Melanism in the eastern blue-tongued lizard Tiliqua scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae) from south-eastern Australia - Biotaxa

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Melanism in the eastern blue-tongued lizard Tiliqua scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae) from south-eastern Australia - Biotaxa
Herpetology Notes, volume 14: 251-255 (2021) (published online on 01 February 2021)

     Melanism in the eastern blue-tongued lizard Tiliqua scincoides
         (Squamata: Scincidae) from south-eastern Australia

                                                         Jules E. Farquhar1

  Animals      display     extraordinary    variety      in        Clusella-Trullas et al., 2007). Broadly, the TMH predicts
integumentary colouration, both within and among                   that dark phenotypes should be selected for in populations
species. Within vertebrate ectotherms, four dermal                 occupying cool and low solar radiation areas, given that
cell layers influence colouration. Near the epidermis,             dark colouration confers a low skin reflectance—and
xanthophore and/or erythrophore pigment cells produce              hence faster heat absorption—compared to lighter
yellows and oranges, iridophores in the middle layer               phenotypes under similar conditions (Watt, 1968;
produce structural colours ranging from white to                   Clusella-Trullas et al., 2007). While there exists some
purple, and melanophores, in the deepest dermal layer,             convincing evidence for the thermoregulatory benefits
produce blacks and browns (Shawkey and D’Alba,                     of melanism (e.g., Gibson and Falls, 1979; Clusella-
2017). Colouration is thus the product of differential             Trullas et al., 2008, 2009; Muri et al., 2015), support for
reflectance and absorptance of light wavelengths caused            the generality of the TMH remains largely ambiguous
by variation in the architecture and arrangement of these          in both invertebrate (reviewed in Umbers et al., 2013)
pigmentary and structural components of the dermal                 and vertebrate (reviewed in Geen and Johnston, 2014)
system (Bechtel, 1978; Shawkey and D’Alba, 2017).                  ectotherms. This lack of consensus is partly because
  One conspicuous colour form is melanism, wherein                 melanism may arise through other modes of selection
individuals are partially or entirely dark in appearance           unrelated to (or in concert with) thermoregulation,
(Majerus, 1998; True, 2003). Melanism can occur as                 such as crypsis, communication and protection from
discrete or continuous variation within a species (i.e., as        damaging amounts of ultraviolet radiation (True, 2003;
a polymorphism), or as fixed colour differences between            Matthews et al., 2016; Stuart-Fox et al., 2017).
closely related species (reviewed in True, 2003). Within             Another caveat of many previous studies is that they
reptiles, melanistic phenotypes are typically produced             only examine one or very few closely related species
by an overabundance of melanophores (dark pigment-                 (e.g., Gibson and Falls, 1979; Capula and Luiselli,
containing cells) or an absence of the more superficial            1994; Forsman, 1995; Janse van Rensburg et al., 2009)
xanthophores and iridophores (Morrison et al., 1995;               and, by virtue of their small scope, have limited ability
Kuriyama et al., 2016). Furthermore, some ectotherms               to address the relevance of the TMH for ectotherms
are capable of ontogenetic, seasonal or rapid skin-                more generally. The necessary next step in addressing
darkening in response to various internal and external             the TMH is to use large-scale investigations at different
stimuli (reviewed in Stuart-Fox and Moussalli, 2009;               levels of organisation, such as among individuals,
Olsson et al., 2013).                                              populations, and species (Clusella-Trullas et al., 2008).
  Studies investigating the evolutionary fitness of                Of course, such investigations first require sufficient
melanistic phenotypes within ectothermic species and               information about the occurrence of melanism in a
populations have largely centred around the ‘thermal               wide variety of model systems. Further observations
melanism hypothesis’ (herein TMH; reviewed in                      of melanistic phenotypes in wild specimens can
                                                                   increase our repertoire of model systems with which
                                                                   to investigate the processes driving the emergence
                                                                   and maintenance of melanism. Thus, I present a rare
                                                                   observation of melanism in a wild blue-tongue (genus
    Biosis Pty Ltd, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207, Australia. E-
                                                              ��   Tiliqua) from Australia—a country in which there are
     mail:                                 few documented cases of melanistic polymorphisms.
© 2021 by Herpetology Notes. Open Access by CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
252                                                                                                  Jules E. Farquhar

