Page created by Seth Norton

          2019 - 2020
                                                                         November 27, 2020
The Members of the Medical Research Foundation


1.     To consider and adopt the Audited Income and Expenditure Account for the year
       ended March 31, 2020 and the Balance Sheet as at that date together with the
       Report of the Auditors thereon.
2.     To consider and adopt the Annual report of the Foundation for the year 2019-20
3.     To appoint Auditors and to fix their remuneration for the year ending 31st March
4.     To elect Members to the Board of Management in the vacancies caused by the
       retirement of the following Members, who being eligible offer themselves for re-

              Sl. No   Name                             Category Of Membership

             1         Mr. Ashok Kumar Mehta            Donor member

             2         Mr. Mani S Subramonian           Patron member

             3         Mr. B S Taraporevala             Patron member

             4         Dr. Girish Shiva Rao             Honorary member



5.       To elect Members to the Board of Management in the existing vacancy.
6.       To amend clauses of MoA and Bye-laws of Medical Research Foundation as per
         current laws and financial position

Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.

Honorary Secretary & Treasurer
Encl: 1. Explanatory statement for Item 4 of the Agenda
      2. Audited Accounts for the year ended March 31, 2019


Explanatory statement for Item 4 of the Agenda
Their term of appointment expires on 29th September 2020. As per 11(v) of the Bye-laws of
the Foundation read with Section 15(5) of the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1975,
they are eligible for reappointment to the Board of Management. They have offered
themselves for reappointment.

As per rule no 10(c) of the Memorandum of Association and Bye laws of the Foundation, the 2
directors Mr. B S Taraporevala and Mr. Mani S Subramonian who represent Sir Ratan Tata Trust
and M/s Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre respectively are eligible for automatic re-
election. In the absence of any specific notice to the Foundation from these two
organizations notifying change of their nominees, these 2 members will get elected


             Explanatory statement for Item 6 of the Agenda
  To amend clauses of MoA and Bye-laws of Medical Research Foundation stated as below:

         EXISTING CLAUSE                                          PROPOSED CLAUSE
10 (I) MEMBERSHIP:                                       10 (I) MEMBERSHIP:
10 (c ) Patron Members:                                  10 (c )Patron Members:
  Persons or Firms or Institutions or Corporate            Henceforth, Persons or Firms or Institutions or
  Bodies making a lump sum donation of Rs. 50              Corporate Bodies making a lump sum donation
  Lakhs or more may be invited to become Patron            of Rs. 500 Lakhs or more may be invited to
  Members. Firms/Institutions/Corporate                    become Patron Members. This increase will not
  Bodies, who have become Patron Members, are              disqualify any of the current patron members
  entitled to nominate one representative to               Firms/Institutions/Corporate Bodies, who have
  exercise their rights and privileges of                  become Patron Members, are entitled to
  membership by a resolution passed by their               nominate one representative to exercise their
  respective Board. In case the nominated person           rights and privileges of membership by a
  is to be elected to the Board of Management,             resolution passed by their respective Board. In
  the Firms/Institutions/Corporate Bodies shall            case the nominated person is to be elected to
  duly authorize the same person to function as a          the Board of Management, the
  member of the Management in any capacity. As             Firms/Institutions/Corporate Bodies shall duly
  far as the Patron Member, M/s Jaslok Hospital            authorize the same person to function as a
  and Research Centre, 15 Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg,            member of the Management in any capacity. As
  Mumbai 400 026, is concerned, they are                   far as the Patron Member, M/s Jaslok Hospital
  entitled to nominate 2 representatives as their          and Research Centre, 15 Dr. G. Deshmukh Marg,
  nominees to the Board of Management. The                 Mumbai 400 026, is concerned, they are
  Patron Members, M/s Keligavan Investment and             entitled to nominate 2 representatives as their
  Trading Private Limited, M/s Jamwadi                     nominees to the Board of Management. The
  Investment Trading Private Limited, Sir Ratan            Patron Members, M/s John Fowler Ocular
  Tata Trust and Essel Mining and Industries               Lenses Private Limited, M/s Jamwadi
  Limited, Kolkata are entitled to nominate as             Investment Trading Private Limited, Sir Ratan
  any other Patron Member [with the exception of           Tata Trust and Essel Mining and Industries
  M/s Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre] one             Limited, Kolkata are entitled to nominate as
  representative each as their nominee to the              any other Patron Member [with the exception of
  Board of Management. The nominees of the                 M/s Jaslok Hospital and Research Centre] one
  above Patron Members, namely, M/s. Jaslok                representative each as their nominee to the
  Hospital and Research Center, M/s Keligavan              Board of Management. The nominees of the
  Investment and Trading Private Limited, M/s              above Patron Members, namely, M/s. Jaslok
  Jamwadi Investment Trading Private Limited,              Hospital and Research Center, M/s John Fowler
  Sir Ratan Tata Trust and Essel Mining and                Ocular Lenses Private Limited , M/s Jamwadi
  Industries Limited, Kolkata shall be entitled to         Investment Trading Private Limited, Sir Ratan
  be elected as the Members of the Board of                Tata Trust and Essel Mining and Industries
  Management and shall be automatically                    Limited, Kolkata shall be entitled to be elected
  entitled to be re-elected upon completion of             as the Members of the Board of Management
  the term unless the said Patron Members desire           and shall be automatically entitled to be re-
  to appoint other nominees in place of the                elected upon completion of the term unless the
  retiring nominees.                                       said Patron Members desire to appoint other
                                                           nominees in place of the retiring nominees.


       EXISTING CLAUSE                                        PROPOSED CLAUSE
10 (d) Donor Members :                                 10 (d) Donor Members :
Persons or Firms or Institutions or Corporate          Henceforth Persons or Firms or Institutions or
Bodies making a lump-sum donation of Rs.25             Corporate Bodies making a lump-sum donation
Lakhs or more but less than Rs.50 Lakhs may be         of Rs.100 Lakhs or more but less than Rs. 500
invited to become DONOR MEMBERS. Firms /               Lakhs may be invited to become DONOR
Institutions / Corporate Bodies who have               MEMBERS. This increase will not disqualify any
become DONOR MEMBERS are entitled to                   of the current Donor members. Firms /
nominate one representative to exercise their          Institutions / Corporate Bodies who have
rights and privileges of membership, by a              become DONOR MEMBERS are entitled to
resolution duly passed by the Board. In case the       nominate one representative to exercise their
nominated person is to be elected to the Board         rights and privileges of membership, by a
of Management, the Firms / Institutions                resolution duly passed by the Board. In case the
/Corporate Bodies shall duly authorize the             nominated person is to be elected to the Board
same person to function as a member of the             of Management, the Firms /Institutions
Board of Management in any capacity.                   /Corporate Bodies shall duly authorize the
                                                       same person to function as a member of the
10 (e) Associate Members:
                                                       Board of Management in any capacity.
Persons / Firms/ Institutions / Corporate Bodies
con tribu tin g a lu mp su m don a tion of             10 (e) Associate Members:
Rs.1,00,000/-or more but less than Rs                  To remove Associate member category since it
5,00,000/- shall be eligible to become                 has lost its relevance
                                                       (ii) REMOVAL OF MEMBERS:
(ii) REMOVAL OF MEMBERS:                               Any member of the Foundation who is of
Any member of the Foundation who is of                 unsound mind or who is an undischarged
unsound mind or who is an undischarged                 insolvent or has at any time been adjudged as
insolvent or has at any time been adjudged as          insolvent or has at any time been convicted by a
insolvent or has at any time been convicted by a       Court of an offence involving moral turpitude,
Court of an offence involving moral turpitude,         shall be removed from the membership of the
shall be removed from the membership of the            Foundation by the Board of Management and an
Foundation by the Board of Management and an           appeal shall lie against such removal to the
appeal shall lie against such removal to the           General Body of the Foundation and the
General Body of the Foundation and the                 decision of the General Body shall be final.
decision of the General Body shall be final.           Members who have not attended any two
                                                       consecutive General Body Meetings (AGM/EGM)
                                                       shall be removed from the membership of the
                                                       Foundation by the Board of Management and an
                                                       appeal shall lie against such removal to the
                                                       General Body of the Foundation and the
                                                       decision of the General Body shall be final


