsite, or explore any far-
                                                              off travel destination you please. You provide the hopes
The following menu features experiences that are designed     and dreams for the space, and we’ll help you imagine what
and hosted by expert facilitators trained in cultural         your world can be.
sensitivity, emotional intelligence, and inclusion; we help
any team create the ultimate culture of connection.           Below is a highlight of our most popular worlds:

Experiences are set in 360° degree environments that will
capture your team’s attention, and immerse the group in
                                                              • Virtual Headquarters
                                                                 A customizable headquarters includes an event venue,
a collective event, while simultaneously granting each
                                                                 presentation stage, a game center, and meditation
participant agency to explore and socialize in ways no
2-dimensional virtual event ever has.

Any of these experiences can be tailored to match the         • Brooklyn Bar
needs of your team and goals of your event. Customization        An outdoor venue overlooking the skyline of New York
based on branding and company content are already in             City, the Brooklyn Bar features a bar, a campfire, and
scope. Seeking something even more custom? Let’s get             even basketball courts.
you in touch with our Experience Design Consultants and
Culture Curators so you can build something from scratch.
                                                              • Tropical Island
                                                                 Bali-esque island with a presentation room, meditation
                                                                 area, catamaran, secret underground speakeasy, and
                                                                 fire spinning equipment.
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Sample 12-Month Schedule
Below is a hypothetical sample 12 month calendar of MXR     In addition to 2hrs of facilitated experiences per month, you
Community Experiences that starts in January, but you       also get access to MXR Community events which occur
can start membership at any time throughout the year!       about every two weeks.
Your calendar will be based on what you select from our
Experiences Menu or you design with one of our Culture

Jan                          February                     March                          April
VHQ Launch Party             Workshop: Leadership         Escape Room                    Creating a Culture
                             Character Traits                                            of Belonging: Core
                                                                                         Concepts and Uncovering
                                                                                         Unconscious Bias

MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:          MXR Community Events:
• Motivational Speaker:      • MXR Speed Networking       • Women in Tech Panel          • National Geographic Explorer
  “New Year, Best You”       • Meditation                 • Meditation                     Earth’s Wonders Q&A
• Meditation                                                                             • Meditation

May                          June                         July                           August
Creating a Culture of        Creating a Culture of        Trivia Game                    Tours of Art and
Belonging: Bias Busting      Belonging: Equity is                                        Exotic Destination
and Empathy Building         greater than equality

MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:
• MXR Speed Networking       • Motivational Speaker: “New • Motivational Speaker: “New • Motivational Speaker: “New
• Meditation                   Year, Best You”              Year, Best You”              Year, Best You”
                             • Meditation                 • Meditation                 • Meditation

September                    October                      November                       December
Scavenger Hunt               Leadership Retreat           All Hands Meeting              Holiday Party

MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:        MXR Community Events:          MXR Community Events:
• Trivia Night               • Escape Room                • Motivational Speaker:        • Morpheus Holiday Party
• Meditation                 • Meditation                   Gratitude                    • Meditation
                                                          • Meditation
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Team Building & Fun
Launch Party–Virtual Headquarters                            Escape Room

Celebrate the grand opening of your team’s private,          Challenge yourself and your team to a test of wits as
branded Virtual Headquarters with a 30-minute party that     you work together to discover clues, solve puzzles, and
makes celebratory use of your new space including a          overcome obstacles to escape from the “room” where you
theater-style presentation space and a beach oasis themed    risk being trapped forever.
                                                             We have three different room themes to choose from:
•   Dance floor with a DJ (via video stream)
                                                             •   Wizards and Magic
•   Hosted interactive stations with different activities:
    fire spinning, musical instruments, firework shows,      •   Nature and the Elements
    basketball, darts                                        •   Abandoned Asylum and other Haunts
•   Wall art featuring photos of the team from “real life”
•   Team Leadership Welcome Remarks or share a
    welcome video

Duration                Capacity          Experience Level   Duration             Capacity        Experience Level

90 minutes              100+              Beginner           60 minutes           100+            Beginner
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Team Building & Fun
Game Show Game Night                                               Interactive Watch Party with
                                                                   Audience Participation

Game show nights are high energy, competitive, and                 With Morpheus XR, you have 24/7 access to a virtual
intellectually stimulating - sprinkle in the magic of VR, and it   headquarters where your team can screen their favorite
is an out-of-this-world experience. G - ,-                         movie, TV show, sporting event, or custom content

•   Heads Up                                                       But have you ever watched a fan favorite movie with
                                                                   audience participation? Guided by our trained improv
•   Family Feud
                                                                   actors, this is the most fantastical and interactive watch
•   Price is Right                                                 party you’ve ever seen.
•   Hollywood Game Night
                                                                   Make a special movie request or choose from one of the
•   $100,000 Pyramid (aka Taboo)                                   following titles:
•   SuperMarket Sweep (in a Comic Book Store)
                                                                   •   The Nightmare Before Christmas
                                                                   •   Monty Python and the Holy Grail
                                                                   •   The Princess Bride
                                                                   •   The Evil Dead