Materials and Methods                                           all present day captive melanistic T. scincoides have
                                                                descended (R. Shine, pers. comm.). This first melanistic
  Study species. Tiliqua scincoides (White, 1790) is a
                                                                female was bred with a normally-pigmented male, and
large diurnal scincid with two recognised subspecies in
                                                                the resulting offspring all displayed normal pigmentation.
Australia; the nominate subspecies Tiliqua s. scincoides
                                                                One of the normally-pigmented (but heterozygous for
(eastern blue-tongued lizard) occurs in south-eastern
                                                                melanism) male progeny was bred with the original
Australia, whereas Tiliqua s. intermedia Mitchell,
                                                                melanistic female, producing litters with phenotypic
1955 (northern blue-tongued lizard) occurs exclusively
                                                                ratios of approximately 75% normally pigmented, 25%
in the tropical north. Considering only the nominate
                                                                melanistic (J. Ball, pers. comm.). Hence, it appears that
subspecies herein, T. scincoides is common throughout
                                                                melanism in T. scincoides is a recessive trait displaying
virtually all habitats in its range excluding alpine and        simple Mendelian inheritance, manifesting only in
rainforest environments (Cogger, 2014; Wilson and               individuals that are homozygous for melanism (e.g.,
Swan, 2017). While colour and pattern are variable in           Blanchard and Blanchard, 1941; Bechtel, 1978; King,
this species, specimens typically are pale grey to brown        2003). This has now been amply confirmed through
above with a series of darker brown transverse bands            years of extensive breeding of melanistic T. scincoides
on the body and tail (Cogger, 2014; Wilson and Swan,            in captivity (J. Ball, pers. comm.).
2017; e.g., Fig. 1A).                                             Observation. At 16:05 h on 2 November 2016, a
  In January 1998, the first melanistic T. scincoides, a        melanistic T. scincoides was observed basking on a rock
neonatal female, was found on Narrabeen Beach in New            along a vegetated bank of the Barwon River in the coastal
South Wales; this is the female specimen from which             city of Geelong, Victoria (-38.1618°S, 144.3224°E;
                                                                5 m a.s.l.). The Barwon River provides a corridor of
                                                                remnant floodplain riparian woodland habitat through
                                                                the otherwise heavily modified suburbs of Geelong.
                                                                Ambient temperature at the time of observation was 15.5
                                                                ºC, with 60% relative humidity (Bureau of Meteorology,
                                                       The basking site was a series of
                                                                artificially placed rocks used to delineate the edge of a
                                                                short section of a walking trail, located 20 m from the
                                                                river’s edge. The specimen was uniformly very black
                                                                above, with the series of transverse bands across the
                                                                body and tail being only scarcely discernible (Fig. 1B).
                                                                The lower flanks were pale brown, being slightly lighter
                                                                than the dorsum, and the ventral surface was much
                                                                lighter again, being closely resemblant of the ventral
                                                                colour pattern seen in normally-pigmented individuals.
                                                                No physiological or ontogenetic colour change occurs
                                                                in the species (Geen and Johnston, 2014), hence the
                                                                specimen’s dark appearance is considered to be a fixed
                                                                melanistic phenotype. The sex of the specimen was not

                                                                  Melanism has been reported in other Tiliqua species,
                                                                including in a blotched blue-tongued lizard Tiliqua
                                                                nigrolutea (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) from Hobart,
Figure 1. Photographs showing colour polymorphism in wild
Tiliqua s. scincoides. (A) A normally-pigmented specimen
                                                                Tasmania and in some highland populations of the
from south-eastern South Australia, the typical appearance of   shingleback Tiliqua rugosa (Gray, 1825) in NSW
the species throughout its range. (B) the melanistic specimen   (Shea, 1999). Despite the ubiquity of T. scincoides in
from the Barwon River in Geelong, Victoria (photographs by      south-eastern Australia, the observation presented here
J. Farquhar).                                                   constitutes only the second formally documented case
Melanism in the eastern blue-tongued lizard from south-eastern Australia                                                253