       EXISTING CLAUSE                                       PROPOSED CLAUSE
13. THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: (hereinafter             13. THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: (hereinafter
called the 'Board')                                   called the 'Board')
ii. “The members constituting the Board shall         ii. “The members constituting the Board shall
not be more than Thirty Three out of which One        not be more than Thirty Three out of which One
member shall be from Founder member, eight            member shall be from Founder member, eight
members shall be from Patron members                  members shall be from Patron members
including patron members described under 10           including patron members described under 10
(c) above, thirteen members shall be Donor            (c) above, up to thirteen members shall be
members, and eleven members shall be                  Donor members, and up to eleven members
Honorary members. Of these eleven Honorary            shall be Honorary members. Of these eleven
members, Six members can be elected from              Honorary members, Six members can be
amongst the Ophthalmic consultants and Senior         elected from amongst the Ophthalmic
Executives permanently employed by MRF and            consultants and Senior Executives permanently
scientists permanently employed by Vision             employed by MRF and scientists permanently
Research Foundation, and the balance five             employed by Vision Research Foundation, and
Honorary Members not employed by MRF. As far          the balance five Honorary Members not
as M/s Jaslok Hospital and Research Center is         employed by MRF. As far as M/s Jaslok Hospital
concerned they are entitled to nominate two           and Research Center is concerned they are
persons to the Board of Management. The               entitled to nominate two persons to the Board
persons nominated by M/s Jaslok Hospital and          of Management. The persons nominated by M/s
Research Center, M/s Keligavan Investment and         Jaslok Hospital and Research Center, M/s John
Trading (P) Ltd., M/s Jamwadi Investment              Fowler Ocular Lenses Private Limited., M/s
Trading (P) Ltd, Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Essel          Jamwadi Investment Trading (P) Ltd, Sir Ratan
Mining and Industries Limited, Kolkata are            Tata Trust, Essel Mining and Industries Limited,
entitled to be elected as members of the Board        Kolkata are entitled to be elected as members
of Management as stipulated under clause 10(c)        of the Board of Management as stipulated under
of the bye laws”                                      clause 10(c) of the bye laws”

16. MEETINGS & RESOLUTIONS:                           16. MEETINGS & RESOLUTIONS:
I. The President shall preside at the Board           I. The President shall preside at the Board
Meetings and in his absence the Vice President.       Meetings and in his absence the Vice President.
In the absence of both, a Chairman shall be           In the absence of both, a Chairman shall be
elected from among the members present to             elected from among the members present in
conduct the proceeding of the meetings.               person or through any of the available video
                                                      conferencing to conduct the proceeding of the


            EXISTING CLAUSE                                                    PROPOSED CLAUSE
   18. GENERAL:                                                       18. GENERAL:
   The Research Centre Hospital - Sankara                             The Research Centre Hospital - Sankara
   N e t h r a l a y a , o f t h e M e d i c a l Re s e a r c h       N e t h r a l a y a , o f t h e M e d i c a l Re s e a r c h
   Foundation shall provide diagnostic and                            Foundation shall provide diagnostic and
   treatment facilities to all without distinction of                 treatment facilities to all without distinction of
   caste, creed race, religion or language but also                   caste, creed race, religion or language but also
   (a) free to at least 40 per cent of all their out-                 (a) free to at least 40 per cent of all their out
   door patients:                                                     patients:
   (b)free to all inpatients belonging to families                    (b)free to all inpatients belonging to families
   with less than monthly income of Rupees Three                      with less than monthly income of Rupees Twelve
   thousand five hundred or any other income                          Thousand or any other income limit which may
   limit which may be decided by the Board from                       be decided by the Board from time to time,
   time to time, keeping for this purpose at least                    keeping for this purpose at least fifteen percent
   fifteen percent of all the bed reserved for such                   of all the bed reserved for such patients

Honorary Secretary & Treasurer

Important Note:
Dear Members, We request you to kindly share your email ids & phone numbers for the current and future meetings so
that we will be able to send an e-invite/link to the same id as the meeting will be held online due to the prevailing
Covid pandemic situation. Kindly send the same to Ms. Akila Ganesan – Director Administration, Medical Research
Foundation / with your name & company’s name at the earliest.


                           SANKARA NETHRALAYA

       MISSION STATEMENT                                     QUALITY OBJECTIVES

The mission of Sankara Nethralaya is to                  To maintain the quality of ophthalmic
provide Total Eye-care solutions of highest              services in accordance with international
standards to all sections of community through           standards.
a team of competent, committed and                        Effective utilization of infrastructure
compassionate professionals in a patient-                 facilities including manpower.
friendly environment.
                                                         To ensure continued patients' satisfaction.
Sankara Nethralaya is also committed to
create a CENTRE of Excellence for ophthalmic
professionals for continuously updating their             Ongoing care and concern for maintaining
knowledge through Education, Training, and                high level of staff satisfaction and
carrying innovative India centric Research to             motivation.
benefit the entire ophthalmic community.
In all our undertakings we will be guided by the
underlying philosophy of Sankara Nethralaya.

             PHILOSOPHY                                          QUALITY POLICY

Let the word Sankara of Sankara Nethralaya             We pledge to meet the patients' requirements
ever remind me and my associates His Holiness'         by offering expert ophthalmic care with
command that there be a missionary Spirit in           compassion through a committed professional
the project.                                           team.
Let the word Nethralaya constantly remind me           We commit to achieve Continual quality
and my colleagues that the place of our work is        improvement to our services through the
an Alaya. Work will be our Worship which we            Quality Management System while complying
shall do with sincerity, dedication and utmost         with all applicable regulatory requirements.


