Spring 2021

PolyU honours

 President’s Awards for   Wearable device helps stroke patients       PolyU Artist-in-Residence:
Outstanding Achievement         recover arm movement              legendary performer Dr Liza Wang
Contents                 Spring 2021

                                                                     07                           23                                   43
                                                                                                                                                     President’s Message

                                                                                                                                                     My warmest congratulations to our distinguished
                                                                                                                                                     alumni, staff and students, who were recently
                                                                                                                                                     honoured with the Outstanding PolyU Alumni

                                                                                                                                                     Award, President’s Awards for Outstanding
                                                                                                                                                     Achievement, and Outstanding Student Awards
                                                                                                                                                     respectively. Their achievements are indeed a

                                                                             17 41
                                                                                                                                                     testimony to PolyU’s accomplishments in nurturing
                                                                                                                                                     dedicated talents who strive for excellence in their
                                                                                                                                                     respective fields and make positive contributions to
                                                                                                                                                     society with their passion and perseverance.

                                                                                                                                                     While sharing their joy and pride, I believe all
                                                                                                                                                     achievements are dependent on hard work
     Cover Story                                 17	Highly permeable, superelastic conductor          PolyU Community                               and good planning. During these past several
                                                     shapes future wearable electronics                                                              months, the Task Force on Planning Exercise
03      PolyU honours ten distinguished alumni   19	PolyU academic-led start-ups and             Staff | Council Members | University Fellow        Proposal (PEP), together with all faculties,
                                                     researchers win six awards at 		             33	President’s Awards for 			                     academic departments and other colleagues,
     Dialogue                                        2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days               Outstanding Achievement                    dedicated enormous effort to the development of
                                                    PolyU receives national funding to study      39      Welcome to new PolyU Council members       our PEP for the 2022/23-2024/25 triennium for
07      Dedicated to expanding PolyU’s reach
                                                    urban air pollution in China                  	University Fellow recognised with                submission to the University Grants Committee.
        and impact
        - A conversation with Chairman of the    22	
                                                    PolyU scientist wins award for research to      esteemed accolade                                The exercise offered an important opportunity
          University Court                          tackle water scarcity                         40      Senior staff appointments and promotions   for the University to revamp its educational and
                                                                                                                                                     research programmes to meet the changing needs
09	Advancing an interdisciplinary framework
    to foster education & research                                                                                                                   of society. The Task Force worked closely with
                                                   Knowledge Transfer and                         Alumni
    -A conversation with Deputy President 		      Entrepreneurship                                                                                  faculties and academic departments in drawing up
      and Provost                                                                                 41	Mr Horace Chow Chok-kee,                       the PEP according to PolyU’s strategic directions,
                                                 23	Harnessing technology to monitor 		                 Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft China    planning parameters and societal needs. The
                                                     tree stability                                      – Transforming with Technology
                                                                                                                                                     PEP aims to fulfil our aspiration of providing the
     Education                                   25	Transforming elderly care with
                                                                                                  Students                                           best holistic education and engaging in impactful
                                                     smart solutions
11	Research internships in Canada to broaden                                                                                                        research for the benefit of Hong Kong, the Nation
    students’ horizons                                                                            43	Bravo to our outstanding students!
                                                                                                                                                     and the world.
12	PolyU hosts symposium on learning and          Spotlights
    teaching in times of crisis                  27	PolyU has most top 50 ranked scientists in                                                      Spring has brought beautiful blossoms to our campus,
13	Real-time lab enables experiments anytime,       HK according to Stanford citation ranking                                                       adding liveliness and vibrancy. Let’s stay well and
    anywhere                                     29	PolyU recognised in world university                                                            healthy, and embrace the future with optimism.
                                                     subject rankings
     Research and Innovation                                                                                                                         Jin-Guang Teng
                                                        PolyU 25th and 26th Congregation
14	PolyU research projects awarded              30 	Educators explore new priorities at
    UGC funding                                       USR summit
15	Wearable device helps stroke patients        31	PolyU Artist-in-Residence:
    recover arm movement                             legendary performer Dr Liza Wang
Cover Story

                                                                                                                                    Ms Janet Chen Lijuan
PolyU honours                                                                                                                       Master of Business Administration, PolyU

                                                                                                                                             As the Chairman of PolyU Pearl River Delta Alumni Network,
                                                                                                                                                  I work towards strengthening the bonding between
                                                                                                                                                       my alma mater and Chinese enterprises.

ALUMNI                                                                                                           Chairman of Shenzhen Ebeca Beauty Technology
                                                                                                                 Investment Co., Ltd., Ms Chen is a remarkable player
                                                                                                                 in the health and beauty industry of Mainland China.
                                                                                                                 As early as 1983, she introduced the French brand
                                                                                                                                                                            schools, stem cell anti-aging treatment centres,
                                                                                                                                                                            organic farms and an investment company focusing
                                                                                                                                                                            on health and beauty-related opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                                            Ms Chen has earned countless accolades, such as

                                                                                                                 Ebeca to the China market and successfully acquired        Women with Outstanding Entrepreneurial Spirit
                 ith more than 80 years of proud tradition and ranking                                           the brand in 1992. Since then, she started building        in China, and she made it into the China Top 100
                 among the world’s top 100 institutions, The Hong                                                her empire with a vertically integrated supply chain,      Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs and Shenzhen
                 Kong Polytechnic University has nurtured more than                                              encompassing more than 60 spa salons, a biotech            Top 10 Outstanding Women Entrepreneurs.
                 400,000 graduates, many of whom have become                                                     company for own-product development, beauty
                 leaders in their professions.

In order to pay tribute to our distinguished graduates who have
achieved illustrious accomplishments in their respective professions                                             Mr Tino Kwan Wing-kuen
and have made significant contributions to the University and to                                                 Higher Diploma in Industrial Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic
the wider community, PolyU and the Federation of PolyU Alumni
Associations have jointly organised the biennial Outstanding PolyU
                                                                                                                                      Lighting is a visual language that reveals
Alumni Award (OPAA) since 1996. Over the years, more than 80 alumni
in various fields have been honoured.
                                                                                                                                              a city’s unique character.

This year marks the 13th OPAA presentation, and the University takes                                             Founder and Principal Consultant of Tino Kwan              the Lifetime Achievement Award from Hong Kong
pride in honouring 10 accomplished alumni. We are proud of their                                                 Lighting Consultants Limited, Mr Kwan is one of the        Interior Design Association. He was also included
dedicated work and commitment to giving back to society on different                                             most celebrated masters in the world of lighting           in Interior Design Magazine China’s Hall of Fame.
fronts. They are excellent testimony to PolyU’s success in nurturing                                             design, and has been a pioneer in green lighting and       His avant-garde work is found all over the world.
leaders for the world, inspiring the younger generation to follow their                                          the energy conservation movement since the early           Mr Kwan is passionate about passing on his
dreams and to shape the future.                                                                                  1980s. His unique vision in creating spaces with light     knowledge and philosophy to younger designers,
                                                                                                                 and shadow, and his keen eye for exquisite details         and is an active member of PolyU’s mentorship
                                                                                                                 have earned him countless honours, including               programme.

