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Mediterranean Marine Science

Vol. 9, 2008

                                                                       Molluscs associated with a Sardinian deep water
                                                                        population of Corallium rubrum (Linnι, 1758)

                                                                     CROCETTA F.                  Stazione Zoologica Anton
                                                                                                  Dohrn, Villa Comunale,
                                                                                                  I-80121 Napoli
                                                                     SPANU M.                     Via Vivaldi Traversa, 8
                                                                                                  I-07041 Alghero (SS)

                   Copyright © 2008

 To cite this article:

 CROCETTA, F., & SPANU, M. (2008). Molluscs associated with a Sardinian deep water population of Corallium rubrum
 (Linnι, 1758). Mediterranean Marine Science, 9(2), 63-86. doi:

                 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 14/05/2019 16:21:45 |
Research Article

                                     Mediterranean Marine Science
                                       Volume 9/2, 2008, 63-85

Molluscs associated with a Sardinian deep water population of Corallium rubrum
(Linné, 1758)

Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Via L. Giorgieri 10, 34100 Trieste
Via Vivaldi Traversa, 8 I-07041 Alghero (SS), Italy



      Molluscan species living in association with Corallium rubrum colonies are poorly known. Speci-
mens found on the branches of red coral colonies located off Capo Caccia (Alghero – SS, West Sardinia,
Mediterranean Sea) were studied by analyzing red coral branches collected at a depth of between 100 and
120 m; their assemblage was made up of 44 species, all belonging to the classes Gastropoda and Bivalvia.
Some data on the geographical distribution, ecology, taxonomy and dominance of these species, both
alive and dead, are given and the most interesting are commented on. Among the recorded species Triv-
ia multilirata, Simnia purpurea, Coralliophila brevis, Ocinebrina paddeui, Pleurotomella demosia, Palli-
olum striatum and Pseudamussium sulcatum deserve attention. Moreover, the second finding of living
specimens of Asperarca secreta, described only on loose valves, is reported, and finally the prey-predator
relationships among several gastropods and Cnidarians are confirmed.

Keywords: Mollusca assemblage; Corallium rubrum; Mediterranean Sea; Sardinia; Alghero.

Introduction                                            out the Mediterranean (mainly in the
                                                        western part and in a few Greek localities)
    The octocoral anthozoan Corallium                   and along the neighbouring Atlantic
rubrum (Linné, 1758), belonging to the                  shores (MARCHETTI, 1965; BARLETTA
ordo Gorgonacea, is probably the most                   et al., 1968; ZIBROWIUS et al., 1984;
well-known Cnidaria of the Mediter-                     CHINTIROGLOU et al., 1989; VAFIDIS
ranean Sea because of its social and eco-               et al., 1994) ranging in depth from a few
nomic importance. It is a sciaphilic                    meters (in submarine caves) to about 200 m
species, among the longer living inhabi-                (LABOREL & VACELET, 1961; CARPI-
tants principally of the circalittoral plane            NE & GRASHOFF, 1975; ZIBROWIUS
(PÉR S & PICARD, 1964; BALLE-                           et al., 1984). It is a slow growing species
STEROS, 2006), and can be found through-                (GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ & MASS ,

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1986; GARRABOU & HARMELIN,                            thus reduce the commercial value of red
2002; BRAMANTI et al., 2005) whose                    coral as well as being the main causes of
polyps form arborescent colonies that                 natural mortality (BARLETTA &
rarely reach big sizes: GARRABOU &                    VIGHI, 1968; CORRIERO et al., 1997),
HARMELIN (2002), however, report 50                   only the papers above and a few others
cm as maximum height.                                 have been written about these biological
     Because of its long history of exploita-         relationships so far, and only TEMPLA-
tion since the 17th century and the continu-          DO et al. (1986), more than 20 years ago,
ous collecting activities by scuba divers             have given a global vision of the inverteb-
(TESCIONE, 1968; SANTANGELO et                        rate fauna found on rocky bottoms in
al., 1993b; SANTANGELO & ABBIATI,                     association with C. rubrum colonies.
2001) shallow water populations are rarely                 Our paper, taking the previous ones
able to reach a commercial size and are               as a starting point and gathering informa-
currently dominated by young, small                   tion from short notes published in local
colonies (GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ &                          collecting reviews, is the first exclusively
MASS , 1986; SANTANGELO &                             dedicated to the Mollusca found in associ-
ABBIATI, 1989; CATTANEO-VIETTI                        ation with red coral. It focuses especially
et al., 1993; SANTANGELO et al., 1993a,               on molluscs living on it, contributing in
2003), in contrast with the deeper ones,              this way to a better understanding of the
accessible only to professional coral fish-           host-epibiont and prey-predator red
ers and situated along the African coasts,            coral-molluscs relationships.
from Morocco to Tunisia, in Spain and in
western Sardinia (CATTANEO-VIETTI                     Material and Methods
et al., 1992), where the Alghero coast,
thanks to this peculiarity, is also known as               The investigated site of Corallium
‘Riviera del corallo’(COLOMO, 2002).                  rubrum (Linné, 1758) is located between
     The red coral is also of great biologi-          12 and 15 nautical miles SW of Capo Cac-
cal importance for the large number of                cia (Alghero - SS) at a depth of about 100-
sponges (MELONE, 1965; BARLETTA                       120 m. (Fig. 1).
& VIGHI, 1968; CORRIERO et al., 1997;                      Because red coral is protected under
MALDONADO, 1992; BAVESTRELLO                          the Barcelona and Bern Conventions and
et al., 1999; CALCINAI et al., 2000), crus-           its fishing is restricted to professional
taceans (ZARIQUIEY ALVAREZ,                           coral fishers, we were not able to use
1968; GARCIA-RASO, 1989; MANCO-                       standard collecting methods. The red
NI & MORI, 1992, 2000), brachiopods                   coral branches were all hand-collected,
(TEMPLADO & LUQUE, 1986;                              for commercial purposes only, by the
RUGGIERO-TADDEI, 1990), molluscs                      scuba-diving coral fisher Tonino Paddeu.
(SALAS & SERRA, 1986; PEN           AS et al.,        Despite this, the data that were obtained
2006) and echinoderms (PEREZ-                         were significant, qualitatively valid and
RUZAFA & LOPEZ-IBOR, 1986) that                       partly quantitatively useful. Red coral
show a tendency to live on or to form strict          branches were collected during the coral
associations with it. Even so, except for             fishers’ season from April to October and
the sponges, which are well studied                   first put underwater in a landing net with
because of their ability to damage and                a stretched mesh measurement of 5 mm,