            BOARD OF MANAGEMENT 2019 - 2020
President                                Dr. Girish S. Rao

Honorary Secretary & Treasurer           Mr. G. Ramachandran

               Other Members of the Board
 1.    Dr. Ananthkumar Badrinath                  Member
 2.    Mr. Ashok Kumar Mehta                      Member
 3.    Dr. Badrinath S.S.                         Member
 4.    Mr. Jagdish M. Chanrai                     Member
 5.    Mrs. Mallika Srinivasan                    Member
 6.    Mr. Mani. S. Subramonian                   Member
 7.    Mrs. Nina B.H. Kothari                     Member
 8.    Mr. Parekh R.C.                            Member
 9.    Ms. Prabhavathy Seethapathy                Member
10.    Mr. Ramakrishna C.                         Member
11.    Dr. Ramasami T.                            Member
12.    Mr. Rajaratnam S.                          Member
13.    Ms. Rajashree Birla                        Member
14.    Mr. Raju Barwale                           Member
15.    Mr. Sirish R. Barwale                      Member
16.    Mr. Sugalchand Jain N.                     Member
17.    Dr. Surendran T.S.                         Member
18.    Dr. Saravanan M.                           Member
19.    Mr. Taraporevala B.S.                      Member
20.    Dr. Usha Zehr Barwale                      Member
21.    Mr. Vaidyanathan V.                        Member
22.    Dr. Vasan K.S.                             Member


President & Medical Director Administration : Dr. Girish Shiva Rao

Managing Director                                        : Dr. K. S Vasan

Director Administration                                  : Ms. Akila Ganesan

Deputy General Manager (Finance)                         : Ms. Susila Girisan

Auditors                                                 : M/s. S. Viswanathan, LLP
                                                           Chartered Accountants, Chennai

Bankers                                                  : HDFC Bank Ltd., State Bank of India

Registered Office                                        : Old No.18, New No.41, College Road,
                                                           Chennai - 600 006.

Locations of Sankara Nethralaya:

 Tamil Nadu                                                  Andhra Pradesh
Main Hospital                                                Sri Srinivasa Sankara Nethralaya
Old No.18, New No.41, College Road, Chennai-600006.          Central Hospital, K.T. Road
                                                             (Near TTD Administration Bldg.) Tirupathi 517 501.
Jagadguru Kanchi Sri Chandrasekarendra
Saraswathi Nethra Nilayam                                    Sri City Sankara Nethralaya
21, Pycrofts Garden Road, Chennai 600 006.                   Sri City Medical Care Center,
                                                             305, North, 2nd street, Sector3,
Dr. V. G. Appukutty Campus,                                  Sri City, Varadaiahpalem Mandal,
C.U. Shah Sankara Nethralaya &                               Chittoor Dist, AP - 517541.
Jaslok Community Ophthalmic Centre.
Academy - Elite School of Optometry,
The Sankara Nethralaya Academy                               West Bengal
No.8, GST Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai 600 016.
                                                             Aditya Birla Sankara Nethralaya
Navasuja Sankara Nethralaya                                  No.147, Barakhola, Mukundapur, E M Bypass, (Near
No.73, VenkataKrishna Iyer Road,                             Santhoshpur Connector Kolkata - 700 099.
Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai 600028.

Smt. T. K. Lakshmi Ammal and Smt. T.K.                       Sankara Nethralaya RSM Square
                                                             No.10, Raja Subodh Mallik Square
Alamelu Ammal Sankara Nethralaya                             Kolkata - 700013
New No 39. Old no. 19, 1st Main Road,
East Shenoy Nagar, Chennai 600 030.
                                                             Kamalnayan Bajaj Sankara Nethralaya
                                                             Premises No.25-3333, Plot No. D J 16,
Suraj Sankara Nethralaya
                                                             Action Area – 2, Kolkata - 700156
No. 34, Dharmaraja Koil Street, Chetpet Post & Taluk,
Tiruvannamalai Dt, Pincode 606801


I have great pleasure in presenting the 42nd Annual Report of the Medical Research Foundation.


The financial performance of the Foundation for the year 2019-20 is summarized below:

               Description                          2019-20         2018-19

               INCOME                              (Rs in Lakhs)   (Rs in Lakhs)

               Hospital Collections                     20736           20763

               Grants and Other Income                   2464            2474

               Total Income                            23200           23237

               EXPENDITURE                              22062          21431

               Surplus before Depreciation               1138             1806

               Depreciation                              1841             1737

               Net Surplus/Deficit                      (703)               69

The Hospital Collection this year was almost equivalent compared to 2018-2019. Due to
COVID-19 pandemic, hospital was not in operation from 26th March 2020, which has affected
the functions of the Foundation hence the growth in Income was not seen.

After meeting all the expenses including depreciation, Net Expenditure over Income was
Rs. 703 lakhs compared to the Net Income over Expenditure of Rs. 69 lakhs of 2018-19.


                 Description                                       2019-20        2018-19
                 Source                                          (Rs in Lakhs)   (Rs in Lakhs)

                 Cash flow from operations                             (703)               69
                 Add: Depreciation                                     1841             1737
                 Donations                                              3033            1912
                 ICICI KfW loan for St Thomas Mount                      750             750
                 Increase / Decrease In Current Liabilities              829           (266)

                 Total Sources                                       5750             4202

                 Investment - Capital expenditure                      1990              850
                 Investment - Project (St. Thomas Mount)                1367            1059

                 Mukundapur Lease payment /                              427             613
                 RA Puram Land & Building
                 ICICI Technology loan – Repayment                       608             500

                 Total Applications                                  4392            3022

                 Cash Surplus/(Deficit)                                1358            1180
                 Opening Cash Balance                                  8377            7197
                 Closing Cash Balance                                9735            8377

Donations received during the year amounted to Rs. 3033 lakhs. The corresponding figures for 2018-19 were
Rs.1912 lakhs. Major grant received from H T Parekh Foundation for Rs.1495 lakhs.

Fixed Assets
An amount of Rs 1849 lakhs for updating technology & replacements. An amount of Rs 141 lakhs is spent
towards EDP/Software and also an amount of Rs 1367 lakhs spent towards New Community Hospital - St.
Thomas Mount.


                                OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE

     DESCRIPTION                                                                 NUMBERS
     YEAR                                                               2019-20               2018-19

     OUTPATIENT CONSULTATION                                            841187                870450

     MAJOR OUTPATIENT PROCEDURE                                         125992                127765

     SURGICAL PROCEDURE                                                   60160                 63905

Treatment of Poor Patients
The number of free surgeries in the FY 2019-20 was 21017 against 22810 in FY 2018-19. Number of free
surgeries as a percentage of total surgeries done was 35% in the FY 2019-20 and 36% in the FY 2018-19. The
revenue foregone through free services and waiver / concessions amounts to Rs.4368 Lakhs. Last year the
corresponding amount was Rs.4324 lakhs.

The reason for the slight decrease in the free surgeries is due to the closure of the Community Theatre for
significant period of days in March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.