  Congratulations to our OPAA 2021 Awardees                               (in alphabetical order of last name)
                                                                                                                                    Ir Dr Kelvin Leung Kai-yuen
                  Mr Jack Chan Hoi                                                                                                  Doctor in Business Administration, PolyU
                  Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Accountancy, Hong Kong Polytechnic
                  Master of Corporate Finance, PolyU                                                                                                     I strongly believe in the company’s motto –
                           I have a keen interest in promoting green finance innovation,                                                                   connecting people and improving lives.
                           contributing to the development of green industries in China.
                                                                                                                 Ir Dr Leung, Asia Pacific Chief Executive Officer of DHL   as the Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Logistics
Mr Chan is Chairman of China, Regional Managing          the early advocates of green finance, helping to        Global Forwarding (Hong Kong) Limited, oversees            Management Staff Association. He was named CEO
Partner of Greater China, and a Member of The            spearhead its development in the Mainland. He           the company’s operations in more than 20 territories.      of the Year (Logistics) in the Customer Relationship
Global Executive of Ernst & Young. With more than        is an advisor for the “Research and Promotion on        He has been a leading force in the move to embrace         Excellence Awards, was listed in the International
three decades of accounting experience, he has           Sustainable Development Goals Impact Financing in       new technologies, especially the digitalisation            Who’s Who of Professionals, and was shortlisted for the
made significant contributions to advancing financial    China” project for the United Nations Development       process, and to implement flexible measures to             Cambridge Who’s Who Supply Chain Leader of Efficient
services consulting, assurance services and the          Programme China and China International Center          cope with the unprecedented challenges posed by            Consumer Response Golden Circle Awards. He has
adoption of FinTech in the industry. A strong believer   for Economic and Technical Exchanges under the          COVID-19. Reflecting his commitment to the industry        served on PolyU’s departmental advisory committees
in business transformation, Mr Chan was among            Ministry of Commerce.                                   and the welfare of its members, Dr Leung serves            and has been a frequent speaker at the University.

                                                         3                                                                                                             4
Cover Story

Mr Michael Ross                                                                                                         Sr Augustine Wong Ho-ming, JP
Higher Diploma in Institutional Management and Catering Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic                                  Diploma in Building Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic
                                                                                                                        Higher Diploma in Surveying (General Practice Surveying), Hong Kong Polytechnic
                                                                                                                        Advanced Higher Diploma in General Practice Surveying, Hong Kong Polytechnic
           A thankful heart is indispensable for scaling new heights.                                                   Master of Science in E-Commerce for Executives, PolyU

                                                                                                                                                     I work towards enhancing professional and
                                                                                                                                                         ethical practice within the industry.
Mr Ross is the Vice Chairman of the Thailand-based        went on to win several awards for its innovative retail
conglomerate Charoen Pokphand Group (CP Group)            models. Mr Ross is not only a seasoned business               Sr Wong, Executive Director and General Manager of         He is also active in turning residential units pending
and Co-chairman of CP Group’s Commercial Real             leader, but also a humanitarian who cares about the           the Property Development Department, Henderson             redevelopment into affordable temporary housing,
Estate. In 1997, he went to Shanghai and helped           community, supporting education, healthcare and               Land Development Company Limited, has made                 and assisted in the implementation of the largest
establish the first hypermarket “Lotus”, which is now     disaster relief initiatives in China. In recognition of his   a tremendous contribution to local real estate             transitional housing project in the New Territories.
a megastore chain with more than 100 branches             important contribution, the Shanghai Municipal People’s       and housing development. He participated in the            Sr Wong has served in various organisations and
across the country. Leading CP’s commercial and           Government bestowed Silver and Gold Magnolia Awards           formulation of regulations governing real estate           advisory committees under the Government. He was
real estate businesses, he initiated the upgrade          upon Mr Ross in 2017 and 2020 respectively. He has a          agents and the sale of residential properties. Under       a Member of the Departmental Advisory Committee
of Shanghai’s Super Brand Mall and established            long-lasting bond with PolyU and actively participates in     his leadership, Henderson became the most active           of PolyU’s Department of Building and Real Estate
a standardised management system. The Mall                its student development and alumni activities.                player in urban renewal. He is a pioneer in brown          and received the Outstanding Alumni Award from
                                                                                                                        field redevelopment and wet land restoration.              the Department.

                   The Hon. Alfred Sit Wing-hang, JP                                                                                       Dr Alex Wong Siu-wah
                   Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic                                                         Doctor of Business Administration, PolyU
                   Associateship in Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic
                                                                                                                                                 A successful business should meet the needs of the market as
                              Have faith and trust in people, build good credit over time.                                                      well as society, be people-oriented and care for the environment.

Ir Sit has been Secretary for Innovation and              actively promoting R&D through encouraging the
Technology of HKSAR since April 2020. He previously       adoption of home-grown technologies to tackle the             Dr Wong is the Founder, Chairman and CEO of King’s         about doing social good, and under his leadership,
worked in the Electrical and Mechanical Services          pandemic, and overseeing the provision of hardware            Flair International (Holdings) Ltd, a Hong Kong listed     King’s Flair has been an avid supporter of charitable
Department (EMSD), working his way up to become           and software to enable e-business and e-learning.             multi-national group specialising in kitchenware           agencies. Dr Wong has also been supportive of PolyU.
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services. 		        Ir Sit is passionate about serving his professional           and household products. Applying a “Virtual                He is an Honorary Life Chairman and a Member of
Ir Sit is an ardent advocate of innovative technologies   community and alma mater. He is currently Chairman            Manufacturing” model, under which he leveraged             the Governing Committee of the PolyU Foundation,
and has spearheaded the E&M InnoPortal at EMSD            of the Departmental Advisory Committees of PolyU’s            the strengths of business partners for quality             a former Member of the Departmental Advisory
to forge a closer connection between Government           Department of Building Services Engineering and               production without owning the factory or facility,         Committee of PolyU’s Department of Mechanical
units and the innovation and technology sector.           Department of Electrical Engineering.                         Dr Wong has successfully expanded his business into        Engineering, and Chairperson of the PolyU-University
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, he has been                                                                             key overseas markets and established partnerships          Fellows Association Management Committee.
                                                                                                                        with renowned brands worldwide. He cares equally