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Fig. 1: Capo Caccia (Alghero) 40Æ33”39”N 8Æ09”50”E.

and then, on the boat, were cleaned of                  meter LCD were specified.
the rocky bottom on which they grow and                     Specimens of Coralliophila spp., Pleu-
put in a bowl. From 2002 to 2005 about                  rotomella demosia, Fusinus pulchellus and
150 kg of red coral colonies have been                  Asperarca secreta respectively were sent to
analyzed and the molluscs on that coral                 Messrs Carlo Smriglio, Cesare Bogi,
harvested.                                              Paolo Russo and Rafael La Perna to con-
     All molluscan specimens, either living             firm our identifications.
or not, were observed using a Baush &                       Regarding systematic arrangement
Lomb Stereozoom 4 and the exact num-                    and nomenclature the ‘CLEMAM - Check
ber of living and dead specimens were                   list of European marine mollusca’
reported in a check list. Dominance was                 (accessed on 04/2008) was followed.
calculated as Di = (ni/N) x 100, where Di                   All the specimens are currently pre-
is the mean dominance index for species i;              served in the private collection of the
ni the number of individuals belonging to               authors to continue investigations on the
species i and N the total number of indi-               topic.
viduals of all species (BELLAN-
SANTINI, 1969). For a better under-                     Results and notes on some species
standing two values of Dominance were
given, one regarding total specimens                        The examined samples harbour a
(Di† %) and one only living specimens                   Molluscan assemblage made up of 44
(Di %) sampled. When interesting, the                   species (Table 1), belonging to the class
maximum sampled sizes measured by an                    Gastropoda (33) and Bivalvia (11). Of a
electronic digital caliper Vernier Micro-               total of 984 specimens, 863 were taken

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Table 1
  Mollusca assemblage, number of living specimens ( ) and dead specimens (†) sampled,
 Dominance value for the whole assemblage (Di† %) and for living specimens only (Di %).

                                                                          †    Di† % Di % photo
 Emarginula adriatica Costa O.G., 1829                              2     0    0,20       0,23       3M
 Emarginula fissura (Linné, 1758)                                   16    0    1,63       1,85       3L
 Emarginula rosea Bell T., 1824                                     7     0    0,71       0,81       3I
 Jujubinus exasperatus (Pennant, 1777)                              1     0    0,10       0,12
 Calliostoma conulus (Linné, 1758)                                  2     5    0,71       0,23
 Calliostoma zizyphinum (Linné, 1758)                               19    4    2,34       2,20
 Danilia costellata (Costa O.G., 1861)                              37    19 5,69         4,29       3E
 Turritella turbona Monterosato, 1877                               0     4    0,41
 Trivia arctica (Pulteney, 1799)                                    2     0    0,20       0,23
 Trivia multilirata (Sowerby G.B. II, 1870)                         1     0    0,10       0,12
 Aperiovula adriatica (Sowerby G.B. I, 1828)                        0   1      0,10
 Pseudosimnia carnea (Poiret, 1789)                                 432 0      43,90      50,06
 Simnia purpurea Risso, 1826                                        8   0      0,81       0,93       3C
 Euspira pulchella (Risso, 1826)                                    2     2    0,41       0,23
 Ocinebrina paddeui Bonomolo & Buzzurro, 2006                       49    7    5,69       5,68       2A, 2B
 Muricopsis aradasii (Poirier, 1883)                                28    9    3,76       3,24       2C, 2D
 Orania fusulus (Brocchi, 1814)                                     0     1    0,10
 Coralliophila brevis (de Blainville, 1832)                         16    0    1,63       1,85       2F
 Coralliophila cf. sofiae (Aradas & Benoit, 1876)                   0     6    0,61                  2G
 Coralliophila squamosa (Bivona Ant. In Bivona And., 1838)          0     6    0,61                  2H, 2I
 Coralliophila panormitana (Monterosato, 1869)                      1     2    0,30       0,12       2E
 Nassarius lima (Dillwyn, 1817)                                     0     2    0,20
 Chauvetia lineolata (Tiberi, 1868)                                 0     1    0,10
 Mitrella gervillii (Payraudeau, 1826)                              0     1    0,10
 Mitrella minor (Scacchi, 1836)                                     0     2    0,20

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Table 1 (continued)