"The Details of Corneal Transplant services during the period April 2019 – March 2020 are as follows:

1.   Total Number of eyes Collected: 1372 numbers against 1012 numbers in 2018 - 19

2.   Total Number of Corneal Transplant surgeries performed: 656 numbers against 677 numbers in 2018-19

3.   Amount Received from Reliance Dhristi Project towards performance of free corneal transplant:
      Rs. 2,02,500 (Rs. Two Lakh two thousand five hundred only)” pending amount 4,57,500. (Rs. four lakh
      fifty seven thousand five hundred only)

4.   Amount received as Grant from NPCB (National program for control of blindness) during the Period Rs.
     11,53,000 (Rs. Eleven lakh fifty three thousand only)


I. NABH Accreditation Status for Entire SN
Sl. No SN Location           Last Audit Date            Accreditation       Certificate valid
                                                        Status            From              To
 1     SN Main Campus        24th & 25th Feb’2018       Valid           20/12/2018 - 19/12/2021
 2     JKCN                  18th,19th & 20th Sep’2017 Valid            18/02/2018 - 17/02/2021
 3     CU SHAH-ECO           7th & 8th June’2019        Valid           03/12/2019 - 02/12/2022
 4     NSN                   18th & 19th Aug’2018       Valid           20/12/2018 - 19/12/2021
 5     RAJARHAT-SNK          23rd &24th Feb’2019        Valid           27/07/2019 - 26/07/2022
       Kamalnayan Bajaj SN
 6     Aditya Birla SN       3rd & 4th Nov’2018         Valid           29/04/2019 - 28/04/2022

II. Quality Activities carried out until lockdown:
1.      Clinical & Managerial Quality Indicator Meeting with the top Management –
        conducted every month.
2.      Patients feedback analysed and presented to the stakeholders and the top
3.      Patients complaints sorted within the timelines.
4.      SOPs updated as per NABH norms for all the 6 centers.
5.      CUSHAH’s accreditation status transited from Small Healthcare Organization to Eye
        Care Organization
6.      Internal Audits conducted for all centers
7.      Mandatory training is carried out as per the NABH standards for the SN employees
        and the out sourced employees.
8.      The required data for NABH sent in appropriate periodicity for all centers.

IT & Systems
SN takes pride in leveraging its investment in Information Technology & Systems. The
technology investments have enabled SN to drive operational improvements in its business
operations, improve efficiency besides sustainable patient care.


IT Infrastructure
We are focused on providing highly resilient and trusted technology environment to sustain
a technology driven business support to our entire operations. We have now a completely
digitally enabled campus across most of our locations giving us capabilities to launch newer
solutions for our internal users.
Cyber security continues to be a bigger threat to provide a trusted IT environment for our
users. We have been proactively managing the cyber security threats. We continuously
monitor cyber security threats and keep a close watch on cyber security trends across the
industry. Our Cyber warriors are active participants in cyber forums and learn and exchange
best practices in cyber defense and have evolved cyber tactics to meet our specific needs.
Our data stored in our servers, networks and end points are continuously hardened against
any known vulnerabilities and we continue to take proactive measures to defend against any
targeted or unknown cyber-attacks.
An attempt is being made to develop the next generation of smart storage solutions for
medical imaging. Coupled with AI driven solutions could transform the needs of EMR for
enhanced decision making. A beta solution is under review.
The SD WAN solutions developed in house continue to be under beta in view of network
changes in various locations and are fine tuned for performance and diverse needs. We have
seen positive results and will be rolled out progressively in major locations in the coming

EMR & Hospital Management solutions
SN IT has been collaborating with users to address their business needs to bring in innovation
in their business processes and to provide improved operational efficiency in patient care.
The engagements pursuits had resulted in enhancements to the HMS / EMR software.
As part of our technology modernization program we have rolled out the SN-HMS-EMR into
the current technology stack provided by Microsoft resulting in the following major
1. Enhanced data security
2. Multi browser support – leading to mobile compatibility for core applications
3. Cloud enablement for scale and agility
4. Enhanced application performance
With the new release, it gives us the ability to integrate our services through seamless
integration leveraging API services and bringing in transformation in how we can consume
advanced digital capabilities provided by the Cloud and Specialized AI service providers.


Over the last one year we have rolled out new capabilities to our IT solutions. The areas of
changes include the following:
Ø   Development of 100 + productivity tools to address application support and enabling
    users to manage their own needs.
Ø   Continued enhancements to EMR
Ø   Continued focus on enhancing operational efficiency in the administration systems in
    many areas which include Patient Billing, Insurance management, Optical, Central
    stores, Patient services, Patient services for Patient feedback and related reports and
Ø   Worked closely with Finance teams to develop new capabilities for audit and
    compliance and Corporate billing.
Ø   Additional automation areas include improved work flows, automated data capture,
    patient tracking systems for time management, e-way bill systems for stock transfers
    and many more.
Ø   Enabled HR with smart internal tools significantly reducing end of the month processing
    for attendance and payroll processing.
Ø   Many of the key processes has been integrated with automated SMS, email alerts and
    exception driven reporting.
Ø   Service calls had been continually being reviewed proactive updates have been made to
    provide users with self-help capabilities and tools for improved decision making while
    servicing patient requests.
Ø   SN IT teams had been closely working with Google global development teams and
    engaged in developing new capabilities leveraging AI for Diabetic retinopathy,
    glaucoma and Retina.

4. Fund Raising activities
   SN OM Trust Awarded Highest Award by Charity Navigator
                               In September 2019, the SN OM Trust Inc USA, a leading Indian
                               charity since 1988 and fund raising arm of Sankara Nethralaya
                               was accredited as a 4 star charity by “Charity Navigator”, the
                               highest rating for non-profits in the country. 'Charity
Navigator’ is USA's leading assessment organization, which helps donors make well informed
decisions and enables charities to exhibit their operational efficiency, compliance of norms
and commitment to best utilization of donor dollars.


Sankara Nethralaya Seattle Chapter raises 25K with Microsoft Give
                                                 In 2019, Sankara Nethralaya entered the
                                                 Microsoft Give campaign, wherein
                                                 Microsoft matches 100% of donations and
                                                 volunteer hours by employees to promote
                                                 philanthropy across the organization. The
                                                 Microsoft Give program generated around
                                                 25K, which in turn funds around 380
                                                 surgeries for patients with curable
                                                 blindness. Sankara Nethralaya Seattle-
                                                 Wa s h i n g t o n t r u s t e e s V i s h w a n a t h
Manchikalapati & JayaKiran Pagadala ex-Microsoft employee) helped organise a poker event
in support of the Give Campaign. Bala Reddy Indurti (President) also attended to support the

SN OM Trust Atlanta Chapter raises $ 200k to
support 3000 poor blind patients
The SN OM Trust organized an evening of
entertainment by “Drishti” at the
‘Infinite Energy Center’ Atlanta, USA on
8th September 2020. The event raised
$200,000 to support 3000 poor visually
challenged patients. Atlanta Trustee Srini
Reddy Vangimalla, Vice President
Moorthy Rekapalli & President Bala Reddy
Indurti addressed the audience about
Sankara Nethralaya fundraiser events in different cities in USA and service activities in
The fund raising team led by SN OM Trust President Bala Reddy, Indurti Moorthy Rekapalli,
Srini Reddy Vangimalla, Rajasekhar Reddy Aila, Meher Lanka, JayaKiran Pagadala, Padmaja
Kelam, Upendra Reddy Rachupally, Ramesh Chaparala, Rajeev Menon, Suresh Vemulamada
& Neelima Gaddamanugu was responsible for raising such a huge amount to help the needy
in India. Bala Indurti dedicated this victory to Atlanta Chapter founder Dr. Seshu Sarma.