The Hon. Tony Tse Wai-chuen, BBS, JP                                                                                    Ms Mary Yu Wah
Higher Diploma in Surveying (General Practice Division), Hong Kong Polytechnic                                          Higher Diploma in Fashion and Clothing, PolyU
                                                                                                                        Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Fashion and Textiles (Fashion and Textile Design), PolyU
                                                                                                                        Master of Design (Design Practices), PolyU
       I am concerned about the development of young professionals.
                                                                                                                                             Qipao has great potential and is enjoying
Mr Tse is committed to the surveying and property         Authority Board, and a Member of the National
                                                                                                                                              rising popularity in foreign countries.
development fields. Currently a Legislative               Committee of the Chinese People’s Political                   Ms Yu, a world-famous fashion designer, created            Perspective, the Ten Outstanding Young Persons
Councillor representing the architectural, surveying,     Consultative Conference. He also serves on various            her own brand upon graduation from PolyU. She is           Selection of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Professional
planning and landscaping sectors, he acts as a            advisory committees under the Government. He was              highly regarded for her creative designs of qipao,         Elite Ladies Selection, and Hong Kong Culture and
bridge between practitioners and the administration,      named Lifetime Achiever by the Royal Institution              blending eastern and western elements, which               Creativity Industries Award. She has twice been the
successfully lobbying the Government on policies          of Chartered Surveyors. Mr Tse enthusiastically               shine on the world stage. Her prolific repertoire also     winner of China’s Most Successful Design Awards.
that impact the industry. Mr Tse is a Fellow Member       supports PolyU’s mentorship programme and its                 consists of uniforms, including the chic performance       Some of her works are included in the permanent
of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Chairman of      Department of Building and Real Estate, serving               apparel seen in the Hong Kong equestrian events            collection at the China National Silk Museum. Caring
the Property Management Services Authority, a Non-        as a student mentor. He recently received the                 of the 2008 Olympics. Ms Yu has won countless              about nurturing talent, Ms Yu has taught and served
official Non-executive Director of the Urban Renewal      Outstanding Alumni Award from the Department.                 accolades, such as Forty under Forty by the                as an adjudicator of contests at PolyU.

                                                          5                                                                                                                    6

                                                                                                           As Chairman of the University Court, can you
                                                                                                           explain how the Court helps with the University’s
                                                                                                           The Court advises the University on matters of broad
                                                         Students should set goals                         policy and direction, as well as enhancing its profile.
                                                                                                           Its members are elites from different sectors. They
                                                         for themselves, dare to                           can provide counsel, share their experiences, and
                                                         try and put their heart                           broaden the University’s network in order to enhance
                                                         into whatever endeavour                           its development. They are also keen to give advice
                                                                                                           and help connect PolyU scholars with companies,
                                                                                                                                                                           Dr Ngan (centre), and (from right) PolyU Council Chairman
                                                                                                                                                                           Dr Lam Tai-fai, Honorary Court Chairmen Dr the Hon. Victor Lo and
                                                         interests them.                                   so that their inventions or research output can be              Dr Roy Chung, and President Jin-Guang Teng
                                                                                                           commercialised for the benefit of society. To move
                                                                                                           with the times, we can also invite leaders from               technologies which are changing our world, such as

Dedicated to expanding PolyU’s
                                                                                                           emerging fields, such as biotech and fintech, to join         artificial intelligence, new materials, automation, and
                                                                                                           the University Court.                                         bio-medical technology.

                                                                                                           You became the Deputy Chairman of the PolyU                   How can young people develop an innovative
                                                                                                           Foundation in 2014 and were made Chairman in 2018.            mindset and an entrepreneurial spirit?
                                                                                                           How have you helped to promote public recognition             By setting goals for themselves. By daring to try,
                                                                                                           and support for the University in those roles?                not being afraid of failure, and having a forward-
                                                                                                           PolyU has gained global recognition for its quality           thinking mindset. I also believe that students should
A Conversation with                                                                                        education and research, and it has developed close            visit enterprises more. Whether it is a small or large

Chairman of the University Court Dr Katherine Ngan                                                         ties with business and industry. The University has
                                                                                                           nurtured professionals who are highly sought-after
                                                                                                                                                                         enterprise, there will be crucial lessons students can
                                                                                                                                                                         learn from it, such as the reasons for its success or
                                                                                                           talent in society, such as occupational therapists,           mere survival. Students should put their heart into
Dr Katherine Ngan Ng Yu-ying is          For more than 20 years, you have been an ardent                   physiotherapists, optometrists, nurses, and product           whatever endeavour interests them, as passion is a
                                         supporter of PolyU. What has impressed you most                   designers, all of whom have the capacity to contribute        key ingredient of success.
a distinguished entrepreneur and
                                         about the University over the years?                              to the betterment of the community. I have advocated
President of May Cheong Group.           The University’s steadfast commitment to producing                for the skillsets and competence of the University’s          In addition to professional expertise, what
She is also a strong supporter of        research and innovation that makes a positive                     graduates to different sectors, to help them understand       personal attributes should be nurtured among
PolyU, serving as the Chairman of        contribution to society has always impressed me the               how PolyU’s talent can meet their evolving needs.             university students?
the University Court since January       most. An inspiring example of this is the way in which                                                                          The ability to get along, communicate with others and
                                         PolyU leveraged its research and scientific expertise             The PolyU Foundation also plays a match-making                work in a team is incredibly important. Students should
2020 and Chairman of the PolyU
                                         to help the community combat the pandemic. This                   role, helping the University source funding for specific      also have an open mind and seek to expand their
Foundation since 2018. Over the          included developing the world’s most comprehensive                research projects. Potential donors can visit the             personal network. I like making friends with people
years, Dr Ngan had served in several     fully automated diagnostic system that can detect                 disciplines for which the University is famous, and see for   of different ages and backgrounds. To me, having
different positions, including Council   up to 40 infectious respiratory pathogens, including              themselves the many impactful projects that can benefit       exchanges with diverse people expands my horizons
Member of PolyU, Director of the         COVID-19, in one test within an hour. In addition it              different target groups. Over the years, the Foundation       and gives me the opportunity to engage in lifelong
                                         used 3D printing technology to design and produce                 has facilitated contributions from benefactors who            learning. It is also important to have an international
Hotel ICON Board, and Chairman of
                                         face fields for local medical professionals.                      are keen to support PolyU’s development in different          outlook, and to stay positive. Successful entrepreneurs
the Organising Committees of Fund-                                                                         aspects, such as enhancing its facilities, promoting          are not easily deterred by setbacks.
raising Dinners of the University.       Over the years, I have also been impressed by the new             academic and research initiatives, as well as establishing
Her outstanding achievements and         facilities at the University that offer students an interactive   specialist centres. We are so grateful to our supporters.     May Cheong Group has more than 10,000 staff
contributions have seen her win a        and dynamic learning environment. For instance, PolyU’s                                                                         worldwide, what is the secret of your success?
                                         Innovation Tower has become a landmark in Hong Kong               How do you think PolyU can assist with Hong                   What is your motto?
string of honours, such as the
                                         and provides a creative and interdisciplinary setting in          Kong’s re-industrialisation drive?                            My motto is ”Keep challenging yourself, and never give
Hong Kong Young Industrialist            which PolyU’s design students can thrive. Hotel ICON,             Hong Kong has entered the industrialisation 4.0               up.“ In running my business, I am also people-oriented.
Award, and an Honorary Doctorate of      the University’s unique teaching and research hotel,              era in which new game-changing industries and                 By people, I mean both staff and customers. Many of
Business Administration from PolyU.      is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and gives            technologies are becoming prominent. Due to the               my clients have worked with me for decades because
                                         students a valuable learning experience in a real-life            pandemic, people’s lifestyles and the business                we have established mutually beneficial relationships.
                                         hospitality environment. It is also one of the reasons why        environment have also been transformed with                   I am still passionate about learning and taking on new
                                         PolyU’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management is                 remote working and digitisation becoming the new              challenges. Opportunities abound in today’s world, but
                                         ranked among the top in the world.                                norm. PolyU should step up its research in emerging           you have to seize them quickly, otherwise they will be gone.