of melanism in this species, and the first in Victoria.          conspecifics. This demonstrated thermal advantage of
The first formally published case of melanism in T.              melanism in T. scincoides, coupled with the 10 coastal
scincoides (Woodall, 2000) was of a specimen from                observations of melanistic specimens, indicates that
Peel Island in Moreton Bay, Queensland (QLD).                    melanism may represent a thermal adaptation among
  One explanation for the apparent scarcity of records is        some coastal populations of T. scincoides.
that, being a recessive trait in T. scincoides (J. Ball, pers.     There is also convincing inferential support from the
comm.), melanism may naturally occur at low frequencies          literature suggesting that melanism may constitute a
in wild populations. Indeed, within polymorphic lizard           coastal adaptation. Firstly, melanism has been reported
populations in the northern hemisphere, the frequency            in many reptile species and populations occurring near
of melanism is typically low: 0.05% (San-Jose et al.,            or within peninsula, insular or otherwise cool coastal
2008; Kuriyama et al., 2016); 2.5% (Jambrich and                 habitats (e.g., Brown, 1991; Castilla, 1994; Pearse
Jandzik, 2012); 8.3% (Gvozdik, 1999).                            and Pogson, 2000; Mashinini et al., 2008; Janse van
  On the other hand, it is possible that melanism in             Rensburg et al., 2009; Kuriyama et al., 2016). Indeed,
wild T. scincoides is more common than is currently              in one of few examples of melanistic polymorphisms
recognised, and the perceived rarity of this phenotype           in Australia’s venomous snakes (Squamata: Elapidae),
may reflect, in part, a lack of documentation. Through           several island and peninsula populations of tiger
personal communications and a review of all photographs          snakes Notechis scutatus (Peters, 1861) are entirely
of wild T. scincoides associated with georeferenced              melanistic (Cogger, 2014). Second, distribution
records submitted to the Atlas of Living Australia               modelling of cordylid lizards (Janse van Rensburg
(ALA,, I have confirmed eight                    et al., 2009) and a scincid lizard (Portik et al., 2010)
additional observations of melanism in T. scincoides             from south-western South Africa has shown that
from New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (Vic.), at               melanistic species and populations are associated with
the following locations: Narrabeen Beach, NSW, 1998              cool, cloudy/foggy climates in coastal areas. Finally,
(R. Shine, pers. comm.); Dee Why, NSW, 2017 (M.                  molecular investigations show that coastal melanistic
Crawford, pers. comm.); Allambie Heights, NSW, 2020              populations of the California legless lizard Anniella
(ALA record); Buckley Falls, Geelong, Vic., 2012 (K.             pulchra Gray, 1852 (Pearse and Pogson, 2000), Karoo
Bell, pers. comm.); Belmont, Geelong, Vic., 2016 (ALA            girdled lizard Karusasaurus polyzonus (Smith, 1838)
record); Belmont, Geelong, Vic., 2019 (ALA record);              (Engelbrecht et al., 2011), and tiger snake N. scutatus
Bellbrae, Vic., 2019 (T. Sullivan, pers. comm.); Greater         (Keogh et al., 2005) are genetically interdigitated with
Geelong area, Vic., 2020 (ALA record). Photographs of            non-melanistic conspecifics, suggesting that melanism
all accounts showed extremely dark individuals which             can independently emerge from a parallel evolutionary
closely resemble the Geelong specimen of Figure 1B.              response to selection in cold coastal environments.
Together, the two formally published (Woodall, 2000;               There is a possibility that some of the more recent reports
this paper) and eight unpublished observations indicate          of melanistic T. scincoides are simply escaped pets from
three general localities where melanism occurs in wild           people’s homes, given that melanistic T. scincoides have
T. scincoides: the Greater Geelong area (Vic.), the              become popular among private reptile keepers and are
northern Sydney area (NSW); and Peel Island (QLD).               readily available for purchase. Indeed, most of the recent
  Interestingly, all the aforementioned observations of          records are within suburban environments. This could be
melanistic T. scincoides are in coastal areas. Coastal           resolved by comparing the genetic relatedness of wild
areas are significantly cooler, wetter, foggier, and less        specimens with captive specimens. For example, if the
seasonal than inland areas (Janse van Rensburg et al.,           recent specimens observed around Geelong (Vic.) have
2009; Weigelt et al., 2013), thus selection may favour           arisen independently of the northern Sydney (NSW)
melanism (i.e., low skin reflectivity) to improve heat           population under parallel selection for melanism, we
absorption under these conditions of low solar radiation         would expect them to be related to wild normally-
and low ambient temperatures; the core prediction                pigmented specimens occurring in the same area.
of the TMH (Clusella Trullas et al., 2007, 2008). In             However, if melanistic Geelong specimens are instead
concordance with this prediction, Geen and Johnston              more closely related to captive melanistic specimens,
(2014) have demonstrated that captive melanistic                 and hence the Sydney locality from which all captive
T. scincoides have lower skin reflectivity, which                specimens are derived, we could conclude that they are
enables faster heat gain compared to non-melanistic              escaped pets.
254                                                                                                                 Jules E. Farquhar