Duration               Capacity           Experience Level         Duration               Capacity           Experience Level

60 minutes             40                 Beginner                 2hrs                   100+               Beginner
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Team Building & Fun
Relay Race                                                   Scavenger Hunt

Your team will break into smaller groups to compete          Your team will break into smaller groups to solve riddles,
against each other in a fast-paced and highly competitive    complete photo quests and explore VR to earn points
series of time-sensitive tasks and obstacles. Winners can    and stay on top of the leaderboard. The photo quests will
receive virtual prizes and bragging rights.                  involve adventuring to different virtual worlds with stunning
                                                             visuals and interactables. A highly competitive and slightly
Relay Race may include stations comprised of the following   ridiculous list of scavenger items will make you laugh and
games or obstacles:                                          sweat as your group competes to be at the top.

•   Ski-Ball                                                 Some of the photoquests include:
•   Darts
                                                             •   Forming a human pyramid
•   Mini-Golf
                                                             •   Recreating a scene from a classic movie
•   Bullseye Shooting Gallery
                                                             •   Ghost hunting with the Ghostbusters
•   “Zip Line”
                                                             •   Conquering your fears of heights or swimming with

Duration              Capacity         Experience Level      Duration              Capacity          Experience Level

60 minutes            80               Advanced              90 minutes            100               Beginner
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Team Building & Fun
Tours of Art and Exotic                                       Trivia Game

Guided tours take your team through two to four virtual       Our trivia emcees host an incredibly lively battle of wits
reality “worlds” that transport you into an interactive and   in an interactive world that responds to your correct and
stunning landscape. Tour guides have facts, music and         incorrect answers. Trivia Games can be customized with
activities for each world to liven up the party.              company specific questions or include some of these
                                                              traditional categories:
Tours can be customized to the destination of your
choosing, or pick from one of the following themed            •   TV, movies and music
                                                              •   Pop culture and current events
•   Tour of Virtual Burning Man Art                           •   History and geography
•   Tour of OuterSpace                                        •   Science and math
•   Tour of the Oceans
•   Tour of Exotic Travel Destinations

Duration               Capacity          Experience Level     Duration               Capacity         Experience Level

90 minutes             40                Intermediate         60 to 90               200+             Beginner
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Professional Development, Leadership & Wellness Workshops:
Diversity and Inclusion — Creating
a Culture of Belonging Series
                                                              Session 1: Core Concepts and Uncovering
                                                              Unconscious Bias

                                                              •   An overview of key terminology, the top 16 forms
                                                                  of unconscious bias, and the ways they commonly
                                                              •   A review of the “7 factors of Psychology Safety” and
                                                                  “7 factors of Belonging” and ways that your team can
                                                                  support them
                                                              •   An introduction to specific tools and strategies your
                                                                  team can adopt to foster a culture of belonging
                                                              •   At-home reflection exercises to do between session 1
                                                                  and session 2

                                                              Session 2: Bias Busting and Empathy Building
To create a just, equal, and fair workplace we must create
an environment in which everyone belongs and feels safe.      •   Immersive empathy building experiences to foster
Studies at Harvard, MIT, and Wharton have confirmed               critical self-awareness and explore participant’s own
these two factors are the most important components of an         identities and the way those shape beliefs, values,
effective and successful team dynamic. Further research           expectations, perceptions, and actions.
identifies that unconscious bias is the most common
hindrance to an individual’s ability to create belonging or   •   Skills for engaging those with differences and tools for
safety for others.                                                identifying and interrupting biased behavior (known as
                                                                  “bias busting”)
Diversity training is most effective when it is practiced
over time, providing participants a chance to reflect on
                                                              Session 3: Equity as greater than equality
learnings, then creating a safe place to continue to engage
with the subject matter without the pressure of immediate     •   Examining the difference between equity and equality
expectation to “get it right’.
                                                              •   Understanding allyship and the role participants play in
This series includes the following three workshops that           shaping ing the culture of the organization
we recommend booking in series, each one or two weeks         •   Using historical perspective to help guide future goals;
apart. Although we advocate holding multiple sessions, we         putting participant choices in context for empowered
can modify any combination of the three sessions below            collaboration
into a single event to add to your existing D&I training:

Duration              Capacity         Experience Level       Duration               Capacity          Experience Level

90 minutes            40               Beginner               90 minutes             40                Beginner
Menu - Creating a Culture of Connection in a Distributed World
Professional Development, Leadership & Wellness Workshops:
Know Your Leadership                                           Meditate while you Work

Connect with your team on a deeper level in this facilitated   Many people think meditation has to be done while our
experience that supports team members in seeing beyond         eyes are closed, and we’re sitting crossed-legged on a
their day-to-day roles and functions.                          cushion somewhere. The truth is, we can meditate anytime,
Teams gain a deeper understanding of one another and
the values they each hold. Participants are led through a      Meditation is simply a practice of bringing greater
series of morale-boosting prompts, interactive activities,     awareness to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations, and
and guided reflection exercises that will help foster          learning how to be more present with our experience no
appreciation, trust, respect, plus provide team members        matter what we’re doing at the time.
opportunities to affirm and recognize each other’s positive
character strengths.                                           In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to meditate
                                                               while you work. Experience what it’s like to go through your
This workshop includes:                                        day feeling more connected to your body, more at ease in
                                                               your mind, and more at peace in your daily routine.
•   Pre-event leadership personality quiz that identifies
    character traits in advance of the session                 This session includes:
•   A leadership personality summary PDF for continued
                                                               •   An expert meditator to lead you through the
    reference after completion
                                                               •   A peaceful meditation garden with a calming water