                                         7                                                                                                                           8

                                                                                                    mindset. We also encourage students to actively               to me. I am dedicated to further promoting an
                                                                                                    engage in entrepreneurship.                                   active research culture at the University, not only
            We aim to nurture                                                                                                                                     among academic colleagues but also among our
                                                                                                    We have a long history and good track record of               undergraduates. After all, the responsibility of a
            more dynamic                                                                            producing exceptional talent for different professions.       university is not just to pass on existing knowledge,
            graduates who are                                                                       In response to the rapid transformation of the                but also to generate new knowledge, which hinges
                                                                                                    economy and society, we are keen to further enable            on research.
            eager to try new things,                                                                our graduates to take the lead in the development of
            think positive and                                                                      the new economy over the coming decades.                      Could you share some words of encouragement for
            be creative.                                                                                                                                          young scholars/researchers and students?
                                                                                                    The University will change its curriculum structure by        Young talent can always be bold, think big and think
                                                                                                    introducing programmes that incorporate innovation            out of the box in research endeavours, starting
                                                                                                    and research-based elements in order to cultivate             with identifying a research focus. We can establish
                                                                                                    a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit and creative outlook         a strong foothold after sailing through all sorts
                                                                                                    among our students. We will also equip students with          of challenges using our intelligence, agility and

Advancing an                                                                                        scientific knowledge in their areas of interest. Besides
                                                                                                    this, we encourage students to pursue their own
                                                                                                                                                                  diligence. Challenges sharpen our mind, strengthen
                                                                                                                                                                  our skills, and pave the way for success ahead.

                                                                                                    endeavours in research with the provision of various
                                                                                                    support measures, ranging from funding incentives             How does your previous management experience
                                                                                                    to research infrastructure. Ultimately, we aspire for         help with your current position as Deputy
                                                                                                    our students to be able to translate their research           President and Provost?

framework to foster                                                                                 discoveries into products of value to the market and
                                                                                                    society. Some of them may take the career adventure
                                                                                                                                                                  My experience in different positions, from a teacher,
                                                                                                                                                                  researcher, department head to faculty dean,

                                                                                                    of forming spin-off companies or their own start-ups.         has furnished me with a good understanding of
                                                                                                                                                                  the concerns across different parties, including
                                                                                                    What is your vision for PolyU’s research development?         students, colleagues, academics and industry.
                                                                                                    A robust framework or structure to foster                     I understand the importance of aligning the
                                                                                                    interdisciplinary research is essential to the                interests of and facilitating the communication
A Conversation with Deputy President and                                                            University. The President has advocated                       between different parties, which is instrumental
Provost Professor Wing-tak Wong                                                                     the establishment of the PolyU Academy for
                                                                                                    Interdisciplinary Research. Also, we have recently set
                                                                                                                                                                  in formulating policies for the development of the
With extensive management experience      You joined PolyU in 2009. How has PolyU changed           up seven more research institutes covering different
and an in-depth understanding of          over the past decade?                                     aspects of life, from healthcare, clothing, food,             Do you have a motto that you live by?
                                          PolyU has evolved into a research university with         transportation to accommodation, while drawing                I find two mottoes most inspiring to me.
PolyU, Professor Wing-tak Wong
                                          a very vibrant academic atmosphere. We have               talent from different disciplines. Having the right
assumed the post of Deputy President      developed multidisciplinary research areas, and a         structure in place will facilitate our synergistic efforts    “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
and Provost in December 2020.             multicultural student population. We are among the        in advancing interdisciplinary research that tackles          Albert Einstein
He graduated with a BSc first class       first tertiary institutions in Hong Kong to develop       important areas of concern to society.                        We should not aim to be successful only for
honours from The University of Hong       connections with the Mainland. Also, we have                                                                            ourselves, but rather we should aim to ultimately
Kong, and obtained his PhD degree         established various regional bases over the years.        On the other hand, we need to enhance our academic            generate actual value to contribute to society. It
                                          We have furthermore cultivated strong partnerships        strength and tap into the resources in Mainland               resonates with the University Motto, “To learn and
from the University of Cambridge in       with the industry, which reinforce our ability to         China, as well as leverage the vast opportunities in          to apply, for the benefit of mankind.”
1991. Professor Wong joined PolyU         actively translate research outcomes into practical       the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
in 2009. Over the years, he has held      solutions which address societal and commercial           (GBA), as well as the countries and regions under the         “Never feel tired of learning or teaching others”
various leadership positions, including   needs. This is nicely guided by our University Motto.     Belt and Road Initiative. We hope to capitalise on our        ( 學而不厭,誨人不倦 ) Confucius
Head of Department, Dean of Faculty,                                                                research competence in order to participate in and            It reminds me to keep working hard and drives away
                                          What is your vision for the future development of         pave the way to lead more projects on a national and          any fatigue during teaching, research or work.
and Deputy Dean of the Shenzhen
                                          PolyU’s graduates and academic programmes?                international scale.
Research Institute. As the Chair          We aim to nurture more dynamic graduates who                                                                            How do you spend your free time?
Professor of Chemical Technology,         are eager to try new things, think positive and be        You are currently still leading a sizeable research           I enjoy watching movies a lot. Those related to
Professor Wong is an internationally      creative. It is important for us to equip students with   team. What drives your devotion to research?                  science fictions are always among my favourites.
recognised scientist with outstanding     knowledge in cutting-edge technologies, such as AI,       I am always passionate about research and                     This pastime helps me to unwind and refreshes my
                                          data science and analytics, as well as an innovative      discovery. Research brings tremendous fun                     mind from daily work.
research achievements.

                                          9                                                                                                                  10

                                                                                                                   PolyU hosts symposium on learning and teaching in times of crisis
                                                                                                                                                                               Guest speakers included Professor Mary Wright,
                                                                                                                                                                               Associate Provost of Teaching and Learning at Brown
                                                                                                                                                                               University, USA; Professor David Carless from The
                                                                                                                                                                               University of Hong Kong; Professor Alexander Taffe
                                                                                                                                                                               from the University of Applied Sciences Berlin,
                                                                                                                                                                               Germany; and Professor Irwin King from The Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                               University of Hong Kong.