  In summary, we know that melanism in T. scincoides is                Forsman, A. (1995): Opposing fitness consequences of colour
thermally beneficial (Geen and Johnston, 2014), which                     pattern in male and female snakes. Journal of Evolutionary
                                                                          Biology 8: 53–70.
plausibly could afford fitness advantages in the wild.
                                                                       Geen, M.R., Johnston, G.R. (2014): Coloration affects heating and
However, whether melanism in T. scincoides evolved in                     cooling in three color morphs of the Australian bluetongue lizard,
response to coastal environments remains equivocal and                    Tiliqua scincoides. Journal of Thermal Biology 43: 54–60.
warrants investigation. While this phenotype appears to                Gibson, A.R., Falls, B. (1979): Thermal biology of the common
be rare in T. scincoides, the observations presented here                 garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis L. II. The effects of melanism.
suggest that it may be more pervasive than previously                     Oecologia 43: 99–109.
                                                                       Gvozdik, L. (1999): Colour polymorphism in a population of the
thought. Additional observations are needed to confirm
                                                                          common lizard, Zootoca vivipara (Squamata: Lacertidae). Folia
whether melanism arises frequently enough in wild
                                                                          Zoologica 48:131–136.
T. scincoides to allow for detailed field-studies (e.g,                Jambrich, A., Jandzik, D. (2012): Melanism in the topotypic
Clusella-Trullas et al., 2009), distribution modelling                    population of the Pannonian subspecies of the common lizard,
(e.g., Janse van Rensburg et al., 2009) and phylogenetic                  Zootoca vivipara pannonica (Reptilia: Lacertidae). Herpetology
analyses (e.g., Engelbrecht et al., 2011) that may                        Notes 5: 219–221.
allow us to address hypotheses about its evolution and                 Janse van Rensburg, D.A., Mouton, P.L.F., Van Niekerk, A. (2009):
                                                                          Why cordylid lizards are black at the south-western tip of Africa.
                                                                          Journal of Zoology 278: 333–341.
                                                                       Keogh, J.S., Scott, I.A., Hayes, C. (2005): Rapid and repeated
Acknowledgments. I wish to thank A/Prof. David Chapple, Dr                origin of insular gigantism and dwarfism in Australian tiger
Genevieve Matthews and Prof. Rick Shine for useful comments               snakes. Evolution 59: 226–233.
on the manuscript. Joe Ball provided stimulating discussions           King, R.B. (2003): Mendelian inheritance of melanism in the garter
regarding melanism in captive specimens and Joel McKenna,                 snake Thamnophis sirtalis. Herpetologica 59: 484–489.
Prof. Rick Shine, Kristian Bell, Michael Crawford and Tiffany          Kuriyama, T., Okamoto, T., Miyaji, K., Hasegawa, M. (2016):
Sullivan shared details of their encounters with wild melanistic          Iridophore-and xanthophore-deficient melanistic color variant of
specimens.                                                                the lizard Plestiodon latiscutatus. Herpetologica 72: 189–195.
                                                                       Majerus, M.E.N. (1998): Melanism: Evolution in Action. Oxford,
References                                                                UK, Oxford University Press.
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                                                                        Accepted by Saeed Hosseinian Yousefkhani
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