                                     Widower Donates in Wife’s Memory
                                     Not only did a grieving widower, Mr. MSS Raghavan
                                     contributed a cheque towards setting up an
                                     optometry room at the Sri A. Sivasailam Block in his
                                     late wife, Mrs Komala Raghavan’s memory. He has
                                     also bequeathed his house, where he spent his
                                     happiest years, to Sankara Nethralaya, a deeply
                                     touching and most unexpected benevolence.

               Major CSR supporters in Financial Year 2019-20

1.    M/s. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
2.    M/s. Blue Cross Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Mumbai
3.    M/s. Computer Age Management Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai
4.    M/s. HDB Financial Services Limited, Mumbai
5.    M/s. H T Parekh Foundation, Mumbai
6.    M/s. The Clearing Corporation of India Limited, Mumbai
7.    M/s. Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited, Mumbai
8.    M/s. Standard Chartered Global Business Services Private Limited, Chennai
9.    M/s. Star Health and Allied Insurance Co.Ltd., Chennai
10.   M/s. Safina Towers Pvt Ltd., Bangalore
11.   M/s. Universal Comfort Products Limited, Uttarakhand
12.   M/s. L & T Technology Services Pvt Ltd, Chennai
13.   M/s. Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Chennai
14.   M/s. VLS Capital India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
15.   M/s. Genpact India Pvt Ltd, Haryana

                      Major CSR supporters in Financial Year 2019-20
Sl. No     Name of the company             Supported                   Supported for

1.       M/s Computer Age                    2002        Free Cataract and complicated major
         Management Service Limited                      surgeries.
                                                         Eso Occupational Optometry Eye

2.       M/s Bharat Petroleum                2020        Community hospital – Equipment and naming
         Corporation Ltd                                 an Operation Theatre

3.       M/s HDB Financial Services          2018        Rural camps, Cataract surgeries, Bus,
         Limited                                         Equipment, New community hospital building
4.       M/s The Clearing Corporation        2017        MESU, Equipment, Major surgeries, SNEHAM
         Of India Ltd                                    project

5.       M/s Standard Chartered              2004        Teleophthalmology Camps, Cataract surgeries,
         Globalbusiness Services Pvt Ltd                 MESU, Equipment, Bus, Spectacles

6.       M/s Larsen And Toubro Ltd           1980        Naming a Department, Teleophthalmology,

7.       M/s H T Parekh Foundation           2015        Complicated free major surgeries, Equipment,
                                                         Community Operation theatre in Kolkata,
                                                         MESU, Ocular Oncology Centre Kolkata,
                                                         COVID 19 Safety items


The Employee’s strength as on 31st March 2020 is 1583 (31st March 2019 was 1560)

  Particulars                               As on 31.03.2020            As on 31.03.2019
  Consultants *                                     154                        153
  Executives & Optometrists                         535                        552
  Staff                                             894                        855
  TOTAL                                             1583                      1560
  *Includes Ophthalmologists, Physicians and Anesthetists
The Human Resources Department carried out its function of recruitment, orientation for
new recruits, assessment of employee health and safety and implementing welfare
measures as per Institutional policy. The performance appraisal of the employees was
carried out through the metrics of Rubrics.
Training programs were conducted throughout the year. The training modules were
classified into Technical programs, sessions on soft skills and the mandatory sessions that
are required as part of NABH compliance.

"The Most Admired Gandhian of Tamil Nadu Award" by Senior Citizens Group of Besant Nagar
on 1st November 2019 at Chennai.

The Sri Srinivasa Sankara Nethralaya (SSSN) which was established in the year 2009 by Sri
Srinivasa Sankara Nethralaya Trust by Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD). This center
has screened more than 10,665 new patients and has performed 3,503 cataract surgeries
during the financial year 2019 - 20 (FY 2018 -19: 11,983 new patients and 4,210 surgeries).
Mission for Vision Trust is playing a major role in mobilizing patients for free cataract
surgeries at SSSN.


1. Aditya Birla Sankara Nethralaya & Kamalnayan Bajaj
   Sankara Nethralaya, Kolkata, West Bengal:
(i) Aditya Birla Sankara Nethralaya, Kolkata, West Bengal:
  This center has screened more than 61,820 new patients and performed 5,570 surgeries
  during the financial year 2019 - 20. (FY 2018 -19: more than 75,773 new patients and 9,578
  surgeries). It provides comprehensive eye care under one roof along with diagnostic and
  therapeutic treatment facilities and acts as a regional referral center for patients from
  North Eastern region of India. We have a dedicated team of 18 medical professionals and
  179 non-medical support team along with 77 outsourced personnel to manage this center.
  We are happy to share with you that this center was recently accredited with NABH
  certification under Eye Care Organization standards.
(ii) Kamalnayan Bajaj Sankara Nethralaya, Kolkata, West Bengal
  This center has screened more than 43,963 new patients and performed 7,856 surgeries
  during the financial year 2019 - 20. (FY 2018 -19: more than 39,099 new patients and 5,630
  surgeries). This center has facilities to provide comprehensive eye examination along
  with top class facilities for all diagnostic and therapeutic treatment modalities. This
  center is managed by a dedicated team of 12 medical professionals along with 131 non-
  medical support team and 78 outsourced personnel. We are happy to share with you that
  this center too was recently accredited with NABH certification under Eye Care
  Organization standards.
2. Sankara Nethralaya, Sricity, Tada, Andhra Pradesh:
  Our center at Sri City, catering to the needs of industrial workers and also the needs of the
  villagers living around this upcoming industrial town, has rendered services to more than
  5,856 patients and has performed 84 cataract surgeries during the financial year 2019 – 20

3. Suraj Sankara Nethralaya, Chetpet, Tiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu:
  Suraj SN assumes great importance as it would be dispensing world class eye care in a semi
  urban region and serving a large number of indigent patients from the neighboring
  villages, who do not have access to quality eye care. This center has screened more than
  5,870 new patients and has performed 458 cataract surgeries during the financial year
  2019 - 20 (FY 2018 -19: 3,358 new patients and 73 Cataract surgeries). In the land mark
  year 2020, Sankara Nethralaya initiated a unique program SNEHAM 2020, to mark the
  150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and the World Sight day. Combining the
  visionary dream of Mahatma for villages, this project envisions equitable comprehensive
  eye care to the rural villages. This scheme aims at providing 20/20 vision to every citizen
  in 150 villages of the district of Tiruvannamalai.