                                                                                                                                                                               The outbreak of the pandemic has accelerated
                                                                                                                    Professor Mary Wright       Professor David Carless

                                                                                                                                                                               PolyU’s adoption of technology and new approaches
                                                                                                                                                                               to teaching and learning. To help teachers and
                                                                                                                                                                               students adapt to the new pedagogy, the University

             IN    CANADA
                                                                                                                                                                               has offered a range of support, including services
                                                                                                                                                                               such as live eLearning Clinics, a WhatsApp enquiry
                                                                                                                    Professor Alexander Taffe   Professor Irwin King           service, online webinars, and a new website with
                                                                                                                                                                               ample resources on online learning, teaching and
          to broaden students’ horizons                                                                            PolyU was proud to host the Excellent Teachers              alternative assessment. Through these services and
                                                                                                                   on Teaching Excellence Symposium 2021 to share              a number of other initiatives, PolyU has explored the
                                                                                                                   insights on pedagogy and exchange experiences               new modality for learning and teaching online. At the
PolyU has recently signed an agreement with Mitacs,      institutions offer an excellent opportunity with          of best practices. In the face of the COVID-19              Symposium, PolyU academics and students, among
a Canadian not-for-profit organisation offering a        funding support for students to acquire valuable          pandemic, the theme of the symposium was                    others, shared their experiences of adapting to this
Globalink Research Internship (GRI) Programme            hands-on research skills as well as to gain               “Turning Challenges into Opportunities for Learning         new mode of education.
with over 70 universities across Canada. According       international experience.”                                and Teaching in Times of Crisis”. More than 400
to the agreement, from 2022 to 2024, as many as                                                                    academics and students from Hong Kong, Macau,               PolyU’s Educational Development Centre has
60 PolyU full-time senior undergraduates of any          Dr John Hepburn, CEO and Scientific Director              Singapore, Germany, USA and other parts of the              organised Excellent Teachers on Teaching Excellence
discipline will have the opportunity to participate in   of Mitacs, said, “Mitacs is pleased to embark on          world participated in the event.                            Symposiums since 2009. It is a major platform to
research internships at Canadian top universities,       our first partnership with PolyU as we work to                                                                        celebrate good teaching, and share insights on higher
including McGill University, the University of Toronto   build meaningful international networks. These            In his opening speech, Professor Jin-Guang Teng,            education and teaching philosophies from academic
and the University of British Columbia.                  connections not only support Canadian innovation,         President of PolyU, highlighted how the COVID-19            faculty including the recipients of the President's
                                                         but also provide important opportunities for PolyU        pandemic had changed the higher education                   Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Teaching.
In each year of the scheme, up to 20 PolyU Year 3        students to develop skills and competencies that will     landscape. He said: “In the new normal, a hybrid
or Year 4 students will travel to Canada during the      help them succeed.”                                       mode of teaching and learning activities could be
summer to undertake a 12-week research project                                                                     employed for the internationalisation of classes.
under the supervision of a professor at a Canadian       In the coming round of application, eligible PolyU        Local students could attend a class in person,
university. Students can choose their research           students can apply for the internship from July 2021.     interacting with non-local students from afar via
topics from a variety of disciplines, from science,      After the interview and evaluation process, students      online channels, fostering a beneficial exchange
engineering and mathematics to humanities and            will be offered a project match, and Mitacs will          of perspectives between students from different
social sciences. They will also have opportunities       confirm the student placements by February 2022.          backgrounds. The experience of online teaching
to participate in industry events as well as             The first group of selected students are expected to      will have an enduring effect, and real-time online
training sessions on entrepreneurship, problem-          depart for Canada starting May 2022.                      teaching will become an important component of
solving, project management, communication,                                                                        university education after the pandemic.”
and teamwork. Each participating student will            Leveraging its extensive network with renowned
furthermore receive CAD$12,000 in funding support.       universities, institutions and industry partners          The Symposium consisted of four plenaries and
                                                         worldwide, PolyU infuses students with a global           four corresponding discussions in which a number
“PolyU is delighted to partner with Mitacs through       perspective through its academic programmes and           of esteemed experts from local and overseas
the GRI programme,” said Professor Ben Young,            vast co-curricular activities. Through participating in   universities shared their insights. Topics included
PolyU Vice President (Student and International          internship, exchange, Service-Learning and leadership     what the new normal would be in higher education,
Affairs). “Our students are very often encouraged        programmes offered by the University, students gain       how to conduct assessments during the pandemic,              (Clockwise from top left) Professor Mary Wright, PolyU Interim
                                                                                                                                                                                Vice President (Research and Innovation) Professor Daniel Shek,
to demonstrate an enthusiasm for research and            rich international exposure. These experiences are        how to ensure the desired learning outcomes are              Dean of Faculty of Humanities Professor Li Ping, alumnus
intellectual curiosity during their studies at PolyU.    instrumental for their development into global-minded     achieved through online courses, and different               Mr Wang Zhihan and student Kaleb Ben Naveed share their
The summer research internships at Canadian              leaders and socially responsible citizens.                approaches for carrying out practical sessions.              insights at the Symposium.

                                                         11                                                                                                               12
Education                                                                                                                            Research and Innovation