                                                                            †    Di† % Di % photo
 Fusinus pulchellus (Philippi, 1844)                                 43     19 6,30        4,98   3F
 Comarmondia gracilis (Montagu, 1803)                                3      0    0,30      0,35
 Bela menkhorsti Van Aartsen, 1988                                   0      1    0,10
 Raphitoma concinna (Scacchi, 1836)                                  0      2    0,20
 Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & Fisher H., 1896)               4      3    0,71      0,46   3A, 3B
 Crassopleura maravignae (Bivona Ant. In Bivona And., 1838)          4      0    0,41      0,46
 Philippia hybrida (Linné, 1758)                                     1      0    0,10      0,12   3D
 Mathilda cochlaeformis Brugnone, 1873                               0      2    0,20             3G
 Asperarca secreta La Perna, 1998                                    6      0    0,61      0,70   3H
 Modiolula phaseolina (Philippi, 1844)                               1      0    0,10      0,12
 Pteria hirundo (Linné, 1758)                                        6      0    0,61      0,70
 Palliolum striatum (Müller O.F.,1776)                               28     0    2,85      3,24
 Palliolum incomparabile (Risso, 1826)                               18     0    1,83      2,09
 Pseudamussium sulcatum (Müller O.F., 1776)                          15     0    1,52      1,74
 Heteranomia squamula (Linné, 1758)                                  32     4    3,66      3,71
 Pododesmus patelliformis (Linné, 1761)                              41     3    4,47      4,75
 Neopycnodonte cochlear (Poli, 1795)                                 34     11 4,57        3,94
 Coralliophaga lithophagella (Lamarck, 1819)                         2      0    0,20      0,23
 Hiatella arctica (Linné, 1767)                                      2      4    0,61      0,23

alive, constituting 88% of the specimens                during our studies, as Mediterranean
found. A list of families, species and spec-            Monoplacophora constitute only one
imens found is presented in Table 2.                    species (CESARI et al., 1987; CECA-
    No specimens of the 6 remaining                     LUPO & GIUSTI, 1989; SMRIGLIO et
classes of Mollusca phylum were raised                  al., 1989), never found alive (WARÉN &

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Table 2
         Contribution to the check-list. Specimens found: alive specimens only ( ),
                          both alive and dead († ), dead only (†).

                                                                   †       †       Total
             Class GASTROPODA
             FAMILY                                       5        7       5       17
             Species                                      12       9       12      33
             Specimens                                    678              99      777
             Class BIVALVIA
             FAMILY                                       6        2       0       8
             Species                                      9        2       0       11
             Specimens                                    185              22      207

GOFAS, 1996) and Scaphopoda and                           Notes about some interesting fam-
Caudophoveata need a soft substratum                 ilies and species of the Alghero red coral.
for burrowing. Also, specimens of the
above-mentioned classes could not be                     FISSURELLIDAE: Emarginula adri-
collected because of the 5 mm mesh                   atica Costa O.G., 1829 and E. fissura
used.                                                (Linné, 1758)
     Sampling methods, moreover, did not                 All the species sampled live principally
permit us to find specimens belonging to             in circalittoral biocoenoses (PIANI, 1984)
the Cephalopoda, while no Polyplacopho-              feeding on Porifera (GRAHAM, 1955), a
ra has ever been reported in association             phylum well represented in red coral bot-
with red coral colonies (DELL’ANGELO                 toms. Both E. adriatica and E. fissura were
& SMRIGLIO, 1999). Finally, no                       previously recorded living on branches and
Solenogastres were sampled, although                 in Corallium rubrum bottoms (BRUSINA,
Nematomenia coralliophila (Kowalevsky)               1866; TEMPLADO et al., 1986).
is indicated as a cnidarivorous species
feeding on Corallium rubrum only                          CALLIOSTOMATIDAE:          Callio-
(SALVINI-PLAWEN, 1972). Its distribu-                stoma conulus (Linné, 1758) and C.
tion, however, seems to be limited to                zizyphinum (Linné, 1758)
Algiers (SALVINI-PLAWEN, 1986) and                        Calliostomatidae are carnivorous
the species is known only from its original          species that feed upon a wide range of
description and was never found again in             algae and invertebrate phyla, showing
the Mediterranean Sea (Salvini-Plawen                preference principally for Cnidarians
pers. commun.). Though many specimens                (BARSOTTI & FRILLI, 1969; SALVI-
belonging to the Solenogastres have been             NI-PLAWEN, 1972; PERRON, 1975;
listed from red coral bottoms                        KEEN, 1975; FRETTER & GRAHAM,
(TEMPLADO et al. 1986), it is specified              1977; PERRON & TURNER, 1978;
that Solenogastres have never been found             FERRO & CRETELLA, 1993). Both
strictly living on Corallium rubrum, in              species recorded were previously found
agreement with our samples.                          living on Corallium rubrum (GARA-