Financial Year 2019 – 2020 saw the Foundation stepping into its’ 42nd year of Service to our
country. Under the inspiring and visionary leadership of Dr. Badrinath, the year saw the
Foundation embarking on new projects and expansion of its services besides setting a new
record in financial performance and a new record in number of free services performed.
True to its founding principle, the Foundation showed growth in all its areas of activity -
World class eye care, Community Services, Research and Education – broadly recognized as
the four pillars of the Foundation.
The year brought in a new President of the Foundation – Dr. Girish S. Rao – who assumed the
mantle of President with the blessings and approval of his mentor Dr. S. S. Badrinath and the
Board members. An Ophthalmology student of Sankara Nethralaya, Dr. Rao brings in both
clinical experience and Administrative experience to the job. With the resignation of Hony
Treasurer, I took over the additional charge of Hony. Treasurer till a new person is elected.
The Hospital Collection this year was almost equivalent compared to 2018-2019. The impact
of the pandemic was seen from the 3rd week of February, with patient flow reduced to 50%
from the 1st of March. Both out-patient and in-patient services were affected and should a
sharp decline for the month of March 2020. With the lockdown being announced, the
hospital was closed and not in operation from 26th March 2020, which has affected the
functions of the Foundation hence the growth in Income was not seen. After meeting all the
expenses including depreciation, Net Expenditure over Income was Rs. 703 lakhs compared
to the Net Income over Expenditure of Rs. 69 lakhs of 2018-19.
The hospital has been functioning throughout the lockdown offering emergency as well as
regular outpatient and inpatient care to both paying and free patients.
2019-2020 proved a record year for donations. Donations received during the year
amounted to Rs.3033 lakhs. The corresponding figures for 2018-19 were Rs.1912 lakhs.
Major grant received from H T Parekh Foundation for Rs.1495 lakhs helped in the
upgradation of the cataract operation theaters in all SN centres – both Chennai and Kolkata.
Further, HTP Foundation supported the construction of the new Academic block in VG
Appukutty campus to house The Sankara Nethralaya Academy. Large grants / donations
were also received from the Clearing Corporation of India, HDB Financial Service, Bharat
Petroleum and L&T Technology Services. SN OM trust also had a good donation drive.
With clinical work, academics and research marching ahead with full speed, 2019-2020 was
a busy and productive year for the organization.
Due to the prevailing pandemic situation, Sankara Nethralaya, who has always been an
innovator and pioneer in eye care, reached out to its patient base through Tele-counselling
and Tele-consultation. A tie-up with Titan Eye plus has been initiated to reach out to
patients across the country who are currently unable to travel to Chennai or Kolkata for
expert advice and care.


During the year, 60 Ophthalmologists got trained through the various Ophthalmology post
graduate and fellowship programs. In total 2282 Ophthalmologists have been trained by
Sankara Nethralaya. This is a proud achievement of the institution and reaffirmation of the
Vision of Dr. Badrinath. Further, another 150 students graduated from different programs
including Optometry, Medical Laboratory Technology, Business Administration, Nursing and
Ophthalmic Dispensing. These are all indicators of the robustness of Sankara Nethralaya’s
academic activities.
Research work at Sankara Nethralaya has helped produce 2 Ph. D graduates this year. A
further 15 students are pursuing their Ph.D. Numerous projects in Optometry (Binocular
vision, Contact Lens and Myopia) and Ophthalmology (Dry eye, Keratoconus, Diabetic
Retinopathy and Glaucoma) are being carried out. A number of papers have been published
on the research outcome in peer reviewed Indian and International journals.
REACH – a school screening project supported by Orbis was completed this year. The 3-year
project helped to screen 3 lakh school children studying in Corporation and government
aided schools across Kanchipuram, Chennai and Tiruvallur districts. The unique feature of
the screening was inclusion of Binocular Vision Screening – the first of its kind in the world.
5% of the children required spectacles which were distributed through the project.

The Founder, Dr S S Badrinath and Dr Vasanthi Badrinath are the real force behind this great
institution, continuously guiding and monitoring the progress of the institution in every
sphere. Their concerted actions in the continuous development of Consultants and their
professional management style with succession plans have started yielding results. Dr
Girish S. Rao, Medical Director – Administration & Vice-President, MRF has moved
comfortably into the role of heading the administration of the hospital under the guidance
of Dr. Badrinath. With the support of Chairman Emeritus and the Administration team, he is
working on managing the hospital functions. The Vice Chairman, Dr T S Surendran, Medical
Directors / Senior Consultants Dr. Prema Padmanabhan, Dr Pramod Bhende and Dr L Vijaya,
Dr J Biswas all share a common vision as that of the Founder, Dr S S Badrinath, which helps to
continue the successful functioning of the Organisation.
Quality administrative support is provided by Dr K S Vasan, the M.D., ably assisted by Ms.
Akila Ganesan, Director Administration and Ms Susila Girisan, DGM – Finance. The Board
Members continue to render their expert guidance to ensure the smooth functioning of the
Our entire para medical and administrative staffs are an important link between the
patients and the institution. They ensure the smooth functioning of the Organization.
Regular training classes are being held to some of these groups.


The pandemic has affected the financial position of MRF in 2 ways: Decreased patient flow
and increased expenses due to the purchase and usage of COVID safety items.
Understanding the headwinds that the organization would face, the Management worked
diligently right from May 2020, to reduce the cost and increase the donation drive. Salary
cut was implemented from July 2020. Financial discipline over the last 6-7 years had helped
to create a strong rainy day fund of Rs. 97 crores. All these factors have helped in tiding over
this very difficult situation.
I record with gratitude the support of the dedicated Board of Management who despite their
other priorities have always come forward to advise the Institution whenever needed even
at very short notices.
Our auditors, since the beginning of this institution, M/s S. Viswanathan & co. are carrying
out their assignment as a service to a non-for-profit organization for a token compensation. I
record with appreciation the personal involvement of the partners Mr. Chella K Srinivasan
and Mr. R. M. Narayanan. The internal auditors M/s Profaids are also very dedicated in their
service to us. I thank them for their personal involvement in our case.
SWAN, the women auxiliary wing of our organization is continuing their good service to
Sankara Nethralaya. Their contributions to the welfare of indigent patients treated at
Nethralaya are praise worthy. I salute these dedicated ladies guided by Ms. Surekha Ben,
Mrs. Appukutty, Mrs. Haridas and many more.
Our bankers, HDFC and SBI, are very considerate in taking up our requests and delivering
their service very promptly to us. I thank them for their support.
At this juncture, I need to extend my sincere gratitude to our Major Donors during this
financial year – Clearing Corporation of India, HDB Financial Services, HT Parekh
Foundation, Tata Trusts, Computer Age Management Services Private Limited, Bhabani
Pigments Private Limited, Binaguri Tea Company Private Limited and the TVS Group. They
have supported the Community Services of Sankara Nethralaya through large grants and
donations. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the numerous other donors who have
been the pillars of support for our work.
I thank the following partners for our community work for their help in taking care of our
indigent patients - Mission for Vision, Sri Shridi Sai Trust, Sri Sai Darshan Trust and Lions Club.