Real-time lab enables experiments anytime, anywhere                                                                                  PolyU research projects awarded UGC funding
For science students, conducting experiments in a                                                                                    The University has recently been awarded funding from the University Grants Committee (UGC) for five
laboratory is a key part of their studies but they often                                                                             research projects, covering topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic, smart buildings, energy storage,
face time, resource and equipment constraints. The                                                                                   as well as live-cell and animal tissue imaging. The total funding granted exceeds HK$26 million.
COVID-19 pandemic has created further challenges
for laboratory classes. Supported by the Quality                                                                                     One-off Collaborative Research Fund Exercise Group Research
Education Fund, a team from PolyU’s Department
                                                                                                                                                      Professor Hao Jianhua       Multi-level synergistic COVID-19 point-of-care diagnostics based on
of Applied Physics (AP) has provided a solution to                                                                                                                                upconversion luminescence biosensing platform (HK$8,408,102)
                                                                                                                                                      Department of Applied
these issues by creating a web-based lab. Named                                                                                                                                   A diagnostics platform will be designed and fabricated to enable multi-level analysis
“Borderless Lab 365”, it enables experiments to be                                                                                                                                of characteristic genes, antigens and antibodies of SARS-CoV-2. The analysis will
conducted anytime, anywhere.                                                                                                                                                      provide new insights into sensing techniques for SARS-CoV-2 biomarker detection.
                                                                                                                                                                                  As a tool to guide clinical treatment, infection control and vaccine development, this
                                                                                                                                                                                  platform can facilitate rapid, low-cost and highly accurate diagnosis.
The student-centered lab enables remote
experiments to be set up in PolyU and performed
according to commands given by users, who can                       “Borderless Lab 365” enables students to operate remotely real
                                                                                                                                                      Dr Horace Mui Kwok-wai Effective ventilation strategies for mitigating infection risks in hospitals
monitor the experiments through live cameras,                       lab equipment set up in PolyU to generate experiment results.
                                                                                                                                                      Department of Building (HK$4,429,517)
retrieve data and obtain results in real-time. Nine                                                                                                   Services Engineering        Computational modelling of expiratory droplet dispersion, transportation and
experiment modules are available in the subjects               repeated experiments to consolidate findings and                                                                   deposition will be employed to evaluate the infection risk in hospitals. The risk of
of physics, chemistry and biology, ranging from                strengthen students’ capabilities in data analysis.”                                                               exposure to respiratory viruses SARS-CoV-2 and H1N1 will be explored and an
                                                                                                                                                                                  exposure assessment indicator will be developed. The findings will help develop
electromagnetic induction, visible spectrum
                                                                                                                                                                                  strategic ventilation proposals for hospitals, balancing cross-infection risk and
and bacterial growth to photosynthesis and the                 “Borderless Lab 365” has been well received by                                                                     energy consumption.
greenhouse effect.                                             users, including schools, teachers and students.
                                                               It has provided a solution for schools, saving
The innovative platform contributes to PolyU’s efforts         them the costs of purchasing and maintaining                          Collaborative Research Fund 2020/21 - Collaborative Research Project Grant
to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering              bulky lab equipment, as well as offering a risk-
                                                                                                                                                      Professor Wang              Development of next-generation key technologies for smart buildings
and Mathematics) education and facilitate the                  free lab environment for students. Based on                                                                        (HK$5,840,000)
learning and teaching of STEM-related subjects at              the experimental data and analysis supplied by                                                                     On the basis of emerging information technology, data science and distributed real-
                                                                                                                                                      Department of Building
university and secondary school levels. The free               students, teachers can evaluate students’ abilities                                    Services Engineering        time optimisation, this project will adopt an interdisciplinary approach to advance
platform has already been used by more than 100                and provide appropriate guidance. Meanwhile,                                                                       building automation technologies for next-generation smart buildings by means of
secondary school teachers and 700 university and               students can apply different parameters to their                                                                   energy system real-time control optimisation and diagnosis as well as IoT-enabled
                                                                                                                                                                                  building automation. It will develop advanced technologies and engineering tools
secondary school students. Project leader                      experiments, repeating trials to gather results and
                                                                                                                                                                                  that define the next generation of smart buildings, tapping into the potential of a
Dr C. L. Mak, Associate Professor, Department of               practise correct experimental approaches.                                                                          major increase in energy efficiency and distributed intelligence.
Applied Physics, explained: “Unlike virtual labs
which just simulate experiments, our platform allows           The lab development project was awarded the “Asia                                      Professor Ni Meng           Durable and high-performance zinc-air flow batteries for energy storage
students to remotely operate the real lab equipment            Gold Award” in the Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine                                          Department of Building      (HK$4,200,000)
to conduct experiments with the help of a webcam.              Education Competition. It is recognised for                                            and Real Estate             This project will investigate the effects of flowing electrolyte on the chemical and
Open 24 hours a day, the platform enables self-                creating a novel, true-to-life remote laboratory to                                                                physical processes of the zinc electrode and air electrode. Advanced in-situ visualisation
                                                                                                                                                                                  techniques and ex-situ characterisations will be applied, and electrochemical tests will
regulated learning anytime, anywhere through                   enhance students’ understanding of experimental
                                                                                                                                                                                  be conducted. New electrode materials will also be explored. The project will contribute
                                                               methodologies and outcomes.                                                                                        to the development of high-performance and durable batteries for energy storage.

                                                               The remote lab is part of the centralised
                                                               experimental platform developed by the project                        Collaborative Research Fund 2020/21 - Collaborative Research Equipment Grant
                                                               team. The platform also includes three mobile
                                                                                                                                                      Professor Thomas            A super-resolution fluorescence microscopy platform for live-cell and animal-
                                                               apps: “AP Sensor”, “Lab in Your Pocket” and “AR in
                                                                                                                                                      Leung Yun-chung             tissue imaging (HK$3,577,125)
                                                               Physics”. “AP Sensor” turns users’ mobile phones
                                                                                                                                                      University Research         It is a proposal to acquire a stimulated emission depletion microscope for the
                                                               into a portable lab, enabling teachers to co-                                          Facility in Life Sciences   University Research Facility in Life Sciences. Its features include multiple depletion
                                                               create experiments with students in their everyday                                                                 lasers to improve fluorescent dye compatibility, time-gated signal detection to
                                                               environment. “Lab in Your Pocket” enables students                                                                 improve lateral resolution, and an additional depletion light path to improve axial
                                                                                                                                                                                  resolution. This super-resolution microscope will support research in cell and
                                                               to perform experiments at their own pace and
 (Front row, from right) Dr C. L. Mak, Dr C. W. Leung, (back                                                                                                                      cancer biology, as well as neuroscience and neurological diseases.
                                                               manner, while “AR in Physics” makes abstract
 row, from right) Dr K. L. Jim and Dr S. H. Choy developed
 the “Borderless lab 365” which enhances STEM learning         physics concepts easier to understand through using                   Through its interdisciplinary research, PolyU is dedicated to expanding knowledge, addressing societal
 for students.                                                 augmented reality (AR) technology.                                    needs and making a positive impact on the world.

                                                               13                                                                                                                                 14
Research and Innovation

                                            Wearable device helps                                                                                                                                               (left) The first-generation ‘remind-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to-move’ wristwatch emits vibration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                signals to remind patients to move their

                                            STROKE PATIENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                hemiparetic arms.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                (right) Paired with an app, the second-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                generation wristwatch enables patients

                                            RECOVER ARM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to follow videos selected by therapists
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to exercise their hemiparetic arms.