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VELLI & MELONE, 1968; SPADA,                            tenero Livorno, Central Tyrrhenian Sea
1968; VAFIDIS et al., 1994), off Alghero                (APPELIUS, 1869) and from Dalmatian
(GARAVELLI & MELONE, 1968) and                          red coral (BRUSINA, 1866). More
sometimes in great numbers (SPADA,                      recently several papers have reported this
1968), which could suggest that Corallium               relationship        (ROGHI,          1966;
rubrum is considered by both species as a               GARAVELLI & MELONE, 1968; GHI-
feeding substratum.                                     SOTTI & MELONE, 1969; SABELLI,
                                                        1972; SALVINI-PLAWEN, 1972; SA-
Danilia costellata (Costa O.G., 1861)                   BELLI & SPADA, 1979; TEMPLADO et
     First separated from its congeneric                al., 1986; ABBIATI & SANTANGELO,
Danilia tinei (Calcara, 1839), although for             1989; FRANCOUR et al., 1992;
about a century it was considered either                VAFIDIS et al., 1994; OLIVERIO &
the adult or a depth form of the latter                 VILLA, 1995). The association was
species (GHISOTTI & STEINMANN,                          recorded for the area off Alghero, too
1970). The discussion was reopened by                   (GARAVELLI & MELONE, 1968) and
PALAZZI & VILLARI (2001) who                            also by analyzing the branches taken by
–based on shell differences only– recon-                scuba-diving coral fishers (ROGHI, 1966;
sidered D. costellata as a good species on              GARAVELLI & MELONE, 1968; SA-
the basis of shell differences only and usu-            BELLI, 1979; FRANCOUR et al., 1992),
ally living at a greater depth, even though             which sometimes meant the finding of a
Gofas (2005) reported for Lusitanian                    great number of specimens (FRANCOUR
seamounts D. tinei only. The species, as in             et al., 1992; ROGHI, 1966). A prey-preda-
our samples, was previously found in a                  tor relationship was, however, only
great number living on Corallium rubrum                 hypothesized without detailed analysis
colonies, also in the area off Alghero,                 (SABELLI, 1972; TEMPLADO et al.,
(GARAVELLI & MELONE, 1968;                              1986; SALVINI-PLAWEN, 1972; ABBIA-
SPADA, 1968, both as D. tinei).                         TI et al., 1992). Observations in aquarium
                                                        and presence of spicules of Corallium
Aperiovula adriatica (Sowerby G.B. I, 1828)             rubrum into fecal pellets of our speci-
    Our present knowledge of the ecology                ments from the marine environment also
of Aperiovula adriatica is very poor and                confirm this relationship.
only one dead specimen was found during                      P. carnea was the most common
our sampling; this was considered as an                 species recorded on the Alghero red coral
accidental occurrence. This species proba-              with a Di† of 43,90% and a Di of
bly does not live or feed on red coral, as              50,06%. Its shell chromatism is strong red
cited in the literature (DONNARUMMA,                    as previously reported for red coral pop-
1968; SABELLI, 1972; OLIVERIO &                         ulations (SANTANGELO et al., 1993a),
VILLA, 1995; KABASAKAL et al., 2006).                   not agreeing with OLIVERIO & VILLA
                                                        (1995) about the general rarity of this
Pseudosimnia carnea (Poiret, 1789)                      colour pattern and probably linked to the
    Its association with red coral has been             colour of the gorgonians on which they
known for centuries and this species was                feed by direct accumulation of pigments
already reported living on Corallium                    from       the    host    (ABBIATI       &
rubrum during red coral fishing off Mon-                SANTANGELO, 1989).

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The largest specimen sampled in our              basis of specimens, including some col-
work is 17,15 mm in height and 9,43 mm in            lected during our sampling (BONO-
width, while the maximum total length of             MOLO & BUZZURRO, 2006), is to date
26 mm sampled by SANTANGELO et al.                   known only from the area off Alghero in
(1993a) seems improbable.                            association with Corallium rubrum, where
                                                     it seems to be one of the most common
Simnia purpurea Risso, 1826                          living species (Di† of 5,69% and Di of
     Often considered rare, it usually lives         5,68%), although more extensive research
as a guest on Paramuricea clavata                    on the whole Tyrrhenian malacofauna asso-
(VAFIDIS et al., 1994; OLIVERIO &                    ciated with red coral could extend its distri-
VILLA, 1995), although SABELLI &                     bution. The largest specimen is 15.03 mm
SPADA (1979) reported it living only on              in height and 8,51 mm in width (Fig. 2),
Corallium rubrum, and OLIVERIO &                     exceeding the previous largest published.
VILLA (1995) mentioned it also for hard
substrata with the presence of red coral. It         Orania fusulus (Brocchi, 1814)
was previously found on the Alghero red                   Only one crabbed specimen of this
coral (GIANNINI, 1975) and we found 8                species was found, previously reported as
living specimens (Di† of 0,81% and Di                living on Corallium rubrum bottoms by
of 0,93%), the largest of which is 19,05             PEN  AS et al. (2006).
mm in height and 8,02 mm in width, con-
firming that Simnia purpurea can live on             Coralliophila brevis (de Blainville, 1832)
Corallium rubrum, too. In agreement with                  Coralliophila brevis’ known preys
OLIVERIO & VILLA (1995) about the                    belong to Gorgonacea (RICHTER &
incorrect identification of such species in          LUQUE, 2002), and specifically the
the past, we believe that both Simnia pa-            species Eunicella singularis, Eunicella
tula, listed by TEMPLADO et al. (1986)               cavolinii and Paramuricea clavata are usu-
amongst the molluscs living on the Coral-            ally listed as its preys (GARAVELLI &
lium rubrum colonies and no longer                   MELONE, 1967, 1968; ALBERGONI &
reported by PEN   AS et al. (2006), and the          SPADA, 1969, 1972; TEMPLADO et al.,
violaceous pullus of Simnia spelta, includ-          1986; OLIVERIO, 1989; RICHTER &
ed by SPADA (1968) among the species                 LUQUE, 2003). However, in Greece
found in the material received by coral              (VAFIDIS et al., 1994) and in Alboran
fishers from Santa Teresa di Gallura (Sar-           Island (TEMPLADO et al., 1986; PEN       AS
dinia), could probably belong to this                et al., 2006) a few live specimens were
taxon, even if these discrepancies are not           found living in Corallium rubrum bottoms
reported in CLEMAM (2008). This leads                and on Corallium rubrum colonies and
us to assume that its rarity is probably due         SABELLI & SPADA (1980) and
to misidentifications and research on the            RICHTER & LUQUE (2003) report the
wrong hosts.                                         species as living on Lophogorgia ceratophy-
                                                     ta too. So, C. brevis feeds not only on the
Ocinebrina paddeui Bonomolo & Buzzur-                three species commonly reported by most
ro, 2006                                             previous authors, but probably on the
     This species, named after Tonino                majority of the Mediterranean species
Paddeu and recently described on the                 belonging to the ordo Gorgonacea.