Hony. Secretary & Treasurer

During the year 2019-20 , MCI , New Delhi has converted the Post Graduate Diploma in
Ophthalmology(2 years) course to M S Ophthalmology (3 years) Course. The course will start
from the academic year 2020.
Number of people trained by Sankara Nethralaya in Ophthalmology so far are:
A total of 2282 Ophthalmologists are trained

     DO                                                                        :   107

     DNB                                                                       :   214

     Ophthalmology Fellows                                                     :    1125

     Advance Cataract Fellows                                                  :   783

     PhD (Ophthalmology)                                                       :    03
     (Ph D from BITS University & The Tamilnadu Dr M G R Medical University)

     B.S. Optometry                                                            :   676

     M Phil Optometry                                                          :   112

     MSMLT (BITS, PILANI)                                                      :    96

     *PhD     (Optometry)                                                      :    10
     PhD (Ophthalmology)

     * Ph.D. (Microbiology, Biochemistry Genetics, Pathology)                  :    56
     (Ph D from BITS, The Tamilnadu Dr M G R Medical University,
     Sastra University & Deakin University Australia)

     FRCS Edinburgh                                                            :    50

During the year of 2019-2020 total number of PG’s ,fellows and others trained.
Total No of Students completed their Program

     Ophthalmology Fellowship Programme                                        :    40

     Cataract Fellowship                                                       :    07

     DO                                                                        :     3

     DNB                                                                       :     7

     Observer, other ophthalmology training                                    :     3
National Board of Examination, New Delhi has increased the seats for DNB (Post MBBS) and
DNB (Post Diploma) from 5 seats to 10 seats. (Each Programme has the capacity of seat 10
Numbers) during the year 2019-20 onwards.


The Sankara Nethralaya Academy, an academic wing of Sankara Nethralaya, offers distinct
programs in Allied Health Sciences at various levels. We strive to uphold the philosophy of
inclusive service to the community by making the quality education affordable for the
weaker segments of the society. We also extend hostel and mess facilities, either subsidised
or totally free, for the needy girl-students.
l    Affiliated to TN Dr.MGR Medical University
    w     M Optom
    w     MHA (AHS)
    w     MSc (Medical Laboratory Technology)
    w     BSc (Medical Laboratory Technology)
    w     Diploma in Optometry
l    In collaboration with Periyar University
    w     BSc (Ophthalmic Dispensing &Vision Science)
l    In collaboration with Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science (Deemed to be
    w     MBA (Hospital & Healthcare Management)
    w     BBA (Hospital & Healthcare Management)
l    In collaboration with ITM University, Raipur
    w     M Optom
l    Fellowship in British Dispensing Opticians from the Association of British Dispensing
     Opticians, UK
l    Work Integrated Fellowship in Clinical Optometry
l    Fellowship in Clinical Optometry /Low Vision /Contact Lens /Binocular Vision /Vision
     Therapy /Neuro Optometry /Ocular Prosthesis /Optical Dispensing (Basic)
l    Continuing Optometry Education /Medical Education
l    Post Graduate Program in Hospital Management /Optical Retail Management
l    Certificate in Optical Retail Management /Hospital Infection Control /Hospital
     Management /Hospital Finance Management /Hospital Quality Management


Highlights of the Year
l    Shifted to our own premises at Dr.VG Appukutty Campus, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai,
     in November 2019, with enhanced facilities.

l    Our students’ demographics is dominated by girl-students, to the extent of 85%.
l    With the support from philanthropists, extended full /partial course-fee waivers for 30
     students besides full /partial hostel /mess-fee waivers for 40 students
l    Organized Corporate Training Program for 30 security staff of NLC India Ltd.
l    Commenced the first batch of MOptom, offered in collaboration with ITM University,
l    13 students completed FBDO (3 years program) during this year.
l    First batch of BSc (OD) completed the course, out of which 13 students have been
     placed in Sankara Nethralaya.
l    BSc (ODVS) (3rd and 4th year) students were part of over 50 REACH & SNEHAM camp
     conducted by SN/ESO. MOptom students played a major role in over 7/12 TTD camps
     conducted by ESO team.


Ø   In SN-Kolkata, introduced Fellowship
    programs in Optical Dispensing (Basic),
    Clinical Optometry and WIFCO.

l   Degree Certificates distribution ceremony
    held in January 2020 for 42 students of
    B.Sc (OD) and 15 students of B.Sc (MLT).

l   Our students participated, and some of
    them got prizes, in various seminars
    /conferences /workshops /training
    programs organized by different institutions /organizations.

l   In the state level phlebotomy competitive exam conducted by Indian Association of
    Basic and Paramedical Sciences, our
    students grabbed all the three awards.

l   As a part of our community service, our
    students visited orphanages /senior
    citizens homes for spending time with
    their routine.

l   Organized one day workshop on Getting
    Employment by Choice Rather Than by
    Chance for final year UG students of
    various institutions.

l   Organized Essay & Oratorical competition for XI & XII students on the eve of 137th
    Birthday Anniversary of Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathiyar.

l   100% Results in the end semester examination conducted by Hindustan Institute of
    Technology & Science (Deemed to be University).

l   100% Placement for outgoing students of MHA, MBA & BBA courses.

l   Members of ROTARACT Club of TSNA, under the auspices of Rotary Club of Madras East,
    participated in various community service programs, reaching out to those in distress.

l   Binocular Vision Anomalies in Keratoconic Patients authored by Sushmitha AD was
    published by the Optometry and Vision Science Journal of the American Journal,
    American Academy of Optometry.

l   COVID-19 Limiting the Risk for Eyecare Professionals was authored by Soumen Sadhu in
    Ocular Immunology and Inflammation published by Taylor and Francis Group.

     Educational Activity of
     Vidyasagar Institute of Biomedical Technology & Science (VIBS)
     (JULY 2019- JUNE 2020)
     VIBS was established on 25th October 2006 to promote research including fundamental
     research and foster biomedical technology and science in Basic Medical Sciences.
     I Ph.D. Programme:
     1.Number of Ph. D. Awardees: - (July 2019 – June 2020) = 2
     (SASTRA Deemed to be University, Thanjavur – 2)
     a)Number of candidates obtained Ph.D from SASTRA deemed to be University, Thanjavur = 1
S.No. Candidates Name          Title                           Supervisor                External             Date of
                                                                                         Examiner             Viva-Voce
1.      Mr. Ravikanth Danda    “Identification of Novel        Dr. S. Krishna            Prof .Usha Kim,      12th
        (ID No: PH 510)        therapeutic target              Kumar                     Chief, Orbit,        December
                               molecules in                    Professor & HOD           Oculoplasty and
        (Stem cell             Retinoblastoma”
                                                               (L & T Ocular Pathology   Ocular Oncology
        Laboratory)                                                                      Services, Director
                                                               department & Incharge
                                                               of Nano Biotechnology
                                                               & Stem cell biology