                                                                                                                     during exercises, providing feedback for patients and                ability to adapt to the environment and adjust based on
                                            PolyU researchers leverage                                               therapists. The new device has been incorporated                     experience, enabling patients to make a better recovery.
                                            neuroscience, kinematics                                                 into the two organisations’ telerehabilitation systems,
                                                                                                                     which provide remote rehabilitation.                                 On the scientific front, the project will enable
                                            and artificial intelligence to                                                                                                                researchers to establish the connection between
                                            develop a smart wristwatch                                               The team has already published 10 papers on the                      patient's self-initiated movements and external
                                            that stimulates patients to                                              research findings of RTM treatment in reputable journals.            assistance provided by the new device. It will
                                                                                           Pr                    g
                                            move paralysed arms                               ofe
                                                                                                 ssor Kenneth F
                                                                                                               on                                                                         also highlight the development of wearable
                                                                                                                     Advanced smart wearable device under                                 neuroelectronic augmentation devices for patients
                                                                                                                     development                                                          with impaired motor functions due to neurological

                                                                                                                     With the support of the RIF, Professor Fong is                       diseases.
           trokes are the second highest cause            vibration signals at fixed intervals, to remind the        exploring how to enhance RTM treatment further
           of death and the third highest cause of        patient to do exercises as instructed by therapists.       through a third-generation device that leverages                     “The RTM treatment aims to motivate patients to
           disability in the world. In Hong Kong,         The wristwatch’s built-in sensor detects and records       technological advances. Supported by local and                       help themselves in the rehabilitation process. Our
           strokes are among the most common              the arm’s movements for therapists to analyse.             Mainland industrial partners, he plans to harness                    ultimate goal is to provide a simple solution for
           causes of hospital admissions. Stroke          This pioneering treatment enables rehabilitation           kinematics, neuroscience and artificial intelligence                 people suffering from strokes to recover at home
survivors not only account for the highest number         to be integrated into patients’ daily lives to achieve     to develop a closed-loop wearable device. It will                    and return to normal life, without the presence of
of days spent in hospital, but 70% of them have           maximum outcomes.                                          stimulate the hemiparetic arm based on a machine                     a therapist,” Professor Fong said.
to live with paralysis or weakness, known as                                                                         learning algorithm developed by capturing the
hemiparesis, in their arms for the rest of their lives.   With patents filed in the US and Mainland China,           affected arm’s actual activities and comparing them                  Alongside benefitting thousands of stroke
                                                          the RTM wristwatch is now being used in 16 public          with those of the non-affected arm.                                  patients, the science behind the development of
To help speed up the recovery of stroke patients          hospitals in Hong Kong, and the Kessler                                                                                         this novel device will lead to further research and
with hemiparetic arms, Professor Kenneth Fong,            Rehabilitation Center in the US to treat patients          The new closed-loop treatment will facilitate motor                  breakthroughs in the field of stroke rehabilitation
Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, has spent          with unilateral inattention and trigger upper              control in a more natural way and improve the brain’s                in the coming decades.
more than a decade developing an innovative               limb motor priming. RTM was a completely new
treatment method. Professor Fong recently                 concept in physical rehabilitation when it was first
received HK$9.19 million from the Research Grants         developed, and it has had a big impact on patients.
Council’s Research Impact Fund (RIF) for his project      “The treatment has benefitted more than 1,000               Professor Fong will use motion capture equipment (right)
                                                                                                                      and transcranial magnetic stimulator (bottom) to analyse arm
“Wearable closed-loop neural control ‘remind-             patients with hemiplegia, who showed significant            movements in the new project.
to-move’ (RTM) treatment for hemiparetic upper            improvement in the strength, co-ordination and
extremity in people with hemiplegia after stroke”.        functioning of their arms,” Professor Fong said.

Smart wristwatch reminds stroke patients to               In 2020, the research team developed a second-
exercise paralysed arm                                    generation device with funding support from the
The RTM treatment was first developed by                  Germany-based Caspar Health Limited and the
Professor Fong and his research team in 2009. It          Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association.
was the first treatment of its kind to promote the use    The new device is paired up with an app that enables
of a hemiparetic arm as a result of non-use in adult      therapists to set time schedules for patients to
stroke patients or people with cerebral palsy. The        exercise. Patients can then follow videos in the app
treatment uses a sensory-cueing wristwatch, which         to complete the exercises selected by therapists.
is strapped to the patient’s affected arm and emits       The app also records the range of motions achieved

                                                          15                                                                                                                         16
Research and Innovation

Highly permeable,
superelastic conductor
shapes                                                                                                             By coating or printing liquid metal onto an elastic electrospun fibre mat, the resulting LMFM becomes stretchable (left) and highly
                                                                                                                   permeable (right) at the same time.

FUTURE                                                                                                            This novel conductor is called liquid-metal fibre
                                                                                                                  mat (LMFM). The process of producing LMFM takes
                                                                                                                                                                                       as an electrocardiography (ECG) sensor, a sweater
                                                                                                                                                                                       sensor and an electrothermal heater. The three-

                                                                                                                  two major steps. First, liquid-metal is coated or                    layered sample, with a total thickness of merely
                                                                                                                  printed onto a fibre mat during a special production                 1 mm, performed all three functions effectively. The
                                                                                                                  method called electro-spinning. The fibre mat has                    test indicated the stacked architecture of the LMFM

                                                                                                                  the elastic properties of natural rubber. Second, the                suits to make multi-purpose wearables that can be
                                                                                                                  coated mat is stretched repeatedly until the liquid                  worn for a long period.
                                                                                                                  metal forms a porous buckled film hanging among
                                                                                                                  the fibres.                                                          The Hong Kong Scholars Program and the Research
                                                                                                                                                                                       Grants Council of Hong Kong are the main funders
                                                                                                                  Eutectic gallium-indium alloy (EGaIn) is selected                    of this project. The research team will continue
                                                                                                                  to manufacture the LMFM as the conductive                            to improve the performance of the LMFM, which
Researchers at PolyU have developed a new type of stretchable conductor                                           component for printing on a stretchable mat made                     shows great potential in health monitoring devices,
                                                                                                                  of poly(styrene-block-butadiene-block-styrene),                      soft robotics, on-skin electronics and prosthetics.
that is highly permeable and superelastic with good conductivity. The new
                                                                                                                  or SBS.                                                              The team strives to develop various healthcare-
conductor serves as a platform enabling the making of monolithic stretchable                                                                                                           related electronic devices and systems, and
electronics that integrate many components in a small area, provide multiple                                      “EGaIn is a type of liquid metal commonly used in                    prioritises producing wearable electrocardiographic
functions and endure hours for wearing. Potential applications include health                                     soft electronics, such as flexible printed circuit                   monitoring equipment.
monitoring devices, soft robotics and on-skin electronics.                                                        boards,” Professor Zheng said. “It can be maintained
                                                                                                                  in a liquid state under room temperature and has low