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We recorded 16 live specimens, the                  5,00 mm in width). They resemble in
largest of 13,90 mm in height and 9.00 mm               dimension and general shape Coralliophi-
in width, although most were juveniles                  la alboranensis (SMRIGLIO & MA-
and did not reach 10 mm total height (Fig.              RIOTTINI, 2003), a new synonym for
2F, specimen of 8,37 mm in height and                   Coralliophila brevis according to PENAS

Fig. 2: A-B, Ocinebrina paddeui Bonomolo & Buzzurro, 2006; C-D, Muricopsis aradasii (Poirier, 1883);
E, Coralliophila panormitana (Monterosato, 1869); F, Coralliophila brevis (de Blainville, 1832); G,
Coralliophila cf. sofiae (Aradas & Benoit, 1876); H-I, Coralliophila squamosa (Bivona Ant. in Bivona
And., 1838). Scale bar: 10 mm.

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et al. (2006), found also itself in associa-         height and 6.58 mm in width). It is a deep
tion with Coralliophila panormitana on               water species often associated with Coral-
coralligenous bottoms at depths between              lium rubrum (PALMERI, 1986; OLIVE-
80 and 150 m, although its host was listed           RIO, 1989), although no specimens were
as unknown and the presence of red coral             found in Campan  ~a Coral Rojo (TEMPLA-
was not mentioned. Different sizes among             DO et al., 1986; PEN AS et al., 2006).
specimens of a same species, but with dif-
ferent diets, have previously been found in               COLUMBELLIDAE: Mitrella gervillii
Coralliophila meyendorfii, too (OLIVE-               (Payraudeau, 1826) and M. minor (Scac-
RIO, 1991; OLIVERIO & MARIOTTI-                      chi, 1836)
NI, 2001); the same could be assumed for                  The two species sampled, belonging
Coralliophila brevis.                                both to the genus Mitrella, show a wide
                                                     bathymetric range and could live from a
Coralliophila cf. sofiae (Aradas & Benoit,           few to more than 100 m depth in very dif-
1876)                                                ferent biocoenoses (LUQUE, 1986;
    Only 6 juveniles of this species were            CHIARELLI et al., 2003). Although our
found (Fig. 2G, the largest one, of 9.01             specimens were crabbed, Mitrella gervilli
mm in height and 5,40 mm in width), all              was already found living on red coral
without soft parts. We doubt of their                colonies (SPADA, 1968; CHIARELLI et
determination, even if general shape, spi-           al., 2003), while at great depths Mitrella
ral cords and siphonal canal lead to                 minor prefers muddy and detritical bot-
Coralliophila sofiae (Smriglio pers. com-            toms, present in the immediate vicinity of
mun.), we have no juveniles of this species          the analyzed areas. TEMPLADO et al.
to compare with our specimens, only fur-             (1986) listed Mitrella pallaryi among the
ther studies and genetic analysis could              species found on red coral bottoms in the
bring us to a sure identification since a            Alboran Sea.
purely conchological approach can be
misleading.                                          Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg &
                                                     Fisher H., 1896)
Coralliophila squamosa (Bivona Ant. in                    This species, first well figured in
Bivona And., 1838)                                   BOUCHET & WAREN (1980), was
    Previously recorded species living in            described by DAUTZENBERG &
association with Corallium rubrum colonies           FISHER (1896) only for the European
(PEN  AS et al., 2006). We found 6 dead              Atlantic Sea and the Azores, but recently
specimens of Coralliophila squamosa, 1               found in various areas of the Mediter-
with typical form and 5 recalling Pseudo-            ranean Sea (BOGI, 1986), Sardinia
murex ruderatus (Sturany, 1896) (Fig. 2H,            (CECALUPO, 1988), the Tuscan archi-
I), now in synonymy with C. squamosa                 pelago (BOGI et al., 1989) and Spain
                                                                       ~              ~
(BOUCHET & WARÉN, 1985).                             (GIRIBET & PEN      AS, 1997; PEN  AS et
                                                     al., 2006). P. demosia was previous sur-
Coralliophila panormitana (Monterosato,              veyed living on Corallium rubrum bot-
1869)                                                toms (PEN   AS et al., 2006). Our largest
     Only three specimens, one of them               specimen is 14,76 mm in height and 7,35
alive (Fig. 2E, specimen of 10.30 mm in              mm in width (Fig. 3A).

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Fig. 3: A-B, Pleurotomella demosia (Dautzenberg & Fisher H., 1896); C, Simnia purpurea Risso, 1826;
D, Philippia hybrida (Linné, 1758); E, Danilia costellata (Costa O.G., 1861); F, Fusinus pulchellus
(Philippi, 1844); G, Mathilda cochlaeformis Brugnone, 1873; H, Asperarca secreta La Perna, 1998; I,
Emarginula rosea Bell T., 1824; L, Emarginula fissura (Linné, 1758); M, Emarginula adriatica Costa
O.G., 1829. Scale bar: 10 mm.