Duration               Capacity          Experience Level      Duration                 Capacity      Experience Level

90 minutes             80                Advanced              60 minutes               100+          Beginner
Professional Development, Leadership & Wellness Workshops:
Power of Authenticity                                          Power of Feedback

A one-of-a-kind team building, problem solving, and            Expose your blindspots and uncover areas you didn’t even
ideation workshop that tackles life’s obstacles, challenges,   know you had to work on. Learn the value of feedback and
and pressures head on through a series of exercises            fall in love with self reflection to grow, stretch, and be the
guaranteed to enrich your relationships, career, and overall   kind of leader that people want to follow. Learn to thirst
life.                                                          for feedback opportunities and tools to give and receive
                                                               feedback more effectively. Learn to create a safe work
                                                               environment that creates constructive feedback so it turns
                                                               into a feedforward!

Duration              Capacity          Experience Level       Duration               Capacity          Experience Level

60 minutes            40                Beginner               60 minutes             40                Beginner
Professional Development, Leadership & Wellness Workshops:
Power of Public Speaking: Stand                                  Speed Networking
and Deliver

Research has shown that public speaking is the BIGGEST           A fun facilitated way to accelerate connection for a large
fear in the United States, even more than death! That’s          team. With customizables prompts and an incredible
right - most Americans are more afraid of giving a eulogy        emcee that will put all participants at ease, this is a great
than being in the casket at a funeral. It’s not the act of       way to make sure everyone on your team has a one-on-
public speaking that’s the actual fear, it’s the fear of being   one connection with each other.
exposed, out front, and vulnerable in front of a group of
people. This workshop uses public speaking as a vehicle
to breakthrough our biggest limiting beliefs and gain the
confidence to Stand and Deliver.

Duration               Capacity           Experience Level       Duration               Capacity           Experience Level

60 minutes             40                 Beginner               60-90                  100+               Intermediate
Collaboration Sessions and Custom Content:
All Hands, Quarterly Business                                   Brainstorming, Feedback
Reviews, Sales Kickoffs                                         Sessions and Strategic Planning

Is it time for a quarterly manager meeting or annual “all       Our rosters of expert facilitators can help your team tackle
hands”? Want to rejuvenate your weekly team meeting?            almost any topic. Just let us know your vision or your pain
Have our trained facilitators support you with preparing        points and we will help you fill the blanks for an immersive
your next all hands or quarterly review. Team presentations     collaboration experience.
in Virtual Reality bring a renewed presence for participants
and leverage an immersive environment for more                  Specific modules include:
enjoyable and engaging dialogue between team members.
You can share your presentations on an IMAX style               •   Mission, vision, values mcalibration
screen and leverage the spatial audio to allow for organic
                                                                •   “Understanding Your Why”
conversation and engagement among the team.
                                                                •   SWOT analysis”
Our expert facilitators can provide the following services to
                                                                •   Root Cause Top Solution
support your meetings:

•   Agenda setting
•   Speaker preparation
•   Presentation and media design and importing
•   Audience engagement

Duration              Capacity           Experience Level       Duration               Capacity            Experience Level

60-90                 100+               Beginner               60-90                  40                  Beginner
minutes                                                         minutes
Collaboration Sessions and Custom Content:
Guest Speaker — Keynotes and                                   “Offsites” and Leadership
Expert Panels                                                  Retreats

Do you have a special guest that you would like to invite to   Our expert facilitators can work with your team to set
speak to your team? Perhaps an expert to weigh in on the       the agenda for a successful virtual offsite or leadership
future of the industry, a customer whose life was changed      retreat. We can build a series of sessions that include a
by your product, or a personal tale meant to transform and     combination of team building activities, team presentations,
inspire?                                                       and strategic planning sessions as needed.

We can provide a VR headset, and if you’d like - even a        Our expert facilitators can provide the following services to
moderator, as your team convenes for the special event.        support your offsite and leadership retreats:

•   National Geographic Explorer Presentation Q&A              •   Agenda setting for both in-person and virtual
•   The Art of Visual Storytelling: Photos from the
    frontlines                                                 •   Booking and scheduling guest speakers, live performers
                                                                   and other entertainment
•   Women in Tech: New frontier of leadership
                                                               •   Speaker preparation
•   The Future of VR: What is the metaverse anyway?
                                                               •   Presentation and media design

Duration               Capacity          Experience Level      Duration              Capacity           Experience Level

60 minutes             100+              Beginner              Multiple 30, 60       40                 Intermediate
                                                               and 90 minute
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