                                                                                                                  viscosity, high conductivity and low toxicity. When
                 earable technology such as fitness      functionalities. Low-permeability devices may            exposed to air, it forms a thin solid layer of oxide
                 trackers and smartwatches are           also irritate the skin and cause inflammation and        (Ga2O3) rapidly on the surface and becomes soft and
                 everywhere nowadays. Smart              other health issues when wearing the devices for         stretchable. And SBS is a material usually used for
                 glasses and biometric apparel are       a long time.                                             rubber products, such as gloves or balloons.”
                 gaining momentum. Electronic skin
and electronic eye are no longer sci-fi inventions.      New type of conductor - superelastic and highly          Therefore, the LMFM is super-stretchable and
As the range of wearable technology products             permeable                                                highly permeable. A sample made in the laboratory
expands, industry insiders predict wearable gadgets      A PolyU research team, led by Professor                  shows its moisture permeability is 22 times higher
is the next big market after smartphones.                Zheng Zijian of the Institute of Textiles and Clothing   than a regular medical patch. It also retains stable
                                                         (ITC) with interdisciplinary academics from the          conductivity in tensile testing. When further
Stretchable electronics are innovating rapidly.          Department of Applied Physics (AP) and the               tested on rabbit skins, the LMFM showed excellent
Devices with electronic circuits embedded in             Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME),              biocompatibility without irritation.
substrates are found as skin electonic patches           has recently made a breakthrough in a highly
and biomedical implants in the healthcare                permeable and superelastic conductor. Their              Multi-layered design to serve multiple functions
industry. Currently, stretchable electronics are         research “Permeable superelastic liquid-metal            The research team also tested the effectiveness of
                                                                                                                                                                                         Professor Zheng Zijian (front) and research team members
manufactured with impermeable elastic thick              fibre mat enables biocompatible and monolithic           a multi-layered LMFM. The researchers stacked                          (from left) Dr Huang Qiyao, Research Assistant Professor of
films. This method rules out multi-layered designs and   stretchable electronics” was recently published in       three layers of printed EGaIn electrical circuits on                   ITC; Miss Zhuang Qiuna, PhD student; Dr Zhao Xin, Assistant
hinders the development of devices with advanced         Nature Materials.                                        monolithic elastic mats. Each layer acts respectively                  Professor of BME; and Dr Chai Yang, Associate Professor of AP

                                                         17                                                                                                                      18
Research and Innovation

                                                                                                                                                   Awards won by PolyU academics
PolyU academic-led start-ups and researchers                                                                        Smart City Platform: A Comprehensive System for Spatial Data Infrastructure

                                                                                                                    Principal Investigator: Professor John Shi Wenzhong | Otto Poon Charitable Foundation Professor in
                                                                                                                    Urban Informatics | Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

                                                                                                                                                          The Smart City platform incorporates a series of the latest patented
at 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days                                                                                                                 technologies in 3D city modelling, AI-based urban object cognition, as
                                                                                                                                                          well as spatial big data analytics and visualisation. The platform can
                                                                                                                                                          be used to acquire and process massive urban spatial information,
                                                                                                                                                          3D LiDAR data, and multi-scale image data, to create high-precision
                                                                                                                                                          smart city data infrastructure. By providing a range of urban sensing,

                                                                                                                                                          urban computing, and urban analytics functions, the platform can be
         olyU’s scholars are committed to translating research outcomes into viable solutions that have a                      Gold Medal                 used to support a wide range of smart city applications, such as smart
         real-world impact. The University also offers significant support to foster entrepreneurship among                                               governmental policy-making, smart environmental management,
         academics and students to advance social and economic developments.                                                                              smart transport optimisation, and smart citizen services.

         At the Special Edition 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days – Virtual Event held in March, PolyU         Smart Monitoring System for Urban Tree Management
scholars won three Gold Medals and three Silver Medals for their inventions in the fields of healthcare,            Principal Investigator: Dr Charles Wong Man-sing | Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
environmental monitoring, smart cities and automotive safety. Two of these winning innovations have already
been commercialised through PolyU-supported start-ups led by the University’s researchers. The recognition          The system employs smart sensing technology to measure tree tilt                       Gold Medal
PolyU achieved is not only a testament to the University’s research excellence, but also demonstrates the           and displacement. With AI algorithms and Spatial Big Data Analytics,
strength of PolyU scholars in transforming research breakthroughs into real-world solutions.                        it can evaluate the leaning trend of trees and potential risk factors
                                                                                                                    correlated to tree failure. The system enables large-scale monitoring
                                                                                                                    of tree stability, allowing timely and appropriate mitigation action to be
                     Awards won by PolyU academic-led start-ups                                                     taken. (More details on P. 23-24)

CareCoatexTM: A Biomaterial-based Core-Shell Particles for Safe and Effective Antibacterial and                     A Smart All-electric Antilock Braking System
Antiviral Applications                                                                                              Principal Investigator: Professor Eric Cheng Ka-wai | Department of Electrical Engineering
Principal Investigator: Professor Pauline Li Pei | Department of Applied Biology and Chemical
Technology | Co-founder of Grand Rise Technology Limited (a PolyU academic-led start-up)                                                                  The research team has developed a smart all-electric Anti-lock Braking
                                                                                                                                                          System (ABS). The system takes into account road conditions and
                                        The research team has developed a biocompatible, non-toxic and                                                    calculates the maximum tire-road adhesion coefficient needed in order to
                                        eco-friendly antibacterial and antiviral coating, which has been                                                  control the angular wheel acceleration and generate an accurate braking
                                        commercialised under the brand name CareCoatexTM. It provides both                                                torque through its electric control unit. Compared with conventional
                                        contact killing and time-release killing for up to six months. With                                               hydraulic ABS, this system provides more reliable, responsive and
                                        proven effectiveness for rapidly killing 99% of common bacteria and                                               accurate braking torque control, effectively shortening both braking time
                                        viruses, the coating is ideal for disinfection, contamination control and             Silver Medal                and distance.
                                        epidemic prevention. CareCoatex can be sprayed at room temperature
           Gold Medal                   and in normal conditions, making it easy to apply to various surfaces.      Biomimicking Photocrosslinkable Nanocomposite Bone Graft
                                                                                                                    Principal Investigator: Dr Zhao Xin | Department of Biomedical Engineering

Liverscan: Palm-sized Real-time B-mode Ultrasound Imaging Guided System for Liver Fibrosis Assessment               Under ultraviolet illumination at 36°C, this novel photocrosslinkable                  Silver Medal
Principal Investigator: Ir Professor Zheng Yongping | Henry G. Leong Professor in Biomedical Engineering            nanocomposite can be expeditiously fabricated into bone graft materials
Department of Biomedical Engineering | Founder of Eieling Technology Limited (a PolyU academic-led start-up)        that resemble the natural bone structure. The material promotes
                                                                                                                    bone regeneration and activates cell signaling pathways to facilitate
The Liverscan is a palm-sized portable tool for conveniently detecting and               Silver Medal               osteogenesis and angiogenesis, both part of the healing process,
staging liver fibrosis, especially in the early stages of the disease, through                                      simultaneously. It also provides optimal mechanical support to the
taking non-invasive measurements of liver stiffness. It features a PolyU-                                           injured area, accelerating recovery from bone injuries and fractures.
patented technique which uses a real-time image guided process of transient
elastography to enhance the accuracy of measurements. The system                                                    The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva is one of the most important annual events in the world
provides a safer, more effective and comprehensive diagnostic solution.                                             devoted exclusively to inventions. This year’s virtual event attracted around 600 exhibitors from more than 20
                                                                                                                    countries and regions.

                                                           19                                                                                                            20
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