Philippia hybrida (Linné, 1758)                         and usually feed on zoantharians and scler-
     Species occurring in the Mediter-                  actinians      (ROBERTSON,           1970;
ranean and nearby eastern Atlantic                      ROBERTSON et al., 1970; MELONE &
(ROBERTSON, 1973) characterized by a                    TAVIANI, 1984), but P. hybrida has
wide bathymetric range, living from the                 already been found also at about 100 m
first meters of the infralittoral to the cir-           depth on Corallium rubrum off Bocche di
calittoral (BIAGI & CORSELLI, 1978;                     Bonifacio, amongst the red coral branches
MELONE & TAVIANI, 1984; MINNITI                         picked up by the coral fisher F. Zoboli
et al., 1988; PEN   AS et al., 2006), and               (SPADA & GARAVELLI, 1969).
sometimes found beached too (BIAGI &
CORSELLI, 1978; MELONE &                                Asperarca secreta La Perna, 1998
TAVIANI, 1984).                                             The species, recently described for the
     Architectonicidae are cnidarivorous                central Mediterranean Sea at a depth

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between 84 and 155 m on about 1000                   although it has also been reported from
loose valves from Baie de Calvi (Corsica)            coralligenous zones (LUCAS, 1979A;
and Isola di Ponza (Italy) (LA PERNA,                DIJKSTRA        &     GOFAS,         2004;
1998). It was first recorded alive at Cen-           WAGNER, 1988). Only a few specimens
tauri (west of Cap Corse), where 4 living            were previously found living on red coral
specimens and 4 loose valves were found              (SALAS & SIERRA, 1986; TEMPLADO
at a depth of 80 m in coralligenous detri-           et al., 1986), while we reported 18 live
tus (DELONGUEVILLE & SCAILLET,                       specimens for the Alghero red coral (Di†
2005). We picked up 6 live specimens of              of 1,83% and Di of 2,09%).
A. secreta; among them the largest was
3,13 mm in height and 7,05 mm in width               Pseudamussium sulcatum (Müller O.F.,
(Fig. 3H), sizes until now never reported.           1776)
For the first time we recorded this species              It is a sublittoral to bathyal depths
living on hard substrata with the presence           species, living byssally attached to rocks or
of Corallium rubrum.                                 among gravel and/or rubble on soft sedi-
                                                     ments (DIJKSTRA & GOFAS, 2004).
Palliolum striatum (Müller O.F., 1776)               Our specimens belong to the morph bruei
    One dead complete specimen of this               (DIJKSTRA & GOFAS, 2004), consid-
species, living on muddy, sandy, or rocky            ered in the past to be a distinct species
bottoms at depths varying from 7 to 800 m            (WAGNER, 1988). It is the least common
(WAGNER, 1988), was previously                       (Di† of 1,52% and Di of 1,74%) of the
recorded on red coral bottom by SALAS                three species of Pectinidae recorded, pre-
& SIERRA (1986). It is considered a rare             viously found living on red coral
species (LUCAS, 1979b), but in the exam-             (BRUSINA, 1866).
ined area it is the most common scallop
recorded (Di† of 2,85% and Di of                         ANOMIIDAE: Heteranomia squamu-
3,24%). Although only one specimen                   la (Linné, 1758) and Pododesmus patelli-
reaches 17.40 mm in height and 16.50 mm              formis (Linné, 1761)
in width and most are juveniles or sub-                  Heteranomia squamula and Podo-
adult specimens less than 10 mm in size,             desmus patelliformis are among the most
WAGNER (1988) reported 17,2 mm in                    common species recorded on the Alghero
height and 16,6 mm in width as maximum               red coral (Di† respectively of 3,66 and
sizes measured, DELONGUEVILLE &                      4,47% and Di of 3,71 and 4,75%). Both
SCAILLET (1999) 24,4 mm in height and                species have already been found living on
22,8 mm in width for a specimen taken at             and in association with Corallium rubrum
30 m depth off Fuengirola (Spain), and               (BRUSINA, 1866; SALAS & SIERRA,
LUCAS (1979b) up to a height of 27 mm                1986; TEMPLADO et al., 1986) and we
for Atlantic specimens.                              found specimens both living on Pteria
                                                     hirundo and Neopycnodonte cochlear and
Palliolum incomparabile (Risso, 1826)                byssed on red coral branches.
     This species usually lives among algae
or rubble on muddy and sandy bottoms or              Neopycnodonte cochlear (Poli, 1795)
is byssally attached on rocky bottoms from               A common sessile species often
littoral to abyssal depths (40 to 2000 m),           recorded alive on red coral (BRUSINA,