2.      Mr. K.Anand Babu       "Role of paraoxonase in         Dr.Angayarkanni           Dr.K. Dharma         17th
        (ID No: PH 615)        oxidized LDL –                  Narayanasamy              lingam               February
                               Mediated Pathogenesis           (Professor & Head of      Director-Research,
        (R.S.Mehta Jain        of age related
        Department of                                          R.S.Mehta Jain            Aravind Medical
                               molecular degeneration          Department of             Research
        Biochemistry & Cell    (AMD): in vivo studies          Biochemistry & Cell       Foundation,
        biology)               in AMD patients and in          biology)                  Madurai.
                               vitro studies in human
                               retinal pigment
                               epithelial cells”


     II) Ph.D Candidates (16 undergoing Ph.D. + 1 - in the process of
         submission of final thesis + 7 submitted Ph.D. Thesis) under 4
         different National Universities:
S.No Basic Medical                                                   Tamilnadu      Alagappa    Alagappa
                                       SASTRA Deemed
     Sciences                                                        Dr.MGR Medical University, University,
                                       to be University,
     Departments,                                                    University,    Karaikudi Karaikudi
                                       Thanjavur (12)
     KNBIRVO Block                                                   Chennai
     (N =24)                     Undergoing      Ph.D. Thesis        In the process     undergoing     undergoing
                                 Ph.D. Programme submitted &         of Submission of   Ph.D.          Ph.D.
                                 (10)            awaiting viva (7)   final thesis       Programme      Programme
                                                                     (1)                (3)            (3)

1.     L & T. Ocular                    2                1                -                 -                2
       Department (N=5)
2.     Nano Biotechnology               -                1                -                 -                1
       Department (N=2)
3.     SN ONGC Department               3                1                -                 2                -
       of Genetics &
       Molecular Biology (N=6)

4.     R.S. Mehta Jain                  4                2                1                 -                -
       Department of
       and Cell Biology (N=7)
5.     Centre for                       1                2                -                 1                -
       Bioinformatics (N=4)

     2. A) No. of Candidates Submitted Ph.d Thesis & Awaiting Public Viva-
        voce: Sastra Deemed To Be University, Thanjavur: (N =7)
S.No. Candidates Name               Title of Ph.D. Thesis       Supervisor’s Name               Date of Final
                                                                                                submission of Ph.D.
                                                                                                Final thesis
1.     Ms. Bhavna S Rao             “Fuchs’ endothelial         Dr.N. Soumittra                 21st June 2019
       (ID No: PH 684)              corneal dystrophy -         (Faculty, SN ONGC
                                    genetic analysis using      Department of Genetics
       (SN ONGC Department          whole genome                & Molecular Biology)
       of Genetics &                sequencing, association
       Molecular Biology)           study and candidate
                                    gene screening”

2.     Mr.R.N.Naresh kumar          “Molecular mechanism        Dr.K. Coral Miriam              21st June 2019
       (ID.No: PH 718)              of the anti angiogenic      (Faculty, R.S.Mehta Jain
                                    and anti tumorigenic        Department of
       (R.S.Mehta Jain              potential of Lysyl          Biochemistry & Cell
       Department of                Oxidase Propeptide          Biology)
       Biochemistry & Cell          (Lox-PP)”


S.No. Candidates Name      Title of Ph.D. Thesis      Supervisor’s Name         Date of Final
                                                                                submission of Ph.D.
                                                                                Final thesis
3.   Ms. P. Karthikka      “Functional                Dr.C.Subbulakshmi         21st June 2019
     (ID No: PH 528)       characterization of        (Faculty, Vision
                           adiponectin in the         Research Foundation)
     (R.S.Mehta Jain       molecular events
     Department of         preceding the onset of
     Biochemistry & Cell   diabetic retinopathy”

4.   Mr.S.Muthukumaran     “Computational design,     Dr.V.Umashankar           21st June 2019
     (ID No: PH 719)       synthesis and validation   (HOD of Centre of
     (Centre for           of potential inhibitors    Bioinformatics, Vision
                           targeting human            Research Foundation)
     Bioinformatics)       Ornithine
                           decarboxylase (ODC) to
                           modulate polyamines in
                           retinoblastoma cells”

5.   Mr. Arun John         “In silico design of       Dr.V.Umashankar           2nd March 2020
     (ID No:               peptide and chemical       (HOD of Centre of
                           inhibitors targeting       Bioinformatics, Vision
     PHBIFE1504903)        carbonic anhydrase IX      Research Foundation)
     (Centre for           mediated pH
     Bioinformatics)       homeostasis in cancer
                           cell and in vitro
                           validation of inhibitory

6.   Ms. Vidya Gopakumar   “Generation of corneal     Dr.S.Krishnakumar         25th May 2020
     (ID No: PH 511)       epithelial cells from      (HOD of L & T Ocular
     (Stem Cell            noncorneal autologous      pathology Department,
                           source for the             Incharge of Stem cell &
     Laboratory)           treatment of bilateral     Nanobiotechnology
                           limbal stem cell           departments)

7.   Mr.Amit Chatterjee    “Understanding the         Dr.J.Narayanan            4th June 2020
     (ID No:               mechanism of cell          (Associate Professor
     PHBIOFE1404812)       penetrating peptide        Department of
                           using kerataconus          Nanobiotechnology)
     (Department of        epithelium as clinical
     Nanobiotechnology)    model”


     (ii) The Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai: (N=1)

S.No. Candidates Name              Title                              Supervisor                  Date of
                                                      23                                          Draft Thesis

1.     Ms. Rebecca Manohar        "Elucidating the disease            Dr.Angayarkanni             1st
       (Reg. No. 141510008)       mechanism associated                Narayanasamy                October
       (R.S.Mehta Jain            with Elastogenesis in               (Professor & Head of        2018
                                  Pseudoexfoliation                   R.S.Mehta Jain Department
       Department of
                                  syndrome: An in vitro and           of Biochemistry & Cell
       Biochemistry &             ex vivo study”                      biology)
       Cell biology)

     IV. Master of Science (MS By Research) Programme:
         Number of Candidates Completed MS Programme in Research:(N=2)
S.No   Candidate Name         Topic                Supervisor & Joint       Registration          Final viva
                                                   Supervisor               Month &               voce
1.     Mr.Ranjith kumar R     “3D cancer tissue    Supervisor:              January 2017          29th
       (ID No: 17145281102) growth on graphene Dr.Tamilselvan                                     October
                              sponges for cancer   Asst.Professor,                                2019
                              drug therapy”        Centre for
                                                   Biotechnology, Anna
                                                   University, Chennai
                                                   Joint Supervisor:
                                                   Dr.Sailaja V.
                                                   Associate Professor,
                                                   Dept., of Nano-

2.     Mr. Hemanth R          “Circulating         Supervisor:              January 2017          November
       (ID No:17145281106)    exosomal miRNA       Dr.Devasena T                                  2019
                              in serum as          Associate Associate
                              biomarkers for       Professor, Centre for
                              Retinoblastoma”      Nanoscience &
                                                   University, Chennai
                                                   Joint Supervisor
                                                   (Applied & awaiting
                                                   HOD L & T Ocular
                                                   pathology, Nano-

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