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1866; PARENZAN, 1980; SALAS &                           found, both identified by analyzing exter-
SIERRA, 1986; TEMPLADO et al.,                          nal conchological characteristic and by the
1986). Specimens from off Capo Caccia                   presence of one tooth on each valve,
(SS) show the tendency to live attached                 according to MICALI & SOLUSTRI
only to the base of Corallium rubrum                    (2004). They were found byssed to red
colonies, in the same way reported both by              coral branches, as indicated as nestling
SALAS & SIERRA (1986) and                               behaviour by GORDILLO (2001) and
TEMPLADO et al. (1986) suggesting that                  typical of this species (BARSOTTI &
their larvae could survive with difficulty if           FRILLI, 1969; HRS-BRENKO &
they settled on red coral axes. Also speci-             LEGAC, 2006), contrary to the boring
mens assigned to Ostreola stentina, repor-              behaviour often observed in the other
ted and illustrated as living on the Coralli-           Mediterranean species, Hiatella rugosa
um rubrum of Greece (CHINTIRO-                          (VIO & DE MIN, 1996; MICALI &
GLOU et al., 1989) (Chintiroglou pers.                  SOLUSTRI, 2004; HRS-BRENKO &
communication) definitely belong to this                LEGAC, 2006).
Coralliophaga lithophagella (Lamarck,
1819)                                                        The Mollusca assemblage found on
    Only one species of Trapeziidae,                    Corallium rubrum colonies between 100
Coralliophaga lithophagella, lives in the               and 120 m of depth is of particular inter-
Mediterranean,       although    SALAS,                 est for its faunistic, ecologic and taxonom-
BARRAJON & CARPENA (1988) also                          ic significance and is quite heterogeneous
reported a dead specimen of Coralliopha-                for the presence of 44 species (33 sampled
ga coralliophaga (Gmelin, 1791) inside red              alive), belonging only to 2 different classes
coral stones from around Alboran Island.                (Gastropoda and Bivalvia), but to 25 dif-
This is now considered a misidentification              ferent families of Mollusca.
of C. lithophagella (CLEMAM, 2008) and                       Among the gastropods we only found
no longer reported by PEN      AS et al.,               carnivorous species, with the exception of
(2006). It is an endolithic species living              Jujubinus exasperatus, of which only one
inside cavities mainly in coralligenous                 that it may be considered an occasional
habitats     (DELONGUEVILLE             &               specimen accidentally drifted from neih-
SCAILLET, 2005), often recorded as liv-                 bouring habitats. This species can howev-
ing on Corallium rubrum bottoms (SALAS                  er live at up to a depth of 200 m
& SIERRA, 1986; TEMPLADO et al.,                        (FRETTER & GRAHAM, 1977); the
1986). Two living specimens were                        lack of herbivorous species is connected to
obtained during our samples.                            the poor presence, or sometimes total
                                                        absence, of algae on red coral bottoms.
Hiatella arctica (Linné, 1767)                               The most ecologically important
    This species is often recorded as living            records belong to four families, all live
in association with Corallium rubrum                    sampled, which include mostly or exclu-
(PARENZAN, 1980; SALAS &                                sively corallivorous species (Calliostom-
SIERRA, 1986; TEMPLADO et al.,                          atidae, Ovulidae, Muricidae and Architec-
1986). Only two adult live specimens were               tonicidae).

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Calliostoma      conulus     and      C.        typical C. lamellosa indicates that it could
zizyphinum are considered carnovorous                be strictly related to red coral bottoms,
species with a preference for Cnidaria,              probably eating this octocoral too.
and were found several times in associ-                   Finally, Architectonicidae are usually
ation with red coral.                                known to feed on Zoantharia and Sclerac-
     The relationship between Pseu-                  tinia only, but at least 3 species (Philippia
dosimnia carnea and Corallium rubrum                 hybrida, Solatisonax alleryi and Heliacus
has been known for centuries and is con-             fallaciosus) were found living on Coral-
firmed by the high number of specimens               lium rubrum, too (BRUSINA, 1866;
sampled (43,90% of the total abundance),             VAFIDIS et al., 1994). Although it is like-
while Simnia purpurea’s association with             ly that Architectonicidae feed on living
red coral was often hypothesized without             Zoantharia and Scleractinia in strict asso-
conclusive data, probably both due to the            ciation with red coral (TEMPLADO et al.,
rarity of such species and to the difficulty         1986), further research into the relation-
of finding and accessing well developed              ships between the family Architectonici-
red coral colonies. In our samples S. pur-           dae and red coral are advisable.
purea accounted for 0,81 of the total spec-               Of the other carnivorous species
imens. Aperiovula adriatica’s host, on the           found, some could be surely considered
contrary, is still unknown and there is no           accidental on red coral branches (but not
evidence that it could feed on red coral.            in red coral bottoms), such as Emarginula
     Of the four species of the genus Coral-         spp. and Trivia spp., that feed on sponges
liophila found in our samples, C. brevis and         and ascidians respectively (LEBOUR,
C. panormitana, both found live although             1931, 1933) and are well-represented
usually considered rare to find, could also          groups in red coral bottoms. The record of
feed on Corallium rubrum. For the latter it          Trivia multilirata in the Tyrrhenian area
is certain, for the former only a few speci-         deserves attention because it has been so
mens have been found in previous                     far mostly recorded in the Adriatic Sea,
research into red coral associated fauna.            usually at great depths, but we picked up
The record of 16 specimens in our study              only a sub-adult living specimen. The high
living on red coral strongly suggests Coral-         presence of Fusinus pulchellus could be
lium rubrum - Coralliophila brevis as a prey-        explained by the presence of polychaetes,
predator relationship and adds another               often found living principally on Neopycn-
example of the lack of species-specificity           odonte cochlear, at the base of red coral
among Coralliophila. This has also been              colonies and on the rocks in the nearby
documented for Coralliophila meyendorfii             red coral bottoms and considered the
that can even feed on different orders of            principal food of Fusinus spp. which, how-
Anthozoa (OLIVERIO, 1991; OLIVE-                     ever, also feeds on other molluscs (G.
RIO & MARIOTTINI, 2001; RICHTER                      Russo, pers. observation).
& LUQUE, 2002). Further studies are                       Turritella turbona and Nassarius lima
needed on the taxonomy of Corall Coral-              live principally on mobile bottoms around
liophila cf. sofiae, whose identification            red coral banks, and the present shells
remains questionable, and on the ecology             were moved onto the colonies by hermit
of C. lamellosa ruderata. The great number           crabs. Euspira pulchella could feed on the
of specimens of this form compared to the            molluscs surveyed (both gastropods and

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bivalves) and for this species red coral is a           and could live byssed both on the neigh-
simple walking and hunting substratum                   bouring rocks and on the red coral, with
like the neighbouring rocks.                            which they share a habitat particularly rich
     Among Muricidae the most relevant                  in currents and nutrient. Such behaviour,
and localized species is Ocinebrina pad-                typical of Hiatella arctica, is commonly
deui, known only from the area off                      used as a distinguishing parameter from
Alghero in association with Corallium                   the other species of Hiatella living in the
rubrum, although further, extensive                     Mediterranean, and is utilized also by us,
research into the malacofauna associated                together with shell characters, to identify
with red coral colonies could extend its                the species. However, observations by
present known distribution. Maximum                     HUNTER (1949) exclude the possibility
sizes known for this species are updated in             of distinguishing the two Hiatella (H. arc-
this paper to 15,03 mm in height x 8,51                 tics and H. rugosa) by shell characters and
mm in width. Another species, live sam-                 ecology only, and over the centuries the
pled too, also reaches very large sizes:                two species have been divided or unified
Pleurotomella demosia, of 14,76 mm in                   according to the ideas of different
height and 7,35 mm in width.                            authors. Among the seven listed, particu-
     Nothing is known about the ecology of              larly relevant is Asperarca secreta, seen
Danilia spp. but they are among the most                alive for the second time in the Mediter-
common species on the Alghero red coral                 ranean and for the first time associated
and are often observed in association with              with red coral bottoms. One specimen is
Cnidaria. The taxonomic status of Danilia               much larger than previous records in the
costellata is uncertain; it was considered a            Mediterranean Sea (2,83 mm in height
good species only by analyzing shell char-              and 6,25 mm in width). Also two of the
acters, but several intermediates between               three species of Pectinidae (Palliolum
the two Mediterranean species could be                  striatum and Pseudamussium sulcatum)
easily found, and as BEU & CLIMO                        are usually considered rare, but are present
(1974) asserted more than thirty years ago              in a good number on red coral bottoms.
‘without comparative radula and anatomi-                     On the contrary, Coralliophaga
cal information it was impossible to shed               lithophagella, is an endolithic species, and
light on the taxonomy of Danilia spp.’, we              lives principally inside the holes of rocky
also consider daring to affirm without                  red coral bottoms, sometimes not well
doubt that Danilia costellata is a species              cleaned from the basis of Corallium
different from Danilia tinei, exclusively by            rubrum axes.
analyzing shell characters. Anatomic and                     Finally , the three remaining species
genetic analysis to determine the taxono-               (Neopycnodonte cochlear, Heteranomia
my of Danilia in the Mediterranean is                   squamula and Pododesmus patelliformis),
strongly suggested.                                     live strongly attached to a hard substra-
     Among the eleven species of bivalves               tum: the former always to the basis of
sampled on red coral, seven (Asperarca                  Corallium rubrum colonies and never
secreta, Modiolula phaseolina, Pteria hirun-            reported living on the branches, suggest-
do, Palliolum striatum, Palliolum incompa-              ing that its larvae could not survive on red
rabile, Pseudamussium sulcatum and                      coral axes. Sometimes the fore valves of
Hiatella arctica) show nestling behaviour               Neopycnodonte cochlear can become a

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basis of the settlement of new red coral                brevis (Blainville, 1832). Conchiglie, 8
colonies, as observed in our samples. The               (1-2): 15-19.
two species of Anomiidae, moreover, did              APPELIUS, F. L., 1869. Le Conchiglie del
not show preference for living on Pteria                Mar Tirreno – Parte seconda. Bullettino
hirundo and Neopycnodonte cochlear or on                Malacologico Italiano, 2 (4): 126-141.
red coral branches.                                  BALLESTEROS, E., 2006. Mediter-
                                                        ranean coralligenous assemblages: a
Acknowledgements                                        synthesis of present knowledge.
                                                        Oceanography and Marine Biology: An
    We are deeply grateful to Mr Tonino                 Annual Review, 44: 123-195.
Paddeu, who provided us with the red                 BARLETTA, G., MARCHETTI, R. &
coral material, and to Dr Enzo Campani                  VIGHI, M., 1968. Ricerche sul coral-
for his helpful suggestions. We also extend             lo rosso. IV - Ulteriori osservazioni
our gratitude to Messrs Cesare Bogi,                    sulla distribuzione del corallo rosso
Rafael La Perna, Paolo Russo and Carlo                  nel Tirreno. Istituto Lombardo, Ren-
Smriglio for confirming our identifica-                 diconti. Instituto Lombardo Scienze
tions, to Prof. Salvini-Plawen for sharing              Chimiche Phisiche Geologiche, Bio-
with us information about the present                   logiche & Mediche, B, 102: 119-144.
knowledge on Nematomenia coralliophila               BARLETTA, G. & VIGHI, M., 1968.
and to the anonymous referees whose sug-                Ricerche sul corallo rosso: V - Poriferi
gestions and comments improved the sub-                 perforanti lo sclerasse di Corallium
mitted manuscript.                                      rubrum Lamarck. Istituto Lombardo,
                                                        Rendiconti. Instituto Lombardo Scien-
References                                              ze Chimiche Phisiche Geologiche, Bio-
                                                        logiche & Mediche, B, 102: 145-159.
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